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英 [kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃənz]play美 [kənˌsɑːlɪˈdeɪʃnz]play

  • n. 总合报告表(consolidation 复数)

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consolidation /kənˌsɒlɪˈdeɪʃən/

  • 1.
    名词 the act of consolidating or state of being consolidated 巩固; 变坚固


1. consolidation test 固结试验,圧密试験;室内土工试验

2. Global Consolidations 全球整合

3. coefficient of consolidation 固结系数;压实系数;土的物理性质压密系数

4. accounting for consolidations 合并会计

5. industry consolidation 产业联合

6. ULD Consolidations 空运箱板集运

7. dynamic consolidations 动力固结法

8. consolidation settlement 固结沉降;地基应力和变形固结沉降

9. international shipping consolidations 航运联营体

10. secondary consolidation 次固结,次生固结;二次固结

11. degree of consolidation 固结度;胶结程度

12. consolidation pressure 固结压力

13. Consolidations and SPEs 目的的实体

14. Training Alignments & consolidations 整合训练

15. mergers and consolidations 合并

16. Consolidations tendered 合并招标

17. consolidation grouting 固结灌浆


1. Goldman cites an IMF survey of fiscal consolidations in rich countries that puts the average length of the successful government belt-tightenings at six years.


2. Support for multiple accounting standards and partial ownership consolidations.


3. Many of the countries in the eye of the storm today including Britain, Ireland, Italy and Portugal are on this list, having been forced to implement severe fiscal consolidations before.


4. Many of the countries in the eye of the storm today-including Britain, Ireland, Italy and portugal-are on this list, having been forced to implement severe fiscal consolidations before.


5. But we do consider consolidations in the critical methods.


6. Sometimes the downsides are fairly minor and barely touch tech companies, and at other times nearly everyone has lay-offs, cost-cutting, consolidations, or worse.


7. Using this method, the IMF reckons that on average a rich country attempted a fiscal contraction of more than 1.5% of GDP about once a decade. (There were also many smaller consolidations;


8. Note: It is particularly important to test consolidations afterwards, since this is the main function that is affected by the above.


9. The deal was typical of those made by foreign investors who flocked to Taiwan in 2006 and 2007 to take advantage of a wave of government-led bank consolidations.


10. Rather than far - flung acquisitions, it's consolidations that stand out among the maturing titans of Chinese capitalism.

巩固产业,而非广泛的收购, 是新兴中国资本巨头的特点.《互联网》

11. The CT features were characterized with solitary or multiple consolidations ( 4/ 8), masses ( 3/ 8) with air-bronchograms and without hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy.


12. This includes share splits , consolidations, capital reductions ( partial repayments ) schemes of arrangement and name changes.

包括股份分拆 、 并 、 本缩减 ( 分偿还 ) 及名称改变.《互联网》

13. The financial supervision institutions made five consolidations and the trust business has entered into a golden period in its development.


14. Further consolidations in the industry could follow.


15. But is it right to claim, as Mr Trichet and other devotees of "expansionary fiscal consolidations" do, that belt-tightening can actually aid growth in the short term?


16. Calculation and analysis of settlement time-dependency of soil compaction pile based on one-dimensional and three-dimensional consolidations


17. Projects that form a part of the MoU include but are not limited to consolidations, derecognition, fair value measurements, financial statement presentation, income taxes and leases.


18. And the cost of monopolistic markets is borne by consumers the world over, which makes the negative side-effects of domestic consolidations easier for governments to ignore, especially if the companies involved offer them the right incentives.


19. Nokia and Alcatel-Lucent are themselves the result of consolidations.


20. Aerospace analysts don't expect more major consolidations like this deal any time soon, though they said it could spark some strategic mergers of medium-size aerospace companies.


21. This paper discusses the factors that leading to the consolidations among the big public accounting firms and the impacts of consolidations on audit market.


22. This includes share splits, consolidations, capital reductions (partial repayments) schemes of arrangement and name changes.


23. In the ten biggest consolidations since the late 1970s (and Britain's would rank among them), the average pace of deficit-cutting was 1.9% of GDP a year, according to a study by the OECD.


24. Data archiving also facilitates application upgrades, consolidations, and retirement.


25. Technology is gonna continue to see on-going consolidations, so continue to look at these large cap tax stocks that have a pile of cash.


26. Results In 5 of the 6 cases, multi-lobar or multi-segmental consolidations of bilateral lungs were detected. There was no distribution tendency for any specific pulmonary lobes or segments.


27. Because of this, these systems can often survive multiple consolidations and acquisitions over time.


28. The curve shape of pore water pressure developing under isotropic consolidation is not the same as that under anisotropic consolidations.


29. And when the authors broaden their analysis to include all large fiscal consolidations (not just the biggest five or ten), their results are once again pretty much the same.


30. Cases had opacities or consolidations bilaterally;


31. Methods CT-guided fine-needle percutaneous biopsy were performed in 117 patients with lung lesions, included 66 masses, 42 nodules, 9 lung consolidations.


32. However, the market is now overbought after recent advance. So, it should not be surprising to see some pullback consolidations prior to the new upswing.


33. Data center consolidations or replications (i. e. splits) can enhance shareholder value.


34. This mirrors the trends in business consolidations for reasons of economy of resources.


35. Most people believe that fiscal consolidations are helpful in the long run. Expecting them to be painless looks like wishful thinking.


36. Rather than far-flung acquisitions, it's consolidations that stand out among the maturing titans of Chinese capitalism.


37. More agency consolidations and single client - alignments are likely.


38. With trends, momentum, and credit firm across the board, we would continue to look to any near-term consolidations opportunistically.


39. The Chinese giant Huawei, whose global emergence over the last decade as a cost-cutting juggernaut has played a role in a wave of industry consolidations, would slip to third place.


40. In the course of the innovation of institution, we must stick to the rules of methodology that includes the consolidations of critique and constitution, fairness and efficiency, and social development and human development.


41. You need to be careful around the changes and how they can impact historical numbers if you were to re-run prior years consolidations/ allocations.


42. During these years, there are many mergers, acquisitions and consolidations between insurance companies in international insurance market.


43. These scalability improvements can drive server consolidations, provided the server has the resources for the additional users.


44. Earlier this year House Republicans produced a report noting that an 85%-15% split between spending cuts and tax rises was the average for successful fiscal consolidations, according to historical evidence.



1. Months before regulators had cleared the merger, his planners already had set plant closings, consolidations and job cuts.

FORBES: Reviving Novartis

2. For example, in Flanders, the textile center of the world, the banks forced productivity-oriented consolidations of hundreds of small producers into a few textile firms.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

3. "Nor for Italy is there a real alternative to continuing fiscal consolidations and reforms, " he continued.


4. If you dip your toe in the pool, be very judicious: Only select from strong leaders that are emerging from healthy price consolidations.

FORBES: Defy The Downturn With Bastions Of Strength: Lululemon, Deckers, Chipotle

5. "Our telework program started as a grassroots initiative to keep talented employees when there were site consolidations, " Aetna Telework Program head Eileen Levin explains.

CNN: Companies that will hire you to work at home

6. Its army of researchers provide useful guidance: a recent IMF paper suggests that steady fiscal consolidations, rather than the sharp ones the EC favours, work better.

ECONOMIST: The IMF needs to change tack if Spain asks for a bail-out

7. Consolidations cost money up front, because there are usually some relocation and other office related costs.

FORBES: More Presidential Misdirection

8. The company said its restructuring plan will include job cuts and site consolidations.

FORBES: AMD Cutting Staff 15%

9. Of course, structural reforms can often be politically even harder than fiscal consolidations.

WSJ: In Place of Austerity: What Comes Next?

10. Despite years of hard times, Cuomo said you can count "on one hand" the number of consolidations among 50, 000 local governments, school districts, fire and library taxing districts and more.

WSJ: Cuomo to strapped municipalities, schools: Merge

11. Since more than 10% of the workforce of the San Francisco peninsula is employed in finance, insurance and property, more such consolidations could have a huge impact on the local economy.

ECONOMIST: City life

12. While New BAC sounds fancy, it is really a euphemism for layoffs, consolidations and improving processes to make the Company run more efficiently with fewer employees.

FORBES: Bank Of America: Undervalued Or Overvalued?

13. The solar industry is growing globally and like with the growth of any segment, there are typically many players to start, followed by acquisitions, mergers, other consolidations and bankruptcies.

FORBES: Solar ETFs Rebound

14. With numerous consolidations and acquisitions, U.S. railroads are monopolistic in nature and carry high barriers to entry for new entrants.

FORBES: Riding The Rails With CSX To $32 A Share

15. With numerous consolidations and acquisitions, U.S. railroads are monopolistic in nature in that they require massive scale and carry high barriers to entry for new entrants.

FORBES: Ride Union Pacific To $112 As High Fuel Prices Propel Railroads' Margins Higher

16. Product consolidations encountered considerable internal resistance, but helped lift DEC into the number two position in the computer industry.

FORBES: The Risks Of CEO Succession

17. If the deal goes through, look for equipment vendors to start their own round of consolidations.

FORBES: At Long Last, A Hardware Shakeout

18. We can provide multi-plant aggregated reports, so there is no need for multiple spreadsheets, consolidations, emailed reports, etc.

FORBES: Entrepreneur Spotlight On... UsedCardboardBoxes.com Founder Marty Metro

19. And while the consolidations have resulted in service cuts in certain markets, the airlines have also become more profitable.

FORBES: Could American Airlines + US Airways End Up As US American Airwaylines?

20. AMD's restructuring plan, a significant portion of which will be implemented in the fourth quarter of 2012, will include a workforce reduction and site consolidations.

ENGADGET: AMD reports $1.27 billion in revenue for Q3 2012

21. Such consolidations should be considered only when circumstances warrant it.

WHITEHOUSE: Testimony of Clay Johnson III

22. In the next two years the company plans consolidations, closings, resource transfers, and economies that will add JPY 111 billion (USD 1.4 billion) to operating profits.

FORBES: Connect

23. Revenue-based consolidations seem to have a tendency to be less successful.

FORBES: Stunning Revelation: ECB Says Smaller Government More Efficient

24. They sought the answer (which they published in an August 2012 paper on "fiscal consolidations" for the National Bureau of Economic Research) by analyzing an International Monetary Fund history of all the fiscal plans that 17 OECD governments enacted between 1978 and 2009, including the U.S., Canada and Japan.

WSJ: Henninger: Escape From Spending Hell

25. Cuomo said he believes local politics is standing in the way of mergers and consolidations that would save taxpayers money and improve efficiency of services.

WSJ: Cuomo to strapped municipalities, schools: Merge

26. Integration is, in fact, a difficult and high-risk aspect of most consolidations, and all firms must manage it diligently.

FORBES: Why Industry Consolidations Like the American Airlines and US Airways Merger Are Not Just for Big Companies

27. The packaging industry has been characterized by consolidations, notes Cornell.

FORBES: This Global Packaging Company Carries A Lot More Hidden Value In Its Box

28. The weekly chart of XLY shows several periods of consolidations within the overall uptrend.

FORBES: Best Bull Market Sectors





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branchless的意思是:adj. 无分支的;无(缺)枝的,不分枝的。学考宝为您提供branchless是什么意思,branchless的音标,branchless怎么读,branchless的翻译,branchless的用法,branchless的短语搭配,branchless的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


branch的意思是:n. 树枝,分枝;分支机构,分店;(政府或机构的)部门;分科,分支;(家族的)支系;支流,岔路 v. 分岔,岔开;出枝,发出新枝 【名】 (Branch)布兰奇(人名)。学考宝为您提供branch是什么意思,branch的翻译,branch的用法,branch的短语搭配,branch的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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flow reversal的意思是:回(逆)流。学考宝为您提供flow reversal是什么意思,flow reversal的音标,flow reversal怎么读,flow reversal的翻译,flow reversal的用法,flow reversal的短语搭配,flow reversal的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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reasonings的意思是:n. 推理,推论;推断力,逻辑推理能力 v. 推理,逻辑思考;推论出,推断出(reason sth. out);对(某人)以理相劝,劝告(reason with)(reason 的现在分词)。学考宝为您提供reasonings是什么意思,reasonings的翻译,reasonings的用法,reasonings的短语搭配,reasonings的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


brake的意思是:n. 刹车,车闸;阻碍,抑制;<史>敞篷四轮马车;(亚麻纤维等的)捣碎机;<古>灌木丛;欧洲蕨,凤尾蕨 v. 刹车,用闸减速。学考宝为您提供brake是什么意思,brake的翻译,brake的用法,brake的短语搭配,brake的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


screwy的意思是:adj. 扭曲的;螺旋形的;古怪的;疯颠的。学考宝为您提供screwy是什么意思,screwy的翻译,screwy的用法,screwy的短语搭配,screwy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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one way or the other的意思是:网络 不管怎样;总要有一个办法。学考宝为您提供one way or the other是什么意思,one way or the other的音标,one way or the other怎么读,one way or the other的翻译,one way or the other的用法,one way or the other的短语搭配,one way or the other的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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