莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ɪɡˈnɔː(r)]play美 [ɪɡˈnɔːr]play

  • v. 佯装未见,不理睬;忽视,对……不予理会;<法律>(因证据不足)驳回(诉讼)

第三人称单数 ignores 现在分词 ignoring 过去式 ignored 过去分词 ignored

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


ignore /ɪɡˈnɔː/ CET4 TEM4 [ ignoring ignored ignores ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you ignore someone or something, you pay no attention to them. 不理睬

    She said her husband ignored her.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you say that an argument or theory ignores an important aspect of a situation, you are criticizing it because it fails to consider that aspect or to take it into account. (某论断或理论) 忽视

    Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.




  • adj.

    ignored 被忽视的;被忽略的

  • adv.

    ignorantly 无知地;不学无术地

  • n.

    ignorance 无知,愚昧;不知,不懂

  • v.

    ignored 忽略;不顾(ignore的过去分词);不理会



neglect disregard ignore 【导航词义:忽视,无视】

neglect v. 忽视,疏忽

〔辨析〕 指未能妥善照顾某人或给予某事足够的关注,也指未履行职责、义务等,多为无心地疏忽。

例1: She had neglected her child.


例2: I'm sorry that I neglected your email.


例3: The police officer was accused of neglecting his duty.


disregard v. 无视,轻视

〔辨析〕 指忽视或轻视某事物。

例1: Mary totally disregarded my advice.


例2: The jury disregarded his last statement.


ignore v. 忽视,对…置之不理

〔辨析〕 指假装没有看见或听到某事,多为故意地忽视。

例1: She ignored the rude man.


例2: His suggestions were ignored.



1. ignore instruction 无动作指令 ; 否定指令 ; 忽略指令

2. Ignore Pain 忽略痛苦 ; 无视痛苦 ; 无视痛楚 ; 忽略痛楚

3. IGNORE INDEX 忽略索引 ; 疏忽索引

4. Ignore all 全部忽略 ; 忽略全部 ; 忽略所有节点 ; 们间接抉择疏忽全体

5. ignore rule 忽略规则 ; 无视规则

6. ignore all 全部忽略

7. Ignore back facing 忽略背面 ; 乎略背面

8. ignore case 忽略大小写 ; 大小写无关 ; 巨细写 ; 否忽略字母的大小写

9. Ignore me 不理我 ; 忽略我 ; 无视我 ; 忽视我

10. Ignore Extents 忽略范围 ; 范围忽略




ignore advice 对建议不予理会

ignore a warning 对警告不予理会


choose to ignore someone/something 选择无视某人/某事物

try to ignore someone/something 试图无视某人/某事物


hard to ignore 难以忽视

impossible to ignore 不可能忽视


1. I know they are smaller than us, but we can't afford to ignore them.


2. He ignored all the 'No Smoking' signs and lit up a cigarette.


3. Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs.


4. He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.


5. We shouldn't ignore the warning signs of mental illnesses.


6. Even though bait meant trouble, you could not ignore it forever.


7. He always uses his work as an excuse to ignore his family.


8. The government had ignored his views on the subject...


9. We should neither exaggerate nor ignore the differences.


10. I can no longer ignore that risk.


11. Public feeling is being ignored by the government.


12. The pernicious effect of this advertising on children is a problem that we ignore at our peril.


13. After the daughter awakens revolts, Li ignores totally, has seduced own one's own daughter forcefully.

女儿惊醒后反抗, 李某全然不顾, 强行奸污了自己的亲生女儿.《期刊摘选》

14. Ignoring fatigue, they kept at the job and finished it three weeks quicker than planned with flying colours.


15. She sailed past me, ignoring me completely.


16. These controversies focus on deconstruction rather than construction and some even ignore the basic literary facts.


17. According to the authors opinion, the reactionary character of monopolistic consciousness shouldn tbe ignored.

笔者认为对于人类社会的进步和发展来说, 垄断意识所具有的反动性是不可忽视的.《期刊摘选》

18. We cannot ignore such provocations.


19. We cannot afford to ignore their advice.


20. He ignored his wife's discouraging, out the door and neighbors quarrel up.

他不顾妻子的劝阻, 冲出家门与邻居争吵了起来.《期刊摘选》

21. Of course, hungry predators sometimes ignore the warning.


22. Never ignore a subterranean gate, lest you allow an enemy to approach unseen.

千万不要忽视地下城入口, 以免被敌人突然袭击.《期刊摘选》

23. You can't ignore the evidence that makes against your theory.


24. Many animators exaggerated, altered, or ignored the physical laws of the real world for a laugh.

很多动画师都会通过夸张 、 变异 、 或者直接忽视真实世界的物理定律以博一笑.《期刊摘选》

25. Art harrumphed and tried to ignore the voice.


26. Don't ignore him; help him.

别不理他, 要帮助他.《现代汉英综合大词典》

27. The committee may approve, revise, kill or ignore any measure referred to it.

委员会可以批准 、 修订 、 否定或驳回交它处理的任何议案.《辞典例句》

28. That today's students of American culture tend to ignore classical music is understandable.


29. Ignore taxes and make further assumptions as necessary.


30. Ignore what he said—it doesn't mean a thing.


31. I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy.


32. We can not ignore its enormous vitality for its simplicity.


33. Perhaps the charge is true, but that explanation ignores far more important structural factors.

或许这种指控是真实的, 但其解释却忽视了最重要的结构性因素.《期刊摘选》

34. He ignored the existing lines of authority.


35. The people could not ignore such a magical sight.


36. Ignore the investment fads. The fact that everyone else is doing it doesn't make it right.

别理会投资时尚. 人人都做的事情并不见得就是对的.《期刊摘选》

37. It would be a mistake to ignore his opinion.


38. Ignore it at your peril.


39. Governments frequently ignore human rights abuses in other countries if it is politically expedient to do so.


40. It's hard to ignore social media as a screening tool.


41. He ignored all the ‘No Smoking ’ signs and lit up a cigarette.


42. He almost ignored Julia, seeming to take it for granted that Winston could speak for her.


43. He ignored the public ostentation of his time, as well as the private misery.


44. I know they're smaller than us, but we can't afford to ignore them.


45. She had ignored the warning signs of trouble ahead.


46. The movie industry had chosen to ignore the encroaching competition of television.


47. In order to get valuable data, researchers ignore animals'peril in experiments.

为了得到有价值的数据, 研究者不顾动物在实验中可能遭受到的危险.《期刊摘选》

48. It appalled me that they could simply ignore the problem.


49. This issue was of such importance that we could not afford to ignore it.


50. He ignored her interruptions.


51. Ignoring pleas from Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor, Assembly members won some spending cuts and tax breaks.

州议会成员不顾州长阿诺德?施瓦辛格的多次请求, 成功地压缩了支出,赢得了优惠税额.《期刊摘选》

52. We shall ignore factors extraneous to the problem.


53. She's been deliberately ignoring him all day.


54. Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.


55. He's his own man, but he doesn't ignore advice.

他 虽然 有主张, 但并不轻视别人的意见.《简明英汉词典》

56. Humble people do not ignore, avoid, or try to deny their limits or deficiencies.


57. The developed countries can't afford to ignore China's good economic momentum.


58. Crop the layer, by ignoring all completely transparant pixels.

作物层, 不顾一切完全透明像素.《期刊摘选》

59. Write protect error writing drive c , abort , retry, ignore?

由于写保护标准方式的用户直接写服务器磁盘出错,异常结束,再试, 不顾错误状态?《期刊摘选》

60. He smiled vaguely, ignoring her questions.


61. He ignored the speed limit and drove very fast.


62. Ignoring fatigue, they kept at the job and finished it three weeks quicker than planned.


63. I get so upset when you just try to ignore the problem.


64. This waist Dao used for actual combat, but not ignores art, only through the whole, Tan looks weakly.

实战主义的腰刀, 也没有忽视艺术性, 只是从整体看, 镡倒显得弱了.《期刊摘选》

65. She is following her usual policy of ignoring all offers of help.


66. She managed to hold her head high and ignore what people were saying.


67. But we can’t afford to ignore them

但是我们也不能忽视他们。《17年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

68. You should ignore their sneers at your efforts.


69. Only those with vested interests in the current system could ignore the need for change


70. But some contradiction and problem still are, not allow to ignore.

但有些矛盾和问题依然存在, 不容忽视.《期刊摘选》

71. Strong and the developers have completely ignored the supercilious look.


72. Mediators have no teeth, and a child could simply ignore their pleas.


73. How can you ignore the sheer weight of medical opinion?


74. Under such policies a variety of big expansion of credit, purchase credibility ignored.

在这种政策之下,各种信贷大肆扩张, 置信誉于不顾.《期刊摘选》

75. On no consideration can we ignore the urgency of protecting the environment.


76. We start by considering the wavefunction, ignoring the antisymmetry requitement.

我们先考虑波函数, 而暂不顾及它的反对称性要求.《辞典例句》

77. You may not like her, but you cannot ignore her.


78. But Churchill's pleas were ignored by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.


79. This an issue to ignore.


80. Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored.


81. If they reject or ignore the initiative, the public will vote on it in November.


82. The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.


83. By ignoring your feelings you are only storing up trouble for yourself.


84. They knew that discrimination was going on, but chose to ignore it.


85. As a main part of national economy, the real estate a role that cannot be ignored.


86. We cannot afford to ignore this warning.


87. Ignore people who try to dissuade you from following through on your idea.


88. But almost all have ignored the big, profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade , which appears to be just the kind of market retailers need.

但是,几乎所有的食品零售商都忽视了自家后院的一个庞大的盈利机会,即食品和饮料的批发贸易。而这似乎正是零售商们需要的市场。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

89. Ignoring orders, Pullo charges ahead with drawn sword and a band of shrieking Ubians follow him.

普罗不顾命令, 带头拔剑冲了过去,尤比安骑兵尖叫着跟在他后面.《期刊摘选》

90. Most people place too much value on money and ignore other aspects of life.


91. However, his talent of this aspect had long been ignored and few researches hadtaken on it.

但是, 译著上的声名远播,使他这一方面的造诣在很长时间内为人们所忽视.《期刊摘选》

92. They ignored the baby's screams.


93. Ignoring the tumult and the horror, Western businesspeople repeatedly discovered gold mines of opportunity in China.

不顾混乱和恐惧, 西方的商人们开始重复地在中国发掘机会的金矿.《期刊摘选》

94. These recommendations can safely be ignored.


95. She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members.


96. I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.


97. The daughter feared her mother would be ignored there, and so she decided to move her into a more welcoming facility.

这个女儿担心自己的母亲在那里会被忽视,所以她决定送母亲去一个对待入住者更热情的机构。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

98. It accuses Israel ignoring and being thougthless about UN property during the offensive last December.


99. She felt sorry for the man but couldn't ignore the humour of the situation.


100. He spoke out against the idea of “white”and“black”as distinct groups, claiming that these distinctions ignored the scope of human diversity

他公开反对用“白人”和“黑人”的概念,把他们视为不同的人群,他认为这种区分忽视了人类多样性的规模。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

101. The influences of interaction can't be ignored in the structural design of building.


102. The science is clear and conclusive and the impacts can no longer be ignored.


103. Innovation cost is the tie element that implementation system innovation nots allow to ignore.


104. In college I had been taught that a successful educator should ignore bad behavior.


105. The fragments fell into her lap and onto the carpet, and she ignored them.

碎片顺着大腿掉在地毯上, 她全然不顾.《期刊摘选》

106. He denied the accusation that he had ignored the problems.


107. She could not ignore his indecorous behaviour though she loved him very much.


108. She ignored him and carried on with her work.


109. He is apt to ignore matters he considers unimportant.


110. Don't try to ignore your afternoon snack craving.


111. A hard core of drivers ignores the law.


112. It would be irresponsible to ignore the situation.


113. The needs and opinions of ordinary working people were ignored


114. Ear pain of any kind must never be ignored.


115. She said her husband ignored her...


116. An awkward statement , but nonetheless acknowledgement that the Mumbai attack is not being ignored in America.

尽管提到这事有些尴尬, 但这表明了美国并没有忽视孟买遭袭事件.《期刊摘选》

117. I was hitting on Foosball all night and he was totally ignoring me.


118. They completely ignore these facts as if they never existed.

他们完全忽略了这些事实, 就仿佛它们从来不存在似的。

119. Don't Ignore a ringing telephone . Caller may be in a call - box.

不能置铃声不顾, 来电者可能在公用电话亭.《期刊摘选》

120. Ignore what he said ─ it doesn't mean a thing.


121. He continued to ignore everything I was saying.


122. Ignore the early warnings and illness could result.


123. For two years, she says, he ignored it and it kept growing.

她说,两年的时间, 他对之不管不顾,任由它慢慢长大.《期刊摘选》

124. Calls to disassemble all telescopes on Mauna Kea or to ban future development there ignore the reality that astronomy and Hawaiian culture both seek to answer big questions about who we are, where we come from and where we are going.

人们对拆除莫纳克亚山上所有的望远镜或禁止在那里进一步开发的呼吁忽视了这样一个现实——天文学和夏威夷文化都试图回答关于我们是谁,我们从哪儿来以及要到哪儿去这样的重要问题。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

125. And economic and structural factors cannot be ignored.


126. We should not ignore him.



1. Bongo has urged voters to ignore rival candidates who he says are traitors and liars who will turn their backs on the country.

VOA : standard.2009.08.28

2. Give people advice for free, and they will have a tendency to ignore it.

FORBES: Why Do Patients Take Their Doctor's Advice?

3. But City Councilor Mara Rumiz says authorities are aware they cannot ignore the problem of the shrinking population any longer.

VOA : standard.2009.11.14

4. Even if they're given healthy food at the same time, they'll tend to ignore the healthy food and eat a diet like this.

即使同时给它们喂食健康食品,它们也会选择前者的食物,而不吃健康食品关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. And if government abuses its own people terribly, we should just ignore that.

如果政府严重伤害了人民,我们应该置之不理。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

6. They say the future opportunities in Spanish-speaking cyberspace are simply too large to ignore.

BBC: Argentina bets on cyberspace

7. The chancellor may also decide to ignore income and go for a different group instead.

BBC: Budget 2013: Who has lost the most and the least?

8. Thus, insider trading laws ignore many people who use non-public information in their investment decisions.

FORBES: It's Time To Legalize Insider Trading

9. That however can hardly be a source of surprise when we increasingly ignore the true meaning of Christmas.

BBC: An eye on simplicity

10. "The cost of our health care is too high to ignore,".

VOA : standard.2009.03.17

11. Analysts say the armed forces and its supporters are a political constituency that the Kremlin cannot afford to ignore.

VOA : standard.2009.03.20

12. Of course. It's very considerate of you. - Just ignore Rosalie. I do.- ROSALIE: Yeah.

VOA : standard.other

13. The government cannot ignore the implications of the report.


14. Did you mean to ignore the fact that OICs extend the time for dischargeability?

FORBES: Many Consumer Bankruptcies Do More Harm Than Good

15. Reaven discovered that in some people cells ignore insulin's instructions to let sugars in.

FORBES: The Unknown Epidemic

16. The compiler is going to ignore all of this so-called "pretty printing" -- all of this sort of indentation, -- all of this white space -- that's really for the human's benefits, both yours, your colleagues, the teaching staff, and the like.

编译器会忽略所有的叫做,“优美打印“--所有的这类缩进,所有的这些空格-,只是为了我们的利益,也是你的,你的同事,教员的和其他人的利益。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

17. Still the allure of the big game is hard for some advertisers to ignore.

FORBES: Is A Super Bowl Ad A Super Deal?

18. At this point in the story, perhaps the view is that all know of God even if they ignore him.

从这点来看,即使每个人都忽略上帝,但都知道上帝的存在。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Ignore them, and the costs paid in time, resources and expenditures will make you another statistic.

FORBES: Finally, A Strategic Guide for Social Business

20. The schoolmate asks him to confirm or ignore, convincing the confused Edward to accept this request.

CNN: Commentary: Will Obama use 'Facebook politics'?

21. And how long can banks afford to ignore the minefields of insight from social media?

FORBES: Now that data's going really big, what's next?

22. He asserted that people would just ignore the policy and do what they wanted to anyway.

FORBES: Transforming CIOs from Benevolent Dictators to Product Managers

23. But it all begins with the numbers the now impossible-to-ignore fact that we live longer.

FORBES: The Second Hill: How American Longevity Might Rejuvenate the World

24. From where we sit, it looks like the Corinthians were making a gesture of solidarity, the kind of thing you would expect a mother city to do, not to ignore its apoikia when it was in trouble.

在我们看来,科林斯人似乎做出了友好团结之态,这是我们期望母邦会做的,没有对困境中的迁徙地置之不顾古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Professor Hoodbhoy says the government for years tried to ignore or minimize the spreading influence of the militants, without acknowledging that the situation continued to worsen.

VOA : standard.2009.05.05

26. They don't at all ignore history.

但是这是完全错误的。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Never ignore hands and feet, and never underestimate the gear needed to cover them.

NPR: Subzero Biker Checks In

28. "And as Iran's leaders continue to ignore their obligations, there should be no doubt: they,too, will face growing consequences.

VOA : special.2010.01.30

29. Thus, to ignore their problems is to threaten the health of a great many Americans.

FORBES: If American Doctors Are Going Broke, Who Is Really Responsible?

30. "The General Assembly cannot ignore the suffering of the people of the DPRK.

VOA : standard.2009.11.20

31. And in deciding how to specialize, do we really want hospitals to ignore revenues and costs?

FORBES: Eduard Porter Scribbles Non Sequiturs To Incorrectly Denigrate Profits

32. If you see a man who is not effeminate, you might ignore it or say maybe he's not really gay after all.

如果你看到不是娘娘腔的同性恋者,你可能会忽视他,或者认为他不是真的同性恋者。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. You don't want to just ignore it, but in cases like that, it's usually a small fraction of the total.

你不能直接把它忽略掉,但在像这样的情形下,它一般是。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

34. The attempt, however, is a further example of Mr Wahid's tendency to ignore the proper procedures.

ECONOMIST: President Abdurrahman Wahid raises the stakes

35. And health care was one of those issues that we could no longer ignore.

WHITEHOUSE: The Affordable Care Act & The Patients Bill of Rights

36. As I said before, for now we'll ignore the possibility that the goal keeper could stay put.

正如之前所说的,现在我们先不考虑,门将可能选择留在中路的情况博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. In summary, there is strong evidence that investors ignore selection biases in fund performance advertisements.

FORBES: How Selective Advertising by Mutual Funds Misleads Investors

38. Members of his ruling council are campaigning throughout the country, urging voters to take part in the poll and ignore the opposition boycott.

VOA : standard.2009.03.29

39. Generally, we ignore the high order terms here.

这样,当我们在工程上。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. So again, I put in numcalls this num calls, which you can ignore.

所以再一次我会加上,这个,你们可以忽略这个。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. Courts too often ignore contracts in the name of their own version of "true" justice.

FORBES: Who Woulda Thunk

42. To that,I say that the challenges we face are too large to ignore,"

VOA : standard.2009.03.21

43. So I've been told that from now on we just ignore the camera and do business as usual.

所以我被告知从现在起,我们要无视摄像机,和往常一样上课基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Brumberg argues that continuing to ignore abuses harms U.S.interests in the region.

VOA : standard.2010.05.19

45. I get so upset when you just try to ignore the problem.

你都不想管这事儿,我还挺生气的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I get so upset 实战

46. So why ignore a figure capturing VeriSign's substantial distress, which will continue to affect the company?

FORBES: Magazine Article

47. And then people choose subconsciously, not consciously to ignore the research and go with her heart.

然后人们下意识地选择,不自觉地忽视研究所得的坏结果。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

48. It would be difficult to ignore such an appeal from the pro-western Montenegrin government.


49. They say this permits the body to experience or ignore pain better.

VOA : special.2009.08.18

50. Nor do I ignore the power of the motion picture to influence individuals for good.

FORBES: Game of Thrones? Arrested Development? Ain't No Entrepreneur Got Time For That.

51. And it is at you peril that you ignore any one of these dimensions.

忽视任何一个方面,都是不好的。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

52. Banks can no longer afford to ignore the issue of broken trust and disappearing customer loyalty.

FORBES: Nickeled and Dimed: Can Banks Buy Back Your Loyalty?

53. Importantly, unlike many paternalistic prohibitions and regulations people will be free to ignore these price signals.

FORBES: Will Body Monitoring Implants Be The Future of Healthcare?

54. Now,having said that,let me just say as an addendum -- and this is my opinion,you could ignore it-- that things work in France.

根据前面提到过的,再谈一点补充,这是我自己的看法,你们可以忽视,法国社会运行顺利1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. He suggests that lawmakers who ignore climate change should start losing their jobs in the next election.

VOA : special.2010.04.21

56. The prize is simply too big to ignore, and somebody will eventually take it.

FORBES: More Solar Innovation: Stanford's Peel and Stick Flexible Application

57. The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it.


58. Even if it could spot illicit transactions, America might still choose to ignore them.

ECONOMIST: America is using the dollar to hurt Iran. Will it work?

59. We can be friends with men or date them or ignore them and date each other.

FORBES: A Call For More Lady Macbeths: The World Is A Better Place When Women Do Erratic And Exciting Things

60. How long are they going to ignore the evidence?


61. Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lies.


62. Harry just told the boaters to ignore the bureaucrats and go start rescuing people.

CNN: Transcript of Gov. Jindal's GOP response to Obama speech

63. They ignore the 21 years of decline in favor of the recent 12 years of growth.

FORBES: The Optimum Asset Allocation to Gold Is Always Zero

64. These feelings are impossible to ignore.


65. Doctors like Sharon Rosenbaum Smith of St.Luke's Roosevelt Hospital in New York said they would advise patients to ignore the recommendations.

VOA : standard.2009.12.25




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