莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





play play

  • adj. 自动的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



  • 1.
    形容词 not requiring an external influence or control to function; automatic 自动的



1. self-acting ejector 自动抽逐器 ; 自动抽除器

2. self acting brake 自动制动器

3. self-acting thermostat 热 自动恒温器 ; 热 自调恒温器

4. self acting control 自动控制 ; 自行控制 ; 直接控制

5. self-acting valve 机 自动阀 ; 自动活门 ; 自动阀门

6. self-acting mule 走锭精纺机

7. self-acting boring machine 自动镗床

8. self-acting feed 自动走刀 ; 自动进料 ; 自动进给 ; 自动鍡料

9. self-acting air bearing 动压空气轴承 ; 动压空气


1. A grooved self-acting gas bearing for a cryogenic air turbine


2. When are we acting out of wisdom and when are we acting out of our own need to minimize our negative behavior when it comes to self forgiveness?


3. An Analysis for Applicable Conditions of Self-Acting Regulating Valves


4. Supporters say any punishment she receives should be mild because she was acting in self-defence.


5. I always enjoyed the idea of self-destructing on purpose, taking something that was important to me—acting—and just becoming unhireable.


6. This special public force is needed because a self-acting armed organization of the people has become impossible since their cleavage into classes.

这个特殊的公共权力之所以需要,是因为自从社会分裂为阶级以后,居民的自动的武装组织已经成为不可能了。《provided by jukuu》

7. A New Model and Simulation of the Movement of Self-acting Conical Valve of Reciprocating Pumps


8. Structural Design of Standing Sulfuration Jar Controled by Gas and Self-Acting Door


9. Study how to cultivate students 'self-acting competence, students' ability being more regarded.


10. Development of Energy Charge Self-acting Telephone Query System


11. The man later told police that he was acting in self-defence.


12. This model has a better adaptability to the self-acting diagnosis problem of oil-bearing sand impairment type, and improves the scientificalness of decision making.


13. The Study and Application of the Chemical Composite Plating on the Self-Acting Gas Bearings of Cryogenic Turbo-Expanders


14. The chief products include: Bellows seal globe valve, Free-float steam trap, Pilot pressure reducing valve, Pneumatic control valve, Self-acting temperature-sensing valve, Cyclone separator etc.


15. Some of the oil and chemical industries are built almost entirely around self - acting controls.


16. A scheme of management of CDRS alliance and replica is proposed, check-up of alliance member, selection of replica node and update of replica included. The self-acting management of Disaster Recovery System can be realized via the scheme.


17. In this paper, the static and dynamic characteristics of self-acting gas bearing and dynamic behavior of the gas bearing-rotor system are studied.


18. A Visual and Self-acting Universal System for Electrical Work Order


19. Self-acting piano link regulator Crucial Technology Analysis on Restoration Measurement of Automatic Balance Calibration System


20. Public administration careers are offered through civil societies, as well as any organization not specifically acting in self-interest.


21. And nonlinear gas film pressure is solved by the Successive Over Relaxation ( S.O.R) method. ( 4) The dynamic model of the self-acting gas bearing-rotor system is established.


22. If you don't start acting like your ideal self, you never will be.


23. AERODYNAMIC THRUST BEARINGS APPLIED TO THE CRYOGENIC TURBO-EXPANDER Experimental Research on Self-acting Gas-lubricated Thrust Bears Used in Expansion Turbine


24. Design of variable section of self-acting flow control valves


25. The range consists of three different types of regulation systems: a wireless system based on radio communication ( RF) technology, a hard-wired system, and a self-acting system.


26. Making use of the nonlinear dynamics theory, the nonlinear characteristics of a rotor system supported by self-acting gas journal bearings was studied through the system state trajectory, phase diagram, bifurcation diagram and power spectrum.


27. Shipbuilding . head of sounding pipes with self - acting valve . details of body.


28. Design and experimental study of self-acting gas bearings for cryogenic turboexpanders


29. The bolt went to like fun. The stone block, known as "self-acting stone," is a slab to shut the gate from behind.


30. Contaminative Control of Hydraulic Fluid and Self-acting Cleanout Filter in Mine Machinery


31. The range consists of three different types of regulation systems: a wireless system based on radio communication technology, a hard-wired system, and a self-acting system.


32. A new concept of optimization for self-acting gas seals, i. e. the stiffness-leakage ratio of mechanical face seal is introduced.


33. Behind were six Fire-flies, well supplied with self-acting lamps, which they kept hidden somewhere under their wings.


34. Your muscles are not self - acting.


35. We are acting in self-defence.


36. Acting-out in the opposite role allows for a sense of balance, a release of tension or repressed rage, or the practice of self-confidence.


37. The chief products include: Bellows seal globe valve, Free-float steam trap, Pilot pressure reducing valve, Pneumatic control valve, Self-acting temperature-sensing valve, Cyclone separator etc.


38. Banks are ostensibly acting in their own self-interest by cutting back on risk.


39. Experimental results show the control accuracy of self-acting flow control valves could reach to ± 2%.


40. Some of the oil and chemical industries are built almost entirely around self-acting controls.


41. Believe in you ability to become free and self-determining, and put that belief to work by acting upon it. Do it now!


42. Work at becoming comfortable in knowing that beyond your egoic self (which thrives on approval from others) there lies within you the presence of an infinite power acting as your "soul" authority.


43. Design and experimental study of self-acting gas bearings for cryogenic turboexpanders The new aerodynamic foil journal bearing with elastic support and spiral groove thrust bearing were applied to a small turboexpander.


44. Study on the Fast-acting Pneumatic Spool Valve with High Pressure and Self-acting Sealing Structure


45. Self-respect comes from being true to who you really are and from acting in accordance with your fundamental nature.


46. As the world's food security falls to pieces, individual countries acting in their own self-interest are actually worsening the troubles of many.


47. If the dogs were acting solely out of self-interest, there would have been no differences among the groups, with animals accepting food equally from the different people, the researchers explained.

如果狗狗仅仅是单纯地、出于自己兴趣地行动,那这几组测试便不会有任何差别,狗狗们会平等的接受来自任何一个人的食物。 。

48. The system of self-acting foaming solution is mainly constitute of reaction mixture, foaming agent, foam stabilizing agent and water.


49. Some of the oil and chemical industries are built almost entirely around self-acting controls.


50. Self - acting and strong self - awareness, good communication skill.

工作主动积极具有很强的应变能力, 良好的沟通协调能力.《互联网》

51. The mathematical model and computer simulation for the movement of the self-acting ball valve in the reciprocating pump


52. This method is flexible and easy to self - acting test.


53. Non-stationary states of the self-acting electron in an external field


54. This doesn't necessarily mean that we're always greedy and selfish: our self-interest can include a desire for the warm glow of acting in a moral or charitable way.


55. This idea of freedom is that your accumulated money will enable you to stop working and begin acting as your self.


56. Not all of them were acting out of self-interest.



1. The boy had claimed he was acting in self-defence after accusing Mr Nimalaraja of picking up a piece of wood to attack him during an altercation with youths at the junction of Gypsy Lane and Northfield Road.

BBC: Ponnuthurai Nimalaraja: Youth guilty of manslaughter

2. But the armed police officers claimed they were acting in self-defence after a colleague had been injured by fans.

BBC: Violence mars Malawi match

3. Hadden claimed, in evidence, that he was acting in self-defence, saying Mr O'Brien was swinging the bat wildly at him and he had to protect himself.

BBC: Paul Hadden given 10 years for killing Iain O'Brien

4. Now they view the U.S. as acting in self-interest rather than according to any moral code.

FORBES: Magazine Article

5. In fact, those who deny it are acting in self-deception.

FORBES: Dr. Pepper Ad Stirs the Mother of Evolution Battles on Facebook

6. Unlike the erratic democratic political process, there exists in markets a stable, welfare-maximizing equilibrium at which free-acting individuals also optimize social welfare while pursuing their own self-interests.

FORBES: The Myriad Infirmities of Democracy

7. Law-abiding citizens acting in self-defense actually shoot and kill many more criminals each year than police do, and with a much lower percentage of incidents where an innocent person is mistakenly identified as a criminal.

FORBES: Who Is The Gun Lobby? Me For Sure; Maybe You Too?

8. Defense attorney Tony Abbatangelo later told the judge he believed Drayton may have been acting in self-defense when he allegedly grabbed the butcher knife, a steak knife and a pizza cutter during the scuffle.

NPR: Flavor Flav Felony Case Headed For Trial In Vegas

9. Depending on whom you ask, this type of testing is the result of doctors looking to make a few extra bucks or acting in their own self-defense, or both.

FORBES: Physician Organizations Voluntarily Heal Themselves To Save Healthcare Dollars

10. After the dispute, the prosecution said the defendant tried to make the weapon disappear to create a "false impression of a law-abiding citizen acting in self-defence".

BBC: Lee Weavers at Ipswich Crown Court

11. Tomic's lawyer Carmen Dieguez said the reason that he used his head to attack Drouet was because the tennis player, 29, was holding the coach's arms at the time and that he was acting in self-defence.

CNN: Family ties bind Tomic as he stands by troubled dad

12. On Thursday, prosecutors told Liverpool Crown Court they were dropping the charges because they could not prove he had not been acting in self-defence.

BBC: Arran Coghlan

13. The Southeastern position, in effect, is that Michael Dell is acting out of simple economic self-interest and not out of his stated desire to hasten the transformation of the company without worrying about quarterly financial performance. (But, you are thinking, Gordon Gekko taught us that greed is good, right?) In short, Southeastern is saying that Michael Dell is seizing the day, buying back the company he founded on the cheap.

FORBES: Is Michael Dell Really Trying To Pull A Fast One On Investors?

14. In the history of European clock technology, the monk is an early and very rare example of a self-acting automaton, one whose mechanism is wholly contained and hidden within its body.

FORBES: The World of Clockwork Robots

15. In addition, there is significant Israeli resistance to surrendering a wholly self-reliant defense posture to an unreliable ally acting as an impartial peacekeeper.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A US force for the Golan Heights? A roundtable discussion

16. Rahim had claimed he was acting in self-defence in connection with the murder, which was rejected by the jury.

BBC: Girl, 12, forced to watch Mohammed Noor's brutal murder

17. No defence was heard in the trial, but the jury was told that Worvell claimed to be acting in self-defence after the two other men attempted to attack him with pieces of wood.

BBC: Maesteg killing: Stuart Worvell guilty of manslaughter

18. The word "secretary" conjures up images of a bygone era, of pearls and sweater sets, sensible heels and knee-length skirts, and the right mixture of efficiency and self-effacement to fade into the background while acting as a powerful man's right hand.

CNN: 'Secretary' title is a blast from the past

19. We are acting in self-defence.

ECONOMIST: Turkey and the PKK

20. He said he was acting in self-defence after the victim picked up a piece of wood to attack him.

BBC: Ponnuthurai Nimalaraja: Youth denies manslaughter

21. In June, acting as self-appointed guardians of the country's secularism, Turkey's generals in effect removed from office the coalition government led by the Islamist Welfare Party.

ECONOMIST: Europe needs to repair relations with Turkey, fast

22. Amazing, it truly is, that all these workers, firms and households, acting without visible co-ordination and guided mainly by self-interest, manage to produce such extraordinarily beneficial results.

ECONOMIST: The puzzling failure of economics | The

23. The police officer said he was acting in self-defense.

CNN: Trayvon's killing and Florida's tragic past

24. He claims he shot Martin in self-defense after Zimmerman saw the teenager acting suspiciously in the neighborhood.


25. The more interesting suggestion is that these men are acting out of self-interest.

FORBES: Are Married Men Threatened by Women At Work?

26. Acting accordingly as a self-defined enemy of the United States, Castro's alliance with Iran is unsurprising.


27. The MPAA cannot be blamed for its "take-no-prisoners" approach, he said, as it is only acting in its self-interest.

CNN: MPAA pursues people who post link to DeCSS code

28. It takes advantage of Switzerland's liberal laws on assisted suicide, which suggest that a person can only be prosecuted if they are acting out of self-interest.

BBC: Dignitas: Swiss suicide helpers

29. Notice should be served, however, that if China -- which has threatened repeatedly to veto a U.N. resolution condemning Pyongyang -- blocks adoption of this resolution, the international community will not be prevented from acting in its self-defense.


30. The police say they were acting in self-defence.

BBC: S Africa policeman claims officer shot wounded miner





angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


slack-jawed的意思是:adj. 目瞪口呆的;发呆的。学考宝为您提供slack-jawed是什么意思,slack-jawed的翻译,slack-jawed的用法,slack-jawed的短语搭配,slack-jawed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


anger的意思是:n. 愤怒,怒火 v. 使生气,激怒 【名】 (Anger)(法)安热,(德、捷、瑞典)安格尔,(罗)安杰尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供anger是什么意思,anger的翻译,anger的用法,anger的短语搭配,anger的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


washrooms的意思是:n. (尤指公共建筑物内的)洗手间,厕所。washroom的复数。学考宝为您提供washrooms是什么意思,washrooms的音标,washrooms怎么读,washrooms的翻译,washrooms的用法,washrooms的短语搭配,washrooms的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angelology的意思是:n. 天使学。学考宝为您提供angelology是什么意思,angelology的翻译,angelology的用法,angelology的短语搭配,angelology的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angel的意思是:n. 天使;仁慈的人,善人;宝贝,乖乖;(尤指仁慈的)精灵,保护神;<非正式>仙波,雷达回响 【名】 (Angel)(英、罗)安杰尔,(德、塞、俄、保、瑞典、挪)安格尔,(法、葡)安热尔,(西)人名安赫尔,(土)安盖尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供angel是什么意思,angel的翻译,angel的用法,angel的短语搭配,angel的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


gobsmacked的意思是:adj. 目瞪口呆的;大吃一惊的 v. 使窘困;使震惊;使完全不知所措(gobsmack 的过去式)。学考宝为您提供gobsmacked是什么意思,gobsmacked的翻译,gobsmacked的用法,gobsmacked的短语搭配,gobsmacked的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


ancestress的意思是:n. 女性祖先;女性被继承人。学考宝为您提供ancestress是什么意思,ancestress的翻译,ancestress的用法,ancestress的短语搭配,ancestress的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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