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most an end是什么意思_most an end怎么读_most an end的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


most an end

most an end

网络 通常;一般;大体上

英 [məʊst ən end]play 美 [moʊst ən end]play

词典扩展 权威例句 实用例句



1. For instance, most back-end processes require an XML document while a front-end process may require a JSON object.


2. I've given this strategy its name because in most cases, back-end processing functionality is exposed to client applications through the use of interfaces or an API.


3. Another character, Vida Winter, is England's most famous reclusive writer, whose life story is coming to an end.


4. The most important thing to realize about this is that at the end of the day, it's an ordinary .html file.

在这一方面,要认识到的最重要的一点就是:最终它将是一个普通的 .html 文件。

5. Most of us can remember an introduction and three body paragraphs without a repetitive summary at the end to help us out.


6. They argue that it matters most as a means to an end: a radical overhaul of Indonesia's land-use and forest-management systems.


7. Eventually, however, Wall Street did an end run around regulation, using complex financial arrangements to put most of the business of banking outside the regulators' reach.


8. On most media, the size is determined by writing until an end-of-media indication is returned.

在大多数媒体上,容量是通过一直写入直至返回一个end - of - media标记来确定的。

9. Most XML and HTML developers are familiar with entity references, the odd little XML constructs you often see that begin with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;).

大多数 XML 和 HTML 开发人员都熟悉实体引用,一种常见的有点奇怪的 XML 结构,以 & 符号开始,以分号 (;) 结束。

10. Most notably, by the end of this week, your baby will no longer be an embryo, but will be considered a fetus.


11. Even part-time hostesses and those at the low end of the pay scale earn at least $20 an hour, almost twice the rate of most temp positions.


12. Today the country is a breeding ground for the world's largest and most profitable banks with an average NPL ratio of just 1.3 per cent as of the end of last month.


13. Everyone strives for some means to an end, yet most of us play it just safe enough to the point where we never exactly have the opportunity to snag the whole pot of gold.


14. Bear in mind that "in most negotiations, there is an expectation that where you start is not where you will end up," says Lee Miller.


15. Most cannot and many end up viewing the need for additional school as an insurmountable stumbling block on their road to a new career.


16. BY ITS end, most people would agree, the 20th century was an American century.


17. So the lesson may be that, if you can, find a treadmill with a monitor and video programing showing an outdoor walking course with a beginning and, most important, an end.


18. But if we stop to think about it, most of us recognise that material and financial wealth are just a means to an end, not the end in themselves.


19. Even if you weren't ill the past few months, the second trimester signals an end to your baby's most vulnerable development period, allowing you a bit more freedom.


20. Most notably by the end of this week your baby will no longer be an embryo but will be considered a fetus.


21. Most an end , it is provided free of a value - added service.

这是我们提供的附加值服务, 通常它是免费的.《互联网》

22. In changing rooms up and down the country my guess is that most us would be agreed on one thing; succumbing to a Manchester City dynasty would be an improper end to a glittering managerial career.


23. And as we slog through an extended period of ten-percent unemployment with no end in sight, it also appears to be among the most prescient.


24. The young woman went to the end of the porch, where an elderly patient was sitting in her wheelchair, alone, head bowed, her back to most of the others.


25. The Tokugawa era (1603-1868) put an end to centuries of warfare, ushering in a longer period of peace and stability than most nations have ever enjoyed.


26. What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties.


27. This article also examines some of the most commonly encountered topologies of an ESB, and how they may be used to define an end-to-end service connectivity solution.


28. Even if you weren't ill the past few months the second trimester signals an end to your baby's most vulnerable development period allowing you a bit more freedom.


29. Figures released on August 13th showed that the German economy grew by 2.2% (an annualised rate of close to 9%) in the three months to the end of June, well above even the most optimistic forecasts.


30. Hopefully Jobs's most important legacy will be that the products he created won't have too big of an impact at the end of their lives on either people or the planet.



1. If (the conditional is a requirement here) it does, that day will put an end to one of the most infamous cases of vaporware ever.

FORBES: Technology

2. William Hadley pokes around places where most people wouldn't stick the end of an umbrella.

FORBES: Germ warfare

3. Maoist rebels in India will put an end to their most brutal methods of execution, a senior rebel leader has told the BBC.

BBC: India Maoist rebels to stop brutal execution methods

4. Certainly, most Koreans would like an end to the vicious cycle of the incumbent turning on his predecessor.

ECONOMIST: South Korea

5. So although general hiring freezes may be coming to an end, most banks will content themselves with filling gaps only as the need arises.

ECONOMIST: Investment banking

6. Cameras, like the array of printers HP sells, are for the most part a means to an end: driving the consumption of more high-margin printing supplies such as ink cartridges.

FORBES: New HP Camera, But Same Old Look

7. His yardage total was the most by an Eagles tight end since 1965.

WSJ: New York Jets' Big Weak Spot is Stopping the Big Fellas

8. But by most accounts it has come to an end.

FORBES: Business in a Post-Holocene World

9. Schools and universities do not produce enough home-grown talent, and many educated people, most of them white, left when apartheid came to an end.

ECONOMIST: South African immigration

10. Because in the end, it was the most potent speech an American president has ever given in Israel about the peace process, the most personal statement of commitment to it.

CNN: Obama goes over Netanyahu's head to the Israeli people

11. Eventually, like most of these things do, it all came to an end.

FORBES: Enron's Jeffrey Skilling May Get Out Of Jail Sooner Than Expected

12. But privately, some of Hamas's more pragmatic leaders are suggesting they are willing to do more, aware that most Palestinians now favour an end to armed hostilities in return for a permanent Israeli withdrawal from their towns, villages and refugee camps.

ECONOMIST: Serious about peace

13. But there will be plenty of time to decide this later what Darfur's people most need right now is aid, and an end to the killing.

ECONOMIST: Powell seeks to stop the killing | The

14. Americans North and South would be compelled to confront and resist the war's assault on their conceptions of how life should end, an assault that challenged their most fundamental assumptions about life's value and meaning.

NPR: 'Republic of Suffering' Author Drew Gilpin Faust

15. For the most part, Socialbakers provides an end-to-end platform that helps customers build social media campaigns.

FORBES: Socialbakers: Riding the Facebook Wave

16. And even the most shameless debauchee may end up an alderman.

NEWYORKER: Novelty Acts

17. And they should most certainly put an end to the practice of profiting off the labor of unpaid student athletes while neglecting their education.

FORBES: Football Is Corrupting Our Universities - Again.

18. This spider's web of narrow tunnels, complete with coffin-sized cavities, opens out into dark subterranean churches - a most evocative way to end an underground tour of Rome.

BBC: Going underground at the Colosseum

19. Most candidates would like to put an end to taxes on capital gains and dividends as well.

ECONOMIST: The presidential race

20. Though the United States seeks an end to all violence, most of the attacks have been by the government forces, said Mark Toner, the U.S. State Department spokesman.

CNN: 7 dead as Syrian troops storm Aleppo University

21. The surrender of Perisic to The Hague in March 2005 brought to an end one of the most dramatic careers of any top figure from the Milosevic era.

BBC: Serbian general Perisic jailed for 27 years at Hague

22. The most dramatic example of an end of former glory: Research in Motion, where co-CEOs Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis stepped down in January.

FORBES: Vikram Pandit, Brian Dunn Among 2012's Biggest CEO Exits

23. For most people money is a means to an end.

FORBES: Six Avoidable Portfolio Pitfalls

24. So Burundians now have a new government, but not what they crave most: an end to the war.

BBC: Analysis: Burundi's shattered hopes

25. For the 23 players on the club's postseason tour of the U.S., Saturday's game will finally bring an end to the longest and most gruelling season of the team's 108-year history.

WSJ: Chelsea Really Needs a Nap

26. On December 16, 2009, President Obama signed into law an end to the longstanding ban on most Federal funding for needle exchange programs.

WHITEHOUSE: Health Care Blog | The White House

27. Failure to agree a CVA would have dire implications for the club, with liquidation (and an end to Portsmouth FC) being the most likely outcome.

BBC: PFA boss Taylor says Pompey misled players over wages

28. Mr Mahuad also wants an end to most exemptions from the tax.


29. Most relationships eventually come to an end.

FORBES: 10 Decisions Not to Make Alone

30. It was a lone Congressman, Rep. Charlie Wilson, who was the single most important factor in bringing an end to a totalitarian, brutal, USSR.

FORBES: How Jack Kemp And Charlie Wilson Saved The World

most an end是什么意思_most an end怎么读_most an end的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




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canalize的意思是:vt. 在……开运河;将……导入水道;修改成运河。学考宝为您提供canalize是什么意思,canalize的翻译,canalize的用法,canalize的短语搭配,canalize的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。




cap的意思是:n. 帽子;(对物件起保护作用的)罩,盖,套;最高限额;国家队队员 v. 覆盖;限额收取(或支出);选入国家队;给(牙齿)上牙套;胜过,超过;脱帽致意 【名】 (Cap)(法、德、罗)卡普,(塞、捷)察普(人名)。学考宝为您提供cap是什么意思,cap的翻译,cap的用法,cap的短语搭配,cap的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


canalization的意思是:n. 运河网;开运河;[外科] 造管术。学考宝为您提供canalization是什么意思,canalization的翻译,canalization的用法,canalization的短语搭配,canalization的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


canteen的意思是:n. 食堂,餐厅;水壶;餐具盒。学考宝为您提供canteen是什么意思,canteen的翻译,canteen的用法,canteen的短语搭配,canteen的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Milesian的意思是:adj. 爱尔兰的 n. 爱尔兰人 米利都的 米利都的居民。学考宝为您提供Milesian是什么意思,Milesian的翻译,Milesian的用法,Milesian的短语搭配,Milesian的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Hibernia的意思是:n. 爱尔兰(Ireland 的拉丁名)。学考宝为您提供Hibernia是什么意思,Hibernia的翻译,Hibernia的用法,Hibernia的短语搭配,Hibernia的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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