莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [bʌlk]play美 [bʌlk]play

  • n. 主体,大部分;庞大的身躯,肥硕的体形;(巨大的)容积,体积
  • adj. 大批的,大宗的
  • v. 使(产品)数量显得很大;结合(待售的股票或商品)
  • 【名】 (Bulk)(土)布尔克(人名)

复数 bulks 第三人称单数 bulks 现在分词 bulking 过去式 bulked 过去分词 bulked

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


bulk /bʌlk/ CET4 TEM8 [ bulking bulked bulks ]

  • 1.
    单数型名词 You can refer to something's bulk when you want to emphasize that it is very large. 大块

    The truck pulled out of the lot, its bulk unnerving against the dawn.


  • 2.
    单数型名词 You can refer to a large person's body or to their weight or size as their bulk. 庞大肥硕的身躯

    Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair.


  • 3.
    数量词 The bulk of something is most of it. 大部分

    The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents.


  • 4.
    代词 Bulk is also a pronoun. 大部分

    They come from all over the world, though the bulk is from the Indian subcontinent.


  • 5.
    习语 If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities. 大批地 (买卖)

    Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.




  • adj.

    bulky 体积大的;庞大的;笨重的



size bulk dimension volume 【导航词义:大小】

size n. 大小,尺寸

〔辨析〕 主要指尺码、规模、面积、身材等的大小,也指数量、数额等的多少。

例1: What size shoe do you wear?


例2: This apartment is roughly 300 square feet in size.


例3: We decreased the size of the group from 15 to 5.


bulk n. 体积;量

〔辨析〕 不用于准确的度量,只表示相当大的体积或数量。

例1: Great bulk does not always mean great weight.


例2: It was a document of surprising bulk.


dimension n. 尺寸,大小

〔辨析〕 指物体的面积、容积、规模等,通常用复数。

例1: What are the dimensions of this room?


例2: Width is a linear dimension, too.


例3: My parents have bought a house of generous dimensions.


volume n. 体积,容积,量

〔辨析〕 指某物的体积或某容器的容积或容量,也可指生产、贸易、销售等的数量或数额。

例1: When the air becomes hot, its volume increases rapidly.


例2: The volume of this box is 180 cubic feet.


例3: The volume of business with Brazil has increased.



1. dry bulk 干散货

2. bulk modulus 体积弹性模量

3. bulk up 胀大;形成大数目

4. bulk order 大宗订单

5. cargo in bulk 散货 ; 散装货物 ; 散货散装货

6. break bulk cargo 件货 ; 件杂货 ; 杂货 ; 散件货物

7. bulk goods 散装货物

8. bulk density 容积密度,体积密度;单位体积重量

9. soil bulk density 土壤容重;土壤颗粒密度

10. bulk cement 散装水泥

11. bulk material 疏松物质

12. bulk cement truck 散装水泥卡车;散装水泥运输车

13. Bulk density 堆积密度 ; 物 体积密度 ; 力 体密度 ; 物化 堆密度

14. BULK PRODUCTION 大量生产 ; 大货生产 ; 批量生产

15. bulk volume 总体积

16. Bulk cargo 贸易 散装货 ; 贸易 大宗货物 ; 贸易 散货 ; 贸易 散装货物

17. bulk carrier 散装货船,散货船

18. bulk polymerization 本体(整体)聚合

19. bulk pack 整批包装 ; 胶袋装 ; 散装

20. bulk buying 大宗采购 ; 大批购买 ; 大量购买 ; 大宗购买

21. bulk production 批量生产

22. bulk purchase 大量采购,成批采购

23. bulk grain 散粮;散装谷物

24. bulk commodity 大宗商品,散装货物

25. bulk cargo 散装货

26. in bulk 整批,散装;大批,大量

27. the bulk of 大多数,大部


1. The bulk modulus is an extension of Young's modulus to three dimensions.


2. Provide and make sound judgment on color deviations, candid advice andachieve required colors in bulk production.


3. What's the discount price for a bulk order?

大量订购的折扣价是 多少 ?《期刊摘选》

4. In their fury, Alexstrasza apart and incinerated the greater bulk of the Dragonmaw clan.


5. But some believe the bulk of sourcing gains have been made.


6. BR > We ship most of our oil in bulk.


7. Along with the rise of temperature, both tuber weight and bulk increased rapidly.

后期随着温度的升高,块茎进入旺盛生长期, 块茎重量和体积迅速增长.《期刊摘选》

8. Bulk Drug Intermediates, Fine Chemicals, Pharmaceutical Chemicals , Fine Chemicals, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Pharmaceutical Intermediates.

采购产品大量的药物中间物, 化学药品, 药学的化学药品, 活跃的药学成分, 药学的中间物.《期刊摘选》

9. We ship most of our oil in bulk.


10. The bulk of the people voted.


11. We were very pleased to receive your letter of 10 th July concerning bulk supply of fountain pens.


12. Great bulk does not always mean great weight.


13. They bought pants, shirts, pajamas, and household necessities in bulk.

他们买了裤子 、 衬衫 、 睡衣及大量家居用品.《期刊摘选》

14. He bought rice in bulk.


15. Things are usually cheaper if you buy them in bulk.


16. The bulk of the work rolls from department to department.


17. Notoriously, he hoped that the bulk of his money would be spent on alphabet reform.

众所周知, 他希望他的大部分钱能够用于基础改革.《期刊摘选》

18. Many of these are very specialized, but the preponderance of paper making has been from soft wood and cotton or rags, with the bulk being wood-based.


19. Storekeepers buy them in bulk and resell them for $150 each.


20. The exchange shifts the rapid elevator early phase bulk are that the discrete component is dominateeed.


21. The bulk of the property was, as before has been said, to go to the son.

家产的大部分正如以前交待过的, 将归儿子所有.《期刊摘选》

22. It's cheaper to buy in bulk .


23. Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.


24. The elephant lowered its great bulk.


25. The bulk deformation, fatigue and plough were the major wearing mechanism.

结果表明:合金的主要磨损机制是体积塑性变形 、 沟效应和疲劳磨损.《期刊摘选》

26. The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.


27. The bulk of my own college books are still with me, rarely consulted but always there, reminders of moments, of stages, in a pilgrimage.


28. The method has advantages of less power dissipation, device bulk also easier implementation.

这构成了三次谐波注入方法的无源实现方案,这种方案具有损耗小, 体积小,电路简单的优点.《期刊摘选》

29. Medium sized ( Mittelstand ) companies that account for the bulk of output have joined the exodus.


30. The pressure acid leaching process of bulk concentrate of zinc and lead is investigated.


31. The bulk of their spending is on real estate, furnishings and, the report said.

报告中说, 大部分支出都是在房地产 、 家具饰品上.《期刊摘选》

32. The heat conduction coefficient decreases with increasing the bulk density of nonwoven fabrics.


33. Bulk merchandising of products to achieve maximum impact at a competitive price.


34. The good properties and application of the bulk amorphous materials are also summarized.


35. Yet the overwhelming bulk of banking assets are financed through borrowing, not equity.

不过,绝大多数银行业资产的筹资方式是借贷, 而不是发行股票.《期刊摘选》

36. Via derivation its check a principle, the bulk variation that offers rigor checks a method.

经推导其测试原理, 提出严密的体积变化测试方法.《期刊摘选》

37. Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair.


38. The NIP represents the bulk of U.S. federal intelligence spending, including the CIA, National Security Agency and the FBI's national intelligence branch.

NIP 代表了美国联邦情报支出的大部分,包括中央情报局、国家安全局和美国联邦调查局的国家情报部门。

39. Available for bulk purchase or in a safety dispenser package.


40. The bulk of the evidence points to him as her killer.


41. The bulk of the research shows that there may be a pause, or a shifting of gears in the 40s or 50s, but this shift“ can be exciting, rather than terrifying.”

大部分研究表明,人在四五十岁时,可能会出现短暂的停滞,或是转变,但这种转变“可以是振奋人心的,而不是骇人听闻的”。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

42. The bulk of the population concentrates in the cities.


43. The great bulk of the building reared up against the night sky.


44. Pharmaceutical formulations, Pharmaceutical Raw Material, Fine Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Drug formulation , Intermediates.

采购产品药剂配方, 药学的原料, 化学药品, 大多数药物中间物, 活跃的药学成分.《期刊摘选》

45. Do you know if a piece of lead will weigh down an equal bulk of iron?


46. Bulk density varies significantly with moisture content and particle size of fuel.


47. ...bulk purchasing.


48. The bulk of the work usually starts in one department.


49. The bulk of the world's languages use base-10, base-20 or base-5 number systems.


50. She fought at the bulk that pinned her.


51. The baby needs more bulk in his diet.


52. Great bulk is favorable to discharge heat. High Cost Performance due to it adopted import SCM.

体积大,散热快,性价比实惠. 采用进口单片机控制.《期刊摘选》

53. Make sure the weakest link is getting the bulk of the training.


54. a bulk order (= one for a large number of similar items)


55. Fine Chemicals, Pharmaceutical formulations, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Fine Chemicals, Intermediates, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.

采购产品化学药品, 药剂配方, 大多数药物中间物, 化学药品, 中间物, 有效药物成份.《期刊摘选》

56. The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents


57. If your order is large, we would offer you a bulk discount.

如果您大量订购, 我们就依大量订货打折.《期刊摘选》

58. The vast bulk of the research shows that there may be a pause, or a shifting of gears in the 40s or 50s, but this shift "can be exciting, rather than terrifying".

大部分实验表明人在四五十岁时可能会有一个暂停,或者换挡,但是这种转换将“会让人感到兴奋而并非恐惧”。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 1卷 阅读A》

59. But they also add a lot of bulk.


60. The bulk of the permits are for students.


61. bulk buying (= buying in large amounts, often at a reduced price)


62. The the books the more base and the greater the circumference of their bulk.


63. They come from all over the world, though the bulk is from the Indian subcontinent.


64. The bulk of U.S. home loans are packaged into securities and sold to investors.


65. Saudi Arabia has shouldered the bulk of the output cuts announced by Opec, the oil cartel.


66. The bulk of the work has not been completed.


67. Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.


68. There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts


69. We buy potatoes in bulk and share them and the total cost with our neihbours.


70. Will you give me a discount if I buy in bulk?

如果我大量购买你会给我折扣 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

71. Whites still hold the bulk of the country's wealth.


72. Rested in the Pacific Ocean, Mauna Kea's peak rises above the bulk of our planet's dense atmosphere, where conditions allow telescopes to obtain images of unsurpassed clarity.


73. Ph. D candidate, research on bulk metal glass.

博士生, 研究方向为大块非晶材料的制备,结构和物性.《期刊摘选》

74. This quantity is positive with respect to the free energy of the bulk condensed phase.


75. The Don got into the front seat, moving with quick coordination for his age and bulk.

堂上了前面的座位, 对于他的年龄和大块头来说,迅速协调地移动着.《期刊摘选》

76. Saudi Arabia will shoulder the bulk of the reduction.


77. The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents.


78. Its bulk is unknown to me.


79. In superplastic forming, bulk metallic glass has larger surface friction resistance than ordinary metal alloys.


80. He also said that he could not discuss discounts to universities for bulk purchases.


81. Is UDT only suitable for bulk data?


82. However, the bulk of the translating remains undone.


83. If the bulk of New England writing was ponderous, at least it was rarely trivial.

假使大部分新英格兰作品沉闷乏味,那么, 至少烦琐浅薄得还不够.《辞典例句》

84. Use extra vegetables to bulk up the omelette


85. Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair...


86. And the preparation and production of bulk amorphous alloys are introduced.


87. The mobility includes surface and bulk mobility.


88. Pharmaceutical formulations, Pharmaceutical Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Pharmaceutical Intermediates and formulation.

采购产品药剂配方, 药学的化学药品, 大多数下药中间物, 活跃的药学成分, 药学的中间物.《期刊摘选》

89. Superplastic behaviors of bulk amorphous alloys in the supercooled liquid region were reviewed.


90. An advice-seeker does the bulk of her work alone, but frequently looks to others for advice.


91. They feel I need to bulk up, and to improve my upper body strength.


92. Temperature control is the key technique in bulk concrete construction.


93. Cutting costs is not easy: the bulk relate to promises already made.

削减成本并不是件容易的事: 大部分成本与已经做出的承诺有关.《期刊摘选》

94. S : Certainly, sir. We offer special discount for bulk purchase.

当然可以, 先生,对于大量购买的顾客,我们一般会给予特别的折扣.《期刊摘选》

95. The truck pulled out of the lot, its bulk unnerving against the dawn.


96. The great bulk of necessary work can never be anything but painful ( Bertrand Russell ).

大量必须做的工作真令人痛苦 ( 伯特兰·罗素 ).《期刊摘选》

97. They added extra pages to bulk the book out.


98. Moderately increasing sintering temperature can increase content of mullite and bulk density and also decrease porosity.


99. Sugar forms the huge bulk of our exports.


100. The truck pulled out of the lot, its bulk unnerving against the lawn.


101. The effects of different temperatures on compressive strength and bulk density were studied.


102. Its reliance on cheap coal to generate the bulk of its electricity makes that almost inevitable.


103. The bulk of the book concerns Sandy's two middle-aged children


104. That is before we look for the space to grow the grains, sugars, seeds and oils that provide us with the vast bulk of our current calorie intake.


105. In a titanic collision model, the bulk of the Moon would have formed from a combination of material from the impactor and Earth's mantle.


106. Loading and stowing of dangerous goods and bulk cargoes.


107. Even today, the bulk of world trade is sea borne.

即使在今天, 世界贸易中有绝大部分仍是靠海运.《期刊摘选》

108. Conventional finite element analysis of bulk metal forming is often inefficient due to severe mesh distortion.


109. In that five miles are surface fractures where the bulk of the steam has collected.


110. The bulk of the ruby rubbiz on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.


111. From a strategic point of view , too , both BA and Iberia badly need more bulk.

同样,从战略角度来看, 英航和伊比利亚都急需扩大规模.《期刊摘选》

112. Julie's father owned a business that dealt in bulk orders.


113. Mr Hobbs bought food in bulk at the local cash and carry.


114. North Korea and for years the bulk purchase of various materials.


115. Bulk buying and early order can enjoy a competitve price.


116. The bulk of the funds are supplied by some of america's largest and most powerful corporations.


117. The bulk of the population lives in cities.


118. NMSs provide the bulk of the processing and memory resources required for network management.


119. The effects of addition of La 55 Al 25 Ni 20 bulk metallic glass into ZA 27 alloy are investigated.


120. A variety of conifers and hardwoods makes up the bulk of the vegetation.


121. In most markets you can buy fresh fruit in bulk.


122. It is foreign portfolio managers who be charged with making the bulk of these investments.


123. ...the shadowy bulk of an ancient barn.


124. Bulk storage tanks are filled by liquid transport trailers.


125. John left the bulk of his property to his brother.


126. Shopkeepers buy them in bulk and resell them for £ 150 each


127. The bulk of the funds are supplied by some of America's largest and most powerful corporations.


128. This resistor has small bulk and ability of resistance to high temperature and damp.


129. Your money could bulk up to a fortune if you save everything you can.


130. A vast bulk of coal is still stored in the basement.


131. Pharmaceutical formulations, Fine Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Intermediates, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.

采购产品药剂配方, 化学品, 大多数药物中间物, 中间物, 活跃的药学成分.《期刊摘选》

132. Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.


133. Bulk amorphous alloys ( bulk metallic glasses ) are widely researched for its unique microstructure and excellent properties.

大块 非晶合金 由于其独特的结构和优异性能而得到广泛的研究.《期刊摘选》

134. The method to measure the bulk density of compact bituminous mixture is always disputed among researchers.


135. It's cheaper to buy in bulk.


136. It's not their weight that makes these sacks hard to carry, it's their bulk.

这些袋子难于搬运, 倒不是因为重而是体积太大.《期刊摘选》

137. Personal delivery available for bulk order , please refer to Group Discount Promotion for detail.

大量订购者,亦享免费运送, 详情请查看集体订购优惠.《期刊摘选》

138. There's a popular supposition that we're publicly funded but the bulk of our money comes from competitive contracts.


139. The bulk of the work has now been done.


140. Conscripts form the bulk of the army's rank and file.


141. The bulk of the book concerns Sandy's two middle-aged children.


142. Pharmaceutical formulations, Fine Chemicals, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Fine Chemicals, Intermediates.

采购产品药剂配方, 化学品, 大多数药物中间物, 是活跃的药学成分, 化学品, 中间物.《期刊摘选》

143. With large amounts of monomer, bulk polymerization often takes very turbulent and even explosive form.


144. You should know that buying in bulk always makes better economic sense.


145. The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents...


146. For bulk order, shipping cost will be separately quoted.

如大量订购书刊, 邮费可另行报价.《期刊摘选》

147. The bulk of China's reserves have always been invested in US dollar securities, mostly Treasury bonds.

中国的大部分外汇储备一直投资于美元证券, 主要是美国国债.《期刊摘选》

148. She heaved her bulk out of the chair.


149. He moved his menacing bulk closer to the table


150. I don't think we would against the bulk of public opinion.


151. The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea.


152. Maintaining a high body temperature through sheer bulk is called gigantothermy.


153. The great bulk of the work was handled by Jerry Greenwald and Steve Miller.


154. "In Africa, women till the land and produce the bulk of the food, yet they have no understanding about marketing," Sadza said.

“在非洲,妇女种地并生产大部分的粮食,但是她们不懂营销。”Sadza 说。

155. It is nearly identical to our own planet and bulk properties such as mass, density, and size.


156. Experimental studies were made in Josephson effect of bulk superconductive materials at liquid nitrogen temperature.


157. It was a document of surprising bulk.


158. Globally mineral wax, particularly petroleum waxes forms the bulk of total supply.

全球矿物蜡, 特别是石蜡形成了大量的供给.《期刊摘选》

159. Most of their bulk is hidden below the water.


160. Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission.


161. The data were fitted to Murnagahan isothermal equation of state ( EOS ) to get the bulk modulus.

利用 Murnagahan 等温状态方程对压强和体积关系进行了拟合,得到铝在零压下的体模量.《期刊摘选》

162. Direct Purchase at Centre or Bulk Order ( 20 items or above ) will enjoy discounts.

大量订购 ( 20本或以上 ) 或亲临本中心选购学报,可获折扣优惠.《期刊摘选》

163. Pharmaceutical formulations, Bulk Drug Intermediates, Fine Chemicals, Fine Chemicals, Intermediates, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.

采购产品药剂配方, 大多数下药中间物, 化学药品, 化学药品, 中间物, 有效药物成份.《期刊摘选》

164. With the precondition of insulated voltage high frequency transformer reduces bulk greatly.


165. The bulk and weight of coal required in the majority of manufacturing industries is large in comparison with the bulk and weight of other raw matericals.


166. Do they charge carriage by bulk?


167. His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.


168. Such collections of amyloid add to renal bulk, but diminish renal function.

淀粉样物质沉积使肾脏体积增大, 但功能下降.《期刊摘选》

169. Holyfield has bulked up to 210 pounds using weights.


170. Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast.


171. Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair


172. The bulk of the railroad workers voted to go back to work.


173. And they are reaping the bulk of profits from the trade.


174. In rotary evaporation a vacuum distillation apparatus is used to remove bulk solvents from a sample.


175. The bulk of currency trading takes place in the interbank market , directly between dealers.

在银行之间有大量的外汇交易, 交易商之间也有.《期刊摘选》


1. So, the bulk of the atom is positive.

原子的主体带正电荷。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. "We've seen good levels of output, and given that, for the bulk commodities in particular that's the iron ore and coal both steaming and coking those prices are looking strong.

VOA : standard.2010.01.21

3. But you do, in fact, have to worry about long-term exposure, cyanide poisoning in terms of long-term effects in certain populations that do get the bulk of their carbohydrates from this root, from the root of the Cassava plant.

但是你确实,不得不担心长时间的接触,氰化物的慢性中毒会对,从木薯根中获取大部分,碳水化合物的部分人群产生影响。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. But if the bulk sales improve Britain's worst estates, it may be a price worth paying.

ECONOMIST: Some councils are getting rid of their entire housing stock

5. In addition to selling loans, Fannie Mae has started selling foreclosed homes in bulk.

FORBES: Expected Foreclosure Wave Weakened by Short Sale Rip Current

6. It said the limit was to prevent some individuals from bulk-buying baby milk for "unofficial exports".

BBC: Baby milk rationed in UK over China export fear

7. When we find people challenging it, I think they have the bulk of time and human experience on their side when they say you guys got it wrong.

当我们发现有人挑战这一定律时,我只能说他们完全是在白费力气,当他们说道 你们这些家伙是错的古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Excessive debt can bulk up and fuel an economy for many years before it is understood.

FORBES: Weaning Ourselves from Economic Steroids - Excess Debt

9. The bulk of Nato's 100, 000 troops are due to leave by the end of that year.

BBC: Nato announces Afghanistan Wardak agreement

10. The bulk of his extra fiscal tightening will come from spending cuts, which will yield 1.8%.

ECONOMIST: Britain's emergency budget

11. Market centers thrive on volume because that's how they generate the bulk of their revenues.

FORBES: Crank Up The Volume

12. The truck pulled out of the lot, its bulk unnerving against the dawn.


13. Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.


14. That's the history of the world; the whole human race has spent the bulk of its time farming.

那就是这个世界的历史事实,全人类花费了大量的时间,用在了农耕上古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. An overwhelming majority of Republicans backed the measure, while the bulk of Democrats opposed it.

CNN: House passes $643 billion defense bill

16. The bulk of that will fall in 2013 and 2014, as new carriage agreements kick in.

FORBES: Here's How Fox Could Make Billions By Ditching Broadcasting

17. The Texas coast bore the bulk of Ike's power, and areas lay in ruins Tuesday.

CNN: Houston food bank 'overwhelmed,' director says

18. Paulson told reporters the administration hoped to target the bulk of the relief to consumers.

NPR: Weighing The Impact Of A Possible Tax Rebate

19. "The bulk of our food production on this planet is dependent to some extent or another on oil or products of oil, so this goes right to the heart of,frankly, the way our society functions,"

VOA : standard.2009.10.20

20. Big purchasers get better pricing because when you buy in bulk you can negotiate a better price.

NPR: Democrats to Push for Medicare Changes

21. It has an independent water utility, which charges for the water it sells in bulk.

ECONOMIST: Brazil's S?o Francisco river project

22. In 1945 Marvin Sands started making fruit wine in bulk in a converted sauerkraut factory.

FORBES: Up From the Gutter

23. You'll see light coming out, but it's, of course, going to be bulk light -- you're not going to be able to tell the individual wavelengths.

你会看到有光出来,但当然这些光是混在一起的,你不能看到每个单色光。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

24. Harvey's 70 innings easily lap Warren's 23.2, and nobody is buying Adam Warren jerseys in bulk.

WSJ: Matt Harvey's Yankee Buddy

25. Enter Stambouli, who offers to take the stuff off the store's hands in bulk.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. Homes, not one here and one there, but homes in bulk, are a tradeable asset class.

FORBES: Rising Home Prices And Falling Unemployment: Don't Trust the Numbers

27. Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.


28. The Social Development committee expressed strong concerns over restricting discounts on these bulk purchases.

BBC: Nelson McCausland

29. So the period of the exile is the sixth century, the bulk of the middle of the sixth century.

那么六世纪的流放期,六世纪中页的大部分时期。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. I have to believe that the bulk of the killing took place on the flight and so that's why that works out.

但我相信,惨重的伤亡会在逃跑时出现,这就是为什么会算出那么惨重的伤亡数字古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. In the end, you either let the bulk of them stay or herd them out.

FORBES: The Republican Party Needs A Reset On Immigration

32. The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of shipping rates for bulk goods, has foundered.

ECONOMIST: Maersk orders ten colossal vessels

33. The bulk of it is men's and women's fragrances distinguished by the creative process.

WSJ: On the Scent of Luxury With an Upper East Side Perfumer

34. There, apparently the bulk of them proved so completely unobjectionable as to be almost immediately forgotten.

FORBES: The Next Big Protest: Leap Day Against the Dread Pirate Benko?

35. Heterosexual contact is responsible for the bulk of HIV transmission.


36. The bulk of the work will center on setting the various standards, contends Scardamalia.

FORBES: Smarter Phone Charger On Way

37. Rather, the bulk of the March Madness money is likely to be made on sports betting.

FORBES: The Business Of The Bracket: How Vegas And Businesses Capitalize On March Madness

38. Meanwhile, makers of generics developed more efficient manufacturing processes and negotiated bulk discounts on raw materials.

FORBES: AIDS Drugs C For Profit Or Not?

39. Baseball and gridiron stars rely on their playing contracts for the bulk of their earnings.


40. Indeed, a deal would bulk Virgin Active up to four times its current size.

FORBES: Branson To Muscle In On U.S. Gym Chain?

41. His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.


42. And, secondly, the bulk of the atom is positive.

其次,原子的主体是带正电荷的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. He says, sort of toward the top of the right-hand column, page 768: It is evident that the bulk of poetry consists of statements which only the very foolish would think of attempting to verify.

右侧栏的上面,Richards写道:,诗歌中显然有大量不真实的陈述,而只有傻子才试图去核实它们。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. Although these people are Greeks, they are ruling a culture which is thoroughly different from the one we will be studying for the bulk of the semester.

虽然这些人是希腊人,但是他们所统治的文化,和我们将要花大半个学期所学的文化完全不同古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. The bulk of those iOS users will convert to Macs before this upgrade cycle is over.

FORBES: What Will It Take To Move Apple's Stock Price Again?

46. The other major geographic region that appears to produce the bulk of these films isSoutheast Asia.

FORBES: Special Report: The Horrific World of Online Sexual Violence Against Women - Forbes

47. The bulk of historical evidence points to Columbus being either Spanish or Italian, so the researchers started there.

BBC: The mystery of Christopher Columbuss legacy




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meticulousness的意思是:n. 谨小慎微。学考宝为您提供meticulousness是什么意思,meticulousness的翻译,meticulousness的用法,meticulousness的短语搭配,meticulousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctilio的意思是:n. 拘泥形式;细节;拘束。学考宝为您提供punctilio是什么意思,punctilio的翻译,punctilio的用法,punctilio的短语搭配,punctilio的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


bull的意思是:n. 公牛;雄性大型动物;买空者,多头;教皇诏书,教皇训谕;<非正式>废话,胡说八道;靶心 v. <非正式>用力推,猛推;(母牛)发情 【名】 (Bull)(英、葡、瑞典、芬、挪、德)布尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供bull是什么意思,bull的翻译,bull的用法,bull的短语搭配,bull的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctiliously的意思是:adv. 谨小慎微地;拘泥细节地;一丝不苟地。学考宝为您提供punctiliously是什么意思,punctiliously的翻译,punctiliously的用法,punctiliously的短语搭配,punctiliously的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


fastidiousness的意思是:n. 一丝不苟;严格。学考宝为您提供fastidiousness是什么意思,fastidiousness的翻译,fastidiousness的用法,fastidiousness的短语搭配,fastidiousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


bulk的意思是:n. 主体,大部分;庞大的身躯,肥硕的体形;(巨大的)容积,体积 adj. 大批的,大宗的 v. 使(产品)数量显得很大;结合(待售的股票或商品) 【名】 (Bulk)(土)布尔克(人名)。学考宝为您提供bulk是什么意思,bulk的翻译,bulk的用法,bulk的短语搭配,bulk的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctiliousness的意思是:n. 一丝不苟;小心翼翼;谨小慎微。学考宝为您提供punctiliousness是什么意思,punctiliousness的翻译,punctiliousness的用法,punctiliousness的短语搭配,punctiliousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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