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英 [ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl]play美 [ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl]play

  • adj. 农业的,与农业有关的;务农的,农用的;<英,非正式>笨拙的

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agricultural /ˈægrɪˌkʌltʃərəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 Agricultural means involving or relating to agriculture. 农业的

    Farmers struggling for survival strip the forests for agricultural land.






1. agricultural machinery 农业机械

2. agricultural bank 农业银行

3. agricultural university 农业大学

4. Nanjing Agricultural University 南京农业大学

5. agricultural production 农业生产

6. Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行 ; 农业银行 ; 银行 ; 神州农业银行

7. Common Agricultural Policy 农经 共同农业政策 ; 政策 ; 欧共体 ; 共同农业政策CAP

8. agricultural products 农产品

9. Agricultural Bank 金融 农业银行 ; 中国农业银行 ; 农业面积

10. agricultural industry 农业生产

11. agricultural equipment 农业设备

12. agricultural country n. 农业国

13. agricultural ecology 农业生态学

14. agricultural bank of china 中国农业银行

15. agricultural economics 农业经济学

16. agricultural ecosystem 农业生态系统

17. agricultural extension 农 农业推广 ; 农业推广学 ; 农 农业技术推广 ; 名字

18. agricultural technology 农业技术;农艺

19. agricultural insurance 农业保险

20. Agricultural lime 肥料 农用石灰

21. agricultural machines 农业机械(agricultural machine的复数形式)

22. agricultural science 农业科学;农学

23. agricultural mechanization 农业机械化

24. China Agricultural University 中国农业大学 ; 中国农大 ; 中国农业 ; 农业大学

25. agricultural engineering 农业工程

26. agricultural chemical 农药;农用化学品

27. agricultural use 农业用途;农业利用


1. To their credit, the world's agricultural scientists are embracing such a broad view.


2. Interest on agricultural loans is very low in our country.


3. Agricultural interests are some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington.


4. Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernization.


5. Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment.


6. Use Intellectual Property System and promote the agricultural development of our country


7. France is the world's second-biggest exporter of agricultural products.


8. Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernisation.


9. MOO seeks to replicate the price and yield performance of the global agricultural business.

MOO 试图复制全球农业企业的价格和收益表现。

10. On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery


11. This is the agricultural revolution.


12. It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century.


13. He was trained for gardening at the Agricultural College.


14. Agricultural productivity remained low by comparison with advanced countries like the United States.


15. Modernization is the key to speed up our agricultural development.


16. They were issuing agricultural credits.


17. Many of the old agricultural collectives are now being turned into agribusiness corporations.


18. A clash with America over farm subsidies had left the Europeans and their common agricultural policy shaken but not stirred.


19. Irrigation is the primary agricultural use of human waste in the developing world.


20. This could be useful to the agricultural industry.


21. Most of that money needs to go towards improving agricultural infrastructure.


22. We have hope to quadruple the total industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century, which is a lofty aim.


23. Agricultural societies cannot exist without staple crops.


24. The US wants big cuts in European agricultural export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance.


25. This county ranks first in the province in the total value of its industrial and agricultural production.


26. North Carolina is classed as an agricultural state.


27. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production.


28. On the customs declaration, the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery.


29. Here, you'll find a wonderful collection of industrial and agricultural exhibits.


30. A country's food and agricultural policy should also be based on coherent health policy.


31. Good agricultural land is in short supply.


32. The U.S. wants big cuts in European agricultural export subsidies, but this is meeting resistance.


33. Agricultural interests are some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington


34. Agricultural workers in green tea fields near Mount Kenya are gathering the tea leaves.


35. France once was an agricultural country.


36. Shandong province is famous for its abundant agricultural resources.


37. This factory produces agricultural machinery and repairs farm tools on the side.


38. Certain irrigation practices degrade soil quality and reduce agricultural productivity.


39. Farmers struggling for survival strip the forests for agricultural land.


40. As agriculture developed, agricultural ideas diffused across Europe.


41. There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world.


42. Discussion on Circulation Economy and Chinese Agricultural Overall Development


43. Agricultural subsidies absorb about half the EU's income.


44. A statesman who ought to know better wants to unpick last year's reform of Europe's common agricultural policy.


45. The Saudi authorities have made agricultural development a central plank of policy to make the country less dependent on imports.


46. Rivers are a blessing for an agricultural country.


47. His analysis of urban use of agricultural land has been proved essentially correct


48. Such a revolution will require a wholesale shift of priorities in agricultural research.


49. Brackhurst Agricultural College, nr Southwell, Notts.


50. An agricultural worker, digging in the grounds of a derelict plantation, scraped open a grave.


51. On the customs declaration, the sender labelled the freight as agricultural machinery.


52. Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter, and agricultural equipment.


53. Of course, some worry lies in replacing agricultural workers.


54. Agricultural machinery is widely used in various agricultural sectors.


55. As a landowner, he was actively interested in agricultural improvements.

作为土地所有者, 他对于农业方面的改良怀有浓厚的兴趣.《简明英汉词典》

56. The Agricultural Adjustment Act was subsequently passed by Congress.


57. It is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled.


58. Chemical products were used liberally over agricultural land.


59. Insufficient water resources have slowed agricultural development.


60. There's a glut of agricultural products in Western Europe.


61. The two farmers reminisced about the good old days before the EEC agricultural policy.


62. We also issued agricultural loans.


63. One trouble with agricultural the workforce is the aging of immigrant farmworkers.


64. The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production.


65. Agricultural interests are some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington.


66. Exceptionally dry weather over the past year had cut agricultural production


67. Various kinds of agricultural products are sold in that supermarket.



1. It still appears that Bayer may buy Aventis CropScience, the agricultural division of Franco-German drug giant Aventis .

FORBES: Bayer's Bitter Pill

2. Money from the Borlaug Fellowship program will let the researchers study agricultural climate change with American scientists.

VOA : special.2010.01.05

3. Agricultural interests are some of the most powerful lobbies in Washington.


4. Volume for its two largest merchandise products, agricultural products and chemicals, fell 7% and 8% respectively.

FORBES: Falling Volumes Hurt CSX As It Misses Estimates By A Penny

5. Humberto Blanco-Canqui from Kansas State University and Maysoon Mikha from the Agricultural Research Service led the study.

VOA : special.2010.09.28

6. It also sells propane and propane-related products and services to residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural customers.

FORBES: Earnings Preview: Energy Transfer Partners LP

7. They have an agricultural revolution, investment in commercialized agriculture, and increase in the production in rural areas.

英国也进行了农业革命,他们还对商品化的农作物进行投资,使得乡村地区的产量有了很大的提高欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Over the years, an agricultural adviser named Tony Rinaudo has helped people in the Sahel learn about the value and care of trees.

VOA : special.2011.05.10

9. This covenant fulfilled the two great demands of the agricultural order: land and paternally certain offspring.

NEWYORKER: The Sanctuary

10. The new agricultural research group says protecting against global warming is only part of its purpose.

VOA : special.2010.01.05

11. France is the world's second-biggest exporter of agricultural products.


12. Throughout the south and middle-west, they succeeded in electing agricultural candidates as governors, state legislators,Senators, and members of the House of Representatives.

VOA : special.2010.06.10

13. Grameen had money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to bring agricultural information to rural farmers.

VOA : special.2009.10.12

14. Her kingdom was miraculously, effortlessly fecund, the most productive agricultural land in the Mediterranean.

WSJ: Still Under Cleopatra's Spell

15. I think of nineteenth-century art as being horizontal and stretched out like agricultural life in New England.

我觉得19世纪的艺术应该是,水平的,就像新英格兰伸展开来的农业。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. The best example of this has been on perennial quagmire of agricultural sector reform.

FORBES: "Basic Plan" for Agricultural Reform Unveiled

17. Moreover, no other agricultural commodity--not fruits, vegetables or milk--faces similar restrictions to shipment across state lines.

FORBES: Selling Sausage Across State Lines

18. The Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Fund for Agricultural Development help the farmers choose the best seeds and fertilizers.

VOA : special.2009.11.17

19. The team looked at thirty years' worth of information on food security and agricultural policy in Gambia, Ivory Coast and Mali.

VOA : special.2010.03.23

20. But he says that in the European Union, "we've started to cut back agricultural research".

BBC: Biofuel crops transform German farming

21. It brings foreign agricultural scientists to the United States each year and places them with American scientists.

VOA : special.2009.11.10

22. The pernicious agricultural protectionism that prevails in all major developed countries must be dismantled.

FORBES: Commentary: On Events at Home and Abroad

23. Argentine agricultural products


24. The letter covers the foundation's wide-ranging efforts in infectious diseases, agricultural innovation and education.

FORBES: Magazine Article

25. The U.S., with the most arable land and developed agricultural production, stands to gain from these growing markets.

FORBES: America's Agricultural Angst

26. Overall merchandise revenues slid 1% as agricultural products, metals, and waste and equipment shipments fell.

FORBES: CSX Switches Coal For Shale Oil And Gas, Tops Profit Estimate And Raises Dividend

27. Some want the state to become more self-sufficient, and advocate a return to an agricultural economy.

ECONOMIST: Planning for change in America's most expensive state

28. Two-thirds of the staff, largely the agricultural experts in small African countries, were laid off.

ECONOMIST: Commonwealth Development Corporation

29. Research by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas and its partners has already proven to be successful.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

30. They have, along with the English-- and these two facts are elated-- ran agricultural revolution.

他们的做法和英格兰的一样,这两件事是有关联的,爆发了农业革命欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Nothing worked--nor did her experiments over a decade-plus at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute.

FORBES: Millions Served

32. In other words, the energy and agricultural policies of the developed world are to burn food.

FORBES: The Inflation Intifada: Hunger And Revolution In The Third World

33. Globally, mountain areas are vital sources of water for agricultural, industrial, and domestic use.

UNESCO: Ecological Sciences and Research

34. African governments have long complained that U.S. and European agricultural subsidies are undercutting African farmers.

NPR: U.S., European Subsidies Undercut African Farmers

35. Fedeagro, the farmers' federation, blames any idle land on the government's lack of an agricultural policy.

ECONOMIST: Venezuela

36. The American-operated ship carried thousands of tons of agricultural materials for the World Food Program and other aid organizations.

VOA : special.2009.05.27

37. The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases was launched at the United Nations conference on climate change.

VOA : special.2010.01.05

38. Agricultural specialists at the University of California suggest putting paper or cloth around the trunk and central branches of young citrus trees.

VOA : special.2010.01.12

39. In Mozambique, cotton producers say that it's not just agricultural subsidies that are stacked against them.

NPR: U.S., European Subsidies Undercut African Farmers

40. The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas will provide technical support for the project.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

41. Rivers are a blessing for an agricultural country.


42. He helped develop the project while working for the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

43. Okay, now the polis from the beginning, and it never stopped being what I'm about to say, chiefly agricultural communities.

好的,现在这些城邦开始了,我即将说到的,永无止息的社区化进程,主要在农业方面古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. She has worked with both the Agricultural Bank of China and the Bank of China (BACHY).

FORBES: Potential $1 Billion Ponzi Scam Exposed in China

45. The orphanage evolved into the boarding school, which is set on an 1, 200-acre agricultural estate.

BBC: Hampshire college receives ?2.1 from former pupil

46. He wanted to prevent the South from shipping its agricultural products to other countries in exchange for industrial goods.

VOA : special.2009.09.10

47. you have to generate What do you get when you mix two agricultural things?

你必须去生产,当你将两种农作物结合起来你会得到什么古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Agricultural commodities such as rubber, timber and palm oil are the biggest source of fortunes.

FORBES: Malaysia's 40 Richest

49. It was a civilization that was rather advanced in terms of its agricultural skill.

这是一个文明,在农业技艺方面先进之所在古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. The problem is that if you want to do risk-sharing, you're not, ideally, sharing with someone who's just like you living in Israel, working in a certain agricultural industry-- because there are lots of risks that you've already shared.

如果你真的想要达到风险分摊的效果,理论上说,就不应该只和与你的同伴,比如同住在以色列,一样从事农业的人来分摊-,因为你们承担的许多风险是正相关的。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. There was no regulation about it, but we are talking not about the emergence of an agricultural aristocracy, but we are talking about the emergence of an agricultural community of small family farms.

这里面没有特定的规律,但是我们现在讨论的,不是一个农业贵族的产生,而是谈论关于小家庭,农作村社是如何产生的古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Nothing worked, nor did her experiments in a decade at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute.

FORBES: Millions Served

53. Cut diamonds, high-technology equipment, and agricultural products (fruits and vegetables) are the leading exports.

FORBES: Israel

54. Just 14 Chinese banks can invest in Taiwan, of which Agricultural Bank of China Ltd.

WSJ: ICBC's Stake in SinoPac Won't Open Taiwan Spigot

55. Agricultural output increased, access to credit improved and the value of the land shot up.

ECONOMIST: Local difficulties

56. Agricultural villages will have existed all over the place in the late Stone Age, in the Neolithic Period, as it is known. But there is a difference and the critical difference is that a city contains a number of people who do not provide for their own support.

农业村庄在石器时代后期,以及新石器时代随处可见,但二者是有区别的,最重要的区别在于,城市能容纳,相当数量,无需自给自足的人口古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. A recent story in a local agricultural newspaper said the first robot cost one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars.

VOA : special.2009.05.12

58. The larger groups included many persons who were not farmers, but who lived and worked in agricultural areas.

VOA : special.2010.06.10

59. The U.S.D.A.will share the research with other countries in the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.

VOA : special.2010.01.05

60. An official of the European Commission's Directorate General for Research says agricultural greenhouse gas emissions can be cut.

VOA : special.2010.01.05

61. EU countries are steadily increasing agricultural output.


62. But the country needs its migrant workforce to maintain this level of agricultural production.

BBC: Spain's immigrants demand more rights

63. The agricultural sector has untapped potential - less than half of arable land is cultivated.

FORBES: Gambia

64. When China's state-owned Agricultural Bank was recently listed, no big Western bank bought a significant stake.

ECONOMIST: Buying a stake in China Inc is no shortcut to market share

65. So,a few months before the presidential election of eighteen ninety-two, America's agricultural Alliances held a joint convention in Omaha,Nebraska.

VOA : special.2010.06.10





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