莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈeniwʌn]play美 [ˈeniwʌn]play

  • pron. 任何人;某个人;任何……的人;重要人物;(没有)一个人(用于否定句);任何一个人

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


anyone /ˈɛnɪˌwʌn/

  • 1.
    不定代词 You use anyone or anybody in statements with negative meaning to indicate in a general way that nobody is present or involved in an action. 任何人 (用于含否定意义的陈述句中)

    I won't tell anyone I saw you here.



    You needn't talk to anyone if you don't want to.


  • 2.
    不定代词 You use anyone or anybody in questions and conditional clauses to ask or talk about whether someone is present or doing something. 某个人 (用于疑问句和条件分句中)

    Why would anyone want that job?



    How can anyone look sad at an occasion like this?


  • 3.
    不定代词 You use anyone or anybody before words that indicate the kind of person you are talking about. 任何…的人 (接后置修饰语)

    I always had been the person who achieved things before anyone else at my age.



    It's not a job for anyone who is slow with numbers.


  • 4.
    不定代词 You use anyone or anybody to refer to a person when you are emphasizing that it could be any person out of a very large number of people. 任何一个人强调

    Anyone could be doing what I'm doing.


  • 5.
    习语 You use anyone who is anyone and anybody who is anybody to refer to people who are important or influential. 任何要人

    It seems anyone who's anyone in business is going to the conference.



1. anyone you think of 你可以想到的任何人 ; 所有你想得到的人 ; 所有你能想到的人 ; 你所想起的任何人

2. I never needed anyone 我谁也不需要 ; 从不需要任何人 ; 我从来不需要任何人 ; 我不需要任何人的陪伴

3. not a word to anyone 保守秘密

4. With no proof anyone could 不能证明谁能听得到

5. Than anyone else 比谁

6. But don't let anyone 但是别让任何人 ; 但不要让任何人 ; 但他不会让所有人

7. anyone pron 任何人 ; 无论谁 ; 任何一个

8. anyone can fail 任何人都可能沉沦 ; 任何人会让人失望

9. Anyone of Us 我们都会错 ; 凡人都会犯错 ; 我们都错了


1. Have you discussed the problem with anyone?


2. I had better drop this course.


3. Speaking of Cleveland, ask anyone there about us.

说到克利夫兰, 跟那儿的任何人打听一下我们吧.《期刊摘选》

4. Can anyone decipher his handwriting?


5. Stay close. I don't want to leave anyone behind.

尽量靠近. 我不想把任何人留在后面.《期刊摘选》

6. We rarely saw anyone except at meal times despite the island being fulla few days.


7. Anyone accused of a crime has a righta lawyer.


8. I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea.


9. Anyone who is eligible to vote can stand an MP.


10. We would welcome interest from anyone prepared to put money into the club.


11. Can anyone put up bail for you?


12. What about those performers who fail, or anyone who fails?

那些失败的表现者又如何呢?其他任何一个失败者又 如何 呢?《期刊摘选》

13. Entry is open to anyone over the age of 18.


14. It is fun! Ask anyone who is living a highly productive and happy life.

它是一种乐趣! 问问任何一个产出很多,生活幸福的人.《期刊摘选》

15. If someone loves none, he may fall in love with anyone around him.

当一个人谁都不爱的时候, 他就可以爱上身旁的任何一个人.《期刊摘选》

16. Potter is very selfish; he has no regard for anyone else.

波特太自私了, 他不尊敬任何人.《期刊摘选》

17. Offer anyone you meet a smil a kind word, a kind gesture a h . elping hand.

给你遇.到的任何一个人一个微笑, 一句善语. 一个友好的姿势,一只援助之手.《期刊摘选》

18. They vowed solemnly never to love anyone else.


19. The exercises are so simple that almost anyone can do them.


20. Anyone knows that all this is blather.


21. Have you shown anyone your work?


22. Keep down! You mustn't let anyone see you.


23. Sallust said that anyone is his own futural architect.


24. I'm under orders not to let anyone in.


25. After that, the material would enter the public domain so that anyone could reproduce it.

保护期满后, 作品为公众所有,任何人都可无偿复制.《期刊摘选》

26. Never make promise to anyone and never trust the promise that anyone makes to you.


27. She promised not to tell anyone about it.


28. The feeling of cleanliness makes you comfortable to huddle up or to get close with anyone.


29. Anyone in a moving jet plane can feel the power of the engines.


30. Five amazing ways that you can make conversation with almost anyone.

这就是能让你和几乎任何人交谈的五种绝妙方式。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

31. Such a lie is an outrage to anyone who loves the truth.


32. You can ask that of anyone who adopts new technology.


33. Ask anyone newly unemployed what they want and the answer is always: a job.

问问任何一个刚失业的人想要什么,答案永远都是:一份工作。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

34. They have not been shared or cleared with anyone.


35. I didn't tell anyone, honestly!


36. Anyone can appreciate our music.


37. Obviously, anyone concerned about staying sharp should make a point of sleeping enough and managing stress.

很明显, 任何一个希望保持头脑清醒的人都会指出要有充足的睡眠,以及处理好压力问题.《期刊摘选》

38. It was the best possible surprise anyone could have given me.


39. If anyone finds out, you're dead meat.


40. I've never been so glad to see anyone in my life!


41. I've never seen anyone spend so much in one evening; he must have money to burn!

我从未见过一晚上就挥霍掉这么多钱的人, 他一定有的是钱.《简明英汉词典》

42. She made him swear not to tell anyone.


43. I don't mind helping if you can't find anyone else.


44. How can anyone enjoy the pressures of city life?


45. It is impossible for anyone to experience all the important events.


46. Never confess to anyone who is not spiritually mature.


47. Ask anyone in a business. They will tell you a jungle out there.

去问任何一个在商的人, 他们都会告诉你商场如丛林.《期刊摘选》

48. He couldn't find it in himself to trust anyone again.


49. But It'should not a mystery to anyone who can live with the more familiar GDP.

但对于任何一个可以接受更为人所熟知的GDP的 人而言,这并不神秘.《期刊摘选》

50. This is particularly dangerous for anyone who is trying to change society.


51. It seems anyone who's anyone in business is going to the conference.


52. Have they found anyone to replace her yet?


53. When someone loves none, he will fall in love with anyone around him.

当一个人谁都不爱的时候, 他就可以爱上身边的任何一个人.《期刊摘选》

54. Get this free software to instantly communicate online with friends, family, coworkers, or anyone you choose.

使用该免费软件,你就可以即刻与朋友, 家人, 同事或任何一个你选择的人进行在线交流.《期刊摘选》

55. Why would anyone want that job?...


56. Anyone can be wise after the event.


57. It's not a job for anyone who is slow with numbers...


58. Is anyone too hot?


59. If you could share a drink with anyone on the planet, who would it be?

如果你能和这个星球上任何一个人共饮, 那会是谁?《期刊摘选》

60. She would never intentionally hurt anyone.


61. This new teaching way aims at that anyone can learn anything at anytime and from anywhere.


62. Anyone can formulate a dose by following the simple instructions.


63. Is anyone there?


64. The man could wring money from anyone by his sad story.


65. Because I Love You, more than anyone in the World!

因为我喜欢你, 比世界上任何一个人都更喜欢!《期刊摘选》

66. Anyone could be doing what I'mdoing...


67. The IRA ( Irish Republic Army ) deals ruthlessly with anyone who informs against one of its members.


68. I had no reason to believe there was anyone within hearing.


69. I've never intentionally hurt anyone.


70. Does anyone else want to come?


71. Anybody can see that it's wrong.


72. And, the only person can help you is youself, not anyone else.

并且, 能帮助的你的只有你自己, 而不是其他任何人.《期刊摘选》

73. Hard work never did anyone any harm.


74. Anyone can join the club, without respect to class, race, or sex.

任何人, 不管阶级 、 种族或性别,都可以参加该俱乐部.《期刊摘选》

75. Hardly anyone came.


76. Anyone could be doing what I'm doing.


77. There is no theoretical rationale why anyone should even want to invest in it.


78. You may take anyone one of these.


79. Anyone can fulfill their social responsibilities, such as do not spit, cannot be drunk driving.

任何一个人都可以履行社会责任, 比如不要随地吐痰, 不能酒后驾车.《期刊摘选》

80. Has anyone shown you round yet?


81. But I think your profession is sometimes underrated, and many people think anyone who speaks more than one language can do it.

但我认为你们的职业有时被低估了,许多人认为任何一个会说一种以上语言的人都能做口译。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

82. It is difficult for anyone on the field to concentrate.


83. If anyone calls, tell them I'm not at home.


84. Is anyone getting hungry?


85. Anyone wanting to leave the country had problems too.


86. If anyone comes in before I get back, ask them to wait.


87. Anyone with a microphone is in a position to influence anyone who's listening.


88. You can rest easy ─ I'm not going to tell anyone.


89. He would never harm anyone.


90. Is anyone on for a drink after work?


91. She repeatedly urged her son not to tell anyone about it.


92. How can anyone look sad at an occasion like this?...


93. The fence is strategically sited to prevent anyone getting onto the beach.


94. She didn't want anyone to see the letter, so she and threw the ashes away.

她不希望任何人看到那封信, 于是将信烧成灰倒掉.《期刊摘选》

95. They insisted that I not breathe a word to anyone about this arrangement.


96. You'll be passionate and to get serious with just about anyone who pays attention to you.


97. Why would anyone want that job?


98. I would prefer it if you didn't tell anyone.


99. Anyone with an imagination can create a technical analysis indicator.


100. Stay close together ─ I don't want anyone to get lost.


101. Vincent is oversensitive, his feelings about colour is more than anyone.

文森特是过敏的, 他对色彩的感受比任何人都丰富.《期刊摘选》

102. Al Smith could make anybody laugh.


103. I won't tell anyone I saw you here...


104. Should anyone call, please tell them I'm busy.


105. He hates anyone parking in his space.


106. She doesn't blame anyone for her father's death.


107. But anyone has sore muscles when he exercises for the first time after a long break.


108. He would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm.


109. This is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher’s me, here, now becomes the community’s anyone, anywhere, anytime.

这就是“取信过程”,通过这个过程,单个研究者的“我”、“现在”和“这里”转变成科学界的“任何人”、“任何地点”和“任何时间”。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

110. Have you shown your work to anyone?


111. You needn't talk to anyone if you don't want to...


112. I always had been the person who achieved things before anyone else at my age...


113. Citizen umbrellas are publicly owned, and can be borrowed and used by anyone.

一支特殊造型的雨伞, 此伞可以供任何人使用,但不可占为己有.《期刊摘选》

114. Anyone entering adult society after years of segregation can only be in for a shock.


115. He's been at the bank longer than anyone else.


116. He shouted angrily at anyone within range.


117. Do you have anyone in mind for this job?


118. Did anyone see you?


119. Sussex Police said no action would be taken with it not in anyone to prosecute.


120. The hijackers seemed anxious not to harm anyone.


121. Can I be of service to anyone?


122. Have you been able to switch your shift with anyone?


123. She wasn't anyone before she got that job.


124. I forbid anyone to touch that clock.


125. She won't accept advice from anyone.



1. Alas, mature, or self-sustaining, are not yet words that anyone would use to describe this recovery.

BBC: It's economic growth, but not as we know it

2. He toiled only by lantern-light, not letting anyone watch him work, and stopping when passers-by approached.

BBC: The mystery of Floridas Coral Castle

3. Does anyone know the history of what Fibonacci was trying to do? Sorry, let me re-ask that. Fibonacci.

创始人是斐波纳契,有人知道斐波纳契想要干什么吗?抱歉,让我再问一次。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. One of the more difficult walks is an eight kilometer hike that is not for anyone afraid of high places.

VOA : special.2009.04.15

5. She adds that what happened to her "was surreal but it could've happened to anyone".

BBC: Kercher murder case: Amanda Knox proclaims innocence

6. The key is anyone who needs a guy in the middle of their lineup.

NPR: Giants Say Goodbye to Bonds

7. Convention Against Torture to prosecute anyone on its territory responsible for torture anywhere in the world.

CNN: Nepalese colonel faces torture charges in UK court

8. She'd use anyone, without scruple.


9. In previous centuries, anyone entering the Forbidden City without permission would have faced instant death.

BBC: The perfect trip: China

10. But Google, by dint of its experiences, can build and operate them as efficiently as anyone.

FORBES: It's The Data Center: Why Google Can Do Anything (Movies, Phones) That It Wants

11. It made the blues even more mournful, even more poignant and even more cathartic for anyone listening.

BBC: The birthplace of jazz

12. Does anyone have that in their brain somewhere for ready use? I don't, in fact, so it's actually okay if you don't know all your common ions, if you missed that part.

你们有谁有印象它们有什么用吗?,我当时是不知道,所以如果你们不记得,这部分也没有关系。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

13. To test this idea, the team in Cuba offered $100 to anyone who would agree to be bitten by infected mosquitoes.

VOA : special.2009.01.27

14. And I think for anyone who's concerned about human life and wants to save human life, this is a very easy way to do it.

我想,对于所有关心人类生命,想要拯救人类生命的人们来说,这是一种很简单的方式。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

15. Anyone who is acquainted with these works will immediately recognize in the poem certain references to vegetation ceremonies.

熟悉这些作品的人,会马上在诗里认出,某些提及植物仪式的部分。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Last year, Joe put out a sign-up sheet for anyone who wanted to participate.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and the Yankees

17. Nevertheless, to secure the distinction in actual practice, to say, "Okay. This is the meaning and now this is how I'm going to make it significant" -well, it seems unlikely indeed that this is something anyone could ever accomplish.

然而,若在实际操作中,你试着去体现这个区别,你会说,好的,这是意思,现在我来将它变成意义“,可是,实际上似乎谁都,无法完成这个任务。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Has anyone got a pen?


19. So there are lots of Prisoner's Dilemmas out there, anyone got any other examples? Other examples?

生活中不乏囚徒困境的案例,还有别的案例吗博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. The bottom line: is anyone actually throwing the race card or is this just politics as usual?

NPR: Injecting Race into Politics

21. This month Kozlov had proposed permanently banning from banking anyone involved in money laundering.

NPR: Killing of Top Banker Rocks Official Moscow

22. "Insurgents used to kill anyone working in the police force, " says shopkeeper Yassir al Jumeili.

NPR: Long-Awaited Fallujah Rebuilding Shows Promise

23. Nine years seems rather a harsh penalty for a crime that did not itself harm anyone.

BBC: NEWS | Technology | Data safety at top of the agenda

24. Sumptuous friezes and inscriptions cursing anyone tampering the grave decorate many sarcophagi found in the outgrowth.

BBC: Turkeys lotus eaters

25. Assured Labor is not charging anyone right now, but the plan is to have employers pay for the service.

VOA : special.2009.02.02

26. Anyone with a credit card can now rent one of 6, 000 bicycles from the 400 docking stations.

BBC: Sidestepping Londons Olympic crowds

27. Oh end up there, anyone else need a partner up there?

哦,还有一个在那儿,还有谁需要伙伴?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

28. Anyone, regardless of background, could buy shares in the flotation of previously nationalised industries.

BBC: Class calculator: A US view of the class system

29. He worried about his motorcycle. If the engine failed, he could die of lack of water before anyone could find him.

VOA : special.2009.01.14

30. In that time, only once do I remember anyone questioning whether it was right to film human remains.

BBC: Fallen soldiers: Is it right to take images of bodies?

31. Anyone who uses a device that burns fossil fuel must inspect the equipment carefully to reduce chances of carbon monoxide escaping.

VOA : special.2010.02.02

32. It's the only time in recorded history that anyone fell in love with anybody in a documentary.

这可能是有史以来唯一一次,有人会爱上了纪录片里的人物美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. What else does this novel bring out in you: what other thoughts, what other responses? Does anyone absolutely love this novel?

这部小说还带给了你们什么,有其他的看法吗,其他的回应,有谁完全爱上了这部小说?1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. Your teams will modify tools, product terms, pricing, and everything else (better packaging colors, anyone?).

FORBES: When Should A Startup Hit The Gas?

35. The author says Lead Belly's contract with the Lomaxes' prevented him from being represented by anyone else for five years.

VOA : special.2010.01.25

36. It will be years before anyone has the nerve to call you on it.

FORBES: Dear Ali Khamenei, Here's How To Get Nukes

37. So is anyone, especially spouses, to blame for wanting to know where all the clues lead?

FORBES: Why Playing Online Detective is a Dangerous Game

38. who gave us a kind of, I think the greatest gift that man can give anyone, and that is.

VOA : special.2009.09.20

39. Hello, is there anyone there?


40. He is more steeped in the sensuous beauty of classical literature, the classical tradition, than probably anyone else of his generation.

他比同时代的任何人都沉湎于古典文学感觉上的美,一种经典的传统的美。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. The four-day hike can be completed by anyone in reasonable shape, ovenighting in huts or campsites.

BBC: Mini guide to Iceland's activities

42. and it's more or less that. I don't want to spoil it in case anyone goes to see it.

差不多就是那样的。万一有人要去观看这部剧呢,我可不想毁了它。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 话剧排练结束后

43. "Anyone who goes from totally invested to totally uninvested is a fool, " says Wigmore.

FORBES: Learning from history

44. He decreed that anyone found guilty of using the word Frisco must pay a penalty of twenty-five dollars.

VOA : special.2009.12.14

45. In a sense, you might ask what could be more ludicrous, Socrates declaring himself or anyone declaring themselves to be a gift of the divine.

就某种意义而言,还有什么,比苏格拉底自称,或任何人自称,是天赐恩典的主张更荒唐。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. We kind of meet together and we say, if anyone's cabin burns down we'll all come over and help.

我们会聚在一起商定,如果有人的房子烧毁了,我们都会来帮忙。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. Can anyone be confident that a shareholder revolution will lead to better, as opposed to lower, compensation levels?

FORBES: Steering Clear Of The Executive Compensation Bog

48. The Israeli government may deny entry or exit to anyone without having to provide a reason.

BBC: Search the

49. Anyone with information on the Newtown collision should contact local police on (01686) 625704.

BBC: Inquest opens into road death

50. it basically will give you an idea of where to go. You have the signs, you can ask anyone,

你基本上就会知道要去哪里了,你可以看看路标,或是问问路,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于黑人文化

51. As both the North and South were learning quickly, the Civil War was becoming more costly than anyone had imagined.

VOA : special.2009.09.17

52. Although I didn't tell anyone about my secret world, I decided to spend my life studying the microscope.

VOA : special.2009.07.18

53. ColorWash is great for anyone who just wants to play around with their photos.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

54. David disliked anyone who smoked.


55. Is there anyone prepared to defend cost-benefit analysis here as accurate as desirable? Yes? Go ahead.

有没人来赞同成本效益分析的,认为它精确合宜吗,你说。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Today,a fall guy is anyone who is tricked into taking the blame for the crime or wrongdoing of someone else.

VOA : special.2010.02.21

57. They are constantly on their phones trying to find anyone who has a spare ticket.

BBC: Sachin Tendulkar's big 40th birthday 'party'

58. Measles is particularly dangerous in young infants but anyone can get the disease at any time.

BBC: Long shadow cast by MMR scare

59. I believe anyone would be perfectly right to interfere with you, so far as to free those you wickedly hold in slavery.

VOA : special.2009.07.02

60. This has nothing to do with anyone, so you should take this out.

这和其他人一点关系也没有,所以你们随便听听就算了欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. He offered ten thousand dollars to anyone willing to follow him on a one-day climb without a rope.

VOA : special.2009.12.09

62. They were used by anyone wanting to pedal from one place to the next.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Killer Weekend'

63. I can't see anyone.


64. Well,the second she jumped on the horse's back he began to kick and buck like nothing anyone had ever seen.

VOA : special.2009.11.28

65. Now, six years later, where I am today surprises me as much as anyone else.

BBC: How I quit my job to travel: The corporate lawyer





apparent的意思是:adj. 显而易见的,易懂的;貌似的,表面上的。学考宝为您提供apparent是什么意思,apparent的翻译,apparent的用法,apparent的短语搭配,apparent的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americanization的意思是:n. 美国化。学考宝为您提供Americanization是什么意思,Americanization的翻译,Americanization的用法,Americanization的短语搭配,Americanization的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americanisation的意思是:n. 美国化。学考宝为您提供Americanisation是什么意思,Americanisation的翻译,Americanisation的用法,Americanisation的短语搭配,Americanisation的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


apology的意思是:n. 道歉;(因不能赴会的)道歉信;辩护,辩解;勉强(或不适当的)替代物;<非正式>糟糕的例子。学考宝为您提供apology是什么意思,apology的翻译,apology的用法,apology的短语搭配,apology的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americandom的意思是:n. 美国人的世界。学考宝为您提供Americandom是什么意思,Americandom的翻译,Americandom的用法,Americandom的短语搭配,Americandom的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


yankeefied的意思是:adj. 美国化的,美国式的 v. 使……美国佬化;使……扬基化(Yankeefy 的过去分词)。学考宝为您提供yankeefied是什么意思,yankeefied的翻译,yankeefied的用法,yankeefied的短语搭配,yankeefied的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


apartment的意思是:n. 公寓套房;(总统等要人的)房间,套间。学考宝为您提供apartment是什么意思,apartment的翻译,apartment的用法,apartment的短语搭配,apartment的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americanized的意思是:adj. 美国化的 v. 美国化(Americanize 的过去式和过去分词)。学考宝为您提供Americanized是什么意思,Americanized的翻译,Americanized的用法,Americanized的短语搭配,Americanized的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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