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more refreshing

more refreshing

adj. 令人耳目一新的;别具一格的;使人精力充沛的;使人凉爽的


英 [mɔː(r) rɪˈfreʃɪŋ]play 美 [mɔːr rɪˈfreʃɪŋ]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. You More Than Refreshing 你多刷新


1. Refreshing everything, in contrast, is a more nebulous goal.


2. Preconceive plans and goals for your week in order to make your mornings more refreshing.


3. He suggests posting and refreshing your resume in more places, such as online job boards, and going to job fairs.

他建议在更多地方贴/刷新简历。 例如:在线求职公告栏,参加招聘会。

4. Sure, apples are crisp and refreshing, and oranges are cooling and juicy, but sometimes you want a fruit with less water and more creaminess.


5. And let me tell you on a personal level, there's nothing more refreshing than dealing with people who take the time to prepare what they have to say and back it up with clear examples.


6. Added the alcohol content of the make-up water is more refreshing for the skin comfortable with certain effects.


7. With millet, grass seeds, medicinal herbs, seeds, etc. made of landscapes, figures, bird-and even more refreshing.


8. Learning something in a new place can be more relaxing and refreshing than trying to do nothing.


9. If you had to choose just one new wine for the Summer, we couldn't recommend anything more refreshing or rewarding.


10. The smell is more refreshing than plain cold compresses and might help you relax and destress a little.


11. Added the alcohol content of the make-up water is more refreshing for the skin comfortable with certain effects.


12. More refreshing, More high EQs. er er flying heart er er my God.

更多好清爽, 更多高情商。 呃呃心飞翔, 呃呃我的娘。

13. Filipino designer Kenneth Cobonpue, who also designed this intriguing hand-woven, bamboo concept car, undertook the task of redesigning the bicycle rickshaw into something much more refreshing for urban roads.


14. Papaya Papaya contains enzymes that promote skin metabolism, help dissolve the accumulation of sebum in the pores and the aging of skin, so skin looks brighter and more refreshing!


15. Something refreshing is becoming more mainstream this summer.


16. Papaya Papaya contains enzymes that promote skin metabolism, help dissolve the accumulation of sebum in the pores and the aging of skin, so skin looks brighter and more refreshing!


17. I find it the gayest and more refreshing time.


18. Skin is mainly on the use of dialog interface looks more friendly and refreshing feeling.


19. Actually I like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim.


20. Note that views using this feature index a bit more slowly because presumably the server must do more work than usual when refreshing a view.


21. There's nothing more refreshing on a hot day than a cold glass of water .


22. The world needs to hear this proverb. The world desperately needs more refreshing people.


23. Flower pieces are a unique form of art which will add more refreshing aspects to both our life and surroundings.


24. There is no more rejuvenating and refreshing treatment, for man or woman, than this.


25. We strive to create a more refreshing a more user-friendly digital world have you join us can do better.


26. What's even more refreshing is May not only knows the power of fashion - she's not afraid to acknowledge it.


27. It would be far more realistic and refreshing if they admitted that, day to day, they often call on lieutenants to answer tricky questions.


28. What was even more telling, and refreshing, was the positive response to Avery's announcement by agents, players and fans that dwarfed the criticism.


29. Instead of deflating his credibility, this kind of refreshing candidness makes the audience more trusting of whatever else he might say: after all, he's clearly not hiding anything.


30. This book is refreshing in its simplicity, in that it doesn't pretend to be anything more than what it is — a love story.


31. If you had to choose just one new wine for the Summer, we couldn't recommend anything more refreshing or rewarding.


32. Flower pieces are a unique form of art which will add more refreshing aspects to both our life and surroundings.


33. And while they are watching TV, they are interested in learning more about what they're watching - e.g. constantly refreshing the website and getting content from their community.

当他们看电视的时候,遇到感兴趣的电视节目的话,就会不断的刷新网站并且从社区里得到更多的信息,这就是大概的理论 了,pod形式就是基于这种理论来设计的。

34. It makes our booth more beautiful and refreshing.



1. What is frankly refreshing is to see how these parties will operate in a more unrestricted marketplace.

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2. Rather than depict the image that Hispanics are invading America, it would be more helpful and refreshing to include a chart that shows, in states such as New Mexico, the number of Anglo immigrants.


3. We also see more of Ellie, and it is refreshing to see a returning character who not only grasps the gravity of the situation at hand, but is also prepared to deal it (unlike, say, Leon S. Kennedy who is always baffled).

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

4. In a day and age when most flagships have 4.65- to 4.8-inch screens (or bigger -- hello, Galaxy Note II), it's refreshing to see a top-tier handset with more compact dimensions.

ENGADGET: HTC 8X review: Windows Phone 8's compact flagship Mobile

5. They will also need to keep refreshing stories, which in turn will mean more expense.

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6. Like David Davis, he is a figure against whom the more pragmatic Tory right can triangulate - but he also displays a refreshing ideological edge and makes arguments colleagues shrink from.

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7. It was even more refreshing to walk into a store and see some physical manifestation of these conversations.

FORBES: Where Best Buy Went Bad

8. There are no clear conclusions about why being beside the seaside should be more refreshing than other types of settings.

BBC: People really do like to be beside the seaside, study says

9. Lager has a simpler flavor and, when refrigerated, is more refreshing than ale.

FORBES: Coolest Beers

10. It would be refreshing to see more of these innovative conferences and events taking place where the innovation of the entrepreneurs is showcased most effectively, to a wider audience.

FORBES: American Idol Meets Dragons Den: Applying Innovation To Tech Conferences

11. A lager's more refreshing, in my opinion, but ale's a bit of an old man drink.

窖藏啤酒更令人振作精神,这是我的观点,麦芽啤酒是老人喝的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英国的啤酒

12. At the same time, I have been seduced by the more refreshing, crisp and minerally charms of French Chardonnay.

FORBES: The Case For Why We Should Be Drinking California Chardonnay

13. Without prior experience, we were already typing much more accurately with Swype's taller and more responsive keys, plus its unique input method was also very refreshing and convenient most of the time.

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14. So this is all wonderful and refreshing to hear, and makes me even more excited to play the game next month.

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15. As lovely as the band's more genteel moments can be and some are minor classics it's immensely refreshing to hear Travis claw through the restraints and inject its songs with a bit of fearless energy.

NPR: Travis: The Once and Future 'It' Band Returns

16. "It's teaching me new things and refreshing what I already know and it's getting me back on my feet so I have more of a chance, " he said.

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17. Milk companies could have been faster to recognize the opportunity to create milk-based beverages that met growing consumer demand for more refreshing drinks.

FORBES: How the Milk Industry Went Sour, and What Every Business Can Learn From It

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