莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈsʌmbədi]play美 [ˈsʌmbɑːdi]play

  • pron. 某人,有人;重要人物,当权人物
  • n. 大人物,重要人物

复数 somebodies

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


somebody /ˈsʌmbədɪ, -bʌdɪ/

  • 1.
    不定代词 Somebody means the same as . 某人





1. Somebody to love 有人爱 ; 我爱的人 ; 找一个人来爱

2. SOMEBODY LOVES ME 爱我 ; 有人爱我 ; 爱我的人和我爱的人 ; 有人爱着我

3. speed somebody on their way 一路平安 ; 一路顺风 ; 祝愿…一路平安 ; 一帆风顺

4. or somebody 诸如此类的人

5. bug somebody 使人讨厌 ; 使人厌恶

6. Joe Somebody 叫我第一名 ; 大人物乔 ; 一个叫乔的人 ; 大人物

7. can't hear somebody 听不见 ; 听没有见

8. suck up to somebody 拍马屁

9. somebody else 别人

10. call somebody up 打电话给某人 ; 挂电话给某人 ; 打

11. somebody up there 上帝,神


1. I thought I heard somebody calling.


2. You don't know how good it is to speak to somebody from home.


3. And so HIV is something that is happening to somebody in some far away country.


4. Somebody was pounding at the door.


5. State somebody is under an obligation not to do something.


6. If I reduced somebody to tears I'd be mortified.


7. During the night, somebody had cut the boat loose from its moorings.


8. Somebody had wiped all the tapes.


9. Somebody who is living under a rock has no clue about the latest news and gossip.


10. Somebody of booth definite idea comes, ceased put in order instantly , recieved him today last client.

摊主见有人来, 立即停止了拾掇, 接待了他今天最后一位顾客.《期刊摘选》

11. He is such a fool as to think that he is somebody and can influence others.


12. You are somebody of worth.


13. However, when it comes down to somebody that they know, they have a different feeling.


14. Somebody has to think for the child and put him first.


15. Somebody was beating at the door.


16. The child was crying because somebody had pinched her.


17. Somebody should have told me.


18. How hard we fall when somebodies hand lets go and sleepless can become the night.


19. If somebody is ill, we must take him to the clinic in our school immediately.

如果某人病了, 我们应该立即带他去我们学校的诊所.《期刊摘选》

20. If they’ve got my book there, I think, “Well, this is an insult! Somebody didn’t want to keep my book!” But if it’s not there, I feel it’s an insult too

如果二手书店里有我的书, 我会想:“ 啊, 奇耻大辱! 有人不想留着我的书了!”但如果二手书店没有我的书,我觉得这也是一种侮辱。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

21. We are looking for somebody with a clear sense of direction.


22. " If you make clinical predictions based on somebody's race, you're going to be wrong a good chunk of the time, Yudell told Live Science.

亚戴尔在美国“生命科学网站上说道:“如果你是基于某人的种族来做出临床预测,那么你大部分时候都会是错的。”《六级真题- 2016年 12月 3卷 阅读B》

23. His wife is now somebody in television.


24. to strike somebody a glancing blow


25. It's refreshing to hear somebody speaking common sense.


26. There's somebody at the door.


27. Let's see if somebody can rustle up a cup of coffee.


28. It's not easy for somebody to get into the building unobserved.


29. Somebody lopped the heads off our tulips.


30. When I really set out to take care of somebody, I usually do the job properly.

当我真要照顾某人时, 我一般是会把此工作做好的.《用法词典》

31. Somebody has falsely claimed the watch.


32. Somebody in the know told me he's going to resign.


33. Steady on! You can't say things like that about somebody you've never met.


34. Somewhere somebody sometimes does something good.


35. How does one know if somebody is really declining an offer or just being polite?


36. The first time somebody calls you a horse, you punch him.

第一次有人说你是匹马时, 你可以扁这人一顿.《期刊摘选》

37. Does long adult tooth have really so painful? Also does adult tooth chairman bend somebody?

长成人牙真的有那么痛 吗 ?也有人成人牙齿会长弯 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

38. She thinks that she is somebody, and disdains to do such trivial things.

她认为自己是个大人物, 不屑于做这样的事情.《期刊摘选》

39. Relations with somebody were still in deep freeze.


40. I'm just praying that somebody in Congress will do something before it's too late.


41. While we were out, somebody walked in and stole the jewels!

我们出去时, 有人溜进了屋子偷走了珠宝!《简明英汉词典》

42. The car broke down and we had to get somebody to give us a tow.


43. Somebody must have had them. A package of razor blades doesn't run away and hide.

一定有人动了. 一包刀片不会自个儿跑掉藏起来的.《辞典例句》

44. We are looking for somebody with direct experience of this type of work.


45. No one wants to employ somebody who bad-mouths their former employer.


46. Somebody was knocking on the window.


47. AT a cocktail's people can often tell somebodies from nobodies. Those who are late are somebodies.

在鸡尾酒会上人们常常可以看出大人物与无名小卒来. 那些迟到的就是大人物.《期刊摘选》

48. Later she sobered down and married somebody else.


49. Give somebody a permission.


50. 'somebody comin'up the walk.'


51. Somebody someday will make a study of the influence of animals on history.


52. Somebody began pounding on the front door.


53. JERRY: [ disappointed ] Answering machine . Oh, I hate the idea of somebody out there returning my calls.

杰瑞: ( 失望状 ) 答录机, 哦, 我讨厌有人回复我的电话.《期刊摘选》

54. The somebodies come late.


55. Somebody suggested that several people design different engines.


56. Somebody broke that table and I'm determined to get to the bottom of the matter.


57. Somebody had screwed up; they weren't there.


58. Look out! somebody shouted, as the truck started to roll toward the sea.


59. Somebody threw paint at the prime minister.


60. Somebody asked whether somebody could kill Anakin's best friend, so that he really gets angry.

甚至有人问,是否能让某人杀了阿纳金最好的朋友, 以便让他真正变得愤怒.《期刊摘选》

61. Somebody needs to move for an adjournment.


62. It would be unreasonable to expect somebody to come at such short notice.


63. Somebody took a potshot at him as he drove past.


64. I could hear somebody hammering next door.


65. It's nice to know that somebody appreciates what I do.


66. Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out.


67. Did somebody call my name?


68. The personnel manager has been casting about for somebody who can act as receptionist.


69. Somebody had been meddling with her computer.


70. Somebody set the warehouse aflame.


71. Are you trying to pawn me off on somebody?


72. I'd be hopeless at working for somebody else.


73. Somebody is knocking on the window.


74. But you don't have to break in half to love somebody.


75. Is there somebody who comes back in fighting spirit?

有人负著战斗精神归来 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

76. She thinks she's really somebody in that car.


77. It's time somebody took away the government's charge card.


78. Somebody who can keep up with me.


79. They will [ b ] perform surgery [ b ] on somebody tomorrow.

他们将于明日给某人 [ b ] 动外科手术.《期刊摘选》

80. Somebody knows. Some body know something. He gonna pay.

有人知道, 有人肯定知道写什么, 他会付出代价的.《期刊摘选》

81. You can borrow a burning cigarette or chewing gum from somebody.


82. We could give the job to somebody junior.


83. Oh my God he's shot somebody.


84. You wake up are bruised thinking so hard on somebody. What do you call that?

当你深夜里醒来,胸口因想念某人而发疼, 你把它叫做什么?《期刊摘选》

85. Somebody once Jiang comes to nothing this kind accidentally end encounters at outdoors advertisement temporarily control.


86. A thousand dollars is nothing to somebody as rich as he is.


87. Managing somebody is an unbelievable fiduciary responsibility.


88. But what I mainly observed was somebody who was rigidly unapologetic.


89. Would somebody collect up all the dirty glasses?


90. Police believe that somebody is shielding the killer.


91. Somebody should have told me.


92. Somebody was sentenced to life imprisonment.


93. I thought: This cannot be happening, somebody must be playing a joke.


94. So I just learn to forgive while I try to forget something or somebody.


95. Both somebody and nobody have their own racking problems.


96. Somebody pinched his arm. He turned, and his eyes met Huckleberry's.

这时有人在他胳膊上拧了一下, 他转过身来发现是哈克贝利.《英汉文学 - 汤姆历险》

97. Somebody get a doctor!


98. Now, what shall I do if I want to use a cheque to pay somebody?

那么,假如我现在给某人开支票的话, 该怎么写 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

99. Somebody helped me to mend the puncture.


100. Somebody took a potshot at him as he drove past.


101. Somebody is at the door. Who can it be? It must be Tom.

有人在敲门. 会是谁 呢 ?一定是汤姆.《期刊摘选》

102. Somebody has spread the news.


103. Don't be surprised when somebody takes issue with your testimony.


104. Just another surveillance job, old chap. Piece of cake to somebody like you.


105. There shall be somebody at the office at this hour.


106. Five of the twelve cranial nerves become activated when you kiss somebody.


107. Somebody had battered her to death.


108. Washing wool in hot water will shrink it.


109. Somebody goes and does something mindless like that and just destroys everything for you.


110. There's always somebody at home in the evenings.


111. Somebody had been meddling with her computer.


112. I think somebody knocked at the door; I will go and see.

我觉得有人敲门, 我去看看.《期刊摘选》

113. What should I say if I want to offer something to somebody?


114. A girl must cotton to somebody.


115. They say somebody slit her throat.


116. I was just praying for somebody to do something special and Stevie came up trumps again.


117. Why would somebody Swallow a battery?


118. Say, how do you make a good impression on somebody who you first meet?

我问你,你初见某人, 如何才能给对方留下个好印象?《期刊摘选》

119. Asking somebody what he prefer.


120. Somebody wants you to know they are there for you.


121. Why should I take the blame for somebody else's mistakes?


122. The guest says before: Because the foot steps somebody, it is.

前客说: “ 它是因为有人脚踏啊. ”《期刊摘选》

123. Would you give somebody that much money each week to kill you?

每周拿那么多钱给某人来杀死你们 吗 ?《电影对白》

124. Say, how do you make a good impression on somebody when you first meet?

我问你,当你初见某人时, 如何才能给对方留下个好印象?《期刊摘选》

125. Somebody's left their coat here.


126. Somebody is holding your wife hostage.


127. Why should I pay the penalty for somebody else's mistake?


128. He was beaten up by somebody.


129. When you hug somebody, they blossom and thrive.

当你拥抱某人的时候, 他们快乐又健康!《期刊摘选》

130. While we were out, somebody just walked into the house and stole the jewels!

我们出去时, 有人进入房子把珠宝偷走了!《简明英汉词典》

131. Somebody stabbed him in the stomach.


132. We need somebody to market our products to the local people.


133. Somebody likes to show off in public.


134. Be on guard when somebody flatters you.


135. The expression pull a fast one means to fool or trick somebody.


136. We need somebody to handle the marketing end of the business.


137. She needed to unburden herself to somebody.


138. Somebody threw paint at the prime minister.


139. Was there somebody standing there or was it a trick of the light?



1. Well, for somebody already acquainted with Biblical books, perhaps no Biblical plots are surprising.

FORBES: In the Christian Bible, What Is the Superior Read in Terms of Story Quality -- the Old or the New Testament?

2. "You are feeling hopeless. If I was in Haiti when that happened, when the earthquake happened, I could go and help somebody that's injured.

VOA : special.2010.02.01

3. We're also taking questions from the audience here in Studio 4A, and there's somebody there now.

NPR: Judy Collins, From Both Sides Now

4. Somebody might be sort of a disorganized librarian and might want to put this one upside down but over here.

有些人可能是一个没有条理的图书管理员,想要把这个颠倒过来,放在这边。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. "Somebody like Michael Jackson who's done so much for the world and stuff, you think almost like he's invincible."

VOA : special.2009.06.27

6. But most important: When you hit somebody with a pie, try not to fracture his nose.

WSJ: The Catcher Whose Kudos Can Hurt

7. "I watch the programmes that you'd expect somebody of my background to, " he told MPs.

BBC: Profile: Lord Patten

8. Here the members of the glee club sing "Somebody to Love."

VOA : special.2010.01.08

9. The difference being that, even if you knew somebody, you couldn't get a room in Shreveport.

NPR: Get Out of Town

10. "I was patiently waiting for somebody to give me a nickname that I thought suited me, " he says.

NPR: Langhorne Slim's Folk-Rock Live Wire

11. "If you're texting while driving, you are twenty-three times more likely to get into an accident than somebody who isn't.

VOA : special.2010.07.01

12. My bikes wouldn't fetch a nice price and wouldn't be worth trying to sell, but they could be useful to somebody else."

VOA : special.2009.11.16

13. Twenty years ago, as a young man, he once made a joke about shooting somebody.

FORBES: Virtual Violence

14. Somebody that passed away, you take them to the cemetery or do something.

VOA : special.2010.02.01

15. And somebody asked me, why do you come back to North Carolina so much?

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the American Jobs Act in Millers Creek, North Carolina | The White House

16. Except except, somebody must like them, because more of these overripe fatties appear on restaurant lists every month.

FORBES: Faking It

17. It is responsible for collecting the fine if somebody does not get health care.

NPR: With White House Bogged Down By Scandal, GOP Looks For Boost

18. Somebody says, "What is a mare?" "Well, it's a female horse." "Well, it's a female horse" is the metalingual function.

有人问“什么是母马“,“母马就是雌性的马“,“母马就是雌性的马“这句话就是元语功能。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. "And we also built in a website address so that if somebody decodes the code within the code, they can send an e-mail to that address.

VOA : special.2010.07.20

20. The instruction I always give at Buddhist student group meetings whenever somebody comes in and needs instruction, they're pretty simple.

在佛教学生社团聚会时,每当有人前来,需要指点时,我都会给一些建议,都很简单。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

21. So when somebody is going to develop a healthy eating plan you can draw from a number of potentially beneficial structures.

如果有人想制定一个健康饮食计划,那么可以借鉴很多可能的有益饮食结构关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Now, I don't blame employers obviously for being nervous about hiring somebody who has a record.

WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH

23. So you and I are sitting here because somebody, somewhere, made an investment in our futures.

WHITEHOUSE: Twitter Town Hall

24. So, one question is, "What would cause me to perceive somebody as intelligent or stupid, gay or straight, anxious or level-headed?"

第一个问题是,是什么原由让我认为别人是,聪明的,愚蠢的,同性恋的,异性恋的,紧张的,还是冷静的?”心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. He lurched up the aisle, falling against two tables on the way and getting his hand wet in somebody's coffee.

他突然歪向走道边,撞到了路中间的两张桌子,手还碰到了别人的咖啡。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Well,I got them saddles built, and then somebody would say 'Hey,why don't you build me a saddle?'" That was how Nancy Martiny got into the saddle making business twenty years ago.

VOA : special.2011.01.31

27. The Serbs and Croats need somebody to agree to sanctify their deal.


28. Somebody say it real loud. Yes, the system is working on the surroundings, right? It's pushing out against them.

有人很大声的回答了,对,系统在对外做功,他把外界向外推开。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

29. Since my mother was busy teaching school, somebody had to take care of me.

VOA : special.2010.01.30

30. So this is somebody that has a strong record of leadership at the organization.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest

31. When you make it, pull somebody else up. (Applause.) Preserve our dream.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Delivers Commencement Address at Miami Dade College | The White House

32. If I didn't appreciate somebody I would say but I really appreciate the gaffer.

BBC: How Bellion bounced back

33. "I would hope that somebody will play the game and fulfil their dream, " he says.

BBC: Why China's military has turned to gaming

34. Well,we didn't ask for this room service.It must be somebody else's,I'm sure.


35. A few days earlier somebody had rear-ended him.


36. One music expert said: "Your Cheatin' Heart" is so sad, it sounds like a judge sentencing somebody to a punishment worse than death itself."

VOA : special.2009.11.22

37. Mr. AKBAR HASSAN (Party Worker): This agenda is of somebody else, not the Pashtuns' agenda.

NPR: Violence Precedes Pakistan Election

38. If somebody just steps back and truly listens and watches the customers rapidly iterates, good things tend to happen.

如果有人能够退后一步,认真倾听用户的需求,好事就会发生。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

39. And if somebody doesn't pop, then maybe he's not going to stay around as long.

WSJ: How social media is transforming the creative process on TV

40. What can we say about those choices? Somebody right behind you, the woman right behind you, shout it out.

我们怎么评价他们的选择,找你身后的,你身后的那位女士,请大声说博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. When somebody invented the automobile, before you knew it everyone was driving automobiles and they all looked pretty much the same.

有人发明了汽车,不知不觉,每个人都开上汽车了,而且那些汽车外形看起来都差不多金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. So why would somebody go buy the stock and try to make the take-over fail ?

FORBES: John Bierwirth's Grumman Takeover Defense Led To Pension Litigation

43. If big, branded goods companies do less manufacturing, somebody has to grind the stuff out.

FORBES: Perspectives

44. We found somebody suitable.


45. So imagine that over the weekend, the mad scientist copied my memories, beliefs,desires,fears,ambitions,goals, intentions and imprinted that on somebody else's brain.

想象一下一个周末,某个疯狂科学家复制了我的记忆,信仰,欲望,恐惧,野心,目标,以及意向,并植入另一个人的大脑。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. How would that be constitutional to indefinitely hold somebody in the United States without trial?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

47. If you can see it, somebody in California or China can also see it.

FORBES: Surfing the Big Data Wave: EMC's Joe Tucci

48. Did you ever see somebody across the room and you kind of think, hey, nice looking?

NPR: McCain Keeps Home Fires Burning

49. The kinds of things that are going to be invented over the next several years is just to me outstanding, and particularly for somebody who's got skills in software.

在接下来的数十年里要被发明出的东西,真是令人望而生叹,尤其对于有软件才能的人来说。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

50. "Somebody told me this morning that they are in conversation shall we say, " he said.

BBC: QPR approach Crystal Palace over boss Neil Warnock

51. Somebody rose and asked him if he had considered putting the elements in alphabetical order. They were very cruel.

有人起来问他,是否考虑过将这些元素,按字母顺序排列,他们非常冷酷。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

52. The prize is simply too big to ignore, and somebody will eventually take it.

FORBES: More Solar Innovation: Stanford's Peel and Stick Flexible Application

53. All of us are here because at some point somebody did that for us.

WHITEHOUSE: 2011 National Teacher of the Year Award

54. Or it may be as extensive as a whole paper copied -- or bought -- from somebody else.

VOA : special.2009.04.16

55. Somebody in one of the old Greek cities has to decide that he wants to go out and establish a colony.

在其中一个古希腊的城市中,突然有个人决定要建立一个殖民地古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Somebody needs to remind us why this story was interesting in the first place.

FORBES: To Reboot or Not To Reboot: That is Resident Evil's Question

57. "As you watch the film you get in your ear a description of 'He is now hitting somebody with a stick,' or whatever the case may be.

VOA : special.2010.03.01

58. It's hard to go to Swifty's without seeing somebody famous and eating very well.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

59. "My World 2.0" includes a lot of slow,romantic songs, but here is one you can dance to, "Somebody to Love."

VOA : special.2010.04.30

60. So, obviously, somebody is sort of using that gray zone again to get away with murder.

NPR: Oversight of Blackwater a 'Grey Zone,' Author Says

61. Parents are entitled to send their children to school without having to proselytize somebody having somebody else's religion."

VOA : special.2011.03.17

62. And a turbo-prof is somebody who lives in Paris, and whose dream is to teach at Paris, particularly at Paris I.

涡轮教授是一位巴黎人,梦想在巴黎教书,特别是在巴黎第一大学1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. And especially in a tough time like this, people appreciate somebody making them laugh.

FORBES: How CEO Massimo d'Amore Adds Fizz To Pepsi Marketing

64. What do you think? Even with these glasses on, I can see no hands up, any suggestions? Somebody help me out.

戴着眼镜我也能看出来没人举手,有想法么?大家来帮帮我吧,你们对这个算法的增长率是怎么认为的?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

65. Somebody pushed him under.






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architecture的意思是:n. 建筑设计,建筑风格;建筑学;结构;计算机的体系结构,架构。学考宝为您提供architecture是什么意思,architecture的翻译,architecture的用法,architecture的短语搭配,architecture的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


melic的意思是:adj. 可歌咏的;歌的;诗的。学考宝为您提供melic是什么意思,melic的翻译,melic的用法,melic的短语搭配,melic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


odic的意思是:adj. 颂歌的,诗的;假想的。学考宝为您提供odic是什么意思,odic的翻译,odic的用法,odic的短语搭配,odic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


arbitrary的意思是:adj. 任意的,随心所欲的;专横的,武断的。学考宝为您提供arbitrary是什么意思,arbitrary的翻译,arbitrary的用法,arbitrary的短语搭配,arbitrary的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


spirituous的意思是:adj. 酒精的;酒精成分高的;含酒精的。学考宝为您提供spirituous是什么意思,spirituous的翻译,spirituous的用法,spirituous的短语搭配,spirituous的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


April的意思是:n. 四月。学考宝为您提供April是什么意思,April的翻译,April的用法,April的短语搭配,April的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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