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most casual翻译_most casual短语搭配_most casual权威例句


most casual

adj. 不经意的;漫不经心的;随便的;非正式;马虎的;疏忽的;无忧无虑的;不在乎的


英 [məʊst ˈkæʒuəl]play 美 [moʊst ˈkæʒuəl]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Casual most suitable 随意休闲最相宜


1. If only you the most casual greetings, can let me feel you are too warm heart.


2. He was no plant, but he too had needs, and over the most casual inspection of her made him aware of this.


3. Although physically they look alike, you can tell them apart by their styles of dress, their distinctive dialects and even their most casual gestures.


4. A briefcase or portfolio is not usually necessary for most casual business events.


5. WHO notes, in most cases minimal casual exposure to UVR should be sufficient to maintain vitamin D levels at a range that avoids these health problems.


6. 'The puffer is reserved for the most casual occasions, ' he added. 'Like going to the store.


7. It was Britain at its most casual, happy to forget, in this temporary sunshine, the miseries of unemployment and recession.


8. Even if only your most casual greetings, will make me feel that you are too warm heart.


9. Slowly, deliberately, without excitement or more than the most casual interest, he followed the course of the strange stream toward the skyline and saw it emptying into a bright and shining sea.


10. The most casual observer would have noticed his strange behaviour.

即使是最漫不经心的人也会注意到他奇怪的行为。《provided by jukuu》

11. Denim, T-shirts and flip-flops--all' 90s phenoms--are only acceptable in the most casual of work environments.


12. Mark: Well, they use small, medium, large and extra-large for most casual clothes.

马克:是这样的,他们用small(小),medium(中),large(大)and extra-large(加大)来标记大多数休闲类服装。

13. It was Britain at its most casual, happy to forget, in this temporary sunshine, the miseries of unemployment and recession.


14. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances. 2007.


15. An amazingly dense and challenging record, it's head-spinning arrangements and dissonant riffing stumped most casual listeners but wowed critics with the sheer audacity of the band's death-jazz.


16. Browns great with most casual leather shoes.


17. As a result, I want to appear cool and unconcerned with the incident, so I said, How long have you been following me? in the most casual and conversational tone I could manage.

所以我想装出一副冷漠的、对这一事件满不在乎的样子。 于是我尽量用一种漫不经心的极其随便的腔调说,“你们跟踪我多久啦?。

18. And even the most casual observer knows water is scarce throughout the entire Middle Eastern region.


19. This is actually a good compromise between picture quality and low price for most casual photographers.


20. Even the most casual workplace has do's and don'ts when it comes to appropriate hot weather attire.


21. and when we were driving home, he asked me in the most casual way


22. The most casual observer would have noticed his strange behaviour.


23. His very person and appearance were such as to strike the attention of the most casual observer.


24. Although physically they look alike, you can tell them apart by their styles of dress, their distinctive dialects and even their most casual gestures.


25. He was no plant, but he too had needs, and over the most casual inspection of her made him aware of this.


26. “The family resemblance is so strong that even our most casual acquaintances can see that we are related, ” he writes in “God and Gold”, a good recent book.


27. As mentioned, Firefox is the most obvious example to most casual users: few people install Firefox because they have an open source agenda.


28. Brown n's great with most casual leather shoes.


29. At$ U51200 ( 9960 Renminbi), the OED/ CD is incomparably better value than the books, but it is still out of the reach of most casual readers.


30. Simple multiple-choice interface and intuitive arcade minigame make the game fun to play for even the most casual players.


31. The weakest point is security; no real effort has gone into making these programs secure against any but the most casual intruders.


32. As mentioned, Firefox is the most obvious example to most casual users: few people install Firefox because they have an open source agenda.


33. The lower half of the falls winds through the dense vegetation, which hides its path from most casual onlookers.


34. Denim, T-shirts and flip-flops all'90s phenoms are only acceptable in the most casual of work environments.


35. One of the most typical casual eats is the simple jiao zi – a crescent-sh a ped boiled dumpling that might be stuffed with minced pork and fennel; scrambled egg and Chinese chives.


36. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances.


37. That is the most casual rotation, like a lover's heart, but it is self-evident feelings between you and me, transfer in the rotating ring in interpretation.


38. But most casual photographers want something to stash in a pocket. Vendors seeking their business have a tougher task: matching the capabilities of phone cameras.


39. I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they'd never say or do to their most casual acquaintances.


40. Denim, T-shirts and flip-flops -- all '90s phenoms -- are only acceptable in the most casual of work environments.


41. The puffer is reserved for the most casual occasions,' he added. 'Like going to the store.'


42. The tree in the sitting room has the most casual, simple 9 ornaments that were hung by tiny little helpers who spend their days in my 10 day care.


43. As one of the most lasting sales products in Ligne Roset, TOGO continues to offer you with the most comfortable material and most casual way of life.


44. His very person and appearance were such as to strike the attention of the most casual observer.


45. But most casual photographers want something to stash in a pocket.


46. THE differences between tiny Rwanda and the rest of Africa are immediately palpable even to the most casual visitor.


47. And even the most casual observer knows water is scarce throughout the entire Middle Eastern region.



1. And I suspect, as most media coverage I read suggests, this is also the exciting part for most casual observers of the clean technology sector.

FORBES: Going Solar: A New Approach To Measuring Performance

2. While most of the residents are dressed summer casual, their bare legs sticking to plastic chairs assembled on the center's basketball court, Williams is wearing a gray suit, a gray shirt and his trademark bow tie (also gray, though with a few zany paisley figures).

CNN: Can Tony Williams Save D.C.?

3. Since leaving his post as artistic director of the American Ballet Theatre in 1989 he has distinguished himself in dozens of creative projects and film and TV work (the most notable for casual fans: Sex And The City).

FORBES: Mikhail Baryshnikov: Perfection Is A Theory

4. But it's enough for the most casual of casual fans to hop on the bandwagon.

WSJ: Jason Gay: Tebow-Mania Is for Amateurs

5. Most are casual workers employed for their traditional skills in diamond cutting and gold embroidery work, and have lived in Mumbai (formerly Bombay) for decades.


6. But the Tour benefits from it greatly (most casual golf fans tend to think it is part of the Tour).

FORBES: The PGA Tour's Crazy, Controversial And Wonderful Year (So Far)

7. Combined with the pennant races in Major League Baseball and sundry other sports, it is a cornucopia of sports participation and television viewing designed to lift the spirits of even the most casual fan.

FORBES: Fantasy Football Madness

8. Though their productivity varies from prolific to minimalist, the country is wreathed in salmon and sea trout rivers that are avenues to the hidden Ireland for even the most casual or beginning angler.

FORBES: Connect

9. Will this new generation of casual gaming kids be the most dramatic upheaval for the industry in two decades?

FORBES: Kids Want an iPad More than a WiiU for Christmas

10. But I found it inconsistent, unfriendly to even the most casual business user.

FORBES: Why I Might Drop the iPhone 5 for the Galaxy Note II, and you should too.

11. As they are, they resemble casual improvisations on the ballet's most famous choreographic and mimetic passages.

WSJ: Giselle at the D?j?ji Temple | Yasuko Yokoshi | Bell | New York Live Arts | By Robert Greskovic

12. Once digital distribution takes over, the basic mechanics of a console interface will shut down most casual pirates.

FORBES: Rumors Suggest the Next Xbox and Playstation Consoles Are All About Controlling Consumers

13. While most of the group wore jeans and casual, late summer clothes, two groups in dark suits huddled in front: Attorneys for Verizon and Cablevision, which stands to lose business once Verizon's TV trucks roll in.

FORBES: Verizon's Big TV Bet Goes Small-Town

14. None of the journalists in the huge pack in Perugia over the years made any but the most casual efforts to uncover the life story and habits of small-time break-in artist Rudy Guede, whose fingerprints were in the murder room, who never denied being there as Kercher was bleeding to death, and who has been convicted of murdering her in a separate trial.

CNN: Amanda Knox: Fascination with 'the evil female'

15. But most are casual forums for police officers and lawyers to show they've still got game.

WSJ: These Videogame Sites Are for 'Mature' Audiences Only

16. It currently has close to 30 million monthly active users, and is by far the most popular casual gambling game online.

FORBES: Online Gambling Would Be Big Score For Zynga

17. The ground level offers the most casual fare, while the middle floor extends the price and menu into a more expensive, contemporary realm.

BBC: Business trip: Boston

18. With the new emphasis on more casual games, some of the most popular titles involve inoffensive pastimes such as constructing electronic cities, completing abstract logic puzzles or managing a virtual football team.

ECONOMIST: All the worlds a game

19. Many of Ms. Herrera's prints, including most in this capsule collection, are inspired by casual moments during her travels think of them as very stylish snapshots.

WSJ: Dresses That Remember When | Fresh Picks

20. And some firms, notably Cazenove, London's most conservative broker, have eschewed casual wear altogether.

ECONOMIST: A suit and case for treatment

21. The company hopes the color change will appeal to its most enthusiastic users as well as more casual cleaners.

WSJ: Cleaning Products Get Stronger Even Though Scrubbers Insist On Using Elbow Grease

22. Granted, a magical little smartphone is all the gadgetry most casual gaming fans require to get their fix, but when LaserVR's Travis Haagen popped by our informal meetup at Portland's Ground Kontrol to talk about Alpha Range, we couldn't help but be impressed by the project.

ENGADGET: Alpha Range iOS game requires a pico projector and laser pointer, we go hands-on (video)

23. This space of elemental simplicity open to sky and water forces even the most casual visitor to ponder fundamentals and perhaps to appreciate the weight that burdened Roosevelt as he considered taking America into a world war.

WSJ: Louis Kahn | Four Freedoms Park | Louis Kahn's Four Decades to Freedom | By Julie V. Iovine

24. Until the final confrontation of Frank and Richie, the scenes are brief and emblematic, though the director, Ridley Scott, filming in the street or at clubs and parties, packs as much as he can into the corners and backgrounds of shots and decisively shapes even the most casual moments.

NEWYORKER: American Gangster

25. Like most places, it comes down to capturing the casual fan with success and buzz.

FORBES: The Toronto Blue Jays Push to Reignite Baseball In Canada

26. His conclusions are intuitively appealing, but they arise from the most casual of casual empiricism.

FORBES: What Makes Some MBAs Wildly Successful?

27. Tencent's games from massive online role-playing games to first-person shooters and casual games are among the most-played in all categories.

WSJ: China's Tencent Outperforms Its Western Peers

28. Nevertheless, as a botched capital increase last year illustrated, its treatment of those same shareholders can most politely be described as casual.

ECONOMIST: Deutschland über alles? | The

29. Most free apps have both casual users and power users, and the power users are by far the most valuable.

FORBES: Google Play User Reviews Have Low Marks For Facebook Home

30. It quickly became clear that a casual tone was usually most effective.

FORBES: "Hey." How Obama Became Spammer-in-Chief

most casual翻译_most casual短语搭配_most casual权威例句




closely的意思是:adv. 仔细地,严密地;(联系)紧密地;秘密地,暗中地;(时间或位置上)接近地,不远地;相似地,不相上下地。学考宝为您提供closely是什么意思,closely的翻译,closely的用法,closely的短语搭配,closely的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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sharpening stone的意思是:网络 磨石;油石;磨刀石。学考宝为您提供sharpening stone是什么意思,sharpening stone的音标,sharpening stone怎么读,sharpening stone的翻译,sharpening stone的用法,sharpening stone的短语搭配,sharpening stone的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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climatically的意思是:adv. 气候上;由气候引起地;风土上(climatic 的副词)。学考宝为您提供climatically是什么意思,climatically的翻译,climatically的用法,climatically的短语搭配,climatically的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


climate的意思是:n. 气候;气候区;氛围,局势。学考宝为您提供climate是什么意思,climate的翻译,climate的用法,climate的短语搭配,climate的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


clayware的意思是:n. 黏土制品。学考宝为您提供clayware是什么意思,clayware的翻译,clayware的用法,clayware的短语搭配,clayware的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


cliffy的意思是:adj. 陡峭的;多悬崖的。学考宝为您提供cliffy是什么意思,cliffy的翻译,cliffy的用法,cliffy的短语搭配,cliffy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


cliff的意思是:n. 悬崖,峭壁 【名】 (Cliff)(英)克利夫(人名)。学考宝为您提供cliff是什么意思,cliff的翻译,cliff的用法,cliff的短语搭配,cliff的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

metal bearing是什么意思_metal bearing怎么读_metal bearing的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

metal bearing的意思是:网络 金属轴承;含金属的。学考宝为您提供metal bearing是什么意思,metal bearing的音标,metal bearing怎么读,metal bearing的翻译,metal bearing的用法,metal bearing的短语搭配,metal bearing的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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