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crush up翻译_crush up短语搭配_crush up权威例句


crush up

英 [krʌʃ ʌp]play美 [krʌʃ ʌp]play

  • 粉碎:将物体或物质压碎成细小的颗粒或粉末的过程。
  • 迷恋:对某人或某事产生强烈的喜欢或迷恋的情感。

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1. Princess Crush Dress Up Party 粉碎公主

2. They crush you up 是会将你压的粉碎的墙

3. low temperature crush-ing up 低温粉碎法

4. crush up a letter 把信揉成一团

5. Crush up sugar 把糖碾成粉末


1. Off to starboard a hand large enough to crush the boat was reaching up from the murky depths.


2. In the tunnels of Gotham City, Candy Crush where users line up colored candies to win points appears to be the go to game.


3. In sixth grade your idea of a friend was the person who went up to Nicky or Susan, your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said no you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.


4. A road built on a foundation of rubble This machine is used to crush the rock up for road building.


5. Please crush up a little.


6. Who was your celebrity crush growing up?


7. In sixth grade your idea of a friend was the person who went up to your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said no you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.


8. Investigators found that the men had disguised the holes by using the heavy metal wheel to crush up the rubble and hide it in plastic boxes used to store their personal possessions.


9. This machine is used to crush the rock up for road building.


10. Time like hardly using up dentifrice, as long as you crush it, it must have a little!


11. DURING the next few weeks publishers will release a crush of books, pile them onto delivery lorries and fight to get them on the display tables at the front of bookshops in the run-up to Christmas.


12. Anthony: That's a lie. Susan just has a crush on me. So she wants us to break up.


13. I tried to crush up a salt tablet in a cup.


14. Huge hammers crush up the rocks.


15. It have summered up the theory of crushing that turbulence mill use partly, clarify the crush mechanism of this kind of comminution.


16. You've never seen a Vette like this. It's designed to burn rubber and crush any car that comes up against it on the drag strip.


17. You were supposed to go for it, ask your crush on a date, work up the nerve to tell that boy or girl what kind of feeling you have for them.


18. The real magic is that the support system up there doesn't crush his nuts.


19. Technology of Mechanical Crush-up of Stalks for Direct Returning to Farmland


20. Okay, it doesn't let you crush rocks like you would think, BUT it does allow people without fingers to have fully functional hands that can pick up and handle delicate objects.


21. But so far no one has come up with a safe-and gratifying-way to crush the new-fangled widgets.


22. Do you know why I gave up my crush on Superman?


23. Nor is it OK to snuggle up behind the copier with your latest crush.


24. In response, mop.com launched an online campaign against animal abuse, setting up three QQ groups and deleting all its crush videos.


25. In sixth grade, your idea of a friend was the person who went up to Nicky or Susan, your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said "no", you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.


26. Thousands of people began streaming into the station in the morning, relieving a crush that had built up on Thursday, and about 200,000 people were expected to pass through the station.


27. So here four quick styles you can try out in the morning that will definitely spice up your day and this might even make your crush notice you, or not.


28. Microsoft would love to crush competitors in the smart-phone market, but it has repeatedly failed to come up with compelling offerings of its own.


29. The machine is made up of feeding material part and crush part. Its configuration is very briefness, all the part which contact the material are made of stainless steel.


30. Later that day, I was catching up with that boy Jeff (the boy I had a crush on), whom I hadn't seen in a while.


31. A dad can crush his daughter with one sentence; or he can build up his daughter.


32. Huge hammers crush up the rocks.


33. Who was your celebrity crush up?



1. Forty thousand Iraqi security forces would set up hundreds of checkpoints and crush the insurgents.

NPR: Examining the Makeup of the Iraqi Insurgency

2. By intervening in Bahrain, with money and troops to crush a Shia insurrection, the king sought to protect one of his flanks - and shore up his defences against what he sees as undue Iranian influence.

BBC: Why Saudi rulers feel under siege

3. "For the past four years, we've lived our lives in this hurry-up-and-wait, pins-and-needles way, " Perry said, recalling the crush of court deadlines and the seemingly endless wait for rulings from a federal district judge, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, also based there, and the California Supreme Court.

NPR: AP Interview: Couple Reflects On Gay Marriage

4. If convicted of these charges, Richards and Justice face up to seven years in federal prison on each of the five animal crush charges and up to five years on each of the two obscenity charges.

FORBES: Pair Indicted For Animal Crush Videos

5. It's also a cousin to "Made, " MTV's long-running series where someone, usually someone who is socially awkward, gets coached into improving something in their life, whether it be working up the nerve to ask out their crush or becoming an athlete or a hip hop dancer.

CNN: 'My Life as Liz' and the evolution of the MTV nerd

6. Five different boarding groups will line up in different areas, akin to how Southwest lines up customers by groups, so that instead of a crush of people pushing toward the gate, each group will have a designated place to wait.

WSJ: Summer Air-Travel Survival Guide

7. Apple continues to crush competition in the smartphone market with players such as Research in Motion and Nokia struggling to play catch up with Apple.

FORBES: Apple Earnings Next Week Looking Large As Suppliers Show Strength

8. She pulled up to court Friday morning in a squad car where she was greeted by a crush of media.

NPR: Actress Bynes Accused Of Bong Toss Out NYC Window

9. They also have a group of loyal volunteers who show up at crush time to help with the bottling.

FORBES: The Winemaker

10. Relatives have long believed that some of those caught up in the crush could have lived if they had received timely medical treatment.


11. First, you dig up bauxite which you then crush and boil in sodium hydroxide (lye, or caustic soda).

FORBES: Rio Tinto's Aluminium Problems: And They're Only Going To Get Worse

12. She admitted she had developed a "crush" on her Open University lecturer, and she had been on the verge of breaking up with her husband.

BBC: Sam, Rebecca and Charlotte Fuller

13. When an army of lobbyists and special interests spent millions to crush Wall Street reform, we stood up for what was right.

WHITEHOUSE: Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Phoenix Awards Dinner | The White House

14. When they arrived at Belsen and the doors were slid open the fell out - crawling over those who had died - being held up by the crush of so many people in the trucks.

BBC: 1945: Liberation of Bergen-Belsen

15. Faced with a crush of media interest in the run-up to the new iPhone's launch July 11, some developers are talking to reporters, but they're begging off discussing specifics.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. The Taliban are trying to crush this challenge, ramping up executions of the movement's supporters and planting more homemade bombs on roads and in bazaars, Mr. Faizan said, the movement's leader.

WSJ: Taliban Targeted by Local Uprisings

17. Foreign direct investment can prop up a failing regime, while a lack of it can crush an otherwise stable one.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Peace through strength in a globalized world

18. Mrs Fuller admitted she had developed a "crush" on her Open University lecturer, and had been on the verge of breaking up with Mr Fuller.

BBC: Fuller quarry deaths: Children 'unlawfully' killed

19. An inquest heard Mr Fuller had agreed to split up with his wife, Ruth, after she developed a "crush" on her tutor.

BBC: Fuller quarry children 'stabbed to death'

20. Sunni militants control the towns of Fallujah and Baquba, after American forces gave up trying to crush them.

ECONOMIST: Iraq's sovereignty restored, up to a point | The

21. "It's going to be what we call a crush load, with passengers pushing up against each other, " she said.

CNN: Officials plan for massive inaugural turnout

22. Maddin pulls out all the stops in this elaborate pastiche of silent cinema, home movies, avant-gardish subjectivity, multimedia spectacle, and Grand Guignol hysteria to get at self-pitying childhood traumas that ultimately add up to a strict mother, a distracted father, the primal scene, and his first crush.

NEWYORKER: Brand Upon the Brain!

23. At that level Stompy will live up to his name and crush any inanimate, non-volatile object of your choosing.

ENGADGET: Stompy gets off the ground with a Kickstarter: buy a ride on a 2-ton hexabot

24. But it is impossible to predict whether that will crush its opponents or stir them up still further.

ECONOMIST: Iran's upheaval

25. What's the expected time commitment for starting up a Candy Crush Saga game, and what will I get out of it?

ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: Digital junk food

26. If attacked, she told her to duck behind the man, reach up inside his sarong, grab his testicles and crush them.

ECONOMIST: Going to America

27. Colombians are fed up and want to crush the FARC.


28. If you crush your employees for coming up with imprecise or divergent numbers, and honor them for hitting numbers precisely or being in perfect agreement, then your employees will do whatever it takes to achieve the latter.

FORBES: Perfect Numbers

crush up翻译_crush up短语搭配_crush up权威例句




anyone的意思是:pron. 任何人;某个人;任何……的人;重要人物;(没有)一个人(用于否定句);任何一个人。学考宝为您提供anyone是什么意思,anyone的翻译,anyone的用法,anyone的短语搭配,anyone的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


anxiousness的意思是:n. 焦急。学考宝为您提供anxiousness是什么意思,anxiousness的翻译,anxiousness的用法,anxiousness的短语搭配,anxiousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


anxious的意思是:adj. 焦虑的,担心的;渴望的,急切的;(时间或局势)紧张的,令人焦虑的。学考宝为您提供anxious是什么意思,anxious的翻译,anxious的用法,anxious的短语搭配,anxious的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


overlaying的意思是:n. 堆焊;重叠布雷;[计]重复占位 v. 覆盖(overlay 的现在分词);使有负担,压倒。学考宝为您提供overlaying是什么意思,overlaying的翻译,overlaying的用法,overlaying的短语搭配,overlaying的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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overlaying welding的意思是:堆焊。学考宝为您提供overlaying welding是什么意思,overlaying welding的音标,overlaying welding怎么读,overlaying welding的翻译,overlaying welding的用法,overlaying welding的短语搭配,overlaying welding的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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anxiety的意思是:n. 焦虑,忧虑;令人焦虑的事;渴望;焦虑症。学考宝为您提供anxiety是什么意思,anxiety的翻译,anxiety的用法,anxiety的短语搭配,anxiety的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


nightlong的意思是:adj. 通宵的;彻夜的 adv. 整夜地。学考宝为您提供nightlong是什么意思,nightlong的翻译,nightlong的用法,nightlong的短语搭配,nightlong的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。




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