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reunite with是什么意思_reunite with短语搭配_reunite with权威例句


reunite with

网络 与…重聚;重新团聚

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1. reunite with family 家人团聚

2. reunite with their families 与家人团聚


1. The 1987 film stars Robert Downey Jr. as college freshman Clay, who returns home to reunite with his drug-addicted friend Julian (Andrew McCarthy) and ex-girlfriend Blair (Jami Gertz).


2. His effort to reunite families with lost medals began with a Christmas gift from his mother, a Purple Heart with the name Corrado A . G . Piccoli, found in an antique shop .

他母亲曾送给他一枚上面刻着科拉多·A·G·皮科里的紫心徽章作为圣诞礼物,它来自一家古董商店,他开始努力让失去勋章的家庭团聚。《高考真题- 2019 浙江 阅读A》

3. During the annual Songkran holiday, thousands of Thais take to the road on motorbikes-often without helmets-to return to their home villages from the big cities to reunite with families.


4. She is trying her best to reunite with her father.


5. Your oversoul awaits the moment it can fully reunite with you in the higher vibrations.


6. The rumors prompted a magazine then published by the Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico city, Nuevo criterio, to urge fox to reunite with his former wife, Lillian de la concha, whom he divorced in1991 after a20-year marriage.

墨西哥城天主教的一份杂志甚至要求福克斯同已经离异的妻子努沃-克瑞特里奥再度结合。两人在结婚20年后于1991年离婚。《provided by jukuu》

7. We also see a selfish, middle-aged man who later reveals that his only mission is to simply reunite with his mother.


8. I guess she had to come out of the woods in order to reunite with Lauren and only a boy and girl couple can drive her out.


9. He asked the skull, "If I asked Heaven to restore your blood, flesh and skeleton to you and let you return to human's world and reunite with your family, will you accept it?"


10. Some African-Americans tell s that they moved back-or to the South for the first time-for warmer weather, to high urban crime, to reunite with southern relatives or to take advantage of lower home prices and taxes.


11. Reunite with your Iost ones.

找回你失去的那个人。《provided by jukuu》

12. Under the terms of the accord under consideration in February 2004, Puntland would reunite with Somalia.


13. At Thanksgiving, it felt strange to reunite with my group of high school girlfriends, who all grew up within a 20-mile radius.


14. Millions of people working or studying out of their hometowns will be hurrying home to reunite with families as the Chinese Spring Festival approaches.


15. During the Chinese New Year, they will go home to reunite with their other family members. This is one problem of urbanization.


16. In the film, Harington will reunite with his former "Game of Thrones" costar, Richard Madden, who was announced to play Ikaris, one of the leaders of the Eternals.


17. With no hope to reunite with him.


18. In sky travelers players learn about the earth as they explore it as aliens from outer space; only through teamwork and strategic decision -making can they reunite with their mother craft.


19. When talking with friends, discuss some business, and reunite with relatives, brewing a pot of tea is good for communication.


20. The Avengers have gone their separate ways, so Romanoff heads to Russia to reunite with the only family she has, three fellow secret agents played by Rachel Weisz, David Harbour and Florence Pugh.


21. It is a long-held tradition for most Chinese people to reunite with their families during the Chinese New Year.


22. Jialing tries to persuade Zhizhong to reunite with Meiqin, but Zhizhong turns her down. On the other hand, Congmin brings Yixin home and locks her in the bedroom.


23. how will you ever reunite with your sister?


24. After the shootings, all entrances to the campus were closed and classes were cancelled through today. The university set up a meeting place for families to reunite with their children.


25. Beloved, representing the memory of the past, is able to make Sethe, Paul D, and Denver confront the original trauma as well as the past and reunite with their present and future.


26. In Edgar's interpretation it will bring them back to life, and he wants to reunite with his wife who was killed.


27. Ningxia's government said in a statement on its website that it held a meeting on January 8 to discuss ways to make sure companies give migrant workers their salaries before Spring Festival, when many return home to reunite with their families.


28. In Sevastopol, nostalgic Soviet music blasted from a stereo set up in the window of a school, where nearly everyone said they had voted to reunite with Russia.


29. We hope they could be released and reunite with their family as soon as possible.


30. But Taylor has reportedly ditched her best friend following her decision to reunite with bad boy ex Justin Bieber.


31. During the annual Songkran holiday, thousands of Thais take to the road on motorbikes - often without helmets - to return to their home villages from the big cities to reunite with families.


32. I was looking to reunite with dear friends.


33. She worked through the fear, and did not reunite with nature in full until the opening to her own clairvoyant gifts and talents at the age of28.


34. The Spring Festival is supposed to be the holiday when those young people who struggle go live independently far from home return to their hometowns to reunite with families. But more and more young people choose to travel abroad instead.


35. When we daddy are talking of this and that with mother, is very affectionate, he actually cannot reunite with the parents, his several years cannot even see surface with the parents.


36. In Guangzhou, Gilardino will reunite with Marcello Lippi, the coach of Italy's 2006 World Cup winning team and now head of Guangzhou Evergrande.

吉拉迪诺将在广州恒大与马尔切洛•里皮(Marcello Lippi)重聚。 里皮曾率领意大利队出战2006年世界杯,目前担任广州恒大的主教练。

37. Methods In repairing the facial depression, the ruptured subdermal adipocellular tissue was approximated and reunite with the buried-guided-suture method through an intraoral or a concealed skin incision.


38. Heathcliff does not reunite with Catherine or obtain an external freedom in spirit until he integrates with nature and returns to his interior self.


39. He longed to reunite with her, so he approached Jupiter, king of the gods, and beseeched him to grant Psyche immortality.


40. He did not reunite with them until three years later at the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.


41. From 2012-15, fewer than 15 percent ofadoptees who asked to reunite with their birth parents were able to do so, according to Korean government figures.


42. This is our second Chinese New Year in Beijing, we love seeing all the festive red lanterns and firework displays as part of this great holiday, and we know that this is a really special time to reunite with family and to enjoy holiday meals with friends and loved ones.


43. But for many Libyans, each day is still a struggle& to recover from their wounds, reunite with their families, and return to their homes.


44. Shi Jiepeng, a researcher at the Institute of Chinese History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, explains that with horizontal kinships becoming weaker, the urge to reunite with close, or vertical, family members-siblings, parents and grandparents-is becoming stronger.


45. The factors for this are manifold. Better border policing, the Great Recession, and increasing job opportunities in Mexico have all played a part, as has the desire to reunite with family members still in Mexico.


46. Mr. Duncan had come to the United States to reunite with family.


47. Documentary Filmmaker Adrian Grenier documents his attempt to reunite with his estranged father.


48. He expects to be deported in the coming weeks and will reunite with his mother, who plans to decorate a small room in her house for her son.


49. Do you think it's possible to reunite Joe with his long lost father?

你觉得有可能让阿乔和阔别已久的父亲重逢吗?《provided by jukuu》

50. That time I travel far and wide, not for the sceneries, but to reunite with you on the way.



1. The women appeared to be in good health and were taken to a hospital to be evaluated and to reunite with relatives.

NPR: 3 Missing Women Found In Ohio, 3 Brothers Arrested

2. If a vote were held today on whether to reunite with Russia, the split would be more even.

ECONOMIST: Ukraines two minds

3. Rio Ferdinand is hoping to be reunite with Terry in the centre of defence after missing the latest in England's current run of five successive victories and agrees the team will face a tough task to maintain their winning ways.

BBC: Capello wary of Spain's midfield

4. He was in the Israeli army before coming to the United States in 1950 to reunite with the three sisters and brother who survived.

WSJ: Holocaust survivor, liberator meet for first time

5. The man had left his wife to reunite with his teenage love, and they had two children out of wedlock, the youngest just six months old.

NPR: Woman In Timbuktu Punished For Forbidden Love

6. But there will be no lessening of China's determination to reunite with Taiwan.

FORBES: Commentary: On Events at Home and Abroad

7. When they are done working, the particles reunite with the hydrogen ions and with oxygen in the air to emit water.

FORBES: Mr. Burns' Dilemma

8. "The fact that animals are producing whistle copies when they are separated from a close associate supports the idea that dolphins copy another animal's signature whistle when they want to reunite with that specific individual, " Stephanie King of St.

CNN: Dolphins may be calling each other by name

9. Downey Jr is expected to reunite with fellow comic book characters Captain America, Thor and the Hulk in the forthcoming Avengers sequel, which is scheduled to be released in 2015.

BBC: Iron Man 3 triumphs at US box office

10. More projects followed suit but in the early 1990s Lebo decided to go back to his apartheid-free home country and reunite with his family.

CNN: Roaring success of 'Lion King' musician

11. The family's attorney said the parents weren't given the chance to reunite with their daughter.

WSJ: Immigrant groups sue federal border agencies

12. Yang and his counterparts can thank the California State Controller's Office for trying to reunite them with their money.

FORBES: Found: Yang's Lost Microsoft Money

13. Crump said Martin's father, Tracy Martin, wept through much of Friday hearing, and the family was distraught at the prospect of Zimmerman being able to reunite with his family.

CNN: Zimmerman apologizes as judge sets $150,000 bond

14. But it is so gratifying to see them when they reunite with their pets after all this time.

CNN: Stranded pets now being rescued

15. To reunite with blasts from the past.

FORBES: Why Twitter Will Live And Facebook Will Die

16. As his heart failed, Gonzalez's plight moved the hospital staff to try to reunite him with his parents.

CNN: Guatemalan in Atlanta awaits word on possible heart transplant

17. The third film in the X-Men franchise would have seen Vaughn reunite with his Lock, Stock co-star Vinnie Jones, who has been cast as "900-pound battering ram" Juggernaut.

BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Director quits X-Men 3 for family

18. The "Hurricane Sandy's Lost Treasures" page is devoted to helping reunite owners with found objects.

CNN: Social media make helping personal

19. Besides forming a potential media powerhouse, the deal would reunite Zuckerberg with his former Facebook friend Sean Parker.

FORBES: Facebook Spotify Partnership: Will Mark Zuckerberg And Sean Parker Team Up Again?

20. They were taken into Saudi custody, given food and new clothes, and allowed to reunite with their families.

NPR: Future Uncertain for Former Guantanamo Detainees

21. Kindle electronic readers are easier to reunite with owners than iPads, airlines say, because they often aren't locked with password protection.

WSJ: Oops! I Forgot My iPad on the Plane

22. The stories of foster kids running away to reunite with their often abusive or neglectful parents are manifold.

FORBES: Baby Left in Motel Bathtub Rescued by Four-Year-Old Sister

23. But for many Libyans, each day is still a struggle -- to recover from their wounds, reunite with their families, and return to their homes.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Salutes the People of Libya

24. Brands are quick to walk away from powerful equities, only to reunite with them when others fail to click with consumers.

FORBES: Speed-Dating Is The Worst Thing That Can Happen To Your Brand

25. Each system contains a unique code to help police reunite owners with their property if it is stolen.

BBC: Boat owners in Hampshire given anti-theft paint

26. Fadi Fadel, 33, was released April 16 and returned to Montreal last week to reunite with his family.

CNN: Freed aid worker: Kidnapping a 'nightmare'

27. "When we filmed the movie we talked to a lot of people crossing the borders, and they were just families - families coming to feed themselves and reunite with their family, " Christopher Zalla said.

BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Latin American films top Sundance

28. Mr. Horning applauded any move to reunite families with their loved ones.

WSJ: New Efforts to Sift for 9/11 Remains

29. Was very clear about that -- that he wanted to reunite with his family in China and to relocate in China.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

30. After pro-Western President Mikheil Saakashvili took power in Georgia in 2003, he vowed to reunite Abkhazia with Georgia.

NPR: Conflict Brewing Over Breakaway Georgian Province

reunite with是什么意思_reunite with短语搭配_reunite with权威例句




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