莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [treɪd]play美 [treɪd]play

  • n. 贸易,买卖;行业;同行业者,同仁(the trade);营业额,交易量;(尤指需要特殊技术和手工劳动的)职业,行当;交换,交易;<美> (体育界)转会,交换运动员;<英> 执照酒商;信风,贸易风(trades);股票交易
  • v. 做买卖,做生意;营运,营业;(在证券交易所)交易,买卖;用……进行交换,互相交换;(某物)替代(某物);对打,对骂;<美> 将(运动员)转会(或转队);交换,对换(位置或处境)

复数 trades 第三人称单数 trades 现在分词 trading 过去式 traded 过去分词 traded

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


trade /treɪd/ CET4 TEM4 [ trading traded trades ]

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Trade is the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods or services between people, companies, or countries. 贸易; 买卖

    Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico.



    ...negotiations on a new international trade agreement.


  • 2.
    不及物动词 When people, companies, or countries trade, they buy, sell, or exchange goods or services between themselves. 做生意

    They may refuse to trade, even when offered attractive prices.



    They had years of experience of trading with the West.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 交易

    Trading on the stock exchange may be suspended.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A trade is a particular area of business or industry. 生意; 行业

    They've ruined the tourist trade for the next few years.


  • 5.
    可数名词 Someone's trade is the kind of work that they do, especially when they have been trained to do it over a period of time. 职业; 手艺

    He learned his trade as a diver in the North Sea.



    Alicia was a jeweler by trade.


  • 6.
    相互动词 If someone trades one thing for another or if two people trade things, they agree to exchange one thing for the other thing. 互相交换

    They traded land for goods and money.



    Kids used to trade baseball cards.


  • 7.
    可数名词 Trade is also a noun. 交易

    I am willing to make a trade with you.


  • 8.
    相互动词 If you trade places with someone or if the two of you trade places, you move into the other person's position or situation, and they move into yours. 交换 (位置)

    Mike asked George to trade places with him so he could ride with Tomas.


  • 9.
    相互动词 If two people or groups trade something such as blows, insults, or jokes, they hit each other, insult each other, or tell each other jokes. 对打; 互骂; 互开玩笑

    Children would settle disputes by trading punches or insults in the schoolyard.




  • adj.

    trading 交易的;贸易的

  • n.

    trading 交易;贸易;购物

    trader 交易者;商人;商船

  • v.

    trading 交换(trade的ing形式);做买卖



trade business commerce 【导航词义:商业】

trade n. 交易,贸易

〔辨析〕 指具体的某种买卖交易或跨国交易,也可指广泛的贸易。

例1: the arms trade


例2: international trade agreements


例3: The jewellery firm is just a cover for its illegal trade in diamonds.


例4: Trade helps industry to develop.


例5: The volume of trade with Germany has increased.


business n. 商业,买卖,生意

〔辨析〕 指各类商业活动,包括制造、买卖产品,或提供服务等,侧重于赚钱。

例1: Business is always brisk before Christmas.


例2: She has set up in business as a bookseller.


例3: I entered into partnership with him to start an export business.


commerce n. 商业,贸易

〔辨析〕 指商品、服务的买卖,侧重于大规模的商贸活动。

例1: Banks are the nerves of commerce.


例2: New measures have been adopted to promote local industry and commerce.


例3: The country has been trying to broaden its commerce with other nations.


exchange v. 交换

〔辨析〕 通常指互相交换同类东西。

例1: Mary exchanged coats with Lucy.


例2: Both sides exchanged their opinions on the issue at the meeting.


interchange v. 交换,互换

〔辨析〕 侧重指交流思想、信息或交换位置等。

例1: As a manager, he often interchanges ideas with his workers.


例2: The two friends interchange letters each week.


switch v. 交换,转换,调换

〔辨析〕 多用于口语,常可与 exchange 换用,但侧重于调换之意。

例1: Our glasses have been switched/exchanged - this is mine.


例2: Will you switch/exchange your horse for my car?


trade v. [尤美] 互相交换

〔辨析〕 尤指买卖货物,也可表示交换物品。

例1: He usually trades by phone or online.


例2: She traded her books for his CDs.



1. trade deficit 贸易赤字 ; 贸易逆差 ; 入超

2. processing trade 加工贸易;委托加工贸易

3. trade for 以…换得;贸易交换

4. trade something for something 用某物换某物,用某货换某货

5. world trade organization 世界贸易组织(产生于关贸总协定的乌拉圭谈判, 其目的是为促进多边贸易谈判和协议而成立的。)

6. foreign trade 外贸,对外贸易

7. carrying trade 海外贸易,转口贸易

8. bilateral trade 双边贸易 ; 双边商业

9. world trade 世界贸易

10. trade with 从事贸易;和…做贸易;与…做生意

11. trade mark 商标;特征

12. export trade 出口贸易;出口商

13. trade union 工会

14. trade policy 贸易政策

15. visible trade 有形贸易 ; 有形商业

16. trade in 买卖;抵价购物

17. trade association 贸易协会 ; 同业公会 ; 商会

18. trade center 贸易中心

19. trade surplus 贸易顺差;贸易盈余

20. service trade 服务业;劳务贸易

21. free trade [经]自由贸易

22. trade show 贸易展览 ; 展销会

23. trade fair 商品交易会;贸易展销会

24. trade terms 贸易条件 ; 贸易术语 ; 贸易用语 ; 贸易条款

25. leasing trade 租赁贸易 ; 租赁商业

26. trade off 权衡;卖掉;交替使用;交替换位

27. international trade 国际贸易


1. When she leaves school, she wants to learn a trade.


2. May I trade my show ticket for your match ticket?

我拿表演票和你交换球票 怎么样 ?《期刊摘选》

3. the building/food/tourist, etc. trade


4. The two armies agreed to trade off their prisoners.


5. They have engaged in trade for many years.


6. Today's trading, British telecom giant Vodafone ( VOD ) shares rose 1.6 %.

今天的交易中, 英国电信巨头沃达丰 ( VOD ) 的股票上涨1.6%.《期刊摘选》

7. They traded artillery fire with government forces inside the city.


8. She was a leading exponent of free trade during her political career.


9. They had years of experience of trading with the West...


10. We work hard to hold the sate lead in the same trade.


11. Farmers market corner, 800 meters long, 60 meters wide livestock trading venues.

农牧市场东北角, 有长800米,宽60米的牲畜交易场地.《期刊摘选》

12. The exhibitors at the trade fair pass out free samples to stimulate interest.


13. The A's have not won a game since they traded him.


14. Lastly, we present an application case of a trade - faced mobile platform.


15. The above financial assets are classified as held for trading.


16. That store has a lot of trade.


17. Trade frictions between the two countries had been caused by trade protectionists.


18. It is an important forum for exchange of information and views on trade.


19. Most studies of trade have been country-specific.


20. Our company is authorized to operate and export professional trading company.


21. That delay does not interfere with the entertainment value, but trading with it is suicidal.

这种延时用来娱乐是可以的, 但做交易就是自杀.《期刊摘选》

22. Seamless experts said the UAE market conditions reflect the situation in global trade.


23. Putting to death was a recipe in vogue with all trades and professions.


24. She would not trade anything for her secret recipe.


25. It mainly focuses on 4 trades: the transportation, insurance, finance and patent royalty and licensed fees.

逆差主要集中在运输 、 保险 、 金融、专有权利使用费和特许费四个行业.《期刊摘选》

26. Tubal and Meshech traded with you; they exchanged slaves and articles of bronze for your wares.

雅完人,土巴人,米设人都与你交易. 他们用人口和铜器兑换你的货物.《期刊摘选》

27. He trades in meat.


28. Whatever early colonial prosperity there was resulted from trapping and trading in furs.

早期殖民地上那一点有限的繁荣来自捕捉野兽和买卖兽皮.《英汉非文学 - 政府文件》

29. He learnt his trade as a diver in the North Sea...


30. Early explorers traded directly with the Indians.


31. Many brokers were charged with cheating customers in commodity trades.


32. The futures exchange also traded in four currency futures and 17 stock futures contracts.


33. Kelly's directory of merchants, manufactures and shippers is a general trades directory in two volumes.

《凯利商人 、 制造商和货运行名录》是一种两卷本的一般贸易指南.《辞典例句》

34. Here are some common sense to trade foreign exchange.


35. The new clerk always tries to trade the customers up.


36. When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing.

在医疗保险业仍然致力于行业改革方面的协同合作的同时,其同业公会已着手设计可以用于自动处理的标准化表格。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

37. The original lucky star big market, packed with the latest version of the software trade.

原版的大福星行情系统, 打包了最新版的交易软件.《期刊摘选》

38. Accepting the risk means accepting the consequences of your trades without emotional discomfort or fear.


39. China and the Yi trade, a mutual exchange, but heaven as a means of pension Yi.

中国与外夷通商, 不是互通有无的交换, 而是天朝抚恤外夷的一种手段.《期刊摘选》

40. It'says the two sides also exchanged economic, tax and trade regulations.

报导说,双方还交换了经济 、 税则以及贸易管理的规定.《期刊摘选》

41. Zheng's fleet stopped here to trade porcelain for frankincense , myrrh, aloe.

郑和的船队曾经停靠在此,以瓷器交换乳香 、 没药与芦荟.《期刊摘选》

42. Despite trade competition and outsourcing, American manufacturing still needs to replace tens of thousands of retiring boomers every years.

尽管存在贸易竞争与外包业务,但美国制造业每年仍需要淘汰数以万计步入退休年龄的婴儿潮一代。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

43. The Competent Authorities shall implement direction and supervision over the work of the trade association.


44. He traded in his old car for a new Mercedes.


45. The proposals were given a cautious welcome by the trade unions.


46. Angelo has said he has no plans to trade Briggs.


47. Mr Wong said the announcement, trading will remain suspended until further notice.

国美电器公告称, 将维持暂停买卖直至另行通知.《期刊摘选》

48. The euro hit a record low in trading today.


49. Mike asked George to trade places with him so he could ride with Tod...


50. That department store has a lot of trade.


51. He was also a brilliant propagandist for free trade.


52. Would Bryant continue to push for a trade prospect?

科比还会继续推进交易 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

53. the arms, drugs, etc. trade


54. Kennedy mischievously suggested that professors ought to trade jobs for a time with janitors…


55. At its best, the European project is remarkably liberal: built around a single market of 27 rich and poor countries, its internal borders are far more open to goods, capital and labour than any comparable trading area.

在最佳状况下,这一欧洲大工程(即欧盟计划)相当自由:建立在一个由 27个贫富不一的国家所组成的单一市场之上,其内部边界对商品、资金以及劳动力的开放程度比任何一家具有可比性的贸易区都高得多。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

56. Some politicians want more liberal trade relations with Europe.


57. China has edged towards external balance, even recording a rare trade deficit in March.

中国已经在小步走向外部平衡, 3月份甚至出现了罕见的贸易逆差.《期刊摘选》

58. Insurance Act Amendment Bill provides that insurance companies should be added to the insurance trade associations.


59. New Englanders carried on a secret trade with the nearby Canadian provinces for enemy manufactures.


60. He only traded for a few months and went out of business because he was undercapitalized.


61. Manufacturers of products that claim to be environmentally friendly will face tighter rules on how they are advertised to consumers under changes proposed by the Federal Trade Commission.

根据美国联邦贸易委员会提出的修改意见,那些声称生产环境友好型产品的制造商在向消费者宣传自己时将面临更严格的规定。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

62. Massive commitment of capital to investment banking, trading in funky securities, and poor credit controls?

资本大规模投向投行业务, 时髦的证券交易, 薄弱的信贷控制?《期刊摘选》

63. China's markets have surged on record trading volumes, despite efforts by officials to talk them down.

中国股市的交易量也一直猛增, 尽管政府官员努力抑制交易量的上涨.《期刊摘选》

64. They traded land for goods and money...


65. Guideline on Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading?


66. Trade publications counseled department stores that, in order to increase sales, they should create a third stepping stone between infant wear and older kids' clothes.

贸易出版物建议百货商店:要增加销量就应该在婴儿服装和稍大一些孩子的服装之间创建“第三跳板”。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

67. Dealing taking place after official close of business on the trading floor of an investment exchange.


68. The ITO was to administer a comprehensive code governing the conduct of world trade.


69. These products haven't GB and trade standards at present.


70. I wanted to trade my bicycle for a computer.


71. Many people refuse to give secrets away, but they're usually willing to trade.

许多人不肯白白把秘密揭露, 但通常愿意交换.《期刊摘选》

72. How will the textile industry to use its unofficial, organizational advantages, and safeguard their trade interests.

纺织业行会如何利用其非官方 、 组织性优势, 维护其行业利益.《期刊摘选》

73. A trade agreement was concluded between the two countries.


74. Second, customers and trading assets greater emphasis on security.

第二, 客户对资产和交易的安全性更加重视.《期刊摘选》

75. In charge of telephone booking and group trade reception.


76. Farmers and farm animal breeders would bring their animals to market every April to show, buy, and trade

每年四月,农夫们和家畜饲养员们会把自己的动物带去集市上展示、买卖和交易。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

77. They are stamp collectors; they often trade stamps with each other.

他们是集邮者; 他们经常互相交换邮票.《期刊摘选》

78. Many enterprises compete acutely in liqueur trade because of its maturation.


79. West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade.


80. He was a carpenter by trade .


81. He was traded from the Giants to the Yankees...


82. They will be exhibiting their new designs at the trade fairs.


83. We will experience a lot more trade during the afternoon hours.


84. But critics say Israel should not be trading living terrorists for dead soldiers.


85. But love is not a commodity; the real thing cannot be bought, sold, traded or stolen.

但是爱情并不是商品; 真情实意不可能买到, 卖掉, 交换,或者偷走.《期刊摘选》

86. A tax on upstream carbon sources is one easy way to put a price on carbon emissions, although some countries may wish to use other methods, such as emissions trading schemes.

尽管有些国家可能更想采用排放交易方案等其他方法,向上游碳排放源课税是给碳排放定价的一个捷径。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

87. Trade was very good last month.


88. The flush valve proved so incomparably better that the trade began to relax its opposition.


89. Architecture is a trade in which engineering claims occur frequently.


90. Bureaucrats , engaging in trade led to tradespeople's bureaucratization and further caused tradespeople's intervening with political affairs.


91. My uncle gave me some money to start me out in trade.


92. America's trade gap widened.


93. Discount rate is also affected by trading volume , liquidity continuous trading period and stock price volatility.

研究还发现,折价水平还受交易数量 、 正常交易时间段股票流动性水平、市场流动性水平及股价波幅等因素影响.《期刊摘选》

94. Fair trade and social workshop stores can use this Icon.


95. Students and workers have resumed over the accumulation and trade of their human capital and effort.


96. Trade journal also is being reformed gradually.


97. He still claims the arms weren't traded for hostages…


98. Businesses can trade these credits for other goods or services.


99. It remains the world’s largest trading block.

它仍是世界最大的贸易组织。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

100. They cheat in a trade.


101. Only when you decide and the trading of the shares traded is money you can cash.


102. General speaking , people who engaged in stock trade hope to make money.

一般而言, 买卖股票的人都希望赚钱.《期刊摘选》

103. March 10,2006 Yunxian Jin joined the construction industry trade associations, to become a member.

2006年三月十日加入了缙云县建筑业行业协会, 成为一名会员.《期刊摘选》

104. Globalization is a catchall to describe increased international trade.


105. With all his experience in the trade, he should know what's what where wines are concerned.

根据他的经商经验, 他应该有分辩酒类好坏的能力.《期刊摘选》

106. His take on appropriate attire for an interview in the trades: Business casual.

他主张参加贸易行业面试时合适的服装应该是: 商务休闲装.《期刊摘选》

107. Tighter trade restrictions might cramp economic growth.


108. We will help you launch a career in the trades.


109. We have struggled mightily to win back lost trade.


110. Can international accounts trade mutual funds, option, certificates of deposit and bonds?

国际帐户是否可以买卖美国共同基金, 期权, 定期存单和债券?《期刊摘选》

111. All manner of hawkers and street sellers were plying their trade.


112. Do you belong to any professional or trade associations?


113. the international trade in oil


114. Indicate the name of the employment, office, trade, profession or vocation.

填报有关聘任 、 职位 、 行业 、 专业工作或职业的名称.《期刊摘选》

115. Sometimes you must trade functionality or performance to gain space.


116. They are proud of our carriage trade.


117. They judged that the time was right for the proposal of new terms for the trade agreement.


118. Everything was bartered and traded and everyone had ample provisions.


119. My family have been trading with Mr Jones for over 20 years.


120. Think in terms of probabilities but don't see trading as gambling.


121. Students sometimes do casual work in the tourist trade.


122. ...negotiations on a new international trade agreement...


123. Children would settle disputes by trading punches or insults in the schoolyard...


124. Introduce according to trade public figure, actual number even tower above a lot of.

据行业人士介绍, 真实的数字还要高出许多.《期刊摘选》

125. May I ask how much commission fee is charged on trading?


126. Including reads extensively and trades two parts.


127. In trading today the dollar held steady against the yen.


128. The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth.


129. In law perfect case falls, law can ensure the on the rails the market trades.

在法律完备的情况下, 法律能保障市场交易的正常进行.《期刊摘选》

130. In northern China has the largest trading market of plastic and plastic processing base.


131. Some of them carried the guns which were the tools of their trade.


132. I wouldn't mind trading places with her for a day.


133. Trade between the two countries has increased.


134. In December 2010 America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) proposed adding a “do not track” (DNT) option to internet browsers, so that users could tell advertisers that they did not want to be followed.

2010年12月,美国联邦贸易委员会建议在互联网浏览器中添加“禁止跟踪”选项,用户可用它来告诉广告商,他们不想被跟踪。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

135. The agreement will open the door to increased international trade.


136. Most of them make their living by trade.


137. His free-trade policies aroused suspicion among party stalwarts.


138. Yet each is an independent land, with its own government, trade, and customs.

但这些地方都是独立的国家, 有其自己的政府、贸易和风俗。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

139. Such food service operators range from snack machines to large institutional catering venture, but most of these businesses are known in the trade as“ horeca”: hotels, restaurants and cafes.

这种提供餐饮服务的经营者从自动贩卖机到大型机构内部的餐饮企业不一而足,它们在行业内部大多被称为” horeca”:宾馆、饭店和咖啡馆(三个英文单词的前两个字母)。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

140. The coal mining and trading industry largely takes the same view.


141. She was surrounded by the tools of her trade.


142. The country's trade surplus widened to 16.5 billion dollars.


143. In last Friday's trading, Apple shares closed at a price of 128.24 U.S. dollars.

在上周五的交易中, 苹果公司的股票收盘价格为128.24美元.《期刊摘选》

144. Article 75. During securities trading, no one may use public funds for securities trading.

第七十五条在证券交易中, 禁止任何人挪用公款买卖证券.《期刊摘选》

145. Trade was very good last month.


146. Members represent % of world economy economic activity and 80 % of trade.


147. Alicia was a jeweler by trade.


148. The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade.


149. Every industry or trade should operate pursuant to the law and the commercial morality.


150. Most of all, he is highly respected because he helped to abolish slave trade in Africa.

更重要的是, 他因促成废除非洲的奴隶买卖而备受尊敬.《期刊摘选》

151. Shares were trading at under half their usual value.


152. They decided to suspend trade with that country.


153. The new treaty establishes a free trade zone.


154. They may refuse to trade, even when offered attractive prices...


155. He works in the retail trade (= selling goods in shops/stores) .


156. In Chicago the two roads to distinction were politics and trade.

在芝加哥,成名的道路有两条,从政和经商.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

157. But almost all have ignored the big, profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade , which appears to be just the kind of market retailers need.

但是,几乎所有的食品零售商都忽视了自家后院的一个庞大的盈利机会,即食品和饮料的批发贸易。而这似乎正是零售商们需要的市场。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

158. Do you an IB currently have spot forex clients trading with another company?

_Yes是 _No否作为IB,您目前的顾客是否有在其他外汇公司交易?《期刊摘选》

159. Therefore, no matter the trade in goods or service trade, all join more cultural factors.

因而, 无论是货物贸易还是服务贸易, 都将加入更多的文化因素.《期刊摘选》

160. However, every dynamic trade, all enter the holy field of vision which guide inferior advertisementlimit.

然而, 每一个富有活力的行业, 也都尽入圣迪亚广告人的视野.《期刊摘选》

161. After entering a swing trade, place a protective stop, using the SafeZone method.

一旦进行了波段交易, 要下保护性止损单, 使用安全区域止损方法.《期刊摘选》

162. Logistics information and logistics activities with the launch of commodity trading occurring on a large scale.


163. The firm openly traded in arms.


164. Carpentry is a highly skilled trade.


165. Forex trading is a of another of foreign currency exchange rate.


166. Parliament has in fact already authorised the government to tame the tobacco trade.

实际上议会已经授权政府限制烟草贸易。《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

167. About us: We are a US company active in the China trade since 1978.


168. They offer discounts to the trade (= to people who are working in the same business) .


169. I traded stamps with him.


170. EDI, or paperless trade, is now popular in international economic and trade circle.

电子数据交换EDI, 也叫无纸贸易, 目前已在国际经贸领域迅速普及.《期刊摘选》

171. It is an international crime to kill, harm or trade Tibetan antelope or its body parts.

猎杀 、 伤害或者买卖藏羚羊或者其身体的一部分都是一种国际犯罪行为.《期刊摘选》

172. Trade usually picks up in the spring.


173. Their trade laws are fiendishly complex.


174. I support your advocacy of free trade.


175. They were engaged in agriculture and industry but they renounced trade.


176. Without question, manufacturing has taken a significant hit during recent decades, and further trade deals raise questions about whether new shocks could hit manufacturing.

毫无疑问,创造业在近几十年来受了重创,并且更多贸易协定引发了这样的问题:就是关于新的冲击是否会对制造业产生不良影响。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

177. Salesmen try to trade their customers up.


178. The Company opens and maintains a trading account for the Client.


179. Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions.


180. Predictable trade policy results lower costs to consumers and ensures continued product innovations.


181. He was a carpenter by trade.


182. The best time to make decisions is before you enter a trade.


183. The trading department and sells securities when profitable opportunities arise.


184. The international trade payment is the international cargo business loans receipts and disbursements.


185. Trading on a shoestring raises the pressure to a deadly level.


186. ...the arms trade.


187. international/foreign trade

国际 / 对外贸易《牛津词典》

188. Second, trade whatever you don't want to keep with other people.

然后, 用那些你不想要的和别人交换.《高二英语口语》

189. We traded anecdotes, then he inquired about the instruments I had brought with me.

我们互相交换一些趣闻轶事, 然后大师开始询问我所带来的乐器一些问题.《期刊摘选》

190. Plastics today contribute to a wide range of industries and trades.


191. The business has been going down all winter, perhaps trade will be better in the spring.

整个冬天买卖日益萧条; 可能春天生意要好些.《期刊摘选》

192. The Company shall provide the Client with an access to its trading history for any period.


193. Some shop Tai Xiaozhang , have done a hammer trading, Mo Shangliang deceive you.

有的网店太嚣张了,都做一锤子买卖, 骗你没商量.《期刊摘选》

194. The trade association promotes ethical business practices.


195. Texas has a long history of trade with Mexico.


196. Know well enterprise management, know correlative rule of law, nation standard of mobile trade.


197. Trade discounts may be used as a competitive stratagem to secure customer loyalty.


198. America’s Federal Trade commission launched a round of talks about how to save newspapers.

美国联邦贸易委员会召开了一系列的讨论会,商讨应该如何拯救报业。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

199. The latest trade figures are a hopeful sign.


200. While quality of life has improved, there's still a lot of burnout.

在生活质量提高的同时, 却有许多人身心疲惫.《期刊摘选》

201. The company has maintained trade contacts with India.


202. You should login your forex trading account to get official price quotation for transaction.


203. Afterward the Rocket exchanges him Magic and trades rye, hereafter he changes to Nikesidui.

之后火箭队把他交换到魔术队并换来麦迪, 此后他又被转到尼克斯队.《期刊摘选》

204. They traded with Shanghai for spices and jade.


205. a trade magazine/journal

行业杂志 / 期刊《牛津词典》

206. How to strengthen trade on the net superintend?


207. The government was determined to break the power of the trade unions.


208. He teamed up with a friend and set up a trade business.


209. Allyn was a jeweller by trade...


210. The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade.


211. Since his trade is factionalism, why should we keep him on our payroll?

你的“行业”是闹派性, 何必到我们这里来拿工资?《期刊摘选》

212. People from Xinjiang also work, trade and study all over the country.

新疆人同样也到其他省份工作 、 经商和学习.《期刊摘选》

213. The Africans became indentured servants, trading labor for shelter and eventual freedom.

非洲人成为契约上的仆人, 以劳力交换庇护及最终的自由.《期刊摘选》

214. Talks are under way to toughen trade restrictions.


215. He also established himself in the Russian trade industry.


216. The key tasks for 2001 also called for breaching regional blockade and departmental and trade monopoly.


217. They've completely ruined the tourist trade for the next few years.


218. The firm is trading ( ie doing business ) at a profit / loss.


219. Ever since the First World War, most developing countries have experienced a deteriorating trade condition.

第一次世界大战以来, 大多数发展中国家都遇到了一种不断恶化的贸易条件.《辞典例句》

220. The alcoholic drink manufacture license from being altered, forged, lent, leased or traded.

严禁涂改 、 伪造 、 转借 、 租赁、买卖《酒类生产许可证》.《期刊摘选》

221. Share prices had perked up slightly by close of trading.


222. Weapons and valuable farming tools were traded to the Indians for small amounts of food.


223. He got these eggs as a trade.


224. They shed 4.5 percent more in after hours trading after dropping about 45 percent on Tuesday.


225. I am willing to make a trade with you.


226. You could get them under the Trade Descriptions Act for that!


227. A lot of trade are in that store.


228. They trade on people's insecurity to sell them insurance.


229. The crisis had a negative effect on trade.


230. Their money came from trade of some description.


231. A free trade agreement would be advantageous to both countries.


232. trading partners (= countries that you trade with)


233. The Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO), a trade group, assured members that this was just a “preliminary step” in a longer battle.

作为一个贸易组织,生物技术工业组织(BIO)向其成员保证这个裁决只是长期战斗的初级阶段。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

234. Powerful account management features help you manage your funds trading information, investment income at a glance.

强大的帐户管理功能方便您管理您的基金买卖信息, 投资收益一目了然.《期刊摘选》

235. The company holds some trading value of evenhanded of sexual finance capital appears to drop considerably.


236. In Part one, I have comprehensively introduced the printing trade and background knowledge of printing house.

第一部分, 详细介绍印刷行业和CA厂 背景资料,阐述本次诊断研究的基本原则和基本方法.《期刊摘选》

237. However, I did not hear any exchange of views on cooperation in military technology or trade.


238. It is first and foremost a trade agreement.


239. Jack asks that he be traded for his daughter's life.


240. She was surrounded by the tools of her trade (= everything she needs to do her job) .


241. Trade between the two countries has increased.



1. They control and dominate the Baltic trade, and herring is an important part of that, because herring will keep once it's salted and all that.

他们几乎控制和掌握了整个波罗的海贸易,而鲱鱼则是其中的重要组成部分,因为鲱鱼一旦用盐浸泡过就可长期保存欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. The largest trade observed on the XLI Wednesday also has the most time on its side.

FORBES: A Cheap Way To Bet On Weakness In Financials

3. This has caused difficulties with Bolivia, which takes a more guarded stance toward trade liberalization.

FORBES: Free Trade Agreement Will Expand Markets

4. They called their victims inferior, haunting echoes of the slave trade that thrived here for centuries.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

5. Anita Loos was in many respects untypical of the screenwriting trade.


6. Experts say demand in Asia especially Vietnam and China currently drives most trade in rhino horns from southern Africa.

VOA : special.2009.12.14

7. Instead of paying for a stay with cash or credit, guests can trade a good or service.

BBC: Barter your way to a bed in Rome

8. Trade has burgeoned.


9. But the latest figures showed that China is not immune from a devastating drop in international trade.

FORBES: China's Export Powerhouse Looking Winded

10. Commodity futures trade on what parties assume the year-end tally for certain crops will be.

FORBES: Sky High Tips For Crop Traders

11. Laws against insider trading presume a world in which everyone can trade on perfect information.

FORBES: It's Time To Legalize Insider Trading

12. The report says poaching and illegal horn trade has increased in South Africa even with new measures against it.

VOA : special.2009.12.14

13. Under the current Andean trade act, most Colombian exports come into the U.S. without being taxed.


14. Well, these places are the ones that have the trade, the industry, and also engage in colonization.

如此,这些地方有贸易,有工业,同时也进行殖民古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. It's not for us to alienate them or to give them up, to give them away, to trade them away, to sell them.

就是我们不能远离,放弃,丢弃,交易,或出售自然权利。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. With the coming of Mexican independence, the Santa Fe Trail became the major trade link between the two countries.

VOA : special.2009.03.30

17. Shares trade for 19 times my 45-cent estimate for earnings over the next 12 months.

FORBES: Pleasant Surprises

18. America's trade laws are fiendishly complex.


19. But he said yes to companies that wanted to trade equipment and supplies for publicity.

FORBES: Raider Of the Lost Egg

20. The new nation was a seafaring one, amassing great wealth from ship-building, whaling, fishing and maritime trade.

BBC: Historical day trips from Boston

21. The Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, is the trade show for the video and computer games industry.

NPR: Video Game Boxes Do Battle at Entertainment Expo

22. The buildings in the exhibit include the World Trade Center in New York that was destroyed in the terrorist attacks;

VOA : special.2010.07.30

23. The trade is a bad one for the Treasury, and a good one for you.

FORBES: Rothify now

24. 50 billion of that accounted by a trade and balance with China alone What do you do with those data?

其中单与中国的就高达2,500亿美元,你们怎么看待这些数据?经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

25. Think about the trade-offs going through the minds of the congressmen who cooked up this convoluted scheme.

FORBES: Rothify now

26. The company will close 53 stores that trade as Threshers, Victoria Wine, Haddows and Bottoms Up.

BBC: A Threshers shop

27. What sectors have benefited the most from globalization and increased national trade ? and investment?

哪个产业从全球化,以及高速发展的国家贸易,和投资中受益最多?国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

28. Theo Chocolate, founded in 2006, is the United States' only fair trade and organic chocolate manufacturer.

BBC: Seattle's chocolate renaissance

29. Dealers are required to make the trade-ins unusable by destroying the engine, then recycle the old vehicles into scrap metal.

VOA : special.2009.08.07

30. The Appendix lists species which may become threatened with extinction unless trade is closely controlled.

BBC: Landmark shark ban upheld at conservation meeting

31. An early second-half trade of three more penalties helped the Saints increase their lead.

BBC: Sale Sharks 29-21 Northampton Saints

32. The standard example is people involved in the slave trade.

典型案例就是奴隶交易中的人们心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Not everybody had to be involved in creating food, and so that gave people more time to trade, to develop other products, to be involved in non-food pursuits and many, many more things.

不需要所有人都忙于制造食物,因此人们有空进行贸易,开发其它产品,以追求其他更多,而不单单是食品关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. He also proposed that Congress declare that it had no power to interfere with the slave trade between states.

VOA : special.2009.03.19

35. More recently, Marco Polo and Christopher Columbus discovered new lands while seeking to expand trade with spice-growing areas in Asia.

VOA : special.2009.05.19

36. That's a really a major trade-off in the application.

这就是我们进行调整后的结果。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

37. So, if it's a four-year bond, it would trade at about $90, 6% so it would be yielding 6%.

所以,如果这是四年期的债券,那么它可能在大约90美元左右进行交易,因此它的收益率大约在。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Diplomatic and trade relations between the two countries now ride on the fate of the extradition bill.

ECONOMIST: Colombia contemplates extraditing its drugsters

39. About a hundred city-pair contracts will trade, predicts Thomas Gros, vice president of bandwidth trading for Enron.

FORBES: Trading phone calls

40. Equally as important to economic growth is trade, which has a clear impact on jobs.

CNN: How to jump-start U.S. economy

41. You would short euro futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange or the New York Board of Trade.

FORBES: Euro Trashed

42. Pop-up street food markets are becoming a regular feature for the bustling lunchtime trade.

BBC: Dublin's recessionary restaurant boom

43. On Wednesday the stock gained 1.3%, or 5.10 pence, to trade at 412 pence.

FORBES: Where Do BP's Shares Go From Here?

44. At a trade show she had spotted rectangular-shaped eye pillows that supposedly eased stress and lulled insomniacs.

FORBES: Entrepreneur moms

45. Street gangs in the northern triangle also fight deadly battles often unrelated to the drug trade.

BBC: Central Americas shift in safety

46. The government should also cut taxes, sharply reduce trade barriers and liberalize job-killing labor laws.

FORBES: Fact And Comment

47. The National Park Service says that in eighteen twenty-two, trade along the Santa Fe Trail totaled fifteen thousand dollars.

VOA : special.2009.03.30

48. The reason I'm showing you this is it that this is a gain, a common trade off in computer science.

我向你们说明这个,是因为是这个计算机科学中。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

49. The cost of not having organic and not having fair trade and not having all the things

没有通过有机培养的食物加上不平等交易等等,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 吃有机食品

50. the hidebound British wine-trade


51. That designation is issued by the Federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

NPR: Ramona Valley: New American Viticultural Area

52. The trade unions are shackled by the law.


53. Conquered peoples would trade their defeated god for the victorious god of their conquerors and eventually there would be a cultural and religious assimilation, intermarriage.

胜利者所信仰的神,自然就取代了被征服民族的神,最终就产生了文化,宗教间的,同化和通婚现象。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. But as the foreign slave trade was cut off the domestic American slave trade absolutely boomed.

但当海外奴隶贸易被终止之后,美国国内的奴隶交易反而蓬勃发展起来美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Note that companies specializing in the Gulf of Mexico tend to trade at discounts to onshore firms.

FORBES: Gassing Up

56. If you trade on advance information about a copper deposit, you are clearly guilty.

FORBES: Off With Her Head!

57. In Asian countries, the high demand for shark fins for cooking has led to an illegal trade worth millions of dollars.

VOA : special.2009.04.03

58. Shoemakers were an extraordinarily radical trade.

那时候鞋匠是一个极端激进的行业1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. But Wally Stevens of the trade group Global Aquaculture Alliance says the industry must continue developing to feed growing populations.

VOA : special.2011.02.08

60. and then the Transport for London issues them with a license in order to be able to trade as a minicab.

然后,伦敦交通局发给他们一个驾照,以便他们能开微型出租车拉客。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 小心微型出租车

61. Thirty years ago, the Federal Trade Commission found that Stanley Kaplan's program could raise SAT scoresbut only by about twenty-five points.

VOA : special.2009.09.17

62. But Rodolfo Lopez-Negrete says there are still many areas untouched by the crime and violence of the drug trade.

VOA : special.2011.06.13

63. You have merchants and traders who are handling the commerce on the trade routes and enjoying broader cultural contacts.

这里有商人和交易员,他们负责贸易商业,在通商道路上,并且进行广泛的文化交流。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. Both Doctor McCarron and Doctor Alderman have connections to the Salt Institute, a trade group for the salt industry.

VOA : special.2010.03.03

65. said a banking expert. "Day trading" is a system that lets investors trade directly on an electronic market system.

VOA : special.2009.04.26





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