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jump to it是什么意思_jump to it短语搭配_jump to it权威例句


jump to it

play play

  • 开始做某事:立即开始做某事。

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1. Let's jump to it 就这样决定吧


1. Click View list, and then in the page list task pane, click the name of a page to jump to it.

单击“查看列表”,然后在“页列表”任务窗格中,单击要跳转到的页的名称。《provided by jukuu》

2. XMLWriter allows you to do a preview-only tree view, but does not allow you to edit in that view or use it to jump to a navigable pane.


3. If the dog tries to jump on you, turn to the side and push it off with your forearm.


4. Another way to quickly find apps on an iPhone or iPad is to swipe left-to-right from the home screen. This reveals a search box in which you can type the name of any app to jump right to it.


5. Yet, it may be wrong to jump to any simple cause-and-effect conclusions.


6. When it comes to changing people's minds, it is very difficult to jump from one side to another.


7. Moreover, it seems to have made the jump from chimps to people only once.


8. This reveals a search box in which you can type the name of any app to jump right to it.


9. The A ( H1N1) virus is thought to have been present in pigs for almost a decade, and made the jump to humans months before it was detected in Mexico.


10. Jump to it, men, we must get all the tents packed in an hour!


11. Is it a good time to jump ship at the beginning of the year?


12. But he didn't jump ship to do it not even for a second


13. This tiny program is a bootloader that will initialize the attached memory controllers, possibly load the main program from some external source, and jump to it.


14. Jump to it my lads. We're all behind hand with the contract.

伙子们, 立即动手干吧,我们都误了合同的期限啦.《互联网》

15. He wanted to throw something through the window and jump down after it.


16. The key is to jump back into it as soon as possible. Keep doing it, and try your best to stay consistent.


17. You'll have to jump to it if you want to catch the train.


18. When Germany flexes its economic muscle, other countries jump to attention. When it shows off its gastronomic power, they shrug.


19. This tiny program is a bootloader that will initialize the attached memory controllers, possibly load the main program from some external source, and jump to it.


20. When Spot and Stripe were four months old, they were learning how to open doors and jump fences, and we knew it really was time for them to go.


21. If it's charging, jump, yell, andwave your arms to chase it away.


22. Now then , jump to it . Don't dawdle about in that half - hearted fashion.

嘿, 加油干吧! 不要那样敷衍了事地瞎混.《互联网》

23. He wanted them to jump to it.


24. There are a lot of good things going for Web Forms and just because Microsoft has decided to try something new doesn't mean we all have to jump to it.

Web Forms还是有许多优点,微软现在只是决定尝试一些新的事物,但这并不意味着我们必须完全转向它们。

25. That's a big guy and he's so close to the rim you have to jump so quick to get it.


26. If you have to jump rope, do it in on the sidewalk.


27. Come on, you men line up in threes – and jump to it!


28. Jump to it, soldier!

快点, 战士!《互联网》

29. I want you in three ranks by that wall, jump to it!


30. Jump to it! There's no time to lose.

赶快!没时间可浪费了。《provided by jukuu》

31. I had to jump out of bed and run to silence it before my family was awoken.


32. Jump to it. don't miss the boat.

马上去做吧,不要坐失良机。《provided by jukuu》

33. Users can choose to jump directly to the updated regions or ignore the update and deal with it later.


34. You'd better jump to it if you want to catch the train.


35. His two-run hits in the third and sixth innings helped New York jump out to a lead it would never relinquish.


36. Yeah, jump to it, or we'll be late.


37. Tell the mice to do something and they've got to jump to it.

我要老鼠做什么,它们二话不说就去。《provided by jukuu》

38. Pharr wants to jump again, but it looks like his first skydive will be his last.


39. Whenever you are on a trampoline, be careful not to jump near the edge of it.


40. When regulators ask companies to explain their accounts, most jump to it, at least publicly.


41. When you hear my signal& jump to it!

你一听到我的信号就赶紧行动!《provided by jukuu》

42. If you are just interested in downloading the tool and using it without an explanation of why it came to be or how it works, then jump to the section Running the tool.


43. If there's something connected to the ground within that distance, the bolt will jump to it. Otherwise, it jumps out in a semi-random direction and repeats the process.


44. To throw it into the plastic box lid, small stone or COINS dot, in alphabetical order designated squares, jump to pick up it, then press the original road leaped back.


45. The bus will be leaving in five minutes, so jump to it!

公共汽车还有五分钟就开了, 快点儿吧.《互联网》

46. I know what I want; Can I jump straight to it?


47. Important: To jump between two activities, it is not required that the target activity is a successor of the source activity.


48. It was another day to jump rope in gym class.


49. And because of that, we made a big jump to recover it.


50. In practice, he meant that Facebook will share users' data with some websites, initially including Pandora, the music service, and Yelp, a small business recommendation site, unless they jump through hoops to stop it.


51. I need to have the job done before eleven. Come on, jump to it!

我要你在十一点以前干完. 还等什么?赶紧动手!《互联网》

52. It made her jump and look around at the sofa by the fireplace, from which it seemed to come.


53. We don't have much time to finish this job, so we better jump to it.


54. Don't jump to conclusions! Perhaps it was his daughter he was dancing with.

别匆匆下结论!也许和他跳舞的是他女儿。《provided by jukuu》

55. Select one to jump to it.


56. We wouldn't recommend anyone jump to it as their main browser, but if you're eager to try it out and are comfortable with alpha software, it's worth a look.


57. But in fact, what kills the frog is its own inability to decide when it has to jump out.


58. If the frog wants to see the outside world, it must jump out of the well to broaden its range of vision.


59. Estonia has two more hurdles to jump before it can scotch the scoffers: an EU committee meeting at the end of May, followed by a finance ministers' summit in early June.


60. I want you in three ranks by that wall, jump to it!

我想让你们靠墙站成三列, 快!《互联网》

61. Take the address of the line after the jump and add the jump offset to it and you have the jump target address.


62. He wanted them to jump to it.

他希望他们赶快办这件事。《provided by jukuu》


1. It's not uncommon for executives of smaller companies to jump ship within a few years of the business selling to a larger firm, whether it's out of entrepreneurial restlessness or unhappiness with the corporate status quo.

ENGADGET: Insiders claim Siri co-founder Adam Cheyer has left Apple

2. As a tactical matter, the Romney campaign was smart to jump on this and try to make it look like Democrats are attacking conservative stay-at-home moms.

CNN: Not another Mommy War

3. You can hustle and do it organically, or you can feed a little money into the system to jump start it.

WSJ: Can Tumblr Turn a Profit?

4. Until you finally muster the strength to jump over it, and get done with the obstacle course.

FORBES: The Education of an Entrepreneur, Episode 1: The Story of Rose Cole

5. They're not going to want to add on another electron, because then it'll have to jump a very large energy level go from n equals 2, to n equals 3, and n equals 4, and so on.

它们不愿意增加另外一个电子,因为这会让它们跳到一个非常高的能级上去,依次是,n,等于,2,3,4,等等。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. The H7N9 virus, previously known only to infect birds, appears to have mutated so that it can more easily jump to animals like pigs, meaning the range of potential hosts has expanded, the Associated Press reported Wednesday, citing a World Health Organization scientist studying the virus's genetic makeup.

WSJ: China Bird Flu Cases Fuel Fears of Epidemic

7. You know, this song inadvertently solved the nation's immigration controversy because it's motivated millions of illegals to tunnel and jump fences back home just to get away from it.

NPR: Annoying Campaign Songs

8. So, we just want to appreciate that what we'll be using in this class is, in fact, the solutions to the Schrodinger equation, and just so you can be fully thankful for not having to necessarily solve these as we jump into the solutions and just knowing that they're out there and you'll get to solve it at some point, hopefully, in your careers.

所以,我们仅仅想要鉴别,将会在这门课中用到的,事实上就是薛定谔方程的解,而且你们可以非常欣慰,因为你们没有必要去,解这些方程而是直接用它们的解,并且知道这些解出自那里,希望你们在学习生涯中。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

9. They believe companies set the bar so low that it's easy to jump over it.

NPR: Earnings Report: Good Profits, Bad Revenues

10. But Evans and other officials said it is not uncommon for flu viruses to jump from humans to animals, and that it does not pose a risk for consuming pork.

CNN: Hysteria over swine flu is the real danger, some say

11. Well, it looks like those hoping to do a clean install of Windows Vista with an upgrade-only edition of the OS may not be entirely out of luck after all, although they'll still have to jump through a few hoops to get it done.

ENGADGET: Clean install workaround for Vista upgrade discovered

12. If you focus on some of the minutia of a site like this, you know, it's useful to be able to jump to a particular date whether in the future or in the past.

如果你关注像这样一个网站的一些细节,你会发现,若能跳转到,不论过去还是将来的一个特定日期,那将是很有用的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. But to say it jump-started an economic boom in the area appears to be a bridge too far.


14. "It's easy to jump to the conclusion that it's exceptional because it's the first time we've recorded it, but we do need a baseline of how things have been in the past so we do need to be cautious, " said the University of Kansas researcher.

BBC: East Antarctic ice sheet may be losing mass

15. Because, really, you can never truly feel close to a coffee machine until it's taunted you to jump up and down to fill your cup of joe.

ENGADGET: BeMoved coffee machine will make you jump for your caffeine fix

16. But to the startled office workers who encountered it on their way to work it was an unwelcome reminder of the people who had had to jump to their deaths from the burning towers.

WSJ: Book Review: Bad Boy

17. Hit that source link (or just open up the App Market) to grab it for free, and jump on past the break to see how your fellow city dwellers feel about this marvelous invention.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

18. This is a trait we look for in new hires at PunchTab: if presented with a new opportunity will their curiosity and sense of adventure compel them to jump at it?

FORBES: Build Your Startup Team Like The Wu-Tang Clan

19. While many people seem to want to just jump in with both feet, it made sense to reach out to a few small employers to help work out the kinks in the technology on a small scale before going fully live.

FORBES: Why Utah's Health Exchange is a Free-Market Model

20. It would only get worse with the jump to Division I, wouldn't it?

WSJ: Frozen Four: Dear Union College: I'm Sorry

21. If only there were such an investment I would urge you to jump right on it.

FORBES: Save Money And Hassle With Do-It-Yourself Annuities

22. When I would point to the top bar of buttons the cursor arrow would jump all over the place making it very difficult to select program options.

CNN: Fly back to the Cold War with MiG Alley

23. It's a daring way to jump-start one's own literary celebrity.

发起自己在文学上的声望是一种很大胆的方式。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Jump past the break to see it in action.

ENGADGET: NewsFlash uses high-frequency light to transmit data from iPad to smartphone, we go hands-on (video)

25. It is not a cartoon. We are not standing at a lectern voicing it. We had to do it so every jump and smash and roll and smirk and glimmer and kiss we did.

VOA : standard.2009.12.19

26. Millennium seems to be on a tear to convince investors that it can jump from being a well-regarded but unprofitable biotech to a drugmaker with tangible profits.

FORBES: Millennium's On A Roll

27. And you have to believe that NFLPA head, DeMaurice Smith, and his folks will jump on this comment and spin it to their benefit.

FORBES: Steelers Owner Says He's Against the 18-Game Season

28. The rate and pace of change in the industry is such that it's always kind of a jump ball environment where companies are not able to hang on to a great position for a super long time.

这一行变化的速度,就是这样,总处于一种跳球环境中,公司不能,永远处于不败之地。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

29. Pretty much every time you click on something, the phone tries will ask if you want to jump two steps ahead because it thinks you want to, and you know what?

ENGADGET: Gear Eye: Sony Ericsson's K700i

30. which also makes it sort of, in some ways, easy to jump from one to the next.

这样使得人们在某种程度上很容易从一个阶层跳到另一个。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美国贫富差距?

31. The Park Foundation was the first to jump in, announcing that it would fund a study to be conducted by Cornell University Professors Anthony Ingraffea and Robert Howarth to explore the emissions implications of UFO traffic caused by fracking.

FORBES: Printing the Legend

32. The H7N9 virus, previously known only to infect birds, appears to have mutated so that it can more easily jump to animals such as pigs, meaning the range of potential hosts has expanded.

WSJ: Bird Flu Worries Sink Airline Shares

33. To call it a big jump would be an understatement: compared to the 8800M, the flagship 8970M chip doubles the stream processors to 1, 280, hikes the clock speed from 725MHz to 850MHz and bumps the memory speed slightly to 1.2GHz.


34. Whenever you see a parade outside, you can count on politicians to jump out in front of it to demonstrate their leadership.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

35. Environmentalists complain the new regulations have too many loopholes, while the energy industry frets they will create more hoops to jump through before it can hire people to extract the oil or gas from the ground.

WSJ: As energy boom nears cities, a backlash grows

36. We do not want to lower the bar so much that others are encouraged to try to jump up and reach it particularly those who see nuclear weapons as a shortcut to global influence.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Dont Go There: President Bush Must Avoid Temptation to Make Unwise Cuts in U.S. Nuclear Deterrent Forces

37. So, let me jump straight to it.

让我们开始讲课吧。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. It's going to jump way, way up.

音乐向高音前进聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. When news breaks on Quora, as it did with the rumored Google Me product, traditional and online-only publications like Fortune and Gizmodo are almost compelled to jump on it, lest their readers go elsewhere to read the news.

FORBES: Quora: A Technology Writer's Best Friend, For Now

jump to it是什么意思_jump to it短语搭配_jump to it权威例句




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