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language family

language family

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  • 语系:一组从共同祖先演化而来的语言。

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. Indo-European Language Family 印欧语系

2. Semito-Hamitic language family 亚非语族 ; 闪哈语系

3. Malayo-Polynesian language family 利尼西亚语系

4. Altaic language family 阿尔泰语系 ; 多从阿尔泰语系

5. common language family 计 公共语言系列

6. Tai-Kadai Language Family 台 ; 卡岱语系

7. Austronesian language family 南岛语系 ; 南岛语族

8. Mongolian language family 蒙古语族

9. Germanic language family 日尔曼语族


1. Wanzhou dialect belongs to southwest mandarin of northern language family.


2. Some are languages in the Chinese language family while others began right here on the island.


3. Etymological studies used to be conducted within one language or at most one language family.


4. When we review the comparative research of Altai language family and try to explore new way, the principle of similar semantic should be given more attention.


5. On Comparative Methods in the Altaic Language Family from the Origin of Numeral "One"


6. There have been over a hundred years of research on the Altai language family, in which the historical comparative way has been applied fully.


7. Chinese doesn't belong to the same language family with French, Arabic or English, therefore, many peoples feel Chinese is very difficult to write.


8. It is necessary for explaining the concept of programming to design a small and suitable model programming language family with a clear syntactic and semantic definition.


9. Tentative on Several Common Words in Altai Language Family


10. Conclusions Zangzu , Tuzu , Yizu , Pumi, Jino , and Baizu, which belong to Sino - Tibetan language family, carry a high YAP ? +? frequency.

结论 YAP +频率在部分汉藏语系民族(藏 、 彝 、 普米 、 基诺 、 白族)中频率较高.《互联网》

11. So both stammer and stutter evolved from the same Germanic language family.

因此,stammer 和 stutter 都由日耳曼语语系演化而来。

12. Arabic, belonging to the Afro-Asiatic language family, includes both the literary language and varieties of Arabic spoken across the Middle East, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa.


13. A major branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family.


14. Does the Harbin university engineering Far East academy language family recruit a boy student?

哈尔滨理工大学远东学院韩语系招男生 么 ?《互联网》

15. Austronesian languages, by contrast, may have the simplest sounds of any language family.


16. The Indo-European language family is the first and most widely investigated language family of the world.


17. What is a language family? What is a family tree?


18. Dongxiang dialect is one of Mongolian language family in Altaic.


19. Being similar in letters, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, etc, both German and English belong to Indo-European language family and Teutonic.


20. Hedges, as a member of vague language family, have aroused great interest among the scholars both at home and abroad during the past decades.


21. What is a language family? What is a family tree?


22. As an important member of the fuzzy language family, hedge is always a hot research subject which the linguists are interested in.


23. As we all know, Korean and Chinese belong to different language family.


24. An extinct branch of the Indo-European language family thought by some to be related to Armenian.


25. From the point of view of its origin, it belongs to the Sino — Tibetan language family.

从她的起源来看, 汉语属于汉藏语系(包括汉语、藏语、缅甸语等).《互联网》

26. Chinese doesn't belong to the same language family with French, Arabic or English, therefore, many peoples feel Chinese is very difficult to write.


27. These two genetic Cousins of English, in the Indo-European language family, are child's play compared with some.


28. Dongxiang language is one of the Mongolian languages of Altai language family, while Linxia dialect is one of the Chinese Northwest dialects.


29. Hani language belongs to Yi language of Zang-Mian of Han-Zang language family, and it is SOV language.


30. Where there is a word breaker for the language family, but not for the specific sub-language, the major language is used.


31. But an opposite theory insists that the southem dialects are not descendants of Chinese language family and were born from one ancient southern language.


32. Although Korean and Chinese belong to different language family, t-hey both use Position words to express the basic relation of space.


33. The tree model is a convenient way of representing the development of a language family and of showing how closely related two of more languages are.


34. Sentence structures in English and Chinese are different as they belong to different language family.


35. Some are languages in the Chinese language family while others began right here on the island.


36. The Qidong dialect is a dialect spot in the Lou Shao dialect district of Hunan language family.


37. For instance, it implies that there is no compelling reason to presume that a single language family was carried along with the first migrants.


38. "Outline of Tree Cult Among Peoples Belonging To Altaic Language Family". Jurnal of Xinjiang Normal University, No. 1, 1991.


39. Have Shanghai each two university which opened the language family? Or a school opens two specialty - Japanese?

上海各二本大学哪些开了日语系? 或者一本学校开二本专业-日语的?《互联网》

40. Sentence structures in English and Chinese are different as they belong to different language family.


41. A branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family, spoken in west-central Africa and including Hausa as its best-known member.

乍得语非洲中西部所讲的亚非语系的一个分支,包括最著名的豪萨语支。《provided by jukuu》

42. English, Dutch, and German are the languages of the same language family.


43. Two other mutations have been found among the Beja people of northeastern Sudan and tribes of the same language family in northern Kenya.


44. From it, we may extend two questions as follows: 1. What are the cultural similarities and differences among the ethnic groups of the same language family;


45. The passive construction is a type of independent syntactic construction in the Sino - Tibetan language family.


46. Many seemingly different languages are actually genetically related as sisters or Cousins of a big language family and have developed from a common, possibly "dead", ancestral language.


47. A small group of related languages spoken in Sudan and forming part of the Niger-Kordofanian language family.


48. It is necessary for explaining the concept of programming to design a small and suitable model programming language family with a clear syntactic and semantic definition.


49. Two other mutations have been found among the Beja people of northeastern Sudan and tribes of the same language family in northern Kenya.


50. The ethnic groups sharing the same language family have same origin in language as well as close relations concerning the origin of nations.


51. Now, the tree model is a convenient way of representing the development of a language family and of showing how closely related two of more languages are.


52. From it, we may extend two questions as follows: 1. What are the cultural similarities and differences among the ethnic groups of the same language family;


53. The formation and development of German language family is identical with the process of German consciousness.


54. A branch of the Indo-European language family that comprises the languages of the Indian subcontinent and Sri lanka.

印度语支印欧语系的一支,由印度次大陆和斯里兰卡的一些语言组成。《provided by jukuu》

55. The custom of worshipping the wolf and crow and the relative fairy tales were passed down in Wusun and Mongolian groups in the period of 3 B. C. in Altaic language family.


56. Chinookan: a North American Indian language family of Washington and oregon.

奇努克语组:分布在华盛顿州和俄勒冈州的一个北美洲印第安人语组。《provided by jukuu》

57. Japanese and Chinese belong to different language family in essence.


58. The branch of the Indo-European language family that consists only of greek.

希腊语族仅由希腊语组成的印欧语系的一个分支。《provided by jukuu》

59. This dissertation may make comparative study of the ethnic groups of Turkic language family to seek the answers to the above.


60. It is the difference of language family between the minorities in Xinjiang and Han nationality that constitutes an obstacle to the Chinese teaching for minorities among university students.


61. On the base of model languages, a relevant interpretative program designed for this model language family.


62. Miao people have their own language, Miao Miao, Tao is a Sino - Tibetan language family Hmong branch.

苗族有自己的语言, 苗语属汉藏语系苗瑫语族苗语支.《互联网》


1. As his command of language and his emotional attachments to friends and family deteriorated, he continued to listen to the band at full volume for many hours a day.

ECONOMIST: A tragic muse

2. The monarchies do not pretend to be democracies but openly and honestly espouse hereditary rule, whereas the likes of Libya, Syria, Egypt and Yemen clothed ruling dynasties in the language of democracy while entrenching a ruling family in power.


3. The family language is what makes them very human; they embody this very specific family language.

家庭的语言让他们更人性化;,他们体现着这个特殊的家庭语言。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. The family had to pull strings to get their seven children admitted to an Afrikaans-language Catholic boarding school that was officially designated for so-called "coloreds, " South Africans of mixed race.

FORBES: Magazine Article

5. That is because the laxness or otherwise of national regimes is only one factor determining where asylum-seekers make their claims: family and cultural ties, work opportunities and language are just as important.

ECONOMIST: Huddled masses: stay out | The

6. An Albanian-language television station has transformed itself into a family reunion service.

ECONOMIST: The refugees: Still they flee | The

7. Teddy has the family trait of using fundamentalist and extreme language to advance the causes he believes in.

ECONOMIST: The environment

8. Since then, he has played down his language proficiency, bolstered during childhood summers spent at his mother's family estate in Brittany.

BBC: John Kerry refuses to speak French at news conference

9. His family spoke Welsh, a noble language but not much use outside Wales.

ECONOMIST: Gareth Williams

10. After his death, his family said he was always proud of his Welsh roots and spoke his native language at every opportunity.

BBC: Rhys Thomas Lewis

11. Three members of the family subcommittee of the full platform committee attempted to have the language softened in a way that would include an exception in cases of rape, incest and when a woman's life is endangered, and show some sort of party acceptance of their divergent viewpoint late last week.

CNN: /AllPolitics.com - Election 2000 - The Republican National Convention

12. Language, family ties, and work opportunities are powerful magnets.


13. Not one correlation persisted across all language families, and only two were found in more than one family.

ECONOMIST: The evolution of language: Babel or babble? | The

14. a lot of people want to maintain the language that their family, either themselves or their parents spoke.

其中很多人,不管是学生自己还是他们的家长,都想要保留自己种族的语言。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 旧金山的公立教育

15. Nikki Johnson said her parents were channel surfing Sunday -- looking for a cartoon for their granddaughter to watch -- when they saw video of their Shoshana being broadcast by Spanish-language television station Telemundo, before the family had even learned she was missing.

CNN: Families hoping for POWs' safety, speedy return

16. Since it shares a similar overall design language as the Idol Ultra, the family resemblance is easy to see, but there are plenty of differences on the outside and inside to tell the two apart.

ENGADGET: Hands-on with the Alcatel One Touch Idol, the Ultra's younger sibling (video)

17. If I'm Luis Suarez sitting at home with my wife and family, who absolutely love it here -- they love life in Liverpool and learning the language -- it's arguable he will never have a better season than he has had this.

CNN: Suarez accepts ban as Cameron calls for action

18. Recent research has shown that the language family tree as reconstructed by linguists overlaps remarkably well with the one independently drawn for the corresponding people by molecular biologists.


19. The method starts by making use of well-established linguistic data on words and grammar within these language families, and building "family trees" of those languages.

BBC: Language universality idea tested with biology method

20. "But Alzheimer's affects a number of spheres as well, including language,someone's ability to participate in conversation following conversations,as well" He adds that current treatments focus on improving memory, language capabilities and the ability to participate in family activities to put some enjoyment back into lives.

VOA : standard.2009.12.04

21. It is also never going to air content during a family-viewing hour replete with language it deems offensive or what it perceives to be crude stereotypes.

FORBES: GLAAD Doing NBC's 'The New Normal' A Favor

22. And so, I would argue to you that Salinger imagines literature as a performance of this kind, a performance of a language of family love that is nevertheless also an aesthetic language.

所以,我认为Salinger想象的文学,作为这种家庭里爱的语言的表现,那至少也是充满美感的语言。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. So there is a kind of grammar of race that this boy is learning while he experiences language in all these other more visceral, family-oriented ways.

更直接地谈下去会有危险时,这男孩在学习地区或者种族语言,特有的表达方式,同时他的家庭影响也塑造着他的语言。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. At the same time, social and intellectual activities such as visiting family and friends, reading, playing intellectually stimulating games or learning a new language did nearly nothing to ward off the symptoms of an aging brain, the study said.

WSJ: Exercise Might Beat Puzzles for Protecting the Aging Brain

25. "Tribes, " starting previews this week at New York's Barrow Street Theatre, is a lighthearted British drama by playwright Nina Raine about a deaf man who decides to learn sign language in his 20s after growing up in a family that insisted he lip-read and try to speak instead, in hopes of assimilating him into hearing culture.

WSJ: David Cromer's 'Tribes': A Director Reveals His Motivation

26. The examples are drawn from my own blog and as such might perhaps contain language unsuited to a family readership.

FORBES: Hunting Hari: Judging Johann's Journalism

27. Some linguists, though, instead classify them as separate languages within a language family, analogous to the French, Spanish and Italian languages within the Romance language family.

FORBES: Chinese New Year Resolution: Get The Facts Straight

28. And so Richard is learning a grammar of race even while he tries to work out how to use language as a source of power in his family.

所以理查在学习语言的艺术,虽局限于种族,就是他在家里受尽磨难时也在学习语言的魔力。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Beeld, an Afrikaans language newspaper, has reported the Pistorius family owns 55 weapons -- between his father, grandfather and two uncles -- not counting Oscar's six guns.

CNN: March 5, 2013 -- Updated 2054 GMT (0454 HKT)

30. His wife is French, his children speak the language and the family has a house in Paris.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. Nolan's take, which has some strong language that might not be suitable for family reading can be found here.

FORBES: Magazine Article

32. It was Richard's tragedy that after being betrayed by the turncoat Stanley family at Bosworth, he then had to contend with the greatest poet-playwright in the English language spin-doctoring against him on behalf of the incoming regime.

WSJ: Andrew Roberts: Shakespeare Has a (Parking) Lot to Answer For

33. They will have powers of government: in taxation, land use, family, social and health services, police, courts, schools (which they run already), language and culture.


34. Fambul Tok,or Family Talk in the local Krio language, draws from traditional mediation and conflict resolution methods.

VOA : standard.2010.06.07

35. The courts are filled with cases of family members suing each other over ambiguous language in a will that must have seemed so easy to understand at the time it was written.

FORBES: Is Do-It-Yourself Estate Planning a Valid Option?

36. When the family moved to Turkey she had to learn another language from scratch.

BBC: Working Lives Turkey: Teacher

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