莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈliːdə(r)]play美 [ˈliːdər]play

  • n. 领导者,首领;领先者,佼佼者;首席小提琴手;指挥;社论;<美>(报纸的)要闻,头条;(胶卷,磁带的)空白段;(渔线)接钩绳;(植物的)顶枝;(尤指表格中的)指向符
  • 【名】 (Leader)(英)利德(人名)

复数 leaders

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


leader /ˈliːdə/

  • 1.
    可数名词 The leader of a group of people or an organization is the person who is in control of it or in charge of it. 领导人

    We now need a new leader of the party and a new style of leadership.


  • 2.
    可数名词 The leader at a particular point in a race or competition is the person who is winning at that point. 领先者

    The leaders came in two minutes clear of the field.


  • 3.
    可数名词 The leader of an orchestra is the most senior violin player, who acts as a deputy to the conductor. (交响乐团的)首席小提琴手
  • 4.
    可数名词 A leader in a newspaper is a piece of writing which gives the editor's opinion on an important news item. (报纸上的)社评



  • adj.

    lead 带头的;最重要的

    leading 领导的;主要的

    leaded [冶] 加铅的

  • n.

    lead 领导;铅;导线;石墨;榜样

    leadership 领导能力;领导阶层

    leading 领导;铅板;行距

  • v.

    leading 领导(lead的ing形式)

    leaded 促使(lead的过去分词);引导;带领

  • vi.

    lead 领导;导致;用水砣测深

  • vt.

    lead 领导;致使;引导;指挥



leader chief head 【导航词义:首领】

leader n. 领袖,领导人

〔辨析〕 指国家、民族、政党、组织等的领袖或领导,强调领导能力,含有能够引领、控制被领导者并获得其支持的意味。

例1: He is a very brave and wise leader.


例2: They work under a kind leader.


chief n. 领导,首领

〔辨析〕 尤用于职位头衔和新闻报道中,指公司或机构中地位很高或最高的人;也指部落首领。

例1: The president is also the chief of the armed forces.


例2: The chief of the police came and examined the dead.


例3: I know the Indian chief.


head n. 领导,首脑

〔辨析〕 指机构、团体等的负责人或最高领导。

例1: The original founder is still head of the organization.


例2: The head of the workshop ordered that the work be finished in three days.


例3: Bill was appointed head of the election committee.



1. Squad leader 副班长 ; 小队长 ; 老班长

2. majority leader 多数党领袖

3. floor leader (美)议会中的政党领袖

4. democratic leader 民主的领导

5. class leader 班长

6. group leader 组长;车间班长;团体领袖

7. project leader 项目领导

8. team leader 组长;团队领导

9. market leader 市场领袖

10. district leader 【美国政治】州议会议员选区的政党领导人

11. spiritual leader n. 精神领袖

12. brand leader 畅销品牌

13. opinion leader 意见领袖;舆论领袖

14. platoon leader n. 排长

15. minority leader 少数党领袖

16. leader of the opposition 反对派领袖;反对党领导

17. Team Leader 测试主管 ; 团队主管 ; 小队长 ; 组长

18. squad leader 班长;小队长

19. loss leader 为招揽顾客而削本出售的商品

20. excellent leader 优秀干部;优秀领导

21. Group Leader 车间班长 ; 组长 ; 团队领导 ; 小组长

22. community leader 社区领导者;社区领袖;社团建设者;社会活动家

23. Leader Music 颜小健 ; 口袋易百 ; 小峰峰 ; 余小囧

24. Project Leader 项目主管 ; 项目经理 ; 项目组长 ; 项目负责人

25. political leader 政治领袖


1. The leader seemed the devil incarnate.


2. Good leaders aren't lone rangers .

好的领导者不是 “ 孤独的护林员 ”.《名作英译部分》

3. He is a well-meaning but ineffectual leader.


4. She is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor.


5. Elder Chen is replacing Elder Li as the new Zone Leader.


6. The leader of the expedition must be a man of great vigor.


7. Google is the leader here, as in so many areas of technology.

Google是这方面的领导者, 正如它是很多技术领域的领导者一样.《期刊摘选》

8. The party leader exhorted his members to start preparing for government.


9. Give name and address of count leader , and names of other counters.

请填写调查负责人的姓名和地址, 以及其他调查者的姓名.《期刊摘选》

10. We face challenges constantly a leader in a large corporation.


11. The country abandoned its political leaders after the war.


12. He's party leader in name only.


13. The leaders clashed with party members on the issue.


14. Hence, it will be the world leader and America will slip into second or third.

因此, 中国将成为世界的领导者,美国可能将会退居第二或者第三.《期刊摘选》

15. She does a good job as leader of the factory.


16. She determined to be loyal to her leader.


17. Those African leaders have now fallen victims of neocolonialism and sold their fellow Africans down the river.


18. Military leaders are not expecting a frontal assault by the rebels.


19. Knowledge of work responsibilities includes understanding one's role, responsibilities, and authority as a leader at Toyota.

工作职责方面的认知包括对自己在组织中所扮角色, 职责以及在丰田作为领导者的权力的理解.《期刊摘选》

20. Community leaders have renewed calls for a peaceful settlement.


21. Fellowship leaders , please contact Lao Ho to update information of your fellowship.

若资料需要更改, 请团契负责人与贺陈隽联络.《期刊摘选》

22. They hailed him ( as ) leader.


23. The youth club leader was unpopular with the young people because he was always flinging his weight around.


24. Area area 131 square kilometer, its intertill ground accumulates 8044 hectare.

区域面积131平方公里, 其中耕地面积8044公顷.《期刊摘选》

25. Communicate compromise settlement problems , coordinate the project leader, clinician, section office, clinical base and patient.

协调研究项目负责人 、 临床医生 、 辅助科室 、 临床基地、患者等各方关系.《期刊摘选》

26. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.


27. These are all due to the leaders who paved the road for us.


28. The Forest Industry business group is a global market leader in its sector.


29. Whom did you choose for our team leader?


30. She is a leader, not a follower.


31. Applications for campus leader, volunteer and participant are now open for registration.

如今,活动中的校园领导者, 志愿者和参与者已开始接受报名.《期刊摘选》

32. Are you fit to be a leader of a follower?


33. China's digital goal is to become China's IT and knowledge industry leader.


34. Big business and dozens of anonymous bureaucrats have as much power as Japan's top elected leaders.


35. She was among the leaders of the race from the start.


36. the leader of the party


37. Wave project leader on the spot to answer some difficult problems.


38. Elected leaders must be allowed to help supporters deal with bureaucratic problems without fear of prosecution of bribery.

民选领袖应该被允许去帮助其支持者处理官僚问题而无须担心被起诉受贿。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

39. To assist learners as they develop into competent leaders.


40. There was a new mood of realism among the leaders at the peace talks.


41. The team are now just six points adrift of the leaders.


42. Do this and you can easily become the market leader, as Skype has proved.

如果这样做,你能轻易地成为市场领导者,就像Skype 一样。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

43. The person in charge of this project has signed a responsibility certificate with the leader.


44. Note 1 : Team Leader must be included and in this form.

注 一: 团队负责人仍需填此表.《期刊摘选》

45. As leader, his main aim is to reunite the party.


46. The leaders came in two minutes clear of the field...


47. Youths are the leaders of both today and tomorrow.


48. The Iraq will have been attacked if their leaders do not annihilate their fatal weapons.


49. He headed off efforts to replace him as leader.


50. He inherited a poisoned chalice when he took over the job as union leader.


51. His days as leader of the party are numbered.


52. The party wants her as leader.


53. He aspired to be their next leader.


54. The two leaders are battling for control of the government.


55. It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks.


56. Minimum 7 years design experience and at least 2 years in the capacity of design leader.


57. Some business leaders worry that electricity costs will increase.


58. They need a leader they can believe in.


59. He believes that he and his compatriot student are the future leader.


60. He was not a natural leader.


61. The new leader hopes to unify the country.


62. They need to rid their minds of sentimentalism ( 感情用事):the most successful teams have leaders who are able to set an overall direction and take immediate action.

他们需要摆脱感情用事:最成功的团队都会有这样的领导者,他们制定总体方向、快速采取行动。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

63. Business leaders agree: the project management profession is indispensable for business results.

商业领袖们认为: 项目管理专业知识与商业运营结果密不可分.《期刊摘选》

64. In addition, there be officers in the interrelated fields, and leaders of the industry association.

行业专家 、 国际领先的泵制造及配套企业高层技术和管理人员, 以及相关领域政府官员和行业协会负责人.《期刊摘选》

65. It was nice for the Party to have a leader again with some relish for words.


66. These leaders, of course , weren't acting out of unselfishness.


67. He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.


68. Over the years, the World Bank has been a research leader in measuring poverty and inequality.

数年来, 世界银行一直充当衡量贫困与不平等的研究领袖.《期刊摘选》

69. The news has been greeted with dismay by local business leaders.


70. World leaders marveled at the spell he cast over the crowds.


71. The opposition leader has intensified his attacks on the government.


72. The Prime Minister met other European leaders for talks.


73. Although Democrats are running strong here, retired union leader, Mike Rubicz, says many voters feel conflicted.

虽然民主党在这里声势浩大, 退休工会负责人鲁比茨说,很多选民感到困惑.《期刊摘选》

74. Who's the likely successor to him as party leader?


75. How to become a good leader?


76. Cooperate with System Project Leader for customer request and develop of component on system.


77. It was a policy welcomed by world leaders from the US president downwards.


78. The leader of this team must be a man of great vigor.


79. A good second round brought him level with the tournament leader.


80. The leaders of the collusion against the government were caught and punished.


81. We'll start when the team leader comes.


82. At that time, the ruling Jacobin faction leader Robespierre strongly supports this request.


83. Sal was the leader of the pack.


84. The company is a world leader in electrical goods.


85. He imposed himself as their leader.


86. He is the unchallenged leader of the chess club.


87. He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.


88. The story was an attempt to smear the party leader.


89. PMC an industry leader among sales companies competing in the $ 8 billion dollar spot television marketplace.

PMC是 80亿美元电视插播广告市场销售竞争中的行业领袖.《期刊摘选》

90. She's the favourite to succeed him as leader.


91. All the members of the party have lined up behind the newly elected leader, even those who voted against him.

该党全体党员都支持这位新选出来的领袖, 甚至连那些曾经投票反对他的人也不例外.《简明英汉词典》

92. Will they unite behind the new leader?


93. An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader.


94. By convention the deputy leader was always a woman.


95. The Pope is the spiritual leader of many Christians.


96. Conservative elements were shocked and the moderate leaders scared.


97. She's being touted as the next leader of the party.


98. Acts as a leader in the Internal PPM Reduction Teams assuring positive tendencies and results.


99. He was a strong leader with unbounded optimism.


100. But [ business ] is a team sport, and there can be more than one leader.

但是, [ 企业 ] 是一项集体运动, 因此可不止一个领袖.《期刊摘选》

101. Besides the ninety or so learned ministers who came to Massachusetts churches in the decade after 1629,there were political leaders like John Winthrop, an educated gentleman, lawyer, and official of the Crown before he journeyed to Boston.

1629年之后的十年间,大约有九十名知识渊博的牧师来到了马萨诸塞州的教会。除此以外,还有诸如约翰·温斯罗普这样的政治领袖。温斯罗普是一位受过良好教育的绅士,在来波士顿之前曾担任过律师和王室官员。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

102. A few diplomats and business leaders quietly boarded their jets and got to work.


103. Goebbels did not think it necessary to inform the new Leader of his own intentions.


104. Write to our leaders and help get the word out in Japanese.


105. Keep close by the leader and then you won't lose your way.


106. The members of leading group include the leaders of the concerned ministries of the State Council.


107. Procter & Gamble is the leader in the mass market cosmetics industry.


108. Act the part. Good leaders have learned to sound and look like winners.


109. Patty: I don't know. I'd like a strong leader who will stand up for my rights.

佩蒂: 我不知道, 我想要一个会为我的权益挺身而出的领导者.《期刊摘选》

110. They felt that their leaders had bargained away their freedom.


111. The party leader said the street should be renamed Freedom Avenue.


112. a political/spiritual, etc. leader


113. The city and the Commonwealth have lost a great leader.


114. union leaders


115. Who is the Senate Majority Leader now?


116. The leader should not state a preference initially.


117. In China, we work with several world leading financial service groups and industry leaders.

在中国, 我公司同国际上知名的金融服务集团和一些行业领袖合作.《期刊摘选》

118. the Labour Party leader


119. President . And many churches refer to their leader as Reverend.


120. His position as leader is under threat.


121. She's a born leader .


122. The rebel leader was a fugitive from justice.


123. The mission management term chief , has just polled the 20 different launch c rew leaders.


124. He was criticized as a weak and indecisive leader.


125. He is the spiritual leader of the world's Catholics.


126. We are going to hold a rally next month to elect a new leader.


127. Any leader who isand easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little.


128. Great leaders recognize the weak signals or slight signs that point to big changes to come.

伟大的领导者能察觉到指向即将来临的大变革的微弱信号或微妙迹象。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

129. Likewise, Marxism never denies the role of leaders in political parties.

同样, 马克思主义也从来没有否认领袖人物对于政党的作用.《期刊摘选》

130. We now need a new leader of the party and a new style of leadership...


131. He had been a simple farmer, but his character made him a leader.

他不过是个普通的雇农, 但他的品格使他当上了负责人.《期刊摘选》

132. Now he is a leader in show.


133. The leader was in full flower at the time.


134. He is recognized to be their natural leader.


135. Any deal reached between union leaders and management would be subject toratification vote by union members.


136. Google is a market leader in that kind of data portability as well.


137. The captain is the leader of the team.


138. In The Prince, he championed cunning, ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy and justice, as the skills of successful leaders.

在《君主论》一书中,他认为比起美德、仁慈和正义,狡诈、冷酷和大胆才是成功的领袖所必备的技能。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

139. Lorenzo was a natural leader who made friends easily.


140. But legal action against PAD leaders has all but stalled under Mr Abhisit.


141. The cult leader saw himself as a messianic figure.


142. The brunt of her argument was directed at the trade union leader.


143. The leader will be chosen by secret ballot.


144. Coordinate cross departments and projects as team leader of the technical department.


145. She's a born leader.


146. Accompanied by the leader, they visited the hospital.

在领导的陪同下, 他们参观了医院.《现代汉英综合大词典》

147. He's a natural leader.


148. He was not a natural leader .


149. Paul Rode is a leader of the renovation project.


150. He was put in charge of the group by the dying leader.


151. Britain is the world's water treatment to remove scale physical aspects of one of the leaders.


152. We need a confident leader to overcome these difficulties.


153. The world drivers' championship leader crossed the line ahead of the Swede.


154. That’s why leaders continue to manage the present while building toward the big changes of the future.

这就是为什么领导者在为未来的巨大变革做准备工作时也会继续管理好眼下的事。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》


1. There is one highly visible labor leader who has already espoused much of this vision.

FORBES: Big Labor Should Learn From Big Blue

2. The Guardian Council, a body of theologians and jurists, is loyal to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

BBC: From the section Middle East

3. Manuel Cortes, leader of the TSSA rail union said rail passengers had already suffered enough above-inflation fare rises.

BBC: Network Rail unveils ?37.5bn investment plan

4. What really matters about a leader is their committment to getting to the right answer and to doing it in the right way.

对于好的领导者而言,重要的是致力于,得到正确答案,以及如何用正确的方式来实现它。领导能力简介课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

5. And the third was: we had to be a leader in service and support.

第三,在服务和支持,方面要领先。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

6. being a leader for your family.

作为一家之主的自豪感。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 重要的是家庭教育

7. For example, there is a marble statue of Sam Houston, a leader who fought for independence for the state of Texas.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

8. Tamar Golan, a Paris-based journalist, profiles the rebel leader.


9. He doesn't expect to see a black leader of the country in his lifetime.

BBC: Could Britain have a black PM?

10. For labor to evolve, it will need a leader better equipped to walk the talk.

FORBES: Big Labor Should Learn From Big Blue

11. The group's leader died of exposure.


12. Networking leader Cisco has cut costs by embedding Linux and the MySQL database into its products.

FORBES: The New Barbarians

13. The 27-year-old is perfectly poised, three shots behind the leader, despite a disappointing one-over-par 72 on day two.

BBC: Home hopes fade at Celtic Manor

14. This is the quality that Socrates regards as being possessed by every great political leader and statesman, but it is also clearly a quality possessed by every tyrant.

这是苏格拉底认为,每一位伟大政治领袖及政治家所,共同拥有的特质,但也明显是,每一位暴君所拥有的特质。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. He has also invited North Korea's reclusive leader, Kim Jong Il, to Tehran, his capital.

ECONOMIST: Iran's UN diplomacy

16. Iran's supreme leader has dismissed a US offer of one-to-one talks on Tehran's nuclear programme.

BBC: Iran's Khamenei rejects US nuclear talks offer

17. "Get off your butts, get off your wallets, " Harned quoted Senate majority leader Trent Lott as saying.

CNN: Washington Diary: Another Dose Of Harry And Louise

18. How does it differ from having a president as the nation's leader?

这跟有总统统治国家有什么区别?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 政府和皇室的作用

19. Benjamin Netanyahu would want the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to recognise it as such in any future negotiations.

BBC: Israel elections quandary for marginalised Arab citizens

20. But the big disappointment is the leader of the Conservative Party, 40-year-old David Cameron.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

21. Owen and other Buddhist leader on campus, we have this massive activity sphere.

欧文和学校里其他佛教徒负责人,当时在学校的活动场。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

22. Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble described those responsible for the recent attacks as absolutely despicable.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Death threat to Policing Board member

23. The nineteen seventy-nine revolution forced Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi out of power and made Ayatollah Khomeini the country's leader.

VOA : special.2009.02.07

24. There's a small group of writers whose work is pure, uncontaminated, sexless as the angels are said to be sexless and Milton is their leader .

有这样一小群作家,他们的作品,是纯洁的,无暇的,如天使般丝毫不辨性别 ,而米尔顿便是他们的首领。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Labour leader Ed Miliband called for a "rapid response" from the government to help affected communities.

BBC: UK riots: Trouble erupts in English cities

26. My favorite example of this was a few years ago when there was a huge battle for the House majority leader.

我最喜欢的例子,几年前,白宫多数党领袖有一场大的争斗。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. the Tory leader's friends and camp followers


28. Another condition has been the capture of former Croatian Serb political leader Goran Hadzic, who has yet to be arrested.

VOA : special.2011.05.28

29. And nothing that a British leader and a British prime minister can do could have stopped that happening.

BBC: Rocky times

30. And similar is a leader, sometimes you don' t have all the information that you want, you've gotta be willing to say " i am gonna go with the best information that i have" i am gonna make the best decision that i can and if we were wrong, we admit it, and we fix it, but we won't just stand there.

同样,作为一名领导者,有时你无法取得,所有的相关信息,你要愿意主动地说,“我将最大可能地,利用手上的资料来工作”,“我要做出自己能够做出的最好的决定”,如果我们犯了错,就虚心承认而且设法改正,但我们不会袖手旁观。领导能力简介课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

31. Fox Kids TV was the leader in its niche when Saban and Fox joined forces.

FORBES: Beyond Power Rangers

32. Specifically, Leader McConnell has laid out an elaborate plan to raise the debt limit.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obamas News Conference on Deficit Reduction

33. The three things to be the great leader.

成功领袖的三个要素。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

34. On April fourth, the nation's top civil rights leader, the Reverend Martin Luther King,Junior, was shot and killed in Memphis,Tennessee.

VOA : special.2009.08.30

35. Lott's ouster was engineered by the White House, who chose Frist as its candidate for majority leader.

NPR: End of the Road for Frist; What Next for Hastert?

36. But the Turkish government invited a Hamas leader for talks in two thousand six after the party won Gaza elections.

VOA : special.2010.06.05

37. Cuba's then-leader Fidel Castro accused the US mission of becoming the "headquarters of the counter-revolution".

BBC: US turns off Havana news ticker

38. The leader in today's `Times' criticizes the decision.


39. He was a Christian leader who lived,probably wrote about some of this stuff around the year 130 or 140.

他是一位基督教领袖,他大概在主后130后左右写了这个。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. But the political leader of Hamas says there are no to recognize the Jewish state.

NPR: Hamas Leaders Meet with Russian Government

41. Plymouth City Council leader Tudor Evans also thinks the centre will be enthusiastically greeted.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Devon | 'Concrete box' centre defended

42. Dr Bridges is regarded as the world leader in psychosurgery.


43. Taught by a star who was a leader thinker in this area.

教授是该领域的,明星级领头思想家。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

44. Mr.Hawass is often described as a colorful leader who has brought Egypt's long-ago past to the attention of the world.

VOA : special.2011.03.08

45. The Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer Center in New York City has been a leader in pain research and treatments linked to cancer.

VOA : special.2009.02.10

46. Labour leader Ed Miliband repeated their calls and urged the government to reconsider the plans.

BBC: England riots: Cameron says police admit to wrong tactics

47. Labour leader Ed Miliband has joined Mr Clegg in supporting a new press law.

BBC: Press 'need to act' after Leveson

48. John Boehner, the minority leader in the House of Representatives, called it "thought crimes" legislation and "radical social policy."

VOA : special.2009.10.31

49. He was a civil rights leader, and an athlete and an actor.

他是民权运动的领导者,同时也是一名运动员和演员。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 哥伦比亚的第一印象

50. "The leader of the coalition has been speaking about his interest in dialogue, " Mr Lavrov said.

BBC: Syria crisis: Russia won't pressure Assad, says Lavrov

51. Citigroup (NYSE:C) has been taking its turn to be the leader in the group.

FORBES: First Solar Shows Textbook Short Squeeze In Effect

52. From this day, you are no longer a captive among our people, but a leader and great warrior among us.

VOA : special.2010.07.31

53. He is also a leader of a humanitarian aid organization that has been supporting a school in Haiti for years.

VOA : special.2010.02.05

54. with fellow Princetonian and former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who had appeared on our program earlier, as co-chair of the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund.

他和兼任普林斯顿校友及,前参议院多数派领袖比尔·弗斯特,他之前也曾经出现在我们节目上,共同担任,克林顿-布什海地基金会主席。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

55. Greenopia calls it a leader in green food, recycling, biofuel research and carbon offsets for passengers.

BBC: How eco is your airline?

56. The leader of the world's Roman Catholics blessed the cornerstones of two churches to be built next to the river.

VOA : special.2009.05.18

57. And Mark has been extraordinary, as a leader, in maintaining a very high bar and at times, walking away from people who are receiving outstanding recommendations but either don't fit from a cultural standpoint or they're not going to scale and they'd be the wrong person a year or two from now.

作为Facebook的领导者,马克始终坚持选人标准,从不手软,他经常会放弃一些,得到强有力推荐的应聘者,他们要么是在文化方面不契合,要么是因为,如果公司没打算扩张,那他们在一到两年内,会成为错误选择。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

58. Among Kilmainham Gaol's inmates was rebel leader Robert Emmet, who was hung, drawn and quartered in 1803.

BBC: Haunted Dublin

59. Con Markievicz was the only surviving leader of the Easter Rising, condemned to death, but then her sentence was transmuted.

马克维其是复活节起义唯一,幸存的领袖,被判了死刑,但后来判决又改变了。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. It was taken from the historic "I Have a Dream" speech by civil rights leader Martin Luther King Junior.

VOA : special.2009.09.18

61. On the West Bank today, Israeli troops shot dead a senior leader of the group Islamic Jihad.

NPR: Israel May Sever Israeli, Palestinian Road Links

62. Study leader Pooja Tandon says even small calorie reductions on a regular basis can prevent weight gain over time.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

63. He was appointed Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, the leader of the occupation forces that would rule Japan.

VOA : special.2010.07.02

64. Smiling beside Lord Bragg on the platform was Labour's onetime leader and devoted Bevanite, Michael Foot .

BBC: Labour's roots poke through

65. There is absolutely no appetite, I believe, in the party to change the leader.

BBC: Rocky times





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