莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [sænz]play美 [sænz]play

  • prep. 无,没有(等于 without)

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


sans /sænz/

  • 1.
    介词 If someone or something is sans another thing, they lack the other thing. 无; 没有

    She would not be happy with people seeing her sans makeup.




1. san andreas fault (美)圣安德烈亚斯断层

2. san diego 圣迭哥,圣地亚哥(美国加州港口城市)

3. san francisco bay area 旧金山港湾区

4. Sans Soleil 没有阳光 ; 日月无光 ; 没有太阳

5. san antonio spurs 圣安东尼奥马刺队(NBA球队)

6. Sans Reponse 挑战未来 ; 无解 ; 公视

7. san antonio n. 圣安东尼奥市(美国得克萨斯州南部城市)

8. SANS Institute 系统网络安全协会 ; 美国系统网络安全协会 ; 暨安全研究院 ; 安全协会

9. san francisco bay n. 旧金山湾;海湾

10. aung san suu kyi n. 昂山素季(缅甸反对派领袖)

11. san mateo 圣马特奥市(美国加州)

12. san marino 圣马力诺(意大利半岛东部的国家)

13. sans souci 忘忧宫 ; 无愁宫 ; 桑苏西

14. SANS SOUCIS 茜素斯 ; 茜素斯面霜

15. san fernando 圣费尔南多(阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯省的一座城市)

16. san juan 圣胡安(波多黎哥首都);圣胡安(阿根廷中西部的省及其首府)

17. Source Han Sans 思源黑体

18. san jose n. 圣何塞(美国加州西部城市);圣约瑟(哥斯达黎加首都)

19. san francisco international airport 旧金山国际机场;三藩市国际机场

20. sans-culottes 无套裤汉 ; 无裤党

21. san francisco 旧金山(美国城市)

22. Sans Famille 苦儿流浪记

23. Jerome Sans 杰罗姆·桑斯


1. Shenzhen SANS Testing Machine Co., Ltd is the biggest domestic professional material testing machine manufacture.


2. You can, however, adjust the "tectonic resistance" between the plates and bump away sans resistance.


3. The result was a beautiful, rich and professional free sans-serif.


4. Je regrette d'avoir pris la d é cision sans demander ton avis.


5. Many clubs and galleries now hire the gals for atmosphere sans the sketch element.


6. He arrived at Sans Fil (home for the dying) gaunt, febrile and coughing from tuberculosis.


7. Elle n'y e ? t point , cependant, r é ussi sans l'assentiment de l'immense masse fran? aise.

然而,没有广大民众的支持, 取得这场胜利也是不可能的.《期刊摘选》

8. However, this method requires two PPI sans in the same elevation, so it takes more time.


9. My son lives, and thrives, sans car, at college.


10. Medecins sans frontieres has also been assisting control efforts in Edo State.


11. Should it be a serif or a sans serif for example?


12. No rock. When she came to the bar, she was sans rock.


13. Sans-serif fonts have generally been considered easier to read on the screen.


14. With the large-scale application of storage area networks ( SANs), the management of SANs has become a research focus.


15. Testing and Evaluation of the Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Navigation System ( SANS); Master's thesis


16. J'ai pass é l'examen final sans aucun effort.


17. Using Fibre Channel interconnections, SANs deliver massive packets of data to the servers at gigabIt'speeds.

利用光纤通道互连, SAN以千兆位的速度把大量的数据包 传送给服务器 .《期刊摘选》

18. The process of SANS measurement, and the raw data reduction, is relatively complicated.


19. SANs let users with heterogeneous storage platforms utilize all of its storage resources.


20. Solid technical certifications are also maintained by SANS.


21. The happy couple were also spotted sans Suri later in the same afternoonjogging together。


22. Doge is an Internet meme that became popular in 2013. The meme typically consists of a picture of a Shiba Inu accompanied by multicolored text in Comic Sans font in the foreground.

Doge(神烦狗)是2013年流行起来的一个网络热潮,主要内容是一张日本柴犬的照片表面添加Comic Sans字体显示的各种颜色的文字。

23. NOSIE 30, SAPS, SANS and the holistic happy scale were used.

在研究期间对研究组及对照组定期进行NOSIE-30 、 saps 、 SANS及 总体幸福感量表评定.《期刊摘选》

24. Also, students should take initiative to maintain such ties to beings that function sans Pentium chip.


25. Sans serif: A typeface without series and constructed from strokes of nearly uniform thickness.

无视线字体: 并无视线的字体,它的书刊由差不多同一粗细的线条组成.《期刊摘选》

26. Sous le ciel et sur la terre , tous sont amies, sans fa? on!


27. Grotesque: Group of typefaces classified under the British Standard. A form of the sans serif typeface.

哥耶斯格体: 依英制标准分类的一组字体. 是无衬线字体的一种形式.《期刊摘选》

28. Quelle que soit la distance , vous ê tes tous sont invit é , sans fa? on!


29. L'amour est un fleuve o ù les eaux de deux rivi è res se m ê lent sans se confondre.


30. The crew of Philante picked up a distress signal from the yacht Sans Peur III.


31. For some, talking to oneself is a way to reach group consensus, sans group.


32. Now get ready for SANs.


33. Most of them are sans-serif although there are a few serif options as well.

它们中的大多数是sans - serif字体,也有一部分serif字体。

34. Mieux vaut mourir d'amour que d'aimer sans regrets.


35. There were no potatoes so we had fish and chips sans the chips.


36. Lucida Sans is used for body text and Georgia for headings.

正文使用的是Lucida Sans字体,标题用的是Georgia。

37. Lucida Sans is used for body text and Georgia for headings.

正文使用的是Lucida Sans字体,标题用的是Georgia。

38. Also, a large number of data treatments are needed before one obtains the SANS data for further analysis.


39. Du Du was in his usual spot: the middle of Borgela and Sans-Fil Streets, a hilly hairpin intersection between downtown and the airport.


40. The factor score of SANS of controlled group were compared before study and after study ( P > 0.05 ).

停药组实验前后SANS各分量表间比较差异无显著性 ( P>0.05 ).《期刊摘选》

41. Paris est une solitude peupl é e , une ville de province est un d é sert sans solitude.


42. You could also select a different font than Sans if you think another one looks better.

号,这样能让每个字都缩小到一个更合适的大小。 如果你觉得其他哪种字体更美观,你也可以用它换掉

43. These are typefaces without serifs, otherwise known as sans serif.

此类字体没有衬线, 故又称为“无衬线字体”.《期刊摘选》

44. This inevitably leads to the use of Comic Sans or some other equally hideous font.


45. Once you choose a serif or sans-serif typeface, do not mix the two.

一旦你选择一个serif或sans - serif字体,不要混用。

46. I crossed my arms and hurried home, sans tacos. So, I've been there, Linds.


47. Waterfront restaurants that serve big crab feasts draw men wearing leather loafers sans socks.


48. The geometry of the sans serif, all-caps typography provided that tie.


49. Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything


50. In fact, just as LANs use a diverse mix of technologies, so can SANs.

事实上, 正像局域网采用多种技术的混合, SAN也是如此.《期刊摘选》

51. Conclusions Aripiprazole has better effect as target symptom of SANS and less side effects.


52. It's a modern, slightly-rounded sans serif typeface with five weights.

它是略圆一些的现代版sans serif字体,有5种线型。

53. When the technology needed to facilitate this direct linkage is developed, SANs will become even more important to network managers.


54. The SANS Institute is your one-stop shop for security information, certification programs, and research.

SANS Institute是您获取安全信息、认证项目和研究材料的一站式中心。

55. Doctors Without Borders is a humanitarian organization also known by its French name, Medecins Sans Frontieres.

医生无国界是一个人道主义组织,法文名字叫做Medecins Sans Frontieres。

56. C'est strictement interdit d'entrer sans l'ordre du roi.


57. Sans teeth, sans eyessans taste , sane everything.

没有牙齿, 没有视力,没有口味,没有一切.《期刊摘选》

58. A defining feature of life in outer space (sans artificial gravity, of course).


59. Protocols and interfaces for SANs are wide and varied.


60. Controllers sans that fussy boilerplate code.


61. She would not be happy with people seeing her sans makeup.


62. Sans, brick and stone are generally used in constructing houses.


63. Methods: 200 schizophrenic patients regularly take part in Occupational Therapy were evaluated with the SDSS, BPRS, SAPS, SANS, IPROS, and SRHMS.

方法: 应用社会功能缺陷筛选量表(SDSS) 、 BPRS 、 SAPS 、 SANS 、 IPROS 、 自测健康评定量表(SRHMS)对200例患者进行评估.《期刊摘选》

64. Médecins sans Frontières have opened 2 treatment centres in Abu Gebiha and Kadugli.

无国界医生组织已在Abu Gebiha和卡杜格利开设2个治疗中心。

65. The positive and negative symptoms were measured with the PANSS and SANS.


66. The shake was merely jiggled chocolate milk, sans ice cream.

这个奶昔只是用力摇晃过的巧克力牛奶, 根本没有冰淇淋.《期刊摘选》

67. There is also L'Enigme sans Fin from 1938, works on paper, objects, and projects for stage and screen and selected parts from television programmes reflecting the artist's showman qualities.

此外,还有1938年的《无尽之谜》,纸质作品,物件,舞台和电影项目以及从电视节目中挑选的反映艺术家表演品质的部分。《高考真题- 2015 全国1卷 阅读C》

68. Sans teeth sans eyes, sans tastesans everything.

没有牙,没有眼睛, 没有味觉,没有一切.《期刊摘选》

69. If you are sans sweetie this Valentine's Day, take heart: you're not alone.


70. Inconnu ou famillier, vous ê tes tous des invit é s, sans fa? on.


71. A general knowledge of SANs, including zoning, is recommended.


72. The clinical effect was evaluated with BPRS, SANS and SAPS.

采用BPRS 、 SANS、SAPS和 临床疗效评定标准进行评定.《期刊摘选》

73. Small angle neutron scattering ( SANS) technique is a powerful tool for nanometer structural analysis of materials.


74. Android Sans was used for the text.

Android Sans是用于文本显示。

75. A form of the sans serif typeface.


76. Most SANs use the SCSI protocol over various storage devices.


77. In addition to reliability and performance, SANs promise easier and less costly network administration.

存储局域网除了允诺高可靠性和高性能外, 还允诺网络管理较容易、较便宜.《期刊摘选》

78. From a network manager's perspective, SANs are not difficult to set up.

从网络管理员的眼光看, san不难建立.《期刊摘选》

79. [font=verdana, geneva, arial, sans serif]The fourth character is Susan, a young black lawyer.


80. The harmonious blendofancientcalligraphy and modern sans serif fonts works like a charm.


81. Use sans-serif fonts like Arial or Verdana to make the output more readable.

使用诸如 Arial 或 Verdana 这样的 sans-serif 字体,以使输出更加容易阅读。

82. M é decins sans Fronti è res and Monde are providing technical assistance and supplies.


83. Sans-serif fonts have become the de facto standard for body text on-screen, especially online.



1. On Thursday the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres said Syria's healthcare system had been wrecked by the conflict.

BBC: Syria crisis: Russia won't pressure Assad, says Lavrov

2. Les radios communautaires encouragent des dialogues ouverts, une transparence locale et une voix pour les sans-voix.

UNESCO: Communication et information

3. Leena Menghaney of Medicins Sans Frontieres said India would continue to grant patents on new medicines.

NPR: Drug Maker Novartis Loses India Patent Battle

4. As Cavs owner Dan Gilbert can attest, using Comic Sans leads to people not taking you seriously.

FORBES: Use Comic Sans to Get People to Reveal their Most Sensitive Private Information Online

5. Estate back then, she said, when our house was the hub of Sans Souci.

NPR: Excerpt: 'The Garden Angel'

6. In some ways, you may have heralded a new era of innovation, sans Apple.

FORBES: Dear Apple: Why Are You So Afraid Of Google, Android, And Samsung Group?

7. Lauren Manuel, a South African travel blogger living in Malaysia, once found herself in a foreign country sans passport.

BBC: How safe is your passport?

8. Forget toning shoes, 2010 brought us toning apparel- clothing that promises to shape and tone our bodies sans workout.

FORBES: Weighing In On Worst Words On Diet, Exercise And Body Image

9. It's very tempting, but we'll wait until the price drops that low organically, sans rebates and subscription plans, thanks.

ENGADGET: Circuit City to sell $100 Compaq laptop on Black Friday

10. Charlotte Rampling, no spring chicken either, has posed several times, sans culottes, indeed sans anything at all.

FORBES: Juergen Teller's Naked Ladies

11. Do drugs really have to be so expensive? asks Michelle Childs of Medicins Sans Frontiers.

BBC: Is Novartis ruling a watershed?

12. In the past, the stock market would rarely show its checkbook to a start-up sans profits.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Is the New Economy Dead?

13. KrazyKool: Back up your fighting words with this sans serif typeface that looks like stylized graffiti.

CNN: Top 10 fun fonts

14. Harry also appeared sans sword, but displayed a cross belt, aiguillettes (ornamental braided cords) and sword slings.

FORBES: Wedding Attire Fit For A Prince

15. Writing on the SANS blog, anti-virus analyst Lenny Zeltser ran through the different stages of infection.

BBC: Hackers website

16. Took some heavy lifting on my part, but landing a position sans connections is still possible in 2011.

FORBES: 3 Myths About Networking That Need To Die

17. The really surprising news was the 24.4% of the sample sans a debit card.

FORBES: Consumers' Debit Card Spending Patterns: Reactions to Bank of America and the "Law of Unintended Consequences"?

18. The performance of Chicago's bench has stunned many who saw no hope for the Bulls sans Rose.

WSJ: Bulls: Does Chicago Need Derrick Rose?

19. The BBC uses Gill Sans typefaces in corporate branding and Westminster Cathedral retains its Stations of the Cross.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Can the art of a paedophile be celebrated?

20. Visually everything has been stripped down, with thin clean sans-serif fonts, large images and lots of soft grays.

ENGADGET: Myspace teases slick new revamp with minimalist flair (video)

21. On the other hand, sans the whole security thing, this is a pretty plausible scenario.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

22. So Judge Sean dutifully approved the merger sans the severance bonus for Mr. Horton.

FORBES: Paid To Fail: Bankrupt American Airlines CEO Slated For $20 Million Severance

23. And because he was sans diaper when the famous shot was taken, there are other questions.


24. Sans TXU, CCC loans are up 9.29% over the first three months of 2012.

FORBES: Connect

25. Sans-Souci was completed in 1813, at the cost of hundreds, maybe even thousands of labourers' lives.

BBC: Haiti's Sans-Souci Palace : A journey to the past

26. The party was immensely popular with locals, and they decided to repeat it the following year, sans ceremony.

FORBES: Oktoberfest Munich 2011: How to Do it Right

27. On the line now is Mark Hermont in Nairobi, who is from the aid agency Medicins sans Frontiere.

BBC: Sudan - should we do more?

28. Turkey ranks 138th in the international media freedom group Reporters Sans Frontieres country index on press freedom.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Turkey's cautionary tale

29. "The ruling will save a lot of lives across the developing world, " said aid agency Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF).

BBC: Novartis India case: Campaigners hail patent rejection

30. For me at least, a California sans foie gras is going to be that much less tasty.

FORBES: Why California's Foie Gras Ban Is A Bad Idea: Other Liver Tastes Nasty







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glow的意思是:v. 发出微弱而稳定的光;(脸部或身体)发红,发热;喜形于色,容光焕发;发出艳丽色彩 n. 微弱稳定的光;(脸部或身体发出的)红润光泽;兴高采烈;金色,红色;灼热 【名】 (Glow)(美)格楼(人名)。学考宝为您提供glow是什么意思,glow的翻译,glow的用法,glow的短语搭配,glow的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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pump case的意思是:[机] 泵壳。学考宝为您提供pump case是什么意思,pump case的翻译,pump case的用法,pump case的短语搭配,pump case的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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flaying的意思是:n. 剥皮术;剥皮 v. 剥……的皮;严厉批评(flay 的 ing 形式)。学考宝为您提供flaying是什么意思,flaying的翻译,flaying的用法,flaying的短语搭配,flaying的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


glorious的意思是:adj. 光荣的,值得称道的;辉煌的,绚丽的;极其愉快的;(天气)阳光灿烂的。学考宝为您提供glorious是什么意思,glorious的翻译,glorious的用法,glorious的短语搭配,glorious的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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