莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈpænɪk]play美 [ˈpænɪk]play

  • n. 恐慌,惊慌;人心惶惶,惶恐不安;忙乱,慌乱;粟,稷,糜子
  • adj. 恐慌的
  • v. (使)恐慌,(使)惊慌失措
  • 【名】 (Panic)(罗)帕尼克(人名)

复数 panics 第三人称单数 panics 现在分词 panicking 过去式 panicked 过去分词 panicked

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


panic /ˈpænɪk/ CET4 TEM4 [ panicking panicked panics ]

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Panic is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear that makes you act without thinking carefully. 惊慌

    An earthquake has hit the capital, causing damage to buildings and panic among the population.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Panic or a panic is a situation in which people are affected by a strong feeling of anxiety. 恐慌局面

    There was a moment of panic as it became clear just how vulnerable the nation was.



    I'm in a panic about getting everything done in time.


  • 3.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you panic or if someone panics you, you suddenly feel anxious or afraid, and act quickly and without thinking carefully. 使惊慌; 惊慌

    Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded.



    The unexpected and sudden memory briefly panicked her.




  • adj.

    panicky 恐慌的;惊慌失措的


  • n.恐慌,惊慌;[金融]大恐慌


  • adj.恐慌的;没有理由的


  • vt.使恐慌



panic alarm horror terror 【导航词义:惊慌,惊恐】

panic n. 惊恐,惊慌

〔辨析〕 指突然产生的强烈的害怕或紧张之感,使人无法理智地思考和行动。

例1: No one knows why she fled in panic.


例2: He got into a panic when he realised that he couldn't meet the deadline.


alarm n. 惊慌,惊恐

〔辨析〕 指因意识到可能发生的坏事或危险而产生的惊恐或担忧之感。

例1: He turned back in alarm.


例2: There is growing alarm at the increase in food contamination.


horror n. 惊恐

〔辨析〕 指非常强烈的震惊或恐惧之感,含有厌恶的意味。

例1: She recoiled with horror when she saw a big snake.


例2: To his horror, he realized there were blood stains on his coat.


terror n. 恐惧,惊恐

〔辨析〕 强调极度的恐惧,语义最强。

例1: Several bombs went off one after another, and she screamed in terror.


例2: The sound of gun shots struck terror into the children's hearts.



1. financial panic 金融恐慌;经济恐慌

2. moral panic 道德恐慌

3. panic button 应急开关;紧急保险按钮

4. panic buying 抢购,恐慌性抢购

5. BiXian Panic 笔仙惊魂

6. in panic 惊慌的

7. panic attack 惊恐发作(一种病症)

8. Panic buying 抢购 ; 恐慌性抢购 ; 抢购风 ; 恐慌购买

9. Panic Room 战栗空间 ; 颤栗空间 ; 房不胜防 ; 战栗之屋

10. Gals Panic 写真天蚕变 ; 天蚕变 ; 真天

11. no panic [美国俚语]不大高明;平凡

12. Full Metal Panic 全金属狂潮 ; 惊爆危机 ; 全金属怒潮 ; 全金属狂潮I原声音乐

13. kernel panic 内核错误 ; 内核严重错误 ; 内核恐慌 ; 内核崩溃

14. Panic disorder 恐慌症 ; 惊恐障碍 ; 惊恐症

15. panic disorder 惊恐性障碍,恐慌症


1. Crashes are driven by panic as much as by underlying economic factors.


2. He had become separated from his parents in the ensuing panic.


3. I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane.


4. I can vividly remember the feeling of panic.


5. You can either pray or panic.


6. The gunfire panicked the horses.


7. War rumours have caused [ started ] a panic.

战争的 谣传 已引起恐慌.《现代汉英综合大词典》

8. Panic took hold of him and he couldn't move.


9. Fear and panic paralysed normal market functions.


10. She suddenly got into a panic and stopped her car.


11. A sense of normality is replacing panic.


12. Nina felt a sudden dart of panic.


13. The unexpected and sudden memory briefly panicked her...


14. I got dres - sed panicking in full.


15. There was a moment of panic in Britain as it became clear just how vulnerable the nation was...


16. As much of Mexico City shut down at the height of a panic, cases began to crop up in New York City, the southwestern United States and around the world.

在墨西哥城大部分地区在恐慌高峰时期关闭的同时,病情突然在纽约、美国西南部 以及世界其他地区出现。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

17. Screaming and shouting erupted, and panic seized the crowd that began to flee in all directions.

惊慌失措的人群,有的呼喊,有的尖叫, 四处逃命.《期刊摘选》

18. News of the losses caused (a) panic among investors.


19. Do you remember how I panicked like a mad man when Jonathon was born?

你还记得乔纳森出生时我惊慌失措的样子 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

20. You can always rely on Flavia to keep a level head when everybody else is panicking.


21. He was still blustering, but there was panic in his eyes.


22. Something akin to panic swept the National Aeronautic and Space Agency.


23. Panic buying has been crucial to OPEC success.


24. Rumours of an imminent earthquake started a panic.


25. An earthquake hit the capital, causing panic among the population


26. Imagine if a sound could make you panic or fly into a rage.


27. This study contemporarily probes into spread rule of psychological panic, and put forward moderating.

同时探讨了心理恐慌的传播规律并提出了解释心理恐慌的 “ 风险源中心缓冲效应 ”.《期刊摘选》

28. An earthquake hit the capital, causing panic among the population...


29. I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of the engine.


30. A recent sales hiccup is nothing to panic about


31. Monica: ( panicked ) The oven is on.

( 开始惊慌 ) 烤箱还开着呢.《期刊摘选》

32. There is no need to panic.


33. Keep calm! Don't panic!

沉住气, 别慌!《现代汉英综合大词典》

34. There's no point getting into a panic about the exams.


35. I got into a panic when I found the door being locked.


36. The government panicked into imposing a kind of cultural homogeneity.


37. Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic.


38. Increasing picture if Shui Wei is blue, such player begins fall and indistinct and panic.


39. It was panic stations when the police arrived to search the building.


40. There is a thin dividing line between educating the public and creating a predisposition to panic.


41. I was gripped by a feeling of panic.


42. Panic seized her.


43. This accomplished, a panic came upon him, and he unwrapped them all and counted them again.

做完以后, 他忽然感到一阵恐慌, 于是把它们完全拿出来打开,重新数过.《英汉文学 - 热爱生命》

44. He felt a sudden rush of panic at the thought.


45. The news sent the Stock Exchange into a panic.


46. His hand moved to his mouth as he tried to damp down the panic.


47. A wave of panic spread through the crowd.


48. Talking to counselor could help a person learn to deal with or avoid a panic attack.


49. A kernel panic . The grey curtain slowly falls. Now you must restart.


50. Once or twice I experienced a moment of fear dit was fear on panic.


51. Her calm expression hid her inward panic.


52. The intervention of the most powerful agencies failed to stem the tide of panic sales.


53. Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded...


54. Take it easy! Don't panic.


55. As panic sets in, bond yields lurch sickeningly upwards and fear spreads to shares and currencies.

随着恐慌的出现, 债券收益率陡然暴涨,股市和汇市随之惊慌一片.《期刊摘选》

56. And this panic is showing meaningful signs of abating.


57. Panic swept through the swimmers as they saw the shark approaching.


58. It is by no means clear that the financial markets will not relapse into panic.


59. Don't be panic. The swine flu is not so terrible as thinking of.

不要惊慌! 猪流感并没有如同想象中那么可怕.《期刊摘选》

60. But banks are opaque and markets prone to panics, so CDS prices could easily be wrong.

但银行操作是不透明的而且市场倾向于恐慌情绪, 所以CDS价格很容易出错.《期刊摘选》

61. A small panic mode that turns the screen black.


62. The amazing thing was the lack of panic.


63. The panic pulled stock prices down.


64. Panic took hold of him and he couldn't move.


65. Don't judge the total experience by this short span of time and most certainly, DON'T PANIC!

一定不要用这么短的一段时间来判断全部的经验而最无疑的是, 不要恐慌!《期刊摘选》

66. This panic selling behaviour pattern signals the end of the main section of the bear market.


67. It was a moment of blind panic.


68. There's no panic (= we do not need to rush) , we've got plenty of time.


69. The look and feel panic, the industry has accounted for more than face.

黯然且恐慌的神色, 已经占据了多个行业的面孔.《期刊摘选》

70. Some investors panic when stock prices fluctuate wildly.


71. She didn't panic when the bear saw her.


72. The government insisted that it would not be panicked into interest rate cuts.


73. a moment of panic


74. Panic set in as gatecrashers tried to force their way through the narrow doors and corridors.


75. He willed himself not to panic.


76. She was able to keep her head and not panic


77. I'm in a panic about getting everything done in time...


78. They were in a state of panic.


79. Woody: This is a perfect time to panic!

胡迪: 这正是恐慌的最佳时间!《期刊摘选》

80. a panic attack (= a condition in which you suddenly feel very anxious, causing your heart to beat faster, etc.)


81. It is worth to panic over.


82. Many people were trampled in the panic that followed


83. Stocks deserved to rise from panic lows.


84. I had an awful pain in my chest and started to panic.


85. It is the season of dollar panic.


86. The policy announcement caused panic buying of petrol.


87. There was a moment of panic in Britain as it became clear just how vulnerable the nation was.


88. Many people were trampled in the panic that followed.


89. Anxious people to panic about the news of the death of Mao.


90. A third and very serious factor is panic.


91. You feel an animal panic to run and hide.


92. There is no reason to panic.


93. There was panic in London; a ship was ready to take George II to Hanover.

伦敦一片惊慌, 载运乔治二世逃往汉诺威的船只已经准备就绪了.《辞典例句》

94. Sudden panic overtook her.


95. Careful planning at this stage will help to avoid a last-minute panic.


96. Such moves may eliminate the fears of those living in the exporting countries, but they are creating panic in importing countries that must rely on what is then left for export

这样的举措或许消除了出口国人民的忧虑,但是却在必须靠当时剩余的出口粮维生的进口国引发了恐慌《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

97. The plunge of the stock market caused many investors to panic and sell their stock.


98. Cooper panics and has a psychotic attack, locking herself in the chapel.

Cooper感到恐慌,发作了精神症状, 将她自己锁在小礼堂里.《期刊摘选》

99. If you loseway, don't panic.

要是你迷路, 不要惊慌.《期刊摘选》

100. As Nightshard lost its first city, the panic began to spread ( a good sign ).

当暗夜碎片失去第一座城市的时候, 恐慌开始蔓延了.《期刊摘选》

101. Panic-stricken travellers fled for the borders.


102. There was a moment of panic as it became clear just how vulnerable the nation was.


103. Xiao Wang is always fearless and never panics even when in danger.


104. Financial markets are certainly subject to cycles of euphoria and panic.


105. I'm in a panic about getting everything done in time


106. I don't panic in bear markets and bull markets make me uncomfortable.


107. Yesterday afternoon, my son, Tom, fell into the sea at Stanley Park. I panicked.

昨天下午, 我的儿子汤姆在斯坦利公园跌进了海里,当时我十分惊慌.《期刊摘选》

108. Panic seized her.


109. Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling.


110. The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.


111. Meat spoils more quickly without preservatives.


112. He managed to stifle the spasmodic sobs of panic rising in his throat.


113. Office workers fled in panic as the fire took hold.


114. He has such a panic fear after the traffic accident.


115. The waves of panic that wash hot and cold through the body.


116. The man was seized with panic.


117. The thought of flying fills me with panic.


118. When four banks failed in one day, there a panic among businessmen.

当一天“之内”有四家银行倒闭的时候, 企业人士一片恐慌.《期刊摘选》

119. The economic crisis in the panic of torture, agricultural futures almost entirely lost the independence movement.

在经济危机恐慌的折磨下, 农产品期货几乎完全失去了走势的独立性.《期刊摘选》

120. There was a panic when the building caught fire.


121. This is no time to panic.


122. I panicked, I cried ─ the whole ball of wax.


123. In the moment of panic, we shouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

在恐慌的时候, 我们不应该不分好坏的排斥.《期刊摘选》

124. The crowd in a panic fled in all directions.


125. She was a sensible girl and did not panic.


126. Thrown into a panic , Ma Fawu ordered his two corps to withdraw south.

这样,马法五就惊慌了, 命令他的两个军南撤.《期刊摘选》

127. Something like panic overtook me in a flood.


128. His panic was incredible.


129. I phoned the doctor in a panic, crying that I'd lost the baby.


130. a panic decision (= one that is made when you are in a state of panic )


131. A recent sales hiccup is nothing to panic about.


132. NEW: Gaza residents are panicked, fighting among themselves, U . N . official says.

新的: 加沙居民是恐慌的, 自相争吵打架, 联合国官员说.《期刊摘选》

133. News of the losses caused panic among investors.


134. This will allow yourself to understand, assess and plan your execution before time to panic.

这会让你自己在陷入混乱恐慌的局面之前更好地理解 、 评估、计划自己的行事方案.《期刊摘选》

135. And maybe the markets should be panicking about the deficits.


136. No wonder investors have flocked back after a few months of panic.


137. An earthquake has hit the capital, causing damage to buildings and panic among the population.


138. panic buying/selling (= the act of buying/selling things quickly and without thinking carefully because you are afraid that a particular situation will become worse)

恐慌购买 / 抛售《牛津词典》

139. The crowd panicked at the sound the explosion.


140. Buzz: There is no time to panic.

巴斯: 已经没有时间来恐慌了.《期刊摘选》

141. Well. In our house, at least, we did not panic.

然而在我们家里, 不管怎样, 大家并没有惊慌.《期刊摘选》

142. I recognized it instantly and felt a quiver of panic.


143. It'signalled concern about the economy while stopping short of panic measures.


144. Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded.


145. Orson Welles had managed to set in motion a panic across America.


146. The crowd panicked at the ringing of the siren.


147. Something like panic overtook me.


148. But the rescue has not ended the crisis, the panic market still in the extension.

但救助并未终结危机, 市场恐慌仍在延续.《期刊摘选》

149. She gives him a long, queer look, composite of horror and a building panic.

她长时间用一种稀奇的眼光看着他, 眼光里带有恐惧并且越来越惊慌起来.《期刊摘选》


1. Passengers on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit say just as the plane was getting ready to land there was a loud pop, and then panic.

VOA : standard.2009.12.26

2. Hysteria includes phenomena like hysterical blindness and hysterical deafness, which is when you cannot see and cannot hear paralysis, trembling, panic attacks, gaps of memory including amnesia and so on.

癔症的临床表现包括,癔症性失明和癔症性失聪,它们是指你在并无器质性损伤的情况下,此外还有瘫痪,震颤,恐慌症,健忘症之类的记忆缺失等等。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. For a moment of panic, a daft notion, a stupid indulgence in bluster and bravado.

FORBES: The Irish View of the Euro

4. But there was never any panic like there was here."

VOA : standard.2010.05.04

5. "It was pretty much of a shock when I got here." "I mean,if you're going to talk to some of your friends of some of the stuff you saw and you can't describe the smells, the feeling of the heat on your body and the sweat running down your back, the smell of the pus that hits your nose of unwashed bodies in a closed room, the circulation, the smell of your own panic when you're not sure what to do" Other doctors in the film echo Dr.Krueger's sentiments.

VOA : standard.2010.06.29

6. It was panic stations.


7. If you have not seen the calculus that I'm about to use on the board, or more likely, if you've forgotten it since high school, don't panic.

如果你们没有见过我将要,在板书上写的表达式,或者说,高中毕业你们就忘了,没关系博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. In particular as panic attacks, when he seized-- His first panic attack originated when he walked to a swimming pool and he saw a family of ducks flied away, and he got his panic attack.

尤其是在恐慌症发作的时候-,他的首次恐慌症来自于这样一件事,他来到泳池边,看到鸭群飞离游泳池,他就这样患上了恐慌症。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. And earnings season is a time when you see panic-driven buying and selling on display.

FORBES: Earnings Season: Keep Calm And Carry On

10. Smith says that cognitive behavioral tricks can almost eliminate symptoms such as panic attacks.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. "We didn't panic and that's something we've done, but we didn't, " coach Doc Rivers said.

WSJ: Smith's shot off as Knicks fail to wrap up series

12. And this panic attack screws worse and worse until he saw a therapist who ended up describing in medication.

恐慌症造成的压力越来越大,直到他去见了心理医生,进行了药物治疗,恐慌症才得以治愈。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. But while some Mexicans view the swine flu crisis with skepticism, others are reacting with near panic.

VOA : standard.2009.04.30

14. Panic-stricken travellers fled for the borders.


15. What would happen is there would be a panic; " people would say they're not paying on the notes.

这会导致恐慌的发生;,人们会说:“银行没有兑现纸币。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. So, if you have panic attacks, say, it's true that drugs might make the panic attacks go away, but the panic attacks are actually not your real problem.

比如说,如果你患上了恐慌症,或许药物确实能够治疗恐慌症的症状,但是恐慌症的症状却并不是你真正的问题。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Much more on that 1857 panic, as they were called then, a little later in the course, because it's absolutely pertinent to what happened in the great political debates of the late 1850s.

更多的是1857年恐慌,正如他们所说的,稍后会讲到,因为这非常贴切,19世纪50年代晚期发生的著名政治争论美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Driving fast and in a panic, I told him that I had left my son unattended.

BBC: A glimpse inside Mugabe's world

19. Banks are now in full panic mode, struggling to survive and avoiding making any loans.

FORBES: Anatomy of an Economic Meltdown

20. There was confusion and panic as authorities and residents were caught unawares by the unusual downpour and flooding.

VOA : standard.2010.08.06

21. So everyone's in a slight panic now.

现在大家不那么紧张了吧博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. The banking board is worried in case panic spreads to depositors at other Islamic financial institutions.

ECONOMIST: Full of interest

23. The good news is that when the panic is over, preferred-stock prices tend to recover quickly.

FORBES: Forget The Dogs, For Rich Income Look To Dow Preferreds

24. Consumers enter full panic mode, increasing savings against the eventuality of a job loss.

FORBES: Anatomy of an Economic Meltdown

25. And I'm also like everybody else on emails; and I'll get your emails, panic emails at 3:10 in the morning and I'll reply at 4:45. So, it goes like that.

电子邮件我和其他人一样,我会收你们的邮件,早晨3:10紧急邮件,我会在4:45回复,所以就是这样1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. "Stop the panic," Russia's top official for agriculture commanded Russians on Friday as the nation faced a fourth week of baking hot temperatures more normally associated with North Africa.

VOA : standard.2010.07.23

27. Nor are the amounts being talked about enough to remove the risk of panic.

ECONOMIST: The euro zones rescue strategy still does not add up

28. Don't panic!


29. I told myself not to panic.


30. There was a panic and I was rushed to hospital.


31. not the panic zone,where it hurts-- the stretch zone, where there is excitement,where there's some nervousness.

不是会让人受伤的恐慌地带,而是延伸地带,其中有兴奋,还有点紧张。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

32. The problem with this is while he's stuck in there he has this screaming, horrific panic attack and then it makes his fear much worse.

这里的问题是,当他被困在这里时,他会患上令其尖叫与恐惧的恐慌症,这只会让他的恐惧感更加强烈。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. But one fateful Sunday, a frantic pastry chef at the Tropicana Hotel called in a panic.

FORBES: A Rolls Royce Drove My Overnight Success

34. The tumble was followed by a sense of panic that this would end my trip.

WSJ: A Horse-Crazy Girl's Separation Vacation

35. Again, for the math phobics in the room, don't panic, this is just writing down in words what we've already seen a couple of times already today, well today and last time.

在座的有数学恐惧症的同学不必惊慌,这仅仅是用数学表达式来表示,我们今天学到的一些知识点罢了,其实是这一讲和上一讲的知识点博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. In other words, the culture of viral panic is never just about the threat of contagion.

FORBES: Vampires, Literature And The Culture Of Viral Panic

37. Beyond the immediate violence, they strive to create fear and panic in the populous.

FORBES: After the Boston Marathon Bombing: Trust? Are You Kidding?

38. If you're in that category, don't panic, you're going to get it.

如果你属于这种人,别灰心,你会成功的。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. People in panic and fear racing from the scene in clouds of dust and smoke.

FORBES: How The Peace Movement Failed On 9/11

40. During the recent panic in Cyprus, the surging value of Bitcoin captured much media attention.

WSJ: The Weekend Interview With Gavin Andresen: Bitcoin vs. Ben Bernanke

41. "The entire city is in a state of panic - you see for yourselves.

VOA : standard.2010.06.15

42. By the same token, during the panic and bust phase, people become overly pessimistic.

FORBES: By Eliminating Failure, The Government Robs Us Of Success

43. This set off a selling panic on the stock market.

VOA : special.2010.06.17

44. Its co-designer,Karl Alperovich, told VOA that Francis Gary Powers survived because he did not panic as his plane plummeted to the ground.

VOA : standard.2010.05.07

45. The onslaught of worrisome news is creating an investor climate similar to a brief panic that erupted on May 6, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged by 1000 points before bouncing back later in the day, according to UBS Financial Services market analyst Art Cashin.

VOA : standard.2010.05.20

46. In New England, the race is inducing full scale panic, from the bars to talk radio.

FORBES: As Rays Charge, Their Fans Shrug

47. Alec Ross says one project involves a so-called panic button.

VOA : special.2011.06.27

48. There were a number of major causes of the financial crisis and panic of 2008.

FORBES: The Inept Financial Reform Bill

49. If you haven't seen it before don't panic.

如果没学过也没什么博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. The following is adapted from Senseless Panic: How Washington Failed America by William M.


51. I think that we are in a difficult situation but maybe let's not panic about it.

我认为我们正处于一个困难时期,但是也许我们不用为此而恐慌。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. So there sits my panic button waiting to be pushed, its very existence easing my mind.

FORBES: How To Protect Your Retirement Assets From The Coming Crash

53. This is discussed in detail in the textbook Don't panic if you don't get it quite now.

这在教材中已有详细的叙述,如果一下子理解不了也不用担心。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. And the odds that the feds will panic in the U.S. or in Euroland, are increasing.

FORBES: Student Loan Bubble Sets Up To Be Subprime Disaster Part Deux

55. The device didn't work as planned, but it still produced smoke, flame and panic.

NPR: Lawmaker: FBI Checking Training Angle In Bombing

56. You know why focus on digital media were because in the wake of Columbine then we entered into a called period of moral panic, the moral panic is when you stop asking questions and start assuming you know the answers.

把关注点放在电子媒体的原因,是在科罗拉多可伦拜高中枪杀案之后,我们进入了一个叫做“道德恐慌“的时期,道德恐慌就是你不再质问,而是开始臆想你已经知道所有的答案。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

57. If it does the dollar part right, a panic should be a once-in-a-century occurrence.

FORBES: How Capitalism Will Save Us

58. The bearish headlines have gotten bolder, and the panic has gotten worse (notwithstanding the late-November rebound).

FORBES: Media Mayhem

59. None of this will amount to a hill of beans except to swing sentiment and incite panic.

FORBES: Deja Vu Stock Market

60. So there's a panic in the market for securitized mortgages - and the price is often very low or if it's they're very hard to market and hard to sell.

所以,在市场上,证券化按揭贷款引起了恐慌,并且价格通常很低或者说如果它,他们很那出售而且对市场不利。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. There is no reason to panic.

没什么要怕的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : There is no 课堂

62. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is one of the principal culprits in the financial panic of 2008.

FORBES: The Inept Financial Reform Bill

63. And there were early moments of panic at the back as Aberdeen pushed forward.

BBC: Rangers 2-0 Aberdeen

64. Whether epic or merely annoying, when does the January panic begin to feed on itself?

FORBES: The Wealth Effect And You

65. Or films like Panic in the Streets (1950), Omega Man (1971) and Outbreak (1995).

FORBES: Vampires, Literature And The Culture Of Viral Panic





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