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thrust out

thrust out

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  • 突出,伸出:向外推出或突出。

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1. out-of-syncline thrust 背离向斜逆冲断层

2. To thrust out 推向前 ; 挤出挤出

3. Thrust Out Your Chest 男子汉来挺起胸膛

4. hips thrust out 挺髋

5. thrust sb out 解雇

6. sword thrust die out 家族

7. thrust out one's hand 伸出一只手


1. I thrust out my hands to grasp some support, I clutched at the water and at the seaweed which the waves tossed in my face.


2. Now one of them has his leg thrust out from under the bed, so the lad brings his sword down and cuts it off.


3. A rift within the lute He thrust out the letter to her as if it contained a threat.


4. " March out!" said the Emperor, for he was very angry; and both Princess and swineherd were thrust out of the city.


5. Mk.1:43 And sternly charging him, immediately He thrust him out.


6. In practice, the actual thrust would turn out to be up to around 30 percent higher.


7. He thrust out his and stood scowling, with his hands in the pockets of his robes.

他一下子把魔杖塞到后者手中, 手放在袍子的口袋里,站在那里一脸的不高兴.《互联网》

8. Toad straddled on the hearth-rug, thrust his paw into his trouser-pocket and pulled out a handful of silver.


9. It is a measure of the scale of the crisis that, by the evening of Wednesday, all eyes were on Morgan Stanley, and no longer on AIG, which only 24 hours before had thrust Lehman out of the limelight.


10. He thrust out the letter to her as if it contained a threat.


11. He thrust out his wand and stood scowling, with his hands in the pockets of his robes.


12. Lou gave the visitor a quick, sidelong glance and thrust out his hand.

罗急速地瞟了来访者一眼, 接着就伸出手来.《辞典例句》

13. He thrust out a parcel to me& "it's for you."

他把一个包裹向我一推说,“给你的。”《provided by jukuu》

14. After diagnosis should use to thrust out immediately the island element treatment.


15. And immediately the spirit thrust him out into the wilderness.

那灵随即把耶稣催到旷野去。《provided by jukuu》

16. the Chief of Police thrust out his right hand with such violence that his skin was ruptured at the arm-pit and a stream of sawdust poured from the wound.


17. The processing method first should the joyful island element which USES the patient transform purity Gao Huoren to thrust out the island element preparation.


18. Jim thrust out a leg and made Ted fall.


19. Tremaine moved uneasily, swallowed and thrust out his head.


20. Mt. 9:38 Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest that he would thrust out workers into His harvest.


21. They were now, without any accusation, thrust out of their house.


22. Thrust out your chests, men! Look like soldiers!

男子汉们,挺起胸膛来! 要像个战士!《互联网》

23. Extrusive: Tending to push or thrust out.


24. and both Princess and swineherd were thrust out of the city.


25. Jennifer Lopez was first thrust into the spotlight when she won out in a nationwide search for an actress to play the lead role in Selena, director Gregory Nava's biopic about the slain Tejano singer.


26. At this season, many strong male workers were thrust out.

每到这个季节, 大批强壮的男工人被解雇.《互联网》

27. He thrust out his long arm and snatched his wrinkly vest from a chair.


28. A ray of sunlight thrust out through the clouds.


29. Thus makes to thrust out the island element secretion insufficiency, then causes the germanium urine sickness.


30. One of our best workers has been thrust out to make way for the director's nephew.

为了给主管的儿子让位,我们有一位最好的工人被解雇了。《provided by jukuu》

31. The red tongue is thrust out and pulled back so quickly that you can hardly see it move.


32. But Paul said unto them, They have beaten us openly uncondemned, being Romans, and have cast us into prison; and now do they thrust us out privily?


33. Press, force, or thrust out of a small space.


34. But after supper, when the blood fine was still high, may before male add early with the effect insulin injection, namely alters to the effect to thrust out the island to entangle two injection plans.


35. Jim thrust out a leg and made Ted fall.


36. Then, walking on the stumps of his legs in a darkened passageway, with a handgun thrust out before him, he opened fire on a locked toilet door.


37. Gondin sized the new comer up with a lengthy stare, thrust out a heavy jaw.

冈定长久地凝视这个来客,把他仔细打量了一番, 接着翘起沉重的下颚.《辞典例句》

38. They cannot thrust us out nor stamp us out: where God has given us a name and a place, there we abide.


39. The F-35B Lightning II short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) variant has demonstrated during testing that it produces excess vertical thrust - more than required to carry out its missions.

这架F - 35B闪电II短距/垂直起降(STOVL)改进型已经证明,它在测试中产生了更多超过其履行使命规定的垂直推力。

40. The processing method first should the joyful island element which uses the patient transform purity Gao Huoren to thrust out the island element preparation.


41. He was thrust out just for speaking the truth.


42. As Arthur dived toward the bird, it rolled on its back and thrust out its talons.


43. Thenardier thrust out his lower lip with a significant twist of the neck.


44. He was thrust out just for speaking the truth.


45. Thenardier thrust out his lower lip with a significant twist of the neck.


46. Feeling the press of complexity upon the emptiness of life, people are fearful of the thought that at any moment things might be thrust out of control.

人们感觉到社会的复杂压迫着空虚的生活,担心事情随时随地会失去控制。《provided by jukuu》

47. The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, Destroy them.


48. Tremaine moved uneasily, swallowed and thrust out his head.

屈里曼很不安地动了一下, 咽了口唾沫头向前伸着.《辞典例句》

49. Dear little innocent lamb, you need and his jaw thrust out and he began to grin.

“亲爱的小羔羊, 你多么纯洁,真需要一只看羊狗来保护你.”他伸出下巴涎着脸儿笑起来,乜斜着.《互联网》

50. Both Princess and swineherd were thrust out of the city.


51. Thrust out from the changing shores of shadow.


52. Must we simultaneously thrust the Unawares out at the back entrance?


53. To thrust out or extend something.


54. She thrust the volume into the desk, turned the key, and burst out crying with shame and vexation.


55. Overheated food either the drink, will scald or puncture the olive inside the mouth directly to drill thrust out.


56. Mt.9:38 Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest that He would thrust out workers into His harvest.


57. And Abimelech dwelt at Arumah: and Zebul thrust out Gaal and his brethren, that they should not dwell in Shechem.


58. Overheated food either the drink, will scald or puncture the olive inside the mouth directly to drill thrust out.


59. As Arthur dived toward the bird, it rolled on its back and thrust out its talons.


60. He knew that he had been thrust out of the holy, the joyful, the blood - washed community.

他知道自己已经被推出了那个圣洁 、 欢乐, 用鲜血洗刷过了的共同体.《辞典例句》


1. Finally, he thrust out his hands, as if asking to be handcuffed.

WSJ: An Accidental Trip to Trans-Dniester | Traveler's Tale

2. Then he thrust both arms out like an Airbus and ran around as if he were a Jets wide receiver.

WSJ: Jason Gay: Stevie Johnson's Controversial Interpretive Dance

3. By contrast, the thrust of many of the proposals coming out of Brussels looks harmful.

ECONOMIST: Global finance

4. Yvonne fished for something in her tight jeans pocket, thrust it out closed in her fist.

NEWYORKER: Shes the One

5. Nearly a year after it was bailed out by the European Union, Greece has been thrust back to the top of the agenda as its increasingly fragile finances put serious pressure on Euro zone members to figure out how to avoid a messy default.

FORBES: 'Inevitable' Greek Restructuring Would Cost Euro Banks $70B

6. It diverts energy away from producing forward thrust by channeling it out of saving and investment into consumption.

FORBES: Memo To The President: We Can't Tax, Spend And Print Our Way To Prosperity

7. Before any tenderness broke out between them, however, Zwelish thrust a knife in.


8. He gestured with his middle finger, then pulled out a revolver and thrust it in the Malaysian's face, telling him to be more careful in future.

CNN: A Tale of Two Countries

9. He would look down at her sleeping face, cleansed of all ambition and anxiety and spite, qualities that he forgave her because he felt that the conditions into which he had thrust her drew them out.

NEWYORKER: In Other Rooms, Other Wonders

10. The regulator's plan is out for consultation, but its broad thrust is unlikely to change very much.

ECONOMIST: The true cost of Britain's corporate pension schemes

11. Now that the dust is settling from the debt ceiling debate in Washington, economic variables have been thrust back into center stage, with employment and ISM numbers out on Wednesday showing an economy that continues to move barely above stall speed.

FORBES: Economy Moving At Snail-Speed ISM, Jobs Report Show

12. But officials are at pains to point out that, rather than help specific industries, the main thrust of the new policy is to try to boost competitiveness more generally by promoting innovation, higher education and training.

ECONOMIST: Brazils trade policy

13. Where a C-class motor from Estes puts out the equivalent of 2 pounds of thrust for one second, an H-class motor--the entry point to high-power rocketry--puts out 55 pounds.

FORBES: Serious Toys

14. He stepped back, threw his arms up in victory, and thrust his stomach out to show off the design to the cameras.

FORBES: At iPhone 5 Launch In New York, It's All About Marketing

15. He was not much to look at, but he had Rumpelstiltskin's own temper, and when angry which was often his fist clenched and pounded the air, his barrel chest thrust forward, and his orders shot out like a hound's bark.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Skybreaker'

16. You'll begin your move and when you fully extend, explosive express thrust, release the shot out of your hand, you'll exclaim your key word once.

NPR: Athlete Tries Hypnotism in Quest for Olympic Gold

17. The public has a right to a proper answer, and that's the thrust of Sanchez's reaching out.

FORBES: The Croesus Chronicles

18. Like a teenager still excited about his new hot rod, the 54-year-old executive boasts about Endeavour's tendency to thrust her knifelike bow almost completely out of the water.

FORBES: Two Sheets to the Wind

19. During this most recent fiscal crisis, trillions of dollars of wealth were wiped out, storied companies were destroyed, pensions were vaporized and the U.S. economy was thrust into a devastating decline.

FORBES: Magazine Article

20. Also, while his artificial limbs are lighter than human legs, he must push off the ground harder to get the same thrust, which cancels out any advantage.

CNN: Oscar Pistorius, an inspiration and a question

21. Jane Fonda here appears eyes ablaze, jaw firmly thrust out: a fiery vision to match one's memories of the actress during that time.

ECONOMIST: London is the place to see Al Hirschfeld

22. While Mr. Khamenei once provided the critical support that thrust Mr. Ahmadinjad into the presidency, the two men have fallen out in a power struggle that has played out over the past year.

WSJ: Iranian Filmmakers Find No Separation Between Art, Politics

23. When the mortgage crisis first hit, Mr. Cox saw many people individuals he knew on a first-name basis thrust out of their homes, their lives ruined.

WSJ: The Experts: Dealing With Regret

24. Players start out as training Padawans (those who are just learning how to use the Force) and are quickly thrust into a conflict with the Sith.

CNN: Review: The Force proves weak in 'Kinect Star Wars'

thrust out是什么意思_thrust out怎么读_thrust out的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




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bare的意思是:adj. 赤裸的;光秃秃的;无遮盖的,无装饰的;仅最基本的 v. 使暴露,使露出 adv. 非常,许多 【名】 (Bare)(英)贝尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供bare是什么意思,bare的翻译,bare的用法,bare的短语搭配,bare的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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barber的意思是:n. 理发师;(男子)理发店 (the barber's) v. 给(男子)理发 【名】 (Barber)(美)巴伯(人名)。学考宝为您提供barber是什么意思,barber的翻译,barber的用法,barber的短语搭配,barber的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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