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英 [ˈvɪktəri]play美 [ˈvɪktəri]play

  • n. 胜利,成功,获胜
  • 【名】 (Victory)(西)维多利,(英)维克托里(人名)

复数 victories

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


victory /ˈvɪktərɪ, ˈvɪktrɪ/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 A victory is a success in a struggle, war, or competition. 胜利

    Union leaders are heading for victory in their battle over workplace rights.


  • 2.
    习语 If you say that someone has won a moral victory, you mean that although they have officially lost a contest or dispute, they have succeeded in showing they are right about something. 精神胜利

    She said her party had won a moral victory.






1. narrow victory 险胜

2. landslide victory 以绝对优势取得胜利

3. pyrrhic victory 付出极大代价而获得的胜利

4. Wellington's Victory 惠灵顿的胜利 ; 威灵顿的胜利

5. Victory Plaza 维多利广场 ; 胜利广场 ; 维多利广场A座

6. HMS Victory 胜利号战舰 ; 胜利号 ; HMS胜利号 ; 成功号

7. victory over 战胜

8. Dark Victory 卿何薄命 ; 黑暗的胜利 ; 黑暗胜利 ; 情海生死恋

9. Final Victory 最后胜利 ; 最后的胜利 ; 最后的胜利专辑 ; 但丁之舟

10. Order of Victory 胜利勋章

11. Escape to Victory 胜利大逃亡 ; 成功大流亡 ; 胜利大流浪 ; 胜利大流亡

12. Victory Monument 胜利纪念碑 ; 胜利纪念碑站 ; 胜利广场 ; 胜利纪念塔

13. Pyrrhic victory 皮洛士式胜利 ; 皮洛士的胜利

14. win victory 赢得胜利


1. We stood up to the West, and that's a moral victory.


2. At the last moment, the player was able to hit the ball in and so ensure his team's victory.

关键时刻, 那个球员踢进一球,从而确保该队的胜利.《简明英汉词典》

3. They were robbed of victory in the last minutes of the games.


4. We HAs gets listent from the news of victory.


5. He felt grim satisfaction within the shadow, as the contemplated his impending victory.

在影子里面,他感到一种令人讨厌的满足, 因为暗黑之星还以为他马上就能成功了.《期刊摘选》

6. the team's 3–2 victory against Poland


7. The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work.


8. Thus, the Party's cause will advance from victory to victory without stop.

这样, 我们党的事业就会胜利前进.《期刊摘选》

9. They won a miraculous victory over much stronger enemy.


10. The scent of victory was in the air.


11. Wit and will strive for the victory.


12. The election results announced Saturday showed overwhelming victory for Mr. Ahmadinejad.


13. Union leaders are heading for victory in their battle over workplace rights.


14. The news of rigged ballots has rubbed off much of the shine of their election victory.


15. Instead, interpret each failure as a lesson the road to victory.

相反的, 把每一个失败当成是通往成功的课程.《期刊摘选》

16. It can give you success, victories, and professional and personal growth.

它可以给你带来成功 、 胜利 、 专业技术、个人的成长.《期刊摘选》

17. She said her party had won a moral victory...


18. We have full confidence in our victory.


19. At last they experienced the joy of victory.


20. His hIt'sparked his team to victory.


21. They raced to a thrilling victory in the relay.


22. Victory is not as important as possessing a fighting spirit.


23. Confidence is half of victory.


24. The team hung on for victory.


25. Her Olimpic experience gave her a big advantage over the other contestants for the final victory.


26. But peace has no parade, no pantheon of victory.

和平没有庆祝游行, 没有胜利殿堂.《期刊摘选》

27. Yuan Shikai quickly seized the fruits of the victory of the 1911 Revolution.


28. She steered the team to victory.


29. Faith gives the victory and overcome all.


30. I took a dim view of my chances of victory.


31. People come from everywhere to celebrate the victory.


32. They were intoxicated with victory [ by success ].

他们因成功而 狂喜.《辞典例句》

33. She said her party had won a moral victory.


34. Indians used to scalp their enemies as a mark of victory.


35. a decisive/narrow victory


36. She is confident of victory in Saturday's final.


37. victory celebrations/parades

胜利的庆祝活动 / 游行《牛津词典》

38. They will strike a medal in memory of the great victory.


39. They can either spur us on to victory or stop us in our tracks.


40. His deeds had made his name synonymous with victory.


41. They drank a toast to the victory.


42. He skippered the team to victory.


43. And we march on , with renewed confidence, energized by this victory on their behalf.


44. Victory would assure a place in the finals.


45. Tonight's victory guarantees the team's place in the final.


46. The tiding of victory elate the whole nation.


47. He crosses the line with arms up celebrating victory.


48. They won victory through all difficulties.


49. Victory is now out of her reach.


50. Victory would assure them a place in the finals.


51. This monument has been erected in commemoration of the victory over the enemy.


52. All victories breed hate and that over your superior is foolish or fatal.


53. Some are destroyed by defeat, and some made small and mean by victory.


54. Wherever this tactic was applies , victory was achieved.


55. An unexpected victory saved him from political oblivion.


56. He won't stop crowing about his victory.


57. The home team cruised to victory.


58. This is a victory for any celebrity who wants to make a quality action figure.


59. We came within a measurable distance of victory.


60. There are a lot of difficulties in front of us, yet we still have faith in victory.

虽然面临许多困难, 然而我们对胜利仍充满信心.《现代汉英综合大词典》

61. Never will I seek delivery of gold, love, good health, petty victories, fame, success, or happiness.

我不祈求有仆人为我送来食物,不求屋舍、金银财宝 、 爱情 、 健康 、 小的胜利 、 名誉 、 成功或者幸福.《期刊摘选》

62. Antique imitation carriage. It means victory.


63. Noon, summer, marriage and victory.

正午 、 夏天 、 婚姻和胜利方面.《期刊摘选》

64. Picture yourself vividly as defeated and that will make victory impossible.


65. By then, the team was scenting victory.


66. The victory was dearly bought.


67. It was a last victory.

这是最后一次的胜利。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

68. He swept to victory in the final of the championship.


69. The victory was the realization of a whole year's work.


70. To rejoice over a success or victory; exult.

庆祝胜利或成功; 得意洋洋.《期刊摘选》

71. A last-minute goal robbed the team of victory.


72. His persistence gained him victory.


73. Some of the prisoners could be seen kissing the ground while others flashed victory signs.


74. Mary successfully pulled out all the stops to ensure herself victory.


75. They are hoping to repeat last year's victory.


76. This victory was a massive uplift for us.


77. Scottish champs celebrate victory!


78. Victory seemed assured.


79. Our defeat may be the preface to our successor's victory.


80. Only then will we succeed, the victory will only become stronger, will stand in the position.

只有这样,我们才会成功, 才会胜利,才会成为强者, 才会屹立于不败之地.《期刊摘选》

81. Our victory is assured; nothing can stop us.


82. We came within an ace of victory.


83. Yesterday's emphatic victory was their fifth in succession.


84. to win a victory


85. Victory belongs to the most persevering.


86. More than 2000 years ago at Marathon, the Greeks won a victory.


87. The conquerors believed in crushing the defeated people into submission , knowing that they could not win their loyalty by the victory.


88. The euphoria of victory in 1945 had long since given way to sullen resentment.


89. AndMr Romney has a few primary victories under his belt, although none as strikingas Mr McCain's.

并且罗姆尼有几次初选成功的经验, 虽然没有一次可以同麦凯恩的胜利相提并论.《期刊摘选》

90. Their reform is a decided victory, but whether a decisive one only time can tell.

他们的改革取得了成功, 但是否定决定性的胜利只能有时间来回答.《期刊摘选》

91. All his victories had not saved him from jeopardy nor won him real success.


92. The team looks set for victory.


93. Labour swept to victory in 2001.


94. On hearing of the victory, the nation was transported with joy.

听到胜利的消息, 全国人民一片欢腾.《现代英汉综合大词典》

95. He bulldozed his way to victory.


96. The battle has end in a victory so glorious for our army.


97. But I still feel there a real chance of victory.


98. The news of victory rejoiced the heart of the whole nation.


99. Since we have to tough it out, why not get ourselves psyched up for victory?

既然我们一定要战斗到底, 为什么不先去想想成功后的累累硕果 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

100. Martinez expressed confidence of victory at the ballot box.


101. The unexpected victory heralded a new period of stability for Athens and her allies.


102. She allowed victory to slip from her grasp.


103. If Mr Bayrou were to win, his path to victory might in hindsight look obvious.

如果Bayrou先生能赢, 他的成功之路后来看来可能会比较明显.《期刊摘选》

104. an election victory


105. We are certainly rejoiced at your new victories.


106. Clark was the inspiration behind Saturday's victory.


107. ...the former Welsh rugby union skipper who led Great Britain to victory over France.


108. Good standing takes users easy; price makes users gratified and excellent after - sales service reassures users.

产品信誉让用户放心, 价格让您称心,售后服务让您安心.《期刊摘选》

109. In every defeat is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time.


110. There is always victory where there is unity.



1. Alpine skier Lindsey Vonn also experienced a sweet victory when she won the gold medal in the womens downhill ski race.

VOA : special.2010.02.26

2. So, when the people of the North expected a speech of victory, he gave them a speech of reconstruction, instead.

VOA : special.2009.12.31

3. It symbolizes the victory of the forces of life, oath and holiness over death and impurity.

这象征着生命力的胜利,誓言和神圣能够战胜死亡和不洁。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. To many of the people there, Lincoln's victory was a signal that ended the state's ties to the Union.

VOA : special.2009.07.16

5. And that's what he did. And for the point of view of France, they emerged from the war with the reality that they are in victory a weaker nation than Germany is in defeat.

他就是这么干的,从法国这边来看,他们在战后的现实中发现,他们作为一个战胜国,比德国一个战败国还要弱小1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. We do have a victory hymn, a victory hymn that's inscribed on a stele that's a slab of stone--which was erected in the year 1204 BCE.

我们确实有胜利颂歌,刻在石碑上的胜利颂歌,那是一块石板,立于公元前1204年。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Republicans won a stunning victory in the 2002 midterm election by exploiting terrorism to the hilt.

NPR: Krugman: Income Inequality Pricks 'Conscience'

8. Sarries' victory lifted them to third in the Premiership, above Bristol who play Northampton on Sunday.

BBC: London Irish 7-22 Saracens

9. The victory transformed Nepal from a monarchy to a republic after 239 years of autocratic rule.

CNN: Nepalese colonel faces torture charges in UK court

10. Authorized's victory ended a long Derby wait for Dettori, 36, dating back to 1992.

CNN: Dettori triumphs in Derby at last

11. It's a moral victory for me I think.

对我来说还算个精神胜利吧博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Should he run for president, a decisive victory margin would help demonstrate his national viability.

WSJ: Christie and Obama Bond Again, Raising 2016 Questions

13. Earlier this week, President Obama won a major political victory with congressional passage of his health care reform plan.

VOA : special.2010.03.27

14. The victory was mine, I still believe, but when I made to take trophy, winded Helen shook her head, declaring, "I have the curse."

我依然相信,胜利属于我,但是我刚要,摘得战利品时,海伦气喘吁吁地摇了摇头,说道:,我被诅咒了“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. It was a "mediocre" performance and the 1-0 victory was "flattering" to the German side.

BBC: Joy and relief for Germans

16. Heynckes had tasted victory in the Champions League before, in 1998 when he managed Real Madrid.

WSJ: Victory At Last for Big, Bad, Bayern

17. He's confident and he's perfectly capable of taking us to a Conservative victory in 2015.

BBC: With the grassroots at Tory spring conference

18. Still, it was a great victory for the Whig Party and a sharply felt loss for the opposing party, the Democrats.

VOA : special.2009.01.29

19. The consequences of the victory of such ideas, I believe, would be enormous.

如果此种思想得以深入人心,我相信,结果将是可怕的古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. In Judges 1:8 and 21, we read that the people of Judah did this and that despite that victory they failed to actually drive out the inhabitants, the Jebusites, who lived there.

士师记》第1章8和21节,我们知道犹大人这样做,它描述了这一胜利,他们实际上并没有将那些居民驱逐出去,耶布斯人,他们住在那里。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. And seven in 10 say Bush's overall job performance was the reason for the Democratic victory.

NPR: The Issue of Iraq Policy Change Takes Hold in Washington

22. Arthurs replied three minutes from time but the Reds held on to claim a precious victory.

BBC: Crusaders 2-3 Cliftonville

23. The 11-stroke victory was the largest margin in the 25-year history of the Bay Hill event.

BBC: Imperious Woods makes history

24. But United's victory is also a tribute to Sir Alex Ferguson as a manager.

BBC: pundits on Carling Cup final

25. Chapter 8 describes the victory at a place called Ai, which is near Jericho. Chapter 9 tells the story of the Gibeonites who join the Israelites; they are a local group that seems to join them.

第八章描述了在一个叫艾城的地方所取得的胜利,它靠近耶利亚哥,第九章讲了基遍居民的故事,他们加入了以色列人,他们是加入以色列的当地人。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. The Detroit ruling is pretty close to a slam-dunk victory for the American Civil Liberties Union.

NPR: Bush's Wiretaps Ruled Unconstitutional

27. Nice was Nikea, victory town and there are several others.

尼斯希腊语为尼柯亚,即胜利之城,在法国,还有好几个希腊城市古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Only an improbable victory by Papua New Guinea against Australia on Sunday can deny England a semi-final spot.

BBC: England 24-36 New Zealand

29. After his victory, Rutherford took a victory lap around the stadium that outlasted the 10, 000 meters.

WSJ: Menu

30. Despite his court victory, former F1 team owner Eddie Jordan called on Mr Mosley to resign.

BBC: Mosley wins court case over orgy

31. Despite less than gaudy stats, a Super Bowl victory would catapult Sanchez into Madison Avenue limelight.

FORBES: Who Will Cash in on Super Bowl? Not Big Ben

32. That streak now stands at 36 after Federer's 6-1, 4-6, 2-6, 6-2, 6-3 victory.

WSJ: Heard on the Field

33. Republicans from Pennsylvania and New York are scenting victory.


34. Victory looked certain.


35. He then won a big victory in the general election over the candidate of the Whig Party, General Winfield Scott.

VOA : special.2009.04.23

36. The challenge is greater because in 2001 we had a fairly easy victory over the Taliban.

说挑战大,那是因为2001年在与塔利班的较量中,我们轻松地获胜。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

37. Leeds secured the National One title with a 57-14 victory against Newbury on Saturday.

BBC: Moseley can cause upset - Smith

38. We are claiming a moral, if not technical, victory.


39. But after one of Peter's victories, the Russian ambassador in Vienna reported that the news of Peter's victory, people began to fear the czar as they formerly feared Sweden.

但在彼得的一场大胜后,俄国驻维也纳大使,报告了彼得取胜的消息,人们开始惧怕沙皇,就如同他们先前惧怕瑞典一样欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Pitcher Tom Glavine of the New York Mets was trying for his 300th victory.

NPR: Major League Baseball Milestones Delayed

41. Pagenaud's victory for Schmidt Hamilton Motorsports was another one for the lesser-known IndyCar teams.

NPR: Pagenaud Wins Crash-Filled Detroit Grand Prix

42. In the American Civil War, the North hoped for a quick victory by capturing the southern capital at Richmond,Virginia.

VOA : special.2009.09.17

43. And,here is the favorite proverb of Marius Meledje in Ivory Coast: "Your defeat now is your victory in the future."

VOA : special.2009.03.01

44. He believed slaves could be made into good soldiers if they believed they had an interest in Confederate victory.

VOA : special.2009.12.03

45. In any war, particularly in this kind of war, reconciliation is something that typically happens very few wars end with total victory or total defeat, usuallly war ends with the parties get tired of or weakened enough.

在任何形式的战争,尤其是这样的战争中,和解很普遍,很少有战争是以全面胜利或者全面失败结束的,通常情况都是两方都疲惫不堪,被战争严重削弱。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

46. Each page a victory, at whose expense the victory ball?

汗青页页,尽书胜主,成败之价,谁人乘沽1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. That first day I spent with the first sculpture I saw, the Winged Victory of Samothrace.

BBC: The bloom of cancer

48. The offer came shortly after the Islamists group's sweeping victory in Palestinian Parliamentary Polls last January.

NPR: Hamas Leaders Meet with Russian Government

49. President Santos has recognized Mr Maduro's election victory and attended his inauguration last month.

BBC: Venezuela and Colombia in row over Capriles meeting

50. But John Duffy set Widnes on their way to victory when he crossed from dummy-half.

BBC: Vikings claim Northern Rail Cup

51. The results from last Saturday's elections show Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's coalition won a strong victory over Shi'ite religious parties.

VOA : special.2009.02.07

52. This coda suggests something like a victory over all of those worries of unpreparedness as the worried rhetoric of "not yet there" gives way to a much more confident language of present completion, the "now."

这个终结暗示着,对所有的尚未准备好的忧虑的完全克服,一种对现在已经完成的事业的,自信和满足“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. We came agonizingly close to victory.


54. Reagan's historic across-the-board tax cuts in 1981 were praised as a major victory against liberalism.

CNN: After Trump, will GOP accept higher taxes?

55. Afghanistan's Independent Election Commission has a message: Pay no attention to competing claims of victory in the presidential election.

VOA : special.2009.08.22

56. Graham led the England Academy team to a historic victory in Australia six years ago.

BBC: James Graham named as England Four Nations captain

57. There was neither disappointment in loss nor smugness in victory, just a silent, respectful return to their positions.

BBC: The life of a sumo wrestler

58. The elegiac tone of this final section of the poem should give us some clues to the type of victory over paganism that Christ's birth is actually heralding here.

诗歌最后一部分采用挽歌的口吻意在,告诉我们打败异教后的成功,预示着基督即将诞生。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. The god says to him, "Here's what you need to do. You need to try the spirit of your men, and in that way to inspirit them to carry on until victory.

神对他说,"你需要尝试去鼓舞部下的军心,以此来激励他们坚持下去,直到取得胜利古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. From time to time, Union officers would ride up the hill to report what a great victory their troops were winning.

VOA : special.2009.08.27

61. The Manchester fan confessed to sheepishness at Newcastle's victory.


62. President Franklin Roosevelt's wife Eleanor planted what was called a "Victory Garden" as part of the war effort in nineteen forty-three.

VOA : special.2009.03.31

63. After the general's first victory, New York political leader Thurlow Weed happened to meet Taylor's brother on a Hudson River steamboat.

VOA : special.2009.03.05

64. The fans at Wentworth couldn't lift Ryder Cup stalwart Lee Westwood to victory, either.

CNN: Manassero becomes youngest PGA Championship winner





about的意思是:adv. 大约;几乎;到处,各处;无所事事;周围,在……附近;无序地,凌乱地;朝相反方向 prep. 关于,对于;目的是;针对(问题);忙于,从事于;对……表示(情绪或心态);各处,四下;在……附近;(某人或某事物)具有(某种特性);围绕 adj. 现成的,能得到的;即将(做……)的,快要(发生……)的 (be about to do sth.);四处走动的 【名】 (About)(法)艾保特(姓氏)。学考宝为您提供about是什么意思,about的翻译,about的用法,about的短语搭配,about的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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charming的意思是:adj. 迷人的,富有魅力的;(表示不赞成)讨厌的,真够可以的 v. 吸引,迷住;哄诱;向……施魔法(charm 的现在分词形式)。学考宝为您提供charming是什么意思,charming的翻译,charming的用法,charming的短语搭配,charming的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


characteristic的意思是:n. 特征,特点,特色 adj. 独特的,典型的。学考宝为您提供characteristic是什么意思,characteristic的翻译,characteristic的用法,characteristic的短语搭配,characteristic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chapter的意思是:n. 章,回,篇;阶段,时期;分会,分部;议会法案;一系列,一连串(a chapter of);全体教士;宗教团体理事会 v. 把……分成章节。学考宝为您提供chapter是什么意思,chapter的翻译,chapter的用法,chapter的短语搭配,chapter的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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