莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

most anxious翻译_most anxious短语搭配_most anxious权威例句


most anxious

adj. 焦虑;渴望;担心;非常希望;忧虑;流露出忧虑的;令人焦虑的


英 [məʊst ˈæŋkʃəs]play 美 [moʊst ˈæŋkʃəs]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. The CBI found that UK employers were most anxious to recruit German and French speakers.


2. The most anxious man in a prison is the warden.


3. Every day at Longbourn was now a day of anxiety; but the most anxious part of each was when the post was expected.


4. The world is changing rapidly and most people are very anxious about it.


5. Urban women are also most anxious about rising prices, not being able to afford a house and low family-income, survey results showed.


6. He had been most anxious to try to establish a herd of this new Chinese deer in his own ranch.


7. Therefore, I am most anxious to know you further and better.


8. I am most anxious to keep the Lannisters from learning that Cat is here in King's Landing.


9. Some of the most anxious times for any company are the preparation and aftermath periods of these announcements.


10. I have known it, I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel it.


11. REM sleep, the brain state most highly correlated with anxious, angry dreams, occurs late in evolution and early in the lives of those creatures which have REM.


12. It's funny because one of most amazing things that this theory teaches is that if you are anxious or avoidant, and you meet someone who is secure, there are huge healing powers [in that relationship].


13. Most socially anxious or shy individuals react to questions. They feel the need to answer a question immediately, as soon as the final word leaves the mouth of the other person; they feel obligated to start speaking not necessary.


14. To get the most of this technique it's recommended that you practice at least once each day for 21 days. Then use it as often as you like and whenever you're feeling stressed or anxious.


15. Most students are high anxious. The degree of social support of most teachers was high.


16. People ranked as having the most anxious personalities were twice as likely as the least anxious to be underweight, or have a BMI of less than 18.5, the study found.


17. Some of the most anxious times for any company are the preparation and aftermath periods of these announcements.


18. He had been most anxious to try to establish a herd of this new Chinese deer in his own ranch.


19. For now most firms are sticking it out, but they are anxious.


20. It is a general popular error to suppose the loud complaint for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.


21. Lord Keynes, though a lesser mathematician, wrote that the state of confidence "is a matter to which practical men pay the closest and most anxious attention."


22. For it gives answers to the most anxious and concerned problems deep inside most of the people nowadays.


23. Lloyd George was most anxious to be agreeable and pleasant.


24. Swayed by considerations of loss and gain , they are most anxious not to lose these possessions.

他们患得患失, 生怕失掉这些东西.《互联网》

25. And then, who should find it, but you... the very person I was most anxious to meet.


26. He was, because of some atavistic spur or fillip in his own blood, most anxious to attain some sort of social position.

可是他血液里有祖上那股劲,急于想弄到一个什么社会地位。《provided by jukuu》

27. While non-English majors' anxiety is largely speech anxiety and negative attitudes towards the English class, English majors are most anxious about listening.


28. Every day at Longbourn was now a day of anxiety; but the most anxious part of each was when the post was expected.


29. We are most anxious that you will do your utmost to reduce the price and we await your reply with great interest.


30. Out the law: the most anxious to get out and the wife, the last out is also his wife.


31. It is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainer for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.


32. They are most anxious to please you, and in so doing are fulfilling their own purpose and wish to help you fulfil your life plan.


33. Caderousse approached him just as danglars, whom Fernand seemed most anxious to avoid, had joined him in a corner of the room.

弗尔南多似乎要躲开腾格拉尔,而腾格拉尔却偏偏又来找他,卡德鲁斯一见这种情形,也向别房间的那一角走过去。《provided by jukuu》

34. "That I might the sooner see you again, my dear father," replied the young man. "I was most anxious to see you."


35. Because, when you do that, most Chinese start getting anxious about you choking to death on the damn chicken bones.


36. Urban women are also most anxious about rising prices, not being able to afford a house and low family-income, survey results showed.


37. I have known it, I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel it.


38. Us researchers monitored the health of 1,700 people over 10 years, finding the most anxious and depressed were at the highest risk of the disease.


39. The report challenged the idea that it is those who are at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder that feel the most miserable and anxious.


40. Ever since I have known it, I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel it.


41. List all the wildest alternatives, you're not coming up with anything that isn't on my list of "if onlies." But the sad truth is, even though I am possibly one of the world's most imaginatively anxious mothers, I never thought of the possibility that my baby would die that morning.


42. And then, who should find it, but you* the very person I was most anxious to meet.


43. I'm really most anxious to talk about the suggested price changes. They are really causing trouble out here.


44. The most anxious man in a prison is the warden.


45. This is a women to the most anxious, confused age, woman, life is the most sensitive and critical transition.


46. Most parents are anxious for their children's advancement.


47. Most students are high anxious.


48. Grade 10 students were regarded as one of most anxious crowds.


49. Although you may imagine that everyone knows how anxious you are, most often no one can tell.


50. She knew that they were in a desperately cramped position inside the shell and were most anxious to break through and get out.


51. He was most anxious to find a job so as not to have to depend on others.


52. Our director Mr. Johnson is most anxious to meet you.


53. But simply to agree with, and certainly his hard, appreciate his patience, the parties are the most anxious thing.


54. This is a women to the most anxious, confused age, woman, life is the most sensitive and critical transition.


55. It is a general popular error to suppose the loud complaint for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.


56. " That I might the sooner see you again, my dear father," replied the young man. "I was most anxious to see you."


57. I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.


58. Ever since I have known it, I have been most anxious to acknowledge to you how gratefully I feel it. Were it known to the rest of my family, I should not have merely my own gratitude to express.


59. Therefore, I am most anxious to know you further and better.


60. "I have been most anxious to see you, that I might repeat orally the thanks writing can so ill express."

“我真想见到您,以便亲口再向您表达一番那用文字难于表达的谢意。”《provided by jukuu》

61. Most students occasionally feel sad or anxious, but these emotions usually pass quickly-within a couple of days.


62. You seem most anxious to do so.

看起来你很急切地想说。《provided by jukuu》


1. Though some firms are still benefiting from special protection by their home governments, most of Europe's big businesses support the single market and many are anxious for it to be broadened to cover more services.

ECONOMIST: Actions speak louder than words | The

2. Andrews was easily the most anxious patient I took care of that month, a gray Michigan February (is there any other kind?) which I spent in the hospital caring for patients admitted to the general medical ward at the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs Medical Center. (Andrews is a pseudonym, as are all the patients I blog about, unless otherwise indicated.) He had plenty to be anxious about, too.

FORBES: Do Oncologists Lie to Their Patients About Their Prognoses?

3. His detractors -- most of them loyal Democrats and Obama supporters -- were anxious to find fault with his remarks, but he gave them little to work with.

CNN: A kinder, gentler, wiser Marco Rubio

4. Caterina Fake walks through life using her cell phone to snap photos of whatever strikes her fancy, whether it's her husband's unshaven mug, her new co-workers at Yahoo or, most often, Dos Pesos, her anxious little dog.

FORBES: The Shutterbugs

5. The final point is possibly the most relevant to journalists anxious about their future role in the world.

FORBES: Dim Reading in Geekville

6. Alan Rusbridger, editor-in-chief of the Guardian - which exposed the phonehacking scandal in the face of furious and sustained denials from News International - says it's an "incredibly anxious time for journalism, with even the most powerful and professional newspapers clinging on to financial viability".

BBC: An anxious time for the UK's newspaper bosses

7. As the captain announced our approach, most of the Japanese on the plane set aside the guidebooks they had been studying and gazed out the windows, anxious to view the famous skyline.


8. The most anxious of diners can recruit the waitress to give a nod when a party is leaving, try again on a Tuesday night or a Saturday morning, or head across the street to Five Leaves, which shares owners and is a definite restaurant, wait list and all.

NEWYORKER: Nights and Weekends

9. Now have a look at the five most anxious places: Leicestershire, Inner London, Middlesbrough, South Ayrshire and Peterborough.

BBC: What are the top five happiest parts of the UK?

10. Most Palestinians are anxious to avoid a schism that would deflect them from their confrontation with Israel.

ECONOMIST: The Palestinians

11. Elsewhere in British Islam, most leaders were anxious to help free Mr Bigley and play down intra-Muslim jealousies.

ECONOMIST: British Muslims try to unite over a hostage crisis

12. Genesis, a sixth-grader whose father has been away most of the last nine years, became anxious after the September attacks.

CNN: Fort Bragg families struggle with risks of war

13. It was the most anxious and depressed I had ever been.

FORBES: Connect

14. The most troubled though was "Kenny", a small chimp who was constantly anxious that the others would attack him and spent much of his time screaming in terror.

BBC: Lab chimps successfully treated with anti-depressants

15. To listen to students who are presumably in the most anxious, rebellious period of their lives express such serenity is jarring.


16. For example, driven by the advice of consultants and the demands of customers, most firms are anxious to squeeze ever faster response times out of their factories.

ECONOMIST: s as gurus

17. It is a chance Mr Fischer has spent much of his life working for, as environment minister in the state of Hesse and most recently as the Greens' parliamentary leader in Bonn, and he is desperately anxious it should not slip away.

ECONOMIST: Joschka Fischer, Germany’s reluctant statesman | The

18. Most of the anxious families couldn't bear the thought of their relatives being on a bus for hours and had gotten hotel rooms in Mobile where the homecoming would include a long shower and a meal.


19. Most people will roll over and go back to sleep, but those with insomnia become conditioned to feel anxious when they awake during the night.

CNN: How to solve 9 sleep problems

20. If the start-up is too anxious to sign up a big-name partner, it might sign away the most lucrative market segments without proper compensation.

FORBES: Strategies For Small Firms Partnering With Big Companies

21. After the popular rejection of the proposed EU constitution in France and the Netherlands, the acrimonious break-up of budget talks in June, and multiple setbacks to economic reform (symbolised by the German election result), most European leaders were anxious for any budget settlement.

ECONOMIST: Another splendid compromise forged in Brussels | The

most anxious翻译_most anxious短语搭配_most anxious权威例句




approach的意思是:v. 靠近,临近;接洽,交谈;对付,处理;近似,接近于 n. 方法,态度;靠近,接近;接洽,要求;通道,路径;进场着陆;近似物。学考宝为您提供approach是什么意思,approach的翻译,approach的用法,approach的短语搭配,approach的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


appreciate的意思是:v. 欣赏,鉴赏;理解,明白;感谢,感激;升值,增值。学考宝为您提供appreciate是什么意思,appreciate的翻译,appreciate的用法,appreciate的短语搭配,appreciate的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


appointment的意思是:n. 约会,约定;任命,委派;职务,职位;家具,陈设。学考宝为您提供appointment是什么意思,appointment的翻译,appointment的用法,appointment的短语搭配,appointment的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


appoint的意思是:v. 任命,指派;约定,安排(日期、时间);装饰,布置(房间或空间);<古>命令,颁布法令;受权处置(财产)。学考宝为您提供appoint是什么意思,appoint的翻译,appoint的用法,appoint的短语搭配,appoint的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


congeed的意思是:v. 告别;鞠躬告辞。congee的过去分词和过去式。学考宝为您提供congeed是什么意思,congeed的音标,congeed怎么读,congeed的翻译,congeed的用法,congeed的短语搭配,congeed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


application的意思是:n. 正式申请,书面申请;申请书,申请表;敷用,涂抹;应用,实施;指称;应用软件;勤奋,努力。学考宝为您提供application是什么意思,application的翻译,application的用法,application的短语搭配,application的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


congees的意思是:v. 告别;鞠躬告辞。congee的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供congees是什么意思,congees的音标,congees怎么读,congees的翻译,congees的用法,congees的短语搭配,congees的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


appliance的意思是:n. 家用电器,装置;<英>应用;消防车。学考宝为您提供appliance是什么意思,appliance的翻译,appliance的用法,appliance的短语搭配,appliance的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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