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boom and bust翻译_boom and bust短语搭配_boom and bust权威例句


boom and bust

英 [ˌbuːm ən ˈbʌst]play美 [ˌbuːm ən ˈbʌst]play

  • 曾经繁荣而后衰落的经济周期,通常指市场或整个经济出现高价格,随后出现价格崩溃、生产下降和生产者破产的情况;繁荣后随之而来的是经济衰退

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Benefit from Boom and Bust 从繁荣与衰落中受益

2. boom-and-bust characteris 大起大落的特点

3. Boom-and-Bust Cycle 经济繁荣与萧条交替循环 ; 经济繁荣与萧条的周期


5. boom and bust spirals 爆发与爆裂式增长趋势

6. boom-and-bust 繁荣与萧条 ; 经 一时性繁荣 ; 景气循环

7. Housing Boom and Bust Report 年房市兴衰报告 ; 房市繁荣和萧条报告

8. Fear the Boom and Bust 好怕经济忽好忽坏

9. THE ECONOMY-BOOM AND BUST 美国二零年代经济的飙长与迅速萧条


1. It is bad enough that recklessness in some areas of banking and finance led to economic boom and bust.


2. The Hour Between Dog and Wolf: Risk-Taking, Gut Feelings and the Biology of Boom and Bust. By John Coates.


3. The man who said he had abolished "boom and bust" has presided over the longest, deepest recession since the second world war.


4. But emerging markets are prone to boom - and - bust cycles.

但是新兴市场易受繁荣 - 破产周期的影响.《互联网》

5. Economy travels in a cycle of boom and bust, which resembles the cycle of night and day and the cycle of seasons.


6. Securitisation's boom and bust was spectacular.


7. But that path to prosperity now looks increasingly perilous, prey to boom and bust, and to financial catastrophe.


8. Economic boom and bust were over; steady prosperity was the shape of things to come.

在这一美好的憧憬下,英国 高官 们对于正“聚敛”财富人群“恩爱有加”.《互联网》

9. Gold has become an all-weather investment, rising in both boom and bust.


10. But social boom and bust is even harder to repair.


11. It is a boom and bust cycle that we are having and people are starting to get fed up with it.


12. Florida agents, near the heart of the real - estate boom and bust, are suffering more than most.


13. It can continue its boom and bust cycle without causing great collateral damage elsewhere.


14. Boom - and - bust cycles are inherent in market economies and cannot be prevented completely.


15. Averting the disruptive extremes of boom and bust can help bring about long-term growth.


16. We simply cannot return to the same cycles of boom and bust that led to a global recession.


17. Texas and Oklahoma weathered the downturn better than most, thanks to strong local energy industries and the absence of a housing boom and bust.


18. Haven't the rich always been more boom and bust?


19. This boom and bust cycle cannot have been an example of efficient channelling of savings into the most promising investment projects.


20. Centuries of boom and bust show that you cannot avoid financial crises altogether, but you can exercise some choice over what kind of crisis you get.


21. The Hour Between Dog and Wolf: Risk-Taking, Gut Feelings and the Biology of Boom and Bust.


22. This is certainly the case in the boom and bust world of startups.


23. This new tool could be deployed to dampen the boom - and - bust nature of the credit cycle.


24. You know that I abolished boom and bust.


25. We simply cannot return to the same cycles of boom and bust that led to a global recession.


26. The tendency of capitalist economies to boom and bust is intimately connected with that failure.


27. Florida agents, near the heart of the real-estate boom and bust, are suffering more than most.


28. We've seen another whole cycle of boom and bust.


29. But was the recent boom and bust in the Shanghai stock market really a case of bubble behaviour?


30. And the motive behind that shift was that credit derivatives had a starring role in the horror show of the credit boom and bust.


31. Viewed historically, what we experienced was a classic boom and bust.


32. Averting the disruptive extremes of boom and bust can help bring about long - term growth.

避开具破坏性的极端景气高低,将有益于 长期 的经济成长.《互联网》

33. The market remains trapped in boom and bust cycles driven by the mood of bank depositors.


34. Averting the disruptive extremes of boom and bust can help bring about long-term growth.


35. It would be a mistake to think we are right now simply experiencing the painful side of a boom and bust cycle.


36. The fortunes of Altamonte Springs, like those of Orlando, have risen and fallen with the economic boom and bust.


37. The boom and bust theory failed as prices recovered sharply in 2010 after economic growth gathered momentum.


38. The boom and bust nature of economics is one of the most puzzling aspects of the modern world.


39. Chinas property boom and bust is one of the most debated topics in the world.


40. He favours a Nordic system of high taxes, relative equality, and less boom and bust.


41. There may still be capacity in agricultural systems for another cycle of boom and bust but humanity is starting to reach its limits.


42. So my grandfather, their son, became a traveling salesman, and he lived boom and bust.


43. In the US, demand is weakest in communities where a boom and bust in house prices has left an overhang of household debt.


44. China's stock market boom and bust last year was fuelled in part by borrowing from non-bank lenders-shadow banks-to fund stock purchases.


45. We see "boom and bust, " ups and downs, over and over again.

我们不断地看到“繁荣与萧条” 的起伏跌宕。

46. But social boom and bust is even harder to repair.


47. Los Angeles had a real estate boom and bust in the 1880s; that's hard to believe.


48. Now, I think that ultimately — interestingly enough, Los Angeles had a real estate boom and bust in the 1880s; that's hard to believe.


49. As chancellor he claimed not only to have done away with "boom and bust", but also to have presided over the longest period of sustained growth since 1701.


50. What caused the boom and bust?


51. Thus the price fluctuations that come with boom and bust, and encourage overfishing, would be smoothed out.


52. The Conservatives, led by David Cameron, will highlight the demolition of Gordon Brown's claim to have done away with boom and bust.


53. But the CFA programme will probably contain "a greater emphasis on boom and bust, financial market history and the limitations of financial models," he says.


54. One stubbornly recurring aspect of the boom and bust: ordinary companies getting carried away with financial derivatives.


55. The first is to avoid boom and bust through a stable macro-economic framework which gives companies the confidence to grow and to create new job opportunities.

第一要避免通货膨胀和打破稳定的宏观经济结构,从而给企业以稳定增长和创造工作机会的信心。《provided by jukuu》

56. Do you really need more boom and bust in your life?


57. Earth's biogeochemistry went boom and bust for millions of years thereafter, as if some regulating mechanism were lost - which is exactly what happened.


58. China will repeat this financial liberalisation eventually, according to Grice and this boom and bust cycle will pose a huge challenge to investors.


59. Over the years, I've seen entrepreneurs make three mistakes during boom - and - bust cycles.

几年来,在当企业由盛到衰的循环中, 他发现了企业家们犯的三个错误.《互联网》

60. It is bad enough that recklessness in some areas of banking and finance led to economic boom and bust.


61. At first blush, the current crisis might appear to be just another iteration in the endless Californian story of boom and bust.


62. Going forward, we cannot tolerate the same old boom and bust economy of the past.


63. The economy lurched between boom and bust, culminating in near - bankruptcy in 2001.

经济在繁荣与破产之间逡巡不前, 在2001年几近崩溃.《互联网》

64. But China should avoid the boom and bust often associated with hosting the Olympics.


65. The boom and bust in the money markets was precipitated by a us housing bubble.


66. The economic downturn of 2008 shattered Mr Brown's claim to have done away with boom and bust.

2008年的经济衰退打碎了Mr Brown关于消除经济萧条和经济繁荣的交替循环的主张。

67. Gold has become an all - weather investment, rising in both boom and bust.

黄金已经变成了一种适应所有气候的投资, 无论是繁荣还是衰退都会上涨.《互联网》


1. For those of you who are unawares, Las Vegas was one of the ground zeros of the housing boom and bust.

FORBES: CNBC to Promote House Flipping

2. Knowing who your influencers are, in the world of marketing, can be the difference between boom and bust.

FORBES: Why Don't We Dig Deeper Into the Sand of Social Data?

3. The chancellor prides himself on his achievement so far in preventing boom and bust in the economy.

ECONOMIST: Loosening the belt

4. After the biggest boom and bust on record, history suggests things don't stop getting worse until they've gotten a lot worse than that.

WSJ: Is Your Home A Good Investment?

5. Without such a rebalancing, inflation or a property boom and bust could destroy growth.

ECONOMIST: The dollar

6. Boom and bust often follow the introduction of radically new technologies.

ECONOMIST: Digital dilemmas | The

7. "Go back 20 years and it was cycles of boom and bust in Latin America, " says jpmorgan Latin American equity strategist Ben M.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. After this very expensive education, I resolved to study markets and get to know investors who had done well over several boom and bust cycles.

FORBES: How To Spot A Market Top

9. The combination of oil dependence and production constraints set up a self-sabotaging boom and bust cycle.

FORBES: The Carbon Bubble

10. We also need fundamental reform of the Federal Reserve to end its undisciplined powers to created repeated housing bubbles and boom and bust cycles.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. Now, I think that ultimately--interestingly enough, Los Angeles had a real estate boom and bust in the 1880s; that's hard to believe.

现在,我认为这非常有意思,19世纪80年代洛杉矶经历了房地产的,繁荣和萧条,这难以置信金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Despite this week's rate cut, it is too early for Mr Brown to claim that he has rescued Britain from boom and bust.

ECONOMIST: Singing in the rain

13. Thomas Sowell in the Housing Boom and Bust In just one year, 27% home prices fell by 27% in San Digo, 28% 28% in Los Angles 31% and 31 % in San Francisco.

您在书中说,仅仅一年间,:,“,房价下降了%,在圣地亚哥,在洛杉矶,房价下跌了,在旧金山,下降了。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

14. Texas and Oklahoma weathered the downturn better than most, thanks to strong local energy industries and the absence of a housing boom and bust.

ECONOMIST: House prices and mobility

15. Of course, the natural gas business, like any energy commodity, is marked by boom and bust.

FORBES: Natural Gas: Booming In The Beltway

16. In the recent crisis we had a housing boom and bust, which in turn led to financial turmoil in the United States and other countries.

FORBES: Media Parrot Obama Financial Crisis Campaign Propaganda

17. And what I'm getting at is, in this process of averting a boom and bust economy, do you have a slower term?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

18. His firm rode the tech boom and bust a decade ago.

FORBES: Morning Tech Wrap: Twitter, Apple, LinkedIn

19. By this I mean that yes, certainly, macroeconomics, the taming of boom and bust, can indeed have effects over short time periods.

FORBES: The Economic Legacy Of Margaret Thatcher

20. Finally, getting it right to keep inflation low, keep that boom-bust cycle from coming back like it did, and you don't have to go, even go back so far period.

最终可以维持低通胀,打破繁荣与萧条的周期循环,这个已有先例,远的不说。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

21. "The history of Brazil is boom and bust, so we'll wait and see how it goes, " Bellos adds cautiously.

CNN: Soccer stars return to booming Brazil

22. This is one of the most important aspects of this marvelous book the Housing boom and bust.

这是最重要的部分,在这本神奇的著作中。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

23. This in turn tends to prolong both the boom and bust stages of the cycle and increase macroeconomic instability.

FORBES: Rethinking Credit Ratings

24. Mr Brown has delivered the end to boom and bust that he promised.

ECONOMIST: The British budget

25. "I would be very surprised if we didn't see this boom and bust pattern emerging in these areas as well, " she told BBC News.

BBC: 'Boom and bust' of deforestation

26. At first blush, the current crisis might appear to be just another iteration in the endless Californian story of boom and bust.

ECONOMIST: The people's will

27. He challenged Gordon Brown over whether he still believed he had ended boom and bust.

BBC: The full story: PM's questions

28. Just how much longer will the downturn in this boom and bust cycle last?

FORBES: Go Public, Take Private, Make A Deal: The Big Debate in China

29. You could argue this is just boom and bust writ large.

BBC: Have young people never had it so bad?

30. "That is how we will restore trust and confidence in our markets." "That is how we will help to put an end to the cycles of boom and bust that we have seen.

VOA : standard.2010.04.24

31. That's how we're going to avoid the cycles of boom and bust that have caused so much havoc.

WHITEHOUSE: The President Proposes Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee | The White House

32. Mr Forbes said the sustainable cultural investment fund would "protect the arts" from the "boom and bust of public finance".

BBC: Newcastle Council finds ?600,000 for arts sector

33. The 45-year-old Mr. Grimes, who had joined a year earlier, helped rebuild Morgan Stanley's tech team through the dotcom boom and bust.

WSJ: Dominant Morgan Stanley Tech Team Sets Sights on Facebook IPO

34. Just as boom and bust cycles are inevitable so too are catastrophic events.

FORBES: Hurricane Sandy May Turn the Tide on Climate Change

35. For four swoon-filled years during the dot com boom and bust a decade ago, I lived in San Francisco, the beautiful lotus-eating, Pacific-touching, city on a hill.

BBC: This is San Francisco week

36. As I mentioned earlier it would lead, of course, to big cycles of boom and bust.

正如我之前提到它的导致,当然,经济繁荣与萧条的大循环美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

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