莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈpæt(ə)n]play美 [ˈpætərn]play

  • n. 模式,方式;图案,花样;模范,典范;模型,底样;(布或墙纸的)样品;样式;(声音或词汇有规则排列的)模式
  • v. 用图案装饰,给……加上花样;仿照,模仿;赋予……以固定(或易辨认)的形式;使形成,促成(某行为模式)

复数 patterns 第三人称单数 patterns 现在分词 patterning 过去式 patterned 过去分词 patterned

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


pattern /ˈpætərn/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A pattern is the repeated or regular way in which something happens or is done. 模式

    All three attacks followed the same pattern.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A pattern is an arrangement of lines or shapes, especially a design in which the same shape is repeated at regular intervals over a surface. 图案

    ...a golden robe embroidered with red and purple thread stitched into a pattern of flames.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A pattern is a diagram or shape that you can use as a guide when you are making something such as a model or a piece of clothing. 参照图形

    ...cutting out a pattern for slacks.



    Send for our free patterns to knit yourself.


  • 4.
    动词 to model 形成图案
  • 5.
    名词 an outdoor assembly with religious practices, traders' stalls, etc on the feast day of a patron saint 圣人日户外集会; 集会上有宗教仪式和集市摊档等 (Also patron)



  • adj.

    patterned 有图案的,组成图案的

  • n.

    patternmaker 制模师,模型制造者;打样师;花样图案设计者;翻砂工

  • v.

    patterned 形成图案(pattern的过去分词);摹制;复写



figure design pattern 【导航词义:图,图案】

figure n. 图,图像

〔辨析〕 指几何图形、人像或者图表。

例1: The six-sided figure is an equilateral hexagon.


例2: Can you recognize the figure in the background?


例3: Figure 8 shows how the module works.


design n. 图案;图纸

〔辨析〕 指用于装饰的图案;也指设计图或图样,此时常后接介词 for。

例1: The right side of the wooden door was engraved with a beautiful bird design.


例2: This is the design for the new sports centre.


pattern n. 图案,花样

〔辨析〕 多指由单一或多种形状、颜色或线条按照一定规律重复排列所组成的图案,常用于装饰。

例1: She had a shirt with a floral pattern.


例2: She bought a tablecloth with a pink and grey striped pattern.



1. pattern matching 模式匹配

2. Bridge Pattern 桥接模式 ; 桥梁模式 ; 桥模式

3. Facade Pattern 外观模式 ; 门面模式 ; 享元模式 ; 外观形式

4. growth pattern 生长模型;生长模式

5. observer pattern 观察者模式 ; 观察者模式组图 ; 调查者模式 ; 观察者设计模式

6. design pattern 设计模式;设计范式;设计样式

7. spatial pattern 空间格局,空间形态;分布类型,空间模式

8. sentence pattern 句型;句子模式

9. Command Pattern 命令模式 ; 令形式 ; 号令模式 ; Observer模式

10. Builder Pattern 生成器模式 ; 建造者模式 ; 生成器 ; 建造模型

11. distribution pattern 分布格局,分布类型;分布型式,分布型;分配结构

12. diffraction pattern 衍射图样;绕射图

13. production pattern 生产纸样;生产形态

14. basic pattern 基本模型;衣服基本纸型

15. fringe pattern 条纹图形,干涉图样

16. pattern recognition 模式识别

17. pattern classification 模式分类

18. behavior pattern 行为范型

19. regular pattern 正规图样,正常模式

20. Proxy Pattern 代理模式 ; 代办形式 ; 代理人模式 ; 代办别人代理标准样式

21. decorator pattern 修饰模式 ; 装饰模式 ; 装饰者模式 ; 装饰器模式

22. Pattern Recognition 模式识别 ; 图象识别 ; 图案识别

23. radiation pattern 辐射方向图,辐射图;辐射高温计

24. flow pattern 流型,流动型态;活动模;流线谱

25. consumption pattern 消费模式,消费形式

26. speckle pattern 散斑图;斑纹图样

27. economic pattern 经济模式;经济结构

28. pattern design n. 模型设计,图案设计




familiar pattern 熟悉的方式

normal pattern 正常的方式

typical pattern 典型的方式

different pattern 不同的方式(或图案)

same pattern 相同的方式(或图案)

similar pattern 相似的方式(或图案)


change a pattern 改变一种方式

fit a pattern 适用于一种方式

see a pattern 看出一种方式

follow a pattern 采用一种方式(或图案、样板)


1. This pattern is also widespread among Near Eastern societies.


2. Mattie's example of optimism and acceptance has caused me to ponder my own pattern of complaint.


3. I saw that achievement as a possible pattern for the entire ghetto.


4. The chief executive's tastes follow a similar pattern which is most popular.


5. In view of each kind of data mining pattern, has used the different data mining algorithm.

针对各种数据挖掘模式, 采用了不同的数据挖掘算法.《期刊摘选》

6. Vegetation patterns changed when goats were introduced to the island.


7. Her agriculture and her manufactures as patterns and as motives for emulation to other countries.


8. The kinked line in chart 1 represents this pattern.


9. All of a sudden patterns emerge everywhere, and apparently trivial details become interesting.

忽然间,花样到处出现, 并且很明显,琐碎的细节也开始变得有趣.《期刊摘选》

10. This fits a larger pattern.


11. Distressing collision brick pattern is a lot of bricks into the game.


12. The wildebeests follow, in their migration, the pattern of local rainfall.


13. This athlete needs to improve movement patterns while maintaining her current level of power.


14. The whole pattern from ancient Rome a ribbon of of Legion ornamental rings.


15. He argued that Shakespeare's plays were patterns of imagery.


16. Patterns of public administration and government are superimposed on traditional societies.


17. His release turned out to follow the pattern set by that of the other six hostages.


18. The outlier pattern can be efficiently detected from time series by this algorithm.


19. Select all and go to Edit > Define Pattern.


20. Before you cut the cloth, make sure that the pattern matches up on both edges.


21. A class which supports incremental matching of a pattern against a set of stored strings.


22. Rugged midsole and lug style traction patterned sole.


23. Lessons all follow the same pattern.


24. Adult behaviour is often patterned by childhood experiences.


25. Nor as lording it over your allotments but by becoming patterns of the flock.


26. The success of course set a pattern for the training of new employees.


27. I do not like this pattern, can you show me another one?

这个图案我不是很喜欢, 您再拿一个别样的给我看看 吧 .《期刊摘选》

28. All three attacks followed the same pattern...


29. The network game charge takes in the present network the most successful profit pattern.


30. He patterned himself after his teacher.


31. We shall appreciate it if you will send some up to date pattern for our reference.


32. The black and white pattern is relieved by tiny coloured flowers.


33. The digital image processing and pattern recognition technology are feasible to overcome the coke monitor problem.


34. The abolition of slavery in Brazil and the Caribbean closely followed the pattern of the United States.


35. A large woman should skip oversized patterns as they only serve to exaggerate size.


36. He has patterned himself after the example of his father.


37. A jigsaw puzzle, a of six different puzzle patterns, leisure time best game.

一个拼图游戏, 一共有六种不同的拼图花样, 休闲时的最佳游戏.《期刊摘选》

38. A pattern very many bricks hit the Games.


39. This would create a constantly changing pattern of strings, would it not ?

这将会产生持续不断的变化的细线花样, 是 吧 ?《期刊摘选》

40. I would like pillow cases without any patterns rather than these geometrical patterns.


41. Pet. 5:3 Nor as lording it over your allotments but by becoming patterns of the flock.


42. Can one trace this same pattern far back in prehistory?


43. This system sets the pattern for others to follow.


44. The pattern turning a little bit it once , appearing another floriculture again.

将它稍微转一下, 又会出现另一种花的图案.《期刊摘选》

45. The day followed the usual pattern.


46. The youth patterned his life on Benjamin Franklin's.


47. However, this pattern of behavior predicts increases in marital satisfaction over time.


48. Applies to fine lines, dot pattern, the manufacture of printed circuit board screen.

合用于不粗细线条 、 网不面图案 、 线路板网版的制作.《期刊摘选》

49. Similar patterns exist throughout the U.S. By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair, scientists can construct a geographic timeline.

类似的模式在全美国都存在。通过测量一缕头发中氢和氧的较重同位素的比例,科学家可以构建出一个地理学上的时间序列。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

50. The atoms are very beautifully located in a nice pattern.


51. A wide range of colours and patterns are available


52. Write how this number pattern is made.


53. A left-handed toolmaker would produce the opposite pattern.


54. A pattern is made by the mingling of the soul pattern of the parents.


55. Send for our free patterns to knit yourself.


56. a shirt with a floral pattern


57. a knitting pattern


58. Next network of a week attacks intermittence, pattern 100.

接下来一星期的网络攻击时断时续, 花样百出.《期刊摘选》

59. Join the blue wool on the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.


60. The pattern was observed by political scientist Andrew Hacker in the late 1970s.

在20世纪70年代末,政治学家安德鲁·海克曾对这种模式进行了观察。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

61. He is the pattern to follow.


62. Our sleep pattern is a barometer to our psychological well-being.


63. And rocky pattern meams brittle fracture.


64. The youth patterned his life upon Benjamin Franklin.


65. The elaborate patterns were believed to offer protection against evil.

精心制作的彩蛋图案被认为是可以避邪的。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

66. The pattern of XRD illustrated that the pure perovskite tetragonal had been obtained for all samples.


67. Sure. What size and pattern do you like?

当然有. 您喜欢多大的?什么图案的?《期刊摘选》

68. Jamie received her degree from California State University at Los Angeles. She had set the pattern.

杰米获得洛杉机市加利福尼亚州立大学的学位, 为我们树立了榜样.《名作英译部分》

69. Strong shocks deform crystal structures and create mosaic patterns that are easily detectable under the microscope.


70. It also includes solid, patterned and gradient flood fills, drop shadow, smooth and color modification.

该软件还包括固定 、 图案和混合填充工具,阴影设置 、 平滑和颜色修正功能.《期刊摘选》

71. The murders all seem to follow a pattern.


72. a pattern of diamonds and squares


73. How about this pattern?

这个花样 怎么样 ?《期刊摘选》

74. The pattern was observed by political scientist Andrew Hacker in the late 1970s. 

在20世纪70年代末,政治学家安德鲁·海克曾对这种模式进行了观察。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

75. We have of professional manufacture and repair technicians, high quality managers and product pattern designers.

公司拥有一批专业制造及维修技术人员 、 高素质管理人才和产品花样电脑制作设计人才.《期刊摘选》

76. Pattern recognition, which is an important topic in AI, has been applied on many fields.

模式识别是人工智能领域的重要课题, 在很多应用领域,模式识别取得了很好的应用.《期刊摘选》

77. Her bedroom curtains have a diamond pattern.


78. He patterned himself on a man he admired.


79. Their actions follow a very predictable pattern.


80. Can altered methylation patterns be somehow detected in blood samples? Dr Szyf thinks so.

甲基化样品能否在血液样本被发现? 斯兹夫博士认为可以.《期刊摘选》

81. There are a great ( large ) variety of patterns to choose from in this store.

店理有 许许多多 花样可供选择.《期刊摘选》

82. Canada in 1965 the use of the flag can also be the Union Jack pattern.


83. She patterned herself on her teacher.


84. ...cutting out a pattern for trousers...


85. Stemming climate change, for example, is as much about changing consumption patterns and promoting tax acceptance as it is about developing clean energy.

例如,遏制气候变化,既与改变消费模式和提高税收接受度有关,又与开发清洁能源有关。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

86. I make patterns with their guts.


87. Optical character recognition ( OCR ) is one of the most successful applications of pattern recognition.

光学字符识别 ( OCR ) 是模式识别最为成功的应用之一.《期刊摘选》

88. It should be made clear that not everyone has a device to record their sleep patterns; in some of these nations, it’s likely that only the richest people do.

应澄清一点,不是所有人都拥有记录睡眠模式的装置;在本项研究涉及的一些国家里,可能只有最富有的人在用这种装置。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

89. Flower pattern novel, in line with the trend of the times.

花型图案新颖, 符合时代潮流.《期刊摘选》

90. This is the center circle of the pattern.


91. A change in the pattern of his breathing became apparent.


92. Her coat is patterned on the newest fashion.


93. There is also a cyclical pattern in fashion.


94. These eating patterns are a learned behavior.


95. Fracture morphology of the TRIP steel is a dimple pattern with features of plastic fracture.


96. He patterned the hall all the day.


97. Close Distance: Close the distance closer, we can more clearly see the tiny text or patterns.

近拍距离: 近拍距离越近, 就能更清楚地看微小的文字或图案.《期刊摘选》

98. There are a variety of patterns to choose from.


99. We watched the girl pricking out an embroidery pattern.


100. Please show me some patterns of cloth.


101. We have a goods selection of pattern and send them to you today by parcel post.


102. Because I follow a classic pattern, the coding is almost brainless.


103. Along the development of the technology the social production is improved quickly the company's pattern changed.


104. He says this contract should not be patterned after the Deere pact.


105. This pattern is beautiful and male to know skin maintain of value degree person very much.


106. While U.S. diet is relatively identical, water supplies vary. The differences result from weather patterns.

尽管美国人的饮食相对来说差不多,但供水却不同。这种差异源于天气模式。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

107. Economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern.


108. All three attacks followed the same pattern


109. And finally, in Spain, some businesses maintain the pattern of working until about 2 o’clock and then returning to the office from 5:30 to 8:00, 9:00, or 10:00 in the evening

还有最后一题,在西班牙,一些公司保持这样的工作模式:员工先工作至大约下午2点,然后下午5点半返回办公室,工作至晚上八九点或10点。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

110. GongCheng pattern is a good example for the circular economy of agriculture in Karsts region.


111. Patterns of family life are diversifying.


112. The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height.


113. Stress can become your new pattern.


114. Lead author Liat Tikotzky wrote in an email that the research team also didn’t measure fathers’ sleep, so it’s possible that their sleep patterns could also be causing the sleep disruptions for moms

第一作者Liat Tikotzky 在一封电子邮件中说,研究团队也没有调查爸爸的睡眠。所以他们的睡眠模式也有可能打扰了妈妈的睡眠。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

115. She bought a dress pattern and some material.


116. She embroidered the cloth with a pattern in yellow and green stitches.


117. She'll show you how to coordinate pattern and colours.


118. Most other butterflies have colored scales which pattern the wings , quite often to ward off predators.

(或者也许是半透明的)其他大多数蝴蝶有多彩的鳞为翅翼添加花样, 通常是为挡开掠食者.《期刊摘选》

119. He patterned himself after a man he admired.


120. The white marble floors were inlaid in a radial pattern of brass.


121. All three attacks followed the same pattern.


122. This pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.


123. The name is very affirmatory, without mutation, without the leeway of choice or metabolic pattern.

名称很确定, 没有变种, 没有选择或变化花样的余地.《期刊摘选》

124. A norm is an established behaviour pattern that is part of a culture.


125. The teacher showed us how to cut out part of the surface of the wood and let a pattern in.


126. Avoid unnecessary red tape complex pattern structure to business card printing and membership card making difficult.


127. Join the blue wool onto the end of the gold pattern and work the same stitches into the back.


128. This pattern of woods and fields is typical of the English landscape.


129. hen a tree first starts growing in a certain area, it’s likely that the 27 climatic envelope—the temperature, humidity, rainfall patterns and so on—suits it.

棵树最初在某个地区生长时,当地的(27) 气候环境——那里的温度、湿度、降水模式等等——很有可能是适宜其生长的。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

130. Interestingly, they also show a consistent pattern of nest care by the male.


131. The success of the course set a pattern for the training of new employees.


132. The murders all seem to follow a (similar) pattern (= happen in the same way) .


133. Mornings in our house always follow a set pattern.


134. You measure yourself, enter measurements and the computer will print out the pattern


135. It can remember and mimic up to 15 kinds of rhythmic patterns.


136. a woman, smartly turned out in patterned skirt and green top.


137. a landscape patterned by vineyards


138. Mr. Patimkin has some silver patterns he wants me to look at.


139. The pattern she knitted is really beautiful.


140. ...a golden robe embroidered with red and purple thread stitched into a pattern of flames.


141. Threads of different colors and textures were woven into an intricate pattern.


142. This hospital is a pattern of what a good hospital should be.


143. Special compiled software makes complex neon lamp patterns compiling faster and easier.


144. The radiograph finding of popcorn pattern of calcification occurs in fewer than 30 percent of patients.


145. And this pattern is wreaking havoc with marriage.

而正是这种模式正在严重威胁婚姻。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

146. She patterned herself after her mother.


147. The cloth had a pattern of red dots on a white surface.


148. But in the isolated urban neighborhoods of the U.S. Northeast and Midwest, the old pattern remains.

然而,在美国东北部和中西部城市居民状况泾渭分明的市区内, 旧有的模式依然存在.《期刊摘选》

149. But the time passage pattern, the time urges actually actually.

年华花样 、 却怎奈时光催却.《期刊摘选》

150. This then becomes the new pattern, or baseline for your emotional state.


151. She'll show you how to co-ordinate pattern and colours


152. changing patterns of behaviour


153. When you have both filled in your patterns, you may want to share these with each other


154. an irregular sleeping pattern


155. For each behavior pattern you identify , you must synthesize details from your data.

行为模式, 必须从数据中综合细节.《期刊摘选》

156. He patterned himself upon a man he admired.


157. I don't like the pattern on the fabric.


158. This pattern of white privilege and black inequality continues today.


159. Her research interests include biomedical signal processing, medical image processing, medical instrument developing and pattern recognition.

主要从事生物医学信号处理 、 医学图像处理 、 医疗仪器开发、模式识别等方面的研究工作.《期刊摘选》

160. There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.


161. The designs are printed onto the pattern by hand.


162. Most biologists agree with Charles Darwin that the two movements mimic infantile nursing patterns.


163. He framed his life according to a noble pattern.


164. wallpaper patterns


165. We can have pattern and color made to order.


166. Yet a pattern has emerged that does not fit these lofty aspirations.


167. The gardeners'tidy souls not abide the gold and green and russet pattern on the grass.


168. a new approach patterned on Japanese ideas


169. With the Brazilian feather, in particular, the pattern is easy to see.

尤其那根巴西羽毛, 其图案很容易破解.《期刊摘选》

170. The restructuring of the pattern of consumption in Britain also lagged behind


171. Tom's whole class were of a pattern--restless, noisy, and troublesome.


172. Thank you for your letter of July 12 sending us patterns of cotton prints.


173. Fracture surfaces show predominant cleavage river pattern with a small quantity of dimples in the core.


174. In part, the authors wrote in HBR, this pattern may have to do with the way work itself has changed over the past several decades.

这些作者在《哈佛商业评论》中写道,在某种程度上,这种模式可能与工作方式有关,在过去几十年里工作方式已经改变了。《17年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

175. The patterned anodic aluminum oxide ( AAO ) template was fabricated by UV photolithography.

采用紫外光刻法制得图案化的阳极 氧化铝 模板.《期刊摘选》

176. She's a pattern of all the virtues.


177. May appear variegated with mottled pattern over main veins. Usually upright single crown, rarely suckers. Standard.

有时在主叶脉有斑叶的花样. 通常单个顶芽, 很少有侧芽. 标准型.《期刊摘选》

178. Frost patterned the window.


179. The checks are small in this pattern.


180. Methods: The disturbance of patterns was studied in this paper.


181. We have many patterns and shades for you to choose from.


182. The pattern is essentially the same in all cases.



1. The only thing that is bothering me is the puzzle of the pattern of their decline.

FORBES: S and P Downgrade - Case Study

2. Following that pattern, the following beloved Disney World attractions are, or might be, in the crosshairs.

BBC: Walt Disney World's most endangered attractions

3. He has broken sharply with the fiscal pattern of earlier Labour governments in one respect, however.

ECONOMIST: Labour and tax

4. And the UAW will no doubt want to preserve "pattern" contracts at GM, Ford and Chrysler.

FORBES: Can Cerberus Save Chrysler?

5. South Korean Unification Minister Hyun In-taek told the Reuters news agency Monday, Pyongyang's recent provocations appear to fit a pattern.

VOA : standard.2009.06.22

6. The trust said it was part of a pattern of increased demand at hospitals across the West Midlands.

BBC: From the section Shropshire

7. She came to me with my pants, which were singed with the same wire pattern.

NPR: 'Guys Read:' Encouraging Boys to Love Books

8. But everything happens in thes moments of mystery, then it collapses down to a sequential pattern.

FORBES: Post-Singularity Roundup

9. That access pattern is analyzed so that data is moved to the appropriate storage automatically.

FORBES: As Corporate Data Grows, Costs Don't Have To

10. We usually use this pattern when the question that you're asking about relates directly to the person you're speaking with.

当你在询问与谈话对方直接有关的话题时,你可以使用这个句型。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Do you 课堂

11. The primary metrical pattern in Frost is the primary metrical pattern in English poetry, which is to say blank verse or unrhymed iambic pentameter.

弗罗斯特基本的诗歌韵律,是英国诗歌的基本韵律,也就是无韵诗或不押韵的五音部抑扬格。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. In this sense, he says the pattern appears to be similar to that,which occurred during the three 20th century pandemics.

VOA : standard.2009.05.14

13. The kinked line in chart 1 represents this pattern.


14. Using the pattern, cut out one piece of pelmet stiffening.


15. Then we looked for any spikes, any differences, in the expression pattern from one gene to another.

FORBES: A hail of silver bullets

16. Using samples from around Southeast Asia, Buckley and his colleagues saw this pattern in tree rings from recent years, when he could corroborate the rings with other historical climate information.

VOA : standard.2010.04.05

17. Here, the cloud becomes the obscuring of this sense of intent to communicate or a sense of meaning's pattern.

在这里,试图沟通,或者说意图形式的,感觉变得模糊。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. So, that's another six- note scale but a different sort of pattern, a different kind of pattern.

那么,这是另一种六音符音阶,但是模式不同聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Obama fit the pattern well big agenda items were pushed through in 2009 and 2010.

FORBES: What a Hotly Contested Election Means for Markets

20. The house features walls of concrete blocks, many with a cross pattern that lets light through.

WSJ: The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Frank Lloyd Wright Homes

21. Assuming a normal retracement pattern, your 10% gain will be wiped out before year-end.

FORBES: What No One Tells You About A Market Rally

22. By about six weeks of age, most babies begin to show something approximating a day/night sleeping pattern.


23. You can't know just by looking at a pattern or a distribution or result whether it's just or unjust.

你不能仅凭分配格局,或分配结果,来判断其是否公平。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. The Justice Department says domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior used by one partner in any relationship to control another partner.

VOA : special.2009.02.28

25. Use this pattern whenever you want to find out about the timing of an event in the past, present, or future.

当你想知道过去、现在或者未来某件事发生的时间时,你都可以使用这个句型。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : When 课堂

26. So we object to this and we object to other Israeli practices in Jerusalem related to housing, including the continuing pattern of evictions and demolitions of Palestinian homes,".

VOA : standard.2009.11.17

27. DuPont noted though that crop protection product volumes fell slightly because of northern hemisphere sales pattern shifts.

FORBES: DuPont Shoots For The Sun

28. And on the right is showing you what pattern of activity would be in a controlled brain in most view.

在右边,我们看到控制组大脑的大部分视图,能看出其活动的模式。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

29. We are seeing a pattern of abuse of this power, in order to win big cases.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: Department of Injustice

30. Are there funds that, defying the pattern, excel in both bull and bear markets?

FORBES: The Forbes Mutual Fund Honor Roll

31. The small lights make up the exact pattern of stars in the sky on the day the park opened in two thousand one.

VOA : special.2009.05.06

32. This pattern, too, is ever-more apparent in the U.S.. Indeed, it reflects the reckless fiscal pattern.

FORBES: Why The Fiscal 'Sequester' Scheme Is Actually Bullish

33. This shows a similar pattern to last September, when it corrected for six weeks, losing 15%.

FORBES: The Week Ahead: Will Google or Amazon Follow Apple?

34. What's changing along here is the what's changing along this pathway is the expression pattern of genes in cells.

因此这里改变的是,在这条途径上改变的是,基因表达的模式生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. Unfortunately, these increasingly suggest a pattern that is at odds with our national and homeland security.


36. Now, the simile concludes with the strong sense of a hideous change -and you will recognize this pattern again and again in Milton -the hideous change undergone by the fallen angels.

这个比喻用一个强烈的可怕的转折来结尾,-你们会在弥尔顿的诗里一再看到这个特点,-一个堕落的天使们遭受到的可怕的转折。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. an all-over pattern


38. So what have I done? We've now generalized the idea of iteration into this little pattern.

我们刚刚学到了什么?,我们现在已经在这小小的模式中。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. The results established a pattern that spread as people reported fewer close friends.

VOA : special.2010.01.06

40. This kind of hair loss is known as pattern baldness.

VOA : special.2011.04.05

41. It's a scheme that in English counts accents or stresses per line and then arranges them in a pattern.

这种体系里的英文诗每行都有重读,然后将他们按一定模式排列。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. The calamity that sets the pattern for the future occurs while Teddy is at war.

ECONOMIST: New American fiction

43. Nonetheless, he apologized to the Cardinal, thus setting a pattern that persists to this day.


44. And actually when you contrast that with most retailers, that follows the same pattern."

VOA : special.2009.12.25

45. Her poems do not rhyme or follow a special kind of pattern.

VOA : special.2010.04.18

46. In many organizations this oft repeated pattern becomes an accepted part of the culture.

FORBES: Ask for Results Instead of Reports

47. So study this, master this pattern as well as the other patterns, and you really can master English step by step.

因此,学习掌握这个句型以及其他所有的句型,你就可以一步一步说一口流利的英语。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : There is 课堂

48. You will find this pattern very useful anytime you're not feeling happy about something and you want to express yourself.

你会发现,当你因为什么事感到低落,你想表达自己的感觉时,这个句型特别有用。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I get so upset 课堂

49. This pattern roughly corresponds to the rising popularity of Android handsets over the past few years.

FORBES: Analyst: Android Tablet Shipments Will Match IPad In Second Half Of 2011

50. No guarantee the pattern will hold in 2008, but that's the way to bet.

FORBES: Magazine Article

51. If we're actually there, we no longer have to worry about the way it organizes everything around it into a kind of rigorous unfolding pattern.

如果我们身临其境,我们就不必担心,它是通过何种方式将其周围事物,组织为严密的展开形式了。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Many analysts view the seemingly mixed messages as part of a negotiating pattern by the North.

VOA : standard.2009.10.15

53. Geithner says the typical pattern of an economic turnaround dictates that only when businesses start to hire again will there be a peak in unemployment.

VOA : standard.2009.04.05

54. Many indicators taken as whole, however, can offer valuable guidance when a clear pattern develops.

FORBES: Stock Market: 4 Current Warning Signs

55. The kennels will be arranged in a herringbone pattern so the dogs cannot see each other.

BBC: Birmingham Dogs' Home: Plan to open ?5m bigger centre

56. What's the pattern here? What's the pattern here?

规律是什么呢,有规律可循吗博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. We conclude from the data from 1927-2012 that the pattern of returns is random.

FORBES: Can We Game Investment Cycles?

58. Despite recent wet weather across much of the continent, climatologists warn that a looming El Nino pattern could bring drier conditions to Australia in the coming months.

VOA : standard.2009.06.24

59. "This is consistent with the pattern we have seen through the pandemic last year, " she said.

BBC: New mothers urged to get swine flu vaccine

60. This is more interesting because it looks as if the pattern held, right up until recently.

FORBES: Childless Keynesians And The Future They Made

61. It beams first to your computer, then to a secure server, which verifies you match your signing pattern.

FORBES: Ten O'Clock Tech: The Smartpen

62. The good ones have talented product managers and product visionaries who are pattern recognition virtuosos.

FORBES: Ten Properties of the Perfect Big Data Storage Architecture

63. a herringbone pattern of very long, narrow bricks


64. "There is a pattern of widespread and systematic violations that the prevailing impunity allows for the continuation of those violations,"

VOA : standard.2009.10.22

65. The idea being if I find a pattern across multiple people's computers maybe all of those people are infected with the same kind of malware or virus or worm.

如果我从不同人的计算机中发现了一个模型,这就说明,所有那些人的计算机都感染了相同的,恶意软件,病毒或蠕虫。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课





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improbabilities的意思是:n. 未必有之事;不大可能的事物。improbability的复数。学考宝为您提供improbabilities是什么意思,improbabilities的音标,improbabilities怎么读,improbabilities的翻译,improbabilities的用法,improbabilities的短语搭配,improbabilities的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


conductor的意思是:n. (乐队等的)指挥;售票员,检票员;导体;<英>传导教育的引导者。学考宝为您提供conductor是什么意思,conductor的翻译,conductor的用法,conductor的短语搭配,conductor的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


waylaying的意思是:v. 拦截(尤其是为了谈话或袭击);拦路。waylay的现在分词。学考宝为您提供waylaying是什么意思,waylaying的音标,waylaying怎么读,waylaying的翻译,waylaying的用法,waylaying的短语搭配,waylaying的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


waylays的意思是:v. 拦截(尤其是为了谈话或袭击);拦路。waylay的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供waylays是什么意思,waylays的音标,waylays怎么读,waylays的翻译,waylays的用法,waylays的短语搭配,waylays的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


condition的意思是:n. 状况,状态;条件,环境;疾病;条款;<旧>社会地位 v. 训练,使习惯于;控制,制约;护理,保养;影响;加条件于;使(人,动物)健康;(发酵后,在酵母仍存在时)使(啤酒,黑啤酒)酿熟。学考宝为您提供condition是什么意思,condition的翻译,condition的用法,condition的短语搭配,condition的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


inhabitance的意思是:n. 住所(等于 inhabitancy)。学考宝为您提供inhabitance是什么意思,inhabitance的翻译,inhabitance的用法,inhabitance的短语搭配,inhabitance的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


condemn的意思是:v. 谴责,严厉指责;宣判,判决;使陷入(不愉快的境地);宣布……不安全;证明(或表明)有罪。学考宝为您提供condemn是什么意思,condemn的翻译,condemn的用法,condemn的短语搭配,condemn的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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