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of no effect是什么意思_of no effect短语搭配_of no effect权威例句


of no effect

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1. inhibitory effect of NO production 抑制巨嗜细胞嗜放NO活性

2. threshold of no adverse effect 无害作用阈

3. clauses of no effect 无效条款

4. no effect of 无影响

5. be of no effect 没有作用 ; 不中用

6. void and of no effect 无效力


1. The reason of this result is that the R&D expenditure ploughed into enterprise is of no effect and it didn't turn it into technology assets.


2. If policy holder cheats to obtain premium, due to the malice, the insurance contract signed will be of no effect.


3. The law clearly says any action under compulsion or in a state of intoxication has no effect.


4. If the evaluation result shows that the measures are of no effect or the effect is not apparent, new measures should be taken until the problems have been solved.


5. However, it is also vital that the infrastructure supports the substitution of one service implementation by another with no effect to the clients of that service.


6. This medicine id of no effect .


7. Another experiment demonstrated that physical exercise, which was sufficiently vigorous to double the rate of breathing, had no effect on the frequency of yawning.


8. It maybe of no effect to take strategy of Domino Principle to prevent human-initiated accidents in the system, take strategy of defence-in -depth with technical, organizational and culture approach.


9. Unfortunately there is no real way of comparing the impact of each variable, and so there is no real way of judging the net effect.


10. There would be no effect on animals – that's the beauty of such water-based materials.


11. During this course do frozen, burned and take orally drug, injected and so on, all ways were of no effect.


12. There have been no studies of the effects of a low carbohydrate diet on pregnancy, so its effect on the fetus, if any, is unknown.


13. Scratching by itself—that is, in the absence of an itch—had no such effect.


14. The police said Mr. Hadfield's decision would have no adverse effect on the progress of the investigation.


15. This Agreement will take effect only after the unanimous consent of both parties by negotiation, otherwise, it shall automatically be of no effect upon its expiration.


16. This medicine id of no effect.


17. Their strategy is expansionist and imperialist, and it is greatest in effect, of course, when there is no countervailing power.


18. It is shown that the phenomenon is due to self-induced action in alternative magnetic field of electric solenoid and is of no effect to the point of magnetic focusing.


19. Rom. 3:31 Do we then make the law of no effect through faith? Absolutely not! Rather, we establish the law.


20. A common mistake to avoid (both in describing the results and in drawing conclusions) is the confusion of 'no evidence of an effect' with 'evidence of no effect'.


21. The invalid environmental administrative illegal activity is certainly ascertained of no effect from the beginning and the citizens enjoy the resistance right to it.


22. Results 141 cases upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage patients were recovered with endoscopy, but 2 cases were of no effect so changed with operation.


23. The death of a small child would have no effect upon the income of the family.


24. The effect of pushing the button is the same no matter who does it.


25. The trug was of no effect.


26. In fact, the design of the user interfaces typically has little or no effect on the scalability of the solution.


27. Any law enforcement activities which are not proclaimed or beyond the proclaimed function and authority shall be of no effect.


28. The results showed that Jinfu seed coating had no bad effect on the growth of kidney bean and plant fresh weight was added above 10%.



1. They then found that increasing doses of cocaine had no effect on the flies.

BBC: Body clock link to cocaine addiction

2. Our possibility of reactive tariffs would have no effect.

FORBES: Three responses to Noahpinion

3. They rarely take physical delivery of raw materials and have no effect on the actual production and consumption of metal, grain or oil.

ECONOMIST: Commodity speculators do more good than harm

4. The paper is evidence that all the hassle of controlling pseudoephedrine sales has no effect on the outcome the restrictions are intended to combat: the proliferation of illegal methamphetamine laboratories.

FORBES: Do Pseudoephedrine Sales Predict the Number of Meth Labs in Your Community?

5. lead author Matthew During of Ohio State University, described what happened after just three weeks, "And what was surprising to us was that the animals in the enriched environment, the cancers are 40 percent smaller" "When we moved that enrichment to six weeks,now, the cancers were approximately a dramatic effect,and not only that, but 17 percent of those animals had no tumors whatsoever."

VOA : standard.2010.07.14

6. The bill, called the Patient Protection Act of 2005, would have no effect on the approval process for drugs.

FORBES: Senator Dodd: Proposes Sweeping Drug Safety Reform

7. His approach is to approve of studies that appear to offer some glimmer that cell phone energy is carcinogenic and at the same time to find fault with studies that show no evidence of an effect.

FORBES: Cell Phone Conspiracy Theorists Prefer To Indulge In Ad Hominem Attacks Rather Than Debate The Science

8. Thus, the law limiting foreign ownership of the Argentine media had no effect on the company's private debt restructuring.

ECONOMIST: Catalonia's conundrums

9. As I discussed in March, the most recent set of studies by economists indicates that hospital mergers have no effect on the quality of care, but do have a significant effect on the price that hospitals charge.

FORBES: Goal of the NYU-Continuum Hospital Mega-Merger: Raising Prices

10. Passing it as some form of vengeance will end up having unintended and unfair consequences, and of course will have no effect on the person who prompted it in the first place.

FORBES: 14-Year-Olds Now Lifetime "Sex Offenders" Due to Playground Nonsense

11. The spokesman added FTPE was aware of the "potentially damaging effect to the resort of Cleethorpes with no rail service in operation" and said it continued to meet with local stakeholders and business organisations.

BBC: Cleethorpes to Sheffield Saturday train for landslip line

12. This year's presidential election - with the shock breakthrough of the far-right - was in many ways the culmination of this effect, and it is no coincidence that pressure to overhaul the system comes under a government born of that trauma.

BBC: Call to close elite French college

13. According to recent press reports, the task force claims that for men older than 70, there would be no mortality effect of no early detection.

FORBES: Head-In-The-Sand Medicine: To Test Or Not To Test

14. The Guardian Council, which oversees the electoral process, said it had found some evidence of voting irregularities but the number had "no effect on the result of the elections".

BBC: End Iran violence, UN chief urges

15. They were then able to give the mice higher doses of radiation therapy with no ill effect by blocking a mechanism by which endothelial cells communicate with each other.

BBC: Minimising cancer care damage

16. Negotiations on the export of natural gas are still stalled over price, which is no wonder given the effect of the shale gas revolution on the world market.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: Asia's Great Rivalry

17. Although half of those polled said the outcome of the election would have no effect on whether there is another terrorist attack in the United States, 31 percent said they think chances of an attack would be reduced if Bush were re-elected.

CNN: Bush apparently leads Kerry in pre-debate poll

18. Neglecting the maintenance of the arsenal either has no effect, in which case it is a sham.


19. The finding of the bankruptcy court has no effect.

FORBES: Fallen Solyndra Won Bankruptcy Battle But Faces Tax War

20. But it's not the British government that's stopping it, it's the whim of the Ulster Unionist Party as of now to no effect I may say.

BBC: News Online

21. Instead of deciding whether any of the above are reasonable, the court concluded that Prop. 8 could have no effect on any of them so it had no rational basis for being the law of the land.

FORBES: Prop. 8 Decision Comes Down To One Word: Marriage

22. We are sure of one thing: Google's lobbying expenses had no effect on the care, diligence or analysis of the agency's incredibly hardworking staff or on the decisions reached by any of the FTC's five commissioners.

WSJ: Lobbying Didn't Influence the FTC Letters to the Editor

23. Another more recent study has shown that even high levels of phthalates showed no effect on the genital development of marmosets, let alone humans activist claims to the contrary.

FORBES: Connect

24. In contrast, moving abdominal visceral fat to other parts of the body had no effect.

BBC: Type of body fat 'boosts health'

25. In an article in The Journal of the American Medical Association, Psaty argues that the change had no effect on doctors' prescribing of the drugs.

FORBES: FDA Fix No. 5: Forget Labels

26. When you do a split, you're changing the number of shares for everybody, so it can have no effect on the ratio for anybody; it's just purely appearance.

当进行分割时,每个人拥有的股数变了,但每个人持股的比率没变,只是做做样子罢了金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. These hikes, according to Joaquin Vespignani of Barclays Capital, have no effect on the mining industries, which sell and borrow abroad.

ECONOMIST: Petri-dish economies

28. That appointment was also invalid, and so the Bureau has no power to enforce any of its regulatory requirements, and all of the regulations it has issued are of no legal force or effect.

FORBES: A Federal Court Slaps Down President Obama's Aggressive Abuse Of Executive Power

29. "The trajectory on CO2 emissions shows very little effect of the global recession so far, and no effect that I can detect from Kyoto whatsoever, " he says.

BBC: The year in business: 2011

30. And it is not much less for some old-economy shares, because equity investors have no idea of the effect of the Internet on companies' prospects.

ECONOMIST: Corporate bonds

31. But the new research found no evidence of any protective effect.

BBC: Smoking 'does not prevent Alzheimer's'

32. In the case of IFAs, there is evidence of reduced portfolio variance, systematic and unsystematic, as a result of such involvement, but no traces of such an effect remain in the bank advisor sample.

FORBES: Why Advisors Don't Add Value

of no effect是什么意思_of no effect短语搭配_of no effect权威例句




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angelology的意思是:n. 天使学。学考宝为您提供angelology是什么意思,angelology的翻译,angelology的用法,angelology的短语搭配,angelology的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angel的意思是:n. 天使;仁慈的人,善人;宝贝,乖乖;(尤指仁慈的)精灵,保护神;<非正式>仙波,雷达回响 【名】 (Angel)(英、罗)安杰尔,(德、塞、俄、保、瑞典、挪)安格尔,(法、葡)安热尔,(西)人名安赫尔,(土)安盖尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供angel是什么意思,angel的翻译,angel的用法,angel的短语搭配,angel的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


gobsmacked的意思是:adj. 目瞪口呆的;大吃一惊的 v. 使窘困;使震惊;使完全不知所措(gobsmack 的过去式)。学考宝为您提供gobsmacked是什么意思,gobsmacked的翻译,gobsmacked的用法,gobsmacked的短语搭配,gobsmacked的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


ancestress的意思是:n. 女性祖先;女性被继承人。学考宝为您提供ancestress是什么意思,ancestress的翻译,ancestress的用法,ancestress的短语搭配,ancestress的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


ancestor的意思是:n. 祖先,祖宗;(动植物)原种;原型,雏形。学考宝为您提供ancestor是什么意思,ancestor的翻译,ancestor的用法,ancestor的短语搭配,ancestor的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


ghastful的意思是:adj. 恐怖的;受惊的。学考宝为您提供ghastful是什么意思,ghastful的翻译,ghastful的用法,ghastful的短语搭配,ghastful的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


exclamations的意思是:n. 感叹;感叹词;感叹语。exclamation的复数。学考宝为您提供exclamations是什么意思,exclamations的音标,exclamations怎么读,exclamations的翻译,exclamations的用法,exclamations的短语搭配,exclamations的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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