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big talk是什么意思_big talk怎么读_big talk的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


big talk

big talk

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  • 夸夸其谈:指夸大其词、吹牛的言辞。
  • 吹牛:指夸大其词、吹嘘自己的能力或成就。

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1. Big Talk Vera 名称

2. Vera Big Talk 标签

3. a big talk 吹牛

4. Big Talk about Hero 大话英雄

5. one big talk 两代之间的大题目

6. talk big 讲大话 ; 说大话 ; 吹牛 ; 放空炮

7. Mathew Big Talk 标签

8. Big Talk Dice 大话色规则


1. You need to take a hard look at your relationship, your needs, where the relationship is going, and have a big talk.


2. Oh, that's really big talk from a guy wearing hoop earrings.

噢,你这种戴眼罩的家伙才会说大话。《provided by jukuu》

3. Sorry! I am only kidding! I thought that we made enough small talk and it was time for some BIG talk!


4. Raj: Ooh, big talk from a man who was once treed by a chicken.


5. Expect big talk on pay-and not much else-from the upcoming G20 meeting.


6. She laughed when I explained my theory on big talk versus small talk and agreed to be the guinea pig.


7. We always hear big talk like, this world is illusionary; we have a real world, and everything is better up there-out there somewhere.

我们总是听到一些大论调说这个世界都是幻想,我们有一个真的世界,在那上面每一样东西都比较好。《provided by jukuu》

8. We dislike those who talk big and do nothing.


9. Don t spout off big talk.


10. Joanna and I had this big talk.

乔安娜和我非常认真的谈了一次。《provided by jukuu》

11. I thought big talk was too pretentious.

说大了,我又太自命不凡了。《provided by jukuu》

12. In the perspective of the existentialism, the potential model for existence in Big Talk on Western Pilgrimage is discussed, that is, emotional experience finally recognizes and converts to Buddhism.


13. That is what we mean when we talk about big data.

这 就是我们讨论大数据的意义所在。

14. Is that just big talk, or do you think it's actually true?


15. American children from the very hour, they always like to talk to people with big.


16. He's full of big talk, but he rarely does what he claims.


17. In the big clubs and in coffee shops, tourists gather to hang out, talk politics and smoke.


18. Nobody paid attention to his big talk.


19. Raj: Ooh, big talk from a man who was once treed by a chicken.


20. If you are real, sit down on that big footstool and talk.


21. No one likes his big talk.


22. Do not give me that kind of big talk.


23. Oh, please. No big talk with me.


24. Softly, softly, do not talk so big.


25. For all his big talk, we were all on to him.

尽管他大话连篇, 我们全都看穿他的意图.《互联网》

26. Speaking about her reasons for leaving, she said that "unfortunately, with social girls if you have a big diamond ring they will talk to you.".. My lovely husband bought me a diamond ring.


27. You told me you had a big talk with don.

你和我说了你和don有次重要的谈话。《provided by jukuu》

28. In the perspective of the existentialism, the potential model for existence in Big Talk on Western Pilgrimage is discussed, that is, emotional experience finally recognizes and converts to Buddhism.


29. We heard a lot of big talk from Mrs Smith about her husband that never came to anything.

我们从史密斯夫人口里听说过许多吹嘘她丈夫的话,但尽是些无稽之言。《provided by jukuu》

30. Big talk is easy.


31. They argued that some are not comfortable jumping directly into big talk, reasoning that certain people find small talk relaxing.


32. The three disciples ran after the spirit who knew he was no match for them and did not come out. No big talk with me, I have your number.


33. Or adopt a power pose if you need to boost your confidence before a big talk.


34. No big talk with me, I have your number.

别跟我瞎吹了, 我又不是不了解你的底细.《互联网》

35. Among them, guangzhou - classics of big talk course is added this close hind everyday will 7 go there and back, average 2 hours one;


36. I'd argue, however, that you can elevate any question from small talk to big talk with a little tweaking.


37. Friendship is too big a topic to talk about either specifically or generally.


38. What he says is just big talk. Don't take him seriously.

他这话多半是侈言, 大家不要轻信.《互联网》

39. His preference for action over talk is a big part of his success.


40. No big talk, if you think you can do it, give it a try.


41. Rehearse several times before the big talk.


42. You're not listening to what I'm saying! Nobody paid attention to his big talk.


43. Sorry! I am only kidding! I thought that we made enough small talk and it was time for some BIG talk!


44. Why can't we replace small talk with big talk and ask each other profound questions right from the start?


45. Further though, you go to big Agile conferences and you drown in process talk.


46. It would be best not to have a big talk this weekend.


47. What he says is just big talk. don't take him seriously.

他这话多半是侈言,大家不要轻信。《provided by jukuu》

48. Rather, it requires big values, a little humility, straight talk, and a genuine point of view.


49. ASEAN had too few big companies to justify talk of cross-border investing.


50. The use their big noses to talk, not their mouths.


51. Don t spout off big talk.


52. The hollower you big talk is, the more disgusted they feel.


53. No more big talk. I want action!


54. He a real wheeler - dealer full of big talk and promises.


55. We heard a lot of big talk from Mrs Smith about her husband that never came to anything.


56. Big talk is easy.


57. Joanna and I had this big talk,


58. Every time Jim hangs out with me, he always gives me the big Jim-is-your-best-friend talk.


59. If they like to have the lights out by nine and you don't usually hit the sack until midnight, there is no need to sit down with them and have a big, dramatic talk.


60. What he says is just big talk. Don't take him seriously.


61. Since when does Big talk?



1. I want you to look at this picture, read the little bit about gene - control of gene expression - that's in the book, know that it's a big topic, that we're not going to talk about it except we're going to talk about some examples where control of gene expression can be exploited in order to treat diseases, for example. So I'll see you on Thursday.

所以我希望你能看一下这张图,读一些,教材里基因调控的章节,这是个很大的话题,我们不会进一步深入去探讨,但一些基因调控,用以治疗疾病的例子,我们可能还会在之后的课程中讲到,那我们周四见了生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. We even celebrate some people solely for their ability to talk big, irrespective of actual value or performance.

FORBES: Retirement Investing vs. 'Performance Delusion'

3. From GOP headquarters, Mr. Munisteri said he has heard big talk from the Democrats before.

WSJ: Deep in the Red of Texas, Republicans Fight the Blues

4. Politicians in big cities talk about jobs, but by keeping taxes, fees and regulatory barriers high they discourage the creation of jobs, at least in the private sector.

FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

5. In fact, we'll talk about that concept throughout the course because one of the big challenges of making these sort of new biological therapies work in people to treat diseases is getting the right molecules into the right cells, at the right period of time.

实际上,我们会讲到一个,贯穿这门课程的概念,因为为了治疗疾病,而采用的新型生物学疗法,所面临的一个大问题就是,如何将正确的分子在适当的时候,转进正确的细胞当中生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. So far, all the talk of a big new economic stimulus being in the pipeline has worked.

ECONOMIST: Japan: A man with yen | The

7. Big talk from a little computer company nobody has heard of.

FORBES: Cooler, Brainier

8. Many health systems talk a big game about changing dysfunctional ways in which medicine is practiced, but far too few are doing much to make it happen.

FORBES: Healthcare's Elusive "Economic Customers"

9. It should be a sobering lesson for self-proclaimed fiscal conservatives who talk a big game about cutting spending but then hesitate when it comes to the money we spend on war.

FORBES: Bombs Over Big Bird?

10. In the past year or so, much of the talk about Big Data has obscured the fact that the real issue is enabling intelligent and instantaneous analysis to provide optimal insights for business decisions.

FORBES: The Biggest Big-Data Opportunities: How to Choose the Right One

11. I was just yesterday-- I gave a talk in Montreal at the Caisse de Dep?t,et Placement du Quebec, which is the big wealth management fund for the Province of Quebec.

昨天,我刚在蒙特利的魁北克储蓄投资集团,做了一个讲演,这个投资集团是魁北克省的,一所大型财产管理基金机构。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. True, this is big talk.

FORBES: Salesforce.com Looks to Disrupt Another Industry

13. And one claim, which we're going to return to briefly next class when we talk about language, is that there's a very, very big difference between a creature that doesn't have language and a creature that does.

我们下节课讲述语言时,会简单地讲述一个观点,也就是在未掌握语言的生物,与掌握语言的生物之间,存在着巨大的差异心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Rather, reassure the world with talk of big reserves.

FORBES: Why I think Saudi Oil Production is now at Capacity

15. I lecture about what I like to talk about, what's interesting, that'll hopefully make you understand what the big issues are in all of this.

我讲我愿意讲的,有意思的,希望这些能让你明白,这里面都有什么大事件1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Despite his big talk about bolstering our military position in Asia, President Obama's actions will inevitably weaken it.

WSJ: Mitt Romney: How I'll Respond to China's Rising Power

17. Over the course of three months at Woolwich Crown Court, the jury were told that "Big Irfan" and the others were full of big talk - and bigger plans.

BBC: The joker who wanted to be a bomber

18. Wonder what big-time tax professionals talk about when they gather at fancy, big-buck tax seminars?

FORBES: Drilling Drowns Out Worried Big-Time Tax Pros

19. Leaders from Egypt and Tunisia will be there to talk about a big fear in Washington and the European capitals.

BBC: Poetry and prose on Obama's Europe trip

20. Let me talk a little bit about technology because that's also a big part of it.

我再谈谈技术方面吧,因为技术也是很重要的部分。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

21. But let's quickly talk about the big three.

首先,我们快速地说说三大可变因素。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Some Australians talk big but actually think small, and politicians may be the worst offenders.

ECONOMIST: Australia's promise

23. That's got more talk of a big new airport in the Thames estuary.

BBC: BA: long-haul and the short of it

24. The Big Issue cited talk of a looser "BBC family" arrangement, in which Pacific Quay bosses have autonomy and have to find a new set of working arrangements with colleagues in London and Salford.

BBC: To Beeb or not to Beeb

25. So many coaches talk a big game about wanting to have a running style or an attacking style.

FORBES: Andy Enfield Leads Florida Gulf Coast University's Hayekian Dunk-City Offense

26. But he added there was a big difference between talk and action and Mr Brown could survive as long as no major figure stood against him.

BBC: Purnell refuses to condemn rebels

27. And despite lots of big-picture talk about success and giving back, Obama made it clear that without appropriate focus on those closest to you, big-picture accomplishments mean little.

CNN: Obama to new grads: "No time for excuses"

28. Today we're going to talk about the two big ones that people are usually concerned with: carbohydrates and fat.

今天我们将讨论人们关心的两个大问题,碳水化合物和脂肪关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. However, despite that sacking and a seemingly failed bid for Brazilian star Ronaldinho this week, there is an air of optimism beginning to circle around Ewood Park, with talk of big money being made available by their Indian owners.

BBC: Morten Gamst Pedersen, Benjani and Christopher Samba

30. "If you talk of our audiences here in Malawi, if you talk of big names ,ask them, they will say Michael Jackson was the one who inspired them."

VOA : standard.2009.07.01

31. Very large entrenched companies who are the market leaders talk a big game with slick PR but fail to seek radical innovation, which is exactly what we need.

FORBES: Iceland and the Netherlands: Great Models for CSR

32. But he is willing to do, in the name of doing something big and comprehensive, talk about what he talked about in the State of the Union, which is take measures that would strengthen it and increase its solvency.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

33. So today and Monday we're going to talk about two very big ideas and these ideas are associated with Sigmund Freud and B. F. Skinner and are psychoanalysis and behaviorism.

所以在今天和星期一,我们将学习两大心理理论,其代表人物分别是,西格蒙特·弗洛伊德和,伯尔赫斯·弗雷德里克·斯金纳,这两个理论便是精神分析理论,和行为主义理论。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. Once or twice a week, the main delegations would meet to talk about the big picture.

ECONOMIST: Cracks appear in Germany's grand coalition | The

35. Bob Metcalfe Hi, my name is Bob Metcalfe. I'm here today to talk about the Next Big Thing-the video internet.

嗨,我的名字叫,今天我要在此谈论下一重大事件--网络视频。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

36. It would be foolish of us as a culture to miss the pain the Dr. Pepper soft drink is meant to alleviate during an era where traditionally male jobs are disappearing (construction, manufacturing) and there is increasing competition for knowledge work from women, as well as a general feminization of the culture (a topic too big to talk about in a comment).

FORBES: What is Dr. Pepper's Facebook Man Cave Saying?

37. "Abroad" hardly got a look-in beyond a brief mention as America as an "anchor" in world affairs, and a big cheer for his talk of ending the wars.

BBC: Inauguration Day: Obama signals little compromise

38. Wine talk is big right now with collectors and winemakers claiming the 2009 Bordeaux vintage to be an outstanding one.

FORBES: A Tasting of Bordeaux's 2009 Vintage---with some opera on the side.

39. (SPEAKING) The university president says if anyone tried to eliminate freedom of speech, which Ukrainians enjoy on news programs and talk shows, he would have very big problems.

VOA : standard.2010.03.17

40. "I've got to tell you, there's a big difference between talk and action, but if you're going to talk, then you ought to mean what you say so people can count on it, " she told a cheering crowd.

CNN: Obama camp questions Clinton's readiness to lead

41. The president, he says, would need to bring over Big Labor and talk back the most ardent pro-immigration groups from "unrealistic" positions on citizenship for illegals.

WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Marco Rubio: Riding to the Immigration Rescue

42. And it seemed very fitting to talk about big data, insight acceleration and real time analytics in the very place where mass and speed of light got combined for posterity, more than a century ago.

FORBES: In-memory Computing and the Wisdom of the Telco Crowd

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