莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈsevrəl]play美 [ˈsevrəl]play

  • adj. 不同的,各自的;<法律>单独,各个
  • pron. 几个,数个
  • det. 几个,数个

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


several /ˈsɛvrəl/

  • 1.
    限定词 Several is used to refer to a number of people or things that is not large but is greater than two. 几; 一些

    I had lived two doors away from this family for several years.



    Several blue plastic boxes under the window were filled with CDs.


  • 2.
    数量词 Several is also a quantifier. 几个; 若干

    The building was picketed by demonstrators, several of whom were well-known actors.


  • 3.
    代词 Several is also a pronoun. 几个; 几种

    No one drug will suit or work for everyone and sometimes several may have to be tried.




  • adv.

    severally 各自地;分别地;分开地



a few a number of several some 【导航词义:一些】

a few adj. 一些,几个

〔辨析〕 在数量上用于肯定意义,强调有一些,后接复数可数名词。

例1: I have a few friends in New York.


例2: I have saved a few chocolates for the children.


a number of 许多…,若干…

〔辨析〕 强调数量的概念,也可说 a large/small number of, 后接复数可数名词,谓语动词用复数。

例1: There are a number of chairs in the hall.


例2: A large number of children survived the earthquake.


例3: A small number of students at this college are studying electronics.


例4: The number of students at this college is decreasing.


several adj. 几个,数个

〔辨析〕 相对于 a few,some 而言较为正式,一般只能用于肯定句,强调“不止一两个”,后接复数可数名词。

例1: She raises several pigs.


例2: After several visits to Beijing, she had learned a little Chinese.


例3: There are several holes in the wall.


some adj. 一些,若干

〔辨析〕 带有不确定性,多用于肯定句中,后接复数可数名词或不可数名词。

例1: Some co-workers attended his party.


例2: He has been gone for some time.


例3: He saved some apples for his children.



1. in several adv. 分别地;各个地

2. several obligation 按份之债

3. Several times 数次 ; 多次 ; 几次 ; 好几次

4. Joint and several liabilities 共同及连带责任 ; 金融 连带负债 ; 配合及连带责任

5. several times 几次

6. joint and several liability 连带责任

7. several liability 连带责任;个别责任

8. several people 几个人

9. rotor with several masses 多质量转子

10. There are several 有数 ; 有几个 ; 有以下几个

11. several quantifier 几个

12. Several hundred dollars 几百元


1. Several numerical are provided in this dissertation to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed controller.


2. Several factors affecting the properties of the polyurethane rigid foam are discussed.


3. A router more intelligence capabilities than a bridge because it can handle several levels of addressing.


4. Installation of the new system will take several days.


5. It has been used in several cross platform commercial software.


6. In addition, it allows the consideration of several alternative mortgage loans for each property being considered.

此外, 它还可以考虑一些替代按揭贷款为每个属性正在审议中.《期刊摘选》

7. The cruise included several days ashore.


8. Several American towns maintain the spirit of Santa Claus.


9. He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.


10. There may be only one canker sore or several and they often return.


11. There're several versions of the book, and the current version is published by PEP.

这本书有数个版本, 现行版本是人教社出版的.《期刊摘选》

12. The railway line follows the river for several miles.


13. Several women knelt down before the statue of Buddha and prayed.


14. There are several hurdles to be got over in this project.


15. Several words were smeared.


16. Instead, several EU countries are now pressing ahead with their own harmonisation deal.

现在, 取而代之的是一些欧洲国家正加紧制订各自的调节协议.《期刊摘选》

17. With all the firings , we ended up stripping out several levels of mangement.

辞掉了一大批人, 结果我们去掉了好几个管理层次.《辞典例句》

18. Several men began to relate anecdotes of previous Beanos.


19. Several regional airports were shut by weather, including the one at Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu province.

一些地区的机场也因为恶劣天气关闭了, 包括江苏省省会南京的机场.《期刊摘选》

20. This policy stretches across several different departments.


21. Several letters arrived this morning.


22. After Celia's elevation to the presidency, there was a restructuring of duties , along with several promotions.

西利亚新任总经理后, 公司里有一些人事变动, 好几个人得到提拔.《辞典例句》

23. Why may not several Deities combine in contriving and framing a world?

为什么不可能是数个神联合起来,设计和构造世界 呢 ?《哲学部分》

24. Several standard template constructions are available to the nomad, a popular example being the auto turret.

一些标准模版建筑可由游牧者直接建造, 自动火炮便是一个常见例子.《期刊摘选》

25. In part I and part II Gore addresses his reputation for being stiff on several occasions.


26. If several drill a boulder, then initiation is to be carried out by using instantaneous detonators.

如果一块岩石上有数个炮眼, 则应使用即发雷管同时起爆.《期刊摘选》

27. Carla has appeared on several talk shows as a for fitness including DONAHUE!


28. By dreams, each one into a several world.

被梦投掷, 进入各自的领地.《期刊摘选》

29. Several major companies are supporting the project.


30. People can accidentally take too much acetaminophen if they take several medicines that all contain it.


31. Several branches had been lopped off ( the tree ).

( 从树上 ) 砍下了几条枝桠.《简明英汉词典》

32. The Iraqi leader was rescued after several hours of fighting.


33. Yes. Players will encounter several new characters asas a number of characters from the previous games.


34. There were several kids lolling around outside the club.


35. Her plans for the future are still in embryo.


36. Any user can have several personal dictionaries, though.


37. The match will be broadcast live to several different countries.


38. She has mastery of several languages.


39. A heat of steel can be used to cast several slabs , billets, or blooms.


40. The United Nations is calling on several countries to appreciate their currencies.


41. The wind flipped over several cars.


42. Only several goods left unsold.


43. Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire.


44. In China, we work with several world leading financial service groups and industry leaders.

在中国, 我公司同国际上知名的金融服务集团和一些行业领袖合作.《期刊摘选》

45. On paper, several of the applicants fit the bill.


46. There are several solutions round this.


47. Several matters have cropped up at the same time.


48. These books fall into several categories.


49. She has made several television appearances recently.


50. There are several limitations to our study which merit further discussion.


51. Joint and Several Liability.


52. There also several toddlers in the nursery ages 1 to 3.


53. It's just one of several projects on the drawing board.


54. The true consequences will only be known several years hence.


55. She wrote him several poems.


56. The patients were observed over a period of several months.


57. They slowly evolved into several different species, each adapting to their environment.

慢慢地,它们进化成了多个种类, 以适应各自的生存环境.《期刊摘选》

58. The disease can take several different forms.


59. The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in depth.


60. The draft was revised several times before it was finalized.


61. Several presidents attended the funeral.


62. State officials charged several men from Forestport with plotting to damage canal property.


63. Several horses grazed the meadowland.


64. Several new firms have now entered the market.


65. We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over.


66. Several conditions exist that may pose a threat to ingredient integrity.


67. Methods allow updating of several properties with a single call.


68. My wife had laryngitis and lost her voice for several days.


69. Several people were hit by flying glass.


70. Several prominent analysts, such as Roger Babson , predicted and identified the 1929 top.

一些著名的分析师, 比如罗杰·巴布森, 预测了1929年的顶部.《期刊摘选》

71. The tower is large enough for the reception of several bells.


72. Several people were passing but nobody offered to help.


73. At that time they had been courting for several years.


74. I've met him on several occasions.


75. In many companies, information is scattered across several proprietary directories.

在很多公司中, 信息是散布在多个专有的目录中.《期刊摘选》

76. M: It is, isn’t it? And there were several more interesting conclusions revealed by the survey.

男:确实是这样,不是吗?而且调查还揭露了几个有趣的结论。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

77. Several sleepless nights made him wilt.


78. Such grains have been reported in several end Cretaceous impact sites around the world as well.


79. From this place the party again diverged, according to their several fancies.


80. The investigation will involve 150 patients in several countries including Britain, Germany and Australia.

研究中的150名患者来自数个国家,其中包括英国 、 德国和澳大利亚.《期刊摘选》

81. Several chickens clucked in the garden.


82. This rock sticks out; The awning extends several feet over the sidewalk.

这块岩石伸出来了; 遮阳蓬伸出几个脚在人行道上.《期刊摘选》

83. I was in the hospital for several weeks.


84. Several organisations represent and cater for people working in the news media in Hong Kong.


85. For several hours, tension mounted.


86. Several avenues are open to us.


87. It was several weeks before he was completely free of pain.


88. She noticed several small errors in his work.


89. Nevertheless, after the seesaw battle of several months, microsoft abandoned finally buying.

不过, 在数个月的拉锯战之后, 微软最终放弃了收购.《期刊摘选》

90. It was reported that several people had been arrested.


91. If you're looking for a photo of Alice you'll find several in here.


92. American Red Cross sent several teams of volunteers to the hardest hit areas.


93. He quietly intoned several prayers.


94. If you have no friends or relatives. Try to  participate in several online communities, full of people who are always  willing to share advice and encouragement.

 假如你没有朋友或亲人,那么努力加入几个在线社区吧,那里有许多人总是乐意分享建议和鼓励。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

95. With the developed program, several measurement examples are investigated.

利用此程式, 测试数个量测范例.《期刊摘选》

96. We have ordered several turfs to make our lawn.


97. They caught several fish.


98. They said goodbye and went their several ways .


99. Although electronic means of payment may be more efficient than a payments system based on paper, several factors work against the disappearance of the paper system.

 尽管电子支付手段可能会比纸币付款系统更为高效,但是一些因素却阻止了纸币付款系统的消失。 《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

100. I called several times, but only got the answering machine.


101. Several more people than usual came to the meeting.


102. This article introduced several factors that affect the life span of HPLC column.


103. She sang several numbers from her latest album.


104. Several people came forward with information.


105. Several people nodded in approval.


106. He called me several unrepeatable names.


107. The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes.


108. There are several reasons for all this caution among economists.


109. If several objects can be grouped, the grid applies on the level of groups as well.

如果一些对象可以被分组, 网格也可以应用于组层次.《期刊摘选》

110. The agency has lost several of its most important accounts.


111. I had lived two doors away from this family for several years...


112. Several staffers shook as they realized how far away the Fannie and Freddie rescue seemed.


113. Troops have been landed at several places.


114. We were lovers for several years.


115. Whatever happens, he will need several months of brain scans before getting clean bill of health.

无论如何,在他得到准确的,完全的健康出院单前, 他将接受数个月的脑部扫描.《期刊摘选》

116. The extension of the subway will take several months.


117. In addition, it also performs several deployment operations as the spacecraft moves into its nominal attitude.

除此之外, 它也会在航空器移动到标称姿态时执行一些部署操作.《期刊摘选》

118. The exhibition provides evidence of several new directions in her work.


119. It has several proprietary products and ranks in the top of target markets.


120. The company recovered well after going through several lean years.


121. Terrorists bombed several army barracks.


122. Several blue plastic boxes under the window were filled with record albums...


123. Council membership consists of several Members of the Parliament, Ministry Officials representatives of several Women's NGOs.

委员会成员包括来自议会 、 政府部门和数个非政府组织的七名成员.《期刊摘选》

124. The grain store holds several thousand tonnes.


125. Many of the earth's animals have already died out; and several other species endangered.

地球上许多物种已经灭绝, 另外一些已濒临灭绝的边缘.《期刊摘选》

126. Did you know that besides larger places like France and Germany, Europe is home to several extremely tiny countries? One of these countries contains less than a square mile of land.

你们知道除了法国和德国这些较大的国家之外, 欧洲也有一些非常小的国家吗? 在这些小国之中, 有一个国家的领土面积不到一平方英里。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

127. He is her elder by several years.


128. She's proficient in several languages.


129. The old master labored for several months, folding steel, honing the edge to perfection.

这位年迈的大师工作了数个月, 炼制钢铁, 铸磨剑锋以追求完美.《期刊摘选》

130. The data store imposes several restrictions on what can be done inside single transaction.


131. I will invite several friends to a banquet.


132. After her colleagues had talked with her several times , she became a bit more cheerful.

经同事反复劝解, 她的情绪才好了一些.《现代汉英综合大词典》

133. Several buildings were set alight.


134. He made several attempts but none of them came off.


135. In this paper, several typical edge detection algorithms and a comparison of their features is made.


136. He's written several books about India.


137. He gave several strikes and contributed a lot to his team's triumph.


138. The Democratic Patry platform united several splinter groups.


139. The basic knowledge and several points need to notice are introduced.


140. There were several young people sitting around looking bored.


141. I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time.


142. In several, the government already hoovers up well over 40 % of GDP.

在一些国家, 政府已经吸纳了相当于GDP40%多的税收.《期刊摘选》

143. Several men shared in the attempt to break the gate down.


144. Several months later, he walks in again and asks for ten drinks.

数个月后, 男人又去到那要了十杯酒.《期刊摘选》

145. Several windows had been smashed.


146. It took me several weeks to search out the book that I wanted.


147. They peel off bark, splitting me several, Be using numerous to knock me and night.

他们剥下树皮, 将我劈成数段, 在用无数个日夜的敲打我.《期刊摘选》

148. But following the ruckus over the AEP, several states are tinkering with the course material.

但是随着AEP引发诸多争议, 数个邦都在对教材乱改一气.《期刊摘选》

149. Several designers I am looking forward to seeing at Fashion Week in Sydney next week.


150. China disputes its sea borders with several countries, most heatedly with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

中国与数个国家之间存在着领海边界纠纷,其中要数跟日本 、 越南、菲律宾的争端最深.《期刊摘选》

151. Several of the men were detailed to form a search party.


152. I copied out several poems.


153. Several students failed to reach the required standard.


154. There are several possible explanations.


155. Several countries are increasing the state pension age – most recently, Australia – but very slowly.


156. When an atom of U 235 is split, several neutrons are set free.

一个铀235原子分裂时, 释放出几个中子.《简明英汉词典》

157. He had spent several hours mixing cement.


158. He must have put on several kilos.


159. The country experienced a foreign currency shortage for several months.


160. Several political parties allied with each other against higher taxes.


161. The police made several arrests.


162. Recently I attended several meetings where we talked about ways to retain students and keep younger faculty members from going elsewhere.

近期我参加了几个会议,讨论留住学生、防止年轻教员流失的方法。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

163. There are several conjectures.


164. Several cars went off the rails.


165. There were five chief sources of Habsburg finance, and several smaller ones.

哈布斯堡家族有五项主要的财政来源, 另有一些小项进款.《辞典例句》

166. When several clear liquids are combined , the mixture quickly changes colors and forth and over again.

在加入一些清洁的液体后, 这种混合物快速地一次次改变着颜色,循环往复.《期刊摘选》

167. We've referred several men to her.


168. But this claim was rather dented by the exposure of several leading groups to Bernie Madoff.


169. I asked him several times, but he didn't say anything.

我问过他几遍, 他都没吱声.《现代汉英综合大词典》

170. The article also presents some ideas and suggestions on several problems confronted in the reform process.


171. Evidence was cited from several other economies to support the argument.


172. They chatted for several hours and came to realize that they had a lot in common.


173. Several type foundries are also using AFDKO to develop their OpenType fonts.


174. This new injury will put him out of action for several weeks.


175. A barrage of more tomatoes and several eggs followed.


176. It takes him several months to acclimatize to working at night.


177. Several letters arrived this morning.



1. We asked Barbara Wolanin to take us through several important rooms to learn more about the building's art and statue collection.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

2. There have been several arson attacks and intimidation directed against Catholic members of district policing partnerships.

BBC: Hoax alert at DPP man's home

3. You build a steel plant with a capital cost of several billion dollars.

你可以建立一个钢铁的地球,只要几十亿元的投入。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. On the day we arrived, several inches of old snow glistened on the ground.

BBC: The quest to see Chinas extraordinary frozen fog

5. Mr Romney has been the presumptive nominee for several weeks as his rivals withdrew or suspended campaigning.

BBC: Mitt Romney clinches nomination in Texas primary

6. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says several agencies are looking into the way banks have been processing bad loans.

VOA : special.2010.10.22

7. That used to be the situation here for several years until the current surge in cases.

BBC: Long shadow cast by MMR scare

8. EatWith is only one of several sites that bring strangers together for unconventional dining experiences.

BBC: Would you eat in a stranger's home?

9. They had several surreptitious conversations.


10. Several years ago, Bruce Judson experimented with online advertising to attract prospects to his fledgling businesses.

FORBES: Extreme Outsourcing

11. She said Ian Shaw was among several people who could not find paying jobs but still wanted to work.

VOA : special.2009.04.03

12. But these days you pay for it which is why you get SSDs, you're paying several hundred dollars more.

但是现在你购买固态硬盘,需要多花费几百美元。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. Despite being a key player over the years, Figo was substituted several times during Euro 2004.

BBC: Figo to take Portugal break

14. Several years ago regulators finally permitted irradiation of pork, poultry, fruits, vegetables, spices and grains.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

15. Several members of the celebrity group suffered from altitude sickness during the five-day ascent.

BBC: Celebrity climbers reach summit

16. And so, if this was a disease that entered your community, you could have expected several centuries ago.

所以,假如这病出现在你周围,可以料到在几个世纪前,情况会怎样生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. But ChangFeng is just one of several Chinese carmakers laying long-term plans for the U.S. market.

NPR: Chinese Company to Sell Cars with Chrysler in U.S.

18. The federal government has taken several steps since last night to shore up the economy.

NPR: Listeners' Money Questions Answered

19. Nutrients get broken down into several classes and these are the constituents of food that your body uses for one purpose or another.

营养素这个问题需要花几节课来讨论,它们是食物的组成要素,供给身体吸收,支持身体机能运转关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. So it seems that a biography written shortly after his death included several invented stories about his early life.

VOA : special.2010.02.23

21. If you look in your book there's a whole table of different solutions to the Schrodinger equation for several different wave functions.

如果你们看书的话,上面有一整张,许多,不同波函数,薛定谔方程解的表。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

22. The company says it has learned several valuable lessons from the recent bond insurance fiasco.

FORBES: What To Do About Wall Street

23. The United States also offered to serve as a negotiator in several international disputes during the late eighteen hundreds.

VOA : special.2010.07.08

24. And you've asked several people on the street . "I just can't get there! I don't know where I'm going!" and

你在街边向几个行人问路。“我没法找到目的地了,我不知道该怎么走!”SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : How long课堂

25. Ten Kazakh workers at AES were interrogated for eight hours a day over several days.

FORBES: Power Putsch

26. Several bands have namechecked Lee Hazelwood in interviews.


27. In perusing the many movies with LA filming locations, there were several that surprised us.

BBC: Search the

28. Several studies have linked the Mediterranean diet with a reduced risk of heart disease.

BBC: Why do the Italians live longer than us?

29. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, his wife and a security guard spent several days in a hospital-like center in Shanghai,China.

VOA : special.2009.07.14

30. Imagine instead, you're writing code that's a hundred thousand lines, a million lines, of code. You don't want to write it in this form. All right, and the reason you don't want to do that is, well, several.

换一个角度来思考,你正在写的代码有几十万行,近百万行,你绝对不想写成这种格式,好吧,你不想这么做的原因有以下几个。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. Like any major route, the canal played several roles, all of them indispensable to the empire.

BBC: Beijings extraordinary Grand Canal

32. The experiment pushed the search for water several meters below the lunar surfacea much deeper than had been possible before.

VOA : special.2009.12.30

33. Morley was second-choice skipper after Jamie Peacock was ruled out with a knee injury several weeks ago.

BBC: England captain Adrian Morley ruled out of Four Nations

34. The sign was one of several handed out by sports blog Saturday Down South.

CNN: ESPN vows to take closer look at showcased fan signs

35. Just 6km northwest of the village, Mistaken Identity Vineyards is one of several small wineries.

BBC: Canadas creative island escape

36. She has since become a fierce supporter of literary freedom and is part of several organizations that fight censorship.

VOA : special.2009.10.12

37. And there was, several years ago, a very serious criminal case that rested on a sentence.

多年前的一桩刑事重案,就是依据一句话来定案心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Churchill had several attacks of pneumonia.


39. When sailors sighted a whale at sea, several whaleboats were lowered into the water from the much larger whaling ship.

VOA : special.2011.06.29

40. And then we're going to spend several weeks, or at least a week or so, talking about the nature of personal identity.

然后再用几周时间,至少一周,讨论个人同一性的问题死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. A simple water pump is helping to improve the lives of poor families in several Asian and African countries.

VOA : special.2009.08.17

42. Despite several councils being involved, the trials are ad hoc - each is doing it differently.


43. Now, it hit France too; BNP Paribas is a major French bank and it had a couple of, well, several funds.

现在,这也波及到法国,法国主要银行之一,巴黎银行,拥有两支...应该是几支基金金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. The kinds of things that are going to be invented over the next several years is just to me outstanding, and particularly for somebody who's got skills in software.

在接下来的数十年里要被发明出的东西,真是令人望而生叹,尤其对于有软件才能的人来说。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

45. Yeah it goes back to a long time in my life, but most immediately to my own graduate career, which I went to several different schools.

这说来话长了,就近而言,这跟我所任职的研究生院有关,我在不同的大学任职。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

46. On Sunday,millions of people in the United States and several other countries will watch the big game with friends and family.

VOA : special.2010.02.05

47. They also rake in an additional several hundred million dollars a year in kidnappings and extortion.

FORBES: Fact And Comment

48. I have had my brakes relined several times.


49. When I spoke with Andy, he pointed out there are several classical symptoms of platform fragmentation.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

50. Today it has several hundred, with scores of new ones on the drawing boards.

FORBES: It's A Mall World After All

51. Over the years,researchers have identified several substances in the blood that can serve as what they call cardiac biomarkers.

VOA : special.2009.07.15

52. There are several dozen colonial houses to choose from, ranging from modest to lavish.

BBC: Mini guide to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

53. This despite news of several hedge funds shutting down or losing on bets gone bad.

FORBES: Hedge Fund Clients: A Loyal Group

54. several Shakespearean plays


55. Think the unthinkable, the thing that scares you to think about several times a day.

BBC: Bhutans dark secret to happiness

56. One can, of course, as you've already imagined, raise several objections to this view and again Aristotle seems to take the lead.

有一个人,诚如你们已猜到,提出多重异议,而亚里士多德似乎再次拔得头筹。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. We will probably have several days with one class each city".

我们可能会连续办上几天,每天让一个城市的一个班级参加。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

58. In the end, the compromise is that he notes several writers Sherwood Anderson including Dreiser and Sherwood Anderson.

最后,为了缓和矛盾,他举出一些作家为例,包括德莱塞。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. They did not take dangerous risks during the past several years of crisis and recession.

FORBES: Desperate For Income?

60. It is chance, and there are several places in the Iliad and the Odyssey that emphasize that point.

只是机会而已,这在《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》中,被多次强调古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. She has already achieved some success, having appearing in several independent films and commercials.

BBC: The road to Hollywood, California

62. It has several meanings. One meaning is that a person who never settles down in one place will not be successful.

VOA : special.2009.06.21

63. Several years ago, would-be creditors filed an involuntary bankruptcy against Richard Chakejian of Chester Springs, Pa.

FORBES: Credit Bureaus Wouldn't Cut It On 'CSI'

64. Reports from Hollywood, California say that several actors, writers and producers are working on a movie version of "Atlas Shrugged."

VOA : special.2010.06.06

65. Still, it would be several weeks before the implications of the market crash became clear.

FORBES: Survivor





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bootlegging的意思是:n. 穿靴筒;非法制造私酒 v. 非法制造;秘密得到(bootleg 的 ing 形式)。学考宝为您提供bootlegging是什么意思,bootlegging的翻译,bootlegging的用法,bootlegging的短语搭配,bootlegging的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


boot的意思是:n. 靴子;猛踢;(汽车的)行李箱,后备箱;车轮固定夹;解雇;再者,除此之外(to boot) v. 猛踢;锁住(非法停车的轮子);启动(电脑);在车轮上装制动装置;解雇;(使)穿靴 【名】 (Boot)(英、美、荷、加、德、意、俄)布特(人名)。学考宝为您提供boot是什么意思,boot的翻译,boot的用法,boot的短语搭配,boot的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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bone的意思是:n. 骨,骨头;骨质;基本结构,基本(bones) v. 挑刺,剔骨头;施骨肥于;(与某人)性交;(为应付考试)临时突击 adv. 非常,完全地 【名】 (Bone)(英)博恩,(法、西、罗、塞)博内,(老)奔(人名)。学考宝为您提供bone是什么意思,bone的翻译,bone的用法,bone的短语搭配,bone的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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bond的意思是:n. 纽带,联系;公债,债券;结合,黏合;承诺,契约;枷锁,桎梏 v. (使)建立亲密关系;与……黏合(或连接) 【名】 (Bond)(英、德、西、瑞典)邦德(人名)。学考宝为您提供bond是什么意思,bond的翻译,bond的用法,bond的短语搭配,bond的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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