莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [əˈsembli]play美 [əˈsembli]play

  • n. 议会,代表大会;集会,集会者;装配,组装;(计算机)汇编

复数 assemblies

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


assembly /əˈsɛmblɪ/

  • 1.
    可数名词 An assembly is a large group of people who meet regularly to make decisions or laws for a particular region or country. 议会

    ...the campaign for the first free election to the National Assembly.


  • 2.
    可数名词 An assembly is a group of people gathered together for a particular purpose. 集会者

    He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 When you refer to rights of assembly or restrictions on assembly, you are referring to the legal right that people have to gather together. 集会

    The U.S. Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 The assembly of a machine, device, or object is the process of fitting its different parts together. 组装

    For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.


  • 5.
    有变体名词 In a school, an assembly is a gathering of all the teachers and students for a particular purpose. (学校师生的) 大会

    Recently named the nation's top girls' basketball player, she will be honoured this morning at a school assembly.






gathering assembly rally 【导航词义:集会】

gathering n. 集会,聚会,聚集

〔辨析〕 指有某种目的的聚会或集会活动。

例1: a large social gathering


例2: Nowadays the full moon just represents the gathering of friends and family.


例3: If so, would you like to come to the gathering?


assembly n. 集会,大会

〔辨析〕 指有较多人参加、有计划的或为某一特殊目的而举行的会议。

例1: People have the rights of assembly and free expression.


例2: The mayor will make a speech at the assembly.


rally n. 大型公众集会,群众大会

〔辨析〕 尤指支持某种政治观点、表示抗议等在户外举行的大规模的群众性集会。

例1: The students will hold a peace rally.


例2: The minister addressed the rally.



1. assembly language n. 汇编语言

2. electrode assembly 电极装置

3. assembly technology 装配工艺

4. cable assembly 电缆组件,光缆组件

5. assembly room 会议室;礼堂;装配室

6. assembly system 装配系统;汇编系统

7. National Assembly 国民大会 ; 国民议会 ; 国民会议 ; 韩国国民大会

8. assembly machine 装配机

9. hose assembly 软组件;软管接头

10. general assembly 联合国大会

11. assembly time 装配时间;组合时间;汇编时间

12. National Assembly for Wales 威尔士国民议会 ; 威尔斯国民议会 ; 威尔斯议会 ; 议会大厦

13. assembly plant 装配厂,装配工场

14. assembly work 装配工作

15. assembly process 装配过程;汇编过程

16. national assembly 国民大会

17. World Health Assembly 世界卫生大会 ; 界卫生大会 ; 世界卫生组织大会

18. final assembly 总装

19. self-assembly 细胞 自组装 ; 自己组装的 ; 自组装法 ; 自我装配

20. London Assembly 伦敦议会 ; 伦敦市议会 ; 地区范围国会伦敦国会

21. valve assembly n. 气门总成;活门组件,(气缸的)气门组件

22. constituent assembly 制宪议会 ; 立宪会议 ; 制宪会议 ; 国民代表大会

23. machine assembly 机器装配;机器组合

24. assembly drawing 装配图;总图

25. assembly hall 会馆;礼堂

26. assembly line 装配线;流水作业线


1. The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid


2. Tomorrow's assembly will be a sign for kicking off the competition.


3. The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling on all parties in the conflict to seek a political settlement.


4. The Central Motor plant is the first new assembly factory Toyota.


5. In its first function as WHO Goodwill Ambassador, a quartet from the Orchestra performed this morning at the opening of the World Health Assembly.


6. National Assembly President Messaoud Ould Boulkheir finished second with more than 16 percent.


7. The agreement sailed through the French national assembly by 495 votes to 61.


8. Who do provincial members of the legislative or national assemblies represent?


9. The instructions on the package said you need to do some assembly yourself.


10. Elections for the People's Assembly are held every five years, and one is due in November.

人民议会的选举五年举行一次, 下一次选举将在11月到来.《期刊摘选》

11. Requirments for force fit insertion assembly operation are explained.


12. Factory assembly takes place at ambient temperatures.


13. The members of the national assembly will vote in a prime minister by a simple majority.


14. Shahbaz Sharif will run for member of the National Assembly and member of Punjab Provincial Assembly.


15. By 9, the juniors are in the hall for assembly.


16. On Saturday, the country's parliament and four provincial assemblies are scheduled to elect Mr. Musharraf's successor.

星期六, 巴基斯坦议会和四个省级议会预定要选举穆沙拉夫的继任者.《期刊摘选》

17. Assembly supervisors oversee workers who put together products by using power tools or other dangerous equipment.


18. He was to address a public assembly on the issue.


19. I wish to congratulate you on your being elected as President of the General Assembly.


20. The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget.


21. We have strong productive capacity in processing, punching, welting and electromechanical assembly of precision machinery.

有很强的精密机械加工 、 冲压 、 焊接、机电装配等生产能力.《期刊摘选》

22. Planning Model and Assembly sequence generation are one of the key technologies.


23. For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.


24. Recently named the nation's top girls' basketball player, she will be honoured this morning at a school assembly.


25. The assembly of students takes place in the auditorium.


26. Which one of the following parliaments or assemblies does not use proportional representation?


27. On March 1, City Assembly formed a committee to deal with the incident.

三月一日, 台北市议会成立委员会来处理这一事件.《期刊摘选》

28. Those arrested would be charged with unlawful assembly, trespassing, and disturbing the peace.

被逮捕的人将被指控非法集会, 非法进入和扰乱治安.《期刊摘选》

29. He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly.


30. Weihai will become an important overseas processing and assembly base to Korea.


31. The U.S. Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection.


32. The dispatch , says Reitsch, struck a deathblow to the entire assembly.

莱契说, 这则电讯给整个集会一个致命的打击.《辞典例句》

33. Finally the National Assembly discussed and approved, Dumas became the first 72 buried in the Pantheon.

最后,国民议会讨论通过, 大仲马成为第72位安葬于先贤祠的人.《期刊摘选》

34. He took his seat in an unobserved corner of the assembly room.


35. The workshop is equipped with an assembly line.


36. A special prosecutor was appointed by South Korea's National Assembly to look into the claims.


37. The mayor will make a speech at the assembly.


38. The law for divorce will soon pass the Assembly.


39. Hong Kong police say they are charging 14 people with unlawful assembly.


40. The Upper House appointed a committee to examine a bill which the Assembly had already passed.


41. The right of assembly is guaranteed by most developed countries.


42. The state assembly sitting would add to list of Najib's scandals.


43. Therefore, the optimization of the original gas station, openly assembly process is imperative.

因此, 优化原先的撬装配气站工艺势在必行.《期刊摘选》

44. Freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable assembly, and requesting, change of government.

言论自由, 出版自由, 宗教自由, 和平集会, 和要求改变政府的权利.《期刊摘选》

45. The only victors in a head-on clash between the president and the assembly would be the hardliners on both sides.


46. We need separate tabs for each hole as shown in the Assembly Numbers drawing attached.


47. On the third day, General Zhang raised the temperature of the assembly a few notches.


48. Local stakeholders , united in a Citizen's Assembly against the Barrick Gold venture celebrated the news.


49. The assembly adjourned sine die.


50. Chapter II Application and Permission for Assemblies , Processions and Demonstrations.


51. The algorithm of assembly sequences is presented based on assembly feature.


52. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms.


53. National and provincial assemblies would be dissolved the next day.


54. The assembly arrogated to itself the right to make changes


55. The assembly workers seldom get a sight of the end product.


56. Take other tasks that may be assigned by QC manager of assembly plant.


57. The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Assembly.


58. the UN General Assembly


59. They were deputed to put our views to the assembly.


60. He didn't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take.


61. Ignoring pleas from Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor, Assembly members won some spending cuts and tax breaks.

州议会成员不顾州长阿诺德?施瓦辛格的多次请求, 成功地压缩了支出,赢得了优惠税额.《期刊摘选》

62. I remembered feeling scared out of my wits singing for an assembly of high school kids.


63. Governor William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly.


64. Any kind of assembly was suppressed in this country.


65. The assembly of the first chassis started last Friday.


66. ...the campaign for the first free election to the National Assembly.


67. People have the rights of assembly and free expression.


68. ...workers at Sao Paulo's car assembly plants.


69. Gold plating is often the last process a part experiences before assembly or end use.


70. the California Assembly


71. All parties won representation in the national assembly.


72. A human being is an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing.


73. Machine technician can use this language to show the assembly project expediently.


74. Brief introductions of common assembly process structures.


75. He didn't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take


76. The provincial assembly were deaf to all pleas for financial help.


77. They demanded the right of assembly.


78. The organizers of the march were charged with assault and riotous assembly.


79. Well we're actually in the convention center where the National Assembly just convened.


80. They created many poems in Lanting assembly ( a form of arden ) to express their thought of withdrawing.

因此,在园林集会成为一种社会时尚,兰亭集会上,士人共同创制了大量的 隐逸 诗来表达自我的隐逸思想,改变了隐逸诗个性创制的特征,其诗歌又具有一些共同的特征.《期刊摘选》

81. The General Assembly welcomed five new members to its ranks.


82. ...a long room with a stage at one end for assemblies.


83. an assembly point (= a place where people have been asked to meet)


84. Elected by local notables for nine years Senators lack the democratic legitimacy of members of the National Assembly


85. The French assembly passes a controversial bill tightening entry conditions for the relatives of migrants.


86. Power has been handed over to provincial and regional assemblies.


87. The General Assembly may limit the time to be allowed to each speaker.


88. The discussion or deliberation that takes place in such an assembly or body.


89. Terrific! Nothing can prevent me from visiting your modern assembly line.

太棒了! 我一定来参观你们的现代化装配线.《期刊摘选》

90. Lawyers like other citizens are entitled to freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly.

同其他公民一样,律师享有言论 、 信仰 、 结社和集会的自由.《期刊摘选》

91. Computer aided assembly design plays an important role in shorting assembly period and increasing production efficiency.


92. Simulation through animation can be more intuitive to reflect the internal structure of assembly and drive.


93. Putting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job.


94. Every part is individually checked before assembly.


95. They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.


96. Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People's Assembly.


97. The new assembly line boosted production by twenty percent.


98. Another possibility is establishing the UNPA as a subsidiary body of the UN General Assembly.


99. The UN had the foresight to convene a "world assembly on ageing" back in 1982, but that came and went.


100. ...an assembly of women Olympic gold-medal winners...


101. Prepare and change testing and assembly fixtures, if necessary, adjusting.

准备并更换试验和装配工装卡具, 如需要, 进行调节.调节量具.《期刊摘选》

102. The assembly voted to delay the legislation to allow further consultation to take place.


103. The assembly was mandated to draft a constitution.


104. What he is better remembered for is the introduction of the moving assembly-line in Detroit in 1913.


105. This meeting of the Assembly of Iron is adjourned!


106. Although using RAD during the assembly phase is a fairly common practice, many IT businesses are very specialized with only legacy systems.

尽管在组装阶段使用 RAD 是一种很常见的做法,但很多 IT 企业仅在使用遗留系统方面非常专业。

107. Provide manufacturing technical support to suppliers . Such as: machining , welding and assembly process development.

向供应商提供如机加工 、 焊接和装配等方面的技术支持.《期刊摘选》

108. State/legislative/federal/local assemblies

州众议院;立法会议;联邦 / 地方议会《牛津词典》

109. There was not even a pretense of a free press, freedom of assembly or free speech.


110. This is our assembly line. It operates 24 hours a day.

这是装配线, 它一天二十四小时都在运转.《期刊摘选》

111. Today, all walks of life in Shenyang held public assembly to ceremoniously commemorate this historic date.

今天, 沈阳各界人士集会隆重纪念这一历史性的日子.《期刊摘选》

112. Prior to assembly, grooves were made in the shelf, base, and sides to accommodate the back panel.


113. There are pipelining in each production line of Electronic assembly, Adjusting and Inspection and SMT YAMAHA.

电子装配流水线,检测调试流水线 、 SMTYAMAHA贴片流水线.《期刊摘选》

114. Several proposals are under consideration by the state assembly.


115. The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Assembly.


116. The US Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection...


117. We have a hall which is for morning assemblies and holding big functions.


118. They were accused of unlawful assembly.


119. The assembly had been shorn of its legislative powers.


120. Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.


121. Assembly time has actually become the leading organs of the revolution and the state legislature.


122. The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th


123. The will be bent back during assembly and shipment and bent up for installation.


124. Assemblywoman Audrey I. Pheffer was elected to the New York State Assembly in 1987.


125. You will not defeat Assembly of Iron so easily, invaders!

你不可能轻松地击败钢铁议会, 入侵者!《期刊摘选》

126. The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid.


127. a car assembly plant


128. ...an assembly of party members from the Russian republic.


129. The delegates entered the assembly hall by way of the lobby.


130. The workers strongly disapprove of the firm's new methods on the assembly line.


131. The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly.


132. The assembly arrogated to itself the right to make changes.


133. Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People's Assembly.


134. Freedom of speech, of the press, assembly, association, marching and demonstration is guaranteed.

宪法规定的公民言论 、 出版 、 集会 、 结社 、 游行、示威的自由得到维护和保障.《汉英非文学 - 白皮书》

135. Be familiar with the robot ( automotive assembly ) production line. Good with hands, staidness, carefulness, good patience.

熟悉机器人 ( 自动装配线 ) 生产, 动手能力强, 工作认真 、 仔细, 有耐心.《期刊摘选》

136. It was not until the following year that the General Assembly reluctantly considered the proposal.


137. Do you agree to replace approval system notification of the Parade and Assembly Law?

您赞成修改集会游行法,以报备制取代核可制 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

138. The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th.


139. There are six main options for a U . N . Parliamentary Assembly, according to various assessments.


140. Each component is carefully checked before assembly.



1. Importantly, all four political parties in the assembly favoured a move to five-year terms.

BBC: Pushing the boundaries: MPs debate assembly elections

2. The assembly is made up of countries in the World Health Organization.

VOA : special.2010.06.07

3. No breakthroughs took place as the three leaders met on the sidelines of the U.N.General Assembly session in New York.

VOA : standard.2009.09.22

4. But, in February of 1871 there are elections and the provinces, particularly the conservative, western provinces like Brittany return this extremely monarchist dominated National Assembly that is going to determine the future of France.

在一八七一年二月,举行了一系列选举,并且那些守旧城市,像西部城市布列塔尼,那里的国民大会,又重新被极端君主专制主义者们掌握,而这将决定法国的未来1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. The General Assembly will consider whether the church should ordain ministers who are in same-sex relationships.

BBC: Church of Scotland to debate gay minister issue

6. The assembly government said Dr Gibbons did not have anything further to add to that answer.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | Mid | Cuts claim over heart unit cash

7. A low-level language, we used to call this assembly programming, you're down at the level of, your primitives are literally moving pieces of data from one location of memory to another, through a very simple operation.

一个低级的语言,我们曾经将其称为假设编程,你们只是处于用基本要素,把一些数据碎片,从记忆存储器的一个地方,通过简单的操作来转到另外一个地方。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

8. Labour's fire service spokesman on the London Assembly, Navin Shah, said the increases were "truly scandalous".

BBC: London Fire Commissioner Ron Dobson

9. As he writes, The Astonishing Hypothesis is that: You, your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.

正如他在其著作《惊人的假说》中写到,你,你的喜悦,悲伤,回忆,抱负,你对人格同一性的感知,你的自由意志,事实上,这一切都不过,是大量神经细胞集,与其缔合分子的生理反应而已心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. an assembly of women Olympic gold-medal winners


11. These days is the UN General Assembly.

这段时间是联合国大会。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

12. Vehicle assembly and major body construction operations will cease by the first quarter of 2002.

BBC: Ford letter to staff

13. Power is in the Chamber of Deputies,in the Assembly, and the President is a convener; he tries to get people to do the right things, and it's a political club.

权力在议会院中,在立法议会手中,总统就是个会议召集人,他想办法让人们做正确的事情,这是个政治俱乐部1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. The Apology is a speech given before a large and largely anonymous audience of over 500 persons, the Assembly, the Court.

苏格拉底自辩篇》的听众,是大量匿名,超过,500,人的场合,议会法庭。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Roy is strongly against law-making powers for Wales and would like to see the assembly abolished.

BBC: People's Assembly 2011

16. Later this month he plans to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York and the Group of Twenty meeting in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

17. Even if they do not sway the result, the assembly could still pick yesterday's man.

ECONOMIST: Indonesias next president

18. They were joined by Welsh Assembly Members and representatives from related educational, scientific and cultural organisations in Wales.

UNESCO: Welsh First Minister hosts UNESCO reception with the UKNC

19. The World Health Assembly established the event in nineteen eighty-seven.

VOA : special.2010.05.31

20. He has been a member of the assembly since it was established in 1999.

BBC: Rhodri Glyn Thomas Plaid Cymru AM to stand down in 2016

21. Eventually in 1905, Nicholas II will be forced to grant a Duma, an assembly to Russia.

905年,尼古拉斯二世最终被迫承认杜马,即俄国议会欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. In 1875 there's an amendment to the Constitution that essentially- voted by one vote,or approved by one vote, by the Assembly--that essentially transforms France into a Republic.

875年有个宪法修正案,本质上--,它在一次议会投票表决中,得到了支持--本质上把法国变成了共和国1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Earlier this year it brokered a successful cross-regional initiative promoting freedom of assembly and association.

ECONOMIST: A long-despised watchdog wakes up, barks and even bites

24. Earlier this week, world leaders attended the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

VOA : special.2009.09.26

25. The General Assembly committee also adopted a resolution on human rights abuses in Burma, which is also known as Myanmar.

VOA : standard.2009.11.20

26. The proteins that are produced by genes that are on the viral genome get transcribed and translated in order to make more structural proteins that are needed for assembly of the virus.

由病毒基因组上的基因,通过转录和转译制造出来的蛋白质,以便可以制造出更多的,被病毒组合所需的结构蛋白生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. In 2011 Julie Morgan and Christine Chapman co-sponsored a motion in the Assembly calling for a smacking ban.

BBC: Six of the best from the Chief Whip

28. She says health ministers attending this week's Assembly should take the opportunity to respond to threats to their health systems.

VOA : standard.2009.05.18

29. Plaid has begun the process of selecting candidates for the next assembly and Westminster elections.

BBC: Rhodri Glyn Thomas Plaid Cymru AM to stand down in 2016

30. Henry Ford's automated car-assembly line spawned a galaxy of parts factories filled with workers.

WSJ: Henninger: What Would Clint Eastwood Do?

31. Ford's car assembly plants


32. The Cancer 2020 campaign calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to introduce such a cancer plan.

BBC: Cancer 'ambassadors' Senedd lobby

33. Mr Sarkozy has promised constitutional changes aimed at strengthening the power of the assembly.


34. Lord Alderdice, the former Speaker of the Assembly and retired Irish civil servant Joe Brosnan.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Report backs Orde over IRA

35. This year's Lord High Commissioner, the Queen's representative at the General Assembly, is Lord Wilson of Tillyorn.

BBC: Annual Kirk assembly to discuss gay ministers

36. It will be used when Ares is built at the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans,Louisiana.

VOA : special.2009.12.30

37. idled assembly plants


38. China already dominates both production and capacity at the low-value-added assembly end of manufacturing.

WSJ: Diana Choyleva: China Is Too Large for Its Own Good

39. In 1994, South Africa held its first all-race elections for the national assembly and provincial parliaments.

CNN: Saturday,

40. workers at São Paolo's car assembly plants


41. Meanwhile,ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya addressed the assembly by mobile telephone from the Brazilian Embassy in his country's capital.

VOA : standard.2009.09.29

42. The advisory opinion from the court will go to the United Nations General Assembly.

VOA : special.2010.07.24

43. He questions some of the assembly's work - and whether there is a "focused" approach.

BBC: People's Assembly 2011

44. which is slightly more expensive and that's called the Assembly.

它们会贵一点,被称作配件。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 推荐古老店铺

45. Outside the United Nations, demonstrators protested his yearly appearance among world leaders speaking at the General Assembly.

VOA : special.2010.09.25

46. The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have hinted that they may abstain in any assembly vote on a referendum.

BBC: Welsh Affairs Committee

47. First Minister Carwyn Jones insisted assembly election rules should be decided in Cardiff Bay, not Westminster.

BBC: Assembly election reform plans outlined in Queen's Speech

48. His heart exulting, he said to his father: "Creator of the gods, destiny of the great gods, If I indeed, as your avenger, Am to vanquish Tiamat and save your lives, Set up the Assembly, proclaim supreme my destiny!

他内心暗喜,对他父亲说:,众神之父,这就是伟大神灵们的命数,如果我真的是你的复仇者,我就要打败Tiamat,拯救你的性命,我要组织集会,宣布我至高无上的权威!旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. He had this thing called the drunken assembly, which was in a way kind of a mockery of parliamentary representations where his cronies would come and just get wasted and would make all sorts of flamboyant proclamations that seemed to represent what a real parliament would do.

他有个被戏称为"酒鬼议会"的东西,这个"酒鬼议会"是对议会代表们的嘲弄,他们也会开会,但不过是浪费时间,还发表一些冠冕堂皇的声明,就好像一个真正的议会似的欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. "He created an assembly line with no regard for these women whatsoever, " Mr Cameron had said.

BBC: Kermit Gosnell guilty of three murders in late-term abortions - BBC News

51. This will be very important because Christians started out as house churches, and their house churches fit sometimes the model of a Greek ekklesia, an assembly, but sometimes the model of the Roman household.

说它重要是因为,基督教一开始时是家庭教会的形式,这种家庭教会有时符合希腊集会的模型,一种集会,但有时符合罗马家户的模型。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. In May,the World Health Assembly approved a global code of practice on the international recruitment of health workers.

VOA : special.2010.06.07

53. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said Monday that his Democratic majority supports the concepts in Cuomo's proposal.

WSJ: Cuomo to push his abortion proposal amid obstacles

54. The Assembly can now pass Acts of the Assembly on devolved areas without requiring prior consent.

BBC: Democracy Live site links

55. Within these fields, there were defined policy areas that the Assembly could legislate on.

BBC: Democracy Live site links

56. The only people who could speak in the council or in an assembly were the noblemen, the basileis.

唯一可以在议会或者集会发言的人,只有贵族和部落酋长古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. The first minister said that the matter will be resolved before the start of the next assembly.

BBC: First minister's questions

58. There was the International Students Assembly. There was an EY cricket group.

有国际留学生会,EY板球小组。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在学校的经验

59. Governor William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly.


60. Joao Soares,is President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which facilitates dialogue among members of the Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe.

VOA : standard.2010.02.01

61. In two thousand five, the World Health Assembly passed a resolution urging countries to plan for "eHealth" services.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

62. The constitution was drafted by an Islamist-dominated assembly in November and approved by voters in December.

CNN: Egypt's top court rules parliament invalid

63. Those recommendations came from the Communities Committee's report on the initial stage of the Assembly's Official Languages Bill.

BBC: Mugshots and making headlines

64. I mentioned, I don't remember in what context, the other day that the most famous example is the drunken assembly.

我不记得何时何地提到过,最典型的一个案例便是醉酒议会欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. May's election saw Plaid slump to 11 seats - its worst tally since the assembly was established.

BBC: New Plaid Cymru leader will take over on 15 March





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