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bring under是什么意思_bring under短语搭配_bring under权威例句


bring under


英 [brɪŋ ˈʌndə(r)]play 美 [brɪŋ ˈʌndər]play

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1. bring under control 控制 ; 置于

2. Bring Under Permanent Control 根治

3. bring under cultivation 把荒地垦植成农田

4. check subdue bring under control 用强制手段降伏

5. Bring under collective control

6. bring the pollution under control 治理环境污染 ; 环境污染 ; 操控污染

7. bring under somebody's notice 使

8. bring get under control 使隶属于


1. Causes for Unit-owned Exchequer and Countermeasures to Bring under Control


2. It took two hours to bring the fire under control.


3. This enables up to quickly respond to pockets of suspected cases and to try and bring them under control," he added.

这样一来,我们就能对片区疑似病例快速做出应对措施,把其扼杀在摇篮中。” 他补充道。

4. Any attempts to bring under the mass movement for civil rights are doomed to failure.


5. A global energy organisation could provide authoritative assessments of global energy demand and supply and bring under one roof energy data that are now dispersed and incomplete.


6. Strong winds and a shortage of water hampered 125 firemen trying to bring it under control.


7. On Improper Benefits of the Government and How to Bring Them Under Effective Control During the Present Transition-Type Period


8. In a statement issued in Tripoli, the council said it is committed to upholding the rule of law and is trying to bring under its authority the varied armed groups that are fighting Mr.


9. The effort is likely to further complicate talks to bring the country's debt under control.


10. Profitability would no doubt be helped if clubs could bring wages under control.


11. This decision is welcomed as an important step forward in achieving community acceptance of measures needed to bring the outbreak under control.


12. Bring under collective control; of farms and industrial enterprises.

集中在一起进行统一管理;指农场或工厂。《provided by jukuu》

13. The third section narrated three slightly bring under the legendary touching tears love story.


14. I think the biggest problem we're facing is how to bring it in under budget.


15. Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the director of the CDC, warned on Thursday that the worsening outbreak could take at least three to six months to bring under control, even in a best-case scenario.

CDC主任托马斯·R·弗里登博士(Thomas R.Frieden)周四警告,即便是在最乐观的情况下,也需要至少三至六个月时间才能将日渐恶化的疫情控制住。

16. To spade or plow ( soil ) to bring under soil to the surface.

翻耕,翻土翻(土)或犁 ( 土 ),从而把下面的泥土翻到表面上来.《互联网》

17. Epidemics of Class II refer to those which can cause great economic losses and need to take strict measures to bring under control or exterminate them and avoid their spread.


18. Landslip Mechanism and Methods of Comprehensively Bring Under Control in Northwest Side of West Opencut Coal Mine


19. "To cultivate ethos in Chinese teaching" is a new question for discussion bring forward under this new visual field and background.


20. The point to is discus can is bring under three main headings.


21. Although the outbreak of COVID-19 is a terrible blow to the country, the government is trying hard to bring the situation under control.


22. If we can't bring our problems under control, feelings of powerlessness and despair often ensue.


23. But, if treated, and once you bring it under control, it's not life-threatening and you live a near-normal life.


24. Pre-History: The caveman tied cords made of braided grass around his chosen mate’s wrists, ankles, and waist, to bring her spirit under his control.


25. I used to bring my dog and he slept under the table.


26. If you are under 16 and do not yet have the required height, we would still be interested in meeting you, but you must bring a parent.


27. With support from donors like Belgium and other partners (see list at right), FAO is helping them bring the land under production again.


28. We worked out guidelines for improving management of non-tax revenue and a plan to bring it under budgetary management by 2011.


29. For example, the authors note that in most countries surveyed, many patients took medicine to lower blood pressure, but not enough to really bring blood pressure under control.


30. Time, time will bring all under the sun.


31. To quiet or bring under control by physical force or persuasion; make tractable.

使顺从,使屈服:用武力或说服来使安静或屈服;使默不作声。《provided by jukuu》

32. Last, it put forward the countermeasures to bring under control on the enlargement of the difference of income on the base of analyse the reason of the enlargement of the difference of the city residents' income.


33. It is an advanced method for protected soil resource, environmental protection and bring pollution under control.


34. We plan to bring all these mountain slopes under cultivation.


35. Determine those processes to bring under governance


36. Bring up under fosterage; of children.

以养子的身份被抚养;用于指孩子。《provided by jukuu》

37. When you think you are lost, sit down on a log, or a rock, or lean against a tree, and recite something that you have memorized, to bring your mind to a point where it's under control.


38. Most of the stoker boilers in China are operated under low efficiency situation and release a great deal of pollutants, so they have already been the high energy-consumption facilities that our country intends to bring under control in recent years.


39. Epidemics of Class I refer to those which cause serious damage to humans and animals and need to take urgent, rigorous measures to compulsorily prevent, bring under control or exterminate them.


40. Since it's virtually impossible to eradicate them, it's vital for the country to seek ways to bring the alien species under control.


41. The latest idea is to bring them together under one management.


42. In response to these environmental problems, many countries and governments have adopted various means to bring them under control.


43. Dieting and exercising can bring your weight under control but you must stick to your plan with perseverance.


44. So to bring under control of inferior health is mainly to change harmful life style, to improve social environment, and to set up a system of long time physique supervision, physical examination and keeping fit among the whole society by the power of government.


45. Lining the lower LIDS with dark pencil and coating the lower lashes with dark mascara can bring out under-eye circles and crow's feet once we're past a certain age.


46. Japan has been trying to bring its nuclear crisis under control, but the spread of radiation has raised concerns about the safety of the nuclear energy.


47. To bring inflation under control, we should rely mainly on economic and legal measures supplemented by administrative means.


48. To mirror and use LVM without VERITAS, you would have to bring these filesystems under the control of SVM.

要在不使用VERITAS的情况下镜像和使用LVM,就必须让这些文件系统受s VM控制。

49. Bring under Soviet control, of a country.


50. Smallpox have is bring under control by the use of vaccine.


51. So Rebecca, during her stay at Queen's Crawley, made as many friends of bring under control.

丽贝卡在女王的克劳莱住了一阵子, 尽量地结交了许多有钱的朋友.《互联网》

52. Since the way to feed the world is not to bring more land under cultivation, but to increase yields, science is crucial.


53. Development and Utilization of Karst Water Sources Bring Flood under Control in Dushan Region of South Guizhou Province


54. The point to is discus can is bring under three main headings.


55. It too is difficult to bring under control because many people do not recognize its deadliness.


56. The caveman tied cords made of braided grass around his chosen mate's wrists, ankles, and waist, to bring her spirit under his control.


57. There is huge potential to bring more land under cultivation in Ukraine and kazakhstan-but that would need improvements to infrastructure that could take years.


58. Visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control.

想像噩梦有助于控制它们。《provided by jukuu》

59. It is one of the most efficient approaches to developing varieties or genotypes whose Cd accumulation have obvious difference so as to alleviate health risks associated with Cd exposure and guarantee food safety and make full use of natural resources and bring under control the polluted soil.


60. Workers and users can bring down under pressure from public opinion.


61. Determine those processes to bring under governance.


62. A new stimulus would re-inflate real estate prices, which Beijing is rightly trying to bring under control.



1. I used to bring my dog and he slept under the table.

我曾经带过我的狗来上课然后它就睡在桌下面。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. As for madrassas, General Musharraf has introduced laws to bring them under closer supervision, but extremist institutions have ignored them.

ECONOMIST: Islamist militancy is alive and well

3. The main reason is the rising crime rate and the state's apparent inability to bring it under control against a background of rising poverty.

ECONOMIST: An unofficial death penalty

4. It is yet another problem the government is struggling to bring under control.

BBC: Highway

5. It was not immediately clear what caused the fire, which began soon after the factory workers went home for the day and took three hours to bring under control.

NPR: Bangladesh Fire Kills 8 As Collapse Toll Hits 930

6. The Under-20 World Cup draws only a fraction of the fans that the full World Cup will bring to South Africa, when hordes of supporters from 32 nations will descend on the southern end of the continent.

VOA : standard.2009.10.12

7. Against a backdrop of a rising deficit, Mr Obama will attempt to bring spending under control.

BBC: Analysis: Obama's deficit dilemma

8. Under the Initiative, people could not bring a killed shark to a participating marina.

VOA : special.2009.06.16

9. Mr. Rein said Shelby County didn't do anything to bring itself under Section 5 but was swept into the provision by being located in Alabama, which is covered in its entirety.

WSJ: Justices Question Aspects of Voting Rights Act

10. There could be familiar things that you are close to and you could bring in together new things as falling under the rubric of these familiar things.

利用你熟悉的事物,和你很亲近的事物,当你引出一个新事物时,你可以把它放在你熟悉的事物的范畴下。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. In Mr Yeltsin's time, attempts to bring under control the far-eastern Maritime Territory foundered when the local armed forces turned out to be under the thumb of the fearsomely idiosyncratic provincial governor.

ECONOMIST: The chaos at the door

12. Mr Chidambaram added that while the worsening deficits were a "major worry", the government would try to bring them under control by raising its revenues further.

BBC: India announces rise in spending to help spur growth

13. And then he can move on the first initiative, which Jeff Zients described for you last week, which is to bring under one roof the six agencies that deal with promoting American business and our competitiveness abroad.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

14. The blaze began at about 01:30 BST and took three hours to bring under control.

BBC: Several animals die in pet shop fire in Fulham

15. As we built a multi-functional shared services capability with IT, HR, and Finance, over time we continued to look for other services such as facilities, purchasing, sales order management, meetings, card services, and fleet management to bring under the umbrella to deliver bottom line saving to the corporation.

FORBES: CIO-plus Series: Interview with Chris Scalet, former EVP Global Services and CIO of Merck

16. Since the present credit crunch will bring longer under-demand than did the Wall Street crash in 1929, Britain's wisest and most Keynesian policy would be an income-tax holiday for at least the poorer half of its too many income-taxpayers.

ECONOMIST: The wealth of nations

17. Over the past several years, businesses have been prudently experimenting with different types of benefit plans as a way to bring premiums under control.

FORBES: Another Broken Obama Promise: The Healthcare Cost Monster Emerges

18. In our meeting with him, he was outspoken about the need to fight Indonesia's rampant corruption, candidly admitting it would take years to bring it under control.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

19. Despite continued tough rhetoric from the government there are signs that tight controls on sales intended to bring prices under control have been quietly relaxed.

WSJ: China's Economic Growth Slows to 7.6%

20. Luckow herself is torn between the need for strict laws to protect the privacy and individual liberties of the mentally ill and the need to bring them under medical care, even if that is against their will.

FORBES: Exploitation Or Honesty: Should Filmmaker Use Her Brother's iPhone Video Of His Own Madness?

21. When the Iraqis take over, we will bring things under control in record time.

NPR: Baghdad Awaits Bush Speech on Iraq Policy

22. As this happens, the world must also support efforts to secure dangerous weapons -- conventional and otherwise -- and bring fighters under central, civilian control.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Salutes the People of Libya

23. Tens of thousands of residents were evacuated from an exclusion zone around the plant as workers battled to bring reactors under control.

BBC: Japan panel: Fukushima nuclear disaster 'man-made'

24. The governing elite of neighboring Singapore seems to think it can or must bring Indonesia under its wing.

FORBES: In Other News

25. Obama has relentlessly promoted runaway spending and denounced those who want to bring it under control.

FORBES: Is President Obama's Depression Coming Our Way?

26. In Washington, the aim of health-care reform is not just to extend medical coverage to everybody but also to bring costs under control.

NEWYORKER: The Cost Conundrum

27. The central bank has been cautious on cutting interest rates fearing a premature easing could waste its efforts over the past three years to bring inflation under control.

WSJ: India Factory Output Improves

28. "I have instructed law enforcement agencies to do everything possible to bring the situation under control and to bring the perpetrators of violence to (justice), " Zuma said.

CNN: August 17, 2012 -- Updated 0129 GMT (0929 HKT)

29. If the government in Moscow comes to the conclusion, during the presidency of Vladimir Putin or afterwards, that it cannot otherwise bring under control either the country's regional dukedoms or the plutocrats who rose to almost uncontrollable wealth under Boris Yeltsin's tolerant gaze, it may reckon that its only hope of survival is a chest-thumping, rally-all-Russians foreign policy.

ECONOMIST: Weathering the storm

30. Organisers said they were encouraging revellers not to bring under-16s.

BBC: Edinburgh's Hogmanay 'will not be dampened down'

31. But it did bring Keith under Lyons' influential wing and led to a string of design successes.

FORBES: My Brother-in-Law, The Designer

32. Alp Mehmet, from Migration Watch, said the figures showed "how absolutely essential it is that we bring immigration under control".

BBC: Census shows rise in foreign-born

33. He supports a new model law for the states that would bring lawyers under consumer-protection laws including prohibitions against misleading advertising.

FORBES: The Lawyers Suing Toyota Badly Need A New Theory

34. Japan's economy minister said Tokyo might consider increasing purchases of European bailout bonds, but called on leaders to bring spending under control.

WSJ: What's News

bring under是什么意思_bring under短语搭配_bring under权威例句



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