vendor id翻译_vendor id短语搭配_vendor id权威例句
2024-06-18 23:46:55 学考宝 作者:佚名
vendor id
网络 厂商ID;厂商标识;运营商代码
英 [ˈvendə(r) ˌaɪ ˈdiː] 美 [ˈvendər ˌaɪ ˈdiː]
短语搭配 权威例句
1. SVID Subsystem Vendor ID 子系统销售者id
2. Vendor&Product ID Information 信息
3. drive vendor id detail 硬盘制造商
4. vendor id missing ck-vrm zh-cn 缺少了供应商索引编号
1. However, it has a hard-coded list of PCI vendor/ product ID pairings that it knows are supported and will only work with cards on the list; a functional card not on the list is simply ignored.
2. This occurs when an affiliate creates (and USES) a URL using their affiliate ID for a product that they do not have a relationship with the product's vendor.
3. It also USES the vendor name and the order ID for the detail requirements.
4. The vendor ID and vendor name columns are both required, and are, therefore, specified as NOT NULL.
5. Adds support for the 64-bit central processing unit (CPU) from VIA Technologies, which adds the ID and vendor strings for the new VIA 64-bit CPU.
利用VIA技术增加对64位中央处理单元(CPU)支持,这样就给新的VIA 64位CPU添加了ID和供应商信息。
6. Gol021-this level of firmware corrects the vendor device ID on EMC Class B adapters so that the adapter is recognized during AIX Network Installation Management (NIM).
这个固件级别将更正emc Class b适配器的供应商设备ID,以便在AIX网络安装管理(NIM)过程中能够识别该适配器。
7. Everything beyond the vendor ID is based on the vendors implementation and may vary between implementations.
8. The vendor detail, date, and order ID number are in expected places in the array, but the array indexes of the subtotal and subsequent lines depend on the number of items detailed.
9. GOL021& This level of firmware corrects the vendor device ID on EMC Class B adapters so that the adapter is recognized during AIX Network Installation Management ( NIM).
这个固件级别将更正EMC Class B适配器的供应商设备ID,以便在AIX网络安装管理(NIM)过程中能够识别该适配器。
10. IBM employees now have an improved extranet experience with a single ID and password to remember, and employees perform no special steps to invoke these external, vendor-managed application Web sites.