莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]play美 [kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn]play

  • n. 表达,交流,交际;信息,书信,电话;通讯,交通联系;传播学

复数 communications

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


communication /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən/

  • 1.
    复数型名词 Communications are the systems and processes that are used to communicate or broadcast information, especially by means of electricity or radio waves. 通信

    ...a communications satellite.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A communication is a message. 信息

    The ambassador has brought with him a communication from the president.


  • 3.
    →see also   communicate





communication communion contact 【导航词义:交流】

communication n. 交流,沟通

〔辨析〕 指用话语、信号、文字、电子设备等与他人交换信息、表达想法或情感的行为或过程。

例1: She is in communication with him on this issue.


例2: Good communication is vital in a huge organization.


communion n. [正式] 交流

〔辨析〕 指与某人或某物之间非言语的情感交流。

例1: Prayer is regarded as a form of communion with God.


例2: He had a great feeling of the communion between himself and nature.


contact n. 联系,交往

〔辨析〕 指人、机构、国家等之间的联系,强调接触。

例1: There's hardly any contact between the two tribes.


例2: They stay in contact by email.



1. serial communication [计]串行通信

2. nonverbal communication 非言语交际 ; 非言语沟通 ; 非语言沟通 ; 非口头信息交流

3. communication network 通讯网络

4. communication system 通信系统

5. network communication 网络通信,网络传播

6. cross-cultural communication 跨文化交际

7. intercultural communication 跨文化交流;跨文化沟通;国际文化交流

8. communication protocol [计]通信协议

9. Communication channel 通信 通信信道 ; 沟通渠道 ; 通信电路

10. communication skill 沟通技巧;传播技能

11. wireless communication 无线通信

12. Mass Communication 大众传播 ; 大众传媒 ; 传播学 ; 大众沟通

13. Visual communication 视觉传达设计 ; 视觉传达 ; 视觉传播 ; 可视通讯

14. mobile communication 移动式通信

15. communication equipment 通信设备

16. interpersonal communication 人际沟通;人际传播;人际交流

17. communication with 与……交流;与……通讯

18. international communication 国际交流;国际通信;国际传播

19. digital communication 数位通讯;数位传输

20. data communication 数据通信

21. means of communication 通信手段

22. optical communication 光通信

23. communication technology 通信技术

24. information communication 信息交流;信息通信


1. Many successful virtual companies provide digital services, such as financial transactions, in the case of PayPal, or means of communication, as Skype does.

许多成功的虚拟公司提供数字服务,如贝宝(美国 eBay公司的全资子公司)之类的金融交易,或是 Skype 之类的通讯手段。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

2. It is the production of synthesis and integration of computer technology, communication technology and control technology.

它是计算机技术 、 通信技术和控制技术高度综合与集成的产物,是一种开放式和分布式的新模式.《期刊摘选》

3. She writes that academic cheating is the a result of communication failure between students and professors.


4. Human language permits communication about anything.


5. a mode of communication


6. We are in regular communication by letter.


7. Modern Art is deemed important in ascertaining the developmental direction of the Visual Communication Design.


8. Reliability design method of improvement of communications part.


9. Doctors do not always have good communication skills .


10. Fourthly, pay more attention to databank construction, take communication and cooperation seriously.

加强语料库建设, 加强交流与合作.《期刊摘选》

11. Right now it is a very slow process to change channels in optical communications.


12. The device has other functions such as protection, fault locating, information display, communication and so on.

装置还具有保护 、 故障定位 、 信息显示 、 通讯等功能.《期刊摘选》

13. The new airport will improve communications between the islands.


14. All channels of communication need to be kept open.


15. There was a tremendous lack of communication between us.


16. When installed at an ISP, it monitors the communication that passes through the servers.

当装在ISP处时, 它监视经过服务器的通信.《期刊摘选》

17. Dialogs are important means of communication user and a computer program.


18. Many data communication services are available in Hong Kong.


19. Most roads, bridges, transit, water systems, the electric grid, and communications networks were installed 50 to 100 years ago, and they are largely taken for granted until they fail.

美国的多数公路、桥梁、运输设施、水利系统、电网和通讯网络都是50年至100 年前建造的,而且这些基础设施大部分都没得到认真维护,直到不能使用。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

20. Losing cells is the main defect of image communication under ATM.


21. Technology is destroying the traditional letter as a means of communication at alarming speed.


22. You do well in occupations that deal with communication and meeting the needs of others.


23. What does physical contact in communication suggest?


24. Translation is a communication and negotiation between two cultures.


25. Culture plays a large part in non-verbal communication


26. The results show that the resin is suitable for the communication cable resin with coating layer.


27. The partial serial communication program is given, which has been used in remote testing system.


28. Television is the modern medium of communication.


29. It also enables batch metadata updates, which could reduce communications and increase parallelism.

这也是批元数据更新成为可能, 从而降低通信和提高并行.《期刊摘选》

30. Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.


31. a communication from the leader of the party


32. Other army units are completely surrounded and cut-off from communication with their superiors


33. They should be reserved for urgent communication.


34. The modern mind, Tim Parks, a novelist and critic, writes, is overwhelmingly inclined toward communication…It is not simply that one is interrupted; it is that one is actually inclined to interruption. 

小说家兼评论家蒂姆帕克斯写道: 现代人的大脑“非常愿意交流……不是被打断这么简单,而是人们真的愿意被打断。” 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

35. Doctors do not always have good communication skills.


36. The methods of communication used during the war were primitive by today's standards.


37. Communication is key for success in the movie business.


38. The railway communication is broken.


39. Computer simulation is an effective means of assessing the effectiveness of communication systems and COMINT systems.


40. This communication is confidential.


41. One of the fundamental bars to communication is the lack of a universally spoken, common language


42. Even their communication did not take place verbally, it took place by look and instinct.

纵然不用口头来表达,他们仍有思想感情的交流, 那也是用眼神和直觉来传达的.《期刊摘选》

43. The written word is my most effective means of communication.


44. The organizers of the experiment concluded that far fewer students were achieving at high levels on critical thinking than they were doing for written communication or quantitative literacy.

实验的组织者总结说,比起书面交流和数据理解方面,在批判性思维方面达到高水平的学生要少得多。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

45. The elderly prefer the icons display with objective way in the part of reading image communication.


46. communication systems/links/technology

通信系统 / 线路 / 技术《牛津词典》

47. Communication , both up and down the organisation, has greatly improved.


48. Cities are the cultural, economic, governmental, population, transportation and communication centers of the world.

城市是世界的文化, 经济, 政府, 人口 、 运输和通讯中心.《期刊摘选》

49. We are living in a shrinking global village with increased communication and traveling.


50. Implementation through the TCP and UDP client and server communication.


51. At present, MEMS is widely applied in aviation, medical treatment equipments, communications and so on.

目前, 微电子机械系统已在航空航电 、 医疗仪器 、 通信等领域得到广泛的应用.《期刊摘选》

52. Water, electricity and communication facilities are complete package.

水 、 电、通讯等设施均配套齐全.《期刊摘选》

53. In visual communication, constitution is an important element.


54. Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect.


55. Messaging allows real-time communication by keyboard with up to five people at any one time.


56. Apply extensively at the domain such as electron, communication, computer.

广泛应用于电子 、 通讯 、 计算机等领域.《期刊摘选》

57. The information superhighway will have unimaginable influence on the means of communication among people.


58. Communication is realized through IEEE 488 and its interface.


59. Gestures comprise a major form of nonverbal communication.


60. We may monitor all email communication to protect our business.


61. Until recently, mobile radio was to wireless communications what the Yugo to transportation.

不久前, 移动无线电在无线通信业的地位还只是像南斯拉夫牌车辆在运输业的地位一样.《期刊摘选》

62. Spitting in the street leads to the communication of disease.


63. Good communication is key to our success.


64. What makes it different from animal communication?


65. Zhao Xian transportation, communications, abundant power supply, ground water is rich in resources.

赵县交通 、 通讯发达, 电力供应充沛, 地下水资源丰富.《期刊摘选》

66. The Construction Term: The whole road has been hardening. The communication, water and electricity are available.

建设条件: 全程已实现道路硬化; 通讯 、 用水、用电良好.《期刊摘选》

67. Bear gifts; bear a heavy load; also with communication nouns: bear news; bearing orders.

接受礼物; 承受负荷; 也用作通讯名词; 传达信息.《期刊摘选》

68. The results of a recent experiment showed that professors can use 31 standardized metrics to measure how well students do in three key areas: critical thinking, written communication, and quantitative literacy.

近期一项实验的结果显示,教授可以使用 (31) 标准化的度量制来衡量学生在三个关键领域的表现,即:批判性思维,书面交流能力和数据理解能力。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

69. She'd never received the merest hint of any communication from him.


70. We want to be concerned western the problem of development and you make farther communication.


71. Television is an effective means of communication.


72. Speech is the fastest method of communication between people.


73. Results and Conclusion Character communication can improve the speech of the apraxia of speech.


74. To meet requirements of computer - mediated communication, an image based facile face animation approach is presented.

面向网上人际交流的实际需求, 提出一种基于图像的便捷人脸动画方法.《期刊摘选》

75. The essence of visual communication design is the activity of visual perception, limited by visual thoughts.

视觉传达设计就本质而言是视知觉活动, 受到视觉思维方式的制约.《期刊摘选》

76. Visual communication transforms the reality by means of coding it into figures, that is, symbolic coding.


77. With the development of mobile communication system, new increment services appear continually recently.

随着移动通信的发展, 新的移动增值服务不断出现.《期刊摘选》

78. The telephone communications were knocked out by the storm.


79. In the cockpit filled with solar cells to provide ventilation, lighting, power and communications systems.

座舱里装着太阳能电池,提供通风 、 照明和通讯系统的电力.《期刊摘选》

80. Communication falls into verbal and non verbal also called body language.


81. The real problem of interstellar communication does not concern technology.


82. The communication system design mixed with the wired mode and wireless mode.


83. Negotiators say they're keeping communication lines open.


84. All communication with the east has been stopped by the earthquake.


85. This is the boom period for the development of mobile communications.


86. Huawei gives us a slower communication way.


87. But serial communications package better, also simple to use.

不过串口通讯类封装的较完善, 使用也简单.《期刊摘选》

88. Danxi medicine reflects distinctly the economic and cultural communication and social culture the Yuan Dynasty.


89. Telegraph communication was broken off.


90. HLR product is an essential part in the core network of wireless communication networks.


91. Animals use a whole rang of acoustic , visual, and chemical signals in their systems of communication.

动物利用各种各样的听觉 、 视觉和化学信号来进行交流.《简明英汉词典》

92. SP : If you have further questions, you can communication with this secretary.

国保: 以后有问题可以多和这位书记交流一下.《期刊摘选》

93. He initiated students into the mysteries of interstellar communication.


94. With proper communication, he got his ideas across to the audience.


95. Compared with current schemes, our schemes have lower communication cost and computational cost.

相对目前的一些方案, 本文方案具有更小的通信代价和计算代价.《期刊摘选》

96. In fact, these commutes were reportedly more enjoyable compared with those without communication, which makes absolute sense, since human beings thrive off of social connections.

事实上,报道称与那些没有进行交流的通勒者相比,这些积极交谈的通勒者感觉更愉快,这绝对合乎情理,因为社会关系是人类赖以发展的基础。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

97. I hope this communication will be a good start of our cooperation and our friendship.


98. You can display your ads or messages, product or event communication on this page.

您可以在该页上显示您的广告或者信息 、 产品或者要传达的消息.《期刊摘选》

99. Talismans ( fu ) were used for healing, protection from demons, and communication with Taoist immortals.

护身符 ( 符 ) 是用作康复, 保护免受魔鬼伤害, 传达道教不朽的信息.《期刊摘选》

100. Lithuania hasn't had any direct communication with Moscow.


101. As a hub of finance and communications, Paris is now almost equal to London.


102. Technology such as the telephone now Allows communication to occur very quickly, even across long distances.

科技让现在的人们能快速的通讯, 甚至跨过了远距离的障碍,举例来说∶电话.《期刊摘选》

103. The communications capacity of a digital network is measured in terms bits per second.


104. Our land forces school also admits students who want to be communication soldiers after graduation.


105. Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days.


106. The Academy offers a public sphere for cross - disciplinary communication general field of built human environment, city.


107. ...communications equipment.


108. Good communication with people around you could prove difficult.


109. Graduated from Communication Design, University of Portsmouth, Graphic Designer, member of ISTD, based in London.

英国朴茨茅斯大学传达设计系毕业, 平面设计师, 现居伦敦. ISTD 成员.《期刊摘选》

110. a classic example of poor communication


111. Animals have instinctive communication systems.


112. The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students.


113. One of the fundamental bars to communication is the lack of a universally spoken, common language.


114. The ambassador has brought with him a communication from the President.


115. Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication.


116. California is vying with other states to capture a piece of the growing communications market


117. We are enthusiastically waiting for Chinese and foreign customers to come for negotiation, purchasing and communication.

我们热忱恭候中外客户光临洽谈, 定货和交流.《期刊摘选》

118. Communication Instrument: Including Series of 5110 serial Wire Analyzer and 5260 optical communication serial product.

通信测量仪器系列: 包括5110系列有线综合测试仪、5260光通信系列产品等.《期刊摘选》

119. Part of it is communication; part of it is transportation.”

部分原因在于交流,部分原因在于交通。”《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

120. There was little communication outside the meeting.


121. Communication is the key to a better among human society.


122. There are all avenues of communication.


123. After bills, Tony has £60 a week to spend, £40 of which goes on food, but 10 years ago he was earning £130,000 a year working in corporate communications and eating at London's best restaurants at least twice a week.

付过各种账单后,托尼每周只剩下60英镑可供花销,其中40英镑都被用来买食物。但在十年前,他曾在一家通讯公司工作,年薪达13万英镑,每周至少去伦敦最顶级的餐厅就餐两次。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

124. Graduated from Communication Design , University of Portsmouth, member of ISTD.


125. This work a visual effect to achieve a deeper level of communication.


126. Instead, they focused on communication: “He doesn't listen to me. '' ,“He doesn't talk to me.”

她们的抱怨总是: 桌中在交流问题上,如“他不听我说话”,“他不和我说话”。与Hacker几年前发现的一样,我发现多数做妻子的都期望丈夫首先是自己的交谈伙伴。但是很少有丈夫对妻子抱有同样的期望。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

127. Communication campaigns, visual identity, design and production of books and art books, posters, brochures and reports.

组织视觉传达活动, 设计视觉标识, 设计制作书籍、艺术书籍 、 海报 、 宣传册和报告.《期刊摘选》

128. Language is an instrument for communication.


129. It is a communication device for pooling the knowledge and actions of millions of diverse individuals.


130. "Computers cannot ‘ read'. They cannot measure the essentials of effective written communication: accuracy, reasoning, adequacy of evidence, good sense, ethical position, convincing argument, meaningful organization, and clarity, among others."

它们无法衡量有效书面表达的基本要素:准确性、逻辑、充足的论据、完整的意义、伦理立场、令人信服的论证、有意义的结构和清晰性等等。《四级真题- 2015年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

131. How to improve communication among friends?


132. Only at this moment are the time stamps compared using the distributed database's communications link.


133. Rivers are generally highways that speed trade and communication.


134. Note: These settings will not affect other newsletters or mandatory service communications from Microsoft.

注: 这些设置不会影响从微软的其他时事通讯或必须的服务通信.《期刊摘选》

135. So when someone tries to communicate with you, just be in that communication wholeheartedly.

所以当别人试图和你交流时,请全心全意投入。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

136. Transport is difficult, communications are patchy


137. At Tsinghua AACSB and Equis accreditation, all communication is in English and Chinese.

在清华大学, 所有的交流都用英文和中文进行.我名片上一面是英文名字,另一面是中文名字.《期刊摘选》

138. The same principle generally applies in regular operations, especially when communications are inadequate.

这个原则也一般地通用于正规战争的作战, 特别是在通讯工具不完备的情况下.《期刊摘选》

139. They will realise the importance of communication.


140. Sociologist Catherine Kohler Riessman reports in her new book Divorce Talk that most of the women she interviewed — but only a few of the men — gave lack of communication as the reason for their divorces.

社会学家凯瑟琳·里斯曼也在她的新书《夫妻对话》中提到,大多数接受采访的女性都认为她们离婚的原因是缺乏交流沟通,而只有少数男性持相同观点。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

141. The US shell company was set up to mount a bid for Kingston Communications.


142. Expansion board , may provide the user with additional memory, graphics, colour, communications features, etc.

它可以给与使用者额外的存贮量 、 美术 、 颜色 、 通信竺特色.《期刊摘选》

143. Once established the connection press joypad to occupy the communication channel and to send a message.


144. Our first task will be to set up a communications system.


145. Communication of whatever sort involves not just a speaker but a hearer too.


146. Satellites make long distant communication possible.


147. The developed urban communication system makes Jinzhou closely linked with the whole country, and the world.

发达的城市通讯系统让锦州与全国 、 与世界息息相通.《期刊摘选》

148. Having already enabled a communications revolution, the battery is now poised to transform just about everything else.

电池已促成了通信革命,现在则正蓄势待发,即将带来一场几乎颠覆一切的变革《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

149. It delivers videoconferencing communications and network video surveillance products and solutions to and private corporate sectors.


150. The vehicle that permitted both communication and acceptability was social revolution.


151. The communication was disrupted by the storm.


152. Associated with mobile communications has been engaged in marketing project planning management.


153. This communication changed his life.


154. Our first task is to set up a communications system.


155. We will accelerate restoration and reconstruction of infrastructure, including transportation, communications, energy, water conservancy and distribution.

加快交通 、 通信 、 能源 、 水利、流通等基础设施恢复重建.《期刊摘选》

156. Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit


157. Back in June, the Federal Communications Commission fined AT and T $100 million over 30 accusations that the carrier secretly reduced wireless speeds after customers consumed a certain amount of 31 data.

回顾六月份,美国联邦通信委员会对 AT公司开出了一亿美元的罚单,因为有(30) 指控称该运营商在顾客使用了一定量的(31) 数据后就偷偷降低了无线网的速度。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

158. This paper introduces a method for monitoring insulation performance of the undersea communication optical cable.


159. This is our communications center.


160. Barriers between nations are reared by slow and infrequent communication.


161. Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills.


162. Oral communication is fast-moving and impermanent.


163. ...a communications satellite.


164. A communication will be opened between the two places.


165. Pyongyang says it will fire what it calls a communications satellite into space, within days.


166. They underwent courses in radio communication, demolition, and sabotage.

他们接受了无线电通信 、 拆毁和破坏的课程.《简明英汉词典》

167. With the development of communication technique , advanced requirement is presented on telecommunication service management.

随着通信的发展, 对电信业务的管理提出了更高的要求,管理现代化的呼声也越来越高.《期刊摘选》

168. The line from corporate communications is that Turner is back in the saddle.


169. non-verbal communication



1. This interferes with the friends' discussion C just as unwanted sales messages interfere with communication over the Internet.

VOA : special.2009.04.19

2. Even in a virtual world, communication is heavily dependent on two-way body language cues.

FORBES: Body Language in Second Life

3. So, I think Wasteland further convinced me of the power of transparency in communication.

FORBES: Words From The Wasteland: InXile CEO Brian Fargo Talks Tides and Torments

4. Secondly, he was very interested in treating them as a group to particularly significant communication from him and from management that they were a valued part of the team.

其次,他喜欢,将他们看做一个团队,并认为他们之间的交流,对他和管理层都很重要,他们在团队中意义重大。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. Once the infrastructure has moved to satellite communication, everything else falls into place much more naturally.

BBC: The key to preventing lost planes

6. And the canal became a lifeline for communication, with government couriers running messages up and down the waterway.

BBC: Beijings extraordinary Grand Canal

7. So, membership should be looser, policymaking broader and more representative, the internet and interactive communication the norm.


8. Production of information and communication technology hardware (ICT) fell 6.5% from the previous month.

BBC: Hi-tech slowdown threatens UK

9. One disadvantage to instant communication is that the ease of communicating can sometimes result in mis-communicating.

FORBES: The CEO of Boloco's Social Media Strategy

10. This is a signal - this passing of phosphorous - is a signal that's used very frequently in intracellular communication.

这是一种信号,一种通过磷酸来传递的信号,这种信号在细胞内通讯时经常被用到生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. He said it was important that communication across Northern Ireland society "be kept in good shape".

BBC: Cardiff talks should make Northern Ireland summer 'safer'

12. Can you make something where the artwork is a series of pulses of communication?

FORBES: Artinfo: Artist Doug Aitken on Creating a "21st Century Earthwork" With His iPad

13. Vo Ngoc Toan from Vietnam would like to know about the TOEIC - the Test of English for International Communication.

VOA : special.2009.01.15

14. Officials said the five hundred students who entered were judged as much on their communication skills as for the scientific talent they showed.

VOA : special.2009.10.15

15. Robert Shaw says this kind of train-the-trainer program helps meet a growing demand for professionals in information and communication technologies,or ICT.

VOA : special.2011.01.24

16. This interferes with the friends' discussion - just as unwanted sales messages interfere with communication over the Internet.

VOA : special.2010.08.01

17. The Asians were ahead and the end of the isolation of Greece made possible communication, and it allowed this kind of learning and so you got this picture of some people learning how to do these things very, very well.

亚洲人领先于世,在希腊分裂后期,这种知识的交流成为可能,同时使学习这种技能成为可能,所以你能看到人们学习,如何将农作技术发挥到最好的图景古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. What do you do when you have a communication impasse with someone you care about?

FORBES: Getting Past A Communication Impasse

19. In an interview, he noted that the data included every form of electronic communication.

FORBES: The Sheep Stop Here: Another Church Committee or Full Review of Privacy Laws Needed?

20. Once an unavoidable part of communication over distance, the phone number is quickly receding into irrelevance.

FORBES: Will Facebook Messenger Kill Off The Phone Number?

21. It could also be used as a method of illicit communication between male and female teenagers.

BBC: Is that cellphone kosher?

22. So the meaning in life will be furthered by means of this kind of communication that takes place through responsivity.

因此生命的意义可以通过这种,相互交流而深化,而交流的途径就是反应。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. The UK remains the cheapest place to buy communication services, although the gap is narrowing.

BBC: UK is a nation of data-hungry net shoppers, says survey

24. But you can expect normal, everyday politeness, fair play, communication and consideration from your colleagues.

FORBES: Kindness At The Office

25. If you think about the food business, tours, movies, communication, everything,

如果你想做食品生意、旅游、电影、传播,什么都算上,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 事业就是挑战

26. Scientists agree that musical instruments are a sign of fully modern behavior and a complex form of communication.

VOA : special.2009.08.18

27. And if you are looking at a keyboard, we can predict in the real time very rapidly that beat your very single finger typing speed, exactly the letters you like to type and hit, therefore provide a communication mechanism that Christopher Reeve and those similar with him can benefit from.

如果你在看电脑键盘,你可以十分快速地,实时预知自己手指敲击键盘的速度,预知你想录入的字母,这样便为克里斯托弗·里夫,和其他你说熟悉的人提供了一种沟通机制,使他们从中受益。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

28. The only mistake he was willing to concede during his tenure were mistakes of communication.

FORBES: Paulson Says Deficit Is America's Biggest Challenge

29. Ironically, it is poor communication that has often damaged Blackberry and its owner RIM.

BBC: Will Blackberry crumble?

30. Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication.


31. If this approach fails, you can always just block the offending type of communication.

WSJ: Ground Rules for Digital Communication With Friends and Family

32. He wanted to copy the program, to help the teens in court develop self-esteem and communication skills and better control their anger.

VOA : special.2010.06.03

33. The onset of government-led information, communication and technology strategies gave way to applications like mobile money.

FORBES: Mobile money trickles into the developing nations

34. A contract is more then communication, a contract is communication with teeth. It actually changes the payoffs.

协议的效力大于口头约定,协议是有违约责任的,它影响收益博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. There is a military aid, which is different, who carried what's called the 'football', which is a leather section that contains the highest classified communication equipment and nuclear codes.

有个军事助理,那是不同的,他负责拿着叫“足球”的东西,是个皮革的盒子,里面装着最高秘密等级的,通信设备,和原子弹设备。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

36. As a communication tool, it can show possible investors how well you have considered your ideas.

VOA : special.2009.06.26

37. Downed communication lines and problems sharing information with officers exacerbated the problem, she said.

NPR: Medical Examiner: 24 Dead In Oklahoma Twister

38. It praised good practices in terms of staff engagement, communication and user-friendly incident reporting.

BBC: Dumfries Infirmary

39. They take this makeshift communication system developed by adults and, again, they turn it into a full-blown language, suggesting that to some extent it's part of our human nature to create languages.

他们继承了成人发展出来的临时交流系统,将这个临时交流系统,再次发展成一种成熟的语言,这表明从某种程度上来说,创造语言是我们人类本性的一部分心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. in the new methods of communication that you are opening up.

也要在你所展开的对话的新方法中发现乐趣。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 留在记忆中的学生

41. The new study led by Doctor Shetgiri shows that parents could help prevent bullying by improving communication and involvement with their children.

VOA : special.2010.05.06

42. He has good communication skills.


43. These are dimensions of communication that I've been identifying in "Mowing" with the whisper of the scythe, that is, a tone of meaning or a way of meaning.

这是谈话的特点,这个是我在“割草“中提到的“,镰刀的低语,这就是,一种语调蕴含的意思或者是一种方式的意义。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Moscow and the Baltic republics are re-opening channels of communication.


45. For example, the CN Tower in Toronto,Canada is not included in the tallest building category because it is a communication tower.

VOA : special.2010.03.31

46. You know, if they're really engaging in, in some communication, you know, meeting some minds or something,

如果他们真的参与到一些交流中, 见到一些有思想的人或事情,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于网络世界

47. The Act compels communication service providers to keep data for up to 12 months.

BBC: Privacy fears over EU snooping plans

48. The Communication Workers Union said 88% of its members had voted in favour of strike action.

BBC: Post Office workers set to strike over Easter

49. Computers, the Internet, and communication devices are fundamental to financial progress and they make things possible that wouldn't have been possible before.

计算机,网络,通讯设备,是金融进步的基础,正是这些技术使得过去不可能的事情,如今变成了现实金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. "The communication is honestly one of the most frustrating parts of travel, " Herb said.

WSJ: Damaging storms moving through east, south

51. Communication has altered things somewhat.


52. It was organized by the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.

VOA : special.2009.11.20

53. The European Commission communication invites member states, in the strongest terms, to adopt the measures.

BBC: 'Victory' for breast implant victims

54. But it did not want to violate a limit on so-called electioneering communication by corporations and unions within thirty days of a primary election.

VOA : special.2010.03.12

55. But the interesting thing I realized along the way is that payment is another form of communication.

我渐渐意识到一个很有趣的事实:,付款是另一种交流方式。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

56. Communication is a basic human need.


57. The MCA said it received no communication from the crew of the crabber before it disappeared.

BBC: The Purbeck Isle

58. Wireless communication devices must be silenced.

无线通讯的设备必须是静音的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. All these years later obviously there's been some breakdown, communication breakdown, information-sharing, within the intelligence community.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

60. It was a list of what he considers the worst practices in the use of information and communication technologies in education.

VOA : special.2010.09.20

61. Employees with similar jobs were paired to make communication on the set flow comfortably.

FORBES: The New Corporate Art Collection: The Annual Report

62. The external communication is the product.

外部交流就是产品。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

63. This was very different from the communication between two people speaking to each other on a telephone.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

64. The wiretapped communication discussed jihad, but the conversation was vague, two U.S. officials said.

CNN: Here's the latest on the Boston Marathon bombings

65. Communication and Information (ACI) in the following countries covered by the UNESCO Office Yaounde Cameroon.

UNESCO: Main Menu





communist的意思是:n. 共产主义者,共产党党员 adj. 共产主义的,共产党党员的;共产党的(Communist)。学考宝为您提供communist是什么意思,communist的翻译,communist的用法,communist的短语搭配,communist的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


innocuousness的意思是:n. 无害(性)。学考宝为您提供innocuousness是什么意思,innocuousness的音标,innocuousness怎么读,innocuousness的翻译,innocuousness的用法,innocuousness的短语搭配,innocuousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


harmlessness的意思是:n. 无害,无害性;无恶意。学考宝为您提供harmlessness是什么意思,harmlessness的翻译,harmlessness的用法,harmlessness的短语搭配,harmlessness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


communication的意思是:n. 表达,交流,交际;信息,书信,电话;通讯,交通联系;传播学。学考宝为您提供communication是什么意思,communication的翻译,communication的用法,communication的短语搭配,communication的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


intumescence的意思是:n. 膨胀;肿大。学考宝为您提供intumescence是什么意思,intumescence的翻译,intumescence的用法,intumescence的短语搭配,intumescence的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


intumescent的意思是:adj. 膨胀的;肿大的;隆起的;泡沸的。学考宝为您提供intumescent是什么意思,intumescent的翻译,intumescent的用法,intumescent的短语搭配,intumescent的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


commit的意思是:v. 犯(罪、错);调拨,投入;(使)承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺,忠于;把……关进医院(监狱),监禁;传唤(某人)到法院受审;订婚,决定与(某人)保持长期感情;把……托付给。学考宝为您提供commit是什么意思,commit的翻译,commit的用法,commit的短语搭配,commit的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


unsaying的意思是:v. 收回,取消。unsay的现在分词。学考宝为您提供unsaying是什么意思,unsaying的音标,unsaying怎么读,unsaying的翻译,unsaying的用法,unsaying的短语搭配,unsaying的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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