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legal secretary是什么意思_legal secretary短语搭配_legal secretary权威例句


legal secretary

网络 法律秘书;法定秘书;法律助理;法务秘书

英 [ˈliːɡl ˈsekrətri]play 美 [ˈliːɡl ˈsekrəteri]play

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1. under-secretary-general for legal 主管法律事务厅副秘书长兼法律顾问

2. Legal Secretary C 司法官

3. New York Legal Secretary logo 纽约法定秘书

4. secretary for legal affair 法律文秘

5. Senior Executive Legal Secretary 行秘书

6. assistant secretary-general for legal affairs 主管法律事务助理秘书长

7. legal counsel under-secretary-general 主管法律事务厅副秘书长

8. Legal Secretary Certificate 法律秘书


1. This week Barack Obama ordered his treasury secretary to find a legal way to claw back the bonuses (see article).


2. The legal representative is the Secretary-General of SPPC.


3. Our legal department requires a mature, competent secretary who will report to one senior lawyer and one assistant lawyer.


4. Secretary of less active service, the Secretary for the system is imperfect, the lack of legal protection.


5. The Secretary Study is the main course of the secretary major and legal secretary major.


6. The past three years? experience as a legal secretary has made me realize that it is important to be methodical and precise when dealing with paperwork.

过去三年内,本人一直担任法律秘书的职位。 在此期间我认识到, 从事文书工作必须做到有条不紊,一丝不苟。

7. Career Opportunities: Legal Administrative Assistant; Litigation Secretary; Real Estate Secretary; Conveyance Clerk.

法律行政助理; 诉讼秘书; 房地产秘书; 会议记事员。

8. On the Legal Secretary for the Official in Chinese Traditional Litigation Culture


9. The Secretary Study is the main course of the secretary major and legal secretary major. It has the character of combining the practice with the theory.


10. The explosion killed a legal secretary and injured five others.


11. Founding MDC legal secretary, David Coltart, who was standing for the senate in Bulawayo, says he recorded 16000 people turned up to vote in a constituency of more than 40000 registered voters.


12. The secretary represents the corporation in many contractual and legal matters and maintains minutes of the meetings of directors and stockholders.


13. "There's going to be that moment of expectation right before we are lifted up and I feel like I've waited my whole life for that, " said Fulmore, a legal secretary.


14. Diplomas in translation, English and French teaching, and legal secretary.


15. For example, let us examine the case of two secretaries: one is an executive secretary for the President of a firm and the other is a legal secretary for a law firm.


16. New Jersey's Secretary of State ruled Tuesday that Olympic track star Carl Lewis cannot run for state Senate because he did not meet the legal requirement of living in the state for 4 years.


17. I'm just a legal secretary.


18. The explosion killed a legal secretary and injured five others.


19. Legislation, the legal position of Secretary of the Board system is not systematic.


20. His mother was a legal secretary before she began managing Leo's affairs.


21. Judge may hire a secretary, helps the processing administration, but also may hire some legal staff member to help them to study the legal matter and the draft legal document.



1. Holly Jebb, who works as a legal secretary, hypnotherapist and songwriter, said her love of craft beer drew her to Mr. Casselman's candies, which she sends to friends as gifts.

WSJ: Hoppy Holidays: Sweet Makers

2. Bellinger III, legal adviser to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, cited the case, Mexico v.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Bush sides with Mexican killers vs. U.S.

3. The creators of Erin Brockovich showed their protagonist, the tough-talking legal secretary, out of the office and in the world.

FORBES: Magazine Article

4. He was a legal secretary.

NEWYORKER: Found Objects

5. When he addressed the conference, Justice Secretary Chris Grayling was heckled about changes to legal aid by members of the Criminal Bar Association, including barrister Andrew Taylor, a former Tory candidate.

BBC: David Cameron urges Welsh Tories to fight 'battle of ideas'

6. She told her superiors that an invasion of the country without UN sanction would be a "crime of aggression" before stepping down from her post as deputy legal adviser to the Foreign Secretary.

BBC: Profile: Elizabeth Wilmshurst

7. The former legal secretary was to be cremated until Mrs Sanders stepped in, maintaining that Miss Davies' last request was to be buried near her father, William Christmas Davies, back in Rhondda.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Mystery woman named in will found

8. UN'S secretary-general, a legal expert may arrive in Cambodia in June to draft a law for Cambodia's National Assembly to consider.


9. Householders who react with force when confronted by burglars are to get more legal protection, Justice Secretary Chris Grayling has said.

BBC: UK Politics

10. The NI Secretary said the government had a legal obligation to examine the report to make sure lives and national security were not endangered.

BBC: Pat Finucane murder: Family oppose security check

11. It said it will make a legal challenge if the secretary of state does not meet its request.

BBC: St Albans council threatens legal action over rail depot

12. The question of standing is, as the columnist notes, especially pertinent in light of an extraordinarily impressive new study distributed last week by the Center for Security Policy. 1 This legal analysis, authored by former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Douglas J.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Charles Krauthammer for the (Missile) Defense

13. Conservative and former lord chancellor Lord Mackay of Clashfern, who has commented on the legal status of the health secretary throughout the bill's time in the Lords, previously tabled an amendment to make the minister "ultimately responsible to Parliament".

BBC: Cross-party talks to take place on health secretary role

14. On 18 April it was revealed that a Libyan military commander, Abdel Hakim Belhadj, was taking legal action against former foreign secretary Jack Straw for allegedly agreeing to his rendition to Gaddafi's Libya via British territory in 2004.

BBC: Gaddafi

15. But he urged the home secretary to look at the length of time the legal process took "because there is no doubt there has been a degree of frustration".

BBC: Abu Hamza to be extradited to US

16. Mr. Stimson, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, was a deputy assistant secretary for detainee affairs at the Defense Department.

WSJ: David Rivkin and Charles Stimson: Obama and the Hezbollah Terrorist

17. Houchin was transferred to Lindholme open prison in May 2012 after winning a separate legal action over the Justice Secretary's refusal to accept the Parole Board's recommendation that he be returned to open conditions.

BBC: Killer Alan Houchin's compensation claim blocked by judge

18. The serious business was conducted out of sight, and involved a series of meetings on a new diplomatic effort to persuade the Iranians to halt their uranium-enrichment program. (Iran argues that its enrichment program is for civilian purposes and is legal under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.) Secretary of State Rice had been involved with developing a new package of incentives.

NEWYORKER: Preparing the Battlefield

19. Meanwhile, the Canvassing Board of Palm Beach County, where Al Gore won 64% of the vote, suspended its hand recount in deference to a legal opinion by the secretary of state that the procedure was unlawful under Florida law.

FORBES: Top Of The News: The Ingenious Florida System

20. "This bill...weakens the secretary of state's legal powers" to intervene, he added.

BBC: Health and Social Care Bill part 1

21. It might seem unimaginable that Bush Administration officials, such as Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte and State Department Legal Advisor John Bellinger, could get away with dissembling beforea Senate committee led by a Democrat who wants to be considered a serious contender for the presidency.


22. In Mexico, the man being blamed for the abuses of legal procedure is the former-Public Security Secretary in the Felipe Calderon administration, Genaro Garcia Luna.

BBC: Florence Cassez's release sparks anger in Mexico

23. One 2011 listing that got city lawmakers' attention it required that applicants for an opening as a New York legal secretary "must be currently employed" was mistakenly written that way, said William Alcott, a lawyer for the firm that posted it, McGuireWoods LLP.

WSJ: Unemployed complain they need a job to find a job

24. Xiaofen, a young legal secretary in the boom town of Zigong, hears bitter and desperate clients recount their tales of personal and commercial woe, but she has problems of her own: her live-in boyfriend is a drunk and a gambler whose chronic debt and jealous anger make her life hell.

NEWYORKER: The Other Half

25. In June 1979, Alcala beat, raped and strangled Charlotte Lamb, a 33-year-old legal secretary, in the laundry room of her El Segundo apartment complex, authorities said.


26. Fortunately, an important legal initiative has just been launched aimed at blocking Secretary Paulson and the Federal Reserve Board from engaging in this sort of unconstitutional behavior via Shariah-Compliant Finance (SCF) and other commercial transactions.


27. Another calls for legal aid to be administered by an independent director - preventing the justice secretary from taking direct control of the legal aid budget, which would allow him to block funding for particular kinds of action, such as clinical negligence, welfare claims or miscarriages of justice against the police.

BBC: Week ahead in Parliament

28. But during the Francis Inquiry, which looked into standards of care at Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust, it emerged that Kate Levy, trust secretary and head of legal services, did not want his comments to be mentioned in an inquest.

BBC: John Moore-Robinson Stafford Hospital death: No charges

29. The culture secretary set out the legal position of the Church of England and the Church in Wales in some detail in a blog post in December.

BBC: Gay marriages: Government publishes legislation

30. Scottish Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead, said new legal requirements to microchip horses meant branding them for identification purposes was no longer needed.

BBC: Hot horse branding to be banned in Scotland

legal secretary是什么意思_legal secretary短语搭配_legal secretary权威例句




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