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more positively是什么意思_more positively短语搭配_more positively权威例句


more positively

adv. 积极地;乐观地;肯定地;赞成地;绝对地


英 [mɔː(r) ˈpɒzətɪvli]play 美 [mɔːr ˈpɑːzətɪvli]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. More positively, some senior officials are now prepared to speak out about the issue – in public.


2. Bilingual Moroccans reacted more positively to Moroccan names when using Arabic than when using French.


3. Symmetrical dancers were rated more positively than non - symmetrical ones, especially by women.

平衡性好的舞者比平衡性差的人得到的评价要高, 尤其是女性更加青睐平衡性好的人.《互联网》

4. To add psychological courses into series of employee education, and organize variety of team practice, help health inspectors to relieve work pressure and face heavy enforcement more positively. 3.


5. The company needs to give us what we need, but also to engage us so that we feel more positively towards it.


6. Overall, wives and husbands behaved more positively when the woman was better looking.


7. Overall, wives and husbands behaved more positively when the woman was better looking.


8. The result was that Jackie felt calmer and more in control and as a consequence, she felt those around her reacted more positively to her too.


9. First, being well-groomed makes a good impression on others you don’t know well, and helps them to react more positively to you.


10. From 1988, the Soviet Union mended its pace of leaving Afghanistan and drove the Geneva process more positively.


11. Dr Simon Laham, from Melbourne University, who led the study, said people with simple names were generally judged more positively.


12. The researchers found the images were seen more positively when the pairs were together, the Sunday Times reported.


13. Take a step-by-step approach inbreaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to lookingat things more positively.


14. The results indicated: ( 1) Compared with younger children, the older ones coped with social failure more positively.


15. We provide you with advice on overcoming self-doubt and learning to think more positively.


16. But the effects of the phenomenon might be felt more positively a little closer to home, after scientists claimed that it will make flowers smell sweeter.


17. Or, to put it more positively, suffering is punctuated by shards of momentary glory.


18. Older faces were generally viewed more positively compared to younger ones.


19. Dr Simon Laham, from Melbourne University, who led the study, said people with simple names were generally judged more positively.


20. In our study, we also found that people perceived adverse events more positively if they had experienced them in the past.


21. A further study involving 80 strangers arranged into pairs showed that they also rated each other more positively if they walked in the same direction to carry out a task.


22. You might even work on your attitude and think more positively. But you would still be lost.


23. The lower actual tax burden, the more positively VAT impact on manufacturing businesses.


24. First you stop your current thinking and then start thinking more positively for at least 17 seconds.


25. During the earlier phases, I interpreted everything as further evidence of gloom and doom, whereas now I take things more positively.


26. If we could teach people to think more positively, it would be like inoculating them against these mental ills.


27. Researchers at Pennsylvania State University found that men's tears are viewed more positively than women's.


28. The more positively you react to her" babbling", the more she will "talk" back to you.


29. They're using the people they have more positively by using their intelligence.


30. And cells would have stronger adsorption ability with the stronger hydrophobicity, more positively charged and stronger van der Waals force of cells surface.


31. Or, to put it more positively, suffering is punctuated by shards of momentary glory.


32. The researchers found the images were seen more positively when the pairs were together, The Sunday Times reported.


33. It was also found that older children responded more positively to products in host selling advertisements.


34. But according to some bankers, the financial crisis has led regulators privately to suggest that such offers might now be viewed more positively.


35. Think of a time when you felt more positively about your life.


36. They should participate more positively in the process.

他们应该更积极地参与这一过程。《provided by jukuu》

37. Symmetrical dancers were rated more positively than non-symmetrical ones, especially by women.


38. From then on he took part in all kinds of political activities more positively.


39. Investors viewed US equities much more positively than European ones.


40. What, then, are the main exceptions to the doctrine of the invisible hand or, to put it more positively, the areas requiring state intervention.


41. But I think of it much more positively;


42. Older faces were generally viewed more positively compared to younger ones.


43. They also help you think more positively, because Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids work as natural antidepressants.


44. CORBA is an object-oriented distributed compute architecture raised by OMG ( Object Management Group), it can be used in telecom integrated network management field more positively because of its favorable distributed performance.


45. So by changing that interpretation, you might be able to make yourself think and feel more positively.


46. Take a step-by-step approach inbreaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to lookingat things more positively.


47. If you have more positively charged energy arguing for success and prosperity than negatively charged energy arguing against them, then you have a positive sense of self-valuation.


48. That means consumers tend to evaluate domestic brands more positively than foreign brands.


49. The researchers found the images were seen more positively when the pairs were together, The Sunday Times reported.


50. If a man really understood her complaint then he would argue less and be able to respond more positively.


51. I want to describe myself more positively and not against some grain that abrades both me and anyone else who believes and lives differently.


52. The more positively you react to her "babbling", the more she will "talk" back to you.


53. Make a habit out of reading several pages of a book or one article that inspires you daily and you will act and think more positively, I promise.


54. Older faces were generally viewed more positively compared to junior ones.


55. Primeval art, on the other hand, steps out of the mire of pure illusion in the course of its development and certifies human nature more positively.



1. The library's opening has prompted an examination of Mr. Bush's administration, with allies saying that many of the Republican's actions would be viewed more objectively and positively over time.

WSJ: George W. Bush's Legacy Examined at Library Ceremony

2. England's revised batting order, led by Ravi Bopara, batted more positively at the start, but was let down by the soft dismissals of Pietersen and Paul Collingwood.

BBC: Jonathan Agnew column

3. More positively, Germans have grounds to feel their government acted to protect them when the crisis broke.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

4. More positively, his papers to the Society were in the main nothing whatsoever to do with economics.

FORBES: Why John Maynard Keynes Was A Keynesian

5. More positively, community councils can help play a part in instilling civic pride by organising local events and festivals - even little things such as signposts highlighting interesting local buildings.

BBC: 'Sense of community' is crucial

6. Then ask her for suggestions on how the two of you could work more positively together.

FORBES: Why Is My Co-Worker Doing This To Me And What Can I Do To Make Her Stop?

7. The fact that the public are thinking more positively about recycling medicines should be welcomed.

BBC: Are you willing to swallow a recycled pill?

8. More recently ministers have been positively prescriptive, suggesting how many plants might be built and where.

ECONOMIST: Renewable energy

9. There were too few candidates from the business world of sufficiently unimpeachable character, it seems, and, more positively, some members of the B Team are likely to be relatively young.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

10. Others are looking at the situation more positively.

BBC: Stamps of disapproval over postal strike

11. They might well have taken the second Test too had they played more positively, and there is no doubt that, on their own soil, they are a formidable team in both forms of the game.

BBC: Jonathan Agnew column

12. In fact, even babies respond more positively to attractive, symmetrical faces.

CNN: Beholding beauty: How it's been studied

13. But one who seeks to bring people together for a cause is advised to think more positively than negatively.

FORBES: Do People Want to Follow Me? 5 Questions Every Leader Needs to Ask

14. More positively, NATO is still in Afghanistan after nine long years, many of them characterised by America's neglect of the campaign while it was bogged down in Iraq.

ECONOMIST: The future of NATO: Fewer dragons, more snakes | The

15. Different studies from the University of Illinois at Chicago, Harvard, and Purdue have each concluded that the more positively one feels about the United States, the more likely one is to harbor anti-Arab feelings.

NPR: Many Arab-Americans Still Perceived As A 'Problem'

16. More positively, Hurst thinks Capello is cast in the same mould as 1966-winning manager Sir Alf Ramsey.

BBC: England not good enough to win World Cup - Geoff Hurst

17. The attempt to dominate a room in this way can be taken as an act of disrespect, depending on the players involved, or more positively as a way of demanding respect from others.

FORBES: How to Detect Respect - or Disrespect: Body Language Quick Takes #7

18. More positively, analysts said that Mr Klien's departure from the firm suggested that an imminent departure of chief executive Steve Ballmer was unlikely.

BBC: Google and Microsoft see a jump in profits

19. College graduates are much more likely to regard intermarriage positively than those with only a high-school diploma.

WSJ: Interracial Marriages in U.S. Reach a Record

20. When researchers played them 20-second clips that contained a mix of sounds recorded at different sites, including in the Mela grounds and also the streets of Allahabad city, the pilgrims could pick up the sounds of the festival and "interpreted and experienced these noises much more positively when they believed them to be Mela-related".

BBC: Does the Kumbh Mela experience improve your well being?

21. It also serves to break down prejudices, as if a main character was revealed later in a story to be a different race or sexual orientation, participants felt more positively toward that group afterward.

FORBES: New Study Says We Take on the Traits of Our Favorite Fictional Characters

22. Coca-Cola has long been envied for its global diversity, with three-quarters of sales coming abroad, is now looking more positively on its potential for growth in its home market.

FORBES: More American Drinkers Crucial For Coke

23. I'd like to address them at a later date and talk more positively about my move.

BBC: Lescott unhappy with Moyes claims

24. Case in point: one study found that 85% think more positively about a company when it gives to charity, and 90% of consumers want to hear about the kinds of charities a business is actually supporting.

FORBES: How Your Business Can Give Back And Win Customers

25. We are at a 30 year peak for silver, which has been acting even more positively than gold.

FORBES: Gold, Silver, Oil Will Spike To New Highs If US-UK Attack Libya

26. Whereas republicans in 1995 bitterly condemned John Major's government, from the outset Tony Blair was regarded more positively.

ECONOMIST: Ulsters murder mystery

27. However, the Aston Villa centre-half, now looking forward to a new season in the Premier League, was able to reflect more positively on the incidents that occurred against France last year.

BBC: France World Cup exit made Richard Dunne 'laugh'

28. Perhaps I am of a particular religion, and I could have my writing perceived more positively or negatively due to it.

FORBES: Enders Game, Orson Scott Card, and People who Hide Behind Pen Names

29. "I expressed my hope and expectations for India to exercise its leadership even more positively and comprehensively, " he said.

BBC: Japan urges India climate action

30. Investors may react more positively to the higher-than-expected revenue growth and first-quarter outlook.

FORBES: The Case of the Missing Robocopter

more positively是什么意思_more positively短语搭配_more positively权威例句




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