莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [əˈsəʊsieɪt; əˈsəʊʃieɪt]play美 [əˈsoʊsieɪt; əˈsoʊʃieɪt]play

  • v. 联想,联系;支持,同意;交往,(尤指)混在一起
  • n. 同事,伙伴;副学士,准学士;副职,副手;准会员;联想
  • adj. 副的,准的,非正式的;联合的,有关连的

复数 associates 第三人称单数 associates 现在分词 associating 过去式 associated 过去分词 associated

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


associate CET4 TEM4 [ associating associated associates ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you associate someone or something with another thing, the two are connected in your mind. 将 (…和…) 联系起来

    Through science we've got the idea of associating progress with the future.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you are associated with a particular organization, cause, or point of view, or if you associate yourself with it, you support it publicly. 使 (某人与某组织、事业、观点等) 有关联

    I haven't been associated with the project over the last year.


  • 3.
    不及物动词 If you say that someone is associating with another person or group of people, you mean they are spending a lot of time in the company of people you do not approve of. (与某个或某群人) 混在一起

    What would they think if they knew that they were associating with a murderer?


  • 4.
    可数名词 Your associates are the people you are closely connected with, especially at work. (尤指工作中的) 伙伴

    ...the restaurant owner's business associates.


  • 5.
    可数名词 An associate is a retail worker who does not have previous experience or qualifications. 准零售工

    Be sure to get help from the sales associates before buying.


  • 6.
    形容词 Associate is used before a rank or title to indicate a slightly different or lower rank or title. 副的 (用在级别或头衔前,表示稍有不同或略低的)

    Mr. Lin is associate director of the Institute.






partner ally associate 【导航词义:同伴】

partner n. 伙伴,伴侣,同伴

〔辨析〕 普通用词,词义广泛,可指有合作关系的组织或国家、生意上的合伙人、配偶或情人、跳舞或玩游戏的搭档等。

例1: Can you name one of our principal trading partners in Africa?


例2: He is my business partner.


例3: He prefers to discuss his worries with his partner.


例4: She is my table tennis partner.


ally n. 盟友,同盟国

〔辨析〕 尤指向从政者提供支持的人,或同意在战争中给予另一国家支持和帮助的国家。

例1: He was one of the President's closest allies.


例2: She described him as a close friend and an ally.


例3: If you're going to succeed in this job, you will need allies.


例4: Where did the meeting of the European allies take place?


associate n. 同事;生意伙伴

〔辨析〕 指生意上的合作伙伴或一起工作的人。

例1: Jim is one of Tom's business associates.


例2: My associate Pont is psychologically more adept.


例3: A close associate of the chairman denied reports that he had cancer.



1. associate member n. 准会员

2. ASSOCIATE PRODUCER 联合制片人 ; 结合制片人

3. associate with v. 联合;与…联系在一起;和…来往

4. Associate Degree 副学士学位 ; 大专文凭 ; 副学士 ; 准学士学位

5. associate editor 副主编;副编辑

6. associate director 副主任,副总监;副董事;联席董事;副导演

7. associate degree n. 美国大学修满二年课程的肄业证书

8. associate professor 副教授

9. associate dean 副院长

10. research associate 研究助理;助理研究员

11. business associate 生意伙伴;业务联合

12. associate of arts 副学士(修满两年大学课程)

13. The Associate 合伙人 ; 大亨也疯狂 ; 帮凶律师

14. Associate Senior Editor 主任编辑 ; 副编审 ; 主任编纂 ; 主任

15. associate membership 副会员,准会员资格

16. Associate member 准会员 ; 附属会员 ; 副会员 ; 普通会员

17. associate justice 助理法官,副大法官


1. A copy of the letter was given to The Associated Press in Amman.


2. Frankincense was associated with prayers and burned on pagan altars in Rome, Persia, Babylon, and Assyria.

乳香与祷告者联合在一起,在罗马, 波斯, 巴比伦和亚述的异教祭坛上都燃烧.《期刊摘选》

3. Girls' attraction to pink may seem unavoidable, somehow encoded in their DNA, but according to Jo Paoletti, an associate professor of American Studies, it is not.

女孩对粉色的迷恋似乎是不可避免的,这在某种程度上是由她们的 DNA 决定的,但美国研究副教授乔·保莱蒂认为,事实并非如此。

4. Address This table associates a name with an address.


5. Rap groups have been barred from large musical events because they are associated with vandalism.


6. Sanskrit historically has had no single script associated with it.


7. But clients and associates of Messrs. Perry and Polachi confirm their accounts.


8. associate membership of the European Union


9. Associate Dean ( Academic ), The Rhizomatics Academia.

创科教育 ( 学术 ) 副院长.《期刊摘选》

10. He is not a friend but a business associate.


11. She applied for associate membership last year.


12. Our company is associated with other internet portal companies.


13. There are three classes of membership: corporate member, fellow member, and investor associate member.

会员分三大类别: 公司会员 、 专业会员 、 及投资者会员.《期刊摘选》

14. This, associate the business cent of integral company is two big subsidiary.

这一次, 联想整体公司的业务分为两大子公司.《期刊摘选》

15. File Associations allow to associate some actions or parameters with files by mask of the file.


16. He had to consult his associate before continuing.


17. Such programmes lead to an associate degree.


18. You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people.


19. These symptoms are particularly associated with migraine headaches.


20. What do you associate with summer?


21. Genetic abnormalities are more often associated with faults in paternal DNA than in maternal DNA.


22. How did you come to be associated with Withers?


23. In other OT passages, when describing the coming Messiah, he is often associated with a donkey.

在其他旧约的经文中, 当提及那将来到的弥赛亚, 也常将祂与驴子联想在一起.《期刊摘选》

24. The most important feature of fuzzy language is elasticity of words and associating of words.


25. At last used a practical engineering project to prove the associated survey is feasible and significative.


26. You can also associate teams of people with the group.


27. A man's character can be measured by the types of men with whom he associates.


28. Associating is the big boss of Chinese IT industry.


29. These trees are therefore picked out from among the others and associated with definite sentiments.


30. We unconsciously associate fast food with speed and impatience and carry those impulses into whatever else we're doing.


31. Associate Professor, University of Minnesota.


32. The doctor was associated in the child's mind with injections and pains.


33. The dictionary meaning of the term "associate" is "colleague"; "friend"; "companion".


34. Today, we associate him as a powerful man, rich and one of the most deserving individuals.

今天, 我们说他是强者, 富有,是最成功的人士之一.《期刊摘选》

35. The sport has long been associated with illegal wagers and unsavoury characters.


36. ...the restaurant owner's business associates.


37. The meanings we associate with the phrase will change accordingly.


38. He liked better books than she read, better people than she associated with.

他喜欢的书比她看的要好,喜欢的人比她结交的要强.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

39. I haven't been associated with the project over the last year...


40. an associate company in Japan


41. I always associate the smell of those flowers with my childhood.


42. I always associate her with fashion.


43. People associate colours with different things and feelings.


44. The virginity associated with Virgo actually relates to discernment , to the idealism of choice.

由处女去联想处女座的特质,也可以发现一些,如小心、谨慎 、 沈静和羞怯.《期刊摘选》

45. Once time at law firms, like 20 years ago, partners were partners and associates were associates.

从前的律师事务所, 大约20年前, 合伙人就是合伙人,而律师就是律师.《期刊摘选》

46. You can't regard him as a friend but a business associate.


47. Both groups share two attributes normally associated with vertebrates.


48. "We thought we would see differences based on the housing types," said the lead author of the study, Julie Robinson, an associate professor of medicine at the university.


49. I don't like you associating with those people.


50. Salaries and associated costs have risen substantially.


51. What would they think if they knew that they were associating with a murderer?...


52. We should associate ourselves with the larger firm.


53. He is also an associate scholar of the Abbeville Institute.


54. "We're playing the merit game," acknowledges Tom Lancaster, associate dean for undergraduate education.


55. They associate with all the right people socially.


56. Household Garbage And Wastewater Associate Development System Engineering


57. Through science we've got the idea of associating progress with the future


58. Foreigners always associate China with the Great Wall.


59. According to Valerie Gauthier, associate dean at HEC Paris, the key lies in the process by which MBA programmes recruit their students.

巴黎高等商学院的副院长 Valerie Gauthier 表示,MBA 课程招生的过程是关键。

60. A former associate of Mr. Pierce's was among the project's boosters.


61. CD Nova and Associated Companies are 100 % Canadian owned and operated.


62. The tram lead to forest, let me associates it with some of cartoon's scenario.

通向森林深处的电车, 无疑让我联想到某些动画片情节.《期刊摘选》

63. May I associate myself with the Prime Minister's remarks? (= I agree with them)


64. The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor.


65. When bad men combine, the good must associate ( Edmund Burke ).

在坏人勾结起来时, 好人必须联合起来 ( 爱德蒙伯克 ).《期刊摘选》

66. "The evidence for kitelifting is non-existent," says Willeke Wendrich, an associate professor of Egyptology at the University of California, Los Angeles.


67. Parasitism is a kind of predator-prey relationship in which one organism, the parasite, derives its food at the expense of its symbiotic associate, the host.


68. He entered the firm as a junior associate.


69. The press feels the need to associate itself with the green movement.


70. Media groups such as the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times provide legal advice.


71. Don't associate with dishonest boys.


72. What would they think if they knew that they were associating with a murderer?


73. Myrrh has been associated with bitter repentance , mortification of the flesh, and penance.

没药与痛苦的悔改, 苦修, 忏悔联合.《期刊摘选》

74. When bad men combine, good men must associate.

坏人朋比为奸时, 好人应该联合起来.《期刊摘选》

75. Never associate with bad companions.


76. Through science we've got the idea of associating progress with the future...


77. Yuan Chenglin : Chief Physician, Associate Professor and Master Tutor.

袁成林: 主任医师, 副教授.《期刊摘选》

78. He associates with strange people; She affiliates with her colleagues.

他竟与陌生人联合; 她和她的同事联合了起来.《期刊摘选》

79. The world of Taiwan China associated bank sets delegate office in Shanghai.


80. Lenovo, as a kind of thinking, is a psychological process of associating one thing with another.

联想作为人的一种思维活动, 是由一事物想到另一事物的心理过程,是由此及彼的一种思维活动.《期刊摘选》

81. This syndrome is associated with frequent coughing.


82. Associated Book Publishers Ltd.


83. In the children's minds summer is associated with picnics.


84. I always associate the smell of baking with my childhood.


85. People always associate Hangzhou with the West Lake.


86. The pomegranate is associated with fertility and prosperity.


87. business associates


88. The reporter was visited associate group vice president Mr Yang Yuanqing.


89. People started to associate the soup with feet; they began to imagine the soup smelled like feet.


90. She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.


91. Jabber all you want in about 30 seconds my associates from paradis falls will join us.


92. He associated with bad company, and soon fell away.

他结交坏朋友, 很快就堕落了.《期刊摘选》

93. They were part of the black box associated with high-flyer management development.


94. They offered me money if I would betray my associates


95. This courtly poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor.


96. We use a lot of ingredients that people wouldn't perhaps associate as British, but are presented in a British way.


97. They disapproved of her dancing at discos and associating with homosexuals.


98. Dogs were also associated with healing in the ancient world.


99. Sharing our experiences in an authentic way to connect with other people is what makes us interesting, says associate professor Michael Pirson.


100. The dictionary meaning of the term "associate" is "colleague" ; "friend" ; "companion".


101. People always associate him with the American South.


102. He will remain affiliated with the firm as a special associate director.


103. We associate Egypt with Nile.


104. I always associate him with fast cars.


105. Today, computing is not much associated with learning or entertainment.

今天, 计算是不多由于学习联合或娱乐.《期刊摘选》

106. To prevent chaos, we associate a spin lock with this resource.

为了防止混乱, 我们用这个资源联合一个旋转锁.《期刊摘选》

107. I haven't been associated with the project over the last year


108. Entitlement to concessionary travel authorised by the Boroughs, and they are levied for the associated costs.

授予特许旅行由自治市镇管理, 他们是需要收费来承担联合的成本.《期刊摘选》

109. Patients may not receive the tender, loving care once associated with a hospital stay.


110. These 5 game hopeful the mode according to associated operation and spread out collaboration grandly.


111. Have used the key associating one recover being able to make net speed change slow?


112. Fundamental, as the root is associated with quiet exertion , calm reflection, and the concept of growth.

根是安静的奋发 、 沉静的思索 、 绽放的联想.《期刊摘选》

113. Mr. Lin is associate director of the Institute.


114. He abhors the wheeling-and-dealing associated with conventional political life.


115. Most of us associate learning with younger people—kids in school and college or recent graduates early in their careers.


116. Former Tongji University, Southwest Associated University.

曾任同济大学 、 西南联合大学教授.《期刊摘选》

117. Objective: We observe the effects of metronidazole, ofloxacin and associated metronidazole and ofloxacin on periodontal disease.

目的: 本实验观察甲硝唑 、 氧氟沙星、甲硝唑和氧氟沙星联合用药对牙周病的疗效.《期刊摘选》

118. At this point each chromosome consist of a pair of chromatids and the two associated chromosomes are termed a tetrad.


119. I have always associated Kenting with the sun, the beach, and clad vacationers with perfect bodies.

我老是将垦丁和阳光 、 沙滩 、 穿著清凉而身材姣好的渡假游客联想在一起.《期刊摘选》

120. "It's like how pilots train in a flight simulator," said Raymond Mar, an associate professor of psychology at York University, in Toronto, who has collaborated with Oatley.


121. On this basis, using it associated with BP neural network in fault diagnosis is investigated thoroughly.

在此基础之上, 对将它与神经网络联合进行故障诊断进行了研究.《期刊摘选》

122. The companions with whom they will associate are more vicious.


123. Many of his Greenwich Village associates thought Dylan had sold out to commercialism.


124. She didn't want to associate with the likes of me.


125. I was glad to see him, because he was associated with my present happiness.

我很高兴看见他, 因为他使我联想起目前的幸福生活.《期刊摘选》

126. He is closely associated in the public mind with horror movies.


127. I associate summer with holidays.


128. A thread can be associated with at most one completion port.


129. Get rid of all cigarettes and ashtrays and other paraphernalia associated with smoking.


130. During the Middle Ages, owls were associated with darkness and the Devil.

中世纪时期, 人们总是把猫头鹰与黑暗和魔鬼联想在一起.《期刊摘选》

131. To learn the MAC addresses of all nodes and their associated port.

在所有节点以及他们的联合接口(如BVI地址 )上学习MAC地址.《期刊摘选》

132. He was accused of procuring women for his business associates.


133. John Germ is president and chief executive officer of Campbell & Associates , Inc.

泽恩 是坎贝尔联合工程顾问公司的执行长.《期刊摘选》

134. We associate presents with Christmas.


135. an associate member/director/editor

准会员;副导演 / 主编《牛津词典》

136. This lets a person have to associate in those days Netease.


137. The discovery caused a sensation, people associate the sea eel with live animals, but also did not express any doubt.


138. European Financial Associates Ltd. Jinchuan Hong Xu CitySpire welcome you!


139. The point is, you began to associate Christmas with ridicule.

“重点是, 你开始联合圣诞节和嘲笑”.《期刊摘选》

140. To promote adherence to the Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel.


141. Replacing the term "opponent" with "associate" could be an ideal way to start.


142. He has been my associate in several business enterprises.


143. I always associate that song with my school life.


144. In 1938, for the Southwest Associated University.


145. A pair of lovers was associated for a life union.


146. Associate with text line the number of bytes of HTML required to describe it.


147. Mr. johnson is shaking hands with bill. Bill is a business associate of Mr.


148. Instead, Riskey, the company's research and development head, would hope they associate the brand with the new world of global communications and business.


149. Mr Lin is associate director of the Institute...


150. We associate China with the Great Wall.


151. Most people are reluctant to see themselves as being creative because they associate creativity with complexity.


152. They were taught to associate the grub with a particular color.


153. He no longer wished to be associated with the party's policy on education.


154. Mr Lin is associate director of the Institute


155. Liesheteniefu applies mechanical scientific research to produce associated company is among them one of.


156. Many of them are assistant or associate professors or adjunct professors.


157. Hitherto, I associated green hats with Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest!


158. If the party includes business associates, a suit is more likely to be in order.

聚会有业务合伙人参加, 穿西服会更合适.《期刊摘选》


1. Robert Hawkins is associate professor of social work at New York University.

VOA : special.2010.11.22

2. "There aren't any specific concerns, " said Mary Giles, a senior associate editor at Parenting magazine.

CNN: Most parents not overly concerned this Halloween

3. Barna interned at a hedge fund and worked as an associate consultant at Bain and Company.

FORBES: Birchbox Cofounders Win Leadership Award At Forbes Women's Summit

4. Jeanne Marie Teutonico is the associate director of the Getty Conservation Institute.

VOA : special.2009.12.15

5. In any event, the saturated fats that are in these kinds of foods tend to be in the things that you associate with fatty foods like high fat meat, whole milk, etc., have a bad impact.

不论如何,这些食物中的饱和脂肪,正是你们通常称为高脂食品,如肥肉,全脂牛奶等,都是有害的关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Sue Beeton, associate professor of tourism at La Trobe Business School, Australia agreed.

BBC: Does an Oscar really win tourism?

7. So specifically, what we do associate them instead is within molecular orbitals, and what we say is that they can be either in bonding or anti-bonding orbitals.

特别的,我们把它们和,分子轨道相联系起来,我们说它们可以成为,成键轨道或者反键轨道。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

8. Cleveland Evans is an associate professor of psychology at Bellevue University in Nebraska.

VOA : special.2009.07.06

9. At work we associate by market demand for our skills, which ignores value judgements.

FORBES: The State of Social Media at Work In One Quick Infographic

10. Alexander Chernev is an associate professor of marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

FORBES: Why Facebook Is A Threat To Lifestyle Brands

11. It is also in the process of establishing an associate airline in India with local partners.

WSJ: AirAsia X Revives IPO Plan

12. I'm thinking of the general problem of the abstraction of virtue, an abstract notion of virtue. Think of all the questions that all of us at some point or other tend to associate with virtue.

我在思考贞操这个抽象概念,贞操这一抽象的概念,想想所有那些,我们时不时的会由贞操想到的问题。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Dr Victoria Coker is currently a post-doctoral research associate at the University of Manchester.

UNESCO: 2011 UK and Ireland Fellows

14. She then transitioned into dance management, becoming the associate manager for dance legend Ben Vereen.

FORBES: A Digital Place For The Global Dance Community

15. The associate director of the writing center, Tammi Conard-Salvo, says international students should look online for materials that explain the kind of writing they will be required to do.

VOA : special.2009.04.30

16. In some sense, that's one reason to associate this as a kind of energy, H just like mechanical energy u or enthalpy H, it's the minimum free energy state that is the equilibrium state under the relevant conditions.

在某种意义下,这是我们把这些物理量称为能量的原因,就像机械能U和自由焓,具有最小自由能的状态在特定的条件下,就是平衡态。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

17. George Dimopoulos is an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute in Baltimore,Maryland.

VOA : special.2009.12.22

18. Mr. STEVE SWAYNE (Associate Professor, Music, Dartmouth College): I'm saying that we need to celebrate it.

NPR: For Some, Civil Unions Gain Second-Class Stigma

19. a former associate editor of the Times


20. "He's a man of the past, " says SBC Warburg associate director for political research Okazaki Shigenori.


21. It's reproduction of the virus and passage of that virus onto new cells which causes the problems with disease that we associate.

病毒一旦繁殖并进入新细胞,就会带来相关病症的危害生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. She's a pediatrician and associate professor of pediatrics and George Washington and Howard Universities.

NPR: Pediatrician: What Parents Should Know About Autism

23. Harris Perlman is an associate professor at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Illinois.

VOA : special.2010.03.16

24. Bostom (MD, MS) is an author and Associate Professor of Medicine at Brown University Medical School.


25. Cain is an associate minister of a Baptist church in Atlanta and a recorded Gospel vocalist.

FORBES: Don't Sleep on Herman Cain

26. an associate of Bin Laden


27. Even people who would hotly deny any racial prejudice unconsciously associate other racial groups with anger.

WSJ: In Children, Bias Blooms Chillingly Early | Mind & Matter

28. And I went to Swarthmore as an associate dean and director of supportive services at Swarthmore Colleges.

然后我就去了斯沃斯莫尔,当了副院长和主任,负责斯沃斯莫尔学院的教学辅助工作。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

29. It's moments like these when that omniscient narrator lives up to its name, that sense of omniscience that we might associate with God.

在这种时候,万能的叙述者才不负其盛名,这种全能全知让我们联想到了上帝。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. On the academic side, the ISTC-EC co-principal investigator is CMU Associate Professor Priya Narasimhan.

FORBES: Intel Invests For Everyone's Future

31. In addition to Lohr, police were on the lookout for another Ebel associate, Thomas Guolee, 31.

CNN: Associate of suspected Colorado killer arrested

32. Paul Raushenbush This is Paul Raushenbush, the associate dean of Religious Life at Princeton University, signing off from the Inner Core.

我是,是普林斯顿大学宗教生活副院长,是普林斯顿大学宗教生活副院长,本期的“人性讲堂“就到这里。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

33. And it's a really great experience. So that's pretty much what I associate Golden Gate Park with, for me.

节日办得很不错。特别是对我这种常在金门公园附近溜达的人,是一种很好的体验。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 愉快的音乐庆典

34. The idea is to associate the card with moments of enjoyment, and an emotional reward.

FORBES: MasterCard Moves Forward By Going Back

35. The result: Everyone knows Earnhardt is out there, but few associate him with a specific product.

FORBES: Magazine Article

36. An associate professor may later be appointed a full professor.

VOA : special.2010.09.02

37. The group's associate director, Evan Harris, said "another delay for a further month... can be borne".

BBC: Press regulation royal charter delayed by ministers

38. David Kirsch is an associate professor at the Robert H.Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland.

VOA : special.2009.06.26

39. For more on this, we've got Robert George, associate editorial page editor for the New York Post.

NPR: Injecting Race into Politics

40. No illnesses have been linked to this case, said Dr. David Acheson, FDA's associate commissioner.

CNN: California plant recalls 1 million pounds of pistachio products

41. the State Bank of India and any of its associate banks


42. The president said jobs requiring at least an associate degree are expected to grow twice as fast in the coming years as jobs requiring no college experience.

VOA : special.2009.07.16

43. a longtime Kennedy family associate


44. Patricia Sullivan is an associate professor of history at the University of South Carolina.

NPR: The Significance of MLK's Personal Papers

45. All of this we can associate with the pleasure principle.

这些我们都可以和快乐原则联系起来。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Dr. Jana Davis is Associate Executive Director and Chief Scientist of the Chesapeake Bay Trust.

WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change Blog

47. So when I get back, I associate the flag with a very negative, that was the yonder side of American democracy.

之后,我就总会把国旗和负面的东西联系在一起,那也是美国民主的另一面。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

48. Carolyn McClellan is an associate director at the National Museum of the American Indian.

VOA : special.2010.04.09

49. "God keeps talking to me, " Jackson told director Kenny Ortega, according to associate producer Alif Sankey.


50. He is the associate director for science in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

VOA : special.2011.06.02

51. It is very unlike anything we associate with the Greeks, or anything that ever again existed in the Greek world, and that's really the point I want to make.

它不同于我们所谈及的希腊人,或者希腊世界里存在的任何东西,而这才是我真正想说明的古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Indefinite detention without charge is a policy that we usually associate with dictatorships, not democracies.

CNN: Terror threat from Gitmo prisoners is exaggerated

53. an Associate Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management


54. Mrs Broadwell is a Harvard University research associate and PhD candidate at King's College, London.

BBC: CIA director David Petraeus resigns over affair

55. Prior to this, Felicia was Associate Director of the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

56. And so if you say de Broglie's name to many physicists, the tagline they associate with de Broglie is "matter waves" as distinct from light waves.

如果你向很多物理学家提及到德布罗意,他们觉得德布罗意中心思想就是,是物质波不同于光波。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

57. Doug Spero, now an associate professor of mass communication at Meredith College in Raleigh, N.

FORBES: Ann Curry's Exit: Behind The Scenes Of A Public Demotion

58. Mr. ROBERT GEORGE (Associate Editor, Editorial Page, the New York Post): Glad to be here.

NPR: Injecting Race into Politics

59. She is currently associate editor for Rangefinder magazine, where she covers the photography industry.

FORBES: Side Hustle: 5 Ways to Score Freelance Gigs

60. It is the quality that we associate with being a kind of alpha personality.

就是这种质量,让我们将其与权势人格联结在一起。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. George Dimopoulos is an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

62. An assistant professor who receives tenure becomes an associate professor and may later be appointed a full professor.

VOA : special.2009.04.09

63. For example, maybe you are a partner at your firm and you're working with an associate on a project.

例如,你是公司的合伙人,你和一位同事正在共同跟进一个项目。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Would you 课堂

64. They earn credits toward an associate of arts degree in liberal arts from Patten University in Oakland,California.

VOA : special.2011.07.07

65. We have operations to associate with them.

我们讲了和他们打交道的操作符。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课





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