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turning moment是什么意思_turning moment怎么读_turning moment的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


turning moment

turning moment

网络 转动力矩

英 [ˈtɜːnɪŋ ˈməʊmənt]play 美 [ˈtɜːrnɪŋ ˈmoʊmənt]play

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1. electromagnetism turning moment 电磁转矩

2. centrifugal turning moment 离心回转力矩

3. start turning moment 启动转矩

4. mean solar time turning moment 平均转动矩

5. turning moment WESTBANK 扭矩

6. crank turning moment 曲柄旋转力矩

7. mean turning moment 平均转动矩

8. chance moment turning point 契机

9. moment of turning ship 船舶回转力矩


1. For thousands of years, cultures the world over feted the winter solstice as the moment of the sun's return, the turning of the wintry tide.


2. Dear Ones, my terrestrial Brothers and Sisters, we are at a key moment, at a turning point, this is not a game and we need the greatest collaboration from all of you.


3. In hydraulic transmission system, turning moment and rotational speeds of pump impellers and turbines have to be kept steady in order for the normal operation of the system.


4. Well-being of the original is so simple! May just be turning in our consciousness the moment! Just that earth's you and me cherish it?


5. turning off any screens an hour or two before bedtime (instead of working up until the last possible moment) and starting a simple bedtime routine.


6. Month's end should be a fine turning point for your career, so much so you may want to mark the moment with a proper celebration.


7. However, just once, you inadvertently let go or a turning moment, some things completely changed.


8. The mathematical models on turning resistance moment of the wheels and apron against ground are put forward.


9. That moment also marks the positive turning point in my battle with Bulimia.


10. For reconstructing the vehicle movement process after collision, the paper considers the factors of accessional brake moment and accessional turning moment and applies kinetics theories to set up two-wheel movement simulation models respectively for braking vehicle and non-braking vehicle.


11. Some in this brigade see the moment last autumn when Mr Cameron decided not to promise a (pointless) referendum on the ratified Lisbon treaty as the turning point in their fortunes.


12. But no turning of the seasons can diminish the pain and the loss of that day. No passage of time and no dark skies can ever dull the meaning of this moment.


13. Analysing the accurate solution of the common stud bolt connection acted by the turning moment


14. At that moment he heard Gill's key turning in the lock of the door.


15. This is again mainly due to the decrease of the equivalent moment of turning resistance with the increase of lateral acceleration.


16. Everybody fulfilled, just like the moment of turning around after mooey cleaned.


17. Historian A. J. P. Taylor once called 1848 a moment when "history reached a turning point and failed to turn."


18. It's the Solstice - the moment when the rising Sun, having crept slowly along the horizon for the past six months, finally reaches a turning point.


19. 1998 will be an important turning moment for the world to stride into the new century.


20. The author of this paper holds that the conflict between law and morality at the turning moment of the present society will bring serious social problems.


21. In the habit of turning moment, draw us in the end.


22. But Marius could no longer hear him, for at that moment he was turning the corner of the Rue Saint-Louis.


23. It must have been a terrible moment for the Witch when she suddenly realized that her power of turning people into dust, which had been quite real in her own world, was not going to work in ours.


24. In hydraulic transmission system, turning moment and rotational speeds of pump impellers and turbines have to be kept steady in order for the normal operation of the system.


25. May just be turning in our consciousness the moment!


26. The Test Installment of Vulve Open and Close Dynamic Turning Moment of Force and the Intellectual Serial Communication of PC


27. It can be enormously helpful to take a moment and reflect on what you've accomplished so far before turning your attention to the challenges that remain ahead.


28. However, just once, you inadvertently let go or a turning moment, some things completely changed.


29. I could feel my face turning red at that moment.

我能感觉到我的脸在那一刻变红了。《中考真题- 2017 广东 阅读表达》

30. The moment that you discovered that your eyesight would prevent you from flying was clearly a major turning point in your life.


31. The above equation indicates that when the centrifugal force is taken into consideration, the equivalent moment of turning resistance is reduced.


32. Next moment, hardly knowing how it came about, he found he had hold of the handle and was turning it.


33. Historian A.J.P. Taylor once called 1848 a moment when "history reached a turning point and failed to turn."



1. Our third action must be to help elevate the changes in North Africa and the Arab world from a moment in history to a turning point in history.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama & Prime Minister Cameron Joint Press Availability | The White House

2. Congressional passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in January 1865 was nonetheless a stirring, profound moment in American history, but it was not the stark turning point that the movie pretends it to be.

FORBES: In Lincoln (2012 Movie), Why Did Lincoln Rush The Vote On The 13th Amendment?

3. From the moment he was born in 1894 Huxley had a knack of turning up wherever history was being made.

ECONOMIST: Writers' lives

4. We have reached a turning point in political process, a watershed moment that is beginning to shake the world economy to the core.

FORBES: Another Leg Of The Credit Crunch Is Coming Soon

5. The biggest moment of drama came when the Austrian went into a spin as he hurtled towards the ground, turning at a maximum rate of 60 revolutions per minute.

BBC: Skydiver Felix Baumgartner fell faster than first thought

6. Mountain View, California (CNN) -- At this moment we have reached a major turning point for both science and the public at large.

CNN: What if there's somebody else out there?

7. Many have considered it a potential turning point, a moment when Ukraine chose between embracing a western future, or falling back into an authoritarian past.

FORBES: Ukraine Is More Western Than You Think: The Trial of Yulia Tymoshenko

8. At the very moment Israel is showing small signs of turning away from post-1967 Messianism and rediscovering a sense of its limits, the Palestinian side has on the face of it reverted to the self-defeating maximal demands of the 1940s.

ECONOMIST: The Arab-Israeli conflict

9. Friend remembers the moment when he realized the importance of the drug-making business in turning the kind of primary research he once did into actual medicines that can heal patients.

FORBES: Rosetta Inpharmatics Reads Genome As Recipe For Drugs

10. As brave as this supposed employee may be, it may come back to bite him, but his Spartacus moment is turning into a rallying cry for the victims of one of the biggest launch disasters in modern gaming history.

FORBES: EA Employee Chastises Company Over SimCity in Public Letter

11. In this moment of crisis, some homeless Pakistanis are turning to a higher power.

CNN: Displaced Pakistanis crowd camps as they flee fighting

12. Tuesday marks a moment in which they are turning all that focus and attention -- as well as their passionate calls for stricter gun control -- into a political movement.


13. Lo and behold, an agent could be turning down my street at any moment, perhaps to go fishing on our Yellow River, and would discover my untapped talent.

FORBES: Living The Dream

14. At the moment, Baron Cohen is at risk of turning into an erudite Howard Stern.

NEWYORKER: Strongmen

15. Gov. Deval Patrick and other state authorities should resist allowing the passion and grief of the moment to override the will of the people of Massachusetts not to execute its citizens by turning the case over to the feds.

CNN: Vengeance shouldn't guide prosecution

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wage的意思是:n. 工资,报酬;(经济)工资总额;(喻)报应 v. 进行,发动(战争,运动)。学考宝为您提供wage是什么意思,wage的翻译,wage的用法,wage的短语搭配,wage的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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vote的意思是:v. 投票选举,投票表决;投票评选;(通过投票)决定给予(资助),同意提供(款项);表明,公认(某事好或坏);投票同意;建议,主张 n. 选票,票;投票,表决;(选举中的)选票总数(the vote);选举权,表决权;投票结果,表决结果;投票者,选民(the vote);特定投票群体,特定选民 【名】 (Vote)(英、法)沃特(人名)。学考宝为您提供vote是什么意思,vote的翻译,vote的用法,vote的短语搭配,vote的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


charters的意思是:n. (说明某部分民众应有权利的)宪章;(表明某一组织之宗旨和原则的)宪章,章程;(统治者或政府准许成立新的组织、城镇、大学等并授予某种权利的)特许状,许可证,凭照。v. 包租(飞机、船等);特许设立;给予…特权;发给许可证(或凭照)。charter的第三人称单数和复数。学考宝为您提供charters是什么意思,charters的音标,charters怎么读,charters的翻译,charters的用法,charters的短语搭配,charters的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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