莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [raɪz]play美 [raɪz]play

  • v. (数字、 数量、价值)增加;升高,上升;起身,站起;(权力或地位)提高;耸立,隆起;(声音)变响,变大;(太阳、月亮)升起;(感情或情绪) 变得强烈;(面包、蛋糕等)发酵;起床;复活,再生;休会,休庭;(风力)加强,增强;(河流)发源;起义,反抗;脸红,涨红;(毛发)竖起;(胃)感到恶心;接近(某个年龄)
  • n. (数量或水平的)增加,改善;<英>加薪;(地位的)升高,增强;上升,升起;小山丘,斜坡;(声音或声调的)提高;源头,起源;兴起,高涨

复数 rises 第三人称单数 rises 现在分词 rising 过去式 rose 过去分词 risen

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


rise /raɪz/ CET4 TEM4 [ rising rose risen rises ]

  • 1.
    不及物动词 If something rises, it moves upward. 上升; 升起

    Wilson's ice-cold eyes watched the smoke rise from his cigarette.


  • 2.
    动词词组 Rise up means the same as . 上升; 升起

    Spray rose up from the surface of the water.


  • 3.
    不及物动词 When you rise, you stand up. 起身

    Luther rose slowly from the chair.


  • 4.
    动词词组 Rise up means the same as . 起身

    The only thing I wanted was to rise up from the table and leave this house.


  • 5.
    不及物动词 When you rise, you get out of bed. 起床

    Tony had risen early and gone to the cottage to work.


  • 6.
    不及物动词 When the sun or moon rises, it appears in the sky. (太阳或月亮) 升起

    He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.


  • 7.
    不及物动词 You can say that something rises when it appears as a large, tall shape. 耸立

    The building rose before him, tall and stately.


  • 8.
    动词词组 Rise up means the same as . 耸立

    The White Mountains rose up before me.


  • 9.
    不及物动词 If the level of something such as the water in a river rises, it becomes higher. (河水等) 上涨

    The waters continue to rise as more than 1,000 people are evacuated.


  • 10.
    不及物动词 If land rises, it slopes upward. (地面) 隆起

    He looked up the slope of land that rose from the house.


  • 11.
    不及物动词 If an amount rises, it increases. (数量) 增加; 上涨

    Interest rates rise from 4% to 5%.



    Tourist trips of all kinds rose by 10.5% between 1977 and 1987.



    Exports rose 23%.


  • 12.
    可数名词 A rise in the amount of something is an increase in it. 增长; 上涨

    ...the prospect of another rise in interest rates.


  • 13.
    单数型名词 The rise of a movement or activity is an increase in its popularity or influence. (运动或行为的) 兴起; 抬头

    The rise of racism in America is a serious concern.


  • 14.
    可数名词 A rise is an increase in your wages or your salary. (薪水、工资的) 增加

    Within two months Kelly got a rise.


  • 15.
    不及物动词 If the wind rises, it becomes stronger. (风力) 增强

    The wind was still rising, approaching a force nine gale.


  • 16.
    不及物动词 If a sound rises or if someone's voice rises, it becomes louder or higher. (声音或嗓音) 升高

    "Bernard?" Her voice rose hysterically.


  • 17.
    不及物动词 When the people in a country rise, they try to defeat the government or army that is controlling them. 起义

    President Bush had encouraged the Panamanian military to rise against General Noriega.


  • 18.
    动词词组 Rise up means the same as . 起义

    He warned that if the government moved against him the people would rise up.


  • 19.
    不及物动词 If someone rises to a higher position or status, they become more important, successful, or powerful. (职位、地位) 升高

    She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organization.


  • 20.
    动词词组 Rise up means the same as . (职位、地位) 升高

    I started with Hoover 26 years ago in sales and rose up through the ranks.


  • 21.
    单数型名词 The rise of someone is the process by which they become more important, successful, or powerful. 崛起

    Haig's rise was fuelled by an all-consuming sense of patriotic duty.


  • 22.
    习语 If something gives rise to an event or situation, it causes that event or situation to happen. 引发

    Low levels of choline in the body can give rise to high blood pressure.


  • 23.
    to rise to the challenge →see   challenge
  • 24.
    to rise to the occasion →see   occasion



  • adj.

    rising 上升的;上涨的;新兴的

    risen 升起的

  • adv.

    rising 接近

  • n.

    rose 玫瑰,蔷薇;玫瑰红

    rising 上升;起床;造反

    riser 起床者;起义者;竖板;叛徒

  • v.

    rose 上升(rise的过去式);增加;起立

    rising 上升(rise的ing形式)

    risen 升高;站起来;反抗(rise的过去分词)



raise rise 【导航词义:升高】

raise v. 提起,提高

〔辨析〕 及物动词,主语通常为人、机构等,既指抬起或举起具体事物,也指提高数量、水平、价格、质量等,常包含人为因素。

例1: He raised his hat and walked away.


例2: We must do our best to raise people's living standards.


例3: The money could be found by raising income tax by three per cent.


例4: The price of pork has been raised recently.


rise v. 升高,上升

〔辨析〕 不及物动词,主语通常为事物,既指水位、地势等升高,也指数量、价值、地位等提高,通常不包含人为因素。

例1: The sun rises in the east.


例2: What causes the sea level to rise?


例3: The road rises steeply after several turns.


例4: The price of pork has risen recently.


例5: He rose to the position of manager.



1. temperature rise 温升;温度上升

2. sharp rise 激增;激涨

3. rise and fall 涨落;抑扬

4. rise time 上升时间;上沿时间;升压时间;升起时间;增长时间;生成时间

5. on the rise 在增加;在上涨

6. rise in temperature 温度上升

7. BACK RISE 后浪 ; 后浪长 ; 后直裆

8. BODY RISE 直浪 ; 股上

9. high rise building 高层建筑物

10. give rise to 使发生,引起

11. Rise time 电子 上升时间 ; 吸气流速可调 ; 升起时间 ; 起发时间

12. pressure rise 压力上升;增压;升压

13. FRONT RISE 前浪 ; 前档 ; 前浪长 ; 前直裆

14. rise up 上升;起义;叛变

15. rise above 克服;不受…的影响

16. Rise of the Guardians 守护者联盟 ; 守护者的崛起 ; 捍卫联盟 ; 五星大联盟

17. rise in value 价值升高

18. get a rise [俚语]【生理学】勃起

19. Florient Rise 海桃湾

20. rise from 从…升起,由…复活

21. rise again 死而复生

22. Rise of Nations 王国的兴起 ; 国家的崛起 ; 国家崛起

23. Rise of Prussia 普鲁士的崛起

24. pay rise 加薪

25. rise by 上升到…;增长了…

26. rise in price 涨价

27. high rise 高楼大厦,高层建筑

28. rise against 起来反抗


1. Since reforms begin. Alone with economic rise fast, the banking achieves a great.

改革开放以来随着经济的高速增长, 我国银行业取得了长足的发展.《期刊摘选》

2. He has a dream that his country will rise up.


3. As the humidity rose, the water vapor would add greenhouse effect, and the temperature might soar.

当湿度增加, 水蒸气的温室气体效应增强, 温度开始一路飙升.《期刊摘选》

4. The National Convention has promised armed support to any people who wish to rise against armed oppression.


5. The House rises today for Easter recess.


6. The sun had just risen, it's magnificent rays stretching at the horizon.

太阳才升起, 它在地平线是出色的光线伸展操作.《期刊摘选》

7. As the company makes more money, the value of its shares rises; everybody's happy.

当这家企业获得更多盈利时, 这些股票的价值也增加, 每个人都获益.《期刊摘选》

8. He was determined to rise to the challenge.


9. When dough has risen several times, remove and knead one last time by hand.

当面团多次发酵膨胀, 将面团移出用手捏制.《期刊摘选》

10. The IMF says growing debt and increased borrowing may force international loan rates to rise.


11. After the meeting, we will adjourn the Rose Room of this hotel for a buffet dinner.

开完会后, 我们将休会,到本饭店玫瑰厅的自助餐厅用晚餐.《期刊摘选》

12. There were low, muffled voices rising from the hallway.


13. When water levels rise, flooding results.


14. The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.


15. Continuously enhance China's national economy and's consumption level is also rising.


16. Conclusions Enhance scan can highly rise metastases rate, especially on diagnosis of hydropsy metastasis cancer.

结论增强磁共振可以明显提高转移瘤的检出率, 尤其对无水肿的隐匿性瘤灶诊断意义重大.《期刊摘选》

17. There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work.


18. ...the prospect of another rise in interest rates...


19. The death toll continues to rise from yesterday's earthquake.


20. That bill was a compromise between for more spending and concerns about the rising national debt.


21. Protests by workers, minorities, and aggrieved peasants are rising.

工人 、 少数民族和遭受侵害农民的抗议在上升.《期刊摘选》

22. Contrary to expectations , interest rates did not rise.


23. The money spent on kitchens has risen with their status.

随着厨房地位的提升,在厨房方面的花销也增加了。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

24. This is the time of year when Jesus Christ rose from the dead after being crucified.


25. The ground begins to rise some 20 yards away...


26. China's Ministry of Agriculture ministry said it expects a steady rise in soybean demand in 2005.


27. I climbed to the top of a rise overlooking the ramparts.


28. Obesity has risen among adults and children.

成人和儿童肥胖症人数都上升了。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

29. Unemployment may be an underlying cause of the rising crime rate.


30. He looked at Livy and Mark, who had risen to greet him.


31. There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation.


32. The moon was rising, full and red.

月亮正在升起, 又圆又红.《辞典例句》

33. Leave the dough in a warm place to rise for 30 minutes.


34. She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organisation...


35. They watched the rise of the sun over the lake.


36. Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials.


37. And when he is killed AO after three days he will rise.


38. The years between 1904 and 1925 marked the rising of the Cantonese independent Baptist church.


39. The rise in inflation was just one symptom of the poor state of the economy.


40. Price total index rises somewhat, fundamental product value rises situation hasten delay.

价格总指数略有上升, 基础产品价格涨势趋缓.《期刊摘选》

41. The industry is feeling the effects of recent price rises.


42. He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.


43. They expected house prices to rise.


44. When work stared again on Monday, output duly rose compared with the previous Saturday and continued to rise for the next couple of days.

当周一再次开始工作,其产量总是比周六高一些,而且会持续上升数天。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

45. The church was built at the top of a small rise.


46. The sun rises in the east.


47. Does tone cease whether control the house price that rises continuously?


48. He watched the smoke rise from his cigarette...


49. The sun also rises.


50. Continuing medical advances and rising aware not ness do, moreover, offer promising hope for the future.


51. The first is that, as their income rises, the marginal cost of providing services goes up.

第一个是, 由于收入的增长, 他们尽孝道义务的边际成本也就同样提高.《期刊摘选》

52. Jesus Christ rose ( again ) from the dead.


53. It's predicted a decline of 1.3 % this year a continued rising unemployment.


54. I'm going to ask for a rise.


55. I asked for a pay rise and she agreed.


56. Partisans rose up behind the German fronts and harassed the communications in a merciless warfare.


57. But after I am risen again, I will go before you into Galilee.

但我复活以后 、 要在你们以先往加利利去.《期刊摘选》

58. The rise in accidents remains a puzzle.


59. Unemployment rose (by) 3%.


60. It was her custom to rise early.


61. The heightened alert followed an emergency meeting with flu experts in Geneva that assembled after a sharp rise in cases in Australia, and rising numbers in Britain, Japan, Chile and elsewhere.

随着澳大利亚病例的急剧增多,以及英国、日本、智利和其他地区感染人数的不断上升,流感专家们在日内瓦召开了紧急会议,随后警惕升级了。《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

62. Seamless information Hanison 21, steel prices rose the situation continues to ferment.

兴胜无缝管讯21日, 钢材价格大涨情势继续发酵.《期刊摘选》

63. Service recovery is an important research field rising swiftly in service management recently.


64. Whether you are a lion or a gazelle, when the sun rises, you'd better start running.

不管你是狮子还是瞪羚, 当太阳升起时, 你最好开始奔跑.《期刊摘选》

65. Factory orders actually rose in April, but the report disappointed investors who anticipated a larger increase.

四月份的工厂订单实际上是增加了, 但是投资者期望的是更大的增幅,因而对报告感到失望.《期刊摘选》

66. The rise of the chain store has inhibited the development of single proprietorships and partnerships.

连锁商店的兴起阻碍了个体企业和合伙企业的发展.《英汉非文学 - 政府文件》

67. Interest rates look set to rise again.


68. One reason for the rise in deaths from Alzheimer’s disease in this group may be that developing this condition remains possible even after people beat the odds of dying from other diseases such as cancer

这一群体中因阿尔茨海默病死亡的比率增加的原因之一可能是,即使在人们战胜了如癌症等其他疾病带来的死亡风险后,仍有患该病的可能。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

69. To conduct backfilling fillingwith high water content was a rising method of mining in recent years.


70. Smoke was rising from the chimney.


71. Mk. 9:10 And they kept the word, discussing among themselves what rising from the dead was.

可九10门徒将这话存在心里, 彼此讨论什么是从死人中复活.《期刊摘选》

72. Luther rose slowly from the chair...


73. They did not think about His rising from the dead.


74. Is the printing press really responsible for the rise of nationalism?

印刷术真的要为民族主义蓬勃兴起而负责 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

75. Rise, my fallen brothers and fight!

复活吧, 我死去的兄弟们,准备战斗!《期刊摘选》

76. Last year, we did slightly over 50,000 and this year we hope to do more than 60, So that’s good if we continue to rise

去年,我们的收入稍稍多于五万英镑,而今年我们希望能够超过六万英镑。所以如果我们的收入继续增长,就不错《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

77. Jesus was the first to rise from the dead.


78. The pub itself was on a rise, commanding views across the countryside...


79. Wild Rose Ro + Se Increases maximum life. Adds physical damage on bash.

野玫瑰增加生命值上限, 在猛击时增加物理伤害值.《期刊摘选》

80. We are expecting a rise in food prices this month.


81. The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply.


82. The explanation for the phenomenon of the rising teenage suicide rate involves many complicated factors.


83. Rising unemployment is a political time bomb for the government.


84. Cover the dough and let rise for 45 minutes.


85. Amy felt the colour rising in her cheeks at the thought.


86. Which gains a profit fou our company and promoted the sales volume rose quickily.


87. That's not a paradox, because rising wages have an income as well as a substitution effect.

这不是悖论, 是因为工资增长有收入效应还有替代效应.《期刊摘选》

88. This latest rise is intended to keep wages level with inflation.


89. As Jesus arose from the dead, so those who sleep in Him are to rise again.

耶稣怎样从死里复活, 那些在他里面睡了的人也必怎样复活.《期刊摘选》

90. The bread mixture was set beside the fire to rise.


91. The wind is rising [ falling ].

风势在增强 [ 减弱 ].《现代英汉综合大词典》

92. The company doubled its sale force with the result that the sale rise by 26 %.


93. At Easter, attendances at church rose.

复活节期间, 到教堂做礼拜的人多了.《期刊摘选》

94. These breads also rise during baking , but this is caused by baking powder instead of yeast.

它们发酵的效果是由发酵粉, 而不是酵母引起的.《期刊摘选》

95. But if inflation expectations rise, it may have to increase rates while unemployment is unpalatably high.

但是当通胀预期增长的时候,如果失业率又很高的情况下, 美联储就必须提高利率了.《期刊摘选》

96. The sun rose at seven o'clock.


97. With the rise of alternative medicine a resurgence.


98. Stephen Foster and the Rise of American Popular Culture.


99. At a time when Thomas Piketty and other economists are warning of rising inequality and the increasing power of inherited wealth, it is bizarre that wealthy aristocratic families should still be the symbolic heart of modern democratic states.

而当汤玛斯·皮克提等经济学家警告说,这种持续上升的不平等性和不断增加的财产继承权时,富有的贵族家庭竟仍然是现代民主国家的核心象征,这简直令人匪夷所思。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

100. The nation somewhat spectacular rise was hardly due to the genius of her rulers.


101. The cliffs rise sheer from the beach.


102. At a minimum, confirm that incomes are being adjusted for inflation ( or ideally rising ).

至少应该确认这些收入是经过通货膨胀调整的 ( 最好是在不断上升 ).《期刊摘选》

103. We did not start until the sun rose in the east.


104. The plane dived sharply and then rose again.


105. For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.

9因为他们还不明白圣经的意思, 就是耶稣必要从死里复活.《期刊摘选》

106. To say that he rose actually and literally means that it really happened.


107. The rise in taxation will put pounds on the cost of living.


108. The rise of the city is intimately associated with the transition from handicraft to machine industry.


109. The conventional wisdom is that high wage rise will increase inflation.


110. Disappear increases ceaselessly painfully, consumption level rises ceaselessly, consumptive structure sequence is optimized ceaselessly.

消费力不断增强, 消费水平不断提高, 消费结构序列不断优化.《期刊摘选》

111. Advanced technology is the most important reason for the rise in adult education.


112. Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe.


113. Thank you for your quick response to our inquiry.


114. If protectionism in the US leads to a more rapid rise in imported inflation.


115. But it could substantially slow the rate at which they are rising.


116. Fermentation also makes bread dough rise and helps us digest food.


117. Every minute, in our minds, from death to Rising, you are the Lord, the Messiah.

分分秒秒, 你在我们的心中, 从死亡到复活, 你是耶和华弥赛亚.《期刊摘选》

118. Since reform, beijing outskirt each industry all appeared to rise a situation newly.

改革以来, 京郊各产业均出现了新的增长情况.《期刊摘选》

119. He is not here, but has risen!

他不在这里, 巳经复活了!《期刊摘选》

120. Expectation of rising education and health care costs has been a major deterrent to consumption growth.


121. The powdery dust rose in a cloud around him.


122. This pull causes the sometimes dramatic rise of water level in the ocean.


123. The second phase , from rise of Moscow angle, reveals relationship between Byzantium and Moscow Rus.

第二部分,以莫斯科公国的兴起为视角, 从一个侧面探讨拜占廷与莫斯科罗斯的关系.《期刊摘选》

124. A  preliminary review of Mexico’s taxation found a fall  in purchases of taxed drinks as well as a rise in sales of  untaxed and healthier drinks.

对墨西哥税收情况的一项初步研究发现,需要缴税的饮料的购买量有所下降,而不用缴税也更加健康的饮料的销量则有所上升。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

125. Unemployment has risen steadily.


126. It is not within the bounds of possibility that the sun rises in the west.


127. The wind was still rising, approach-ing a force nine gale.


128. The thought made anger rise in him and he went into a bar and had a double whisky.


129. 'Bernard?' Her voice rose hysterically...


130. And households are getting buried under this mountain of mounting debt and rising debt servicing burdens.


131. rising fuel bills


132. to rise from the dead


133. America's rise in rates was conjoined with higher rates elsewhere.


134. While she was enjoying a strong wind rose on the sea and her boat capsized.


135. The paintings of Paul Ce & 1 & zanne prefigured the rise of cubism in the early 20 th century.


136. They still did not understand Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.


137. That Messiah came, died for our sins, rose again, ascended, and promised to return for us.

他这段话所指的,就是弥赛亚降世, 为我们的罪死, 接著复活 、 升天, 且应许有一日要再来接我们.《期刊摘选》

138. Jn. 11:23 Jesus said to her, Your brother will rise again.

约 十一 23耶稣对她说, 你兄弟必然复活.《期刊摘选》

139. ...the rise of home ownership.


140. The probability is that prices will rise rapidly.


141. The waters continue to rise as more than 1,000 people are evacuated.


142. An agent , such as yeast, that causes batter or dough to rise, especially by fermentation.

不加糖的 、 酵母发酵的、不起酥的面包, 烘焙成长棍条形,两头呈锥形.《期刊摘选》

143. The rise of the electronic commerce is challenging the traditional law system.


144. Some great states rose and faded away in history.


145. Everybody knows that the Sun rises in the morning and sets at night.


146. I asked the boss for a rise and his reply was predictably short and sweet!


147. And “doing well” means your earnings are rising

“经营得好”还意味着收入一直在增加。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

148. The combination of globalisation and rising wealth is proving to be a bonanza for both religions.


149. House prices rose five per cent last year.


150. Rising prison population and overcrowding add up to a real crisis.


151. Across Europe, unemployment is rising but at rates slower than many had expected.


152. She felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks.


153. Demand for personal computers has risen sharply.


154. He looked up the slope of land that rose from the house...


155. ...the tides rise and fall.


156. At first this growth was built on the solid foundations of rising asset prices.


157. I've been ( If I should fall ) kissed by a rose on the grey.

我一直在 ( 如果我应属于 ) 亲吻由一个灰色上升.《期刊摘选》

158. Another key focus for the strategy is to reverse rising obesity among children.


159. The decline in exports blunted by a rise in US military sales contracts.


160. Cover the pan loosely with a towel and allow to rise until double in volumn.


161. Death rates from heart disease have risen considerably in recent years.


162. Tourist trips of all kinds in Britain rose by 10.5% between 1977 and 1987...


163. Actually, the buildup of company image force, the heart brings company profit like that rise.

实际上, 企业形象力的增强, 心然带来企业利润的提高.《期刊摘选》

164. The price of cigarettes is set to rise again.


165. This requires a trader to cut his positions when volatility rises.


166. With a smaller supply of workers , the marginal product of labor rose, which raised wages.

劳动供给的下降导致劳动的边际产量增加, 这导致工资的上升.《期刊摘选》

167. His voice rose almost to a scream.


168. She is a rising new star.


169. The morning fog usually melts away as the sun rises.


170. Allow the loaves to rise until just about double in size.


171. ...the rise of racism in America.


172. We anticipate that sales will rise next year.


173. Convictions will rise steeply now that photographic evidence is admissible.


174. Statistics show the crime rate rising more dramatically in those allegedly tranquil areas than in cities.


175. The red sun, rising in the east, shone on the happy village.

一轮红日从东方升起, 照耀着这个快乐的村庄.《简明英汉词典》

176. Wage increases were eaten up by the rise in the cost of living.


177. US chain store sales rose + 0.5 pct and the Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index held at 4.


178. Tony had risen early and gone to the cottage to work.


179. There is a new spirit rising in men.


180. Every Friday The B á b would go up to the roof and pray until the sun rose.


181. Industrial strength rising rapidly.


182. The rising and developing of social intermediate organizations has become a thing of certainty in country.


183. The sun rises above the horizon.


184. The price of land is rising rapidly.


185. The first tsunamis might have looked like angry waves or rapidly rising tides.


186. The limiting nutrient, P. rose, most rapidly, which caused the ratio of N : P to decrease.

30多年来湖体中形态营养元素含量有较大增长, 尤其是磷增长最快, 使 氮磷 比下降.《期刊摘选》

187. Can a new party rise from the ashes of the old one?


188. But after that I am risen, I will go before you into Galilee.

28但我复活以后, 要在你们以先往加利利去.《期刊摘选》

189. The rise of computers has led to technical innovations in almost every aspect of human life.


190. But when Herod heard of it, he kept saying, John, whom I beheaded, has risen!

可 6:16 希律听见 、 却说 、 是我所斩的约翰 、 他复活了.《期刊摘选》

191. Pre-tax profits rose from £842,000 to £1.82m...


192. Cover and let rise again until double in bulk , approx . 60 minutes.


193. The carpet rose again and almost at once they were in a thick rainforest.


194. For most Americans, merrily to rise.


195. The world art market had already been losing momentum for a while after rising bewilderingly since 2003. 

世界艺术品市场在经历了自2003年以来的急剧增长后,相当长一段时间以来已经失去 了其原有的发展势头。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

196. The three environmental trends—the shortage of fresh water, the loss of topsoil and the rising temperatures—are making it increasingly hard to expand the world’s grain supply fast enough to keep up with demand.

三大环境趋势——淡水资源短缺,水土流失,全球变暖——使世界粮食供应的增长速度越来越难跟上粮食需求的增长速度。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

197. Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level.


198. Should I ask my boss for a rise?


199. Its budding, rise, growth and maturing are closely related with the influence of western intellectual poetics.

它的萌芽 、 兴起 、 发展与成熟离不开西方知性诗学的影响.《期刊摘选》

200. A new star is rising.


201. So they kept the matter to themselves , questioning what rising from dead meant.

他们遵守了这话, 却彼此讨论从死者中复活是什么意思.《期刊摘选》

202. Consumption of oil increases even after it rose in price.


203. Interest rates rise from 4% to 5%.


204. The rise of computer technology has transformed industry.


205. I refuse to rise to that sort of comment.


206. The economy had begun to slump, unemployment had risen.

经济开始萧条, 失业人数上升.《辞典例句》

207. Apple shares rose $ 6.25 to $ 101.60 in morning trading Thursday on the Nasdaq Stock Market.


208. The noodles aren't rising , I am wondering whether we put enough yeast powder in.


209. The revolutionary innovation gave rise to the soar skyscraper.


210. Seven weeks or 50 after Passover, the time when Jesus rose from the dead.

逾越节七个星期或五十天后, 耶稣死而复活了.《期刊摘选》

211. Because the sun rises and sets gradually, I used gradually changing light during twilight.

因为太阳是逐渐升起和没落的, 于是在晨昏时分我使用了逐渐变化的光线.《辞典例句》

212. Lending by banks rose to$ 10 billion last year.


213. He will get a pay rise of nearly £4,000.


214. If convenient, vigorously stir the dough once about halfway through the rise.

如果方便的话, 可以在发酵到一半的时候大力揉搓面团.《期刊摘选》

215. Steam rose from her mug of cocoa.


216. Online spending on Black Friday will rise 15 percent to hit 7 billion dollars this year.

今年,“黑色星期五”的在线支出将会上升15%,达到27 亿美元。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

217. the rise of fascism in Europe


218. RFID ( Frequency Identification ) is an automatic identification technology rising in recent years.

射频识别 ( RFID ) 技术是近年来兴起的一门自动识别技术.《期刊摘选》

219. The rising population has outstretched the city.


220. Within two months Kelly got a rise.


221. But overall consumption is still on the rise, as tastes have been gradually Westernized.


222. However, market shares rose after a row, the content can appear magnified, Pupil differences increased significantly.

不过股大盘在经过连续上扬之后, 量能出现放大, 多空分歧明显增加.《期刊摘选》

223. The sun set and a swollen orange moon rose slowly above the desert.


224. Then my problems and despair are removed by the risen Lord.


225. The expectation is that property prices will rise.


226. A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.


227. Ring of Valor: The small pillars will now rise immediately once the arena begins.

勇气竞技场: 小柱子会在竞技场战斗开始之后立刻升起.《期刊摘选》

228. We have had to raise our prices because of rising costs.


229. The sudden rise in share prices has confounded economists.


230. With the rising of public awareness for environment protection, consumers increasing preference towards natural fiber textiles.

随着生态与环保意识的增强, 消费者越来越青睐天然纤维纺织品.《期刊摘选》

231. In recent years corporate downsizing has been on the rise throughout the world.


232. House prices are expected to rise sharply.


233. The rise in interest rates will push prices up.


234. But China cannot sour on the dollar without letting its own currency rise.


235. A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement...


236. Rose is making an appearance and some of the smaller producers are making their presence felt.


237. Parkinson's Second Law: Expenditures rise to meet income.

帕金森第二定律: 支出增加以符合收入.《期刊摘选》

238. Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.


239. The river has risen (by) several metres.


240. They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.


241. Let rise for another 30 minutes until braid is plump and doubled in size.


242. Prices are expected to rise even higher this year.


243. A school of minnows rises up, flashing silver in the moonlight like a new constellation.

一群鱼随浪升起, 在月光下闪耀着银辉,好似一个新的星座.《期刊摘选》

244. The health care debate also fueled the rise of the called Tea Party movement.


245. Enhanced security measures since then, combined with a rise in airline travel due to the improving economy and low oil prices, have resulted in long waits at major airports such as Chicago's O'Hare International.

从那以后,安检措施有所加强,加上由于经济好转以及油价降低带来的航空旅行人数的增加,导致了人们在诸如芝加哥奥黑尔国际机场这样的主要机场长时间等待的状况。 《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

246. Sales rose 55 per cent to Won 5 , 974 bn.

销售额增长55%, 达到5.974万亿韩元.《期刊摘选》

247. Rising job losses appear likely to cut into future sales.


248. In the last year alone, despite an increase in the UK population and a subsequent rise in the number of households, sales of toilet paper fell by 2%, with the average household reducing their toilet roll spending from £43 in 2014 to £41 in 2015.

仅在去年一年,尽管英国人口增加了,家庭的数量也随之增加,但是卫生纸的销售量下降了2%,普通家庭在卫生纸上的开销从2014 年的43 英镑减少到2015 年的41 英镑。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

249. The towers rise out of a concrete podium.


250. Just ask any professing born again believer how they know that Jesus rose from the dead?


251. They are sticking out for a higher pay rise.


252. He fights, or seems to fight, the rising fury.


253. Byestimate, the share of Gulf savings invested locally has risen from 15 % to 25 % since 2002.

据估计,自2002年至今, 海湾地区的储蓄用于投资当地的比例已由15%上升到25%.《期刊摘选》

254. The north of the country rose in rebellion against the government.


255. Foreign nationals have begun leaving because of a sharp rise in violence.


256. The building rose before him, tall and stately...


257. Cover and let the balls rise to double the size again.


258. This will enhance and extend the current rise in commodity prices and inflationary.


259. The graph shows how house prices have risen since the 1980s.


260. While the lowlands are sinking, the sea level is rising.

低地下沉, 海平面就会上升.《期刊摘选》

261. The House rose after they had been sitting for 10 hours.


262. Asfort trap chart, trap in society of Toya jrhyofficialeys revealed a general trexist of steady rise.


263. So even if the birthrate should rise somewhat, little expansion is possible for secondary school enrollments.

因此,即使出生率有所上升, 中小学入学人数不可能有大的增长.《期刊摘选》

264. Must strengthen the controlled price excessively quickly rise the confidence, the stable society anticipated.

要增强控制价格过快上涨的信心, 稳定社会预期.《期刊摘选》

265. I try to rise above prejudice.


266. Chinese VC investments rose by 50 to 60 per cent last year.


267. Deloitte argues that anew organisational form is on the rise: a network of teams is replacing the conventional hierarchy ( 等级体制).

德勤表示,一种新的组织形式正在兴起:团队网络将代替传统的等级体制。《17年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

268. Third, the rise of the revolutionary movement of the people in Japan and the Japanese colonies.


269. Nor is Japan the only country to rise quickly and then suffer in this fashion.


270. Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.


271. Her spirits rose (= she felt happier) at the news.


272. The growth in public money for academic research has speeded the process: federal research grants rose fourfold between 1960 and 1990, but faculty teaching hours fell by half as research took its toll.

用于学术研究的公共资金不断增长,加快了专业化过程:从19660到1990年,联邦研究经费增加了四倍,但教师授课时长减少了一般,因为研究工作产生了负面影响。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

273. Silver mist rises gently from the lake.


274. For now is Christ risen from the dead, the first fruits of them that sleep.

因现在基督已经从死里复活, 成为睡了之人初熟的果子.《期刊摘选》

275. She had a notion that the share market would rise.


276. Dunn, for example, says they would all agree that the Risen Jesus is the Ascended Lord.

也就是说, 既没有信仰传统也没有手稿, 早期的信徒也不认为耶稣是“复活”,从死亡中复活.《期刊摘选》

277. The water was rising fast.


278. Share prices fell early on but rose again late in the day.



1. Tanzania has seen a rise in sectarian violence between Christians and Muslims in recent times.

BBC: Tanzania church hit by deadly explosion

2. The pay rise attracted criticism from various consumer groups, including the National Campaign for Water Justice.

BBC: Water chief sees salary doubled

3. Because as we'll talk about next time, rates of depression are on the rise, rates of anxiety are on the rise, not just in this country, globally.

因为就像我们下次课会说到的那样,抑郁率呈上升趋势,焦虑率呈上升趋势,不只是在这个国家,是全球化的现象。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

4. That would that would give rise to a perpetual motion machine, breaking of the second law. It can't happen.

否则就会使,得永动机出现,打破第二定律那是不可能的。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. How high will it rise? To what height will it rise?

它能运动多高基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear-power generation.


7. What gave rise in the Western world to what is called "hermeneutics" was in fact the Protestant Reformation.

事实上是西方的新教改革“,导致了所谓的“诠释学“的产生。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. some of good, some of evil substance, and yet God, in that unapocryphal vision, said without exception, "Rise, Peter, kill and eat," leaving the choice to each man's discretion.

都是一些好的或是不好的物质,上帝经过真实所见,说没有特例,“上升,彼得,杀死然后吃“,把决策权留给每个人自由决定。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Generally it has been inflationary after 1933; central banks have generally gradually allowed prices to rise.

大体上在1933年之后,一直处于通货膨胀时期;,中央银行大都,渐渐将价格抬高。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. The price of natural gas has already been on the rise, but remains relatively low.

FORBES: Leave Yamana Alone, Head For Chesapeake

11. Even the development of this theory of absolute rule is in response to the rise of these territorial states like Spain, and France, and Russia later.

绝对主义理论的发展,是与领土国的兴起相呼应,像西班牙,法国,以及后来的俄国欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Critics see a different reason why products like eggs and hamburger rise to the top.

FORBES: Cheap Foods That Are Good For You

13. Continue our example with the assumption that short-term rates rise another percentage point in year two before stabilizing.

FORBES: Stretch That Yield

14. More than half the rise in the population of England and Wales was due to migration.

BBC: Census shows rise in foreign-born

15. They lift their eyes to the tall rock walls that rise hundreds of meters up from the floor of the valley.

VOA : special.2010.07.05

16. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke says the large amounts being paid are part of the reason for the rise in hijackings.

VOA : special.2009.04.25

17. And the upper age limit should rise from 39 to 42 in England and Wales.

BBC: IVF should be given sooner and to older women, says NICE

18. Israel's descent to Egypt sets the stage for the rise of a pharaoh who, the text says, didn't know Joseph and all that he had done for Egypt.

以色列人下埃及也为一个法老的得势打下基础,文中说法老不认识约瑟夫,也不知他为埃及做的一切。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Unemployment continues to rise and is bound to pressure consumer portfolios in the coming months.

FORBES: Shiny Returns, Shaky Foundations

20. Of course, much of spotlight has been on Toyota's rise in Japan, but Chinese automakers also have ambitions.

NPR: Chinese Company to Sell Cars with Chrysler in U.S.

21. "We've absorbed some of the rise but we're now looking at our costs carefully, " she added.

BBC: Cornish pasty makers fear potato price may raise costs

22. Fashions come and go, reputations rise and fall.


23. He enjoyed a meteoric rise to power.


24. Many of the caterpillars live on the leaves of forest trees such as the Dahoma, which can rise more than 8 meters.

VOA : special.2009.01.27

25. Experts say job losses might slow later this year, but the unemployment rate could rise until the middle of next year.

VOA : special.2009.05.29

26. When it was almost time for the sun to rise, she quietly left her house and hurried through the forest.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

27. An impacted wisdom tooth is one that fails to completely rise through the gums -- the term is erupt.

VOA : special.2011.08.10

28. She signed it. Then,as she started to rise from the table, Azalea Adair fainted and fell to the floor.

VOA : special.2010.06.12

29. Gartner, on the other hand, still believes that PC shipments could rise 2 percent this year.

FORBES: Did Apple or the Economy Cause the PC Sales Slump?

30. And sexual selections give rise to a host of organisms, some of which survive and are fit and others which aren't.

性选择导致了大量有机体的产生,其中的一些有机体生存了下来,适应了竞争,而其他则遭到淘汰。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. The pros also think the U.S. dollar and commodities will both rise sharply in 2010.

FORBES: The Smart Money Is Conflicted

32. Beyond, purple-shaded mountains rise from the deep blue mist like ships floating on water.

BBC: A tranquil slice of Tanzania

33. Then there is the middle step, the green hills that rise from 1, 000m to 4, 000m.

BBC: Long-distance swimming in Nepals glacial mountain lakes

34. But the action of the Republic takes place long before the defeat of Athens, before the rise of the Thirty and the execution of Athens .

但《理想国》撰写的时间,远早于雅典战败,及三十暴君掌权之前,也早于雅典被处决之前。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. It turns out that jobs in health care, business and computer science rise to the top.

FORBES: The Best-Paying Jobs For Women In 2013

36. At such speeds, temperatures outside a spaceplane can rise to more than 1, 000 degrees Celcius.

FORBES: As SpaceX Launches, Hybrid Engine May Have A Cheaper Solution?To Space Travel

37. All agreed that global temperatures should not rise by more than an average of two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

VOA : special.2009.07.11

38. If rates rise quickly, bond prices could fall sharply and cash could start to earn higher yields.

FORBES: The Smart Money Is Conflicted

39. The tenor of Republican politics changed significantly with the rise of the conservative movement.

CNN: After Trump, will GOP accept higher taxes?

40. Those scientists included researchers who question the idea that human activity is causing temperatures in the atmosphere to rise.

VOA : special.2010.04.27

41. The highest was an 8.2% rise in Guangzhou, almost double the rate in the previous month.

BBC: China media: Japan radar lock

42. It about a newly wealthy black family that moved into a New York City high-rise with mostly white neighbors.

VOA : special.2009.05.04

43. If several of these conditions are present at the same time, a person's body temperature may rise above safe levels.

VOA : special.2010.07.27

44. The tax will rise from the current 3% to 5% from the start of June.

BBC: Shopping for healthy food

45. That energy will be absorbed by the hydrogen atom, n=1 the electron will rise from n equals one n=2 to n equals two.

这能量将会被氢原子吸收,这个电子会从,上升到。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. If interest rates go up, won't foreclosures rise?


47. The house was situated on a rise.


48. January is the traditional time of year for teeth gnashing from rail passengers as fares rise again.

BBC: Have train fares gone up or down since British Rail?

49. MasterCard reported a 21% rise in credit card spending for its third quarter on November 2.

FORBES: 2012: Get Ready For A Slow First Half

50. He acted in the belief that slaves throughout the south would rise up against their owners and join him.

VOA : special.2009.07.02

51. In the meantime, as bills rise, energy companies continue to face the ire of customers.

BBC: Ian Marchant: philosopher chief

52. In both cases the higher cost reserves will come into play only when prices rise sharply.

FORBES: The Best Thing About Shale Gas: We Know Where It Is

53. Many come toting their own surfboards and rise early to hang 10 on the open, near-deserted beaches.

BBC: Uruguays laid-back surfing devil

54. The rise time and the peak energy and the sustained duration of some of these sounds are highly detrimental to our hearing.

某些声响的起始,高峰以及持续阶段,对我们听力的损害,是极大的。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

55. He said they would rise up at the first sign of a leader who wished to break their chains.

VOA : special.2009.06.18

56. However, since they introduced this legislation in 2003, health insurance costs have continued to rise by double digits.

FORBES: Head To Head: Small-Biz Health Care

57. Consider the meteoric rise of social networks and how they shape our children's experiences.

CNN: Why parents should educate their kids about tech

58. By the same token, if literature has effects, it must have effects on someone, and this gives rise to the equally interesting and vexing question, "What is a reader?"

同样,如果文学史有影响的,它一定会对某些人产生影响,它也会引出一个同样有趣,而恼人的问题,“读者是谁?“文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. If you did that what would happen is you would see antibody levels rise even more sharply than before.

如果这么做,会发生什么,与第一次接种相比,抗体浓度急剧上升生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. In sync with the rise of modern, international-style hotels is a boom in chic international restaurants.

FORBES: Magazine Article

61. Professor Johnson suspects a strong link between the rise of instant and casual communication online and an increase in writing mistakes.

VOA : special.2010.01.28

62. Labour had said the rise would be wrong at a time when the economic recovery was still fragile.

BBC: Labour loses fuel rise delay vote

63. Well...inequalities are growing in India and the poor of course benefit when there is high growth becasue their incomes rise but inequalities also rise.

嗯,印度的不平等现象还在加剧,当经济高速增长时,穷人也能受益,因为他们的收入增长了,但同时分配不公的现象也增多了。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

64. The epic also explains and mirrors the rise of Babel as one of the great cities in the Ancient Near East.

史诗也解释并且映射了巴比伦王国的兴起,它是古代近东繁盛的城市之一。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. Governments have agreed to try to keep the rise in average global temperatures to below 2C.

BBC: Science correspondent, BBC News




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annual的意思是:adj. 一年一度的;年度的;(植物)一年生的 n. 一年生植物;年刊,年鉴。学考宝为您提供annual是什么意思,annual的翻译,annual的用法,annual的短语搭配,annual的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Yanqui的意思是:n. (西)美国人 adj. 美国的;美国人的。学考宝为您提供Yanqui是什么意思,Yanqui的翻译,Yanqui的用法,Yanqui的短语搭配,Yanqui的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


annoy的意思是:v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰。学考宝为您提供annoy是什么意思,annoy的翻译,annoy的用法,annoy的短语搭配,annoy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


battlefields的意思是:n. 战场;斗争领域;争论主题。battlefield的复数。学考宝为您提供battlefields是什么意思,battlefields的音标,battlefields怎么读,battlefields的翻译,battlefields的用法,battlefields的短语搭配,battlefields的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


announce的意思是:v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职。学考宝为您提供announce是什么意思,announce的翻译,announce的用法,announce的短语搭配,announce的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


open-mouthed的意思是:adj. 惊愕得张大嘴的;目瞪口呆的。学考宝为您提供open-mouthed是什么意思,open-mouthed的翻译,open-mouthed的用法,open-mouthed的短语搭配,open-mouthed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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