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day labour翻译_day labour短语搭配_day labour权威例句


day labour

n. 日工;散工;做零工的工人

英 [deɪ ˈleɪbə(r)]play 美 [deɪ ˈleɪbər]play

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1. Happy International Labour Day 五一快乐

2. Labour r Day 劳动节

3. May Day Labour Day 劳动节

4. Labour Day 劳动节 ; 劳工节 ; 五一节

5. Labour Day And Night 日夜操劳

6. International Labour Day 国际劳动节 ; 劳动节 ; 日国际劳动节 ; 五一国际劳动节

7. World Day Against Child Labour 童工日

8. basic labour day 基本劳动日

9. Labour Thanksgiving Day 勤劳感谢日


1. Besides, we have Women's day, Labour Day, and the Na-tional Day.


2. Sure! You can see my photos from the Labour day holiday.


3. Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with Labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you.


4. At the end of the Second World War, it took the British working man about six hours of Labour a day to feed a family of four; a figure which has now dropped by two thirds.


5. The National Day and the International Labour Day are great events in China.


6. His most famous novels, The Gulag Archipelago and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, for which he received the award, exposed the brutality of the Soviet Union's forced labour camps.


7. We must make sure that the ILO conventions are ratified and implemented, and that from this day on, world action to counter the worst forms of child Labour in agriculture gains momentum.


8. John: I'm ok now. Come and look at my photos from the Labour day holiday.


9. Villa 31 sprang up during the Depression, when immigrants from Italy and Poland who had lost their jobs settled by the port hoping to secure day Labour.

Villa 31号萌生于大萧条时代,当时一些丢掉工作的意大利和波兰移民在港口安家,希望能白天找点活儿干。

10. Farmers who until the 1970s spent half their working day on the back-breaking labour of lifting irrigation water now use diesel pumps, plough with tractors and thresh their wheat by machine.

直到20世纪70年代,埃及农民还得花半天时间干挑水灌溉这些繁重的劳动。 如今,农民灌溉用柴油泵,犁地用拖拉机,小麦脱粒用机器。

11. Oh, today's International Labour day.


12. The first of May is International Labour Day.


13. On the day the barriers finally came down, a string of ministers promised to protect German workers from cheaper Labour, even as employers say the economy needs outsiders to do skilled work.


14. Greek people celebrate Labour Day on 1st May, and it is also a festival to celebrate the beginning of summer.


15. At the end of the day, all Labour Prime Ministers go Gaga for the queen.

今天以后,所有的工党大臣们都对女王俯首帖耳。《provided by jukuu》

16. Doth God exact day - labour, light deny'd.


17. The trading day is shortened in observance of the Labour Day holiday.


18. My mind flashed back to last Labour Day.


19. They're celebrating Labour Day.


20. MONDAY was the Labour Day public holiday in Jamaica, but nobody had much fun.


21. I'm preparing for my Labour Day trip.


22. Labour Day to our Labour us all spring returns, I wish you a happy family happiness.


23. Come and look at my photos from the Labour day holiday.


24. Taking part in labour should be included in the curriculum, with half a day set aside for labour every week. The main objective is to help students cultivate good work habits and strengthen their collective spirit.


25. During my first year, I went to the beach for the Labour Day holiday.


26. On the arrival of the may send you a heartfelt prayer and blessing, wish you and your family have a nice and peaceful Labour Day!


27. Despite Eurocrats' faith in the benefits of Labour mobility, Germany and Austria have maintained restrictions on workers from new members until the last possible day.


28. Labour day falls on a Monday this year.


29. Labour favours a seven hour day.


30. A good day's labour got his appetite up.

劳动了一整天,使他饭吃得特别香。《provided by jukuu》


1. News of the execution came on the same day that the International Labour Organization (ILO) said that laws were needed "urgently" to give greater protection to domestic workers.

BBC: Sri Lankan maid Rizana Nafeek beheaded in Saudi Arabia

2. And so to Wednesday, when MPs will question the Scottish Secretary Michael Moore and then the Prime Minister, before moving on to an Opposition Day debate on an as yet unannounced Labour motion.

BBC: Viewing guide: The week ahead in Parliament

3. It is customary for the Lords to pass all stages of money bills in one day, although Labour last week took the unprecedented step of demanding that the bill should have a normal committee stage, report stage and third reading.

BBC: Child trust fund abolition likened to 'bullying'

4. The Early Day Motion, tabled by Labour MP John McDonnell with cross-party support, urged the government to run the railway as a "public service".

BBC: MPs criticise government's railway plan

5. Was it fear of setting out any positions that New Labour could one day find embarrassing that made Mr Giddens write such a bad book?

ECONOMIST: The third way revealed

6. And his decision to retool his campaign after Labour Day to appeal to the great American middle class about 70% of the population raises the question of who he was trying to appeal to beforehand.


7. It did not, as had seemed possible at the start of the day, herald a rainbow coalition led by Labour.

FORBES: Britain's Twofer: Vote For One Party, Get Two

8. Labour argued that it was a day for unanswered questions.

BBC: Bagpipes and hot air at First Minister's Questions

9. And on September 7th, Fred will ride in the Northfield Labour Day Parade.

ECONOMIST: Vermonts Senate race

10. The rural theme is maintained at the end of the day (at 10pm) when Labour MP Chris Williamson, a long standing activist in the League Against Cruel Sports, has a half-hour adjournment debate on policing violence at hunts.

BBC: Week ahead

11. But it has also covered the government's stated intention of giving new weight to China's own culture, and the relative merits of observing traditional holidays rather than socialism's sacred Labour Day.

ECONOMIST: China's public holidays: Golden weeks or silver days? | The

12. The working class soon got in on it, too, realising that a hearty breakfast was a good way to start a day of energy-sapping labour.

BBC: Does England make the worlds most delicious breakfast?

13. Mr Hague, a good Commons performer, was obviously upset at losing an opportunity to attack the government on Labour's 1, 000th day in power.

BBC: Leaders scrap over PM's questions

14. Women who give birth in hospitals during the day may be more likely to have a difficult labour, researchers suggest.

BBC: Daytime births 'more difficult'

15. If you happen to go into labour on a day when your maternity unit is fully staffed and there aren't many other women giving birth, you're more likely to have a good experience.

BBC: Women 'frightened of giving birth'

16. And more than 150 Labour MPs have signed up to early day motions opposing the changes to student finances.

BBC: Tuition fees a tax on learning say Tories

17. With a significant number of backbenchers from the ruling Labour Party bitterly opposed to 90-day detention, this was always going to be a tough vote for the government.

ECONOMIST: Liberty versus security equals controversy | The

18. It comes on the eve of the 50th anniversary of him becoming Labour leader on Valentine's Day 1963.

BBC: Harold Wilson Westminster statue plea

19. The day before Mr Miliband's speech, Scottish Labour announced details of a commission which said there was a "strong case for devolving income tax in full" to the Scottish Parliament.

BBC: Ed Miliband at Scottish Labour conference

20. The decision followed meetings earlier in the day between trade union officials and the Labour group on the council.

BBC: Caerphilly council cuts ?27,000 pay rise for chief exec

21. That was a neat coup within the party, for which a Labour government may one day be grateful.

ECONOMIST: And some Tories wont stop stamping on John Majors fingers

22. She was later admitted again after concerns about her health, but was discharged the day before she went into labour, the inquest heard.

BBC: England

23. But other Labour MPs accused Mr Coulson of deliberately announcing his resignation on a busy news day - when former Labour PM Tony Blair is before the Iraq Inquiry, and in the aftermath of Alan Johnson's shock resignation as shadow chancellor.

BBC: Andy Coulson quits Downing Street communications role

24. The 1, 843 respondents were interviewed between the last day of the Lib Dem party conference and the second day of the Labour conference.

BBC: Has Labour's poll slide halted?

25. All this may add pungency to the Senate hearings on campaign finance, which resume after Labour Day.

ECONOMIST: The sleaze of summer

26. Then MPs turn to Backbench Business Committee debates on International Women's Day - led by Labour's Fiona Mactaggart and Conservative Amber Rudd, and on the future of social care - led by the Conservative Sarah Newton.

BBC: Week ahead in Parliament

27. For the second day running, the Labour leadership had to put up with a string of attacks on its economic policies and "control freak" tendencies.

BBC: 'Dinosaurs' savage New Labour

28. In the days after Labour Day on May 1, public sector workers continued to protest in the heart of Athens and at one stage in that first week of May threatened to storm the Parliament building.

FORBES: Cash Is Zeus: A Postcard From Greece

29. Julie was in her third day of a planned five-day visit to a Labour Party camp on the Island of Utoya, located about 1, 000 kilometers (620 miles) south, near Oslo.

CNN: 'Mom, don't panic ... but there's a gunman going loose here'

30. So far 89 MPs have signed an Early Day Motion against this, including 55 Labour members.

BBC: Getting tough with 'health tourists'

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