莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [welθ]play美 [welθ]play

  • n. 财富;富有;大量

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


wealth /wɛlθ/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Wealth is the possession of a large amount of money, property, or other valuable things. You can also refer to a particular person's money or property as their wealth. 财富

    Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers.


  • 2.
    单数型名词 If you say that someone or something has a wealth of good qualities or things, you are emphasizing that they have a very large number or amount of them. 大量的

    Their websites contain a wealth of information on the topic.



    The city boasts a wealth of beautiful churches.






1. The Wealth of Nations 亚当斯密 ; 原富论 ; 英文版

2. Paper wealth 账面财富

3. wealth of society 社会财富

4. wealth effect 财富效应

5. god of wealth 财神

6. wealth tax [经]财产税,财富税

7. God of Wealth 财神爷 ; 财神 ; 小财神 ; 宁财神

8. Harmony brings wealth 和气生财 ; 家和万事兴 ; 和睦生财 ; 气生财

9. flaunt wealth 炫富

10. sovereign wealth fund 主权基金(由政府投资)

11. financial wealth 金融财富

12. health and wealth 健康与财富

13. wealth of nations 国富论(书名,作者是亚当·斯密)

14. common wealth 共同财富

15. wealth management 财富管理

16. wealth brings happiness 财富带来幸福

17. Sovereign Wealth Fund 主权财富基金 ; 基金 ; 主权财产基金

18. a wealth of adj. 很多的

19. wealth and fame 名利


1. Thoughts turn first to some sort of global statistic, some indicator which would rate the wealth of nations in both economic and environmental terms and show a relationship between the two.

首要思路是去研究某种全球性的统计数据,即某种能从经济和环境两方面评估国家财富并显示二者之间的关系的指标。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

2. Wealth allows them to be indulged in abundance.


3. Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers...


4. His own wealth grew.


5. Nobody knew how she had acquired her wealth.


6. For centuries, a large number of cultural wealth accumulation.

许多世纪以来, 文化财富大量积淀.《期刊摘选》

7. In professional reading journals Trelease found a wealth of research to support his hunch.


8. His wealth dwindled into nothing.


9. The importance of this park derives from its wealth of flora and fauna.


10. For them, history did nothing, it possessed no immense wealth nor waged battles: “It is man, real, living man who does all that.”

对他们来说,历史本身并没有做什么,它没有掌控巨额的财富,也没有发动任何战争: “做了这一切的是人,是真实的,活生生的人。”《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

11. The old widow misbestowed her wealth on a scoundrel.


12. Do you know anyone who wants to get their share of global wealth?

你认识的朋友中有谁想要分享世界上的财富 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

13. Hidden underground is a wealth of minerals.


14. His wealth was made over to his children.


15. At a time when Thomas Piketty and other economists are warning of rising inequality and the increasing power of inherited wealth, it is bizarre that wealthy aristocratic families should still be the symbolic heart of modern democratic states.

而当汤玛斯·皮克提等经济学家警告说,这种持续上升的不平等性和不断增加的财产继承权时,富有的贵族家庭竟仍然是现代民主国家的核心象征,这简直令人匪夷所思。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

16. Receive wealth or prosperity without arrogance; and be ready to let it go.

毫不炫耀地接受财富和繁荣, 同时又随时准备放弃.《期刊摘选》

17. They have engendered a wealth of practical consequences.


18. Its unique natural conditions bred a wealth of valuable humanistic landscape and landmarks.


19. Gaobeidian City superior natural conditions, fertile land, fresh water resources, abundant wealth, a solid agricultural foundation.

高碑店市自然条件优越, 土地肥沃, 淡水资源充足, 物产丰富, 农业基础坚实.《期刊摘选》

20. With dedicated professional design and wealth of practical experience supported the upgrading of products and excellence.


21. The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous.


22. This course features a wealth of assignments, lecture notes and an extensive reading list.

本课程的特点是提供了大量的作业, 课堂讲稿和广泛的阅读清单.《期刊摘选》

23. This is a tax on large gifts of wealth to family members after a person dies.


24. Most men seek wealth, all men seek happiness.


25. The area has a wealth of bird life.


26. Likewise, the country also witnessed a boom in wealth and culture, notably in areas like Suzhou.

同样地, 国家也见证了经济和文化的繁荣, 值得提出的就是苏州地区.《期刊摘选》

27. He seems to think that wealth is the open sesame to happiness.


28. His wealth to his son after he died.


29. In many cases this realizable wealth is not realized during the lifetime of the home owner.


30. Our 3 rd wife is our possessions, status and wealth. When we die , they all go to others.

第三位老婆代表财产, 地位和金钱. 一旦我们撒手西去, 它终究会转向他人.《期刊摘选》

31. Wealth is the burden of bigness, Welfare the fullness of being.

财产是沉重的负荷, 幸福是生命的丰满.《期刊摘选》

32. With all his wealth, he is still unhappy.

他纵然殷富, 但生活并不欢乐.《现代汉英综合大词典》

33. With his wealth of experience, he was a great help to me.

他经验丰富, 对我帮助很大.《期刊摘选》

34. Thirdly, money as a store of wealth.

第三, 金钱充当一个商店的财富.《期刊摘选》

35. A wealth of examples are given.


36. Engine and a wealth of configuration is a major bright spot.


37. The city boasts a wealth of beautiful churches.


38. That's not to say that good jobs and more wealth are guaranteed to Americans.


39. He enjoyed peace and wealth and encouraged art and culture.


40. Among various human needs, the need for property ( could be defined as wealth ) is paramount.

在人的需求体系中, 对财产 ( 或通称财富 ) 的需要是第一位的.《期刊摘选》

41. A rich man has great wealth.


42. This is a book with a wealth of illustrations.


43. a person of wealth and influence


44. ...such a wealth of creative expertise...


45. The words that have mattered are efficiency, flexibility, shareholder value, business–friendly, wealth generation, sales, impact and, in newspapers, circulation.

当下重要的概念是效率、灵活、股东价值、商业友好、财富创造、销售、影响及对报纸来讲的发行量。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

46. We cannot identify happiness with wealth.


47. Success and wealth transformed his character.


48. DeficIt'spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth.


49. the distribution of wealth in Britain


50. The new manager brings a great wealth of experience to the job.


51. She is possessed of health and wealth.


52. That is how he approaches the theme of great wealth , in'The Rich Boy '.


53. Chastity is a wealth that comes from abundance of love.


54. Its oil wealth ensured an economic boom, no matter how it treated investors.


55. I gave him a minor share of my wealth.


56. Health is better than wealth.


57. We must not provide against the loss of wealth by poverty.


58. Health is above wealth.


59. The same tends to be true when their existing wealth, including their houses, falls in value.

当他们手头的财产, 包括房子贬值的时候尤其如是.《期刊摘选》

60. A wealth of information can easily create a poverty of attention.


61. The capitalists only care about the accumulation of wealth.


62. Exports in textiles, apparel, home textiles, gifts and so has a wealth of experience.

在出口织品, 服装, 家纺织品, 礼品等方面有着丰富的经验.《期刊摘选》

63. I guessed that London would still have a wealth of old architecture.


64. Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc.

地下埋藏着大量的金 、 银 、 铜 、 铅和锌.《期刊摘选》

65. The unjust distribution of their father's wealth created ill blood between the two brothers.


66. Our Society has a wealth of experience in organizing important international congresses and conferences.


67. This feeling has, in a reversal of the boom's wealth effect, curbed consumer spending.

这种感觉抑制了消费开支, 与经济繁荣时的财富效应刚好相反.《期刊摘选》

68. Japanese savers tend to shift their wealth to the post office for safety.


69. To own these globes was to have a wealth of information at one's fingertips.


70. If you keep on collection , in time you'll have a wealth of data.

只要你注意搜集,久而久之, 资料就丰富了.《现代汉英综合大词典》

71. There was a wealth of supporting evidence.


72. How did he acquire his great wealth?


73. A man's dignity depends not upon his wealth or rank but upon his character.


74. Stocks, bonds and alternative investments account for more than 40 % of the wealth of millionaires.

股票 、 债券和另类投资占富豪身家的40%以上.《期刊摘选》

75. A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth.


76. Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth.


77. His mansion, estates, and wealth overwhelmed her.

他的寓所, 庄园和财产都超过她.《辞典例句》

78. His wealth proved a curse to him.


79. World's 10 richest people Listing include name, home country and wealth in billions of US dollars.

世界十大富豪排名排名包括姓名 、 国家和以十亿美元为单位的财产总额.《期刊摘选》

80. Here, too, the problems are social: the organization and distribution of food, wealth and prosperity.

而这些问题本身也是社会性的,如食品、财富以及繁荣的组织和分配。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

81. In short , the CCP has accumulated a wealth of experience in its work style building.


82. The addicted gambler lost more than half of his wealth to gambling.


83. We wish you great wealth and much happiness with this fabulous gift called life.


84. She dressed down to visit her poor relatives, so as not to offend them by a show of her wealth.

她拜访穷亲戚时穿得比较俭朴, 以免因摆阔而伤害他们的感情.《简明英汉词典》

85. He flourishes his wealth.


86. Never identify wealth with happiness.


87. He is possessed of great wealth.


88. In our motherland hidden underground everywhere is a wealth of mineral resources.


89. Being built people are willing to work with you to create wealth and success!


90. The kingdom increased in wealth and prosperity.


91. There's a wealth of books in the library.


92. The book includes a wealth of splendid photographs.


93. Their knowledge and shrewdness had always yielded them unbelievable amounts of wealth.


94. During the last two years, he accumulated a great amount of wealth.

在过去的两年里, 他积累了大量财富.《期刊摘选》

95. She is not to be compared with you in wealth.


96. The members of that class would be fairly numerous, to prevent the concentration of wealth.

这个阶层的成员将非常大量, 以避免财富集中.《期刊摘选》

97. It is the productive life which brings wealth and prosperity and happiness to a nation.


98. The people of Venice used much of his wealth glorify their city through art.


99. Your best motivator, wealth, must be willingly, fairly and generously divided among your team.

你使用的最佳动机 —— 财富 —— 必须是自动 、 公正、慷慨地分给你的小组员工.《期刊摘选》

100. These benefactors have succeeded in their chosen fields, they say, and they want to use their wealth to draw attention to those who have succeeded in science.

据说,这些资助者已经在自己领域内取得了成功,他们想通过自己的财富让大家多多关注那些在科学领域的成功人士。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

101. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.


102. He lost all his wealth all at one swoop.


103. He has lost all of his wealth through gambling.


104. This course includes a wealth of materials, including lecture notes, lab, assignments, and useful software guides.

本课程包含大量的资料, 包括课程讲稿 、 实作课程 、 作业以及有用的软件简介.《期刊摘选》

105. He has known both poverty and wealth.


106. Three , has a wealth of potential subjects.


107. The company is not an investment they vehicle for the government like a sovereign wealth fund.


108. You are endowed with wealth, good health and a lively intellect.


109. a wealth of information


110. This book offers a plethora of ideas, and is a wealth of regional and international information.

本书位读者提供了丰富的创意, 是国际化和具有地方特色设计的典范.《期刊摘选》

111. The retribution will be that of not being able to hold one's own wealth long.


112. We can find wealth of information about other people by their body language.


113. We are not artists, but we a wealth of imagination, there is not devoid a heart.

我们不是画家, 但我们有丰富的想象力, 有着一颗不泯灭的心.《期刊摘选》

114. Above all sorts of factors, cause the Chinese rich and powerful people wealth to shrink seriously.

以上种种因素, 导致中国富豪财富严重缩水.《期刊摘选》

115. It was a period of wealth and prosperity.


116. The main purpose of industry is to create wealth.


117. He is often the victim of vituperative remarks concerning his wealth.


118. Kazakhstan has a wealth of oil and gas.


119. They enjoyed all the trappings of wealth.


120. There's a wealth of oil in this well.


121. Wealth was redistributed more equitably among society.


122. An Ozarkian's wealth is mostly dogs.


123. He did not believe in flaunting his wealth.


124. His wealth is estimated at fifty million dollars.


125. Wealth is not necessarily synonymous with happiness.


126. How people accumulated wealth in his father's time.


127. She was jealous of his wealth.


128. There will be a wealth of information on hand from the lawyers.


129. We do not disparage wealth.


130. It is easy to use so you can quickly access a wealth of information.


131. A wealth of information is to be found in the statistics literature.


132. Chavetity is a wealth comings from abundance of love.


133. His personal wealth is estimated at around $100 million.


134. They drove around in Rolls-Royces, openly flaunting their wealth.


135. Computers also offer students a wealth of information, perhaps more than books can provide.

电脑还能够给学生提供丰富的信息, 可能比书本提供的还要多.《期刊摘选》

136. We have a wealth of musical talent in this region.


137. Wealth needs to be redistributed from the rich to the poor.


138. Do not destroy oil wells , a source of wealth that belongs to the Iraqi people.

不要烧毁油井, 这是属于伊拉克人民的财富.《期刊摘选》

139. Product liability is one kind of liability from person and wealth damage caused by product defects.


140. Wealth does not always conduce to happiness.


141. This meeting has demonstrated vividly that the peasants have a wealth of knowledge.


142. Mr. Roh's economic planners sought to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth.


143. But the market generates interest far beyond its size because it brings together great wealth, enormous egos, greed, passion and controversy in a way matched by few other industries.  

但这一市场产生的利益远远超出它本身的规模,因为它将大量财富、膨胀的自我、贪婪、激情和争议以一种其他行业无法比拟的方式汇集在了一起。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

144. The market rout is rapidly out amounts of wealth, casting a pall over households and businesses.

股市重挫正迅速将大量财富席卷一空, 给家庭和企业蒙上阴影.《期刊摘选》

145. Fantasies of great wealth often involve visions offancy cars and extravagant homes.

对于巨额财富的幻想通常会伴随着对炫车豪宅的憧憬。 《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

146. Wealth and money in short , are, in common language , considered as in every respect synonymous.

按着通俗的说法,财富与货币,无论从哪一点看来, 都是同义语.《辞典例句》

147. Riches and honor are with me, Enduring wealth and righteousness.


148. Managing family wealth and the family reputation has never been trickier.


149. The purpose of industry is to create wealth.


150. Here, abundant food sources nurture a wealth of life.

在这里, 大量的食物来源养育着众多的生命.《期刊摘选》

151. Her supposed wealth is a very small sum.


152. Few political libraries are without a copy of Nudge : Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness , by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein.

一般的政治图书馆里都有一本名为《推进:关于提升健康、财富和幸福的决定》的书,该 书 由 Richard Thaler 和 Cass Sunstein 合著。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

153. His wealth dwindled to nothingness.


154. Tianchi not only magnificent scenery and beautiful legend, but a wealth of animal and plant resources.

天池不但有绚丽的景观和优美的传说, 而且还有丰富的动植物资源.《期刊摘选》

155. Green: life, naturalness, restfulness, health, wealth, prosperity; in certain contexts, can imply decay, toxicity.

绿色: 生命 、 自然 、 宁静 、 健康 、 财富 、 繁荣; 在特定的内容中也暗示着腐朽和毒性.《期刊摘选》

156. She exchanged honour for wealth.


157. Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, copper and lead.

地下埋藏着大量的金 、 银 、 铜、铅.《期刊摘选》

158. Wealth of words is not eloquence.


159. They couldn't agree upon the division of their family wealth.


160. Perseverance gives power to weakness and opens to poverty the world's wealth.


161. Their websites contain a wealth of information on the topic.


162. Accumulate wealth for special expenses.


163. I wouldn't like to be in his position, for all his wealth.


164. This course includes a wealth of materials: full sets of lecture notes, recitation notes and assignments.

这门课程包括大量的材料: 全套的课程讲稿, 复习课笔记和作业.《期刊摘选》

165. My son, do not aspire for wealth and labor not only to be rich.

孩子, 别渴望财富,别只为了挣钱而工作.《期刊摘选》

166. Good education often depends on wealth.


167. In the past few years, Gates to his large personal wealth donated to the charity.

在过去几年里, 盖茨把他的大量个人财富捐献给了慈善事业.《期刊摘选》

168. As a country’s wealth grows, so do its greenhouse gas emissions.

伴随一个国家财富的增加,这个国家的温室气体排放也会增加。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

169. A wealth of game modes, but also to all the different levels of the same players.

游戏丰富的模式, 也给了各个层次不同的玩家以同样的机会.《期刊摘选》


1. Space scientists have collected a wealth of information from spacecraft that have orbited,landed on and dug into the Martian surface.

VOA : special.2010.07.28

2. There was a new effort to build wealth from the bottom up, rather than from the top down.

VOA : special.2011.03.24

3. Mister Veblen argued that people gathered wealth for the purpose of "conspicuous consumption."

VOA : special.2011.05.01

4. This represents a massive transfer of wealth and jobs from the U.S. to foreign countries.

FORBES: How the Demand-Siders Ruined the U.S. Economy

5. But we have policies everywhere that really contribute to something that I call the wealth escalator.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

6. A master distributes his wealth to his servants and the wealth is distributed in the form of a coin, and the name of the coin is translated in English with the word talent.

一位主人要把他的财富分给他的仆人们,财富是以钱币的形式来分配的,钱币在英语中翻译成了天资。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Now, fortunes were made overnight; new wealth, overnight.

当时一夜就可以暴富,奴隶制让人一夜暴富美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. The word "wealth" does not appear in any form in the 31-page CBO report.

WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Give Us a Break

9. Perhaps the best example of using your hockey team to create wealth is the Los Angeles Kings.

FORBES: Ice Capades

10. Sociologically unlike the philosopher is a person of some inherited wealth chiefly landed property but whose way of life will be urban.

亚里士多德清楚地指明,不像哲学家,前者继承了一定程度的财富,主要是地产,但其生活模式。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. "Friendship,position,wealth everything that makes life desirable to an ambitious man were about to be swept away by my answer."

VOA : special.2010.01.28

12. The couple stared. "My lady has huge wealth", continued the messenger, "But in one thing she is poor.

VOA : special.2009.02.28

13. There is no evidence in Homer that anybody had that kind of wealth or that kind of power.

在《荷马史诗》中没有任何证据表明,谁有这样大的财富和权力古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. These are for accredited investors only, but most people really worried about wealth protection will qualify.

FORBES: Inflation Hedges That Pay Today

15. This year's Forbes magazine list of the world's richest people estimated her wealth at almost two and a half billion dollars.

VOA : special.2010.04.16

16. The great wealth taken from the gold and silver mines was usually invested in other businesses: shipping,railroads,factories, stores,land companies.

VOA : special.2010.03.18

17. dissipated wealth


18. They provided a service to society and society responded by somehow they got their wealth, so I think that -- So be concrete.

他们为社会提供了服务,作为回报,社会让他们以某种方式变富,所以我认为-,所以具体来说。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. The company operates business through three segments: Business Services, Consumer Services and Wealth Management.

FORBES: #628 Regions Financial

20. So don't be tempted--Moses later warns the Israelites -don't be tempted to say to yourselves , "My own power and the might of my own hand have won this wealth for me," or again, to say in Deuteronomy 9:4, "The Lord has enabled us to possess this land because of our virtues."

不要被引诱,摩西后来警告以色列人,不要擅自妄称,凭借我的力量,我的能力,我得到了这货财,《申命记》第9章4节中又说,耶和华将我领进来得这地是因我的义“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. For a typical household, the home is the major source of wealth that they've accumulated.

对于一个典型的家庭来说,他们积累的财富主要就是住宅金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. First, they're affected by the vast racial businesses and wealth that are passed down from generation to generation.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

23. Here's a look at five towns still relishing a status as wealth havens, circa 1900.

FORBES: Show Us the Money

24. Also, mutual funds have been growing more in countries that have higher level of education and a higher level of wealth.

而且,共同基金在那些国民教育程度更高,更加富裕的国家,发展更快金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. That index has soared, rising 49% in 2006, fueling Slim's enormous gain in wealth.

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. The company is not an investment vehicle for the government like a sovereign wealth fund.

VOA : special.2009.12.04

27. The collective Burden wealth is equally split among hedge funds, small-business investment companies and real estate.

FORBES: Achieving immortality via the family office

28. That means that a person can rise from poverty to wealth and success if he or she works hard.

VOA : special.2010.05.16

29. Power and wealth corrupted him.


30. There are innumerable challenges that come with entrepreneurship, no matter your intelligence, wealth or network pedigree.

FORBES: The Single Biggest Factor VCs Look For In Startup Founders

31. This surge of stock market wealth has meant that executive pay is racing well ahead of economic growth.

FORBES: Upward Bias

32. Milton surveys the wealth of literary tradition before him, and he resists its allure without the help of any human guide.

弥尔顿在他之前就调查过文学传统的宝藏,他在没有人帮助的情况下抗拒了这一诱惑。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. What really increases long-term shareholder wealth is developing business practices that minimize impact on stakeholders.

FORBES: How Far Should Companies Go In The Name Of CSR?

34. Privilege came from wealth and wealth stemmed from the land.

他们的特权来自于财富,而财富源于他们的领地欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. What finance theory is based on-- and much of economics is based on-- the idea that people want to maximize the expected utility of their wealth.

金融学理论建立在,并且很多经济学的都是建立在,人们希望能使自己对,财富的期望效用最大化这一基础上金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. But currencies tend to be zero-sum games over time, and gold, arguably, is a lousy store of wealth.

FORBES: Gold Investing: An Owner's Manual

37. It's this kind of wealth that allow them to fight this long, hard war of independence, which they finally win.

这些所带来的财富,就成了他们为之奋斗的原动力,使得他们在艰苦的独立战争中获得胜利欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. But the pictures that he and his photographers made left a wealth of history for all future generations to see.

VOA : special.2009.03.16

39. Chinese culture is filled with superstitions about numbers, with 888 considered to be a powerful number of wealth.

BBC: Different Disneylands around the world

40. As people become richer they take some of that new wealth not in pure cash.

FORBES: Sadly, Bangladesh Simply Cannot Afford Rich World Safety And Working Standards

41. The new nation was a seafaring one, amassing great wealth from ship-building, whaling, fishing and maritime trade.

BBC: Historical day trips from Boston

42. Ms. CHANG: Well, women of color actually face a double disadvantage with respect to wealth.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

43. Now, I want to emphasize, this is not simply an issue of redistributing wealth.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on the Buffett Rule

44. So how can it be that they have, you know, such a low median wealth.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

45. so, in that sense, that is intended to be more equally distributive in terms of wealth.

所以,这样一来,目的是更公平地分配财富。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 扶贫政策

46. But women of color are disproportionately unlikely to have access to those wealth-enhancing benefits.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

47. Alaska's wealth in oil, natural gas,trees,fish and animal skins makes its purchase one of the greatest deals any country ever made for territory.

VOA : special.2010.02.11

48. And people of color historically have had much less wealth because of different policies and other institutional factors.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

49. More modest home valuations would not have allowed consumers to cash out phony real estate wealth.

FORBES: From Subprime To The Ridiculous

50. How would you recommend that investors protect their wealth during this period to ? take advantage of upcoming investment opportunities?

那你对投资者在这段时间内,如何保护他们的财产并且,进一步利用这即将到来的投资机会有什么建议呢?金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. They're helping people build wealth through tax deductions, things like the home mortgage interest deduction.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

52. But just to make it concrete and to see what's at stake, consider the distribution of wealth in the United States.

但为了更形象,看看问题何在,以美国的财富分配状况为例。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. If your goal is personal wealth, then your answer is to be highly centered.

FORBES: Being Professionally Well Rounded Is Generally A Formula For Being Mediocre

54. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defense have not arrested the plow, the shuttle,or the ship;

VOA : special.2009.11.23

55. There are a wealth of telesales jobs advertised.


56. because it build, you know, you get investing opportunities and companies grow and wealth grows.

因为它制造,给予你投资机会,而公司和财富都会增长。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 研究美国经济

57. But he says they also act as representations of a country's wealth and geopolitical power.

VOA : special.2010.03.31

58. High taxes reduce people's incomes and wealth, leaving them with less money to give away.

ECONOMIST: Why a new golden age of philanthropy may be dawning

59. Today, we're going to focus on women of color and their struggle to build wealth.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

60. He came in search of wealth, status, and power.


61. The churches gained new wealth, power and prominence.


62. We're talking about the profound wealth disparity between women of color and their white peers.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

63. New York,which always thinks big, was called The Empire State because of its natural wealth.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

64. For middle- and lower-income households, home values represent the biggest chunk of total wealth.

NPR: Average US Household Far From Regaining Its Wealth

65. Almost 50% of black women had zero or negative wealth, according to one study.

CNN: How threat to Planned Parenthood hurts black mothers





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