莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [əˈlaɪk]play美 [əˈlaɪk]play

  • adj. 相似的,相像的
  • adv. 相似地,相同地;两者都,同样地
  • 【名】 (Alike)(美、印)艾立凯(人名)

比较级 more 最高级 most

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


alike /əˈlaɪk/

  • 1.
    形容词 If two or more things are alike, they are similar in some way. 相似的

    We looked very alike.


  • 2.
    副词 Alike means in a similar way. 相似地

    They even dressed alike.




alike like 【导航词义:相同,和…类似】

alike adj. 相像的(地),同样的(地)

〔辨析〕 作形容词时只作表语,且前面只能用 much 或 very much 修饰,不可单用 very 一词。

例1: The father and the son are alike in many ways.


例2: The two sisters are very much alike.


例3: You should treat all men alike.


like adj. [正式] 相似的;和…类似

〔辨析〕 多用作介词,作形容词时只作定语。

例1: a like instance/manner


例2: Like his father, Tom is a school teacher.


例3: She looks like a doctor.



1. Share Alike 平均分摊 ; 保持一致

2. look-alike 面貌酷似的人 ; 看起来相像的人

3. Minds think alike 心有灵犀一点通 ; 所见略同 ; 心有灵犀

4. be alike 像 ; 彼此有共同之处

5. Alike Duplicate Image Finder 重复图片查找软件 ; 重复图片查找删除工具 ; 重复图片查询

6. Share and Share Alike 平均分享 ; 平均分配 ; 有相同的等份 ; 有福同享

7. Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同 ; 好汉所见略同 ; 好汉所见略图

8. look alike 看起来像 ; 长得相像 ; 看上去都一样 ; 看起来一样


1. Great minds think alike.


2. We're both alike — there is a streak of madness in us both


3. ...their assumption that all men and women think alike.


4. These two girls are very much alike in character.


5. Ellen sat in her nakedness close by her, and smiled on all alike, and just such a smile Natasha bestowed on Boris.


6. Essential thoughts are alike.


7. The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike


8. Mr Bowles could engender delight in students and musicians alike.


9. She treats all her students alike.


10. I suppose all honeymoons are more or less alike.


11. Man and beast alike fear my


12. It's a book for young and old alike.


13. It emphasizes the use of seasonings, so no two dishes ever taste alike.

它对调味品十分讲究.因此,没有两个菜会有同样的味道.《地道口语脱口SHOW 高中超越版》

14. Childhood illness can be upsetting for children and parents alike.


15. Brisk daily walks are still the best exercise for young and old alike.


16. We look very much alike.


17. She treated all the children alike without distinction.


18. The resort is tuned in to the tastes of young and old alike.


19. They look alike but in ideas they are very far apart from each other.


20. The twins are so alike that I can't tell which is which.


21. No two men think alike.


22. The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park.


23. The two men were far more alike than they would ever admit.


24. For thorough testify the conclusion of experiment 2, experiment 3 adopted the alike method.

实验3为了进一步证明实验2结论, 采用了与实验2相似的方法.《期刊摘选》

25. I had to look twice to tell which was Martinez; they all looked alike.


26. The police, raining blows on rioters and spectators alike, cleared the park


27. Let's find sth . that highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy.


28. Brisk daily walks are still the best exercise for young and old alike


29. People who are a lot alike tend to gather together and become friends.


30. The club is patronized by students and locals alike.


31. The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and French yachtsmen alike.


32. Men and women alike have been constricted by traditional sexual roles.


33. The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in disposition.

这对孪生兄弟外貌很相像, 但性格却相差很大。《新英汉大辞典》

34. Friends are generally alike in background and taste.


35. Clergy and laity alike are divided in their views.


36. English and French novelists were alike faced with the same problem.


37. Dogmatism and empiricism alike are subjectivism, each originating from an opposite pole.

教条主义、经验主义,两者都是主观主义, 是从不同的两极发生的东西.《期刊摘选》

38. They are somewhere alike in their beliefs.

译;他们的信仰有些相似. ('的地方'省略)《期刊摘选》

39. The queen's responses to Mr. Chretien will be studied by republicans and monarchists alike here.


40. They were dressed alike in blue jersey and knickers.


41. They tried to treat all their children alike.


42. The twins are so alike I can't tell which is which.


43. Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

幸福的家庭都是相似的; 不幸的家庭各有各的不幸.《辞典例句》

44. They're not twins, but they're very alike.


45. The kittens look exactly alike ─ how can you tell which is which?


46. We looked very alike.


47. These twins are very much alike.


48. At the very moment of your graduation, she might have acted alike you in Mailu area.

就在你们拍毕业照的时候, 她在麦园或许也像你们一样,做着同样的事.《期刊摘选》

49. The father and the son are alike in many ways.


50. They dressed alike, listened to the same music, and read the same books.

他们都穿着, 听同样的音乐, 读同样的书.《期刊摘选》

51. The wine goes with strong and mild cheese alike.


52. Good management benefits employers and employees alike.


53. The two of them look so much alike that they often pass for sisters.


54. But I have seen this condition before, in men and animals alike.


55. My sister and I do not look alike.


56. In this poem Fitch plays with words which sound alike.


57. Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.

老人、小孩都不赞成这个建议, 更不用说年轻人了.《简明英汉词典》

58. The kittens look exactly alike—how can you tell which is which ?


59. The twin brothers are alike in appearance but differ greatly in character.


60. All stories seemed dreadfully alike, no matter who told them.

看来, 不管谁讲,故事都是千篇一律的.《简明英汉词典》

61. There the architect designed two family houses very much alike.


62. They look so alike, I always get them muddled up.


63. The two men were far more alike than they would ever admit


64. Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike.


65. Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foes alike.


66. That caused considerable mirth among students and coaches alike.


67. We're both alike – there is a streak of madness in us both.


68. The twin sisters look alike, they have the same kind of eyes, hair, and smile.

这对孪生姐妹看起来一模一样, 她们有同样的眼睛, 同样的头发和笑容.《期刊摘选》

69. It's wrong to stereotype people, as if they were all alike.


70. The two office buildings are somewhat alike in appearance.


71. But the author also has got in the alike form elephant back each from different arrangement.


72. They all look so alike to me that I'm never sure which is which


73. There is a general sense that the country and economy alike are drifting.


74. They are much alike in character.


75. That caused considerable mirth amongst pupils and sports masters alike


76. He treats all customers alike.


77. The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and small firms alike.


78. Two persons are ever alike, but thought all have been changed.

两个人曾经相似的, 却以为都变了.《期刊摘选》

79. They have taken a wrong turning in their assumption that all men and women think alike


80. By nature all men are alike, but by education widely different.


81. Why do young children and scientists seem to be so much alike.


82. They all look so alike to me that I'm never sure which is which.


83. Why do young children and scientists seem to be so much alike?


84. They even dressed alike.


85. The language of Darwin was intelligible to experts and non-experts alike.


86. Don't keep them all to yourselves; we must share and share alike.

你不要自己全部独吞; 我们事事都应均分.《简明英汉词典》

87. Though death befalls all men alike , it may be weightier than Mount Taishan or lighter than a feather.

人固有一死, 或重于泰山,或轻如鸿毛.《现代汉英综合大词典》


1. "It is definitely an issue that concerns big companies and mom-and-pop Web sites alike, " Garlock says.

CNN: Technology - Yahoo! opens legal can of worms with sale of Nazi-related items

2. Obamacare's myriad of taxes and mandates continue to represent a significant threat to employers and employees alike.

CNN: How to jump-start U.S. economy

3. Angel investors and venture capital funds alike are noticing start-ups coming out of the region.

BBC: Singapore pushes 'entrepreneurial nation'

4. This means that people who are alike often become friends or spend time together.

VOA : special.2009.03.01

5. And her clear-eyed, independent analyses have received praise from both conservative and liberal thinkers alike.

FORBES: Text Of Obama's Economic Team Announcement

6. All the houses on Cordelia Street were exactly alike.

VOA : special.2009.04.04

7. Swaying below,Indiana city and farm couples alike were transformed - if only for one romantic night - into glamorous dance teams.

VOA : standard.2010.02.25

8. Jerseys are worn by players and fans alike, making them prime real estate for corporate investors.

FORBES: As Soccer Team Values Climb, So Do Top Kit And Sponsorship Deals

9. Which is why you can travel right now to Turkey or Syria or Israel or Jordan or Egypt, and you can see excavations of towns, and it's remarkable how they all look so much alike, because they're all inspired by this originally Greek model of the city.

如果你现在去土耳其,叙利亚,以色列,约旦或埃及旅游,就会发现当地考古挖掘出的古城镇,都惊人的相似,因为都是根据古希腊模型建的。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. It says Congolese government soldiers and rebel groups alike extort money from the villagers, rob them of their belongings and of their seeds and cattle.

VOA : standard.2009.06.21

11. The place is chosen for its proximity to sites significant to Boer, black and Briton alike.

ECONOMIST: South Africa

12. "Is it in our national interest to have images going all over the world of thousands of protesters burning in effigy some look alike of the American government?

VOA : standard.2009.04.20

13. and tend to look alike lots, and here, everybody's different here.

看上去一般也差不多,在这儿,人人都不一样。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来自法国

14. As the name suggests, these perfect days are curated by renowned tastemakers and community members alike.

FORBES: Take A Peek.com At 'Perfect Day' Vacations

15. Here are ways to make a moving-back-home situation work for parents and kids alike.

WSJ: When Your Grown Children Move Back Home

16. The days dragged on, all monotonously alike.


17. Democrats and Republicans alike have expressed strong support for a tax rebate, for example.

NPR: Weighing The Impact Of A Possible Tax Rebate

18. Euro-federalists and Eurosceptics alike feel vindicated: monetary union cannot work without economic and political unity.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

19. But a Porsche and a Tesla Model S are alike in one important way.

WSJ: Tesla Takes Luxurious Route to the Electric Car

20. As of today, we will no longer support the Alike Nearby iPhone and Web apps.

FORBES: Yahoo Buying Alike Mobile

21. That caused considerable mirth amongst pupils and teachers alike.


22. Yet, far too many investment pros and amateurs alike think they can outguess the gyrations.

FORBES: Kudos To Kunis: Bullish On Stocks, Mila Knows Of What She Speaks

23. In Copenhagen, experts and officials alike are putting the emphasis on what people and governments can do to cut the emission of greenhouse gasses.

VOA : standard.2009.12.09

24. We will be working very closely with FSA and customers alike to get to the bottom of it.

BBC: Horsemeat: Compass and Whitbread find horse DNA in products - BBC News

25. Scott LaGanga,director of PhRMA, a leading pharmaceutical research and manufacturing company, says it's easy and profitable to sell look-alike,low quality drugs.

VOA : standard.2010.06.07

26. Well, we were raised by different parents and we have different genes We can't tell-- My brother and me might share all sorts of things in common but we have the same parents and the same genes, fifty percent of the same genes ? So how do we tell what's causing us to be alike?

因为我们的父母不同,我们有不同的基因,我哥哥和我,可能会有很多共同点,我们的父母是一样的,有50%的基因相同,那是什么导致我们相似的呢?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. He believed America should be a place that belongs to rich and poor people alike.

VOA : special.2010.06.20

28. They were side by side, exactly alike.

VOA : special.2009.04.18

29. That is going to be a giant mess for content creators and consumers alike.

FORBES: Yes, iNewsStand Is Coming, But Not From Apple

30. The Maremma seems to bring out the inner buttero in many people, visitors and locals alike.

FORBES: The Other Tuscany

31. Buyers and investors alike agree that a one-time knock on earnings beats a drag that lasts for years.

FORBES: Digital Rules

32. It is The Lalu, however, that is the star attraction for visitors and royalty alike.

FORBES: Taiwan

33. So the odds of seeing any two exactly alike are essentially zero."

VOA : standard.2009.12.19

34. They dress alike. They both wear suits.

他们的穿衣风格也很像。他们都穿西服。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : remind me of 实战

35. Exporters, farmers and industrialists alike are vexed.


36. I agree involves saying "Yes" to something. It's when two people think alike.

agree 表示同意某事。一般用在两个人想法一致的时候。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I agree课堂

37. Jason Kint,senior vice president and general manager of CBSSports.com, says die-hard fans and novices alike try to predict the winners.

VOA : standard.2009.03.25

38. Students and taxpayers alike suspect that trade schools exaggerate the career success of their graduates.

FORBES: Magazine Article

39. But rather than celebrating Nigeria's status as not only host nation but also defending champion of this event, local organizers and FIFA officials alike will instead be holding their collective breath, hoping that the country pulls through the three-week long tournament without any major problems.

VOA : standard.2009.10.22

40. Singapore's food courts, known locally as hawker centres, are popular with locals and tourists alike.

BBC: Why are there hawker centres in Singapore?

41. For patients and Big Pharma alike, the prescription pill business is going to get ugly.

FORBES: Merck's Mess

42. Their faces and bodies are exactly alike.

VOA : special.2009.08.09

43. It's often said that no two snowflakes are alike.

VOA : standard.2009.12.19

44. Our cafe is 130 years old and is a Mumbai landmark for foreigners and Indians alike.

BBC: Eyewitness: Mumbai survivors

45. "Challenging." But at the science cafs in St.Louis, scientists and non-scientists alike seem up to the challenge.

VOA : standard.2010.05.04

46. The rallying cry drew out criticism from supporters and detractors alike, with most decrying the effort.

FORBES: Blink And You Missed It: Anonymous Attacks NYSE

47. and the other,to administer justice without respect to persons, to the rich and poor alike."

VOA : special.2010.08.20

48. The edible contents of most grocery stores in these sprawling cities look more and more alike.

FORBES: The Best and Worst of Times: Killer Vegetables, Plunging Markets, Infinite Nature

49. Despite his troubles, the death of the singer dubbed the "King of Pop" has been greeted with widespread sadness by statesmen, fellow superstars and ordinary people alike.

VOA : standard.2009.06.26

50. All of these locks are keyed alike.


51. Friends and foes alike marvel at its skill at analysing market trends and responding quickly.

ECONOMIST: The firm that came to dominate world finance

52. The photographers were professionals and non-professionals alike.

VOA : special.2009.11.20

53. (MUSCI) The Cheongdo bullfighting festival attracts country and city dwellers alike - not by pitting bull against man, but by squaring off bull against bull.

VOA : standard.2010.03.22

54. Doing so is bound to benefit the company, the industry, the economy and investors alike.

FORBES: Lessons Learned in the Aftermath of the Banking Crisis

55. Thousands of people dressed exactly alike reminded me that I wasn't in Kansas anymore.

ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Japan is not weird

56. Dell implemented IdeaStorm as a way to solicit ideas from customers and non-customers alike.

FORBES: DellVoice: When It Comes to Social Media, How Big Are Your Company's Ears?

57. That said, while we think alike I think we each have our own style.

FORBES: Donald Trump's Sons On Not Blowing The Family Legacy; And... Dad For President?

58. "He will go through some of the decisions that we have to make, regarding how to close down Guantanamo, something that Democrats and Republicans alike agree on."

VOA : standard.2009.05.20

59. That seems to be one way of making sense of the city/soul hypothesis, but again it doesn't seem to answer the question ? in what way are cities and individuals alike.

那似乎是,解释城灵假说的一种方式,但似乎仍未回答基本的问题,城市与个人间到底有何相似之处。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. So maybe you can use this pattern to talk about two people that are alike or two places or two things that are alike.

所以可能你会用这个句型来谈论相似的两个人、两个地方或者两件事情。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : remind me of 课堂

61. And so if incidentally, you're a representative of a student group and the alike and your Google calendar is not -- in here, you can check just by flipping through the various-- we have over 200 calendars right now and you can search through them here.

如果你是一个学生团体的代表,你的Google日历在此不存在,你可以检查其他各种各样的-,目前我们有200多种日历,你可以在它们之中进行查找。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

62. America's trade deficit has rocketed to a record high, provoking squeals from companies and politicians alike.

ECONOMIST: The risks to free trade

63. They even dressed alike.


64. And while drivers and passengers alike in large motor homes are supposed to keep their seat belts fastened on the road, it's not uncommon to find someone in back reaching for cold refreshments, spreading maps out on a table - even taking a nap, fully reclined!

VOA : standard.2010.03.01





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