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  • n. 烧去旧漆;屋板嵌灰泥
  • v. 放火;点燃(torch 的 ing 形式)

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torch /tɔːtʃ/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A torch is a long stick with burning material at one end, used to provide light or to set things on fire. 火把

    The shepherd followed, carrying a torch to light his way.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A torch is a device that produces a hot flame and is used for tasks such as cutting or joining pieces of metal. 吹管

    The gang worked for up to ten hours with acetylene torches to open the vault.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A torch is a small electric light which is powered by batteries and which you can carry in your hand. 手电筒

    Len studied it a moment in the beam of his torch.




1. torching method 热熔法

2. cutting torch 割炬;切割吹管

3. welding torch 焊接炬;熔接气炬;焊接喷灯

4. torch bearer 火炬手

5. carry the torch 开战;奋斗;单恋

6. burning torch 气割炬;点火火炬;点火枪

7. carry a torch 开战;单恋

8. Torching Fruits 喷烧水果

9. torching application 热熔施工

10. Bunsen torching 本生灯

11. plasma torch 电浆炬;等离子体焰炬;等离子体喷枪

12. torch program(a plan to develop new and high technology) 火炬计划(开发高新科技的一项计划)

13. reverye of torching 燃烧率

14. torch relay 火炬传递;火炬接力;圣火传递

15. olympic torch 奥运火炬;奥运圣火

16. torching mark 热熔标线

17. torching detail 喷灰泥

18. torching g 屋板嵌灰泥

19. Music for Torching 唱片名 ; 火炬之乐

20. torch plan 火炬计划

21. electric torch 手电筒

22. torch light 手电筒;火炬点燃


1. Flammable gas produced from petrochemical facility is discharged mostly by torching or directly into air through vent pipe.


2. Desperate for land, 3, 000 people live in the reserve, torching forest to clear plots for corn and other crops.


3. Compared to other urban public space, Street is the most frequently torching with urban residents of urban public spaces.


4. You diamond is like a coordinate, pointing our way as if we were lost cattle by torching your own soul to illuminate our reborn road to the clean souls with tears and grief for Justice.


5. During Earth's opening act, space debris and cataclysmic volcanic upheavals destroyed the evidence, like an arsonist torching his tracks.


6. A pair of wildfires are torching southern California.


7. The Pepsi incident had far-reaching repercussions besides torching Michael's hair.


8. He dusted off some of that old Shaq bravado after torching the Raptors.


9. Less genially, Tuba's youths protested against the torching of their mosque by vandalising the town council building.


10. In the medium-length novel Guide You with Love, the author reveals the false trade between a depraved man and his lover by torching and sorrowful "love" stories.


11. The application of SBS modified bitumen membrane mainly adopts torching method. which not only pollutes environment but wastes resources.


12. To frame her for torching Casa Treadwell?


13. On days when the weather is fine and there is relatively no wind, BP conducts up to a dozen "controlled burns", torching vast expanses of the ocean surface within a corral of fireproof booms.


14. AZUZ: A huge wildfire in California is torching its way into Yosemite National Park.


15. Moscow - Forest fires plaguing Russia destroyed a naval logistics base outside Moscow, torching aeronautical equipment and vehicles, investigators said Aug. 3.


16. According to the damage situation of cement concrete pavement torching mark, the paper analyzed the cause and proposed the countermeasure for reference.


17. This year's migrations south have already started, and, especially after the torching of Abyei, everyone is preparing for more trouble.


18. The 11-count indictment accuses police officers of shooting Glover and torching his corpse, physically attacking his brother and another man, and then attempting to conceal it all.


19. He was charged with torching a storehouse.



1. In retaliation for the attack, Hindu rioters began torching Muslim homes and Muslim-owned shops throughout the state.

CNN: Indian police open fire on mob

2. And so, between the Temple's torching by Roman troops and the mausoleum's defacement by Jewish rebels, Herod's legacy came tumbling down.

WSJ: Shards of a Reputation | Herod the Great | Israel Museum | By Amotz Asa-El

3. Rioters were now fighting the police in pitched battles, torching police stations and sacking banks and shops, particularly those thought to belong to RCD members.


4. While Mr Mugabe's men were systematically torturing his kin and torching their huts, Mr Banana said nothing.

ECONOMIST: Canaan Banana

5. As he watches Orlando superstar Dwight Howard ultimately lead the Magic to a comeback win by torching the Warriors for 45 points and 23 rebounds tying an NBA record of 39 free throw attempts in the process Lacob could only dream of luring the dominant big man to the Bay Area.

FORBES: NBA: Why The Warriors Are The Best Deal In Basketball

6. Several other towns in central Myanmar experienced less deadly violence, mostly involving the torching of Muslim businesses and mosques.

NPR: Mosque, Orphanage Burned In New Myanmar Violence

7. However, nothing excused violence directed at police and the torching of public buildings, he said.


8. Police and paramilitary squads have been torching and bulldozing shantytowns and roadside shops in Zimbabwe's main cities.

NPR: Zimbabwe Government Uproots Shanty Dwellers

9. Not that the New York Knicks should mind quite yet, but on one court Jeremy Lin has been torching his own team as badly as regular basketball opponents.

FORBES: One Place Jeremy Lin Is Even Beating The Knicks: Twitter [Linfographic]

10. Most of the refugees tell stories of brutality: of being forced at gunpoint by Serb forces to abandon their homes, of executions of Kosovo Albanian leaders, of a systematic torching of ethnic Albanian neighborhoods throughout the province.

CNN: 'Just go': Refugees describe terror in Kosovo

11. QUIST-ARCTON: A group of angry young men took out their frustrations on a nearby post office, setting fire to and vandalizing the building and torching two cars.

NPR: Fresh Violence Erupts in Kenya as Annan Mediates

12. So when a group of female Shiv Sena activists charged into a packed screening of Fire in a Bombay theater on Dec. 2, smashing glass panes and torching posters, not a few citizens suspected Navalkar had a role.


13. Arben Lleshi, who has admitted torching the car, sent the message to fellow defendant Afrim Lleshi, it was heard.

BBC: Agim Hoxha murder trial: Accused 'sent it is finished text'

14. Shivers also was acquitted of attempting to kill four other soldiers and two pizza delivery men and torching a getaway car.

CNN: Man acquitted in killing of British soldiers

15. Images of protesters attacking Mr Abhisit's car and torching buses hurt their credibility as peaceful pro-democracy activists.

ECONOMIST: Thailand's political crisis

16. Within the first year of the war, news of atrocities by U.S. forces the torching of villages, the killing of prisoners began to appear in American newspapers.

NEWYORKER: The Water Cure

17. During World War II, Thomas Olsen hid this "Scream" and dozens of other Munch works in a remote hay barn to protect them from the Nazis, who were torching art they declared degenerate.

WSJ: 'The Scream' by Edvard Munch

18. This year's migrations south have already started, and, especially after the torching of Abyei, everyone is preparing for more trouble.


19. Late Saturday, a mob attacked dozens of homes and a mosque in Yamethin village, 30 miles south of Meikhtila, torching the structures.

WSJ: Calm Restored in Myanmar, Underlining Military's Role

20. Not mentioned is that when Rosenbraugh previously acted as spokesman for the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), he advocated torching such homes.

FORBES: 'Greeny Lying Bastards' and Other Carbon Disinformation

21. Earlier this year, you may recall, protesters brought Kampala to a standstill, torching roadblocks throughout the capital city.

FORBES: The 'Resource Curse:' Uganda's Upcoming Oil Wealth is a Global Challenge on Multiple Fronts

22. Rioters rampaged through the streets, looting businesses, torching buildings and attacking people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

CNN: Rodney King looks back without anger

23. Rioters ran through the streets -- looting businesses, torching buildings and attacking those who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

CNN: Family, friends remember Rodney King at funeral

24. About a month after being appointed chancellor, Hitler used the torching of the Reichstag parliament building blamed on a Dutch communist to strengthen his grip on power.

NPR: Germany Marks 80th Anniversary Of Hitler's Rise

25. But over the weekend, the people of Korasuv, a town on the Uzbek-Kirgiz border, went on a rampage, beating up the mayor, torching cars and rebuilding a bridge link to Kirgizstan which had been destroyed two years ago by the authorities to prevent imports.

ECONOMIST: Uzbekistan

26. On his first run through Skyrim, Mr. Mullins took a more traditional path: He built an avatar that was obsessed with fire and went around torching people.

WSJ: Radical Videogamers Go on Nonkilling Spree

27. John MacDougall, an anthropology researcher working in Lombok, witnessed the torching of six churches in an hour and a half last week.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Cover: Raging Inferno

28. Before we started torching carbon stored in forests and then carbon stored underground as coal and oil, the carbon dioxide concentration of our atmosphere was about 280 parts per million (ppm).

FORBES: Global Warming: Hotheads, Flatliners and Lukewarmers, Part One

29. Half an hour later at 11:30, and Afghan friend of mine phoned and said you'd better get out of your house, because the demonstrators are coming down your route and they're kicking in doors, they're torching buildings that they know foreigners are in.

NPR: Truck Accident Sparks Riots in Afghanistan

30. YANGON, Myanmar (AP) Sectarian violence has spread to a new region of Myanmar, with a rampaging mob torching a mosque and a Muslim orphanage in a northeastern town after rumors spread that a Muslim man had set fire to a Buddhist woman, authorities said Wednesday.

NPR: Mosque, Orphanage Burned In New Myanmar Violence





communistic的意思是:adj. 共产主义的;共产主义者的。学考宝为您提供communistic是什么意思,communistic的翻译,communistic的用法,communistic的短语搭配,communistic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


waylay的意思是:vt. 伏击;埋伏。学考宝为您提供waylay是什么意思,waylay的翻译,waylay的用法,waylay的短语搭配,waylay的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


comparison的意思是:n. 比较,对照;相提并论,相比;比喻,比拟;(副词或形容词的)比较(变化)。学考宝为您提供comparison是什么意思,comparison的翻译,comparison的用法,comparison的短语搭配,comparison的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

opening statement是什么意思_opening statement怎么读_opening statement的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

opening statement的意思是:开场白;开场陈述;开庭陈述。学考宝为您提供opening statement是什么意思,opening statement的音标,opening statement怎么读,opening statement的翻译,opening statement的用法,opening statement的短语搭配,opening statement的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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companion的意思是:n. 同伴,伴侣;(受雇照料老人或病人的)陪护;成对的物品之一;同甘共苦的伙伴;(用于书名)指南,手册;伴星;最低级爵士 v. 陪伴 【名】 (Companion)(英)康帕宁(人名)。学考宝为您提供companion是什么意思,companion的翻译,companion的用法,companion的短语搭配,companion的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

introductory remarks是什么意思_introductory remarks怎么读_introductory remarks的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

introductory remarks的意思是:网络 介绍性发言;介绍;开场白;引言;绪言。学考宝为您提供introductory remarks是什么意思,introductory remarks的音标,introductory remarks怎么读,introductory remarks的翻译,introductory remarks的用法,introductory remarks的短语搭配,introductory remarks的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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communist的意思是:n. 共产主义者,共产党党员 adj. 共产主义的,共产党党员的;共产党的(Communist)。学考宝为您提供communist是什么意思,communist的翻译,communist的用法,communist的短语搭配,communist的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


innocuousness的意思是:n. 无害(性)。学考宝为您提供innocuousness是什么意思,innocuousness的音标,innocuousness怎么读,innocuousness的翻译,innocuousness的用法,innocuousness的短语搭配,innocuousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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