莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





v. 使爆发;发泄;突然释放


英 [ʌnˈliːʃɪz]play 美 [ʌnˈliːʃɪz]play

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unleash /ʌnˈliːʃ/ CET6+ TEM8 [ unleashing unleashed unleashes ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you say that someone or something unleashes a powerful force, feeling, activity, or group, you mean that they suddenly start it or send it somewhere. 释放

    The announcement unleashed a storm of protest from the public.



    The officers were still reluctant to unleash their troops in pursuit of a defeated enemy.



1. Music Unleashes Us 音乐释放我们

2. Unleashes Something 释放这个

3. Democracy Unleashes The People 民主会引发人民


1. But Google's quick rise to the top echelons of the translation business is a reminder of what can happen when Google unleashes its brute-force computing power on complex problems.


2. New research revealed how one class of drugs, the aminoglycosides, unleashes the hydroxyl radical cell death pathway by binding to its target inside the cell.


3. Inferno: Unleashes a stream of fire that deals continuous damage to an enemy.


4. Greed is the enemy of gratitude. It saps the positive energy which gratitude can foster, and unleashes blind selfishness which undermines self-improvement and teamwork.


5. But in the real world, providing your image unleashes beauty discrimination at the earliest stages of the hiring process.'


6. It unleashes your desire to achieve your objectives and supports your efforts to get there.


7. The Barbara Cartland school of writing has now been validated by science, for experts have discovered that eye-to-eye contact in fact unleashes a burst of activity in the reward center of the brain.


8. These findings qualify the common view that economic growth unleashes myriad discontents.


9. The act of shopping unleashes primal hunter-gatherer urges.


10. It draws its long neck back and unleashes a volley of strikes.


11. Enbuoh (500): It ignites its fists with the flames on its chin and unleashes Fire Punches. A Pokemon that cares deeply for its comrades.


12. A passionate kiss unleashes a complex chemical surge into the brain which makes a lover feel excited and relaxed.


13. New York unleashes new weapon in war on fat.


14. And the mask is the tool which unleashes the ID.

而面具就是释放这种情绪的工具。《provided by jukuu》

15. Yes, the modern woman unleashes the animal within to take on the big city.


16. Creeping Death: Unleashes a protective cloud of metal shards to surround an ally, increasing their armor and magic resistance, and dealing damage per second to enemies caught in the cloud.


17. Bold, high impact and exciting, Nat Geo adventure unleashes the spirited adventurer in all of us.


18. Five minutes into my journey the sky unleashes a torrent of rain.


19. The god Vulcan crafts magical blades, each with a specific unstoppable power, and unleashes them upon an unsuspecting world.


20. It's surely only a matter of time before Microsoft unleashes its iPad killer on the world.


21. The next line - public static void main (String args) - generally unleashes an avalanche of questions about implementation details: What is static?

下一行—public static void main (String args)—通常将引发关于实现细节的一连串问题:什么是static ?

22. Ending poverty and inequality unleashes vast human potential.


23. The seventh seal unleashes seven angels who sound seven trumpets which are sounded one by one.


24. Yet there's a sense of everything happening spontaneously, of surreal freedom plus a fearful randomness that unleashes those debris storms.


25. And unleashes one of those feared migrations on earth.


26. By learning to imagine the process and having a plan to deal with obstacles, you can beat procrastination and choose the road that unleashes your full potential.


27. In coming years it could be shattered, particularly if the current wave of extraordinary policy measures unleashes a wild bout of inflation.


28. That's why in Ghana last year I called for a new approach to development that unleashes transformational change and allows more people to take control of their own destiny.


29. Bold, high impact and exciting, Nat Geo Adventure unleashes the spirited adventurer in all of us.


30. When we find ourselves under intense pressure, fear unleashes reserves of energy that normally remain inaccessible. We become, in effect, superhuman.


31. This caster unleashes a storm of electric discharge on the enemy.


32. A cursed videotape unleashes terror on its unsuspecting viewers who barter with their souls!


33. The revelation of this secret unleashes an urgent need among the women to reach back and remember.


34. Inferno: Unleashes a stream of fire that deals continuous damage to an enemy.


35. This article will introduce a sample application, the WSIL Loader, that unleashes the power of the WSIL4J API.

本文将介绍一个样本应用程序,即WSIL Loader,它发挥了WSIL 4 J API的威力。

36. Thus Van Til unleashes the great vision of Kuyper, to bring all areas of human life under the sway of Christ see I Cor.


37. Viewed as a decisive win for the Philippines, the ruling could heighten friction in a region already bristling with tension, especially if it unleashes a defiant reaction from China.


38. Swords. Fred Saberhagen. The god Vulcan crafts magical blades, each with a specific unstoppable power, and unleashes them upon an unsuspecting world.


39. Pain unleashes a cascade of negative hormones like cortisol that adversely affect the immune system and kidney function.


40. Until finally, to complete the picture, the shadow of Sodom and Gomorrah unleashes the whirligig of loves between the same sex.


41. In other words, it unleashes another dimension in evolution by enlarging its library of forms.


42. While visibility among these direct tier-one competitors unleashes a new competitive dynamic, it may turn out to be the least of the concerns.

虽然在这些直接一级竞争者中可见度释放了新的动态竞争,但它也可能驱散了至少的关连。《provided by jukuu》

43. It unleashes your energy, it vents, it makes you feel great!


44. None of these approaches unleashes the full power of the MDD paradigm.


45. Neuroscientists have discovered that eye-to-eye contact unleashes a burst of activity in the reward center of the brain.


46. This may be one such moment, when the toppling of a political monolith unleashes hidden depths of civic action.


47. But time and again we become so powerless when nature unleashes its destructive force.


48. Activated p53 unleashes a complex transcriptional program in the stressed cells that can result in their elimination from the proliferative pool through apoptosis or senescence.


49. Adam Smith's central insight remains true today: There is no greater generator of wealth and innovation than a system of free enterprise that unleashes the full potential of individual men and women.


50. The next line public static void main ( String [] args) generally unleashes an avalanche of questions about implementation details: What is static?

下一行public static void main(String[]args)通常将引发关于实现细节的一连串问题:什么是static?

51. Development that unleashes broader prosperity and builds the next generation of entrepreneurs and emerging economies.


52. And every year la tomatina unleashes a fresh bout of hand-wringing over the waste of good food, especially now that Spain's economic boom years are a thing of the past.


53. They conclude that the prime cause was deregulation, which unleashes creativity and innovation and increases demand for skilled workers.



1. Starting a war unleashes a lot of kinetic energy.

NPR: 'Battle for Peace' in Iraq Echoes Vietnam

2. In an economy where the government gets out of the way and unleashes the profit motive, layoffs can be, dare we say, a good thing for everyone involved.

FORBES: The Virtue Of Employee Layoffs

3. But when the church-trained belter from Georgia unleashes his pretty, gritty tenor, he's no mere imitator.

NPR: A Bold Soul Man Gets Bolder

4. An expert on nuclear proliferation at the RAND Corporation in the United States, Brian Jenkins,says because of its proximity to Somalia and its close ties to the West, Kenya is vulnerable to the worst-case scenario, where an al-Qaida terrorist unleashes a "dirty bomb" in Nairobi causing the death of thousands.

VOA : standard.2009.05.01

5. These pieces speak of a man who boldly unleashes himself onto and into the medium.

FORBES: The Mastery of The Escape Artist

6. With a full count, the pitcher unleashes a fastball homing in on the hands of the opposing cleanup hitter.

FORBES: Mastering The Luck

7. "3G unleashes the iPhone's high-res screen, multi-touch interface, full-featured browser and media experiences, " Abramsky wrote in a note to investors Monday.

FORBES: How Apple Will Sell 10 Million iPhones

8. Playing a fed-up version of himself, he unleashes an expletive-laced tirade on the E!

FORBES: Magazine Article

9. One fires guns and unleashes special attacks while the other places turrets and dishes out grenades.

FORBES: Fort Courage Review

10. They feel that they are making a direct impact on the business, and that unleashes positive energy in the workplace.

FORBES: Corporations Must Bring Democracy into the Workplace: A Conversation with WorldBlu, HCL Technologies and Groupon

11. In the mid-1990s Vertex chemists crafted compounds that block a key kinase protein that unleashes toxic immune-system molecules in arthritic joints.

FORBES: Machine Gunner

12. You can bank on them as Hurricane Sandy unleashes her fury.

FORBES: Hurricane Sandy Will Flood Northeast with Disaster Scams: How to Avoid Them

13. These findings qualify the common view that economic growth unleashes myriad discontents.

ECONOMIST: A special poll on middle-class attitudes

14. As a thunderstorm unleashes an early monsoon downpour, the brother suggests that a ruler's worth should be judged by a traditional standard.

ECONOMIST: A majestic moment for an ever more powerful ruler

15. Galli now demands 5% annual increases in factory productivity and unleashes dedicated sales teams that work the store floor and talk to the highest levels at Home Depot, Wal-Mart and Lowe's.

FORBES: Rebirth of a salesman

16. Pixar unleashes their official summer entry, the Monsters Inc. prequel Monsters University on June 21st.

FORBES: Can Fox And Dreamworks Combined Challenge Disney's Animation Empire?

17. Horizon unleashes the power of Windows 8 and brings multi-player games to life with its gigantic screen, dynamic graphics and 10-finger touch.

ENGADGET: Lenovo announces multi-user Horizon Table PC for $1,699 and up (video)

18. For instance, drawing a circle around your fighter unleashes a spinning attack.

FORBES: The Unique Combat Controls Of 'Lineage Eternal'

19. Carrigan the Supreme Court justice unleashes his patented withering attacks on a fellow conservative, Samuel Alito.

FORBES: Legislative Free Speech Case Divides Scalia, Alito

20. The preoccupation with technologies directed at creating alternatives to hydrocarbons misses how technology also unleashes alternative sources of hydrocarbons themselves.

FORBES: Romney Chooses A Tech-Centric Energy Plan To Jumpstart Jobs And Economic Growth

21. Five minutes into my journey the sky unleashes a torrent of rain.

ECONOMIST: Storms, inside and out

22. Designer and Betaville fan Levis Reyes certainly believes the game unleashes his creative side.

BBC: Betaville lets New Yorkers play real-world Sim City

23. American combat forces should stay out of the conflict, for now, unless Syria unleashes chemical weapons directly or indirectly.

CNN: Syria's chemical weapons threat demands a response

24. For Judge Rakoff, a 68-year-old musical theater buff, the bench is often a stage where he tells stories and unleashes punch lines with a throaty laugh.

WSJ: Is This Courtroom Banter Funny? You Be the Judge

25. Does India think the U.S. will stand by impotently if it starts a war that unleashes nuclear weapons?


26. By contributing this innovation, HP unleashes the creativity of the open source community to advance a new generation of applications and devices.

FORBES: HP: With Zero Buyers, WebOS Goes Open Source

27. Obviously, World War One is-- unleashes the demons of the twentieth century; nobody could have anticipated that all these empires would collapse.

很明显,一战,释放了二十世纪的恶魔,没人能料到,那些帝国会分崩离析1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. With music by Frank Wildhorn, it tells the story of a London doctor who unleashes his evil alternate personality in his quest to cure his father's mental illness.

WSJ: Revival of 'Jekyll & Hyde' to close May 12

29. It unleashes inflation, thereby clobbering workers' incomes, destroying their savings and ruining solvent businesses.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

30. Fully equipped for serious research, it unleashes the potential of low-cost innovation in a field that, until now, has been associated with high costs and long development cycles.

FORBES: DNA Sequencing For Fun And Profit: A Low-Cost Platform For Garage Biotech

31. When Barack Obama unleashes them, America will save lives, win new allies, open new markets, and create new jobs for our people.

NPR: Transcript: Bill Clinton's Prime-Time Speech

32. The kiddo on the left fires guns and unleashes special attacks while the kiddo on the right places shields and doles out splash damage via projectiles.

FORBES: 'Fort Courage' Review: Tower Defense With A Twist




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annual的意思是:adj. 一年一度的;年度的;(植物)一年生的 n. 一年生植物;年刊,年鉴。学考宝为您提供annual是什么意思,annual的翻译,annual的用法,annual的短语搭配,annual的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Yanqui的意思是:n. (西)美国人 adj. 美国的;美国人的。学考宝为您提供Yanqui是什么意思,Yanqui的翻译,Yanqui的用法,Yanqui的短语搭配,Yanqui的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


annoy的意思是:v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰。学考宝为您提供annoy是什么意思,annoy的翻译,annoy的用法,annoy的短语搭配,annoy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


battlefields的意思是:n. 战场;斗争领域;争论主题。battlefield的复数。学考宝为您提供battlefields是什么意思,battlefields的音标,battlefields怎么读,battlefields的翻译,battlefields的用法,battlefields的短语搭配,battlefields的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


announce的意思是:v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职。学考宝为您提供announce是什么意思,announce的翻译,announce的用法,announce的短语搭配,announce的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


open-mouthed的意思是:adj. 惊愕得张大嘴的;目瞪口呆的。学考宝为您提供open-mouthed是什么意思,open-mouthed的翻译,open-mouthed的用法,open-mouthed的短语搭配,open-mouthed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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