莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈbæriə(r)]play美 [ˈbæriər]play

  • n. 障碍,壁垒;障碍物,关卡;分界线,屏障;大关,界限
  • 【名】 (Barrier)(法)巴里耶(人名)

复数 barriers

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


barrier /ˈbærɪə/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A barrier is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved. 障碍

    Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A barrier is a problem that prevents two people or groups from agreeing, communicating, or working with each other. 障碍; 隔阂

    There is no reason why love shouldn't cross the age barrier.



    She had been waiting for Simon to break down the barrier between them.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A barrier is something such as a fence or wall that is put in place to prevent people from moving easily from one area to another. 栅栏; 围墙

    The demonstrators broke through heavy police barriers.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A barrier is an object or layer that physically prevents something from moving from one place to another. 屏障

    A severe storm destroyed a natural barrier between the house and the lake.


  • 5.
    单数型名词 You can refer to a particular number or amount as a barrier when you think it is significant, because it is difficult or unusual to go above it. (数量) 大关

    They are fearful that unemployment will soon break the barrier of three million.




obstacle bar barrier obstruction 【导航词义:障碍】

obstacle n. 障碍(物)

〔辨析〕 指在达到目的或前行的过程中必须消除或绕过的障碍(物),可以是具体的或抽象的东西。

例1: Terrorism is an obstacle to peace.


例2: His car hit an obstacle yesterday in the competition.


bar n. [书] 障碍,妨碍

〔辨析〕 指做某事的障碍,通常为抽象之物。

例1: They have decided to set a bar to competition.


例2: At that time being a woman was a bar to promotion in this profession.


barrier n. 障碍,壁垒

〔辨析〕 多指产生阻碍或限制作用的政策、法律、问题等。

例1: The removal of trade barriers means a lot to that country.


例2: What remains the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work?


obstruction n. 障碍物,阻塞物

〔辨析〕 指堵塞道路、通道、管道等的东西。

例1: There may be an obstruction in the drainpipe.


例2: Remove the vehicle that is causing the obstruction.



1. blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障;血脑障壁

2. barrier property 防护性能;隔离性,不透气性

3. moisture barrier 防潮层

4. tariff barrier 关税壁垒

5. barrier layer 阻挡层;势垒层

6. potential barrier 势垒;位垒

7. trade barrier 贸易壁垒

8. Coulomb barrier 库仑障壁 ; 库仑势垒 ; 库伦势垒

9. non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒

10. language barrier n. 语言障碍

11. blood brain barrier 血脑屏障

12. barrier system 屏障系统;柱式开采法;栅栏系统

13. barrier reef 堡礁;堤礁

14. natural barrier 天然屏障;天然堤

15. noise barrier 隔音屏障;隔声板

16. sound barrier 声障(等于sonic barrier)

17. safety barrier 安全势垒,安全栅;停机拦截网

18. thermal barrier 热障;保温层;绝热层

19. fire barrier 阻火器;防火墙;防火煤柱;防火隔板

20. great barrier reef 大堡礁

21. Schottky barrier 肖特基势垒 ; 肖脱基势垒 ; 萧特基位障 ; 萧特基能障

22. protective barrier 遮壁;防护栏杆;防护栅障




psychological barrier 心理障碍

racial barrier 种族隔阂


language barrier 语言障碍

police barrier 警方关卡

barrier islands/reef 障壁岛/堡礁


barrier between …之间的障碍


break down a barrier 打破屏障

cross a barrier 越过障碍


1. Thus , FOS impairs the intestinal barrier in rats as indicated by higher intestinal permeability.

其结果就是, 更高的肠道通透性表明FOS削减了大鼠的肠道屏障功能.《期刊摘选》

2.  Unfortunately, people create inner barriers with a help of exaggerating fears.

可惜,人们总爱夸大恐惧,借此,设立种种内心障碍。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

3. The crowds were pressing against the barriers.


4. Tanks are insulated by polyurethane foam with a vapor barrier which provides weather protection.


5. The packaging must provide an effective barrier to prevent contamination of the product.


6. Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation.


7. But new technologies for distributing movies and television shows now threaten to overwhelm these national barriers.


8. A fence of pales forming a defense barrier or fortification.


9. He rushed beyond the barrier.


10. The driver jumped a horse over a barrier.


11. The wall acts as a barrier to entry.


12. They are fearful that unemployment will soon break the barrier of three million


13. I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.


14. The Sahara Desert is a natural barrier between North and Central Africa.


15. Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade.


16. Barrier of besmear model metal, exit already entered gardens and construction industry.

涂塑金属栅栏 、 安全门已进入园林和建筑行业.《期刊摘选》

17. A protester threw barrier at riot control officers outside Parliament during a demonstration in central Athens.


18. Parks and similar recreation areas act as a kind of barrier between residential and industrial areas.


19. Paralysis rabies weak incapable are the peripheral nerve function barrier cause.


20. Show your ticket at the barrier.


21. A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform.


22. Trying to criticize writing on the fly is possibly the single greatest barrier to writing that most of us encounter.


23. If you have been avoiding the decision-making process, why not break through that barrier right here and now?


24. Steel barriers can bend and absorb the shock.


25. I will overcome any barrier on my way to success.


26. There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind.


27. His extensive experience in other parts of Asia helped him to overcome cultural barriers.


28. He hurdled two barriers to avoid reporters.


29. Intact human skin function a highly efficient barrier to the evaporative loss of water and heat.


30. The new work does go further than previous research and suggests that screen time should still be considered a potential barrier to young people's flourishing.


31. Skin, the biggest organ of human body, consists of the barrier against the environment outside.

皮肤是机体内的最大器官, 构成机体与外界环境之间的屏障.《期刊摘选》

32. A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform


33. A large crowd crushed past the barrier.


34. The Great Barrier Reef is disappearing at an increased rate because of climate damage.


35. A severe storm destroyed a natural barrier between the house and the lake.


36. The KAZ 11 was spotted adrift on the outer Great Barrier Reef on Wednesday.


37. the removal of trade barriers


38. Windbreaks are barriers formed by trees and other plants.


39. The cable system is ideal for spanning natural barriers of wide rivers, deep valleys, or ravines.

这种钢索体系是跨越宽河道 、 深丘谷或深山谷天然障碍物的理想体系.《辞典例句》

40. Twenty years ago, some barrier free facilities were built.


41. But the canal overcame the natural barrier of those mountains.


42. It's only been latterly that we've discovered that it's lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.

直到近来我们才发现,它们其实是众多独立的礁石, 大约有2900个独立的礁石系,组成了大堡礁.《简明英汉词典》

43. Barrier : a structure, such as a fence, built to bar passage.

栅栏,挡板: 一种建造物, 例如篱笆, 用来禁止通行.《期刊摘选》

44. Some changes have a lengthy process of whittling down barriers to equal treatment.


45. The parallax barrier is the main technology to realize auto stereoscopic display.


46. In fact, in the early 2000s, some cities started to build barrier-free facilities for disabled people.


47. Objective The mechanism of destruction of skin barrier function by detergent was studied.


48. Some barrier contraceptives also help to protect against sexually transmitted infections.


49. Several red and white barriers marked the road at intervals of about a mile


50. The crowds would not keep back from the barrier.


51. A plastic membrane serves as selective diffusion barrier.


52. Let your love see me even through the barrier of nearness.


53. This report examines the drivers and barriers for growth in Vietnam's electronics manufacturing and semiconductor industry.


54. The cell surface barrier had been broached.


55. The barriers kept the crowd back.


56. ...a severe storm, which destroyed a natural barrier between the house and the lake...


57. Monoamine oxidase ( MAO ) is a member of the enzyme barrier, which is an extensive existingoxidase in brain.

单胺氧化酶 ( MAO ) 是一种广泛存在于脑内的单胺类物质氧化酶,是酶屏障组成的成分之一.《期刊摘选》

58. The mob made a fast and furious attempt to break down the barriers.


59. This cell can only be an effective barrier if there's no way to get past it.


60. They set themselves to blast away the barriers to progress.


61. The barriers are lethal to fish trying to swim upstream.


62. The Sahara seems like a barrier at first glance, severing Africa into two pieces.

撒哈拉初看起来似乎是一个屏障, 把非洲切成了二块.《期刊摘选》

63. We want to promote cosmetics that appeal across the colour barrier.


64. It is the greatest barrier to building a farm of their own.


65. The car crashed through the barrier and came to rest in a field.


66. The city was being fenced with a barrier to protect itself against enemy attacks.


67. As an economical and effective method, the expressway noise barrier is a primary measure to reduce traffic noise.


68. A firewall is a firm between inner and outer net security barrier.


69. EB and CG were used to evaluate the permeability of the blood brain barrier ( BBB ).

用伊文蓝(EB)、胶体金 ( CG ) 示踪血脑屏障(BBB)通透性变化.《期刊摘选》

70. There is no reason why love shouldn't cross the age barrier...


71. Because early Earth lacked oxygen in its atmosphere, it also lacked a protective ozone barrier.


72. The fans pushed against the barrier.


73. As each woman reached the barrier one of the men glanced at her papers.


74. As to kitchen secure, the flameout protection of gas stove is an important barrier.


75. Farmers plant these barriers around their fields.


76. These man-made barriers will ensure a very high degree of protection


77. With Dadun volcanoes as barriers, the meandering River bred history and cultivated lives in Taipei.

以大屯火山群做屏障, 迤逦蜿蜒的淡水河流域孕育的台北生命史,源远流长.《期刊摘选》

78. The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east.


79. The angry crowds would not keep back the barrier.


80. There are many barriers in land capitalization, including institution, market, intermediate services , techniques, and skilled managers.

在现行制度背景下,农地资本化经营运作面临着制度 、 市场 、 服务中介 、 技术和人才等障碍.《期刊摘选》

81. The Popular Front failed, as expected, to pass the 5 per cent barrier.


82. Frost Nova: Will now properly overwrite the effect of Shattered Barrier and of Frostbite.

冰霜新星: 正确的覆盖碎裂屏障和霜寒刺骨的效果.《期刊摘选》

83. But the report notes that huge barriers were remain in dealing with the epidemic.


84. When conditions are hot, the ostrich erects them on its back, thus increasing the thickness of the barrier between solar radiation and the skin.


85. The age barrier appeared insurmountable.


86. I broke through the poverty barrier and it was education that did it.


87. The CMP process is also used to control film thickness and removal of barrier layers.


88. Even Hillary Clinton says that when it comes to college, "Costs won't be a barrier."


89. Other barriers to intimacy included tiredness, work and no time

影响夫妻俩亲热的其它障碍包括疲倦 、 工作忙和 “ 没时间 ”《期刊摘选》

90. As long as it's impossible to produce something from nothing, costs are absolutely a barrier.


91. She took a step nearer to the barrier.


92. Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success.


93. Wind barrier is a main method to assure traffic safety, especially under strong crosswind.

风障是解决行车安全问题的主要手段, 尤其在强侧风环境下.《期刊摘选》

94. Plastic barrier for ts once use, for ever use will make trouble for its maintaining.

而塑胶栅栏 “ 一旦使用, 一劳永逸 ”,再也不为维护而烦恼.《期刊摘选》

95. But the barrier turned it back.


96. He was one of the last of the crowd to pass through the barrier


97. The demonstrators broke through heavy police barriers...


98. CONCLUSION: Enteral econutrition can restore and improve the function of intestinal mucosal barrier in wounded rat.

结论: 肠内生态营养能较好的改善创伤后大鼠的小肠机械屏障功能,促进小肠黏膜屏障功能的恢复,增强其肠道免疫功能.《期刊摘选》

99. They fell in love in spite of the language barrier.


100. What a coil, and what a barrier!

多大的麻烦, 多大的障碍 啊 !《期刊摘选》

101. This will help in overcoming obstacles and barriers as the team progresses through its objectives.


102. Kids were having a hard time in school just because of the language barrier.


103. She hit the last barrier and sprawled across the track.


104. There is no reason why love shouldn't cross the age barrier.


105. Some people experience shyness as a barrier to communication, but this can be broken down gradually.


106. England's World Cup hero is determined to play through the pain barrier.


107. The crowds were so big that they overflowed the barriers.


108. These questions are becoming the barrier which the limit ecological agriculture further develops.


109. You have to do is keep on crossing the barrier to escape.


110. Older people applying for jobs come up against an age barrier.


111. However, they face big barriers to disseminating technology across industry.


112. The crowd had to stand behind barriers.


113. It is a barrier that allows only permitted traffic through to us.


114. Lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to investment in the region.


115. Meditation builds a protective barrier.


116. The doctor says flatly: Go back at once, nib the barrier Nib the barrier!

医生干脆地说: “ 赶紧回去, 把栅栏削尖! ”《期刊摘选》

117. The car struck the barrier and went off at a glance.


118. Police had to erect barriers to keep crowds back.


119. They are fearful that unemployment will soon break the barrier of three million...


120. The result shows that barriers have a great influence on flame transmission.


121. However, despite 2 billion people worldwide already supplementing their diet with insects, consumer disgust remains a large barrier in many western countries.


122. He broke through the pain barrier at 25 kilometres and went on to win his first marathon.


123. Sounds, sights , motion, etc a message and act as a barrier to communication.

声音, 图像 、 情感等会对信息造成干扰,成为沟通的障碍.《期刊摘选》

124. To leap over ( a barrier ) in or as if in a race.

跳过障碍在赛跑时或象在赛跑时一样越过 ( 障碍 )《期刊摘选》

125. Windbreak Windbreaks are barriers fronged formed by trees and other plants.


126. They soon overcame the language barrier.


127. No matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation, there is some barrier or attitude to keep her down.


128. There is no reason why love shouldn't cross the age barrier


129. He rushed beyond the barrier and called to her to follow.


130. She scaled the barrier a commando.


131. It is one of seven barrier islands that, along with some mainland areas of Mississippi and Florida, make up the Gulf Islands National Seashore.


132. The lowering of trade barriers has led to a free-for-all among exporters.


133. We need to eliminate all barriers to consumption by deepening reform and adjusting policies.


134. the first player whose earnings passed the $10 million barrier

第一位收入超过1 000万元大关的运动员《牛津词典》

135. the language barrier (= when people cannot communicate because they do not speak the same language)


136. Many other cities are short of barrier free facilities as well.


137. Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe.


138. Once that protection is lost, and the integrity of the skin barrier disrupted, skin becomes dry.


139. She had been waiting for Simon to break down the barrier between them...


140. Sandwich board is applied in chemical barrier to provide protection for tanks, pits, pipes and grates.

蜂窝板是应用于化学屏障,以保障坦克, 坑, 管道和炉排.《期刊摘选》


1. Incumbency is a powerful barrier in industries, such as finance, where there are strong network effects.

ECONOMIST: Britains financial industry

2. This makes exclusive rebate contracts a potentially significant barrier to entry for new competitors.

FORBES: Antitrust Consensus Shifting As Courts Weigh Impact Of Monopolists And Predators

3. The universities also pointed to exam results, which both said were arguably the biggest barrier.

BBC: Paul Murphy: Teachers 'lack Oxbridge ambition'

4. the Caucasus range, an almost impenetrable barrier between Europe and Asia


5. His decisive victory over Republican Senator John McCain brought down the last racial barrier in American politics.

VOA : special.2009.01.03

6. Two years ago, scientists discovered more than one hundred corals in the Great Barrier Reef and on a reef near northwestern Australia.

VOA : special.2010.08.10

7. the shark-infested waters of the Great Barrier Reef


8. This feeling of being bottled up has been enhanced by the Israelis' security barrier.

ECONOMIST: Palestine

9. This cell can only be an effective barrier if there's no way to get past it.

这些细胞只有密不透风,才足以形成一道屏障生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. These junctions, these red dots here are actually made up of proteins, some are synthesized by one cell, some are synthesized by each other, and they lock together to form a very tight barrier, to form a tight junction between the two cells.

这些红点表示细胞连接,实际上是由蛋白质构成的,有些是由一个细胞单独生成的,有些是由两个细胞共同生成,使这两个细胞紧锁在一起形成紧密的屏障,并在两细胞间形成紧密连接生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. It was a mental barrier.

而是心理界限。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

12. This paper barrier is supposed to get its power in its protector, the judicial branch.

FORBES: Should We Starve the Beast?

13. People will have the time to vote, which is a big barrier to voting.

FORBES: What Is The Best Way To Increase Voter Participation Rates In The United States?

14. Sebastian Saavedra hit a tire barrier on lap 33 after Andretti ran him into a wall.

NPR: Conway Wins 1st Of 2 Races At Detroit Grand Prix

15. He is comfortably sized, barely cresting the five-foot barrier, shaven of head and broad of smile.

BBC: Trick of the light: A California road trip

16. But creating the next barrier is only an inspiration away in this arms race.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. Last year a consultation showed residents' main concerns were noise and the appearance of the barrier.

BBC: Busy road into Leicester to get ?1.5m make-over

18. And kids were having a hard time in school just because of the language barrier.

在校的儿童们遇到的困难主要来自于语言沟通障碍。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 帮助多文化的家庭

19. He is the man who broke a major color barrier for black singers of classical music.

VOA : special.2010.03.07

20. The lack of female role-models is an oft cited barrier to gender equality in entrepreneurship.

FORBES: Women Invest More When They Invest Together

21. There is no reason why love shouldn't cross the age barrier.


22. By the end of 1947, the color barrier had been broken in the American League.

NEWYORKER: Artful Dodgers

23. This isn't scuba diving now off the Great Barrier Reef, or something like that.

不是现在大堡礁海岸边的潜水运动,或者其他类似的活动欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. and language can definitely be a big barrier.

还有语言肯定是个大障碍。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于全球化

25. The most likely spots for flood storage are between the barrier and Tilbury, to the east.

BBC: London's drowning

26. The barrier,however, may not be enough to protect the Great Lakes.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

27. There is already a huge barrier to trying something different: the threat of failure.

FORBES: Magazine Article

28. As Kerr fled towards the exit, Boycott collared him at the ticket barrier.


29. In other words, there ought to be a physical barrier to excessive star growth.

BBC: Astronomers detect 'monster star'

30. For decades, ever since the mile was timed, no one broke the four minute barrier.

数十年来,自从开始一英里跑计时以来,没有人突破四分钟界限。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

31. "We are always trying to lower the barrier to entry for nonprofits.

VOA : special.2010.09.22

32. This was the special value that said to the computer string stops here and because you have that barrier given to you at the end of every string, just the most efficient way you can pass strings around is just by passing the address of their very first bytes, the location in RAM.

这是一个特殊的值,表示的是,字符串在这里结束,因为在每个字符串的末尾,都有那个关卡,这是一个最有效率的方式,你可以通过传递,字符串的第一个字节的地址来传递一个字符串,地址是在RAM中的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

33. Your emergency fund is the barrier between you and a slide into credit card debt.

FORBES: How To Build Your Emergency Fund

34. He leans over a barrier snapping photos of players as they file out through the tunnel.

NPR: Pingpong: A Chinese Obsession

35. when we remove the barrier and the gases mix, you know it's over.

当我们移走隔板并且气体混合后,我们知道事情就结束了。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

36. In vehicle believed to have struck a concrete barrier forming part of a security chicane.

BBC: NEWS | UK | British military fatalities in Iraq

37. "They have been quite ingenious in how they have overcome this barrier, " he said.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | North West Wales | Mirror view for lobster babies

38. And yet, their subconscious mind limited them, prevented them from breaking that barrier that happened to be not a physical barrier as doctors, physiologists and scientists had claimed.

然而他们的潜意识限制了他们,阻止他们突破界限,那不是医生,生理学家和科学家们声称的身体界限。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

39. The motorcade's route took Mr Obama through Israel's controversial West Bank barrier, Israeli security sources said.

BBC: Obama tours symbolic sites in Israel and West Bank

40. But with threats, a language barrier and fear of the legal system, victims are often unwilling or unable to seek help.

VOA : special.2010.06.14

41. 956, over 300 runners break the 4 minute barrier.

956年,超过三百名跑手突破四分钟界限。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

42. The other is that this kind of adherence gives the tissue a property that's useful, in this case the property is it can serve as a barrier to nutrients from entering our body.

另外这种黏附,给予组织一种非常有用的属性,这种属性表现为组织成为,营养物质进入身体过程中的屏障生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. And their philosophy was, 'When there is a barrier don't go around it, go over it.

CNN: Man of the people

44. They say the electric barrier in the shipping canal is keeping the carp at bay.

NPR: Gov. Quinn Open To Great Lakes-Mississippi Split

45. And the settlement will create a huge barrier for any new entrants in this field.

NEWYORKER: Googles Moon Shot

46. Farmers rarely planted trees or tall crops around the buildings, so there would be no barrier to the airflow.

VOA : special.2009.09.08

47. Advocates on both sides of the E15 issue are ignoring the most obvious barrier retail infrastructure.

WSJ: E15 Must Await New Infrastructure Letters to the Editor

48. For example, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the largest coral reef system in the world.

VOA : special.2009.04.22

49. The existence of innovation-blocking groups has been and continues to be an important barrier to riches.

FORBES: IBM's Watson: Maybe The Doctors Will Strangle It At Birth

50. A state of war can include, in other words, " what we might call a "cold war," two hostile sides looking at each other across a barrier of some type, not clear or not certain what the other will do.

换句话说,战争状态包括,我们所说的“冷战“,敌对双方透过某种屏障,对对方虎视眈眈,却不知道对方会干什么。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. So the old man leaped across the barrier of fire and seized the basket.

VOA : special.2009.02.28

52. This barrier,he says, can keep the whole network from coming apart.

VOA : special.2010.01.06

53. It's at equilibrium, under the new condition, that is with the barrier removed.

系统在新的状态下处于平衡,这个新的状态就是指隔板被取走了。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

54. Until the electorate reaches this conclusion, the paper barrier limiting government will just be paper.

FORBES: Should We Starve the Beast?

55. Those chosen must come from poor families and must also face at least one barrier to getting a job.

VOA : special.2009.08.20

56. Why should we think there's some--Even though, normally, the barrier can be crossed and Xs can study the non-X, why should that barrier suddenly become un-crossable in the particular instance when we're dealing with Platonic forms?

为什么我们应该认为即使通常来说,那个界限是可以跨越的,即X可以研究非X,那为什么这个界限突然,在讨论柏拉图型相的时候,就变得不可逾越了呢死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Vedovotto tried to run, but she was pushed against a metal barrier, unable to breathe.

CNN: Brazil club survivor remembers the man who saved her life

58. And,he was proud of being the first African-American to break the color barrier in a major opera house.

VOA : special.2010.03.07

59. As each woman reached the barrier one of the men glanced at her papers.


60. So, clearly, if we remove this barrier mixing takes place and obviously you know that that happens from lots of experience.

所以很明显,如果我们拿走隔板,气体混合就会发生,我们从大量的实际经验中就可以知道这些。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

61. The underwater barrier is meant to shock the carp into turning back.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

62. On the other hand, F2P represents a much lower barrier to entry for new players.

FORBES: As 'World Of Warcraft' Bleeds Subscribers, Free-To-Play Is Already Winning The Future

63. On the barrier island of Brigantine, 50% of residents refused to evacuate, state officials said.

WSJ: Sandy Hits Coast, Floods New York

64. The aim should be to aggressively create what he calls a "protective barrier" against loneliness.

VOA : special.2010.01.06

65. While the Great Barrier lies far offshore, accessible only by boat, the Ningaloo is yards away.






beamy的意思是:adj. 光亮的;船身宽大的;象梁一样的。学考宝为您提供beamy是什么意思,beamy的翻译,beamy的用法,beamy的短语搭配,beamy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beam的意思是:n. 梁,横梁;<非正式>臀围;光线,光柱;喜色,笑容;(体操的)平衡木 v. 定向发出(无线电信号);(光,光源)照耀;喜笑颜开,面露喜色 【名】 (Beam)(英)比姆,(阿拉伯)贝亚姆(人名)。学考宝为您提供beam是什么意思,beam的翻译,beam的用法,beam的短语搭配,beam的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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at the utmost的意思是:最大限度地;最多。学考宝为您提供at the utmost是什么意思,at the utmost的音标,at the utmost怎么读,at the utmost的翻译,at the utmost的用法,at the utmost的短语搭配,at the utmost的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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righteously的意思是:adv. 正直地;公正地。学考宝为您提供righteously是什么意思,righteously的翻译,righteously的用法,righteously的短语搭配,righteously的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


B.C的意思是:网络 公元前;散装货。学考宝为您提供B.C是什么意思,B.C的音标,B.C怎么读,B.C的翻译,B.C的用法,B.C的短语搭配,B.C的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


unrighteous的意思是:adj. 邪恶的;罪深的;不公平的;不公正的。学考宝为您提供unrighteous是什么意思,unrighteous的翻译,unrighteous的用法,unrighteous的短语搭配,unrighteous的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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chlorine dioxide的意思是:二氧化氯。学考宝为您提供chlorine dioxide是什么意思,chlorine dioxide的音标,chlorine dioxide怎么读,chlorine dioxide的翻译,chlorine dioxide的用法,chlorine dioxide的短语搭配,chlorine dioxide的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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bay的意思是:n. (海或湖的)湾;山脉的低凹处,山间平地;(装窗的)房间突出部分;间隔区,限定区域;月桂树;枣红马,栗色马;(尤指教堂中殿墙壁的)柱间距;(船或飞机上的)货舱 v. (犬)连续吠,(狼)连续嚎叫;(尤指要求惩罚某人时)大声叫嚷 adj. 枣红色的,深棕色的 【名】 (Bay)(英、老)贝,(德、意、罗、捷、土、丹)巴伊,(匈)鲍伊,(瑞典)巴伊,(越)七(人名)。学考宝为您提供bay是什么意思,bay的翻译,bay的用法,bay的短语搭配,bay的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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