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hard stuff是什么意思_hard stuff怎么读_hard stuff的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


hard stuff

hard stuff

n. 硬币,(美俚)现金;烈性酒

英 [hɑːd stʌf]play 美 [hɑːrd stʌf]play

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1. Hard Stuff First 先做困难事项

2. a drop of hard stuff 山王丸理子


1. After having a large amount of beer, they started drinking the hard stuff.


2. Many slumming roles call for the actress to drink the hard stuff (Trucker, Monster's Ball, the Jacket, North Country, etc.).


3. This is different from the hard disk, which is where files and stuff are permanently stored.


4. Having money specifically directed at those two issues should help counteract "the hard stuff that has been the most resistant to change," Mr. Orr said.


5. I am doing all the hard stuff your hero Gary Granite can't do.


6. After having a large amount of beer, they started drinking the hard stuff.

他喝了大量的啤酒之后, 就开始喝烈性酒.《互联网》

7. I go out of my way to be as lazy as possible. I have a hard time doing stuff that I don't want to do.


8. I know. Apparently, she was pretty hard stuff!


9. Your mind's working so hard to make stuff up,


10. But Jules is all warmth and energy, really works hard and gets stuff done.


11. Philosophy is hard stuff to read.


12. I have a new friend who has gone through some hard stuff herself.


13. "A lot of the hard stuff he's doing now will pay dividends," said John Del Cecato, a former Obama campaign aide.

“奥巴马所做的这一切艰难努力,都会收获额外的回报的。”奥巴马的前竞选助手,John Del Cecato这样评说。

14. The soft stuff is always harder than the hard stuff.


15. Changing ourselves, changing our behavior - this is hard stuff.


16. Get the hard stuff done first thing in the morning.


17. The hull plating kept out most of the hard stuff.


18. This is hard stuff for public servants. We have no outlet for our feelings and no voice for our fears.


19. Wilma : Fred's doing all hard stuff in the picture Gary Granite can't do.


20. Philosophy is hard stuff to read.


21. The only thing on henderson's hard drive is domestic stuff.

亨德森的硬盘上只有一些家用的文件。《provided by jukuu》

22. The "hard stuff" - military clout - is certainly central.


23. Well, if you really wanna get drunk tonight, I'd stick with the hard stuff.


24. Characters series and Things turn star move, sweep, in the late 1970s, some hard stuff vanished.


25. Yet their decision to include some of the hard stuff leaves open the possibility that some readers might actually engage in the slog that leads to higher pleasures.


26. If you don't want another pint, why don't you have a drop of the hard stuff?


27. I'm the heterogeneous system, soft stuff, hard stuff, liquid stuff.


28. Don't worry about the hard stuff for now; get your head around the basics, and you'll soon build up a whole arsenal of Ajax tools.


29. Often, the hard stuff is easier once you’ve finished the easier bits – you develop the expertise to handle parts that earlier were beyond your abilities.


30. In fact, senior developers don't get that much better at predicting the hard stuff; they get better at guessing that mysterious hard stuff will eventually rear its head.


31. Even worse, at work it can be hard to get simple stuff done, like getting a travel request approved, an expense report paid, finding the right data, document, person, conference room, report or chart.


32. 11. Get the hard stuff done first thing in the morning.


33. In fact, senior developers don't get that much better at predicting the hard stuff; they get better at guessing that mysterious hard stuff will eventually rear its head.


34. Skip the hard stuff.


35. Stuff that's hard to change later.


36. Well, if you really wanna get drunk tonight, I'd stick with the hard stuff.

如果今晚你想大醉, 我建议来点烈酒.《互联网》

37. But he's also showing the world that he has no intention of taking responsibility for the hard stuff.


38. Don't worry about the hard stuff for now; get your head around the basics, and you'll soon build up a whole Arsenal of Ajax tools.


39. It's almost too obvious that once you stuff something into an XML document, it's hard to obscure it (short of encryption, of course).


40. 1:I wanted a cheap car without a lot of extras. But the salesman gave me a hard sell so I ended up with stuff I didn't need, like leather seats, a sun roof and a lot of other things.

大家都听懂了吗?他原来只想要一辆没什么额外设备的廉价车,但是结果却买下了皮座椅、天窗之类那些并不必需的设备。 什么原因迫使他多花钱买这些装置的呢?那得归究于推销员的强行推销手段了。所以这儿hard sell意思就是“强行推销”,也就是硬让别人买东西。

41. The Hard Stuff whiskey "Scotch." Wine In bars wine can often be bought by the glass. Don't be misled by names such as "Chablis" is used to refer to white wine, and "Burgundy" to red-Americans seem never to have heard of white Burgundy.

In America“whiskey”means bourbon(一种烈性威士忌酒,最初为美国肯塔基州Bourbon地区所产)unless otherwise indicated.Bourbon is a rather oily spiritmade from maize(玉米).Rye(黑麦威士忌酒)whiskey is called“rye”and Scotch

42. and let me play around with the hard stuff, huh?


43. Okay, toss me some hard stuff.


44. Yet their decision to include some of the hard stuff leaves open the possibility that some readers might actually engage in the slog that leads to higher pleasures.


45. I am off the hard stuff.


46. Not the hard stuff like steroids, but stranger stuff.

这里指的不是类固醇这类强效禁药, 而是些怪东西.《互联网》

47. St Patrick was said to have proclaimed that everyone should have a drop of the hard stuff on his feast day after chastising an innkeeper who served a short measure of whiskey.


48. If you can start off a day with a little discipline like that, there's no telling what you can accomplish when the hard stuff comes your way.


49. Every time your coworker receives a difficult assignment, she starts in on how unfair it all is, that she's the one who always gets the hard stuff.


50. The beauty is in ordinary stuff that are around us but sometimes it’s hard to notice it.


51. This was the hard stuff that I had to internalize before starting out.


52. Considering crushing efficiently hard and abrasion proof stuff, JCE series crusher adopted international advanced technology is the first choice.


53. When I got down the hall, I hard stuff the flowers - and the whole situation - into my locker.

我穿过大厅, 努力把花和所有的烦恼锁进柜子.《互联网》

54. According to this view of the brain, the lack of "deep thinking" lies at the heart of the present generation's inability to sweat the hard stuff.


55. Start with foundation for good health before hitting the hard stuff.



1. So, look, this is hard stuff, complicated stuff.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

2. The principle is that children should be reached while they are still fairly pliable and before they begin to take drugs not just the hard stuff but alcohol, marijuana and tobacco.

ECONOMIST: But efforts to warn people off drugs are still too timid

3. It is hard to persuade people to do hard stuff that entails trimming benefits and increasing revenues.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obamas News Conference on Deficit Reduction

4. This is different from the hard disk, which is where files and stuff are permanently stored.

这个和硬盘是不一样的,那是存储,文件之类的东西的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

5. But it is also true that what remains is hard stuff -- entitlement reform and tax reform.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

6. It's still hard to find this stuff outside of Canada, where you can pick up any of the products through the Loblaws supermarket chain.

FORBES: It's The Tap Of The Iceberg

7. And you just mentioned, let's do the fun stuff before we do the hard stuff.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Town Hall in New Hampshire

8. It's hard-hitting stuff.

这需要比较强的承受能力。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Philosophy is hard stuff to read.

哲学是很难读懂的东西。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. They spend their time doing easy stuff instead of the hard stuff like recruiting terrorists because they're afraid that some day it might come back to bite them.


11. You know, the impolite, filthy, R-rated "Hard Knocks" stuff.

WSJ: Why Are the Jets Being So Polite?

12. Hard stuff gets resolved before it gets to the level of conversations between the President, the Vice President and the leaders of Congress.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

13. The hard stuff is made up of the classic virtues dear to the hearts of finance and operations people: cost, speed, supply chain, analytics.

FORBES: The Hard and Soft Stuff of Business: Winners Excel in Both

14. "I intentionally abandoned the hard stuff early on because not only do I think it's useless, I think it's a distraction, " he says.

FORBES: Marketing

15. Up front is a sprawling deli counter of meats and cheeses, freshly baked bread, and imported oils and vinegars, as well as a small bar that houses orange juice and coffee machines along with the hard stuff.

NEWYORKER: Il Buco Alimentari e Vineria

16. They foreswear the hard stuff of reform but they have few answers to how an addicted public can kick the habit of government dependency.

FORBES: Uncle Sam's My Name, And Reform Is My Game

17. Things that are so random and quirky that as a writer, I know how hard that stuff is to invent, and it really had the ring of truth to it.

CNN: Sebastian Junger: The bin Laden tape and the war in Afghanistan

18. Putting humans in a vehicle with millions of parts, atop thousands of pounds of explosives, and then operating it at high speeds while monitoring thousands of variables that rapidly change is hard stuff.

FORBES: Why Is Privatized Space Travel A Challenge?

19. Those who believe cannabis to be a gateway to opioids and other highly dangerous drugs fail to appreciate that the illegal purchase of marijuana exposes consumers to dealers who push the hard stuff.

CNN: Why marijuana should be legal for adults

20. Hard stuff takes time.

FORBES: If It's A Penny For Your Thoughts & You Put In Your Two Cents Worth, Then Someone, Somewhere Is Making A Penny. But Not J.C. Penney.

21. Having set prices for the work required to get stuff, it is not to hard to set prices to rent stuff to each other.

FORBES: Seven Economist Mistakes About Parenting

22. But this is tough stuff, hard to swallow for the current Israeli government.

BBC: What does Obama's stand on the 1967 borders achieve?

23. The Victorians loved highland scenery, and this was the hard stuff: Scotland turned up to 11.

BBC: Finding 'friluftsliv' in Norway

24. I'm the heterogeneous system, soft stuff, hard stuff, liquid stuff.

我是非均匀系统,有软的物质,硬的物质,液体物质等。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

25. It's hard to write a lot of stuff in a language that you're not as familiar with,

用你不熟悉的语言写论文真的很难,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 选择国际学的理由

26. The hard stuff is often also the easiest to imitate.

FORBES: In Praise of HR: The Soft Stuff Can Actually Lead to Some Hard Competitive Advantage

27. They excel in both the hard stuff and the soft stuff of business.

FORBES: The Hard and Soft Stuff of Business: Winners Excel in Both

28. The country's creaking railways make it hard to move the stuff, as does the absence of a mechanism to negotiate bulk rail contracts.

ECONOMIST: What is good news for miners is bad news for the environment

29. It's really hard to think of all stuff off the top of my head.

脑子里一时想到的都说出来还真难呢。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 只要是音乐就好

30. This is hard stuff, and it continues to be very difficult.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney

31. Just yesterday, Pepsi (nyse: PEP - news - people ) said it will introduce Pepsi Edge, its mid-calorie product designed to appeal to those who can't decide between Diet Pepsi and the hard stuff.

FORBES: Smart Money Still In Fat

32. That's always the hard stuff.

FORBES: The Web'S Fog Of War

33. they were having hard time getting their day- to- day stuff done,

他们在日常生活中遇到了很多的困难,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 帮助多文化的家庭

34. We are going to work hard and the stuff we are going to do is going to highlight what we do well.

WSJ: Proud Pettine eager to turn Bills defense around

35. We do the hard stuff so you can do the fun stuff.

FORBES: Build Your Own Web or Mobile App In Minutes With These Cloud Based Tools

36. It was hard to piece all of this stuff together.

这个解释稍微有点难理解欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. And one of the things that I've felt very strongly about during the course of this year is that hard stuff requires not paralysis, but it requires going ahead and making the best of the situation that you're in at this point, and then continually trying to improve and make progress from there.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at Copenhagen Climate Change Conference

38. The difference between a good NBA team and a mediocre one is its ability to power through these lackluster opponents, saving the struggle for the hard stuff later on.

WSJ: Jason Gay: The Knicks Are Backbut How Far?

hard stuff是什么意思_hard stuff怎么读_hard stuff的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




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