莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈʃaɪɪŋ]play美 [ˈʃaɪɪŋ]play

  • n. 惊跳
  • v. 被吓退,被惊走;投掷,扔;惊退,惊跳(shy 的现在分词)

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shy /ʃaɪ/ CET4 TEM4 [ shying shied shyer shies shyest ]

  • 1.
    形容词 A shy person is nervous and uncomfortable in the company of other people. 害羞的; 腼腆的

    She was a shy, quiet girl.



    She was a shy and retiring person off-stage.


  • 2.
    副词 害羞地; 腼腆地

    The children smiled shyly.


  • 3.
    形容词 If you are shy about or shy of doing something, you are unwilling to do it because you are afraid of what might happen. (因担心后果) 不情愿的

    They feel shy about showing their feelings.


  • 4.
    动词 to move suddenly, as from fear (因害怕而)突然移动

    the horse shied at the snake in the road

  • 5.
    名词 a sudden movement, as from fear (因害怕而)突然的移动
  • 6.
    动词 to throw (something) with a sideways motion 斜掷


1. shy away 回避;避开

2. shy away from 回避,退缩;躲避;羞于

3. shy girl 害羞的女孩

4. shy of 对…有顾虑;对…畏缩;缺乏

5. fight shy of 回避,躲避;避免与…正面接触(或交锋)


1. The boys were shying rocks at passing cars.


2. The youths were shying rocks at the police.

那些青年在向警察扔石头。《provided by jukuu》

3. And German women all too often accept the negative image of working mothers by shying away from top jobs.


4. Malaysian companies are probably shying away from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as they have little knowledge of the opportunities in these two countries.


5. Stop discounting your influence and shying away out of fear. Decide what you want, put your fear aside and start exerting your influence to make it happen.


6. As a result, companies are shying away from traditional retailers.


7. The White House is shying away from an overt lobbying effort to thwart the Iraq resolutions, as it might do more harm than good.


8. I recommend shying away from recurring meetings. Everything you do with an hour should be a conscious decision.


9. His mind, as though shying away from something, seemed unable to concentrate.


10. That said, I don't recommend shying away from either of these MOBS - defeat them and you'll get rare loot including sponges and Nether Stars.


11. They were shying beans to the chickens.


12. Evidently he thought that I was shying away from the "gonnegtion." mentioned at lunch, but I assured him he was wrong.

显然他以为我讨厌中饭时候提到的那种“关系”,但我告诉他他搞错了。《provided by jukuu》

13. Companies in the US raised more money through deals involving private placements than initial public offerings last year, demonstrating how issuers are increasingly shying away from the scrutiny and expense of the US public market.


14. Next time you find yourself considering (and perhaps shying away from) a multithreaded application design, you may want to turn instead to the JCSP library.


15. Companies cannot be blamed for shying away from nuclear projects if gas power looks faster, cheaper and more profitable.


16. Stop discounting your influence and shying away out of fear.


17. Private investors are shying away from a place where default and devaluation seem imminent, giving the economy little chance of growing.


18. Yet it seems that actors at tonight's ceremony – who include British stars Helen Mirren, Colin Firth and Carey Mulligan – have been shying away from accepting the lavish giveaways.


19. With the markets shying away, the country will not be able to borrow afresh next year, as had originally been hoped when the country was first bailed out in May 2010.


20. Composers have a way of shying away from any discussion of music's expressive side.


21. In lending markets, other Banks were shying away from UBS, this person said.


22. Bribery-reporting websites have been burgeoning over the weekend, allowing Internet users to share their experiences in giving bribes though shying away from revealing corrupt figures.


23. They found that while men and women were equally academically able, a significant number of women were shying away from jobs in sectors such as banking and management consultancy fearing they would not be successful at them.


24. Next time you find yourself considering ( and perhaps shying away from) a multithreaded application design, you may want to turn instead to the JCSP library.


25. They are shying away from the full skirts, fur collars and bright colours of years past in favour of conservative yet original clothes.


26. Declining to express your opinion, refusing to stand up for yourself, and shying away from asking for what you want equals poor communication.


27. Two small boys were shying stones at a tree.

两个小男孩正在向一棵树扔石头。《provided by jukuu》

28. If there is a flaw, it is that he is too cautious in some of his conclusions, shying away from saying outright what his narrative implies.


29. The reports fuelled concerns that US consumers, hit by the housing market slump, rising petrol prices and an escalating credit crisis were shying away from the shops.


30. In fact, investors are shying away from such assets.


31. Being able to tolerate that abuse instead of shying away from interactions that might end unfortunately could indeed be a trait favored by evolutionary forces.


32. With the advent of neo-evangelicalism, however, so-called "evangelical" Bible scholars are shying away from emphasizing the inspiration and doctrinal unity of Scripture.


33. He thinks some people, especially younger investors, have 'overlearned' the lesson of 2008 and therefore are shying away from the stock market too much.


34. It's Rodman's fourth trip to North Korea, and he has never been shying about his affection for the country's dictatorial leader.


35. I have no misgivings about writing a novel with Peiping as its background because I can choose to write about what I am most familiar with while shying away from what is less known to me.


36. You're really not shying away from those "S" words, are you?


37. Rather than shying away from the boundary question which has been left over from history, we have agreed to advance the boundary negotiations.


38. Multinationals, particularly in Asia, are shying away from aggressive tax planning as tougher reporting requirements and a clampdown by tax authorities that started in the US spread to other parts of the world.


39. Do you notice those boys shying rocks at passing cars? They could cause an accident.

你注意到那些男孩子向过路的小车乱丢石头 吗 ?他们会造成交通事故的.《互联网》

40. Tough is facing the scrutiny and harsh judgments and a standard impossible to reach, then never shying away from any challenge.


41. This horse has no vices of shying and tossing.


42. And labour-market reforms are not all that he is shying away from.


43. He thinks some people, especially younger investors, have'overlearned'the lesson of2008 and therefore are shying away from the stock market too much.


44. Results 27.2% participant have high level interaction anxiety, 18.5% have high shying score, 14.1% have high level communication apprehension.


45. In the next few posts I'll cover memory with an eye towards practical aspects, but without shying away from internals.


46. In addition, the companies are shying away from developing China-specific drugs because of the country's lack of adequate patent protection.


47. BAD GIRLS has hard-hitting, heart-wrenching stories that get down and dirty with life behind bars, never shying away from the gritty side of life.


48. Investors are shying away from some loans being offered to finance leveraged buy-outs.


49. Claire Perry, the MP for Devizes, said children's lives were too regimented with organised activities, and parents were shying away from disciplining their children.


50. Until the Fed stepped in, new CP issuance had been virtually frozen as the banks and money market funds are shying away from non guaranteed credit.


51. James Moloney manages to tackle this important issue in a very sensitive manner, without shying away from making some fairly strong statements.



1. When Wharf got a license to provide telecom services in Hong Kong last July, however, punters were already shying away.


2. Shying away from the difficult decisions will only temporarily avoid change that is inevitable and unavoidable.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Opponents stall NHS reform plans

3. McCain has taken an aggressive posture on the campaign trail, not shying away from drawing contrasts with his opponents.

CNN: GOP race still wide open in South Carolina

4. Enter Jackson, who has a reputation for not shying away from tough problems, just ask Marcellus Wallace.

FORBES: Samuel L. Jackson Tells Obama Supporters to "Wake the F**k Up"

5. The President isn't shying away from making those decisions or taking on those challenges as we face them.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

6. But the claim that consumers are shying away from Internet commerce and services does not comport with actual consumer behavior.

FORBES: More Bad Ideas from the E.U.

7. But the the Dutch company, housed in a former NATO nuclear bunker, isn't shying away, either.

CNN: Massive cyberattack hits Internet users

8. Financial support from the U.S. government seems more critical than before now that many venture capital firms are shying away from investing in green tech.

FORBES: ARPA-E Bets $130 Million On Cutting-Edge Green Tech

9. Local leaders, some self-appointed, others imposed by the Americans or British forces, tread a wary line between claiming American support and shying away from association with the invaders.

ECONOMIST: Iraq's post-war disorder

10. Pentagon officials are shying away from a direct endorsement of a proposal the United States is circulating at the U.N.

CNN: U.S. military considers options to deal with Somali pirates

11. The company is also gradually shying away from cyclical advertising-related revenues and print-based products.

FORBES: Do Your Research And You'll Like This Dutch Publisher

12. Not shying from the unpleasant, he fulsomely treats what happened to the American Indian and the African slave.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

13. Food producers too may also be shying away from such labels because the cost of becoming certified by many groups at once is overwhelming.

FORBES: Are Consumers Growing Weary of 'Eco-Labels?'

14. Rather than shying away, MTV Social Media staff was there integrating and instigating that groundswell about as early as anyone.

FORBES: VMAs: How MTV Will Unleash Big Data To Entertain Us

15. Two popular apartment REITs that Slatin would recommend shying away from at the moment are AvalonBay and Essex Property Trust because they are currently overpriced.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. The market rumbles in risk on, risk off variance, shying at every macro variable that could spell trouble.

FORBES: The Basics Of Bull Market Stock Picking

17. Gold could fall if QE3 should eventually prop up the U.S. economy and investors start shying away from the metal, he said.

FORBES: Gold's Recent Pullback Viewed As Correction; Buying Anticipated On Further Weakness

18. Entrepreneurs like Gates didn't make their fortune by shying from risk.

FORBES: The World's Richest Donors

19. Other investors, though, are shying away from big exposures to small markets.

WSJ: Tiny Countries' Markets Are Looking Good

20. Second, advances in technology do not justify shying away from difficult decisions.

FORBES: When Technology Disrupts Enforcement of Judicial Decisions

21. Rock The Post, the company I co-founded, focuses on entrepreneurs and small businesses while shying away from community projects and fund my life campaigns.

FORBES: Navigating The Sea Of Crowdfunding: How To Pick The Right Platform For Your Brand

22. Froehlich isn't shying away from pharmaceutical companies as he's a contrarian investor and he anticipates increased demand for prescription drugs from a larger, older population.

FORBES: Intelligent Investing Panel

23. Such popularity is one reason Ford may be shying away from taking on the Prius hatchback directly.

FORBES: Ford C-Max Tries To Prey On Weaker Member of Prius Family

24. Bombay's gangsters have traditionally operated in the shadows, shying away from high-profile assaults on members of the public.


25. Private investors are shying away from a place where default and devaluation seem imminent, giving the economy little chance of growing.

ECONOMIST: The euro crisis

26. In a mark of the intensifying rivalry, EA isn't shying away from ribbing "Call of Duty" in "Battlefield" marketing.

WSJ: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Faces Off Against Battlefield 3

27. There's been no shying away from the joys of expert manipulation, no reluctance to heighten the fact-based drama with fictional inventions.

WSJ: 'Argo,' on Fake Film, Is Real Sensation | Film Review by Joe Morgenstern

28. "There are like-minded countries and we are working with them but no-one is shying away from the fact that this is difficult, " said a Downing Street spokeswoman.

BBC: David Cameron: EU must reduce proposed budget rises

29. The post-economic slump climate has most teams shying away from overpaying the back end of such contracts.

FORBES: Expect a Limited Market for Pujols

30. Barring any regulatory surprises, Abbott Laboratories (ABT) will officially separate into two companies Jan. 1, 2013, entering a new era shying away from mega-mergers.

FORBES: A Less Acquisitive Abbott Labs Will Split in Two Come January





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architecture的意思是:n. 建筑设计,建筑风格;建筑学;结构;计算机的体系结构,架构。学考宝为您提供architecture是什么意思,architecture的翻译,architecture的用法,architecture的短语搭配,architecture的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


melic的意思是:adj. 可歌咏的;歌的;诗的。学考宝为您提供melic是什么意思,melic的翻译,melic的用法,melic的短语搭配,melic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


odic的意思是:adj. 颂歌的,诗的;假想的。学考宝为您提供odic是什么意思,odic的翻译,odic的用法,odic的短语搭配,odic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


arbitrary的意思是:adj. 任意的,随心所欲的;专横的,武断的。学考宝为您提供arbitrary是什么意思,arbitrary的翻译,arbitrary的用法,arbitrary的短语搭配,arbitrary的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


spirituous的意思是:adj. 酒精的;酒精成分高的;含酒精的。学考宝为您提供spirituous是什么意思,spirituous的翻译,spirituous的用法,spirituous的短语搭配,spirituous的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


April的意思是:n. 四月。学考宝为您提供April是什么意思,April的翻译,April的用法,April的短语搭配,April的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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