莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [rɪˈfɔːm]play美 [rɪˈfɔːrm]play

  • v. 改革,革新;改邪归正,改造;(石油炼制)重整
  • n. 改革,改良
  • adj. 犹太教改革(仅保留犹太教部分的传统信条和习俗)(Reform)

复数 reforms 第三人称单数 reforms 现在分词 reforming 过去式 reformed 过去分词 reformed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


reform /rɪˈfɔːm/ CET4 TEM4 [ reforming reformed reforms ]

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Reform consists of changes and improvements to a law, social system, or institution. A reform is an instance of such a change or improvement. 改革; 改良

    The party embarked on a programme of economic reform.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If someone reforms something such as a law, social system, or institution, they change or improve it. 改革; 改良

    ...his plans to reform the country's economy.


  • 3.
    及物动词/不及物动词 When someone reforms or when something reforms them, they stop doing things that society does not approve of, such as breaking the law or drinking too much alcohol. 改造; 改过自新

    When his court case was coming up, James promised to reform.


  • 4.
    形容词 改过自新的

    ...a reformed alcoholic.







reform amendment conversion reformation 【导航词义:改变】

reform n. 改进,改革

〔辨析〕 指为改善体制或组织而进行的变革。

例1: a reform of the legal system


例2: His proposal was about a much-needed programme of political reform.


例3: Reforms were made to provide a fairer legal system.


amendment n. 修改,改动

〔辨析〕 指对法律、文件等进行的较小的改动、完善或补充,常后接介词 to。

例1: He made some amendments to his speech.


例2: The president is about to make an amendment to the resolution.


conversion n. 转变,改变

〔辨析〕 指形式、目的、体制等方面发生的改变;也指宗教上的皈依。

例1: The motel is undergoing conversion into apartments.


例2: Students should be familiar with the metric conversion table.


例3: It's hard to believe his conversion to Christianity.


reformation n. [正式] 改进,改革

〔辨析〕 指为改善某事而进行的彻底变革,the Reformation 则指欧洲 16 世纪的一场宗教改革。

例1: He's undergone something of a reformation.


例2: What happened at the time of the Reformation?


例3: What are the achievements of the Protestant Reformation?



1. curriculum reform 课程改革

2. educational reform 教育改革

3. shareholding reform 股份制改造

4. agrarian reform 土地改革

5. tariff reform 关税改革

6. economy and reform 经济与改革

7. political reform 政治改革,政制改革;变法

8. system reform 制度变革 ; 制度变迁

9. housing system reform

10. reform school n. 教养院;少年感化院;少年犯管教所

11. banking reform 金融改革,银行改革

12. economic reform 经济改革

13. tax reform 税制改革

14. promote reform 促进改革

15. social reform 社会改革;社会改良

16. deepen the reform 深化改革

17. Educational reform 教学改革 ; 教育变革 ; 教育教学改革 ; 教改

18. reform-through-labor farm 劳改场 ; 劳改农场

19. institutional reform 体制改革;制度改革

20. democratic reform 民主改革

21. reform and opening-up 改革开放

22. technical reform 技术改造

23. land reform 土地改革

24. teaching reform 教学改革 ; 教改 ; 教 ; 教学革新

25. reform measures 改革措施

26. wage reform 工资改革




economic reform 经济改革

political reform 政治改革


education reform 教育改革

election reform 选举改革

health care reform 医保改革

reform movement 改革运动

party reform 政党改革

prison reform 监狱改革

tax reform 税收改革


1. The government will direct the additional taxes to the educational reform.


2. How do the curren plans for a reform of corporate taxation measure up to these goals?

怎么设定一个改革公司税制的计划可以与预期目标进行衡量 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

3. the reform of the educational system


4. Let's move on to the prickly subject of taxation reform.


5. An orientation of financial reform is to maintain financial stability and improve performance.


6. They are anxious to ensure the continuation of the economic reform programme.


7. Upcoming reforms might bring the price to a more reasonable level.

即将进行的改革可能使价格趋于更合理的水平。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

8. No reform could add to its efficiency.


9. The government intends to push ahead with its reform programme.


10. A large area of desert was reformed to turn to fertile soil in the northwest region.


11. The People's Liberation Army, so long outnumbered , has gained numerical superiority.


12. Reforms were promised when the time was ripe.


13. The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system.


14. When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing.

在医疗保险业仍然致力于行业改革方面的协同合作的同时,其同业公会已着手设计可以用于自动处理的标准化表格。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

15. Immersing oneself in society was a good way to reform society.


16. Disraeli conformed to the historical trend of the times, overcoming magnitude of pressure to reform Conservatism.

主张维护传统价值观的保守主义面临严重危机,作为保守党的领袖,迪斯累利顺应时代的潮流, 克服重重阻力担当起了改造保守主义的重任.《期刊摘选》

17. I think the draft decision on reforming the educational structure is a good document.


18. The enterprise attaches great importance on technical reform and product R & D .

企业十分重视技术改造和产品 研发 工作.《期刊摘选》

19. The novel presents one aspect of the reform in the countryside.


20. Manage the design, construction and inspection concerning electric device and electric meter in reforming engineering.

负责技术改造项目电气仪表的设计 、 施工及验收.《期刊摘选》

21. She staked her political career on tax reform, and lost.


22. Utilitarianism was the logical backbone of his attempts at social reform.


23. He has promised to reform.


24. The wave of asset reorganization requires corresponding reform on accounting.


25. Any reform will destroy and pervert our constitution.


26. The welfare reform bill, introducing a modified, if modest, guaranteed annual wage, is one example.

福利改革法案的引入,改善了, 或者谦逊点, 保证了年收入, 就是一例.《期刊摘选》

27. Provided we do all this, we shall assuredly succeed in our reform.

只要我们做到这一切, 改革就一定能成功.《现代汉英综合大词典》

28. The reform gets obvious economic efficiency and has spreading function.


29. From physical infrastructure to market reform, China is modernising on all fronts at once.

从实体基础设施到市场改革, 中国正在同时对所有领域进行现代化改造.《期刊摘选》

30. The preservation and reform at traditional domestic architecture is an important issue.


31. The fuel tax reform, the general requirements of fair, standard and savings, reducing the burden.

这次燃油税改革的总体要求是 “ 公平 、 规范、节约 、 减负 ”.《期刊摘选》

32. a reformed character


33. She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.


34. The reform scheme for side doors on 25 Type deck passenger cars is briefly described.


35. In private and in public, Chinese discussions of political reform are getting louder.

无论是私底下还是台面上, 中国人谈论政治改革的声音正变得越来越响了.《期刊摘选》

36. The government has instigated a programme of economic reform.


37. [G] The subtle and intelligent little book The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University should be read by every student thinking of applying to take a doctoral degree.

[G] 每个想读攻博士学位的学士都应该读一读这本构思细腻且充满智慧的小书——《观念市场:美国大学改革与阻力》。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

38. The party embarked on a programme of economic reform.


39. She is one of the strongest opponents of tax reform.


40. We will try to reform him within the community.


41. Because of the investigations that followed the Titanic disaster, the passenger ship industry instituted many reforms.

通过模仿泰克尼克号海难的研究, 客轮企业实行多次改良.《期刊摘选》

42. Downhole operation supervision is the production of the reform and reorganizing in the petroleum enterprise.


43. To innovate is not to reform.


44. Sweden is a world leader in the arena of public and private sector environmental reform.


45. Occupational security must evolve with China's economic reforms.


46. Economic reform will continue to be painful and ineffective.


47. The government has initiated a programme of economic reform.


48. Substantial numbers of people support the reforms.


49. He put a question to the minister about the recent reforms.


50. The whole world is watching the reforms in our country.


51. The condition of the people could be elevated by a programme of social reform.


52. The policy of reform and open is that has made all the difference.


53. Current, head office of group of Chinese oil natural gas, undertaking extensive reform and recombine.

目前, 中国石油天然气集团总公司, 正在进行大规模的改革与重组.《期刊摘选》

54. Undertaking a major reform of personnel aimed at improving management of staff at all levels.


55. Because of his encouragement, she won the best designer by her reformed cheongsam.

(因为他的鼓励, 她以她的改良式旗袍赢得了最佳设计师奖. )《期刊摘选》

56. The reforms have recently become law.


57. The rich benefited from the reforms, not the country as a whole.


58. The government is pushing ahead with its electoral reforms.


59. Second part discuss the theoretic basement of the stock system reform of the state corporations.


60. The government is encouraging all parties to play a constructive role in the reform process.


61. Adhering to correct principles of judicial reform is very important to the judicial system reform.


62. The essence of their'' reform is to go capitalist.

他们 “ 改革 ” 的中心是资本主义化.《期刊摘选》

63. Objeetive Introduce a new method to treat ulandecrano favtion by reforming pulling belt.


64. Reform requires comprehensive approach, including development of tax rolls ( cadastre ), valuation, and collection.

改革需要综合方案, 包括税务记录 ( 地籍簿 ) 改善, 评估和征收.《期刊摘选》

65. ...his plans to reform the country's economy...


66. He has a limited time to crank the reforms into action.


67. This is because the crystals would be continually dissolving and reforming in such a system.


68. It be easier to bear with what's amiss, than go about to reform it.

容忍错误易, 改正错误难.《期刊摘选》

69. The responsibility for effecting the same kind of reform now falls on your shoulders.


70. Centralized financial management is an inexorable trend in the financial reform in enterprises.


71. But it also held out the hope of generous treatment of a Japan purged and reformed.


72. Many were suspicious of reform.


73. proposals to reform the social security system


74. She argued powerfully for reform.


75. He never used the cosy chambers which the Reform provides for its favoured members.


76. We need to consider how the law might be reformed.


77. The performer reformed the performance of the transferred transformer.


78. He called for the reform of capital gains tax.


79. When his court case was coming up, James promised to reform.


80. The reforms marked the successful culmination of a long campaign.


81. He's already solicited their support on health care reform.


82. One possible corporate tax reform is full integration of the corporate and personal taxes.


83. Reform is popular with middle-class liberals.


84. Fogg would, according to his daily habit, quIt'saville Row , and repair to the Reform.

按照他每天的习惯, 钟一敲十一点半, 他就离家到改良俱乐部去.《期刊摘选》

85. Reform like company organization expenses, fixed assets defray.

如公司开办费 、 固定资产改良支出等.《期刊摘选》

86. Next, reform improves with a view to market structure, serve national economy overall situation.

其次, 改革将着眼于改善市场结构, 服务国民经济全局.《期刊摘选》

87. But there won't be a timeline for political reform.


88. The government took another step on the road to political reform.


89. The greatest hope for reform is the gradual spread of information.


90. economic/electoral/constitutional, etc. reform


91. Methods Reforming the Hodge method in synthetizing DMF.

参照hodge法并作,改良合成1-脱氧-1-吗啉果糖(DMF) 后做相关实验.《期刊摘选》

92. So the arts integrated curriculum emerges as an important aspect of curriculum reform.


93. When Lester Maddox was governor of Georgia, he was asked a question about his prison reform.

莱斯特.马多斯担任佐治亚州州长时, 有人问他监狱改革的问题.《期刊摘选》

94. Reform labor system and expand employment opportunities and improve the job structure.


95. Yet thanks largely to economic reforms , their annual growth rate has surged to around 7 %.

得益于经济的重组, 新兴经济的经济增长率达到7%.《期刊摘选》

96. The government lost the argument over the pace of reform.


97. I wish that I apply this point in the reform of the chosen book.


98. This gives expression to the national aspirations for reforms.


99. With the exception of a few diehards, they all welcomed the proposals for reform.

除了少数的死硬派以外, 他们全都欢迎改革的提案.《期刊摘选》

100. The law needs to be reformed.


101. This model needs further perfection, and accepts examination in reform practice.


102. They decided to reform social abuses.


103. Society cannot be reformed through violence alone.


104. Mr Yosano singled out improved productivity in the service sector as a vital area for reform.


105. Changing to vegetable plot can remarkable reform soil moisture region of paddy soil.


106. Promises of reform have been made repeatedly before.


107. Manage of farm home with contemporary method, add breed to reform, became agricultural expert unexpectedly.

回家种田的以现代方法经营, 加上品种改良, 居然成了农业专家.《期刊摘选》

108. The dearth of money now must put reform and centre.


109. A reformed party would have to win the approval of the people.


110. They need to know if reform will help solve the problem.

他们想知道改革是否有助于解决这一问题。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

111. Article 8 The State shall ensure the expenditures of a prison for the reform of prisoners.


112. They must implement reforms to reduce distortions, improve the allocation of resources, and increase domestic savings.

他们必须进行改革以减少扭曲, 改善资源的配置和增加国内积累.《辞典例句》

113. The new curriculum reform that we are not unfamiliar to the storm.


114. The Senate bill would create an independent commission to monitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare’s payment policies to urge providers to adopt reforms that work.

参议院的议案计划创建一个独立委员会,监测试点方案并对老年人医疗保险制度的付费政策提出调整建议,以此来敦促医疗护理服务机构采取改革措施。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

115. The reason all is that English is backward that makes us to have to reform it.


116. Undergraduates tutorial system is a great move of high educational reform in our country.


117. These reforms were in the best interests of local government.


118. far-reaching/major/sweeping reforms

意义深远的 / 重大的 / 彻底的变革《牛津词典》

119. The fifth is to deepen rural reform and opening to the and a model base.


120. Any economic reform, he said, faced false starts and mistakes.


121. They try to reform a criminal through labour.


122. Politically, she is a staunch opponent of reform.

在政治上, 她是坚决反对改革的.《简明英汉词典》

123. It is paralysing vital proliferation talks and blocking badly needed reforms.


124. It is expected that the report will suggest some major reforms.


125. The reforms should give a better chance to the less able children.


126. They believe it will quicken China's restructuring of industries and accelerate its overall economic reform.


127. Specialty: real estate and guarantee case, reforming program and legal consultant.

专长: 房地产、担保诉讼案件, 企业法律顾问及重组事务.《期刊摘选》

128. All their efforts at reform have been set back.


129. Joyce : I am thinking about wearing a reformed cheongsam.


130. The good news is that a bill just approved by the House and a bill approved by the Senate Finance Committee would implement or test many reforms that should help slow the rise in medical costs over the long term.

众议院和参议院金融委员会各通过了一项议案,两项议案打算实施或检验多项改革措施,这些改革有助于放慢医疗成本的长期上涨趋势,这是一个好消息。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

131. Those whom indolence infects are seldom reformed.


132. Salvation lay in political reform.


133. The push for reform started in 1989.


134. Reform, as we know, is the enemy of revolution.


135. Reforming the system would help both lawyers and their customers.

改革这种体制对律师和客户双方都有益处。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

136. We should try to reform criminals through labour rather than punish them.


137. Objective Using simple method to reform depressed middle part of the face and nasal columella.


138. In 1968, the Congress of the United States passed the Jury Selection and Service Act, ushering in a new era of democratic reforms for the jury.

1968年美国国会通过了《陪审团选举与服务法案》,该法案的通过使美国陪审团民主改革进入了新时代。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

139. Our service is obsolete, requiring root and branch reform.

我们的服务业已过时, 需要彻底改革.《简明英汉词典》

140. That’s why school reform is so critical.

这就是学校改革迫在眉睫的原因。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

141. The article puts forward some methods of reforming capacitor energy DC panel to avoid power failure.


142. The government is running up against considerable opposition to its tax reforms.


143. The ways Henry II reform the courts and the law.


144. Fuel cells with on board reforming require compact and lightweight components.


145. Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers.


146. The exhibition highlights the result of the reform.


147. They urged Congress to approve plans for their reform programme.


148. They are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place.


149. This date processing can also provide reference values for other cities to reform GPS control nets.


150. The detail measures for technical reform of main equipment were introduced.


151. But as lawyers here discover, there are limits to China's embrace of judicial reform.

但就像律师了解到的, 中国对司法改革仍然有限制.《期刊摘选》

152. The government is going slow on tax reforms.


153. There was impatience over the slowness of reform.


154. [F] The key to reforming higher education, concludes Mr. Menand, is to alter the way in which “the producers of knowledge are produced.”

[F] 梅南先生总结道,高等教育改革的关键是改变“培养知识生产者”的方式。  《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

155. His final reform was the fusion of regular and reserve forces.


156. The city's security apparatus needs reforming.


157. I am not opposed to reform.


158. Civilized and safe working conditions are provided for prisoners engaging in reform through labour.


159. It is successful for us to research on the reform of farm tools.


160. We shall try to reform criminal rather than punish them.


161. There is a general recognition of the urgent need for reform.


162. In recent years, many people begin to pay more to the reform of economy and society.

近年来, 人们开始把目光从政治领域转向经济、社会方面的改良.《期刊摘选》

163. Educational reforms should focus on raising the quality of education.


164. This is why repeated attempts at reform legislation have failed in recent years, leaving the Postal Service unable to pay its bills except by deferring vital modernization.

这就是近年来屡次试图改革立法均告失败的原因,导致美国邮政署若不推迟至关重要的现代化,将无力支付其账单。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

165. He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.


166. The reforms are unpopular with the mass of teachers and parents.


167. We also expatiated on the matching reform measures for implementing each above.


168. When his court case was coming up, James promised to reform...


169. All loafers must be reformed into good citizens through participation in production.


170. It has natural relationship with the emerging China capital market and the enterprises reform.


171. These rules should as a comprehensive financial regulatory reform in the core content.


172. Now, many of the lectures given at this conference have focused on the issues of pension reform, medical care, and the development of public facilities for senior citizens

今 天, 参 会 的 许 多 演讲关注的是老年人的养老金改革,医疗服务,公共设施的发展问题。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

173. Painting styles changed dramatically under the influence of the reform and opening policy.


174. He has urged reform of the welfare system...


175. At the end of 1956, socialism reforms are completed ahead of schedule smoothly.

1956年底, 社会主义改造提前顺利完成,至此,高度集中的计划经济体制在我国最终确立.《期刊摘选》

176. Currently restructure of hospital and development of hospital collectivization are the tendency of urban hospital reform.


177. To this end, we must reform. anachronistic rules against the use of riot control agents.

最后, 我们必须改正历史错误否决暴动控制途径.《期刊摘选》

178. Reforms that undervalue these contributions are likely to do far more harm than good.


179. Ten delegates were selected to contest the recent controversial reform on public transportation at the meeting.


180. He felt reborn after being reformed in prison over several years.


181. reforms in education


182. This time there are all kinds of slogans but none voicing opposition to reform.


183. Our educational reform was steadily led onto the correct path.


184. The group intends to petition Parliament for reform of the law.


185. Mr Kennedy's bill is likely to be an expanded version of those reforms.


186. The party embarked on a programme of economic reform...


187. It's hard not to be cynical about reform.


188. The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system.


189. Breed reforms depth advances China to join WTO, what course to follow of Yuan city tree?

品种改良纵深推进中国加入WTO, 袁州油茶何去何从?《期刊摘选》

190. It is high time that the legal profession reformed itself.


191. He advocates reforming the prison system.


192. a government committed to reform


193. It's debatable whether or not the reforms have improved conditions.


194. Chapter IV analyzes the reform the United States government regulation of the background and motivation.


195. Welfare reform is a top priority for the government.


196. Implementation of the mining institution is an important act inthe mining system reform of our country.


197. She thought she could reform him.


198. But for some other countries, the reforms may help.

但对其它一些国家来说, 贷款条件的改善可能会带来帮助.《期刊摘选》


1. Going forward I like to talk with you about health reforms Talk about two aspects of reform one what do you think are the most important reforms that we as a nation need Secondly what is politically and socially feasible doable, achievable?

接着说,我想跟你聊聊医疗改革,谈谈改革的两个方面,一方面,您认为,我们国家,最需要进行改革的是什么,其次,从政治方面,和社会方面而言,什么是可行的,可做的,可是实现的?国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

2. They are well-connected with the south-based education-reform mafia.


3. The single currency has also been forcing eurozone governments to embark on a programme of structural reform.

BBC: The euro: Still in the doldrums

4. Public knowledge of the situation forced many of them to give up their holdings and stop resisting tariff reform.

VOA : special.2010.09.23

5. There are others apart from the British who insist the project needs far-reaching reform.

BBC: Europe's summer of argument

6. The purpose of the bill is simple: flatten, simplify, and reform the federal tax code.

FORBES: Death Is Much Less Complicated Than The U.S. Tax Code

7. But the number of uninsured children began to rise when welfare reform legislation took effect.

CNN: Clinton kicks off campaign to insure children under Medicaid

8. The talks are currently in recess after both sides agreed a deal on agrarian reform.

BBC: Venezuela and Colombia in row over Capriles meeting

9. Indeed, CAHI published a paper in 2009 comparing premium spikes under varying reform scenarios.

FORBES: The Constitutional Issue in ObamaCare Isn't Cost, but Control

10. Even nations which have implemented serious reform programs, like the Baltic States, could make further improvements.

FORBES: The Triumph Of Good Economics: 'Austere' Baltic States Outgrow Their European Neighbors

11. But whenever we've had a reform era there's been a big issue, or two or three or four.

但每当我们有一个改革的时代,都会存在一个,两个,三个或者四个大问题美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. The reform program has brought unacceptably high unemployment.


13. A major reform of the American system of health care and insurance has moved farther in Congress than ever before.

VOA : special.2009.11.13

14. We will use the best evidence available to determine whether a state can meet a few key benchmarks for reform.

VOA : special.2009.07.30

15. And his proposals for the reform of poetry, especially Homeric poetry, represent clearlya radical departure from Greek educational practices and beliefs.

而他建议改革诗学,尤其是荷马诗学,清楚地代表着彻底地背离,希腊教育实作与信念。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. But the Senate has delayed action on its version of the financial reform bill until Congress returns July twelfth.

VOA : special.2010.07.02

17. But they will do that in a very particular way, in that only strands that exactly match will be able to reform their native structure.

但是双链的形成也不是随意的,只有完全互补的单链之间,才成重新恢复到它们原先的结构生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Plato's judgment seems to be "you need to reform yourself " before you can think about reforming others."

柏拉图的判断似乎是,“你必需自我改革,才能想到改革他人“政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Peers then considered business of the House motions and the joint committee report on Lords reform.

BBC: Peer: Students face 'scandalous discrimination'

20. His successor, Yasuo Fukuda, has pledged to continue along the path of reform while addressing inequality.

ECONOMIST: Business in Japan

21. In 1986, Reagan accepted loophole-closing reform, including on wealthier interests, in exchange for another round of rate reductions.

CNN: After Trump, will GOP accept higher taxes?

22. Is the administration worried about eroding Latino support in the face of stalled immigration reform?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

23. States are competing to share in almost three and a half billion dollars as part of a school reform competition.

VOA : special.2010.07.22

24. Any economic reform, he said, faced false starts and mistakes.


25. Controversial plans for reform are being drawn up.


26. The Reagan tax reform essentially ended income taxes for the lower half of earners.

FORBES: The Proper Post-Election Agenda: Cut Spending, Then Taxes

27. and I'm involved in a group called "Students for Education Reform",

而我也参与一个叫“学生教育改革”的组织SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 丰富多彩的社团活动

28. The conversations that are taking place on a bipartisan basis around immigration reform are moving forward.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes a Statement on the Sequester

29. So why don't you talk about the experience that you had in Israel and also a little bit about what it means to be an Orthodox Jew for those people who don't know maybe the difference between reform and conservative Orthodox.

那何不讲讲你,在以色列的经历,再讲讲,什么是犹太教正统派,向那些可能不知道,改革以及保守正统派的区别的人解释一下。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

30. That changed in 1996 when the Congress adopted and the Clinton administration approved of the welfare reform measure.

NPR: Congress to Lift Student Loans?

31. Professor BOB LINDEN (Harvard University): In their mind, reform doesn't mean sacrifice on their part.

NPR: Obama Pushes Health Care Overhaul

32. The first responsibility of the individual is to reform themselves.

第一项责任,自我改革。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. On September 30th, the United States Commission on Immigration Reform issues its final report.

ECONOMIST: Immigration

34. Now all agree that CIA fouled up big, and all are foursquare for reform.


35. And,in another development, the Senate voted Thursday to permit final debate and a vote on a financial reform bill.

VOA : special.2010.05.21

36. Now, and by reform I mean a period in which people became professional reformers.

我的意思是一段时间中,人们都成了专业的改革者美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. He quipped that President Barack Obama's health care reform law would have required a long wait.

NPR: Paul: GOP Needs To Become A 'Bigger' Party

38. The man who came to represent the spirit of reform most of all was the new president, Theodore Roosevelt.

VOA : special.2010.08.05

39. President Obama said in late June that he is determined to enact a major reform at the end of the summer.

奥巴马总统六月份时说,他坚决,要在夏天结束前实施改革。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

40. He's already solicited their support on health-care reform.


41. The state desperately needs a pension reform that will reduce the benefits that current employees earn.

FORBES: Pat Quinn's Illinois Budget: Spending Up, Program Spending Down

42. The activists gained national attention by protesting the health care reform efforts of President Obama and the Democrats in Congress.

VOA : special.2010.03.06

43. The president,in a brief statement at the White House Friday afternoon, restated his goal of health care reform this year.

VOA : special.2009.07.18

44. We look forward to working with UK Government and our international counterparts on progressing reform.

UNESCO: UKNC welcomes UK decision to remain in

45. I don't want to exaggerate this too much but the largest riots in Britain in the eighteenth century are not the riots for political reform at all.

我不想过多地夸张,但十八世纪英国最大的暴乱,完全不是关于政治改革欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. It'll be a lot of efforts just trying to reconstitute and reform those bodies.

NPR: Global Summit Takes On Economic Turmoil

47. Senate leaders and the Obama administration patted themselves on the back after cramming through financial reform legislation.

FORBES: The Inept Financial Reform Bill

48. When he resigned, the North American cardinals and some Europeans began pushing for deep institutional reform.

BBC: Pope election: Where the Conclave really divides

49. "Every time we come close to passing health insurance reform, the special interests fight back with everything they've got.

VOA : special.2009.08.14

50. So, his letters come out of this western land, New Mexico, and a land of criminality, the reform school.

他的信从新墨西哥这片西部的土地而来,还是寄宿学校这种犯罪滋生地。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. "I think the process could have sensible reform, " FA general secretary Alex Horne told BBC Radio 5 live.

BBC: World Cup vote - FA's Alex Horne calls for Fifa changes

52. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 made DPPs much less valuable to investors, and so a lot of wealthy people switched from DPPs to REITs.

986年的税制改革法案,使得DPP对投资者不再那么有价值,所以很多富人从DPP转向REITs金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Republicans have promised to make the health care reform law a major issue in mid-term Congressional elections in November.

VOA : special.2010.03.27

54. The sorry answer is that while U.N. ambitions and spending have soared, U.N. reform efforts have largely fizzled.

FORBES: Keep An Eye On The U.N.

55. After which, peers continue with the report stage of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill.

BBC: Week ahead

56. In many cases, operational details of this reform-minded government are still being worked out.

FORBES: China Crossing The Rubicon As Reform Agenda Moves Forward

57. Also,the department plans to award almost six billion dollars through other federal programs in the coming months to support reform efforts.

VOA : special.2009.07.30

58. Two months ago, Hillary Clinton gave a speech calling for body cameras and sentencing reform.

CNN: Why 'All lives matter' misses the point

59. So these devices, when I was a youngster, were colloquially known as "atom smashers", because they have the capacity to actually break these and have them reform.

这些设备,当我还年轻的时候,它们在口语中被叫做核粒子加速器,因为它们有能力,将这些破碎并重新形成。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

60. There are three waves, three waves of reform, so to speak, that will contribute to the creation of the city.

有三波改革,约略可以这么说,那会协助创建正义之城。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. So far, this has sounded more like a redistribution of property, rather than liberal reform.

ECONOMIST: Russia's presidency

62. Earlier this week, President Obama won a major political victory with congressional passage of his health care reform plan.

VOA : special.2010.03.27

63. Those challenges included an economic downturn, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and a promise to reform the health care system.

VOA : special.2010.01.23

64. Pension reform aside, he appears more focused on keeping a lid on social discontent ahead of 2012.

ECONOMIST: France's public finances

65. Then news came that Dean was out of reform school and was coming to New York for the first time; also there was talk that he had just married a girl called Marylou.

然后消息传来说安被寄宿学校开除了,将第一次来纽约;,还有传言说他刚和一个叫玛丽露的姑娘结婚了。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课




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