莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

be meant to be是什么意思


be meant to 是“打算,有意要”的意思,meant to be 是“命中注定”的意思,请问 be meant to be 什么意思?



be meant to be good /  excellent / bad etc. 听说很好/极出色/很差等:

The play is meant to be really good. 这部戏听说很好。



be meant to 是“打算,有意要”的意思,meant to be 是“命中注定”的意思,请问 be meant to be 什么意思?

回答如下, 如果非常满意, 还请采纳, 谢谢!


If you can bear with me a little longer, you will see what I mean. 如果你能再容忍我一会儿,你就会明白我的意思了。

Don't juggle with words any more. I know what you mean. 不要再玩文字游戏了,我知道你是什么意思。

She never meant anything of the sort. 她决没有那种意思。

What does this word mean? 这个词是什么意思?

So what does this all mean? 那么这都意味着什么呢?

I mean, what is this? 我的意思是这是什么?

They do not know what the words mean. 他们不知道这些字的意思是什么。

Yeah I see what you mean. 是的,我明白你的意思。

I mean I like both of the companies. 我的意思是这两家公司我都喜欢。

I mean this one, not that one. 我指的是这个, 不是那个。

I mean business. 我是当真的。

He means this house for his daughter. 他预定把这栋房子给女儿。

(2) mean doing sth. 的意思是“意味着(必须要做某事或导致某种结果)”,其主语通是指事物的词。

Being a student means studying hard. 作为一个学生,(意味着)你要努力学习。

Success means working hard.  成功意味着工作努力。

(3) mean to do sth. 的意思是“打算或企图做某事”, 其主语通常是表示人的名词或代词。

What do you mean to do with it? 你打算把它怎样处理?

We mean to call on you tomorrow. 我们打算明天看望你。

(4) mean sth to+sb/sth对…来说很重要

 Money means nothing to her. 她视金钱如粪土。

Her son means a lot to her. 儿子对她来说十分重要。

Having my family around me means happiness to me. 家人同我在一起就意味着幸福。

The smell means dinner to the dog! 对狗来说, 这气味意味着进食!

These symbols mean nothing to me. 我完全不明白这些符号是什么意思。

Money means nothing to him. 金钱对他来说是无所谓的。

He means no harm to anyone. 他无意伤害任何人

(5) be meant to do是“应做;照道理,照规矩应该做;注定要

I was meant to be working on Sunday, but I just fooled around all day. 星期日我本应工作的,但却闲混了一整天。

(6) be meant to be 应该是,按照道理是,照规矩应该是

She was meant to be get there on time. 按照道理她应该准时达到那里的.

When humour be mean to be take seriously, It's no joke. 如果幽默意味着应该拿它当真之时, 那可不是开玩笑的事儿了.

I do not want to be mean to anybody, but his nosiness is really exasperating. 我并不想对任何人耍脾气, 但他这么好打听真叫人恼火.


【用法1】 动词意思是;表示…的意思;作…解释

modern Welsh, 'glas' means 'blue'.在现代威尔士语中,glas 意为“蓝色”。

What does 'evidence' mean? evidence是什么意思?

The red signal means you can shoot. 红色信号表示可以射击。

【用法2】 动词意指;表示;意思是说

Do you mean me? 你指的是我吗?

Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story.让我用一个古老的故事来说明我的意思吧。

What do you think he means by that? 你觉得他那么说是什么意思呢?

I think he means that he does not want this marriage to turn out like his friend's.  我认为他的意思是,他不愿意这场婚姻落得跟他朋友的婚姻一样的下场。


The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.  虽然她目睹了这可耻的一幕,但是这对他来说无关紧要。

It would mean a lot to them to win.  获胜对他们来说非常重要。


An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer. 前列腺肿大不一定就是癌症。

Just because he has a beard doesn't necessarily mean he's a hippy. 不能因为他蓄须就说他是嬉皮士。

【用法5】 动词导致;产生…的结果

It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO. 这几乎肯定会导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。

Trade and product discounts can also mean big savings. 商品促销与产品折扣同样意味着可能会省下一大笔钱。

The change will mean that the country no longer has full diplomatic relations with other states. 这个变化将意味着该国断绝与其他国家的正式外交关系。

【用法6】 动词涉及;包含

Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.  孩子们普遍愿意过平静安宁的生活,即便这意味着只能与单亲生活在一起。

Managing well means communicating well. 良好的管理需要有效的沟通。

【用法7】 动词对…当真;对…严肃认真

He says you're fired if you're not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it.  他说,如果你星期五还不回去上班的话就解雇你。我想他是当真的。

He could see I meant what I said. So he took his fur coat and left. 他看得出我并非只是说说而已,于是拿起他的皮衣走了。


I didn't mean to hurt you.  我无意伤害你。

If that sounds harsh, it is meant to. 如果这么说听起来刺耳的话,那目的就达到了。

Did you mean to leave your dog here? 你是不是故意把你的狗丢在这里呢?

I can see why you believed my letters were threatening but I never meant them to be. 我能理解你为什么认为我的信是在吓唬人,但是我绝无此意。

【用法9】 动词本意并非;并未打算

I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. 我相信他并无恶意。

I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark. 我本无意冒犯,那不过是句脱口而出的冒失话。

【用法10】 动词计划;打算;准备

Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read. 夏天是把想读却没读的新书恶补一下的最佳时机。

You know very well what I meant to say. 你非常清楚我想说什么。

I mean to look after my body. 我得多注意身体。


John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together. 约翰不断安慰我说,我们注定要在一起。


It was his idea. Gordon's, I mean. 这是他的主意,我是指戈登。

Is something upsetting you—I mean, apart from this business? 有什么烦心事吗?我的意思是,除了这件事以外还有吗?


I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him. 我肯定他不会在意的,因为是我问他的。

They were filled with racial stereotypes, I mean, it looked like something from the 1930s.  他们满脑子种族成见,似乎都是些20世纪30年代的老思想。


It was law or classics—I mean English or classics. 是法律或者古典文学——我的意思是英语或古典文学。


I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances. 我明白在这种悲惨的情况下失去孩子的滋味。

【用法16 短语听说过;了解

'Oh, Gairdner,' he said, as if that meant something to him. “哦,盖尔德纳,”他说道,好像他听说过这个名字。

Does the word 'Fareham' mean anything to anyone? 有人对 Fareham 这个词有印象吗?

【用法17 短语出于好意;怀有善意

I know you mean well, but I can manage by myself. 我明白您的好意,不过我自己能行。

【用法18 短语(疑问句中用于询问对方自己的理解是否正确)你是说

What accident? You mean Christina's? 哪次事故?你是说克里斯蒂娜的那次?

'What if I had said no?' 'About the apartment, you mean?' “我要是说了不呢?”“你是说公寓那件事吗?”


Don't be mean with fabric, otherwise curtains will end up looking skimpy. 别这么吝啬布料,不然做出来的窗帘会显得特寒酸。


the meanest grant possible from the local council. 从地方委员会可能获得的微乎其微的拨款


The little girls had locked themselves in upstairs because Mack had been mean to them.小姑娘们把自己锁在楼上,因为麦克对她们很刻薄。

I'd feel mean saying no. 拒绝的话我说不出口


the meanest fighter in the world. 世界上最残忍的斗士


He was raised on the mean streets of the central market district of Panama City. 他从小在巴拿马城中心闹市区的穷街陋巷里长大。


He cooks a mean salmon. 他烧鲑鱼的水平一流。

Marge played a mean game of tennis. 玛吉打得一手好网球。


She was no mean performer on a variety of other instruments.  许多别的乐器她也演奏得相当出色。

Moreover, Ramsay was no mean thinker himself. 而且拉姆齐自己也是一位出色的思想


To destroy 121 enemy aircraft is no mean record. 歼灭121架敌机是一个了不起的纪录。

Repton reached the final, and since around 1,500 schools entered the competition, that was no mean achievement. 雷普顿进入了决赛,鉴于有1,500所左右的学校参与了角逐,能够取得这样的成绩相当了不起。


Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean. 取120个值计算平均数。

the mean score for 26-year-olds. 26岁年龄组的平均分数

【用法28intend, mean这两个动词均有想要,打算之意。

intend: 较正式用词,但常用,指对未来的行动做出打算,并力争实现。

mean: 口语多用,指怀有作某事的想法或希望得到某物,特别用于效果不好而动机良好的场合。

【用法29low, mean, cheap, shabby这些形容词均有卑鄙的,卑贱的,卑下的之意。

low: 指行为卑鄙、可耻、下文明,可引申指庸俗。

mean: 暗示狠毒、贪婪、缺乏尊严感等为人们所不耻的卑鄙、自私、渺小的行为。

cheap: 侧旨人或物的品质低劣下贱。

shabby: 指行为的不公和卑劣而使人感到不屑和轻蔑

【用法30mean, imply, indicate, represent, denote, signify, suggest这些动词均含有表示……的意思之意。

mean: 最普通用词。指文字或符号等所表示的各种明确的或含蓄的意义。

imply: 侧重用文字或符号表示的联想,暗示。

indicate: 指明显的表示。

represent: 指体现或代表。

denote: 指某一词字面或狭义的意思,或指某些符号或迹象的特指含义。

signify: 指用文字、说话或表情等表示单纯的意思。

suggest: 通常指暗含地、隐晦地表达意思。

be meant to be是什么意思



be meant to be是什么意思

be meant to 是“打算,有意要”的意思,meant to be 是“命中注定”的意思,请问 be meant to be 什么意思?
be meant to be是什么意思


"The latest media onslaught against Madonna is that she's taken to bring drunk on stage, which anyone who knows anything

in the past few days连用什么时态(可以用现在进行时吗)

请问 in the past few days 用什么时态?可以用现在进行时吗?
in the past few days连用什么时态(可以用现在进行时吗)

特殊定语从句as we know it today分析

Some people predict the extinction of family life as we know it today. 一些人预言我们现在熟知的家庭生活方式将会消失。 从句翻译来看,这个句子中的 as we know
特殊定语从句as we know it today分析

the best way to do sth is…后面的表语用不定式还是动名词

He thinks that the best way to learn English is listening to the natives. He thinks that the best way to learn English i
the best way to do sth is…后面的表语用不定式还是动名词

for example在句子中的位置问题

政府已经在几个方面削减了开支,例如高速公路的建设。 The government has reduced spending in several areas, for example in the construction of highw
for example在句子中的位置问题

have been与次数连用的问题

表示去过某地时,have been to 是可以与次数连用的。如: She has been to Europe twice. 她去过欧洲两次。 I have been to Japan three times. 我去过日本3次。 但其他的
have been与次数连用的问题

except Sunday与except on Sunday的区别

We’re open every day except Sunday. 除了星期日, 我们每天都开门营业。 请问句中的 except Sunday 可以换成 except on Sunday 吗?若可以换,它们的区别是什么?若不可以换,原因
except Sunday与except on Sunday的区别


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