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make account of是什么意思_make account of怎么读_make account of的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


make account of

make account of


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1. make light account of 轻视

2. make no account of 轻视 ; 蔑视 ; 完全不重视 ; 不注重

3. make little account of 轻视 ; 看轻

4. make much account of 重视


1. Today, American taxpayers are bailing out GM and Chrysler, foreign competitors make most of the world's best cars, and the Big Three account for less than half the cars sold in the United States.


2. It is quite necessary to make much account of the studies on new types of protective-layer materials for hydraulic construction in order to raise the performances of abrasion-erosion resistance as well as cavitation resistance, reduce the cost of maintenance or rehabilitation and ensure safety.


3. The program is called Treasury Direct, and it allows you to set up an account to make purchases of Treasury securities at auction, along with all the big guns.


4. I just make sure there is enough in my checking account at all times to cover the total amount of my bills.


5. You'll want to make sure your account is current and that there are no pending transactions, and of course you'll want to transfer the positive balance to your bank account.


6. By applying relevance theory to make account of diplomatic fuzzy language interpretation, the thesis concludes that diplomatic fuzzy language interpretation is an act of ostensive-inferential communication.


7. This question remains unanswered; indeed, taking all the evidence into account, one cannot make a definitive statement about dinosaur physiology on the basis of dinosaur bone.


8. It is to make account of reality as it appears to us, accounting for the limitations of our own mind and our own sensibilities.


9. Time angle make use of account expressions of true pointing of star through pointing with electricity optical phototheodolite and compare with true value of theory and finally calculate the error of pointing of electro optic phototheodolite.


10. It may make quantitive account of skew ratio from plain roller rolling square bar.


11. Ogg Vorbis is a new kind of audio compression format. Because it is free, open-source, unpatented and technically advanced, people make more and more account of Ogg Vorbis. It seems to have good vistas of development and application.

Ogg Vorbis是一种新型的音频有损压缩编码格式,因其开源、免专利的特性和技术上的优势,获得了越来越广泛的重视,有着很好的发展和应用前景。

12. Why we Make Mistakes is an eye-opening account of our brain's imperfections and a frightening report of how little we do as a society to keep these shortcomings from becoming dangerous.


13. Most parents make much account of their children's grading in school but make little or no account of their psychological needs and of fostering a climate for their healthy development.


14. Make sure you have the spelling of your email account correct because you will need to receive an activation email.


15. This is the best way to account for basic issues, such as forgetting to make one of the attributes stored in the session serializable, which could cause larger issues in a production environment.


16. My faith, based on my understanding of the life and works of Christ, tells me that I will have to account for the choices that I make.


17. A more thoroughgoing approach would be to make it harder for him to set up an account of his own.


18. In the choosing of vocational traits, college students tend to make much account of maintenance of family, personal development and career matching. 4.


19. On no account should we make a joke of others' shortcomings because everyone has his own disadvantages.


20. To promote historic transformation we should put environmental protection at a more important position and make arrangements taking account of socioeconomic development.


21. The innovative aspects of this paper are to incorporate the most recent experimental results with theoretical analysis and then make a systematical account of several basic ideas of enactive cognition.


22. The new TORs will take into account the origin of influenza viruses going into the WHO Global influenza Surveillance Network, and will make their use more transparent.


23. To make a point, one juror smuggled into the jury room a videotape of a television account of the trial.


24. Raising the bid to account for the level of uncertainty in the estimates will probably make the proposal noncompetitive.


25. Daily Mail reported that when we book our flight weeks ahead, we have to account for the possibility of unforeseen events which make our trip impossible.


26. GPS receivers make corrections to account for this, but nonetheless the clock signals are only guaranteed to be correct on the order of 100 nanoseconds.


27. Of course, conditions must be checked to ensure that the savings account in question has enough money in it to make up for the overage.


28. The registered country of a paper's primary author was used to make the assessment, and all disciplines were taken into account.


29. Under this mechanism, anti-poverty allocation and management must be a government behavior, which emphasizes on the various levels, multi-proposes, and different beneficiary and make no account of the cost, efficiency and take no responsibility.


30. But how are we to make decisions that take into account the interests of those who have not yet been born?


31. If you find yourself stuck at any of the configuration steps, make sure that the Windows User Account you're running has Administrative access.


32. Second, make a brief account of development on the classification and characteristics of securities investment funds, investment funds in our country; and explain the significance of investment fund performance evaluation.


33. Many members of the underground community have public contests to see who can make $1 million off their crime, complete with screen shots of their banks account statements, he said.


34. To do useful things with Twitter4J and indeed, Twitter, you'll need to create an account on Twitter. And you'll want to follow some people so you can make a geo-view of your friends.

为了利用Twitter 4 J(更确切地说是Twitter)做有用的事情,需要在Twitter上创建一个帐户,并且要追随一些人,以便制作好友的地理视图。

35. It's impossible to make good climate predictions without taking all of these factors into account.


36. With households accounting for around one-third of US energy consumption and emissions when personal travel is taken into account, the decisions individuals make can have a huge impact.


37. By the study of his theory and practice of literary creation, we can reveal aesthetic meanings in Wang Guowei's theory and works. I don't make a full account of his aesthetic thought.


38. By experience of practice, the housing designers make an account of viewpoint on some problems often appeared in detailed construction design and come up with the proposal to solve them in project.



1. Nearly all are small, local producers that make relatively little vodka on their own, but collectively account for millions of cases (some of it made legally, some of it not).

FORBES: Magazine Article

2. "In relation to the individual names, these are just the names and addresses of the account owner and we make no claims that they themselves were sharing the files, " he added.

BBC: Fresh ACS:Law file-sharing lists expose thousands more

3. With stocks also near recent highs, now is a good time to review your 529 account to make sure that the level of risk you are taking in this environment is suitable for you.

FORBES: Is Your 529 College Plan Safe? Bond Managers Flash Warning Signals

4. Land sales make up 30 percent of local government revenue and in some cities account for more than half, according to a June 2011 report by UBS AG.

FORBES: China's Cities Take Steps To Stimulate Home Purchases

5. Natural gas emits half as much carbon dioxide as coal when used to make electricity, though the calculation fails to take into account the release of methane from natural-gas wells and pipelines, which also contributes to climate change.

WSJ: Rise in U.S. Gas Production Fuels Unexpected Plunge in Emissions

6. During a final hectic night of wheeling and dealing, the chancellor agreed to give a further DM2 billion in tax concessions to Germany's 3.3m small and medium-sized businesses, which make up 85% of all German firms and account for 70% of jobs.

ECONOMIST: The chancellor gets his deal

7. On a Thursday night I am sure we will make a better account of ourselves on national television.

WSJ: Jets open with Tampa Bay

8. They take everything about golf into account, even make hats specifically designed to fit with the collars of their jackets and avoid pouring rain down the back of your neck.

FORBES: Best Gear for the Traveling Golfer

9. Of course all the activity is going to make one ravenous, and since they hope men will account for about 50 percent of their clients, the Lopises decided to forgo traditional spa cuisine in the Lodge's restaurant, Tree.

FORBES: The Pennsylvania Touch

10. According to the network's terms of service, users are not allowed to have more than one Facebook personal account or make accounts on behalf of other people.

CNN: 83 million Facebook accounts are fakes and dupes

11. And while the fictional Saul Goodman would never make the misstep of depositing cash into a bank account, our real-life Goodman had little choice, as he needed to use the cash for the down payment on a new house.

FORBES: Real Life Saul Goodman Has Rough Day In Tax Court

12. These jobs now make up some 40% of the American labour market and account for 70% of the jobs created since 1998.

ECONOMIST: The battle for brainpower

13. Both the federal and state constitutions make it clear that you can "never stop someone exclusively on account of race, " he said.

CNN: Arizona governor signs changes into immigration law

14. War is one of the few spheres in which the prime minister can make the big decisions without having to consult, mollify, take account of, appease and generally defer to his ubiquitous chancellor of the exchequer.


15. It promises to help make sense of your Twitter account through easy-to-use features for cleaning up followers, lists and activity streams.

CNN: 50 new tech tools you should know about

16. Many credit card companies offer a variety of deals on their products in order to entice customers, meaning that many end up with more than one account in order to make the most of different offers.

FORBES: Facebook Coat Hangers And The Best Business Ideas For 2013

17. Most IRA minimum withdrawals had to be made by Dec. 31, 2012, but account owners can make cash gifts to charities up to the amount of their December withdrawals through Jan. 31, 2013, and count those as IRA direct donations.

WSJ: Tax Report: IRA Donations Get a Break

18. Earlier this week, the Council of Mortgage Lenders said the main effect of FLS so far was to make fixed-rate mortgage deals, which account for about two-thirds of all new mortgage borrowing, a bit cheaper than before.

BBC: Bank of England

19. Many Indian women typically give their earnings to their husbands - when in fact women are seen as more astute savers than men and it would make sense for them to have a bank account of their own.

BBC: Does India need a bank for women?

20. Purchases made in one day may not be subtracted from your account in the order you make them, rather in order of highest to lowest amounts.

FORBES: Don't Get Fleeced By Overdraft Fees

21. Anthropologists with work alongside computer scientists to make sure that the social needs of the population were taken into account, he said.

BBC: Intel to use London as a smart city lab

22. Changing the figure to take account of the cycle would make more sense, but it would introduce a complex and disputable new calculation, with countries arguing endlessly over precisely where they were in the cycle.

ECONOMIST: Europe's fiscal follies

23. The essay that you read was produced at the behest of his French publisher. They wanted him to write something that would make people feel better about the book, that would give some account of its origin and give some defense for its publication and its content.

你们所读到的那篇短文就是在法国出版商的要求下写的,他们希望他写些什么来让人们对这本书产生更多的好感,来交待这本书的缘起,并且为它的内容和它的出版进行辩护。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Rate increases in 1987 did nothing to shore up the dollar's value, but did make the economic outlook cloudier alongside a falling unit of account that the Treasury countenanced.

FORBES: In 2008, Shades Of October 1987

25. How many of us would open an account and make regular deposits if an employer didn't take it right out of our paychecks?

CNN: Commentary: Save more for yourself and America

26. He added that the further discussions were intended to make sure it was done in a way which took into account some of the concerns raised.

BBC: Defeat possible on home extension plan, warns MP

27. Although, CVS loses out on the front-door sales of cosmetics and other personal care goods by mail facility, it stands to make higher margins on account of lower costs incurred on servicing the consumer.

FORBES: CVS Is A Pharmacy Benefits Believer With 20% Upside

28. So everybody who is trying to make Iraq their own influences appear on the account of the Iraqi people needs to recalculate for it will not happen.

NPR: Maliki Assures Bush on Iraqi Force's Readiness

29. Why is it that, while women make up 49% of the UK labour force, they account for just 17% of IT and telecom professionals?

FORBES: Why Are There So Few Women In IT And Telecoms?

30. The chained CPI, which takes into account adjustments consumers make to blunt the impact of price increases (say, for example, buying more chicken and less beef) , has averaged about 0.3% less a year than the CPI now used for Social Security cost of living adjustments and tax changes.

FORBES: Obama Budget Aims To Raise $580 Billion In New Taxes From Old Ideas Targeting Rich

31. Experts said the move should help more "ordinary people" make use of the service, both to hold politicians to account and to tweet about their everyday life.

BBC: Twitter page in Farsi

make account of是什么意思_make account of怎么读_make account of的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




argument的意思是:n. 争论,争吵;论据,理由;辩论,讨论;自变数;主词,受词;<古>书的内容提要。学考宝为您提供argument是什么意思,argument的翻译,argument的用法,argument的短语搭配,argument的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

deciduous plant是什么意思_deciduous plant怎么读_deciduous plant的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

deciduous plant的意思是:网络 落叶植物。学考宝为您提供deciduous plant是什么意思,deciduous plant的音标,deciduous plant怎么读,deciduous plant的翻译,deciduous plant的用法,deciduous plant的短语搭配,deciduous plant的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
deciduous plant是什么意思_deciduous plant怎么读_deciduous plant的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


architecture的意思是:n. 建筑设计,建筑风格;建筑学;结构;计算机的体系结构,架构。学考宝为您提供architecture是什么意思,architecture的翻译,architecture的用法,architecture的短语搭配,architecture的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


melic的意思是:adj. 可歌咏的;歌的;诗的。学考宝为您提供melic是什么意思,melic的翻译,melic的用法,melic的短语搭配,melic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


odic的意思是:adj. 颂歌的,诗的;假想的。学考宝为您提供odic是什么意思,odic的翻译,odic的用法,odic的短语搭配,odic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


arbitrary的意思是:adj. 任意的,随心所欲的;专横的,武断的。学考宝为您提供arbitrary是什么意思,arbitrary的翻译,arbitrary的用法,arbitrary的短语搭配,arbitrary的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


spirituous的意思是:adj. 酒精的;酒精成分高的;含酒精的。学考宝为您提供spirituous是什么意思,spirituous的翻译,spirituous的用法,spirituous的短语搭配,spirituous的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


April的意思是:n. 四月。学考宝为您提供April是什么意思,April的翻译,April的用法,April的短语搭配,April的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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