莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈbɪljən]play美 [ˈbɪljən]play

  • num. 十亿;<旧>万亿
  • n. 十亿;亿万,大量(billions)
  • 【名】 (Billion)(法)比利翁(人名)

复数 billions或billion

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


billion /ˈbɪljən/

  • 1.
    数词 A billion is a thousand million. 10亿

    The Ethiopian foreign debt stands at 3 billion dollars.


  • 2.
    复数型数量词 If you talk about billions of people or things, you mean that there is a very large number of them but you do not know or do not want to say exactly how many. 亿万

    Biological systems have been doing this for billions of years.


  • 3.
    代词 You can also use billions as a pronoun. 亿万

    He thought that it must be worth billions.


  • 4.
    →see also   trillion



  • adj.

    billionth 十亿分之一的;第十亿的

  • n.

    billionth 十亿分之一;第十亿



1. the billion 无边无际


3. One Billion Customers 十亿消费者 ; 亿万消费者

4. part per billion 十亿分之一 ; 十亿分点 ; 十亿分之…

5. parts per billion 十亿分之几 ; 十亿分之一 ; 十亿分率 ; 分之一公克

6. Next Billion 下一个十亿

7. Billion Chords 弦字典 ; 吉他和弦查询 ; 吉他和弦查询器 ; 吉他和弦字典

8. billion electron volts 物 十亿电子伏 ; 十亿电子伏特 ; 千兆电子伏特 ; 京电子伏

9. Billion Reasons 一千万个理由


1. The fund will make payments of just over £1 billion next year.


2. Today, there are around one billion people online.

时至今日, 大约十亿在线用户.《期刊摘选》

3. Worldwide sales look set to top$ 1 billion.


4. Today’s battery breakthroughs come as the world looks to expand modern energy access to the billion or so people without it, while also cutting back on fuels that warm the planet.

在电池技术实现突破的今天,全世界正期望着让近十亿人用上之前接触不到的现代能源,同时还得减少使用那些会造成地球变暖的燃料。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

5. The government has promised an extra £ 1 billion for health care.


6. That falls far short of the billions of dollars people once expected it to generate.

这远远低于人们曾预期的电视交互式广告可创造的数十亿美元的价值。《16年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

7. But given its recent winning ways, McDonald's might just add a few more billion served.

但是就其最近的成功之道来看, 麦当劳也许仅仅多增加几十亿的食物供应即可.《期刊摘选》

8. In 1999, dot-coms spent more than $1 billion on TV spots.

1999年,网上公司花在电视插播广告上的费用超过10亿 。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

9. The level of debt crested at a massive $290 billion in 1992.

1992年的巨额债务高达2 900亿元。《牛津词典》

10. The new runway is a billion-dollar boondoggle.


11. Last year, China saw a 39 % increase in contractual FDI, reaching US $ 115 billion .

去年在中国的合同外资金额增长了39%, 达到了 一千一百五十亿 美元.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

12. The government has ploughed more than$ 20 billion into building new schools.


13. Imports totalled $1.5 billion last year.


14. It lent billions trying to jump - start commercial real estate, business and credit - card lending.

提供了数十亿美元的贷款,试图启动商业房地产市场 、 小企业和信用卡放贷业务.《期刊摘选》

15. The budget should hit the$ 136 billion target on the nose.


16. It may cost several billion roubles to make good the damage.


17. Kingsford hopes a federal plan worth 10 billion dollars will tackle the problem of water theft.


18. South Africa reckons it is losing 64 billion rand ( $ 8.8 billion ) a year to tax havens.

据南非估算,它正以每年640亿兰特 ( 88亿美元 ) 速度向避税港大量流失资金.《期刊摘选》

19. The company's market value rose to$ 5.5 billion


20. The total cost will approximate £ 15 billion.


21. half a billion dollars


22. More than one billion spectators are attracted by the game every year.


23. These rocks have been dated radiometrically at two billion years old.


24. The U.S. is contributing $4 billion in loans, credits, and grants.


25. The average bed is home to over 6 billion mites.


26. Today's battery breakthroughs come as the world looks to expand modern energy access to the billion or so people without it, while also cutting back on fuels that warm the planet.

当今电池的突破出现在这个世界试图让现代能源扩展到近十亿左右还未能接触到它的人们的时候,同时也可以减少导致全球变暖的石油的消费量。《六级真题- 2016年 12月 3卷 阅读A》

27. They have spent billions on the problem (= billions of dollars, etc.) .


28. The move would prop up credit insurers, which guarantee billions of dollars in bond payments.


29. China has earmarked more than $20 billion for oil exploration.


30. A great tide of reform sweeping across China, a land of one billion people.


31. Sales jumped from $2.7 billion to $3.5 billion.


32. The monorail can be completed at the price tag of $1.7 billion.


33. Biological systems have been doing this for billions of years


34. Over six billion humans populate the Earth.


35. This has been done by plundering £4 billion from the Government reserves.


36. They are refunding parents their money on over a billion toys.


37. Last year 400,000 acres of land yielded a crop worth $1.75 billion.


38. His businesses are worth a combined total of$ 3 billion.


39. The budget should hit the $136 billion target on the nose.

预算应该正好达到1 360亿元的目标。《牛津词典》

40. The results were big production gains that many believe saved as many as a billion lives.


41. Rioting hits Los Angeles killing 55 people and causing a billion dollars in property damage.


42. The level of debt crested at a massive$ 290 billion in 1992.


43. The bank has assets of more than £1 billion.


44. If he can get in, billions in illegal government funds wait for the taking.

如果成功, 几十亿的非法政府基金将唾手可得.《期刊摘选》

45. Biological systems have been doing this for billions of years...


46. Billions of dollars each year are spent on schools and libraries.

每年在学校和图书馆方面都会有几十亿美元的开销。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

47. It's worth billions and there had been an Agnelli in Fiat management ever since.


48. And other government agencies, universities, drug companies and philanthropies have chipped in uncounted billions more.

而其他政府机构 、 大学 、 制药公司及慈善事业也投入了难以计算的大量资金.《期刊摘选》

49. Borrowing is set to soar to an astonishing £60 billion.


50. The government is spending billions of dollars on new urban rail projects.


51. Taxes only get part of the way toward a $50 billion deficit.


52. This law is known to hold true for galaxies at a distance of at least several billion light years.


53. A billion is a large number.


54. New consumer credit fell to$ 3.7 billion in August.


55. He urged US executives to invest billions of dollars in his country.


56. Goldman has billions of dollars dedicated to distressed debt situations just like this.


57. The budget provided for a total expenditure of £ 27 billion.


58. Billions of pounds were wiped off share prices today.


59. The Galaxy consists of 100 billion stars.


60. $ 1 billion a year may be lost.


61. “An ultimate face recognition algorithm should perform with billions of people in a dataset,” the researchers wrote.

“巨型面”的创建者说,它是目前最大的公共人脸识别数据集了 “一个终极的人脸识别算法应该可以识别数据集中教以十亿计的人,”研究人员写道。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

62. Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now.


63. They approved a $1.1 billion package of pay increases for the veterans of the Persian Gulf War.


64. Each year, molting or dead crustaceans, fungi, and insects shed billions of metric tons of chitin.

每年, 蜕皮或死亡甲壳动物 、 真菌和昆虫产生数十亿顿甲壳素.《期刊摘选》

65. The minister appealed to the Cabinet not to target her comparatively tiny budget of £4 billion.


66. Microseconds later the universe inflated to become billions of miles wide.


67. In 1968 the states collectively spent $2 billion on it.


68. There was a capital outflow of $22 billion in 1998.


69. The new proposals would absorb$ 80 billion of the federal budget.


70. The mail handles billions of items every day.


71. Just over one billion people speak Mandarin as their native tongue.


72. She blenched before her accuser.


73. The US trade deficit widened to $7.59 billion in November.


74. Exports in June rose 1.5% to a record $30.91 billion.


75. The total debt outstanding is $70 billion.


76. In addition there are billions of galaxies within range of our telescopes and countless billions beyond.


77. Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.

从天文学上说, 它意味着(宇宙中)有数百万个星系,于是也就有数十亿的行星.《期刊摘选》

78. His businesses are worth a combined total of $3 billion.


79. By the end of 1989 the group had assets of $3.5 billion.


80. The stars must have formed 10 to 15 billion years ago


81. The value of the company is well in excess of $2 billion.


82. That could add up to billions of euros at current prices if the options are exercised.


83. The country's trade surplus widened to 16.5 billion dollars.


84. The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors.


85. Lending by banks rose to$ 10 billion last year.


86. The advertising agency rang up 1.4 billion dollars in yearly sales.


87. They plan to take in$ 1.6 billion.


88. ...3 billion dollars...


89. The Ethiopian foreign debt stands at 3 billion dollars.


90. Last Thursday, Nick announced record revenues of $3.4 billion.


91. Should America spend billions upon billions of dollars to send human beingssintosspace on perilous missions?


92. New consumer credit fell to $3.7 billion in August.


93. The Chancellor will try to claw back £3.5 billion in next year's Budget.


94. America entertainment industry makes billions of dollars, exports American culture ( and propaganda ) by the ton.

美国娱乐业赚取上亿美元, 大量出口美国文化 ( 和宣传 ).《期刊摘选》

95. This is costing the taxpayer £ 10 billion a year.


96. He has injected £ 5.6 billion into the health service.


97. Sales jumped from$ 2.7 billion to$ 3.5 billion.


98. Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly on alcoholic beverages.


99. The 1985 federal budget allocated $7.3 billion for development programmes.


100. The answer in round figures was approximately ¥1 billion.


101. There was a capital outflow of$ 22 billion in 1998.


102. In brief, the evolutionary system generates billions of random molecules which are tested against the lock.

简单地说, 进化系统产生出数十亿随机分子来做与锁匹配的实验.《期刊摘选》

103. Worldwide sales reached 2.5 billion.


104. Each year the federal government loses billions of uncollected taxes because of the underground economy.


105. This project is expected to cost up to several billion dollars.


106. But people have been eating according to flavor for upwards of a billion years.


107. The company posted a $1.1 billion loss.


108. The new proposals would absorb $80 billion of the federal budget.


109. These habits have helped companies earn billions of dollars when customers eat snacks or wipe counters almost without thinking, often in response to a carefully designed set of daily cues. 

当顾客们常常受一系列精心设计的日常暗示的影响而不假思索地吃零食或擦拭柜台时,他们的这些习惯已经为公司赚取了数十亿美元。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

110. India is looking for billions of dollars in foreign investment in sectors such as infrastructure.


111. Billions of queries stream across the servers these Internet services aggregate thought stream of humankind, online.


112. Lending by banks rose to $10 billion last year.


113. He also undertook to earmark $ 235 billion in government expenditure on infrastructure projects within five years.


114. This year, almost a billion birds will be processed in the region.


115. The stars must have formed 10 to 15 billion years ago.


116. The resulting urge to communicate produces millions of websites and billions of email messages.


117. Planned spending amounts to a whopping $31.4 billion.


118. He was stunned to discover cost overspends of at least $1 billion.


119. Gold reserves had fallen to less than $3 billion worth.


120. Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of $11 billion.


121. Its image has been sullied by $9 billion in improper accounting.



1. This thing collapsed in the 1980s and it cost the U.S. Government, through the FSLIC, about 150 billion dollars.

0世纪80年代,坏账集中爆发,美国政府经联邦储蓄贷款保险公司之手,花费了约1500亿美元才填补了坏账金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Petroleum imports grew by 5.7 million barrels per day (87 billion gallons per year).

FORBES: Washington's Foolish Fuel Policy

3. But despite the fact that it's modest, if everyone in the US would give according to that scale, it would yield 500 billion dollars.

尽管每个人的捐款不多,如果在美国,每个人都根据这个标准表捐款,那将会是5000亿美元。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

4. That game and that play were televised to one billion people around the globe.

NPR: A Gay Football Player, 'Alone in the Trenches'

5. The President said the government will provide about eight billion dollars in additional loans to the company during this period.

VOA : special.2009.05.01

6. So 2 billion, 4 billion -- these are big numbers, but there's a lot of "billions of things" in the world, right?

所以20亿,40亿--这都是很大的数值,但是世界上有很多“数十亿的东西“,对不?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

7. More growth awaits: 5% of the 1.1 billion handsets made or to be made this year include touchscreens.

FORBES: Look Who's Hiring Now: Inquire Within

8. The three-hour opening ceremony had an estimated global television audience of one billion people.

BBC: Danny Boyle: Olympics opener 'easier' than movie-making

9. revenues of $3.4 billion


10. Facebook has 1.1 billion users worldwide and remains the most popular social network among U.S. teens.

CNN: Survey: Teens' enthusiasm for Facebook is waning

11. The Aynak copper mines have billion dollars but they going to make 8 billion dollars.

在阿富汗艾娜克铜矿投资了十亿多,但也能够赚到八十亿。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

12. And because there are a billion bytes accessible to us, that's-- essentially means well we can just call that byte number zero.

由于有十亿个字节的存储量供我们使用-,也就是说,我们有0号字节。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. 50 billion of that accounted by a trade and balance with China alone What do you do with those data?

其中单与中国的就高达2,500亿美元,你们怎么看待这些数据?经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

14. This year such projects will supply some 1.3 billion barrels, or 5% of global oil demand.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

15. Consumers spent more than 1.7 billion seconds (or around 28 million minutes) engaged with the ads.

FORBES: Meet The Company Behind Zynga's Fastest-Growing Business: Ads

16. The gold mavens of the west have nothing on China, 1.3 billion strong.

FORBES: Chinese Removing All Barriers That Inhibit Gold Investing As National Sport

17. Critics of limiting hours say such a requirement could cost American hospitals about one billion seven hundred million dollars a year.

VOA : special.2010.07.13

18. Between January and August, figures Bentek, the gas offset will be roughly 300 billion cubic feet.

FORBES: Record Snowfall To Bring Lower Natural Gas Prices

19. Researchers using satellite images found at least ten percent tree cover on more than one billion hectares of farmland.

VOA : special.2009.09.01

20. At $60 billion, it's yet again a completely different job.

公司市值600亿,这又是一种完全不同的工作。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

21. multi-billion dollar industry in Nashville, behind LA, Los Angeles,

几十亿美元的乡村音乐产业,仅次于洛杉矶SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来自田纳西

22. States are competing to share in almost three and a half billion dollars as part of a school reform competition.

VOA : special.2010.07.22

23. Over the next 40 years the world will be adding some 3 billion people.

FORBES: America's Agricultural Angst

24. But imagine doing crossword puzzles every day for 10 years, 1,000 years, a million years, a billion years, a trillion years.

但想象往后每天做填字游戏,玩上十年,一千年以至永远。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Now we have 933 billion of liabilities, 1, 137 billion of assets, and 204 billion of equity.

FORBES: A Debt/Equity Swap To Recapitalize European Banks: A Real World Example

26. According to the World Tourism Organisation, there were about one billion international tourists in 2013 .

BBC: How safe is your passport?

27. Wireless Intelligence estimates that the number of 3G users will reach 2.8 billion by 2014.

FORBES: 1 Thing to Watch in Qualcomm's Earnings Report

28. By 2004, the number is likely to hit one billion, exceeding the number of wired phones.

ECONOMIST: A Survey of Telecommunications: The world in your pocket | The

29. Those are the sorts of things we need to break down the statistics the billion people in poverty.

我们需要用这些事例,让人们对几十亿人口,这样一个数据有具体的认识。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

30. Since 2009, the billion-euro Herschel telescope has been unravelling the complexities of star birth and galaxy evolution.

BBC: Herschel space telescope to go blind

31. On Tuesday, President Obama announced a plan to invest twelve billion dollars in community colleges over the next ten years.

VOA : special.2009.07.16

32. The amount was reckoned at 140 billion dollars.


33. Half a billion get the disease every year and more than a million die of it.

FORBES: Chutzpah Science

34. European governments and the International Monetary Fund are considering as much as sixty-five billion dollars in new loans to Greece.

VOA : special.2011.06.10

35. You do that eight billion times in your life and you can hit a good top spin backhand.

如果你把这个动作做上八十亿次,那你一定能打个漂亮的反手上旋球聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. And to give you, again, a feeling for the complexity of these systems, the cerebellum contains approximately 30 billion neurons.

小脑包含大约三百万个神经元,这也能够让你再次体会到,这些系统的复杂性心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. The capital requirement would rise to 15 percent for banks with over 500 billion in assets.

FORBES: Fixing 'Too Big To Tolerate' Banks

38. The winning lottery number is so long that there are 30 Billion possible combinations.

FORBES: The Dark Secret of Meritocracy: Reality is Rigged

39. Mr. Sikka said SAP served some 220 utilities globally, who reach about 2.5 billion customers.

FORBES: The Art Of Reinvention: SAP Puts Its Weight Behind A Better, Faster And Stronger Cloud Computing Strategy

40. The Obama administration is proposing to spend ten billion dollars over the next ten years to set nutrition rules for schools.

VOA : special.2010.06.07

41. BP agreed to put twenty billion dollars over the next three years into an independent fund to pay claims and damages.

VOA : special.2010.06.19

42. More than one billion eight hundred million vehicles have used the bridge since it opened more than seventy years ago.

VOA : special.2010.07.23

43. The Tengiz field in Kazakhstan holds 6 billion to 9 billion barrels of recoverable oil.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

44. The Alaska Travel Industry Association says tourism directly pumps a billion and a half dollars a year into the state economy.

VOA : special.2009.03.02

45. The Bank of England issues nearly a billion banknotes each year, and withdraws almost as many from circulation.

BBC: Sir Winston Churchill to feature on new banknote

46. They criticized a proposal for industrialized nations to pay developing countries ten billion dollars a year over three years.

VOA : special.2009.12.12

47. Imports topped £10 billion last month.


48. But in 1860 American slaves, as a financial asset, were worth approximately three and a half billion dollars that's just as property.

但在1860年,美国奴隶作为财产所有,市值约35亿美元,只是作为财产而言美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Panasonic just completed a 1 billion rupees investment in a new manufacturing plant in Haryana.

FORBES: In India, Samsung In Japan's Crosshairs

50. Kazakhstan's 30 billion barrels of reserves make it the world's eleventh-largest repository of oil.

FORBES: Power Putsch

51. Iron or steel, 800 million tons, almost a billion tons of steel.

铁或钢,每年8亿吨,几乎接近10亿的钢产量。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

52. It predicts counterfeit sales will reach seventy-five billion dollars worldwide this year nearly double the level of two thousand five.

VOA : special.2010.02.22

53. Between live bouts, pay-per-view sales, video games and other products, the UFC is now a billion-dollar industry.

CNN: UFC president hacked after scrapping with Anonymous

54. The stars must have formed 10 to 15 billion years ago.


55. DelBene notes that there are currently more than 1 billion Officer users around the world.

FORBES: Microsoft: Subscription-Based Version Of Office Debuts

56. The value of other shares nosedived by £2.6 billion.


57. Films that were expected to bring in upward of half a billion apiece failed to perform.


58. The Facebook IPO will deposit somewhere between six and 20 billion dollars into cash.

FORBES: Facebook IPO With ~10 Billion War Chest Could Just Buy Apple And Grow

59. The World Health Organization has predicted that the virus will infect at least two billion people in the next two years.

VOA : special.2009.08.18

60. The United Nations says more than two and a half billion people around the world do not have good sanitation.

VOA : special.2010.03.15

61. The cost of the clear-up is set to run into tens of billion of dollars.

BBC: Prince Harry and David Cameron in New York to promote UK

62. Maybe more by now. But let's, for the sake of argument, ten billion pages.

可能更多了,但是让我们想想,一百亿个网页。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

63. Six billion euros has been earmarked by the European Commission to target youth unemployment.

BBC: Europe is afraid - the battle for new jobs

64. They started with 340 billion of bonds, and ended with 306 billion euros of equity.

FORBES: A Debt/Equity Swap To Recapitalize European Banks: A Real World Example

65. Or if you want negative numbers, between negative 2 billion and positive 2 billion, but it's a finite range.

或者你想储存一个负数,就必须位于负20亿到,正20亿之间,是个有限的范围。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课





blank的意思是:adj. 空白的,空的;茫然的,毫无表情的;单调的,无活动的;断然的,彻底的 n. 空白处,空格;(头脑或记忆)一片空白;空弹;(金属或木头的)坯件,坯料 v. 成为空白,不记得;<英>冷落,不理睬;<美>阻止(对方)得分;切割(金属坯件);封锁 【名】 (Blank)(英、德、西、俄、罗、捷、瑞典、芬)布兰克,(法)布朗克(人名)。学考宝为您提供blank是什么意思,blank的翻译,blank的用法,blank的短语搭配,blank的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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blamelessly的意思是:adv. 无过失地;无可责难地。学考宝为您提供blamelessly是什么意思,blamelessly的翻译,blamelessly的用法,blamelessly的短语搭配,blamelessly的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


blame的意思是:v. 责怪,归咎于;怨,怪 n. 责备,过错,罪责。学考宝为您提供blame是什么意思,blame的翻译,blame的用法,blame的短语搭配,blame的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


architecturally的意思是:adv. 建筑上地;关于建筑地。学考宝为您提供architecturally是什么意思,architecturally的翻译,architecturally的用法,architecturally的短语搭配,architecturally的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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sports palace的意思是:网络 体育宫;体育馆。学考宝为您提供sports palace是什么意思,sports palace的音标,sports palace怎么读,sports palace的翻译,sports palace的用法,sports palace的短语搭配,sports palace的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
sports palace是什么意思_sports palace怎么读_sports palace的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


blade的意思是:n. 刀片,刀刃;(草,小麦等的)叶片;(船或飞机螺旋桨的)桨叶;(溜冰鞋的)冰刀;<旧>花花公子,时髦男士;<文>剑;肩胛骨,肩胛;舌身 v. <美,非正式>滑旱冰。学考宝为您提供blade是什么意思,blade的翻译,blade的用法,blade的短语搭配,blade的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


canzonet的意思是:n. 小调;短歌;小曲。学考宝为您提供canzonet是什么意思,canzonet的翻译,canzonet的用法,canzonet的短语搭配,canzonet的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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