莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [sɪlk]play美 [sɪlk]play

  • n. 丝绸,丝线;(骑手在赛马时穿的)彩色丝绸赛马服(silks);绸制赛马帽顶(盖);<英,非正式>王室律师;(雌玉米穗的)穗丝;蜘蛛丝
  • adj. 丝的,丝制的
  • vi. (玉米)处于长须的阶段中
  • 【名】 (Silk)(英、瑞典)西尔克(人名)

复数 silks 第三人称单数 silks 现在分词 silking 过去式 silked 过去分词 silked

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


silk /sɪlk/

  • 1.
    集合名词 Silk is a substance which is made into smooth fine cloth and sewing thread. You can also refer to this cloth or thread as silk. 丝绸; 丝线

    They continued to get their silks from China.



    Pauline wore a silk dress with a strand of pearls.




  • adj.

    silky 丝的;柔滑的;温和的;丝绸一样的

    silken 绸的;柔软的;丝制的

  • adv.

    silkily 如丝绸一般地;(谈吐等)温和的

  • n.

    silkiness 柔软;绸缎般


  • n.丝绸;[纺]蚕丝;丝织物


  • adj.丝的;丝绸的;丝制的

    filar   /   sericeous


1. silk screening 丝印;丝幕法;丝网漏印法

2. The Silk Road 敦煌 ; 丝绸之路 ; 耶里夏丽西域餐厅 ; 丝绸之路专辑

3. silk road 丝绸之路

4. silk spinning 绢纺;丝纺

5. silk fabric 丝织品;绸缎

6. silk yarn 丝线;绢丝

7. raw silk 生丝

8. Silk Road 丝绸之路 ; 丝路 ; 喜多郎 ; 丝绸之路一

9. real silk 真丝

10. silk goods 丝绸;丝织品

11. spider silk 蜘蛛丝

12. silk screen printing 丝网印刷;丝绢网印花法

13. tussah silk 柞蚕丝

14. pure silk 纯丝绸,真丝绸

15. artificial silk 人造丝

16. mulberry silk 桑蚕丝

17. silk screen 丝绢网印花法

18. silk flower 丝绢花

19. silk protein 丝蛋白,活化细胞

20. silk thread 丝线

21. spun silk n. 绢丝

22. silk garment 丝绸服装 ; 丝绸衣服 ; 绸衣 ; 丝织品服装

23. silk ribbon 丝带;绸带

24. Silk noodles 粉丝


1. Silk was used with wool for contrast.


2. In 1796 he took silk.


3. She washes her silk shirts by hand.


4. Silkworm culture is practised in order to get silk.


5. China currently produces several hundred varieties of silk in thousands of and designs.


6. Some members of the Working Party expressed concern about China's restrictions on exports of silk.


7. Silk is the speciality of this village.


8. Under dim light, sweetheart's silk stockings'buttocks!

在昏暗的灯光下, 情人的肉丝的屁股!《期刊摘选》

9. A fabric or an article of apparel made from such silk.


10. She wore purple and green silk.


11. Dyeing experiments were conducted on real silk fabric with vegetable dye turmeric.


12. The Paper also describes rigidity teSts and analyses of various silk fabrics.


13. Mary wove the silk thread into a beautiful T - shirt .

玛丽用这丝线织成了一件漂亮的T 恤衫.《期刊摘选》

14. What material, cotton, silk or linen?

什么布料, 棉的 、 丝绸的,还是亚麻的?《期刊摘选》

15. Cotton Fabric , Silk Fabrics, Tassels, Curtains Fabric, Sofa Clothes Tassels and Trimmings.

采购产品棉花织物,丝织物, 流行, 窗帘织物, 沙发衣服,流行和装饰品.《期刊摘选》

16. Pay attention to the cleanness for the silk floss, avoid the pollution.

2:注意蚕丝被的清洁卫生, 以免使蚕丝被受到污染.《期刊摘选》

17. He bought a shot silk.


18. You can tell it's silk by the feel.


19. During Neolithic Period, people have already begun breeding silkworm and producing silk.

新石器时代, 蚕的养殖和丝绸的生产,就已经开始了.《期刊摘选》

20. Dana bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap.


21. Ingredients: water, purple clover extract, HA, acrylic polymer, hydrolyzed silk ethyl ester, feverwort extract, euphrasy etc.

成份: 水, 紫苜蓿提取物 、 透明质酸, 丙烯酸共聚物, 水解蚕丝乙酯 、 紫苞泽兰提取物 、 小米草等.《期刊摘选》

22. She bordered her dress with silk.


23. The coat is lined with silk.


24. It is summarized the present progress on the composition of silk fibre.


25. She gave the silk scarf to Monica.


26. Silk fabrics indispensable to be treated with flame retardants for legal requirements in many countries.


27. Silk course of study has very important history place in the development of Japanese countryman economy.


28. There is silk and silk, it depends on how much you'd like to spend.

什么样的丝绸都有, 就看你想花多少钱了.《期刊摘选》

29. She opened the tie box and looked at her purchase. It was silk, with maroon stripes.


30. Mary, get me a silk thread, and a chunk of fire out of the kitchen.

玛丽, 拿根丝线给我, 再到厨房去弄块烧红的火炭来. ”《英汉文学 - 汤姆历险》

31. A downy or silky fibrous substance, such as corn silk or silk cotton.

蚕丝,''.'棉丝'.''一种柔软的或丝般的纤维物质, 例如蚕丝或''.'棉丝'. ''.《期刊摘选》

32. The liner of this dress is made of silk.


33. Surface material: 100 % material matched with natural wool and silk and latex, Soft and comfortable.

面料: 100%织锦布,配天然羊毛、蚕丝和乳胶, 柔软舒适.《期刊摘选》

34. At times, kingfisher feathers have achieved the status of gemstones, silk, and spices.

有的时候, 翠鸟的羽毛和宝石, 丝绸, 香料一样值钱.《期刊摘选》

35. silk stockings


36. She swish across the floor in her long silk dress.


37. The biological significances of silks in the life of insects are briefly discussed.


38. That's a good idea. She would love them. Silk is so beautiful.

这是一个好主意. 她会喜欢的. 丝绸很漂亮.《期刊摘选》

39. The cut in his finger was sewn up with a piece of fine silk.


40. This silk scarf spots easily.


41. They wore blue silk dresses with cream sashes and garlands of summer flowers in their hair.


42. The quality of this silk is out of comparison.


43. Table Cloths and Runners, Silk, Silk Fabric, Cushion Covers, Carpets , Rugs, Mats and Durries.

采购产品亚军, 丝绸, 真丝织物, 包括垫, 地毯, 地毯, 地垫.《期刊摘选》

44. The local stimulation was caused by tiring silk thread to teeth.


45. This cloth is not inferior to real silk.


46. Finished Leather, Fabrics, Silk, Silk Fabric, Cotton Fabrics, Wool Fabrics.

采购产品成品皮革, 织物, 丝绸, 真丝织物, 棉织物, 羊毛织物.《期刊摘选》

47. Perfumes and Fragrances , Silk, Silk Fabric, Premiering Exquisite Bath, Beauty and Home Fragrances Products.

采购产品香水和芳香剂, 丝, 丝织物, 总理精致的沭浴, 美容和家庭的香芬产品.《期刊摘选》

48. Plasma surface modification of silk fabric was carried out in oxygen atmosphere under low temperature.


49. Silk sheets are the ultimate luxury.


50. Silk , the softest thing in nature, has a good elasticity.

蚕丝, 自然界中最柔的天然弹性纤维.《期刊摘选》

51. We import raw silk.


52. It is woven of [from] silk.


53. During the rule of Kublai Khan , more Europeans began venturing towards China along the Silk Road.

忽必烈统治期间, 更多的欧洲人冒险沿着丝绸之路来到中国.《期刊摘选》

54. It is woven of [ from ] silk .

这是用 丝织 成的.《现代汉英综合大词典》

55. Does artificial silk crease more easily than natural silk?

人造丝比天然丝更易起皱 吗 ?《现代英汉综合大词典》

56. Mr Gordon House has accepted the price and terms of payment for 1,000 bales of silks.


57. From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit.


58. This is the lowest quotation for silks.


59. A caravan of arab merchants laden with spices and oriental silks.


60. She stood up, frowning at the creases in her silk dress.


61. Through the courtesy of Mr. David BOSWELL, we learnt that you were interested in Chinese silk.

承蒙大卫鲍兹维尔先生告知, 我们获悉你方对中国丝绸很感兴趣.《期刊摘选》

62. We have received your offer for silks, but find your price rather high.

我们已收到你方丝绸的报盘, 但发现所报价格太高.《期刊摘选》

63. The evening dress is made out of pure silk.


64. ...the silk threads of a spider's web.


65. She usually wears silk shirts.


66. She dressed a transparent silk blouse.


67. She wore a cashmere scarf, silk suit and pearls.

她围了一条开士米围巾, 穿了一身丝绸套装,戴了一串珍珠.《简明英汉词典》

68. Schoolmate said enlarges likely silk. Was also metaphor Suzhou is the China's township of silk.

同学说像放大的蚕丝. 也是隐喻了苏州是中国的丝绸之乡吧.《期刊摘选》

69. She wore a sleeveless silk dress.


70. This material is warranted ( to be ) pure silk.


71. Chiffon: a fabric of sheer silk or rayon.

薄绸: 一种极薄的丝绸或人造丝织物.《期刊摘选》

72. Priest : Did he not also give you many dresses? Silk dresses weren't they?

他是否还给了你很多的衣服? 丝绸的服装,是这样 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

73. TDEA may influence dye uptake and luster of silk fabric with acid dyes.


74. Cotton Fabrics, Embroidery and Embroiders, Silk, Silk Fabric, Pillows, Tassels and Trimmings.

采购产品棉花织物, 刺绣品而且刺绣, 丝, 丝织物, 枕头, 流行和装饰品.《期刊摘选》

75. Then she untied her silk scarf.


76. She stood up, frowning at the creases in her silk dress


77. Embroidery is done with colored silk thread in different stitches.


78. We could feel the smooth texture of silk.


79. It feels very soft, because it's pure silk.

这摸起来较柔软, 因为是真丝的.《期刊摘选》

80. Zurich's affluence came initially from cornering a sizeable chunk of the 14th Century silk trade.


81. made of pure silk


82. There are some differences in microstructure and thermal property of silk fiber among different cocoon layers.


83. There is a silk museum in Hangzhou.


84. Silk is smooth while sandpaper is rough.


85. That the moon, as silk, connected to two different hearts, this is your first, she.

那月光, 如丝线, 连接着两颗不同的心, 这头是你,那头是她.《期刊摘选》

86. What your trousers made? — Silk.

你的裤子是什么面料的? 丝绸的.《期刊摘选》

87. You should use a cotton or silk liner to keep your sleeping bag clean.


88. AGood choice . It's made of pure silk. This silk blouse would go with it very well.

这条不错. 这是真丝的. 这件丝绸衫衣跟它配起来非常合适.《期刊摘选》

89. Our company was established in 2001, operates mainly in mulberry silkworm cocoon, silk, and silkworm appliances.

我公司成立于2001年, 主要经营桑蚕茧 、 蚕丝 、 以及桑蚕用具.《期刊摘选》

90. Her parents have given her a silk handkerchief.


91. Synthetic silk can be made from wood fibres.


92. The measurement method for silk sectional area was advanced based on the technology of computer vision.


93. The Chinese Silk Road was constructed under the western Han Emperor Wudi.


94. The shirt is 100 % pure silk.


95. She wound off the silk from the ball.


96. This is pure silk and feels very soft.


97. Silk , Silk Fabric, Curtains, Jacquard , Dhobby, Chenille Curtains and Upholstery EmbroiderySilk.

采购产品丝, 丝织物,帐, 提花机, 绳绒线帐和室内装潢品.《期刊摘选》

98. Pauline wore a silk dress with a strand of pearls.


99. The painted murals in the Dunhuang Grottoes along the ancient Silk Road in China form the world's longest painted corridor , with a total of 45,000 square metres of painted murals.

中国丝绸古道上的敦煌莫高窟内的壁画是世界最长的石窟画廊.窟内有壁画45, 000余平方米.《现代汉英综合大词典》

100. The dress and the trousers are both made of silk. Can I try them on first?

这条裙子和裤子都是丝绸的, 我可以先试穿一下它们 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

101. After tanning the tussah silk , it becomes a certain against germs.


102. A fine hand finish for chiffon , sheers, and lightweight silk is the rolled edge.

一种精细的手工整理雪纺绸 、 薄纱以及薄丝绸的方法是卷边(滚边).《期刊摘选》

103. A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.


104. And is this dress made of pure silk?

这件衣服是真丝的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

105. Though they had eight legs , trigonotarbids lacked spinnerets and, presumably, could not produce silk.

尽管它们也有八条腿,却没有吐丝器, 可想而知,是不会吐丝的了.《期刊摘选》

106. One strand of silk doesn't make a thread; one tree doesn't make a forest.


107. Nylon and silk differ.


108. Could you give us some idea about your price on fancy silks?

请你介绍一下你方印花丝绸的价格好 吗 ?《商贸英语会话》

109. Dena bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap


110. I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf.


111. They continued to get their silks from China...


112. The river lies as smooth as silk.


113. This is the beauty of candles and silk praise the spirit of selfless dedication.


114. Silk sheets are the ultimate luxury.


115. Benjamin was bred a silk dyer an apprenticeship in London.


116. We are interested in your silk scarves.


117. Her skin was as smooth as silk .


118. You could back your dress with silk.


119. Externally this machine take the black as machine's main tone, appears very specialized.

外观上该机以黑色为机器的主色调, 显得非常专业.《期刊摘选》

120. He bought also a bolt of the finest silk from a Chinese trader.


121. His black hair fine as floss silk , hung in glossy curls about his round dimpled face.

他圆圆的脸蛋上有一对酒窝,头上覆盖着一圈圈光滑,鬈曲 、 细如绢丝的黑发.《辞典例句》

122. Nylon is nearly twice asas natural silk and much less affected by water than it.


123. This paper, using tensile way tests the nature of creep of rainbow silk.


124. Describe the molecular structures of silk and the spider silk.


125. Phillippiness: A white silk cord is draped around the couple's shoulders to indicate their union.

菲律宾: 新人的肩上搭绕着一根白色的丝线以示他们的结合.《期刊摘选》

126. a silk blouse


127. A special scouring process used to remove the natural gum, sericin, from silk, is called degumming.


128. I was silk production and marketing company, and silk processed products.

我公司生产销售蚕丝被, 及蚕丝加工品.《期刊摘选》

129. The fabric , treated by this method , can get a bright, soft and silk like luster.

用该方法生产的产品光泽明亮柔和, 有似真丝织物的光泽.《期刊摘选》

130. Please be careful with it. it is pure silk.

请你小心点, 这是真丝的.《期刊摘选》

131. She was wearing two blue silk ribbons in her hair.


132. Used for testing breaking tenacity and elongation at break of raw silk in skein and bobbin.


133. Her blouse is made of silk.


134. Silk is on the advance.


135. The company has advanced machinery and equipment, specialized in brown silk production and processing.

本公司拥有先进的机械设备, 专业从事棕丝的生产和加工.《期刊摘选》

136. A: Good choice . It's made of pure silk. This silk blouse would go with it very well.

这条不错. 这是真丝的. 这件丝绸衬衣跟它配起来非常合适.《期刊摘选》

137. So I think in the future, materials will evolve, and they will look and feel like fabrics we know today, like cotton or silk.

所以我认为未来材料会逐步发展,外观和触感将变得像我们现在所熟知的棉花和丝绸等纤维材料那样。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

138. David spotted the pink silk lampshade in a shop and thought it would brighten up the room.


139. From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit


140. These silk goods are not much in demand.


141. 12 yds of silk


142. This affects the Silk autumn wind.


143. He has a shirt made of Chinese silk.


144. It could to have the insect from the silk vibration sensation to catch by the net.


145. Her silk shirt dress was sky-blue, the colour of her eyes.


146. Was covered with silk can enhance sleep, and enhance human vitality, slow aging.

盖上蚕丝被能增进睡眠, 增强人体活力, 减缓衰老.《期刊摘选》

147. China is famous for its silk and tea in the world.


148. The incision is closed with 7 to 10 nearly invisible stitches of fine nylon or silk.


149. Squeeze sip of water after the silk string of empty fruit.


150. I think silk ties can be quite nice


151. Her blouse was seamed with silk thread.


152. Does avoid certain food want when treating red blood silk?

治疗红血丝的时候要忌口 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

153. It's pretty, isn't it? It's made of pure silk and is on sale.

很漂亮.不是 吗 ?这是真丝的.而且现在正减价中.《期刊摘选》

154. Her dress was of blue silk, quite light, and becomingly open at the neck.


155. This silk spots easily from rain.


156. Using colorful silk threads , beautiful plaited ornaments are made in a variety of auspicious patterns.


157. She fingered the silk delicately.


158. The Chinese silk is known all over the world.


159. I'd like to see some silk scarves.


160. This polity lifted Chinese exports of silk.


161. Eri silk yarn is used to manufacture high value silk products.


162. Silk industry, but also the promotion of foreign trade of China's ancient and cultural exchanges.

蚕丝业的发展, 还促进了我国古代对外通商和文化交流.《期刊摘选》

163. Her silk dress was sky-blue, the colour of her eyes


164. This old Silk Road linked China with the West in ancient times.


165. Silk was responsible for the pure manual processing, bulk custom, OEM processing.

负责蚕丝被的纯手工加工, 批量定做, 贴牌加工.《期刊摘选》

166. Her skin is as smooth as silk.


167. Natural fabrics like silk and wool are better insulators than synthetics.


168. He was wearing a cream silk shirt and a tartan golfing cap.


169. The problem of the silk thread sort that entwine surround I!


170. The silk is washed in hot soapy water, usually under alkaline conditions.

在热的肥皂激光器煮练丝织物, 通常在碱性条件下进行.《期刊摘选》

171. Her silk shirtdress was sky-blue, the colour of her eyes.


172. Nvlon is nearly twice as strong as natural silk.


173. Silk feels soft while iron feels hard.


174. Good morning, John. Have you considered our offer for the silks?

约翰,早上好. 关于丝绸的报价,您考虑过了 吗 ?《商贸英语会话》

175. She wove the silk thread into a beautiful shirt.


176. The tailor lined my coat with silk.


177. The silk feels very smooth.


178. They're made with red, yellow, green and blue silk or cotton.

由红, 黄, 绿蓝等丝线缝制而成.《期刊摘选》

179. Famous paintings are reproduced precisely with needles and silk thread.


180. The scarf and tie are all made of silk.


181. Guyuan at the ancient Silk Road Beidao, the historical culture is glorious.

固原位于古丝绸之路东段北道, 历史文化悠久.《期刊摘选》

182. He was wearing a blue silk singlet and boxer shorts.


183. Can you give me some discount on this set of silk pajamas?

这套丝绸睡衣你能打折 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

184. This bathrobe is made from silk.


185. Araneus diadematus dragline silks are studied. The assemble and shape structures of dragline silk is analyzed.


186. Her skin was as smooth as silk.


187. Stripe or width like belt, or thin like silk.

条纹或如带, 或细如丝的宽度.《期刊摘选》

188. Nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner.


189. In winter, we release warm, beautiful silk and woolen coats.


190. Check in hotel. Visit: Angkor Silk Farm , Artisans D Angkor, and Cambodian Cultural Village.

由专车接往酒店入住.游览: 养蚕丝织园, 石雕和木雕培训中心, 柬埔寨民俗文化村.《期刊摘选》

191. We export Wheat to Russia and import silk from Japan.


192. Silk is produced in Suzhou.


193. At the same time, another paper was developed, made from silk.

与此同时还研制出另一种纸, 就是用丝制的纸.《期刊摘选》

194. He has invented a new way of making silk.


195. It is softer than cotton and nylon and has a similar lustre to silk.


196. They continued to get their silks from China


197. to take silk (= to become this type of lawyer)


198. It has the advantages of both cashmere and mulberry silk.


199. They may even have been covered with silk because silk was used a lot at that time.

它们甚至可能是由丝绸包着的,因为那时的丝绸被广泛使用。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

200. Each kind of rope, silk thread and necessary appendix.

各种绳索 、 丝线及配套附件.《期刊摘选》

201. a gown of gossamer silk


202. She went on to the balcony, pulling on her silk kimono over her naked body.

她走上阳台, 穿上丝制的和服.《期刊摘选》

203. We ask you to send us samples of Tussah Silk and quote best rates.


204. I gave her the silk nightgown.


205. It was a Christmas when shoppers passed by expensive silks in favor of more practical gifts.


206. Woven silk cover material of the silk.


207. Also we produce the silk bedding , feather bedding, Australia wool bedding, silk bedding & clothing etc.

同时还生产蚕丝被, 羽绒被, 澳洲羊毛被, 羽丝绒被,柔丝暖被等.《期刊摘选》

208. This silk spots easily.



1. The interior is sumptuous in gold and there are cushioned booths curtained off with silk.

BBC: Mini guide to design in Helsinki

2. Right? The old silk road is coming agian.

对吧,古老的丝绸之路重新开启。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

3. Each spider produced a line of silk about three hundred fifty meters long.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

4. I went to see a rich girl I knew. In the morning she pulled a hundred-dollar bill out of her silk stocking and said, "You've been talking of a trip to Frisco. That being the case, take this and go have your fun." So all of my problems were solved.

我去看望我以前认识的一位有钱的姑娘,到了早上,她从丝绸钱袋里取出一张100元的支票说:,“既然你那么向往到圣弗兰西斯科的旅行,拿着这个去寻找你的快乐吧“,这下我的问题全部解决了。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Paul bought two suits, several white silk shirts, some silk ties of different colors.

VOA : special.2009.04.11

6. He came out the bathroom, wearing the red silk bathrobe.

VOA : special.2009.04.11

7. This copy, printed on raw silk, is perhaps the only hand-colored copy in existence, Winterthur says.

WSJ: Charting the Role They Played | Common Destinations | Winterthur | By Judith H. Dobrzynski

8. The scarves are cashmere and silk and printed with the indigenous cultures of Australia and Haiti.

FORBES: Beauty Secrets From Fashion's Celebrity Moms

9. From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit.


10. She moved her toes around in the silk stockings.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

11. The silk gland of spiders and the milk gland of goats are almost identical.

FORBES: Charlotte's Goat

12. She carried a red silk hankie, because her nose still bled now and then.

NEWYORKER: Shauntrelle

13. The Stein room is where the collection's most prestigious silk paintings live, far from public gaze.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | The original Chinese takeaway

14. Both were interested in the idea of making a textile piece from silk of the golden orb spider.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

15. Ptolemy rightly identified the town as the gateway to Seres, the Land of Silk.

BBC: Following the Silk Road to the end of China

16. Leather jackets and silk cushions are sold next to rolls of block-printed fabric and beaded Maasai belts.

BBC: Johannesburgs hip transformation

17. She looked down to see that her hand lay upon a pile of silk stockings.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

18. With silkscreen printing, a stencil is attached to a fine piece of stretched silk or nylon cloth.

VOA : special.2009.09.02

19. In fact,their silk is even lighter and softer than silk from silkworms.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

20. In 1997, a plane operated by wholly-owned subsidiary Silk Air crashed in Indonesia, killing everyone aboard.

CNN: After the Crash

21. So, not at a horribly advanced age, I would like to think, he went to Lyon, which was a capital of the Resistance because they have all these things called traboules in Lyon, was one reason--they're passageways where you'd keep the silk, raw silk dry.

他当时还没到混吃等死的地步,我个人觉得,于是他去了里昂,当时是抵抗组织的一个首都,因为里昂那有那种过道,这是一个原因--就是小胡同,能让丝绸,生丝保持干燥1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. It was renamed Schuylkill Silk Manufacturing in 1914 when it expanded into silk lingerie.

FORBES: VF Corp. Has The Midas Touch

23. Soon after it was set up, it got into wool and (more profitably) silk.

ECONOMIST: Millennium issue: Banking

24. Silk, however, may give Bezos an edge when to comes to selling everything else, too.

FORBES: Jeff Bezos Just Disintermediated Everybody, Apple Employee No. 8 Explains

25. It is a beautiful wall covering made of shiny,bright golden silk.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

26. Mr Kilroy-Silk responded by wiping some of the manure over the man who had thrown it.

BBC: The public encounters politicians might prefer to forget

27. The latter have cream-colored walls, wood floors, accents of leather and colored silk, and woodburning fires.

FORBES: Lapostolle Residence, a Chilean Wine Country Hideaway

28. You can see that wonderful coat and silk bowtie.

你们看这漂亮大衣和丝质领结。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Yarn can be made from natural materials such as cotton, linen,silk and wool.

VOA : special.2009.11.04

30. We live in fast-changing times but we are, most of us, more Velcro than silk.

BBC: End of the news romantics

31. Few Chinese ventured westward along the Silk Road and those that did, like Zhang, had very different motives.

BBC: Following the Silk Road to the end of China

32. Erected in 1928, its interiors are opulent, with heavy silk curtains, porcelain antiques and dark-wood furniture.

BBC: Mini guide to Hong Kong

33. He exchanged his silk hat for the kind worn by farmers.

VOA : special.2009.01.22

34. In an empty corner, she replaced her cotton stockings for the new silk ones.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

35. The congressman charged that President Van Buren wore silk clothing, and even put French perfume on his body to make him smell sweet as a flower.

VOA : special.2009.01.22

36. The tapestry was woven with silk provided by the golden orb spider.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

37. Especially stunning was the black silk faille and ivory swansdown dress on Andreea Diaconu (above).

FORBES: Connect

38. The white silk shirt and the blue and lilac tie felt cool and smooth under his fingers.

VOA : special.2009.04.11

39. There's speculation that the amino acids in silk lend proteins to the skin and hair.

WSJ: Better Beauty Sleep

40. The bed was sheeted in purple silk.


41. It was possible for the trade routes like the Silk Road to hum with traffic.

FORBES: In Which We Gently Correct James Taylor

42. Silk spots easily.


43. Once perfected, the silk will be used for featherweight ballistic vests, medical sutures and artificial ligaments.

FORBES: Charlotte's Goat

44. Premier Wen stressed China's role as "trusted brothers" of the Arab people and noted the history of trade between the nations dates back to the Silk Road.

VOA : standard.2009.11.07

45. The material is as lustrous as silk.


46. It was a rare city that belonged to both ends of the Silk Road.

BBC: Following the Silk Road to the end of China

47. Mister Peers had researched stories of spider silk being used by human weavers.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

48. Everything on the Xbox looks vivid in still form and moves as smooth as silk.

WSJ: New Xbox Gets Raves For Power, Creativity

49. The digital marketplace Silk Road currently operates a platform with a participant reputation system.

FORBES: TORwallet Sparks Trust Without Jurisdiction Debate

50. One cover shows the Twentieth Colored Infantry of Eighteen Sixty-Four receiving a silk banner in New York City.

VOA : special.2011.02.11

51. These tapestries are made of the materials silk and wool.

VOA : special.2010.02.03

52. People usually get their silk supply from worms.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

53. It took more than a million of them to produce that much silk.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

54. But getting silk from a spider might seem more difficult.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

55. The Welsh government's own evidence to Silk calls for the devolution of powers over policing.

BBC: Wales politics

56. He also answered questions on the NHS, youth unemployment and the Silk Commission's report.

BBC: First minister's questions

57. Mr. Lautenberg's father, Sam, worked in silk mills, sold coal, farmed and once ran a tavern.

WSJ: New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg Dies

58. But spiders make silk,too.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

59. How good was the touch of the silk on her skin!

VOA : special.2009.09.05

60. Silk Road is only accessible through Tor, a service which allows users to browse anonymously online.

BBC: Silk Road screenshot

61. If we look forward to the end of the term when we read The Human Stain, which is about a man, Coleman Silk, who tries to and succeeds in passing as Jewish.

展望一下期末,那时我们会读到《人性的污点》,写一个叫Coleman,Silk的人他尝试,并成功地以犹太人身份在社会生活。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. Up close, it turned out to be a silk embroidery--containing, Jiang said, 2.5 million stitches.

CNN: Did The Summit Matter?

63. It is in this context that the Silk Roads Project, initiated by UNESCO, assumes its significance.

UNESCO: Culture

64. I bought a great tie-dyed silk scarf.


65. Fortunato was beautiful in his silk suit made of many colors: yellow, green, purple and red.

VOA : special.2009.02.07





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