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英 [ˈfeɪʃ(ə)l]play美 [ˈfeɪʃ(ə)l]play

  • adj. 面部的,面部用的
  • n. 面部护理,美容

复数 facials

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


facial /ˈfeɪʃəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 Facial means appearing on or being part of your face. 面部的

    Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A facial is a sort of beauty treatment in which someone's face is massaged, and creams and other substances are rubbed into it. 美容

    Where's the best place to get a facial in New York City?




  • adj.

    faced 有某种面孔或表情的;有…表面的

  • adv.

    facially 从脸部

  • n.

    face 脸;表面;面子;面容;外观;威信

    facade 正面;表面;外观

    facer 意外打击;(拳击中)面部所受的突然一击;铣刀盘

  • v.

    faced 面对(face的过去分词)

  • vi.

    face 向;朝

  • vt.

    face 面对;面向;承认;抹盖



1. facial tissue n. 化妆纸

2. facial nerve paralysis 面神经麻痹 ; 面瘫 ; 面部神经瘫痪

3. facial expression 面部表情

4. facial scrub 磨砂膏 ; 天然圆粒磨砂膏 ; 面部磨砂 ; 去角质

5. facial cleanser 洗面奶;洁面乳

6. facial nerve 面神经;颜面神经

7. facial recognition 面部识别;面孔识别

8. facial cream 面霜

9. Facial Paralysis 中医 面瘫 ; 内科,口腔 面神经麻痹 ; 面神经瘫痪 ; 面神经炎

10. facial spasm [医]面痉挛

11. facial hair 面部毛发

12. facial soap 面皂

13. facial feature 面貌

14. Multi-Facial 千面人


1. This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions.

这种会话式机器人伴侣的眼睛里有摄像头,可以跟踪患者,并在交互中使用适当的面部表情和肢体语言。《六级真题- 2018年 12月 2卷 阅读B》

2. Most investigators concur that certain facial expressions suggest the same emotions in all people.


3. Conclusion: The satisfactory effect can be obtained by the comprehensive treatment for the facial keloid.

结论: 颜面部瘢痕综合治疗可获得满意美容效果.《期刊摘选》

4. Smile Train is a charitythat helps the millions of children around the world, who suffer from a facial defect.

微笑列车是一个慈善项目,旨在帮助全世界数百万患有面部缺陷的儿童。《中考真题- 2019 杭州 阅读C》

5. The contraction of facial muscles both influences the internal emotional state and reflects it.


6. Eat chewing gum less, do facial massage.

少吃口香糖, 做面部按摩.《期刊摘选》

7. Intense contraction of facial muscles, such as those used in signifying fear, heightens arousal.


8. Scientists studied pictures of people's facial expressions.

科学家研究了人们面部表情的图片。《中考真题- 2018 成都 七选五》

9. This kind of facial foam can clean and protect your skin.


10. Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change


11. The sensation of facial vision, it turns out, really goes in through the ears.


12. A U.S. company has developed facial recognition software that can help police.


13. Moreover, people in diverse cultures recognize the emotions manifested by the facial expressions.


14. Natural protection such as facial hair can also help.


15. Daily facial exercises help to retain the skin's elasticity.


16. An infectious facial cancer is spreading rapidly among Tasmanian devils.


17. Until now, only humans and gorillas have the ability to exactly copy facial expressions.


18. Other popular goods include facial masks, medical beauty products, and games.


19. They found that every facial expression is connected to a certain color.


20. To figure this out, scientists added color patterns to pictures of faces that showed no facial expressions.

为了研究这个问题,科学家在那些没有表情的面部图片上画上了彩色图案。《中考真题- 2018 成都 七选五》

21. I'd like a facial massage.


22. You can tell that people are joking by observing their facial expressions.


23. Even at this distance she could see how his facial muscles were contorting.


24. By attaching electrodes their facial muscles and monitoring their heart rates, they measure measured their responses.

通过面部的电极和对心率的监测, 他们对观看者的反应进行测量.《期刊摘选》

25. The victims were treated at hospitals for head and facial injuries.


26. Facial photos of dogs and humans were displayed on the screen for 1.


27. The spasm convulses her facial muscles.


28. Send a recent facial photograph of yourself with your application.


29. Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.


30. For the situation where property management service enterprises set up facial recognition as the only verification method for people entering a property, the document says reasonable alternative methods must be provided for those who do not agree to use facial recognition.


31. To study the esthetical disfigurement of facial profile of Guangdong women with Anglemalocclusion.


32. a facial expression


33. Description Pomona moisturizing cr è me is enriched with Placenta and Collagen extract to refine facial treatment.


34. facial hair


35. I to have a facial massage.


36. Facial photos of dogs and humans were displayed on the screen for 1.5 seconds.


37. Moreover, four cases of acute lumbar sprain, hysteria, urticaria and facial spasm were introduced.

并例举其治疗急性腰扭伤 、 癔病 、 荨麻疹、面肌痉挛病例四则.《期刊摘选》

38. Your skin does not look good recently. You'd better use facial cream.


39. Kehr bears a strong facial resemblance to her sister.


40. The robot can form up to 36 facial expressions in response to different words.


41. This facial featuretemplate matching based algorithm achieves certain effects and precision in the face detection.


42. Facially the two men were very different.


43. Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change.


44. Includes: cleansing , peeling, steaming, eyebrow shaping , pore cleansing, neck and facial massage, mask.

包括: 清洁面部去死皮, 蒸气喷雾, 针清鼻黑头, 修眉, 颈及面部按摩, 面膜.《期刊摘选》

45. I've made an appointment for a facial tomorrow.


46. You don't have to work very hard to figure out what these different facial expressions mean.


47. Do adopt an expectant, hopeful , even slightly anxious facial expression.

你脸上可以流露等待 、 期望, 甚至略带焦急的表情.《期刊摘选》

48. Methods: Botulinum A toxin was injected for treatment of dynamic facial lines.

方法: 对以美容为首要目的的面部皱纹患者采用A型肉毒素注射治疗.《期刊摘选》

49. You've got that facial expression down.


50. Unlike skeletal muscles, facial muscles do not immediately start to atrophy.

面肌不象骨骼肌, 面肌不会马上开始萎缩.《期刊摘选》

51. Where's the best place to get a facial in New York City?


52. I've made an appointment for a facial next week.


53. Conclusion: CT scanning is of remarkable referent value and significance in diagnosing cranium facial osteofibrom hyperplasy.

结论: CT对颅面骨骨纤维异常增殖症的诊断具有重要参考价值.《期刊摘选》

54. The police recognized the criminal from his typical facial feature — a scar on the forehead.


55. The following day when he met the neighbour's son again, he noticed that his gait, his voice, and his facial expressions were not like those of a hatchet-stealer at all.


56. About three weeks in, the facial chaos became transformed into a bona fide beard.

约3周的时间内, 我面部的混乱变成了名副其实的胡须.《期刊摘选》

57. His facial contortions amused the audience of schoolchildren.


58. North China's Tianjin municipality will prohibit businesses and institutes from collecting personal bioinformation starting next year, amid heightened public concerns over the uncontrolled use of facial recognition, now employed in mobile payment, test-taking, and even public restrooms.


59. When online platforms or apps try to get the approval of users in processing their facial information, the specific clauses have to be presented to the users for special consideration rather than buried in the general terms of use, says the document.


60. I want a facial.


61. However, scientists found that sun bears can copy facial expression as well as humans and gorillas.


62. There are also many physical signs, most noticeably a change in facial features.


63. We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.


64. It is recommended to apply with rose essence oil facial cream to get best effect.


65. Overall, almost three in five people say they try to limit their usage of paper — including facial tissue and kitchen roll ― to save money.

总体而言,3/5的人表示他们会尽量减少自己的用纸量——包括面巾纸和厨房用纸——为了节省些钱。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 2卷 阅读A》

66. Objective To repair injury of facial superficial soft tissue with emergency cosmetic operation.


67. The chimpanzee uses facial expressions for communication.


68. According to the key witnesses, a peculiarly big nose is the criminal's most memorable facial feature.

根据重要目击者的描述, 特别大的鼻子是这个犯人面部的最令人难忘的特征.《期刊摘选》

69. The greatest impact on facial collar, a Yixi more about the practical effects of clothing.

领子影响脸型最大, 更左右着一袭服装的实际效果.《期刊摘选》

70. This skill is what supports the enormous promise of facial-recognition software in the 21st century.


71. She had suffered severe facial mutilations after an accident.


72. Such things as facial expressions, body languages and eye contacts play important parts in giving a speech.


73. She had a facial at the beauty parlor.


74. Does the color alone or also facial expressions help people tell other's emotions?

颜色本身或面部表情是否有助于人们了解他人的情绪?《中考真题- 2018 成都 七选五》

75. Try to keep your facial expression open and sincere.


76. Bus look refers to a blank facial expression ( somewhat similar to a poker. Example:


77. I can read Diana's thoughts from the changes in her facial expressions.


78. Objective: To present the cosmetic use of botulinum A toxin in treatment of dynamic facial lines.

目的: 观察A型肉毒素治疗面部皱纹的美容效果.《期刊摘选》

79. I went to the Undercity to get a facial , ah, have you seen these people?

我去幽暗城做面部美容,天啊, 你见过那帮家伙嘛!《期刊摘选》

80. He had surgery to correct a facial disfigurement.


81. What are the possible links between facial expressions and emotion?


82. Cross didn't answer; his facial expression didn't change...


83. Based on the new algorithm, human facial feature extraction algorithm is proposed.


84. I ended up in hospital with facial injuries.


85. Slough off dead skin cells by using a facial scrub.


86. The increased coverage of the full facial coverage helmet increases protection, and significantly reduces face injuries.


87. Includes: cleansing, vegetal peeling , eyebrow shaping , pore cleansing , neck and facial massage, mask.

包括: 清洁面部,植物性去死皮,针清,修眉,抗敏感精华素, 肩颈及面部按摩, 抗敏面膜及软膜.《期刊摘选》

88. The smiling voice and facial expression ( of the deceased) are still there ( or can still be felt), as alive as ever.


89. Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity


90. The thing is, machines still have limitations when it comes to facial recognition.


91. MegaFace's creators say it's the largest publicly available facial-recognition dataset out there.


92. There are exercises that tauten facial muscles.


93. Even people with the sharpest facial-recognition skills can only remember so much.


94. I said, you don't have a lower jaw and you're gonna give me a facial?


95. Because of this facial bone sex structure perfect the key that is decision face beauty.


96. Psychological researchers generally recognize that facial expressions reflect emotional states.


97. Objective Utilizing dermis slice to correct facial depression, in order to reach the facial harmonious beauty.

目的:利用真皮片矫治面部凹陷畸形, 以达到面部的和谐美.《期刊摘选》

98. It is the ideal additive in the most popular cosmetics for protecting skin and facial beautification.


99. Electronic tickets are used in most railway stations across the country, and passengers can check in with their ID cards or through facial recognition.


100. These animals don't have a sophisticated brain to recognize the slight differences between human facial features.


101. There are all sorts of things snubs like to share for immediate2 consumption, ranging from wacky facial expressions to pictures of a meal they're about to eat.


102. Facial scrubs and loofahs increase your risk of permanent scarring.


103. This creamy facial beauty mask feels soft and comfortable by touch.



1. Facial symmetry is an indicator of good health.


2. Both genes are necessary for the healthy development of the palate, teeth,skull and other facial structures.

VOA : special.2009.12.22

3. It includes a detoxifying body wrap and facial mask of thermal mud to exfoliate and hydrate.

FORBES: Tax Day Specials, Promos And Freebies

4. Double down on the glamour and book a facial and massage in the full-service spa.

BBC: Visiting the Hamptons off season

5. In a way, you could even think of it as a facial and workout in one.

BBC: Yoga turns up the heat in London

6. Hunters also can choose a facial expression and opt for a paws-up or paws-down pose.

WSJ: After Long Hibernation, Taxidermists Make a Killing During Bear Season

7. The driver saw the facial contortion in the mirror.


8. I'd seen commercials and ads about facial fillers, and the photos were pretty convincing.

FORBES: Going Under The Needle

9. It requires you to be aware of body language, facial expressions, mood, and natural behavioral tendencies.

FORBES: 6 Ways Effective Listening Can Make You A Better Leader

10. But the people that he visited when he was snatching huge roasts off the table at the fancy parties in London commented on these facial ticks that he had that would bend his face.

不过,那些在伦敦的豪华宴会上,目睹他大快朵颐的人评价说,他脸部的抽搐使其面目扭曲欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. One of the universally understood facial gestures is disgust, involving a downturn of the mouth.

FORBES: How to Detect Respect - or Disrespect: Body Language Quick Takes #7

12. Mr Kuo said that the technology makes the most of Baidu's considerable expertise in facial recognition.

BBC: 'China's Google' Baidu is making smart glasses

13. That's an area of the brain associated with identifying negative facial expressions, unhappiness or neutrality.

CNN: When a woman doesn't want sex

14. This technique eliminates unwanted facial hair quickly and painlessly.


15. And as an introduction to faces I have a brief film clip from Paul Ekman, who is one of the world's great scholars in the study of facial expressions.

作为对脸的简介,我播放保罗,艾克曼的短片,他是伟大的学者,对面部表情很有研究。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. They looked into the cameras with a neutral facial expression.

VOA : special.2009.11.24

17. He also used a wide range of facial expressions from smiles to scowls.

FORBES: Body Language Advice for Rick Perry

18. The most expensive systems feature high-resolution outdoor cameras, reinforced windows, motion detectors and facial recognition scanners.

FORBES: Executive Protection

19. The other thing we know about the brain is that the cortex is absolutely essential for is interpreting the features such as that facial expression, color.

我们还知道,大脑皮层对于解释面部表情,颜色等特征发挥绝对根本的作用。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

20. It is a basic emotion with a characteristic facial expression.

这是很基本的一种情绪,还伴有特定的面部表情。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. In particular, Inoue says he pours himself into the task of capturing facial expressions.

CNN: How 'Slam Dunk' Manga artist brings characters to life

22. Mr. TODOROV: The idea is that this impression is entirely, completely based only on facial appearance.

NPR: Scientists Search for that Winning Look

23. It was so cold that the men let their facial hair grow very long.

VOA : special.2009.01.24

24. I'm not sure that constitutes an endorsement, or reason to return for a second facial.

WSJ: Face Facts: Treatment Not So Bad

25. First, I want to talk a little bit about facial expressions, which are ways in which we communicate our emotions not the only way, but an important way and look, in particular, at the case of smiling because it's kind of interesting.

首先,我要讲一点面部表情,这是我们在情感中的交流方式,不是唯一方式,但是重要的方式,看,特别是,拿微笑为例,这有点有趣。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. He says doctors should ask East Asian patients about their experiences with facial flushing after drinking alcohol.

VOA : special.2009.06.23

27. "When he selected his models, he had them audition to make sure they could do the facial expressions he wanted, that they could act out the body language he wanted for a particular picture."

VOA : standard.2010.08.09

28. you'll see he's putting a bit of facial hair and look like just got out of the bed,

你会看到他留点胡须,看起来像刚起床一样,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 想成为引领时尚的人

29. Google's quietly pitter-pattering its acquisitive ways back into the controversial realm of facial recognition technology.

ENGADGET: Google acquires PittPatt, wants to know you on a face-to-face basis

30. Aibo already chases an orange ball, and some robots can react to facial expressions.

FORBES: Dinosaur Robots For Sale

31. This is from a Japanese women facial expressions.

这是日本女性的面部表情。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. The shortlist for the teen category features stories about dragons, death and facial disfigurement.

BBC: Beavis and Butthead writer up for children's book prize

33. In other words, Kinect is now tracking facial expressions, albeit to a limited degree.

FORBES: Kinect Tops 8M Sold, Adds Netflix And Hulu Gestures, Tracks Expressions

34. This effect called facial flushing is a common reaction to alcohol among East Asians.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

35. With that in mind, we won't be approving any facial recognition Glassware at this time.


36. Watson has also received some major "vision" updates, with improved image and facial recognition.

ENGADGET: ICYMI: Best VR Ride, Screen Buttons That Re-Form and More

37. You've got that facial expressions down.

你可以轻而易举地做出各种面部表情。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I'm ready to 课堂

38. The actors wear high-tech outfits dotted with sensors that record their every movement including the subtlest facial expressions.

VOA : standard.2009.12.19

39. Daily facial exercises help her to retain the skin's elasticity.


40. Or if ATMs could authenticate users with facial recognition and immediately begin the transaction?

FORBES: I Know That Face

41. toilet soaps and facial cleansers


42. "They have very minor facial scratching, very minor, " said Miami Beach Police spokesman Al Boza.

CNN: Showbuzz

43. Petrosky said the company is generally being very careful about rolling out facial recognition.

FORBES: Google+ Gingerly Rolls Out Facial Recognition

44. There was no evidence of facial cuts, infections, redness or irritation, the company says.

WSJ: Sonic Facial Brushes: Deep Cleaning Faces at the Speed of Sound

45. Apolo Anton Ohno, who still sports his trademark "soul-patch" [of facial hair just above his chin, says his hard work has paid off.

VOA : standard.2010.02.23

46. These are workloads like cloud gaming, visualization, HPC applications, financial services and facial recognition.

FORBES: HP Moonshot: Say Goodbye to the Vanilla Server

47. He had these odd kind of facial ticks that he couldn't really help at all.

他的脸部会不自觉地抽搐,完全无法控制欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Previously, three facial transplants had been completed -- two in France and one in China.

CNN: Face transplant patient regains self-confidence

49. You don't have to work very hard to figure out what these different facial expressions mean.

你不必努力地去学习,去辨析不同面部表情的含义。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. He explored facial expressions, body types and stories.

VOA : special.2010.03.05

51. Be aware of your posture, your facial expressions and your gestures from the moment you arrive.

FORBES: Interview Body Language Mistakes That Can Cost You The Job

52. She received a new chin, lips, nose and other facial parts from an organ donor.

CNN: Face transplant patient ready to go home

53. Marc Staal is waiting for facial fractures to heal and for his vision to fully return.

WSJ: Miller's SO goal lifts Rangers over Hurricanes

54. It has a distinctive facial expression again.

又一次有了与众不同的面部表情。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Don't expect to get through a facial without being encouraged to drink green juice.

WSJ: At My Vanity: Joanna Vargas





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