莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [səˈsaɪəti]play美 [səˈsaɪəti]play

  • n. 社会(以群体形式生活在一起的人的总称);社群(某国家、地区、时期等的群体组织);社团,协会;上层社会;交往,相伴;阶层,界;植物的群落,动物的群体

复数 societies

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


society /səˈsaɪətɪ/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Society is people in general, thought of as a large organized group. 社会 (指社会中所有的人)

    This reflects attitudes and values prevailing in society.


  • 2.
    有变体名词 A society is the people who live in a country or region, their organizations, and their way of life. 社会; (生活于某个地区、有自己生活方式的) 群体

    We live in a capitalist society.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A society is an organization for people who have the same interest or aim. 社团; 协会

    ...the Atlanta Horticultural Society.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 Society is the rich, fashionable people in a particular place who meet on social occasions. 上流社会

    The couple quickly became a fixture in society.






society league union 【导航词义:社团】

society n. 社团,协会

〔辨析〕 指具有共同志趣、目的等的团体,尤用于组织名称中。

例1: the community film society


例2: the Red Cross Society of China


例3: She often subscribes to an animal protection society.


例4: She wanted to join the university art society.


league n. 联合会,联盟

〔辨析〕 指由具有共同目的、政治信念等的人或国家组成的联盟;也指体育运动队为决出冠军而互相比赛的联合会。

例1: He goes to an Ivy League school.


例2: He made his basketball league debut yesterday.


union n. 工会,会社

〔辨析〕 多指工会,也常用于协会、联合会、俱乐部等的名称中。

例1: the Golf Union


例2: the Students' Union


例3: They decided to organize the truckers into a union.


例4: A compromise may break the deadlock between the union and the management.



1. information society 信息社会,资讯社会

2. society at large 全社会

3. secret society 秘密社团 ; 秘密社会 ; 帮会

4. royal society (英)皇家学会

5. open society n. 开放社会

6. in society 在社会上;社会中的权力

7. international society 国际社会

8. American Cancer Society 美国癌症协会 ; 美国癌症学会 ; 美国防癌协会 ; 据美国癌症学会

9. human society 人类社会

10. industrial society 工业社会

11. law society 英国或苏格兰的律师协会

12. red cross society 红十字会

13. high society n. 上流社会

14. High Society 上流社会 ; 听了第四张专辑 ; 高尚社会 ; 上流社会形态

15. Society Islands 社会群岛 ; 社会形态一群岛屿 ; 位于社会岛

16. The Wilderness Society 荒野协会 ; 荒野社会 ; 荒野保护协会

17. wealth of society 社会财富

18. consumer society 消费合作社

19. feudal society 封建社会

20. civil society 公民社会;民间团体

21. Royal Society 皇家学会 ; 皇家协会 ; 伦敦皇家学会 ; 科学院

22. classification society 船级社;验船协会

23. Asia Society 亚洲协会 ; 亚洲学会 ; 亚洲社会 ; 美国亚洲协会

24. research society 研究学会

25. Dead Poets Society 死亡诗社 ; 春风化雨 ; 东风化雨

26. harmonious socialist society 社会主义和谐社会

27. affluent society 小康社会;富足社会

28. modern society 现代社会


1. ...those responsible for destroying our African heritage and the fabric of our society.


2. The young in our society need care and protection.


3. Afterschool activities, such as sports clubs and language societies are popular too.


4. Consumption rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies.


5. In 1886 Yeats formed the Dublin Lodge of the hermetic Society.


6. The Association set up in 1994 and registered under the Societies Ordinance.


7. Such living conditions are a reproach to our society.


8. Her poor little mind could not rise above applying each scene to all society.

她那可怜的小脑袋里所能想到的,就是这里的每一个场面都代表着整个上流社会.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

9. He was a solitary man who avoided the society of others.


10. The Debating Society meets on Fridays.


11. This is a trend which threatens the very fabric of society.


12. Greed is a disease of modern society.


13. The basic unit of society is the family.


14. Our society accords the family great importance.


15. I always feel like a fish out of water among these high society people.


16. Racism is still deeply rooted in our society.


17. Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society.


18. She was introduced into upper society.


19. The pictures belong to an era when there was a preoccupation with high society.


20. The society has many affiliations throughout the country.


21. “ It is actually about what their peers think of them, what their social norms are, what is seen as desirable in society. ”

“实际上这涉及同伴如何看待他们,他们的社会规范是什么,以及在社会上什么被认为是可取的。”《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

22. Highly educated accomplished in manner, she might have shone in the best society.

受过上等教育,具备优雅的行为举止, 她理当成为上流社会的宠儿.《期刊摘选》

23. There was neither a political society, nor a citizen.

这里既没有任何一种政治社团, 也没有任何国民.《辞典例句》

24. And the word, evacuate, is not uttered in polite society.

而是将他处决,而“ evacuate ”(即疏散)一字在上流社会中是不便启齿的.《期刊摘选》

25. Society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals.


26. Whole new realms of understanding—from gender to race to cultural studies——were opened up as scholars unpicked the multiplicity of lost societies.

随着学者们对于已逝社会多样性的深人研究,全新的理解领域—从性别到种族再到文化研究—被开创了。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

27. The society expanded into a worldwide organization.


28. These attitudes are deeply embedded in our society.


29. Will Britain ever become a classless society?


30. With the insight of the world, Vronsky classified her as belonging to the best society.

凭着社交界中人的眼力, 渥伦斯基就辨别出她是属于上流社会的.《期刊摘选》

31. Truth is the foundation of all knowledge, and the cement of all societies.

理是一切知识的基础, 是一切社团的纽带.《期刊摘选》

32. The family is a microcosm of society.


33. Building society pay an interest of 10 %.


34. ...the historical society.


35. The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.


36. the American Society of Newspaper Editors


37. This reflects attitudes and values prevailing in society...


38. The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.


39. The police play a vital role in our society.


40. This century wrought major changes in our society.


41. This song is about not wanting to be as ignorant and heartless as society.


42. Racism is abhorrent to a civilized society.


43. We aim to help the less able in society to lead an independent life.


44. Here is our society after second event venues. Hope that the exchange of communication often.

以后这里就是我们社团的第二个活动地点了. 希望大家常来交流交流.《期刊摘选》

45. Their daughter married into high society .


46. CMACA was registered as a society in 1998 and a charitable institution in 2002.


47. Since you are preeminent, I want to invite you to join our society.


48. The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society.


49. If appropriate pubic policies were in place to help all women—whether CEOs or their children’s caregivers—and all families, Sandberg would be no more newsworthy than any other highly capable person living in a more just society.

  如果能够制定适当的公共政策来帮助所有女性——不管这些女性是CEO还是她们孩子的照料者——以及所有的家庭,那么,桑德伯格会与生活在一个更加公正的社会中的其它卓越人士一样不具有报道价值。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

50. She is longing for high society and wants to marry a millionaire.


51. Their names are in the Social Register, a listing of acceptable members of high society.

他们的名字都在社交名单上, 这是被上流社会接受(承认)的成员名单.《期刊摘选》

52. Many young people no longer feel they have a stake in society.


53. The novel depicts French society in the 1930s.


54. Drugs pose a major threat to our society.


55. They are not above seeing the shortcomings of the genteel society in which they move.


56. Finally, this paper reveals the effect of scientific associations to the modern sciences and modern society.


57. all of society works together to get healthy and live longer.

卫生部一位发言人说:“我们需要一种创造新的公众健康愿景在这个愿景里,全社会共同努力,争取健康长寿。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

58. Men are not apt to get kicked out of good society for being rich.


59. We aim to improve opportunities for the less advantaged in society.


60. ...the high season for society weddings.


61. modern industrial societies


62. Students finishing their education at 16 is the very antithesis of what society needs.


63. We live in a multicultural society.


64. The society admits all US citizens over 21.


65. The number of homeless people is a telling comment on the state of society.


66. The family is the basic unit of society.


67. Integrity had collapsed, she argued, because of a collective acceptance that the only “sorting mechanism ”in society should be profit and the market .

她说,正直感已经沦丧了,因为大家普遍认同社会中唯一的“分类机制”应该是利益和市场。  《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

68. The society was not even in funds to pay its out of pocket disbursements.


69. Christian society at the Hastings College of Law in San Francisco lost the case.


70. Racism exists at all levels of society.


71. He sees dissidents as the dregs of society.


72. ...the North of England Horticultural Society.


73. The wedding was attended by the cream of New York society.


74. And I would also write to unions and professional societies.


75. demand created by a consumer society


76. He would test whether the upper society would trample him under foot or not.


77. Leonardo DaVinci was an important member in a secret society.


78. Society is knit together by certain commonly held beliefs.


79. We live in a multiracial society.


80. All women have a rough time in our society.


81. He found it wasn't a doll at all, but a little elf.

他发现了它不是根本的一个玩偶, 但一小的矮子.《期刊摘选》

82. Boas felt that the culture of any society must be understood as the result of a unique history and not as one of many cultures belonging to a broader evolutionary stage or type of culture.

博厄斯认为任何社会的文化都必须被理解为某一独特历史时期的产物,而非属于某一更加广义的进化阶段或文化类型的许多文化之一。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

83. The couple quickly became a fixture of society pages.


84. We are moving towards the cashless society.


85. The new law appears to penalize the poorest members of society.


86. The couple quickly became a fixture in society.


87. Hegel's about the relationship of person and society, of person and history traditions influenced communitariansim.

黑格尔关于个人与社会的关系 、 个人与历史传统的关系的论述直接影响了社群主义.《期刊摘选》

88. Take an active part in societies.


89. They envision an equal society, free of poverty and disease.


90. But “it’s us ,human beings ,we the people who create the society we want ,not profit “.

然而“正是我们人类创造了我们想要的社会,而不是利益”。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

91. Professor Emerson Sillerton was a thorn in the side of Newport society.


92. Fortunately I have it in my power to introduce you to very superior society.


93. A total of 8695 societies have been or are deemed to have been registered.


94. He was unconstrained by any of the sanctions of polite society.


95. The term, Fraternity, in the United States often refers to a society of male university students.


96. Their appreciation indicated that the impact of Chinese aesthetics had extended high society to the literati.


97. An interest in the relationship between the function of society and culture became a major theme in European, and especially British, anthropology.

对社会功能和文化关系的研究成为欧洲人类学尤其是英国人类学的一个重要主题。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

98. The Church condemns all secret societies.


99. Today, Singaporean Chinese form the largest community in our multiracial society.

今天,在我们多元种族社会里, 新加坡华人是最大的社群.《期刊摘选》

100. The local dramatic society is doing 'Hamlet' next month.


101. The slaves of the old society have become the masters of the new society.


102. Given the advantages of electronic money, you might think that we would move quickly to the cashless society in which all payments are made electronically.

鉴于电子货币的优势,你也许会认为,我们将快速步入无现金社会,实现完全电子支付。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

103. They were discussing the problems of Western society.


104. Parenting is not fully valued by society.


105. The university has many art societies.


106. It will be a society wedding for sure.


107. Branderton had some knowledge of polite society, and broke the momentary silence.

布兰德顿有些上流社会的知识, 打破了短暂的沉默.《辞典例句》

108. Bill is a sophisticated man accustomed to polite society.


109. All societies have important tasks that must be accomplished & certain positions that must be filled.

各社团的重要任务,必须完成 而且 某些岗位必须有人去做.《期刊摘选》

110. policies that will benefit society as a whole


111. He thought that money was a passport to high society.


112. a member of the drama society


113. Violence is inherent in our society.


114. a society wedding


115. Directed by the Scientific Institution, the society a corporate body registered in Bureau of Civil Affairs.

属市政府科协主管, 市民政局注册的法人社团组织.《期刊摘选》

116. “ Using existing civil society structures or networks is a more effective way of creating change...and obviously trade unions are one of the biggest civil society networks in the UK, ” he says.

他说:“利用现有的民间社会结构或网络能够更加有效地带来变化……并且工会显然是英国最大的民间社会网络之一。”《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

117. The party tries to appeal to all classes of society.


118. After the scandal, Mr Booth was cast out of the best society.

出了这件丑闻以后, 布思先生被上流社会所摈弃.《期刊摘选》

119. They move in high society.


120. He put his name down for the society.


121. The increase in crime is a sad reflection on our society today.


122. Ours is a secular society.


123. He maintains Islam must adapt to modern society.


124. He was elected to the Eton Society.


125. His family is out of the top drawer of Washington society.


126. Can Britain ever be a classless society?


127. Violence is a cancer in our society.


128. Otherwise, academics will continue to think dangerously alike, increasingly detached from the societies which they study, investigate and criticise.

否则,学者将继续越来越趋同地思考问题,越来越脱离他们所研究、调查和批判的社会. 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

129. Our society is in a state of flux.


130. We live in a sick society.


131. But the snob in him loved hunting in society.


132. We live in a capitalist society.


133. Other anthropologists believed that cultural innovations, such as inventions, had a single origin and passed from society to society.

其他人类学家相信发明等文化创新只有一个起源,并且从一个社会传承到另一个社会。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

134. But we are now a much more fragmented society.


135. Lapham has recently become conscious of the need to move in good society.


136. He edged himself into the best society.


137. The army's always been a society unto itself.


138. The Priory of Sion — a European secret society founded in 1099— is a real organization.


139. They envision an equal society, free from poverty and disease.


140. Year by year a few of these slang terms prove so useful that they graduate into respectable society.


141. She has edged herself into the best society.


142. Professor Emerson Sillerton a thorn in the side of newport society.


143. They stated themselves to be members of a secret society.


144. They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today's society.


145. He joined the society for political ends.


146. Think SECRET SOCIETY shit.


147. And ultimately, it is likely to reshape our politics, our culture, and the character of our society for years.

而最终,这种情况将有可能重塑多年来我们已形成的政治、文化及社会特征。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

148. Education is the basis of a democratic society.



1. These are local members of E Clampus Vitus, a historical society whose members like to have a good time.

VOA : special.2009.12.14

2. modish young women from London society


3. These materials were transmitted and developed by different circles within Israelite society over centuries, and they crystallized at different times.

这些资料被传播发展,几世纪来,由以色列社会中的不同圈子,它们曾在不同的时期都非常明确。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. What needs to be considered and what can the choice reveal about wider society?

BBC: What's in a street name?

5. Not saying that the external circumstances are not important, we should focus also on improving them,bettering them, whether for ourselves,for society at large.

并不是说,外部环境不重要,我们同样应该注重改善外部环境,无论是我们自己,或对整个社会。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

6. The master players, holding an important position in Manding society, teach children as young as seven.

UNESCO: Intangible Cultural Heritage

7. On Tuesday, he told the American Society of News Editors in Washington that no one is arguing against new financial protections.

VOA : special.2010.04.16

8. That fiction, I believe, has combined with the trend in society for "extreme" behavior.

CNN: Why we chase storms

9. It usually follows from this that somebody like this points out that whereas we all know that a democratic society is the best society to live in, poetry prefers feudal society: it makes better poetry.

赞成这种观点的人指出,虽然我们都知道,民主社会是最适合生存的,诗歌却更喜欢封建社会:,因为封建社会更适合诗歌创作。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. However, a spokesman for the Welsh Language Society stressed it is not a linguistic issue.

BBC: MPs welcome holiday home ban

11. The International Society of Toxinology supported the Initiative at the recent World Congress of Plant, Animal and Microbial Toxins in Recife,Brazil.

VOA : special.2009.05.05

12. The video also featured Tajbakhsh, an urban planning consultant with the Soros Foundation's Open Society Institute.

NPR: Freed Scholar in Iran: Release Was 'Unexpected'

13. The children of addicts who suffer from neglect should be society's biggest concern, added Ms Goldie.

BBC: Last Updated: Friday, 2 March 2007, 16:09 GMT

14. Society does much better when pinheads are made by folks actually adept at making pinheads.

FORBES: Digital Rules

15. There may come a moment when simply a society refuses to take medicine administered from outside.

BBC: Eurozone crisis: Democracy in the balance

16. They're a dog-and-pony show to shore up, I believe, support from the very restrictionist corners of our society.

NPR: Activists React to Planned Immigration Hearings

17. Hedegaard is President of the Danish Free Press Society, a historian and a journalist.


18. Sir Albert Cook of the Church Missionary Society described the condition in patients at his Mengo Hospital in Kampala.

VOA : special.2009.04.06

19. She spent most of her life working to change traditional beliefs about art,artists and a woman's professional role in society.

VOA : special.2009.07.12

20. Well into the 20th century, the Channel Islands retained medieval structures of society and government.

BBC: The Channel Islands surviving lore

21. The two are open to persuasion, to consider alternatives, perhaps even radical alternatives, to the society that has nurtured them.

两人都愿接受劝说,并考虑替代性作法,或甚至是极端的替代方案,以改变哺育他们的社会。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. After it is identified it cannot be quickly mitigated without causing convulsive changes to our society.

FORBES: Weaning Ourselves from Economic Steroids - Excess Debt

23. But that hasn't happened, and the Humane Society is making plans to further care for the animals.

CNN: Chimps in need after U.S. organization withdraws care

24. About the same time, Eubie Blake and his wife Marian were negotiating an agreement with the Maryland Historical Society.

VOA : special.2010.10.08

25. Korotich says many Russians now have become disillusioned by the complexities of life in a free society.

NPR: Russia Under Putin: Echoes of the Soviet Era

26. Society therefore advances economically when it reduces tax and regulatory barriers to the creation of goods and services.

FORBES: Failure of Morality, Not Capitalism

27. The Law Society, representing solicitors in England and Wales, said that could be "catastrophic".

BBC: Jeremy Tricks

28. It is impossible to know when a society has reached a breaking point until it happens.

BBC: The Greek conundrum

29. We live in an acquisitive society.


30. There's in those images, I think, a kind of utopian promise that the familiar, ordinary pleasures of rural life can be recaptured in a new society of plenty.

在这些图片中,我认为有一种乌托邦的希望,对乡村生活熟悉而平凡的快乐的希望,能在一个自足的新社会里重新得到快乐的希望。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Emma Smith founded the Wired Woman Society in 1996 and co-authored Technology With Curves in 2000.

BBC: Music marches to a hi-tech tune

32. He blames defence lawyers for allowing dangerous criminals back into society.


33. Einstein is only a theoretician and de Broglie is a theoretician, so one theoretician propping up another theoretician, this is a mutual admiration society.

爱因斯坦是个理论家,布罗意也是,因此一个理论家可以去认可另一位,这是个彼此仰慕的社会。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

34. They don't legislate compassion. It's likely that these were considered acts of, who knows, personal conscience, religious conviction, something that was between the individual and society and their God.

也没有给同情立法,这可能是由于人们认为这些行为,只关乎个人良知,宗教信念或者是,介于个人,社会和上帝之间的某一事物。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. Playfulness is a great way to address the many issues we face in our society.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Dundee City of Design embarks on fifth year of creative collaboration with Mexico City

36. There is literally concrete evidence of their work." Tony Hawk says skateboarding was once a sport on the edge of society.

VOA : special.2009.09.11

37. And what about society s youth that strives desperately to emulate Hollywood s stars?

FORBES: College Majors Of The Stars

38. So stop thinking about yourself as a person with rights, so thinking about yourself as a part of a whole society, all these people having responsibilities to one another, and those are most important.

别把你自己看成是一个有权利的个人,把你自己看成是整个社会的一部分,人人都对彼此负有责任,这些是最重要的事情。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

39. She says it remains fresh and unusual because the event does not try to tell society's views about the performing arts.

VOA : special.2009.08.05

40. These groups are the American Society for Microbiology and the American Cleaning Institute, formerly the Soap and Detergent Association.

VOA : special.2010.09.29

41. The Humane Society started a "Save the Abandoned Chimps" Facebook page, which has nearly 10, 000 followers.

CNN: Chimps in need after U.S. organization withdraws care

42. And he stressed that it was also a problem for society as a whole.

BBC: Charan Gill sold his restaurant chain for ?8m

43. We are talking about a society,therefore, the anthropologists have come up with, which I think is a useful distinction.

因此,我们所说的这个社会是一个...,人类学家已经提出了一种区分的方法,我认为很有用古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Now, that seems like kind of a funny question because food is whatever a society eats.

这个问题看似滑稽,食物就是人吃的东西关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. This makes it more and more difficult for them to make friends and more likely that society will reject them.

VOA : special.2010.01.06

46. The campaign comes as politicians, lawyers and bloggers debate how the gadgets will change civil society.

BBC: Privacy 'impossible' with Google Glass warn campaigners

47. the 3,000 years of the matriarchal Sumerian society


48. At least that is the finding of a report in the British publication, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

VOA : special.2010.12.21

49. It has been argued that American society castrates black men.


50. We help people understand how we still maintain our cultural rituals living in urban society.

BBC: Sydneys Aboriginal side

51. By 1860 there were approximately 4,000,000 slaves in the United States, the second largest slave society slave population--in the world.

截至1860年,美国大约有,四百万的奴隶,也因此使之成为了,世界历史上的第二大奴隶社会美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. I think maybe the same movement that created the Yale Cooperative Society in the late nineteenth century also spurred credit unions.

我想大概在19世纪晚期,推动形成了"耶鲁互助会"的那场运动,同时也催生了信用合作社金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. They had to cooperate with other people that they owe a debt to society and that that's expressed in taxation.

必须与他人合作,所以他们欠社会的,所以要用纳税来还。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. You could see their mistakes if they're trying to repeat back something that's already known within a society.

如果他们试图重复,被社会所熟知的某些东西,那你就可以看到他们的错误了心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Siwa's very isolation helped protect a unique society that until today stands apart from mainstream Egyptian culture.

BBC: Siwa: An Egyptian oasis

56. Los Nardos is one of a handful of semi-private Havana restaurants operated by the Spanish Asturianas society.

BBC: Mini guide to Havana, Cuba

57. It was certainly not intended for public consumption, particularly in the targeted society: the United States.


58. It is comments and attitudes just like this that have hurt females in the workforce and society.

FORBES: Readers Say

59. "The Affluent Society." He argued that while private individuals in America were becoming wealthier, public institutions were growing poor.

VOA : special.2011.05.01

60. She says donors are pumping in a lot of resources and civil society groups are working on access to education.

VOA : special.2010.05.20

61. To learn more about first aid, ask a hospital or organization like a Red Cross or Red Crescent Society for information.

VOA : special.2009.08.11

62. Here is his paper.It was published in The Journal of Russian Chemical Society, 1869.

这便是他的论文,发表于,1869年的俄国化学社会杂志上。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

63. For the Greeks,on the other hand as I've said, political society was essential for living any kind of a good life.

对于希腊人,就像我说的另外一方面,对他们而言,政治社会,是人们获得幸福生活的关键古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. Dr Peter Richardson, of the Marine Conservation Society (MCS), said Wales' waters were currently "turtle heaven".

BBC: Leatherback turtle sightings up in west and north Wales

65. But then, he could never have conceived of a society as flexible as ours.

FORBES: Entrepreneur moms




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harsh的意思是:adj. (环境)恶劣的,艰苦的;严厉的,残酷的;刺耳的,难听的;刺眼的,耀眼的;丑陋的;刺激性强的,太强力的 【名】 (Harsh)哈什(人名)。学考宝为您提供harsh是什么意思,harsh的翻译,harsh的用法,harsh的短语搭配,harsh的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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hanging wall的意思是:悬挂墙:倾斜脉、断层或其他地质构造的上部或悬挂的墙壁,与足墙相对。。学考宝为您提供hanging wall是什么意思,hanging wall的翻译,hanging wall的用法,hanging wall的短语搭配,hanging wall的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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hydrologic cycle的意思是:n. 水文循环。学考宝为您提供hydrologic cycle是什么意思,hydrologic cycle的音标,hydrologic cycle怎么读,hydrologic cycle的翻译,hydrologic cycle的用法,hydrologic cycle的短语搭配,hydrologic cycle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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harness的意思是:v. 控制并利用;(把动物)拴在一起(或拴到某物上);给(马)套上挽具;连接,串联 n. (马的)挽具,马具;系带,吊带;日常工作。学考宝为您提供harness是什么意思,harness的翻译,harness的用法,harness的短语搭配,harness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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synergistic agent的意思是:网络 增效剂。学考宝为您提供synergistic agent是什么意思,synergistic agent的音标,synergistic agent怎么读,synergistic agent的翻译,synergistic agent的用法,synergistic agent的短语搭配,synergistic agent的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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potentiator的意思是:n. 增效剂;增强剂。学考宝为您提供potentiator是什么意思,potentiator的翻译,potentiator的用法,potentiator的短语搭配,potentiator的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


hare的意思是:n. 野兔;(跑狗比赛中的用电力驱动在跑道上奔跑的)电兔(=electric hare) v. <英,非正式>飞跑,疾走 【名】 (Hare)(印)哈雷,(英)黑尔,(法)阿尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供hare是什么意思,hare的翻译,hare的用法,hare的短语搭配,hare的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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